
Inside The Game


One of the most challenging parts of Baldur’s Gate 3 is the chicken chase. This camp-style encounter is a series of fast-paced fights against waves of mobs that you have to win in order to advance. Once you’ve won you’ll get your reward and be able to move on to the next area.

This guide will teach you how to use the chicken chase to win the game, since the chicken chase comes at a very crucial time in the game. The chicken chase is often the difference in winning and losing the game, because if you lose the chicken chase, you can’t win the game.

If you’re not a fan of Baldur’s Gate 3, then you probably won’t like this guide. B3 is the most popular game of its genre, so it’s bound to have some fans!


When you explore the goblin camp, you will probably meet a goblin named Crolla.

Crolla will be responsible for a little mini-game where you and this beast (owl bear) get stuck on an obstacle course.

Unfortunately, as you may have guessed, this mini-game doesn’t really show you what to do here.

Many people think it’s just a race between you and a real chicken, but it’s not.

Here’s what you need to do: Just push the chicken through the door (ladder with fork).

You can do this by staying behind him so he moves in that direction, if you are to his right you move him to the right and to the left and so on.

You’re not really chasing him and the key to victory is just staying close to him, or you can talk to the guy to persuade him to reach the goal. If you have a chance to talk to an animal, you do.

Even if you don’t see a timer on the screen, you have a certain amount of time to do this.





Baldur’s Gate 3: The Black Hound is a tremendously entertaining and challenging game. There are many strategies and tricks to use. A lot of it depends on the level of your party. At the beginning, a balanced party of four can easily win (this guide will show you how). But, as you get stronger and parties get more powerful and diverse, it becomes more difficult. This guide will show you some of the most important strategies for beating this last level of Baldur’s Gate 3.. Read more about kill owlbear baldur’s gate 3 and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you win the chicken chase in bg3?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You have to catch the chicken before it gets back to its pen.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you beat the goblins in Baldurs Gate 3?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You must find a way to sneak past the goblins and open up the gate.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you recruit the Owlbear cub?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can recruit the Owlbear cub by completing a quest.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you win the chicken chase in bg3?

You have to catch the chicken before it gets back to its pen.

How do you beat the goblins in Baldurs Gate 3?

You must find a way to sneak past the goblins and open up the gate.

How do you recruit the Owlbear cub?

You can recruit the Owlbear cub by completing a quest.

The Serious Sam series has been praised by many gamers for its unique gameplay, humor and crazy weapons. Serious Sam is a classic First Person Shooter game, which took the first person perspective to a whole new level. It is considered as one of the finest FPS games ever created, with a unique atmosphere and a very high entertainment factor.

All secrets: Collect all the secrets.

There are many secret areas in the game world, and many of them are located in the secret underground bunkers of the Maelstrom Project, the fabled Anomalies of the Vorts, and the Space Stations of the Bloopers. The best way to find out where they are is to use the secret messages . This is a very important tutorial, and this is the first secret message you will get. Here is a picture of the first message.

Serious Sam 4 consists of many different missions, most of which involve finding a large number of collectibles.

Some of these collectibles include weapons like a rocket launcher, depot, armor and more!

So let’s try and find them, shall we? We begin with North By Northwest – Mission 1

Death From Above – Mission 1 contains a total of 8 different collectibles.


In this mission you have to find Father Michael and try to get away from the courtyard where a car is on fire.

Anyway, for the purpose of this guide, keep following the quest marker, out of the courtyard, into the dark tunnel.

Follow the signpost until you come to a rather broken and damaged cabinet behind which is a secret rocket launcher.


From the last secret object, follow the path outside and exit the dark tunnels.

Keep following the quest marker and stop when you reach an area with a building on the right and large pillars (as seen above).

You have to enter this building from the right (you can’t enter the building, but you have to go under it).

The next part will be a challenge because you often have to jump and climb on the platforms.

In any case, there will or should be a box here in the corner with a health object on it. You have to climb on this chest and grab the health item when you need it.

Anyway, if you are standing on this box, turn around and hopefully you will see the projections on the pillars of the building.

You have to make use of these ledges by jumping and climbing to reach the top.

As you approach the top, you’ll see a bright white ledge that you can climb. Fortunately, these white ledges are much larger, so you will have no trouble climbing them.

However, remember that you may have to try a little to get it right.

Also remember NOT to go to the other side of the building, keep jumping and climbing and stay on the right side of the building where the crate is that you had to climb on to get here.

The secret vault is here, on the white ledge.


Stay in the same area as the last object and the giant swimming fish-like creature and keep following the quest marker.

However, stay right through the maze of brick walls.

Follow the path to the right (on the picture above you should go left) to find a small green bush behind which you will find the next collectible.


You should soon find yourself in a large area with several damaged columns and statues in the middle of the area. Several fighter jets will also fly over the area

At this point, you may have also unlocked an additional goal: OVER THE WALL.

Anyway, a little further on we leave the nice area with the stone pillars and the rays, instead we turn around here and go through the optional target wall (as seen above).

First follow the blue quest marker along a fairly straightforward path, then climb the stairs.

After climbing the steps, however, turn right and walk along the green past more brick walls.

However, when you reach the small green grove (indicated above), pass it and turn right.

Here, under the small arch (shown above), you will find the next secret object.


Go to the building behind Kenny, here, after you cross the plain. Take the stairs to the first floor.

When you get back on the road, turn right immediately. Then follow the path around and through the panelling.

The next secret is at the end of these panel walls, next to a parked white van.


We turn back and walk through the long empty streets back to the search marker.

Ignore the intersections and continue north. But if you see a white van next to a yellow van, stop here.

At this point you want to get on the white van.

From the white van, you have to jump on the yellow van. The next secret object is on the roof of the truck.


After you jump off the truck, continue until you reach the yellow marker.

The next secret vault is behind the damaged car, between the buildings on the right and the tree roots forming on the building on the left.


Follow the quest marker and pass the building with the damaged roof, you are now on a paved road.

Keep following the road, but keep to the left and when you come to a small bridge, cross it.

Continue on the bridge until you reach the door. As you may have guessed, you’re dealing with an angry cow, so be prepared for that.

Equip yourself with a weapon you find useful (personally, I recommend a pistol, since the opponent should not be too strong). Well, if you look at the picture on the portal, you will see that there is a cow on it, you will want to delete that picture (yes, delete the picture, don’t ask me!).

In this case, you should be on your guard! Have fun!




(Death From Above – Mission 1) Guide is a guide that is created for serious about playing the game Serious Sam 4, you can find a complete information about the game, all secrets, bugs, glitches and how to get them by reading this guide.. Read more about serious sam 4 levels list and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Does Serious Sam 4 have secrets?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Yes, Serious Sam 4 has secrets.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you jump higher in Serious Sam 4?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

It is best to jump with both feet together.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What happened Serious Sam 4?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Serious Sam 4 was cancelled by Devolver Digital.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Serious Sam 4 have secrets?

Yes, Serious Sam 4 has secrets.

How do you jump higher in Serious Sam 4?

It is best to jump with both feet together.

What happened Serious Sam 4?

Serious Sam 4 was cancelled by Devolver Digital.

This guide is made for the Baldur’s Gate 3 The Blade of Frontiers expansion pack, and is part of a series of Baldur’s Gate 3 guides and walkthroughs. If you are new to the game, you should start with the Baldur’s Gate 3 main series. If you have the expansion, I highly recommend you play it first.

Baldur’s Gate 3 – The Blade Of Frontiers (Wyll / Companion Side Quest) Guide As a series of tools and strategies, this side quest guide is designed to help you finish off the game in the quickest, and least painful way possible. In Baldur’s Gate 3, the side quest “Wyll’s Tale” is one of the most time consuming and frustrating in the entire game; and with the release of Baldur’s Gate 3: Enhanced Edition, the time spent will only increase. This guide is designed to help you avoid all the trouble and frustration and provide you with a way to finish the game in the quickest, and least painful way possible.

Baldur’s Gate 3 – The Blade of Frontiers is a very good side quest that has a lot of interesting things to it. First of all, it is a story-driven side quest, which means that it is not a straight line from the beginning to the end, but you have more options than just doing it straight from the beginning. Second, it is also a companion side quest, which means that you will get more from the storyline if you do it with another character. Third, it is also a multi-part side quest, which means that you are supposed to finish all the parts of the side quest to get to the ending.. Read more about baldur’s gate 3 wyll or gale and let us know what you think.


As befits a classic RPG, Baldur’s Gate 3 also offers a number of optional side missions today.

One of these side quests is the border blade, which you can get by exploring the goblin camp, and the quest itself in the first act/chapter. This quest is in fact an accompanying quest for Will’s character.

Will will talk to a goblin named Spike and discover a woman named Mizora.


  • THE DEED (CHAPTER) IS UNLOCKED: Act 1 (Chapter 1)
  • RENT : Druid Grove
  • The donor of the Quest: Will


  • To recruit Will’s companion, go to the Druid Grove (x: 220 y: 535), where he teaches children how to fight with swords.
  • Talk to Will and recruit him. You will learn that it is actually called Blade of the Border. If you choose that option, I agree. If we clear the way for the lowflings, you will be rewarded with Astarion and a heart of twilight – disapproval.
  • Now we have to complete the Save the Refugees side-quest.
  • After completing this task, talk to Will again to continue. They learn about a goblin named Spike.
  • Now we have to go back to the goblin camp (x: -103 y: 450) if you’re not already there.
  • When you reach the goblin camp, enter the Broken Sanctuary.
  • In the Broken Sanctuary, go to the coordinates (X: 321 Y: -29). Here we meet Spike, who is apparently torturing someone.

  • During your conversation with Spike, you learn about a woman named Mizora. Unfortunately, Mizor is no longer in the camp and you can choose to kill Spike. If you decide to kill Spike, you get the key to the tormentor, found on Spike’s corpse, and Will’s missing knife, the Eye of the Border.

  • If you decide to kill Spike, you can now also unlock and free the poor man on the rack with the hangman’s key. The poor man will also comment on Halsin’s possible whereabouts. And also that the Night’s Song lies beneath the temple in a secret vault.
  • For this particular mission you can now return to camp and talk to Will again.
  • Our next goal is to find and rescue Mizora, but since the game is still in early access at the time of writing, this story will wait until a later date.





With Baldur’s Gate 3: The Black Gate, Beamdog has taken the role-playing series’ trademark of being a hard game to master and its level of depth to new heights. Rather than being a game to be taken at face value, it’s a game that requires time and practice to truly understand. This guide seeks to provide the best possible methods for accomplishing all the major and minor quests and side quests in Baldur’s Gate 3, including the entire Wyll Companion quest line (both parts and the side quest to unlock it).. Read more about baldur’s gate 3 wyll build and let us know what you think.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is the third installment in the Baldur’s Gate series and is the sequel to Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn. The story picks up the game where the game’s second installment left off. The game’s protagonist, the dark elf Drizzt Do’Urden, is now a member of the “Sovereign’s Champions”, a group of 15 champions sworn to protect the nations of Faerûn. This is the first time the game series has played with the idea of a multiplayer-only game, and it expands upon the game’s previous systems.

Summary: This quest chain goes missing with the game lock. After this quest, the player should visit the Barge-master (talk to him twice to start the quest chain). If he is not there then check the other docks, the docks of the city, until finally you find the Barge-master in the Haunted part of the Barge district. He will tell you that his boy lost his boots. He tells you how to find the boots. He gives you a key. There are 6 rewards for this quest. 1. You will get an extra space in your backpack. 2. You will get an extra item when selling/buying stuff. 3. If you buy something from the Barge bazaar, you will get an

In which we show you how to find The Missing Boots on the Baldur’s Gate 3 main quest. Boots of Swiftness are located on the ground floor of the dwarven stronghold of Firewine in the Lonelywood area. It is located in the southeast corner of the room.. Read more about baldur’s gate 3 side quests and let us know what you think.


As befits a classic RPG, Baldur’s Gate 3 also offers a number of optional side missions today.

One of these missions is Find the Missing Boots, which you can get by exploring the renegade village. The quest itself can be obtained during the first act/chapter, but cannot be completed in its entirety as the game is still in early access.

It’s about a dwarf who wants to find a runaway slave who stole a pair of boots.





(Check out more gameplay for the Solo (Vagabond with one character) HERE).


  • THE DEED (CHAPTER) IS UNLOCKED: Act 1 (Chapter 1)
  • RENT : The village of the decree
  • QUEST GIVER : Go coals


  • To begin this special quest, you must first unlock the Underground Darkness section of the game. Then go to the village of wretches, coordinates x:16 y : -207 to meet a dwarf who wants to find a runaway slave.
  • If you agree to help a gnome find a fugitive, you will receive Gale – Decline and Wyll – Decline.
  • Go to Ebonlake Grotto at x:78 y:-91 to find Tulla, who is actually a runaway slave.
  • Choose your dialogue options to suit your play style. However, if you choose the Grab the Boots option, you get Astarion – agree, Weil – disagree, Twilightheart – agree, Gale – disagree.
  • If you take off his boots, you get speed boots.
  • Go back to the castaway village and climb the rope net to tell Go Charcoal to do that.
  • To complete the next part of the side mission, board a nearby boat (skiff). But since I’m writing this article and the game is currently only available in early access, I’m afraid I can’t continue this guide. Upon landing, Skiff finishes the Early Access segment and that’s it. For now, we’ll have to wait for the return of these boots.





Baldur’s Gate 3: Enhanced Edition is an epic role-playing game (RPG) that is a colossal sequel to Baldur’s Gate 2: Shadows of Amn and Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear, both of which are included as part of this edition.. Read more about bg3 boots of speed and let us know what you think.

Baldur’s Gate 3: Shadows of Amn – How To Recruit Owlbear Cub (Companion) Guide is another of my full Baldur’s Gate 3 guides that I wrote.

In Baldur’s Gate 3, there is a companion Owlbear Cub that can be recruited as a companion for your character in Minsc. The Owlbear is a big beast that is able to fight and join you in combat. Unlike the other Companions, the Owlbear is not a named character and therefore cannot be named. It’s an NPC that is found in the Ancient Prison in the Temple of Jyggalag. A full walkthrough would be provided later in the year.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has been released to great acclaim, but that doesn’t mean the developers didn’t make some mistakes along the way. The one glaring omission when it comes to the game’s story is the lack of a companion, and many users are feeling a bit cheated by the fact that they can’t make the character the protagonist in their own story. There are, however, still a few ways to get the Owlbear Cub companion. This guide will show you how to create the character and bring him or her into your own adventure.

As you continue to explore the world of Baldur’s Gate 3, you’ll likely come across those cute and furry animals known, of course, as owls.

One of the magical aspects of this game is that you can hire one of these bears (Owlbear Cub) as a companion.

This guide tells you exactly how to do it!




SOLO (ONE PERSON – Rogue) Vs OWLBEAR (from 22:22)

(Check out more gameplay for the Solo (Vagabond with one character) HERE).


To start with, you need to be northeast of the Destroyed Village (coordinates x: 94 y: 435).

Here you want to find a cave (Cave Mouth), it’s actually Owlbear Cave.

Once you enter the cave, a scene begins in which you see a mother owl with a baby.

Here you have to fight the two owl bears, which is actually quite a shame, because the mother is only trying to protect her offspring and we are attacking her.

But for the purpose of this guide, we don’t want to beat the puppy at all. Ignore it. We need the baby alive!

Once the mother is ready, you can choose to let the animal live, because again, we do NOT want to harm the young animal. Unless you’re a heartless person! I mean, we’ve already more or less done it because we just shot the mother, but in the context of this particular guide, you don’t!

(Gale agrees, Weil agrees, Twilightheart agrees, Lae’zel disagrees).

Now we want to go to the goblin camp, coordinates (x: -106 y: 428). If you look to the left of the entrance here, you’ll see the poor baby owl you saved earlier.

You now need to talk to Volo (the singing bard in the middle of the camp). After you get Volo back, you can talk to Krolla again, who finds you worthy enough to join you in a game of chicken. If she still doesn’t accept you, keep talking to different NPCs nearby until she does.

Now you have to play the Chicken Hunt game. If you don’t know how to get through this mini-game, read my guide on hunting chickens.

After you win the chicken hunt, you talk to Krolla, it turns out she refuses to pay.

Use all dialogue options at this stage, but our main goal is to talk to the baby owl.

When you talk to the cub, choose the option Lok the cub closer, then talk to Krolla again and choose the option I’ll take the cub too, which she will accept after winning the Chick Hunting game and getting a well-deserved victory.

The baby owl should already be in your stash, otherwise it may take a while, but that’s really all it takes.




Baldur’s Gate 3 has an interesting feature that is known as Companion Character. Companions are non-player characters that follow the player through the game and help them in combat. These characters can be recruited just like a normal character and used in combat.. Read more about owlbear cub stats and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you adopt an owlbear cub?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can adopt an owlbear cub by going to the nearest zoo and asking for one.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can you recruit owlbear?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Im sorry, but I cannot recruit owlbears.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you tame the owlbear in bg3?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You need to kill it with fire.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you adopt an owlbear cub?

You can adopt an owlbear cub by going to the nearest zoo and asking for one.

Can you recruit owlbear?

Im sorry, but I cannot recruit owlbears.

How do you tame the owlbear in bg3?

You need to kill it with fire.

**(BG2) Baldur’s Gate II – Enhanced Edition – Free Rielev From His Life Support (Side Quest) Guide **

The long awaited Enhanced Edition of Baldur’s Gate II is finally here and thousands of players are eagerly awaiting the release. Well, if you are a Baldur’s Gate II fan, then you will probably know that you have to follow the rules of the side-quest to free Rielev from his life support. In this guide, we will go through the steps involved in the quest to free him and the many benefits this will bring you.

I recently looked for a replacement for my dead laptop and ended up buying an older version of a laptop that I had actually bought about a year ago but for some reason never got around to installing the game on. That’s when I found out this game has a free walkthrough on the official forum. I figured I’d post it here in case you guys found it useful!


Freeing Rielev from the respirator is one of the many side missions in (BG2) Baldur’s Gate II : Extended Edition

To do this, you must find a small creature locked in a small cell.


  • SIDE QUEST : Releasing Rielev from respiration
  • The donor of the Quest: Aataka
  • CHAPTER QUEST : CHAPTER 1 – The Irenic Tower
  • PRICES FOR RESEARCH : 4000XP, energy cells
  • It is automatically activated after you speak to Aataqah (linked to the story). It will suggest that you find Reel.
  • Activating the quest is easy, but finding Rielew can be harder. It will be if you’re not the type to do research.
  • But if you can find Rilew at the test chamber, as seen below…..
  • We learn that Reel has been abandoned and forgotten by his master. That he’s not happy after all and therefore wants to die in his cell.
  • To give it the rest it needs, you have to accept the energy cells it wants to give you.
  • The other creatures he mentions are south of this room, but they have little to say. Also, the quest is over after you talk to Rielew, so it’s up to you whether you talk to them or not.


Rielev was freed from a life of procrastination.

I took the crystal, which apparently powered the device it was floating in, but not before he said it could be used to activate other servants in similar devices.





Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition is an enhanced version of Baldur’s Gate II, the sequel to the critically acclaimed computer role-playing game. It features new content, a new story, revised graphics, and a new interface.. Read more about baldur’s gate 2 how to get out of the dungeon and let us know what you think.

This guide will show you how to get the best ending out of the Baldur’s Gate 3 side quest Search the Cellar. This quest requires you to collect three ingredients: ** The Alchemy ingredients ** The Elemental Powder ingredients ** The Fire/Air/Water/Earth/Luck Powder ingredients These are difficult to obtain, but if you follow this guide you will have no problem finishing the quest.

Baldur’s Gate 3 brings back the classic Baldur’s Gate story, but with a few twists and turns. As the daughter of a powerful nobleman, you must work to both advance your family’s interests and also to save the Kingdom of Amn from the machinations of the evil god Bhaal. Along the way, you’ll find yourself pulled into the strange world of the Drow, and face off against the dark powers of the Abyss. You’ll find yourself doing things you’d never do in real life, and maybe even do things you can’t imagine yourself doing.

I’ve been playing the Baldur’s Gate series since I first got on the computer in 1992, and I’ve always liked the way that combination of story and character development is handled. I remember the first time I played Baldur’s Gate II in 1998, being so intrigued by the character of Jaheira (she was my favorite character in the game, by far). When Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn came out, it was the first time I’d played an RPG with a fully-voiced and animated cast, and I loved that, too.

As befits a typical RPG, Baldur’s Gate 3 also contains a number of optional side missions that you can attempt.

One of these side missions is Cellar Search, which you get when you explore the village of Blighted, and the quest itself during Act 1 / Chapter 1.

It’s up to him to find the old book and decide what to do with it.





(Check out more gameplay on the Solo (single character wizard) HERE).



(Check out more gameplay for the Solo (Vagabond with one character) HERE).


  • THE DEED (CHAPTER) IS UNLOCKED: Act 1 (Chapter 1)
  • RENT : A dilapidated village
  • QUEST GIVER : N/A You should read the magazine


  • To begin this work, you must go to the cursed village.
  • If you are in the village of Blythead, go ahead and investigate the well here.
  • Decide to go into that pit, the whispering depths
  • From here, keep following the path (keep right and ignore the fork in the path).
  • Navigate to coordinates (x:-504 y:-376)
  • Here you will find the Apprenticeship Package, which contains a log (updated log).
  • This magazine is also the reason for this search, so it’s important that you find it.
  • The cellar you must now visit is also in the village of the blind.
  • Once in the basement, find the wooden hatch on the floor (updated protocol).
  • Go to the coordinates (X:-703 Y:-355) where you will find the shelf.

  • To the left of the previously mentioned shelf on the wall (shown above), there should now be a row of drawers that you can open by breaking them open.
  • Behind these boxes/drawers is a lever, operate it.
  • When you push the handle, the hidden door behind the bookcase opens.

  • Follow a fairly straight path to a row of cast coffins, and aim for the coffin to the left of the bucket.

  • However, opening these chests will free the shy/quiet guards, so I suggest you only kill the one in the chest you want if you don’t want to gain experience, otherwise go ahead and open them all.
  • Now let’s go back to the box I mentioned earlier (next to the bucket and behind the column). If you try to open it again, this time you will be rewarded with a dark log.
  • The role of quasite can also be found here, although it is not really necessary for this particular search.

  • The scroll is in one of the boxes (opposite the column, northeast of the box with the dark wood). Remember to examine the same box twice if you have not already destroyed the container.
  • It’s quiz time! Go ahead and examine the ornate mirror, which should be in the same room and on the stairs.
  • Now that you’ve managed to get the books I mentioned (if you’ve been able to follow me this far), you should get the Repeat Name option of the book you’ve read. Ilin Toth. If you don’t understand this, you should either re-read the books or re-read the manual.
  • In front of the mirror in this room. You should tell him your name (I don’t think it’s important). Remember, Ilin Toth is the enemy. (Watch the video to better understand)
  • Go through the mirror and you’ll see a rusty iron door. THANK YOU.
  • Now break in or break down the rusty iron door, for behind it lies the book we need! If you like, you can find a key at the back of the room.
  • Now we can get our hands on Tai’s necromancy.
  • Select the option Put the book in your pocket
  • We now have the choice of destroying the old folio or unlocking it.


RUSSIAN KEY (is needed for the door to the book. It is in the room with Tei’s book, at the back of the room. Originally, the key was not needed)

OLD KEY (Can be used for the double doors on the right side of the city entrance. If you walk from the bridge by the Druid grove. Originally, this key was not needed. The double doors are among the goblins (if you haven’t killed them).


  • If you choose this option, first go to the village of Onkelz.
  • Then examine the well again, the same one you examined, to start the side quest Digging the Cellar. Depth of whispers
  • Drive to the coordinates (X:-498 Y:-368) and turn right at the second fork.
  • If you don’t want to go through the pit, you can find the key to the double doors in the village, just above the doors themselves. Where the goblins will stand unless you decide to kill them.

  • Now you can fight your way through the area or camouflage yourself, it’s up to you, but there will be spiders here that have at least 138 health points.
  • Here, at the end of the path, you now encounter a net that appears to form a bridge. Use the Jump skill to reach the opposite cliff from here.

  • Now get off the cliff
  • Here you will find dark amethysts on the floor against the adjacent wall. THANK YOU.
  • With the black amethyst in hand, open your inventory again and read Ty’s Necromancy book.
  • You should now have a new option – to place the amethyst in the slot on the book cover.
  • You can now open the book (allowances: Astarion disapproves, Gale disapproves). You can also give the book to someone who can talk to the dead, an option you can choose.
  • Then go to the next page and choose the option that suits you best.
  • You then have to roll a few dice to keep turning the pages. That’s why I told you to save money!
  • If you manage to read the entire book, you will be rewarded with the ability to speak to the dead (necromancy spell level 3).
  • NOTE: To open the book and get through the various rolls of the dice, it is best to choose a person with good wisdom. Don’t forget to reinforce this wisdom with spells like leadership to increase skill checks on d4.


  • To accomplish this task, you need the capacity of the bolt guide. It’s just easier to destroy a book that way.
  • When the book is in your pocket, open your inventory and drop it on the ground.
  • Switch to the guide pin roller, aim and destroy! It’s simple!


+ Find the basement.

We found a journal that mentions the basement – and some powerful items. This sounds promising and, most importantly, valuable.

+ Explore the basement

We found the winery mentioned in the magazine. It’s time to look around.

+ Book of the Necromancer found

The cellar master was not only a doctor, he was a necromancer. And he was obsessed with a book.

+ Decide what you want to do with the Book of Necromancy.

We found a strange and powerful folio. Ty’s necromancy. What should we do with him?

+ Open the old book.

The book is closed properly and the mechanism is not locked. Maybe some kind of stone would work?

The necromancer’s apprentice mentioned the key man lost in the tunnels. We have to find it.

We found the gem to open the book.

+ Read the book –

We have opened the book of necromancy. Should we read it?

This folio is clearly very powerful, but we need to read further to discover the full contents.




Baldur’s Gate 3 is an epic fantasy role-playing game developed by BioWare and released in 2012. The game is the first chapter in the Baldur’s Gate saga, a series which continues in the game Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition, and Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear. The game is a standalone sequel to the original and sequel Baldur’s Gate.. Read more about if you could see anything in me what would it be baldur’s gate 3 and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I get into the cellar in Baldurs Gate 3?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You will need to find a key.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you open the rusted iron gate in baldurs Gate 3?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You must have a high strength score to open the gate.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Where is the dark amethyst bg3?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The dark amethyst bg3 is a color scheme that was created by the community. It is not an official part of the game, so it does not exist in-game.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get into the cellar in Baldurs Gate 3?

You will need to find a key.

How do you open the rusted iron gate in baldurs Gate 3?

You must have a high strength score to open the gate.

Where is the dark amethyst bg3?

The dark amethyst bg3 is a color scheme that was created by the community. It is not an official part of the game, so it does not exist in-game.

How to Release Minsc / Jaheira (Side Quest) Guide This guide will show you how to have Minsc and Jaheira join your party by the end of Chapter 8. By the end of this quest, they will both be able to reach Level 20.

BG2:EE is a well known game that is rather old. Nevertheless, it is still widely played and loved by many gamers. Since the game was first released in 1998, there have been many other versions of the game, but there is only one version which has been released recently. That version is called Baldur’s Gate II Enhanced Edition.

Baldur’s Gate II Enhanced Edition is a role-playing video game released in November 2017 by Beamdog, a video game developer based in Austin, Texas. The game is a remake of Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn, which was released in 1998. The Enhanced Edition features a prologue set 25 years after the original game, and tells a new story about a young woman named Shendeia who is the daughter of Jaheira, one of the game’s main characters.


How to free Minsc / Jaheira is one of many different side quests in (BG2) Baldur’s Gate II : Extended Edition

It’s about finding a way to free Minsk and Jahirah from their cages.


  • SIDE QUEST : Find a way to release Jahirah from her cage, Find a way to release Minsk from her cage
  • CHAPTER QUEST : CHAPTER 1 – The Irenic Tower
  • THE DEMANDS OF THE QUESTION : Recruit Jahirah, recruit Minsk
  • This optional action can be performed once you have taken control of your character. This opens up the possibility of recruiting the first set of companions in the game.
  • When you have the situation under control, you will see two more cells behind you, where you will meet Minsky and Jahirah.
  • Go talk to them, for the purpose of this guide we will talk to Minsk first.
  • Freeing or releasing Minsk from his cage is the easiest task, just talk to him and he will eventually break the bars himself. Of course, he will blame you for annoying him enough by forcing him to become a berserker.
  • As for Jahaira, her release requires a little more effort.
  • After you talk to him, go to the room in the southeast. There will be a golem here, but don’t worry, he won’t do anything.
  • Here the table in the middle of the room is especially interesting, where you should find a lot of weapons for your group. At the same time, the key to the prison cell
  • With the key to the prison cell in hand, we can now free Jahirah.
  • Of course, you don’t have to employ these characters, but they act as your first hired companions.


I freed Jaheira from her cell with a key I found.

Minsk jerked free and escaped from his cage with a force amplified by anger. Apparently our captor underestimated the rage of the man and his hamster.





It’s time to release the archers on the minotaur, Minn-Seekers! To do so, you need to liberate the ballista and the range, then free the archers using the secret passage.. Read more about raelis baldur’s gate 2 and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I release Jaheira?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can release Jaheira by going to the main menu and pressing the button on your controller.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Will Jaheira leave the party bg2?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Jaheira will not leave the party in Baldurs Gate II.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How many hours to beat Baldurs Gate2?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
It is impossible to give a precise answer to this question. The game has a lot of different variables that can affect how long it takes to beat the game, such as your skill level and how many side quests you do.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I release Jaheira?

You can release Jaheira by going to the main menu and pressing the button on your controller.

Will Jaheira leave the party bg2?

Jaheira will not leave the party in Baldurs Gate II.

How many hours to beat Baldurs Gate2?

It is impossible to give a precise answer to this question. The game has a lot of different variables that can affect how long it takes to beat the game, such as your skill level and how many side quests you do.

The basic goal of this guide is to provide you with a side-quest guide that includes the information needed to find and complete all the side-quests in Baldur’s Gate II : Enhanced Edition, including the ones that did not previously have a “Find” marker on your (baldur’s gate game) map.

Baldur’s Gate II : Enhanced Edition is a fantastic game, but it has a few issues…. For one, there are a ton of side quests, but only a few of them are actually important to the main story. You would think that getting a hold of all of the different classes of items in the game would be important, but they aren’t. There are a bunch of them to get, but many of them are incredibly easy to get, and there is really no reason to do so. This guide will give you all the information you need to get the following items:

Baldur’s Gate 2: Enhanced Edition is a classic 2D RPG by the creators of the original, and it’s back on the Playstation 4! This game boasts a large and diverse character roster for your party, and it’s not just made up of your standard heroes and villains—there are also plenty of semi-important characters, who have significant roles in the plot, scattered around the game.. Read more about baldur’s gate 2 quests by chapter and let us know what you think.


Here’s a list of the various optional side quests you can find and complete during the walkthrough of (BG2) Baldur’s Gate II: Extended Edition

We have arranged them by chapter for ease of navigation.



CHAPTER 1 – The Irenic Tower

(List in process…)





With the “”Enhanced Edition”” of Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition, the game was remastered with new graphics, a new story, and plenty of new content. The main reason I purchased this game was for my love of Baldur’s Gate, and Baldur’s Gate II. With the original, I had been able to complete the story, but found myself feeling that I had been robbed of the sequel. I had to play the game to completion, and realized I hadn’t even completed half of the content. This list is my way of listing every side quest available, and providing an accurate picture of their completion.. Read more about baldur’s gate quest checklist and let us know what you think.

After the story of the trailer and the first chapter of the game, we are now at chapter 3 of this guide. This chapter comes in two parts, first part in the south of the city and second part in the north of the city. If you are following this guide step by step, you should move forward to this chapter.

Death Stranding is a series of video games developed by Hideo Kojima. It was released on December 8th, 2018. It’s basically a modern, psychedelic thriller about a child and an android. You play as Norman Reedus’ character, Henry, who awakens from cryogenic stasis and discovers that the world around him is not what he remembers.

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That joker in the last scene was pretty funny, wasn’t he? He made sure we had all the cargo and didn’t miss anything. …. What a nice gentleman. We need more people like that in this world!

In reality, this strange figure was not nice at all, in fact, this bundle of nerves was none other than the infamous Higgs! And guess what, the shipment he just gave you wasn’t really needed for South Knot City, it was actually a bomb.

Although you probably already know this and have already blown up the poor town of South Note, killed all its poor holographic entities and destroyed the world…. oops.


So what can we do to prevent the city of South Knotts from being destroyed again? First of all, you need to understand what freight is and differentiate it from other goods. If, like me, you didn’t know what the Higgs charge was, or if you just haven’t been paying attention, it can be a big surprise.

The item you need is called a Small Fusion Weapon and to get rid of it, you have to throw it into the nearby ocean.
Believe me, I tried it when I couldn’t read the whole nuclear part. It must be the nearby ocean, which fortunately is not far at all.

Related Links/Guides :




This text is sensitive. Try generating new copy.. Read more about death stranding distribution center south of lake knot city and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What happens if you take the nuke to South knot city?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
If you take the nuke to South knot city, it will cause a nuclear explosion and destroy the entire city.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you get rid of the bomb in death stranding?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The bomb in Death Stranding is a metaphor for the games story.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Where is fragile South knot?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The fragile South knot is in the center of the map.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if you take the nuke to South knot city?

If you take the nuke to South knot city, it will cause a nuclear explosion and destroy the entire city.

How do you get rid of the bomb in death stranding?

The bomb in Death Stranding is a metaphor for the games story.

Where is fragile South knot?

The fragile South knot is in the center of the map.