
Inside The Game


There’s been a big increase in movies and games being released as both a movie and a video game. This can be a great way to diversify your entertainment and is a great way to maintain interest in a franchise that wasn’t handled well in the previous movie release.

Cinematic movies and video games have always had a strong bond, and there’s been a push for crossover between the two mediums for a while. Gaming and movies are superstars: they have the most powerful and fastest growing social media platforms, and the most beloved characters.

It’s always been the same sort of story. You’ve got your plucky young hero, a few original characters and some truly ridiculous villains, but the plot is always pretty straightforward. The whole thing starts out like a bad B-movie, but as the audience is sucked in, the action takes on a life of its own, and before you know it, you’re of the opinion that this is THE best movie ever.. Read more about movies about gamers and let us know what you think.

You can guarantee that marketers are scrambling to find out how to cash in on the current fad whenever anything is hot. This is how we get Facebook movies. This is also why I can’t stop thinking of the Super Mario Brothers whenever I see Bob Hoskins. Before I recalled, I was recently thrilled when viewing the newest teaser for a forthcoming Red Faction film.

Films that are based on video games are terrible.

When we enjoy something as consumers, we eat and feast on it, and then we’re eager for more. Despite this, I haven’t heard anybody appreciate any film that was based on a video game (save maybe Tomb Raider, but they weren’t complimenting anything other than the Boob and Bum physics).

Many films have been made based on the intellectual properties of video games. I’ve sat through the bulk of the items on the list. Despite this, none of them drew my attention. It’s worth mentioning that I’m concentrating on live-action, “let’s get the characters together and create a stand-alone narrative” films rather than animated flicks.

Are video game movies doomed to fail?

Films and other forms of media are not the same as video games. In order for a film to be classed as anything other than experimental, it must have a narrative. The storyline of a game does not have to make sense outside of the game. As a pitch, plumbers leaping on turtles or cracking apart bricks with their heads does not seem appealing. I’m not thinking about how difficult it would be to make this into a story-driven film when I’m racing about with a chainsaw and shotgun shooting hordes of demons. Even Ash in the Evil Dead series needed assistance from time to time. But who is there to assist you in Doom? What about the colored key cards?

1626568679_820_Movies-Video-Games-Into-CinemaFriend who is currently serving in the military

The film Hitman is a good example to utilize. The games’ plots are very basic. Every operation offers a new opportunity to infiltrate, assassinate, and flee. When adapted into a film, the authors must create a back story from scratch, perhaps a love interest, comic relief, and, of course, character motivations. That wasn’t necessary for Hitman; you’re a skilled assassin, so go murder for money was all we were told. Audiences find it difficult to appreciate a person like him.

Certain types of people like movies. People may be turned off only by hearing that a film is based on a video game or follows the same plot. This gamer film isn’t being made just for the benefit of gamers. The actual aim is the general public. Mainstream consumers haven’t played the game and are finding it tough to identify with a character they haven’t met in all of the previous games’ narrative arcs. Why pander to players who loved the games when they are likely to watch the film regardless?

When a series’ star protagonist is a quiet Japanese martial artist loner type, Hollywood doesn’t like it. So they switch it up and offer us an American military hero with long blonde hair and a tattoo of the American flag. Although the Japanese karate master remains in the background, he now serves as comic relief. To be honest, audiences in the United States are gradually becoming more accepting of characters that are obviously Australians in disguise.


1626568680_197_Movies-Video-Games-Into-CinemaThis is a knife, ya drongo, not a knife.


Video game characters are also designed differently, with particular responsibilities to perform. Would you watch a movie in which the main never speaks? Is it even possible? You never see his or her face, either. This isn’t a good translation. We are the protagonist of a game. We form a bond with the character we’re portraying’s objectives, affiliations, and values. It’s far more difficult to persuade the audience to comprehend the protagonist when they’re watching a film passively if they don’t witness any emotion or conversation. So don’t be shocked if an actor or actress spoils Masterchief and Samus for you by speaking (See Metroid: Other M)

Remember when the X-Men made that remark about the costumes in their first film? “Would you like yellow spandex?” something like that. Yes, many of us who enjoyed the original source material want to see it brought to life as faithfully as possible. Do you know who Thor is? In his full gear and cape, he looks ludicrous. However, it appeals to us because it makes sense in that world. Filmmakers must strike a balance between what outfits will work in the realistic world they are portraying and what costumes will not.

Gamers are increasingly becoming their own audience. The film business now faces competition from the gaming sector, which has grown out of control. Even if the forthcoming Warcraft film was simply two and a half hours of individuals dressed as Orcs and Elfs running about in big cities, millions of subscribers would still go to theaters to scream “Alliance fag” or “Horde scum.” We gamers are no longer a tiny percentage of moviegoers. Hollywood will have to adapt to our lack of blue hedgehogs, pale tattooed guys wielding swords, and grizzled space marines.

Consider movies based on comic books from the past. When we were trapped with George Clooney’s Bat nipples, I couldn’t have envisioned Sin City or Dark Knight turning out the way they did. It took a long time for Hollywood to nail its comedic characters. There were some terrible false starts and blunders along the road. I find solace in a Halo teaser directed by Neil Blomkamp (of District 9 fame).

I don’t believe we can put our planet through Street Fighter The Movie: The Game again, as long as we don’t get trapped with games that are based on movies that are based on games.


1626568681_582_Movies-Video-Games-Into-CinemaWhen did Akuma appear in the movie?

Ever since the first man looked up at the stars and imagined that they had a story to tell, man has been looking to stories of the universe for answers. Back in the days of cave paintings, people literally took their drawings to the cinema to see them on the big screen. In the early days of film, these “movies” were made a lot simpler and were merely a moving image with no sound or even actors. Just think about it: No one would have even bothered if they had only seen the end of those cave paintings!. Read more about movies about video game players and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What video games were made into movies?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
There are many video games that have been made into movies, such as The Legend of ZeldOcarina of Time and Super Mario Bros.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What was the first video game turned into a movie?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The first video game turned into a movie was Tetris.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Why movies based on video games are bad?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The movie industry is a business, and they have to make money. They are not concerned with the quality of their product, only how much it will make them in profit.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What video games were made into movies?

There are many video games that have been made into movies, such as The Legend of ZeldOcarina of Time and Super Mario Bros.

What was the first video game turned into a movie?

The first video game turned into a movie was Tetris.

Why movies based on video games are bad?

The movie industry is a business, and they have to make money. They are not concerned with the quality of their product, only how much it will make them in profit.

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Borderlands 2 is one of those games that is always mentioned in the same sentence as “next gen graphics”. It’s a game that’s best enjoyed on a gaming rig, and you’ll find that the special features of the Xbox One and Playstation 4 (namely the ability to display 4K resolution) highlights the awesome third person action when playing it on the next gen consoles.

Ever since the first Borderlands game, the fans have been clamoring for a sequel or DLC pack. With Borderlands 2 now out and available for download, this guide will cover all the new content, the new characters, and the new ways to play the game.

When you find a dropped weapon, it can be a real pain to get it back. When you find a shield, it’s a whole lot worse. Getting a shield back should be easy – no fighting a guy to get it, no trading with a stranger. Instead, you get to fight a guy to get it. It’s Borderlands 2’s version of stealing, and it’s time to get your hands dirty.

Sir Hammerlock recommends a new shield for the challenges ahead, now that every terrible beast and bandit has been exterminated from Liar’s Berg. Hammerlock indicates in the direction of the ancient Crimson Raiders station, which has such equipment.

Take the northwest entrance out of Liar’s Berg. Follow the route down to a tiny bandit outpost, which is situated west across an ice field. Several bandits will emerge to block your path to the ice field, but with your weapons and grenades, they’ll be dead in no time. Continue to the outpost after hopping down to the field.

Four bandits will be swarming the outpost. On the lower walkway, there are two, and on the top walkway, there are two. On the bottom walkway, there is an incendiary barrel. Maintain a safe distance from the outpost to avoid drawing the attention of the soldiers. When both guards are within range of the barrel, fire it or throw a grenade at it to inflict incendiary damage. Both guards will be killed, if not made simpler to kill, as a result of this. After that, you’ll just have to deal with the last two bandits, which should be rather straightforward given that they’re merely low-level marauders.


Climb the stairs to the second level, where you’ll find the lever for the elevator that will take you to the shields. Regrettably, the lever has broken. ClapTrap had tried to “integrate” with the machine, according to Sir Hammerlock. Over the ECHO, the robot tries to protect himself, but more importantly, he indicates in the direction of the fuse to the lever. It’s a short distance south of the outpost, and the enormous electrical field flashing nearby will alert you to its presence.

To make matters more difficult, this bandit camp is teeming with marauders, psychos, and murderous marauders. There are a few of elemental barrels nearby. Use the same methods you used to clear the Crimson Raiders outpost. By exploding the barrels, you may catch the robbers off guard, then go in and sweep the rest of them clean. As you go further inside the camp, additional bandits will appear. To the left of the electrical field, one will seek refuge in the red and steel gray structure. Up on the balcony with him is an exploding gas tank. He should be no longer an issue if you blow up the tank.

Now it’s time to move on from the electrical sector. When Claptrap urges you to rush through it, ignore him. You’ll just wind up injuring yourself and making a fool of yourself. The electric wall will vanish if you blow up the fuse box concealed behind the field. The elevator fuse is close to the fuse box you shot. Take it and prepare to battle some bullymongs. As soon as you pick up the fuse, the furious monkeys will rush down from their nests. Stay on your toes when bringing them out since the group will be made up of brats and grownups.

Return to the elevator with the fuse in hand and plug it in. The elevator will take you to the safe home as it descends. Inside will be a vending machine with a large supply of shields. Take one and return to Sir Hammerlock to get your prize for your efforts.


160 hours of experience

$31 in cash

Skin of an Unknown Character

Borderlands 2 Guide: Shielded Favors  is a guide to Borderlands 2 (Borderlands 2) for gamers that would like to see the full potential of the Game, and would like to find some new things to do.. Read more about borderlands 2 southern shelf walkthrough and let us know what you think.

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Ever since the first Borderlands, players have been asking for the ability to customize their character’s appearance with stylish head customisation items. Unfortunately, not all customisation options are available in the original Borderlands, so we decided to create a guide to help players find the best looking items to use.

It’s that time of year where everyone is so busy playing Borderlands 2 that they are forgetting to style their hair. That’s right, we’re talking about that time of the year, and you know what that means. Your hair will go up in flames! To help you avoid this, we will be providing you with a guide on how to style your hair in the new game, Borderlands 2.


Sir Hammerlock is doing research on the Bullymongs and need four hair samples from the large blue gorillas. The actual samples are easy to collect, but Hammerlock’s technique for obtaining the fur is a little more difficult. Hammerlock wants you to use your bare hands to tear the beast’s fur off its body. For the fur to be accessible to pick up, the creature must be killed with a melee assault.

Simply strike a bullymong with a gun and then hit him with a melee attack when it’s down to its final smidgeon of life, and the fur will fall off the body. The fur samples can only be obtained this way.

It is also a simple job to locate four bullymongs. A tiny bullymong nest is located beyond the bandit camp where you retrieved the fuse for the lift to access the Crimson Raider’s safe home. You should go there to get your furs.

Adult bullymongs, brats, slingers, and monglets will be present. Obtain the fur from the harder kinds, since your weapons are strong enough to kill the monglets with a few rounds at this stage. If not, the entrance to Southern Shelf Bay is close by, and there should be enough of them to get all of your fur samples. There will be plenty of bullymongs to scavenge fur from.

Claptrap gives a varied prize for the furs over the ECHO recorder while you’re gathering. Instead of Sir Hammerlock’s sniper rifle, he’ll offer you a good shotgun. The prize, whomever you hand the furs on to, is well deserved.


362 hours of experience

monetary value: $15

Shotgun or sniper rifle, at random


This text is sensitive. Try generating new copy.. Read more about borderlands 2 bad hair day electric fence and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I turn in bad hair day to claptrap?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
I am not sure what you mean by this.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you get hammerlock in Borderlands 2?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Hammerlock is a skill in Borderlands 2. To learn how to use it, you must first unlock the skill tree and then find the skill on your skill tree.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Where is hammerlock?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Hammerlock is a map in the game.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I turn in bad hair day to claptrap?

I am not sure what you mean by this.

How do you get hammerlock in Borderlands 2?

Hammerlock is a skill in Borderlands 2. To learn how to use it, you must first unlock the skill tree and then find the skill on your skill tree.

Where is hammerlock?

Hammerlock is a map in the game.

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This is an unfinished guide to help you find the quest Blindsided in Borderlands 2, which is located in the Concordia Wastes region.

In Borderlands 2, there are many quests that can serve as great training for players wanting to make it through the game. While some of them are meant to be challenging and difficult, some of them offer more straightforward challenges that are meant to be completed. This quest guide will take you through the Blindsided quest in the game.. Read more about borderlands 2 side mission list and let us know what you think.

Borderlands 2 Gunzerker

Blindsided in Borderlands 2

It’s time to go locate Claptrap’s eye now that you’ve got your first gun. He’ll show you the way out of his house, thinking you’re his new minion. Follow him to the right of the cabinet where you got your first pistol, through the door. Before following Claptrap through the door, collect as much ammunition and money as you can in the backroom.

To begin your quest for Claptrap’s eye, follow him across the chilly, unforgiving surroundings. He has an excellent sense of direction despite his blindness, so stay close to him and he’ll guide you in the correct way. A pack of bullmongs will assault you in a clearing not far from Claptrap’s location. Make the most of your new gun by pumping nasty creatures full of lead. Keep a watch on bullymongs at all times since they are agile and strong animals. Fortunately, the most of the bullymongs here are lesser monglets, so eliminating them shouldn’t be too difficult.

More bullymongs break through the ice barrier and assault. The monglets will be accompanied by brat bullymongs. They’re a little tougher, and they can hurl rocks as missiles as well. If you don’t move while firing at them, you’ll become an easy target. Continue following Claptrap down the tunnel the blue furred gorillas just built for you after killing the remainder of the bullymongs. As you travel through the ice tunnel, the earth shakes for a brief time. In order to unlock this new vault, Jack has been mining eridium on the planet. Continue along the tunnel after the earth stops shaking, gathering treasure from the containers along the way. Claptrap, of course, slides down and becomes trapped in the snow as the tunnel reaches a steep drop.

Once you’ve down the rock face, you’ll be attacked by more bullymongs. Start shooting and remember to aim for their heads to swiftly take them out. Claptrap is buried in the snow close to the cliff after all of the bullymongs have been slain. Continue on your journey once you’ve dug him out. Claptrap will take you up to another area packed with broken down trash and vehicles on a cargo barge. Knuckle Dragger, too.


Knuckle Dragger is the boss.

Bullymongs are difficult, but Knuckle Dragger is an other matter entirely. Taking him on is a difficult task, but one that you can do with only a handgun. The blue beast, like other bullymongs, may charge you and hurl missiles in your direction. The distinction is seen in the projectiles. He doesn’t only hurl pebbles at you; he also launches huge icicles and even the vehicles surrounding the boundary. In this arena, he may quickly surround you, thus the goal is to remain on the move and fire at his head for critical strikes.

If you run out of health or ammunition during the battle, you may shatter pieces of ice throughout the arena area.

Knuckle Dragger will withdraw to high ground and let the weaker bullymongs to assault after whittling down his life bar to half full. Claptrap refers to the creatures as “wall sphincters,” since they creep out of holes in the wall. Kill them, and Knuckle Dragger returns for a second round. If you stick to the same approach you used in the first round, he’ll be dead in no time. Collect the money and Claptrap’s eye that fall off him.

You won’t be able to put Claptrap’s eye back in him by yourself, it seems. He says that once you get to Liar’s Berg, his buddy Hammerlock will be able to assist you. Claptrap will lead you up a twisting slope to a Hyperion cargo dump. Claptrap fails badly in his attempt to unlock the door, but the ever odd guardian angel assists in the hacking open of the door. A shotgun and ammunition are kept inside a chest. Before reporting the assignment to Claptrap, get the pistol and plunder the remainder of the room. Then it’s on to Liar’s Berg…


53 years of experience

Money: ten dollars

 If you need assistance with the first mission, Stiv has “My First Gun” to help you out.

Borderlands 2 is the sequel to last years hit game Borderlands. This sequel is designed for the console and PC and will feature four playable characters, each with different play styles. It is a first-person shooter, with RPG elements, and will also feature a top-down view, as well as three-dimensional environments. You can play as one of four characters (Scooter, Tiny Tina, Salvador, or Zer0), each with their own advantages and unique skill sets.. Read more about borderlands 2 the road to sanctuary walkthrough and let us know what you think.

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Borderlands 2 is a game unlike any other, with a universe so rich and detailed that you can easily lose hundreds of hours in it.  In fact, some people have already done just that.  We have collected the best resources related to Borderlands 2 to help you along the journey to the end of the game.

Borderlands 2 Guide: The Road To Sanctuary

Borderlands 2 is an epic experience for any shooter fan. With the new PS4 exclusive, in addition to the Borderlands 2 Loot Pack, you are bound to have a great time. From the story line and beautiful graphics to the innovative controls, the Gearbox developed game gives you everything you expect from a Borderlands game.


After leaving the Southern Shelf, you arrive to Three Horns-Divide in search of Sanctuary. To begin your journey, disembark from Claptrap’s boat. Before you go, Claptrap makes some demands, but because they’re ridiculous (as they usually are), carry on and disregard the robot.

As soon as you get off the boat, go towards the nearby bridge. It is blown to bits by a runner who bounds over it. Corporal Reiss warns the Bloodshot bandits to keep away from Sanctuary over the ECHO. They don’t seem to care what Reiss thinks, judging by the big technical that flies over the bridge.

At this point, there isn’t much else to do except keep walking towards the bridge. A couple bullymongs emerge when you walk between the bridge’s pillars. Because they’re on a similar level to you, killing them isn’t difficult. Continue to follow the route as it twists and turns, and be prepared to face more bullymongs.


A pair of vending machines and your first Catch-A-Ride station may be found beyond the bullymong nest. Regrettably, it does not function. Scooter, of all people, seems to have managed to shut down the station, preventing you or the Bloodshots from using it. Angel appears and informs you that you are out of commission. In a Bloodshot camp, the Hyperion bot is not far from you. His core may be able to assist in the overthrow of the machine.

If you’re facing the Catch-A-Ride station, the entrance is really directly behind you. The skeleton of a huge monster with its mouth gaping wide should be visible. You’ll quickly find yourself in the Bloodshot camp if you put your head into its jaws. These aren’t your typical bandits; they’re quick, aggressive, and much more brutal in their attacks. Stay on your toes and keep your eyes on them to make sure you hit them with every shot.

They also have a new opponent type fighting for them called as nomads. These intimidating robbers are huge, and they often wield phalanx-sized shields. To deal with the brutes, try flanking them or utilizing explosives.


 Loot the camp’s containers for ammunition, cash, and health if you need it after they’re all dead. The wrecked Hyperion bot may be found in the northwest part of the camp. Return to the Catch-A-Ride station by approaching it and grabbing its core. Now create a car, paint it in beautiful colors, and go towards Sanctuary.

Continue across the bridge and following the goal marker until you reach the Sanctuary gates. As you approach, a bandit starts banging on the door. To kill him, shoot him with your vehicle’s strong weapons, then move to the left to begin shooting the bandits that emerge from the tiny camp near the entrance.


Get out of the vehicle and go up to the intercom. After mistaking you with a bandit, a lieutenant comes over the radio and hands the discussion over to Roland. Roland is delighted to see you, but he will need your assistance before allowing you to enter. Corporal Reiss, who you first encountered when you arrived to Three Horns-Divide, has vanished. You’ll need to track him down in order to get entrance to Sanctuary.

It is not easy being a Vault Hunter these days. The vaults are now open and they are full of alien hunters. The bandits of the world are the most ruthless, most dangerous creatures that the vault has ever faced. And you? You’re a charr – a fighter, a survivor, and a hero. You are the last hope for humanity’s survival. Are you ready to take on the world?. Read more about borderlands 2 walkthrough and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you jump the gap in Borderlands 2?

To jump the gap in Borderlands 2, you will need to use a grenade jump. This is done by shooting a grenade at the ground and jumping into the air when it explodes.

How do you get power cores in Borderlands 2?

You can find them in chests, or buy them from vendors.

Where is the Hyperion adapter Borderlands 2?

The Hyperion adapter Borderlands 2 is no longer available for purchase.

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Last week I had the pleasure of playing Borderlands 2 for the first time. While I have yet to try all the main missions, what I’ve been doing is doing side quests, to supplement the main story. I enjoy the side quests because they offer nice rewards, good loot, and of course, fun.

I haven’t played the Borderlands 2 DLC “Handsome Jack’s Son of a Gun” yet, but from what I’m hearing it’s a great expansion for the game. Some recent fans have been taking to the forums to voice their concerns regarding the inclusion of a platforming chapter that doesn’t feature Handsome Jack. The Borderlands 2: Handsome Jack’s Son of a Gun DLC is a side quest-style adventure in which the player takes control of Handsome Jack’s mind and tries to escape from a facility. “Plunder the facility for clues on a cure while fighting off the minions of the villainous Jack. Fight your way through multiple areas of the lab, including the simulation chamber. Search for clues and solve puzzles to reveal

Welcome! I am a solo developer and have been looking for a good guide to help me find my way in the Borderlands 2 universe. I am hoping to meet other people who feel the same, and I am hoping that this guide will help us. In this guide, I will give you a walkthrough on how to complete a side quest in Borderlands 2 that will grant you the Out Of Body Experience skill power.

loader 1340

We’ll return to the bandit headquarters since you still have some unfinished business in the Bloodshot Stronghold. When you were searching for the Splinter Group, you may recall seeing a pair of bandits beating up on a Hyperion loader. You should have approached the broken down bot after killing the bandits and taken his AI core. Now, loader 1340 wants you to transfer his AI core to a new body in exchange for his not killing you. Ideally, on the stronghold’s ramparts, in a Hyperion constructor.

constructor 1340


Make your way to the Bloodshot Ramparts by fighting your way there. The constructor 1340 mentioned is not far from the stairs you exit on. If you put his AI core into the constructor, it will come to life…and attempt to murder you. From behind the monster, a swarm of EMP loaders will charge at you.

Stay as far away as possible from them and fire before they detonate. Use a corrosive weapon to swiftly dispatch the constructor. Pick up 1340’s AI core after the constructor is destroyed. He apologizes for attempting to murder you and requests that you transport him to another defunct robot where he can be plugged in.

bloodshot ramparts[]

This time, it’s a WAR loader discovered near the ramparts’ center. When you plug him into the bot, it comes to life. It seems that 1340 is more adept at breaking promises than fulfilling them. With some GUN loaders and repair units at his side, he begins assaulting you once again. Simply use a decent corrosive weapon to swiftly murder him once again.

Pick up 1340’s AI core after it’s been killed. He begs you to put him inside a radio in Sanctuary since he no longer wants to murder.

radio 1340


Travel quickly to Sanctuary and go to Moxxi’s tavern. On the opposite side of the bar, there’s a radio. When you insert 1340’s AI core into the radio, he seems to be at ease. He then plays the most godawful music you can imagine in one last effort to murder you. With a single shot from your rifle, silence him.

He chooses to let you decide what to do with him since none of this is working out. Return this task to either Zed or Marcus for a shield or an amazing rifle. Because both are based on the AI core of the 1340, anticipate a lot of needless speech from whatever one you create. Enjoy.


2333 hours of experience

Item: a shotgun or a shield at random

A couple of weeks back, I had the pleasure of talking with the creative director for Gearbox Software, Randy Smith, at a Gearbox studio event. We had a lot of fun talking Borderlands 2, and even more fun talking about the Borderlands universe.. Read more about borderlands 2 out of body experience find radio and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I put the AI core in Borderlands 2?

The AI core is located in the back of the ship, near the turret.

Where is the radio in Borderlands 2?

The radio is a device that allows you to listen to music.

How do you solve the Bloodshot Stronghold puzzle?

The answer to this question is not available.

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  • borderlands 2 out of body experience
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  • out of body experience borderlands 2 shield or shotgun

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Claptrap’s Secret Stash is a series of collectibles hidden throughout the game. In total there are 1650 of these secrets and they come in four distinct categories.

So, since you are the vault hunter, you’ll need a place to hide your loot. This guide will show you an efficient way to do so in Borderlands 2.


Before you start looking for Roland, you need familiarize yourself with the town of Sanctuary and its residents. Many of them will be familiar faces from the last game, and none of them has lost contact. These missions will be the focus of the following several articles. Before you go looking for Roland, you’ll want to be as prepared as possible.

Claptrap is the first person you should track down. It’ll be nice to meet up with the tiny robot after your trip through Three Horns. He’ll also show you one of the most important elements of gun trade.

Claptrap may be found hidden away in a tiny nook filled with trash on the north edge of town. As you get closer, he flags you down to show you his incredible collection. To get things started, speak with him.

He says that the cache is a far distance from his location and then gives you a list of absurd chores to do in order to locate his hidden treasure. I know it seems difficult, but you can accomplish it.

Borderlands 2Observed via a strong lens.


In fact, his hidden stockpile is just behind you, and it’s completely empty. While this is undoubtedly discouraging, there is a silver lining. In the locker, you may store four weapons that can be utilized by other characters you’ve created. While playing as Axton, can you find an amazing sniper weapon for Zero? To acquire the weaponry you don’t have in that playthrough, throw it in the locker and pick it up later as Zero.

Simply return to Claptrap to get your prize after completing this easy task. If the quest’s simplicity made you ill, don’t worry, we’ll be going to the doctor next time.


monetary value: $124

96 years of experience

Claptrap’s Secret Stash is a quest in Borderlands 2, and it is one of the more difficult ones to complete. As Claptrap states, “Only the bravest of intrepid adventurers, the most dauntless of do-gooders, they will find the secret treasure. They will discover the hidden stash. The stashed loot. The buried cache. The big box. The giant, secret, special stash. The big box.”. Read more about borderlands stash and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How does Claptraps secret stash work?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Claptraps secret stash is a feature that allows you to store your items in the game for safekeeping. You can access these items by pressing the button on the left side of your controller, and then selecting Stash.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Where is the stash in Borderlands 2?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

The stash is a container that can be found in Sanctuary, the hub area of Borderlands 2. Its where you store items and money.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is there a stash in Borderlands 2?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

There is no stash in Borderlands 2, but there are a few chests that can be opened.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Claptraps secret stash work?

Claptraps secret stash is a feature that allows you to store your items in the game for safekeeping. You can access these items by pressing the button on the left side of your controller, and then selecting Stash.

Where is the stash in Borderlands 2?

The stash is a container that can be found in Sanctuary, the hub area of Borderlands 2. Its where you store items and money.

Is there a stash in Borderlands 2?

There is no stash in Borderlands 2, but there are a few chests that can be opened.

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There’s a lot to recommend Borderlands 2. The overarching story is great, the game mechanics are excellent, and the art is terrific. But the best thing about this game, for me, is the way it handles guns, or the way it ignores guns. After playing for several hours, I was happy to find myself in a situation where I could use every gun in the game. I was ready to go in guns blazing. But then I noticed a colored orb on my map. I picked it up and used it to teleport to Sanctuary (the place where I’d been playing for the last hour). I went in, and it was a level-one gun merchant, just like I’d killed a couple of hours before. I was happy,

The second spin-off of the popular Borderlands series is a brand new addition to the franchise, and is an action RPG with RPG-like elements. The game takes place in the middle of a technological war between robots and humans, in which you take control of a group of trigger-happy bandits who have their sights set on taking over the fortified town of Rhys, Arizona .

The world of Pandora is a dangerous place, full of dangerous people—and there are lots of them. While walking down the streets of The Hub, you could run into bandits, slavers, and other assorted monsters. The same goes for the alien base of the Gunters, who have a nasty habit of picking off intruders in their midst. So, use your skills to your advantage, and fight back.


This mission is really divided into smaller quests, however due to their tiny size, this quest will only be one post. At the bottom, I’ll add up the number of years of experience.

It’s time to pay a visit to Marcus Kincaid, everyone’s favorite gun dealer. His business is located in the town’s easternmost section. Marcus is assisting a client who is seeking a refund for a damaged firearm. Marcus’ pistol seems to be in excellent working order based on the round he places in the man’s knee. But that isn’t why we’ve come.


Marcus want to instruct you on the use of elemental weaponry. Follow Marcus to the shooting range via the door on your right. The elemental weapons of fire are first on the list. These weapons are great against flesh, but they fall short against protected opponents. Try out the weapon on the Hyperion target dummy, who is surprisingly alive.



Shock weapons are next on the list. These weapons shred through opponent shields to reach their fleshy portions, where they may do serious damage. Fire a couple bullets at the next Hyperion target and watch as his shields are completely reduced.


Now we’ll look into corrosive weaponry. These are without a doubt my favorite elemental weapons. They can wreak havoc on armored foes like Hyperion machines and troops. Even better, they can still inflict some tough harm on flesh. By the time you finish shooting the final bullet, the Hyperion robot’s armor will have been metaled through.


Marcus teaches you to the new elemental weapon on Pandora, slag, after going through the traditional elemental weapons. These weapons cover your opponent in a purple ooze that renders them more susceptible to all other types of attacks, thanks to the usage of eridium. Here, we’re discussing both elemental and non-elemental weapon kinds. Fire a few bullets at the “shoplifter,” then switch weapons to watch the slag’s magic in action.


$172 in cash (total)

1932 is the year of experience (total)

Borderlands 2 is coming out later this month, so you may have already preordered it or even played the game more than once before. We know you’d like to get the most out of your gaming experience, and you can’t win without skill, so here is a great guide for you. We may not be able to help you win, but we can sure help you get a better game when you do.. Read more about borderlands 2 zones by level and let us know what you think.

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So you want to play Natural Selection 2! But you don’t know where to start, and you’re not sure how to get started. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with this short series of guides. Should you want to go even further, you can check out my Natural Selection 2 Guide series that is dedicated to helping NS2 players get the most out of their games and get better at the game.

The alien commander has been chosen, and the Xenomorphs are preparing to implant it in the womb. The new specimen will be pumped with the necessary nutrients, hormones and growth hormones to ensure a successful Xenomorph baby. The humans have also managed to construct a new weapon, a device that serves as a biological ”countermeasure” to the threat posed by the Xenomorphs. If the human commander successfully escorts the specimen through the constructed tubes connecting the Alien Hive to the spaceship, the alien commander will be safely released into the Hive. But if the specimen is captured, the human will be wiped out in the process.

Alien Commander is a game that I made in the past year, and it’s a sequel of my first game, Natural Selection. It’s a first-person shooter game, where you control an alien. This game has a couple of game modes, and the non-fiction one is the story mode. You can play it against the computer or with a friend (who also has the game on their computer). This guide will teach you the non-fiction game modes.

natural selection 2 alien commander guide

It’s an understatement to say that Natural Selection 2 has a high learning curve. Natural Selection 2 throws you into the deep end of a diving pool with a cement block attached to your shoes, in a world of hand-holding electronic games that will push you in the correct way if you even think about straying from the route.

Today, I’d want to go straight into one of the game’s most intimidating features: commanding, and more particularly, a function that even Natural Selection veterans are unfamiliar with: Alien commanding. Unknown Worlds has chosen to level the playing field this time around and enable Alien players to enjoy the RTS/FPS experience of a live commander, which was previously only available to marines.

The Aliens themselves, with their melee-focused hit-and-run tactics, are intimidating enough for a novice player, much alone the idea of controlling them. This guide is not intended to be a comprehensive list of legal tactics; rather, it is intended for players who are eager to test out the system. Simply stated, it will most likely prevent your squad from being enraged with you. Probably.

Before we begin, I suggest creating a server in ‘Explore mode’ to get a feel for the controlling interface without the added pressure of a live game.

2012-11-14_00004-600x337Explore mode offers you with limitless resources and comprehensive knowledge on all alien evolutions, marine weaponry, and marine and alien buildings.

So. Let’s go on to the guide.

When you get into the Alien com chair, the first thing you should do is extend to a few of resource nodes. To extend your base, you’ll need to create a network of ‘cysts,’ which will slowly spread illness on the ground while also allowing you to construct structures. Anyone acquainted with Starcraft’s Zerg race’s ‘creep’ mechanism will understand.

Take a quick glance around the map to see where the nearest hive is located. A large yellow square on the map indicates possible hive sites. This is a fantastic location to expand since these rooms often include a resource node, and securing the room guarantees that you’ll be able to set up that crucial second hive when you’re ready.

2012-09-11_00027-600x337To extend your base, you’ll need to create a cyst network.

Look for the next nearest node once you’ve placed the resource tower in this room. Typically, a single node should be located near your base. Expand to that point and seize it. You should be able to generate a continuous stream of revenue with three nodes. Going for four may be a feasible strategy, but it’s usually better to stay with three this early in the game and then concentrate on team improvements. If you find your team has a stronghold over a region with a res node, be sure to grow there.

2012-11-11_00006-600x337The green silhouette indicates the presence of a resource tower.

After that, you’ll want to consider improving your primary hive. Shade, Crag, and Shift are the three kinds of hive you may upgrade to. Shade or Shift are excellent choices for the initial hive. Shade hives enable you to experiment with cloaking, which is particularly useful against skulks that like to ambush. Shift hives enable you to study celerity, which improves movement speed and is particularly useful for skulks that like to hurry. Inquire with your staff about their preferences.

2012-11-11_00005-600x337Upgrades may be found by clicking on the hive-specific structure (Spur, Veil, or Shell) first, then the upgrade. Alternatively, as shown in the center of this image, you may simply click the upgrade symbol that is floating above the building.

Let’s pretend you choose the shift hive for the purpose of this tutorial. You’ll be able to construct a shift and a spur after upgrading. Both should be constructed in your primary base. You may look into celerity on the spur of the moment. Your skulks will adore you as a result.

2012-11-14_00002-600x337A potential hive site is shown by the orange square.

The next step is to put money aside for a second hive. With a second hive, you may develop unique abilities for your comrades, such as leaping for skulks, bile bombing for gorges, and blinking for fades. Upgrade the hive to either shift or fade, depending on which one you didn’t construct previously.

Natural-Selection-2-Guide-Alien-Commander-Non-Fiction-GamingThe evolution abilities are studied from the far left icon, while the three distinct hive kinds are researched from the next three icons in a hive’s construction menu.

You may now study new abilities for your colleagues by clicking on your hive. In nearly every game, the first thing you should learn is how to jump. Skulks are the basic foot troops that every respawning player will spawn as, and their ability to jump allows them to move and flee quickly.

1626568473_495_Natural-Selection-2-Guide-Alien-Commander-Non-Fiction-GamingEvery alien evolution has one or two researchable talents. The audience favorites include leap, blink, and bile bomb.

Make sure you learn about camouflage by making a veil, and the rest is up to you. Ask your squad what improvements they want, tell them where you want to grow, and make sure you keep them informed about enemy moves. To counteract nade-spam and provide some additional defense, place whips at your bases and expansions. Because they have a limited melee range, try to construct them near corners. To create forward siege positions, construct shifts and hatch eggs at them. Once you have a crag hive, place crags in strategic places for your soldiers to heal.

1626568474_768_Natural-Selection-2-Guide-Alien-Commander-Non-Fiction-GamingThe presence of crags in different places allows your soldiers to heal without having to return to the hive.

Last but not least, you may produce eggs with evolutions connected. This is especially helpful in the late game, when you may have a lot of team res but not enough personal res for your friends. You may spawn onos, fade, lerk, or gorge eggs for free, which your friends can utilize to upgrade to these evolutions.

2012-11-14_00003-600x337After clicking on the egg, choose an alien development. Teammates will be able to ‘use’ the egg to develop into the evolution of their choice quickly.

Obviously, there are many more sophisticated strategies, including a couple that make advantage of the secondary buildings’ “special” powers, but these should get you through most games.

 Natural Selection 2 may be purchased on Steam or via GameFanShop. If you like Steve’s essay, don’t miss his “Natural Selection 2 impressions!”

The following guide for Natural Selection 2 shows you how to play as the Alien Commander in a tutorial mission. You can spawn your own units with the basic commands and then lead them in battle against the human forces. This guide will cover some basic tips and tricks, tactics, and strategies for the Alien Commander.. Read more about natural selection 2 wiki and let us know what you think.

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Recently, I was browsing the Borderlands 2 wiki and found a mysterious locked door. There were no descriptions, just a few blurbs about it, plus a hint that it links to a hidden area. The item was reported as missing and I started my quest to find it. What I found was unexpected and I’ve tried to share the story with you all.

The team behind “Borderlands 2” has thrown in a twist: all characters are now playable and need to be healed by you, the player. The game isn’t easy, but how hard is it to heal them? I’ll answer this and more in this guide. Check out the video below for tips on how to heal your teammates in “Borderlands 2” without getting killed in the process!

At G15Tools, we love Borderlands. We also love puzzles. And, we love Borderlands 2. As a result, we decided to combine all three of those things, and this is the result. This guide will walk you through completing the game on any difficulty level, with a focus on obtaining all possible achievements and trophies.


It’s time to return Dr. Zed’s favor. Some of his patients have developed strange bullet wounds that were not caused by bullets. Dr. Mercy, an old adversary of his, might be the culprit. Don’t be fooled by the name. Despite the fact that Dr. Mercy is everything but compassionate, she has more medical qualifications than our dear buddy Dr. Zed.

You’ll need to go south to Three Horns Valley to locate the crazy doctor. Take a light runner to the location. There are a few skags on the opposite side, but they aren’t worth worrying about. If you’re still in your car, just fire several bullets from the machine guns connected to your vehicle to eliminate them.


Dr. Mercy’s lair is just around the bend from the area’s access point. Arrive, exit, and go inside. When you reach the lair’s center, turn right and you’ll see many bandits patrolling. The presence of a few psychos and nomads in the group adds to the difficulty of the scenario. Attempt to stay undetected while throwing a grenade into the crowd. Several of them will be badly wounded, making them easy targets.

To conquer your opponents, use your finest weapons and skills. If the battle becomes too intense, there is plenty of cover to hide behind. Collect the treasure and proceed up the ramps they were guarding after they’re all dead. Continue ahead until you reach a large oil barrel with a gateway cut into its side. Dr. Mercy will emerge when you get near enough.

He’s basically a nomad, and he’s armed with a huge phalanx shield. To really harm him, you’ll need to go behind him. Zero players should have little trouble doing so, but other classes will have to come up with more creative ways to inflict damage. Use grenades or an explosive weapon to knock him off his feet, then shoot him while he’s vulnerable.

Continue to utilize your finest weapons and abilities to do as much damage as possible, but remember to take cover if the battle gets out of hand.

Go to Dr. Mercy’s corpse to turn in the quest after he’s dead.


$55 in cash

791 hours of experience

Borderlands 2 is now available on the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One platforms. This is the sequel to 2008’s popular Borderlands, which was a huge success for Gearbox. This game features all the tropes that Borderlands is known for, including rag-tag groups of characters (and their gear) that are tasked with saving the world.. Read more about borderlands 2 starting area and let us know what you think.

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