If the content is king, then video is the emperor. Incredible games, funny TV shows, and engaging documentaries make our reality much more fascinating. And do you know what unites them? A large team of voiceover actors works on each of these genres!

Traditionally, this job is chosen by students with unusual voices and acting skills. And like in any creative field, there is room for tons of auditions, endless practice, and fighting the competition. At first, this may not sound very clear. But with our detailed guide, your first steps in the industry will be proper!

So, let’s start with what a good voiceover actor can do:

  • Convey various emotions from joy and fear to excitement and most profound sadness, etc.;
  • Speak clearly so that the voice is free from unnecessary sounds;
  • Merge with the character, making it genuinely alive and authentic;
  • Have a vivid imagination. If you are recording without partners, you need to imagine how they would respond to you.

Work On Your Voice

Perhaps reading aloud is an essential exercise when it comes to voice. After all, you will read from a teleprompter or script in the future.

Read with different intonations – let it be articles, news headlines, and books, of course. And even if you are entirely consumed with the process, don’t worry. Authors from essay writing service always have your back! Just send them your assignment and stop stressing over upcoming deadlines and low grades.

At this stage, your task is to feel comfortable during the process, and for this, dedicate yourself to reading aloud for at least 30 minutes a day. Change the sound, give your voice different shades, and discover its full potential.

Another great piece of advice is to read poetry – not as if you are reading from a piece of paper, but giving a whole performance, enlivening every word and putting your whole heart into it!

Fix Your Mistakes

The best way to hear yourself is to record your voice. This way, you will understand your future listeners. Read monologues and scripts while recording yourself to see what needs to be improved. It will be helpful to take a notebook and write down what you liked about your performance and what you want to redo, add, etc.

Pay Attention To Diaphragm

All famous actors and popular musicians have voice teachers. Why? Practice makes perfect!

We have different voices: nasal, mouth, chest, and diaphragm. The first sounds whiny, the second is quiet, the third is pleasant, and the latter is the most powerful and unique. To develop it, you need to start breathing deep and watch your stomach rise and fall.

At this point, you will probably need the help of a specialist. A professional will assist you in controlling your voice. In addition, there are many exercises based on breathing, such as singing a scale through a straw or saying tongue twisters. So, be ready to try them all!

Try To Sound Like A Famous Character

The skill of imitating will make your voice more diverse and teach you to manage the pitch and tone. Plus, you will have enough material for your promo video. Are you a fan of Daniel Craig in «Knives Out,» or do you enjoy Eddie Redmayne’s unique intonations in «Fantastic Beasts»? Then go ahead!

You can work on various projects if you learn to change your voice. It is essential to reproduce the very nature of the character to make it real. Could you give them a voice, literally?

Acting Lessons Wouldn’t Hurt.

Yes, the voiceover actors don’t appear on screen, but in fact, your job is even harder.

The audience doesn’t see your facial expressions, gestures, and movements. You don’t have scenery or props to immerse you in the atmosphere. By the way, many praise summer acting courses in London, so if you are planning to go there, mix business with pleasure. It surely will bring you unforgettable emotions!

If your university has acting lessons, feel free to sign up for them, too. Acting in school performances will be an excellent platform for voice training.

Make A Video Presentation

Now, let’s move on to promoting your brand. The best thing to do is to make videos of your original performances. Here, you need to show the diversity of your voice and skills. Of course, watch the sound quality – there should not be any background sounds.

A potential employer is likely to watch no more than 30 seconds of the video, so it is crucial to make a good impression during that time. The demo video should be short (no more than two minutes) and demonstrate multiple sound options.

Come Up With A Resume

You need the experience to get a job, but how do you get experience without a job? Fortunately, today this vicious circle can be broken. Make sure you find activities that you can list on your resume. Study acting, attend workshops, and start your own YouTube channel. Take part in amateur performances, host events, and record an audiobook. There are plenty of things to try!

Use Some Help

Many want to take the first steps on their own, but one way or another, with an agent on your side, you will find a suitable job faster. After all, many job openings are not posted on the Internet.

The agent will represent you, announce castings, promote your brand and manage your career. They will negotiate the payment terms and receive a percentage of all your earnings.

Here is what you can do. First, make sure various agents in your city receive your demo and resume. Then, choose someone you feel comfortable with and can trust.

Send Your Demo To Different Studios

The rolling stone gathers no moss, right? Yet, many inspiring stories exist about artists who have knocked on closed doors hundreds of times. As a result, it was perseverance that helped them succeed.

Find contacts of all studios in your city (and others if you are ready to move) and send them your video and resume. Be prepared for long waits and rejections. Studios get hundreds of videos, and your voice may not suit them. But sooner or later, there will be a perfect project for you!

Build Online Presence

If you can’t be found online, how are you supposed to develop professionally? Today, we all solve issues on the Internet, from studying to figuring out administrative matters and finding a job. That is why you need to post your portfolio! Then, for example, you can create a website on the WordPress platform and start a YouTube channel.

Casting directors are looking for new stars on the Internet. If someone has heard of your work, the person should be able to find your recordings and contact you quickly.

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To Sum It Up

Once you work on your voice (although this process takes a lifetime) and avow yourself, your reality will consist of auditions.

First, go to open auditions – anyone can come there. Indeed, there will be many people, and very little time will be allocated for each person. But you will gain experience there, get used to auditions, and be able to meet casting directors.

Second, audition online. Some jobs are posted on the web only. As the Internet is changing the process of finding and hiring actors, you need to be flexible and respond to various offers.

And finally, be sure to check the terms and conditions with your agent. Some agents or agencies have higher commissions than others. Read the contract carefully since you certainly don’t want to discover the pitfalls of your cooperation a few years later.


Steve is a tech guru who loves nothing more than playing and streaming video games. He's always the first to figure out how to solve any problem, and he's got a quick wit that keeps everyone entertained. When he's not gaming, he's busy being a dad and husband. He loves spending time with his family and friends, and he always puts others first.