So, that was the main story of Borderlands 2, the first game in the Borderlands series. Now that that’s out of the way I want to spend a little time talking about the game’s DLC. As you may have heard, Borderlands 2 has received quite a bit of DLC, and a good deal of this  content was actually released with the game.  There are six DLC packs, each of which added new areas to the game, new enemies to fight, and new guns to shoot.  In total, there are a total of eight new areas to explore, and 92 new guns to shoot!

Borderlands 2 is a type of game that is a mix between an RPG and first person shooter game. The major aspect of this game is the loot system. Every time you get a new gun, grenade, rocket launcher, or whatever is in Borderlands 2, you get +1 to your chance to hit on the weapon. The same principle will apply to your skills also.

Boss Fight Guide-Arms Dealer… Hands down, the most difficult and most rewarding mission to complete in Borderlands 2 is the Arms Dealer challenge. A gun for hire named Athena has placed a hefty bounty on the head of every single one of the game’s playable characters, offering a staggering amount of cash for their capture.  However, the catch is that you must first find and beat Athena in a boss fight.  If you don’t, then the heads of all of the game’s playable characters will become available.  Yes, it is that formidable.  Not only that, the challenge of Arms Dealer is to get the most cash per head, so you must fight as many of

overlook mailbox

This mission may be found on the bounty board in Overlooks. Zed is in need of your assistance in obtaining some “merchandise” for his store. You’ll need to collect your arms fast since you’re dealing with real arms. You’ll have just two minutes to gather them. This is the most efficient method I discovered for going to all of them.

arm 1[]

Arm #1

The first is in a mailbox just outside of Overlook (which is the container for all of the arms). Simply take it in your hands, and the clock will start ticking.

Arm #2

The second arm of the Highlands may be located in the far southwest corner. It will be near the bridge in the outpost. To go to the complex, you’ll have to climb up the ladder. Keep an eye out for threshers, but don’t spend time attempting to kill them. This rule applies to every other opponent you encounter throughout this mission.

Arm #3

This arm may be found on the Highland map to the Mercury Induction Center’s center. It will be in front of the Hyperion container for storage. Keep an eye out for EXP loaders.

Arm #4

The fourth arm is hidden in a mailbox near the Isotope Reclamation Center. The hole will be inhabited by many stalkers, making grabbing this one claustrophobic and tough. The door to the tiny shanty home will also prevent you from making a quick escape. Climb over the roof by climbing the nearby boxes.

Arm #5

The last one will be held in the Old Mill, which is located only a short distance from the Reclamation Center. Drive up to the mailbox and take it, then drive over the edge to return the arms.

zed po box[]

Return the arms to Dr. Zed’s Overlook P.O. Box and you’ll be handsomely compensated for this strange and mysterious task. Well, that’s life. As long as you’re being paid, who cares?


$173 in cash

Item: a shield or an item at random

1604 hours of experience

You are a T-Rex weapon dealer. You have a lot of weapons to sell. Which ones should you sell?. Read more about borderlands 2 side missions and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you beat arms dealing in Borderlands 2?

Arms dealing is a side quest in Borderlands 2. You can find it by going to the armory and selecting arms trading from the menu.

Is being an international arms dealer Legal?

Being an international arms dealer is legal.

Where to get the good the bad and the Mordecai?

The good, the bad, and the Mordecai is a song by American rock band Fall Out Boy. It was released on October 20, 2008 as the lead single from their album Infinity on High.

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Holly is the smartest person you will ever know (Or so she tells us lol). She's a gamer by heart, and an author by soul. Writing for the website g15tools is a dream come true for her - she loves being able to share her thoughts and insights with others who love gaming as much as she does. When she's not writing or gaming, Holly can be found spending time with her friends and family.