Borderlands 3 is a game filled with references, items, and secrets, and it’s not always easy to spot. In fact, the developers aren’t always as coy as some fans would like. Luckily, the community on Reddit and Discord can help to solve some of the mysteries by pointing users in the right direction. So if you’re having trouble finding what you’re looking for, this article should help you.

This week we bring you another Borderlands 3 Easter egg. We have already featured a lot of features, this time we will present a video which shows that the Moonbeam Cutlass is the sword that Edelmann uses in the game. The moon beam can be found in an old ship on the surface of the moon. It is near a ruined ship. The sword itself is located near a small lake.

Every Borderlands game has had hidden secrets and easter eggs, but Borderlands 3 is the most expansive of the series. There is a lot of new things to find and many things have been changed or removed since the last game. Many of these can be found in the ‘Hidden Packages’ that can be purchased in the game, but more can be found by finding them in the game.. Read more about borderlands 3 all references and let us know what you think.

Much like every game so far in the Borderlands franchise, there are a variety of references and treasures just waiting to be found in Borderlands 3. There are references to pop culture, funky writing and a lot more. Read on to find Borderlands 3 all secrets and Easter Eggs that have been discovered so far.class=”jsx-2220867494 jsx-1903702008 wiki-section”>

All mysteries and Easter eggs in Borderlands 3 #1: Captain America meets Zane

The first of all Borderlands 3 mysteries and Easter Eggs is a huge Marvel reference that only a non-Marvel fan could miss. If you’ve previously played part of Borderlands 3, you’ll be familiar with how the in-game talents tree works. You’ll note that each of the abilities you discover for the playable characters comes with a pretty long descriptive text that explains precisely what the skill can accomplish. One talent from the character Zane, in particular, has a clear Marvel allusion right in the skill description language. Check out Zane’s Quick Breather talent, which gives him the ability to replenish his shield faster before returning to combat.


You’ll note the line “I can do this all day” throughout the text, which Captain America says a number of times throughout the films, with one of the most recent occurrences in Avengers: Endgame. As we all know, Captain America never leaves home without his shield, thus combining this statement with Zane’s cheery shield makes a lot of sense and isn’t a terrible allusion.

We’ll keep this page updated as we uncover more Borderlands 3 all secrets and Easter Eggs, but for now, that’s the whole list of riches and allusions found so far in the game.

Do you know of any Easter eggs in Borderlands 3 that we’ve missed? Please let us know!

Gearbox Software’s “Borderlands” series is one of the most beloved action-RPG franchises of all time, and “Borderlands 3” is its latest iteration. The developers of the series have been consistently releasing new info and content on the game, so it’s never too late to dive in and play. We’ve collected all the info we could find in one place, along with some Easter Eggs and secrets that we found in the game so far. If you don’t mind spoilers, read on!. Read more about borderlands 3 secret weapons and let us know what you think.

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Holly is the smartest person you will ever know (Or so she tells us lol). She's a gamer by heart, and an author by soul. Writing for the website g15tools is a dream come true for her - she loves being able to share her thoughts and insights with others who love gaming as much as she does. When she's not writing or gaming, Holly can be found spending time with her friends and family.