Over the years, the information sector has seen many changes. The first developments were driven by the desire to start making the process better, but it has advanced to much more than these today. From the humble beginnings of the printing press to the boundless reaches of the Internet, a lot of change happened. While the printing press was a huge change from the drawings on caves or the handwritten scrolls, the Internet was still better.

With the emergence of the World Wide Web, many things became possible, and people got some sort of independenсe. It is not a surprise that lots of sectors were influenced as a result. Buying groceries, clothes, and furniture happens online; the concept of reading is replaced with audiobook listening; your 7Slots giriş information gives you access to the gaming site to win extra cash and be entertained with no need to visit land-based casinos. The Internet is one of the technologies that made all of this possible. So. let’s discover this digital landscape, where information knows no bounds, transcending geographical barriers and temporal constraints.

The Evolution of Mass Media

When dealing with mass media messages, the connection is impossible without a third party — technology. Mass media entails transmitting information to many people simultaneously through print or electronic means.

As we go down memory lane, reviewing the various forms of mass media, it is important to take note of some things. The most important is to notice how the speed of the techs used for news conveying has advanced and how new media formats are developed in this digitized age. For instance, writing took more than a hundred years to become feasible and about a thousand years for printing to become established. On the other hand, audiovisual media — television, radio, and movies became popular after just a couple of decades. In addition, digital media gained prominence in even less time.

Let’s look at the stages of advancement from the printing press era to one where the Internet finally became a thing.

Printed Media

Writing is one of the forms of expression for humans. Before the era of the printing press, people had to handwrite manuscripts and reproduce them. This was a lot of work, and the processes took time and skill to complete. Due to this, books became too expensive for the average person to get. Hence, only the privileged and powerful people in society could purchase them. Since only a few people could read and write at this time, books were not in demand as much as they are today.

From the Printing Press to the Internet: How Information Access Has Transformed Society

Then came German printer and blacksmith, Johannes Gutenberg, who began this version of production. He used the press to mash the paper against the typeset. This made the process more effective and faster compared to the Chinese manual method. It birthed the newspaper, magazines, and books.


The origins of the radio can be traced back to the invention and prominence of the telegraph. While using the telegraph, messages were encoded and decoded from dots and dashes on either end of the cable. Then, it evolved, and its lines began to send messages across the Atlantic. Initially, it could only send about six words per minute. We can literally hear you saying that it is very different from what we have now. However, there was still a problem, as the telegraph couldn’t transmit human voices and messages besides the ones translated into coded electrical pulses. Also, any tool not connected to a cable couldn’t use this technology.

The solution to this was the wireless telegraph designed by Marconi. He used electromagnetic waves to send signals coded into pulses. This worked and became the precursor to what we now know as the radio. Although he was the one to adapt the existing Morse code to wireless transmission, he didn’t think of sending real music or human sounds. However, others came together to expand his work and give us the current radio.


It is fun to listen and watch something simultaneously. Before the emergence of television, photographs were a thing. Hence, people began to explore and experiment to see how far this technology could stretch. This brought about motion pictures — a combination of photographs.


At the same time, wireless transmission and sound recording were in play. Movie technology was the first, and it developed more quickly than television, which came after. The early television was mechanical and had to be turned or moved. What a striking difference from the electronic one that we use in this digital era! After the major network broadcasts came satellite and cable TV.

The Internet

The digital age birthed the World Wide Web, and this is one of the privileges that we enjoy today. It is constructed with a digital binary code that comprises ones and zeros. It can be difficult to comprehend, especially if compared with the following:

  • Paper – a medium for books;
  • Radio waves – for broadcasting sounds;
  • Cables – for television.

Rather than these old techniques, information now travels in light pulses representing digits — digital code. However, times have changed. Now, a person can listen to the radio, read a book, and access as much cable TV as possible with the Internet. However, it is important to acknowledge all of these. This is because Internet technology would have been impossible without the digital code, together with fiber optic cables and microprocessors. The implementation of these innovations allows information to travel around the globe seamlessly.

Get Information and Get Entertained!

There are lots of advantages and privileges that the Internet feeds us with. One such is the ability to access information whenever we feel like it. Hence, you can self-learn different things and have fun doing them. All it takes is clicking your smartphone or PC and connecting to stable Internet networking.


Holly is the smartest person you will ever know (Or so she tells us lol). She's a gamer by heart, and an author by soul. Writing for the website g15tools is a dream come true for her - she loves being able to share her thoughts and insights with others who love gaming as much as she does. When she's not writing or gaming, Holly can be found spending time with her friends and family.