The Yakuza series may be known for its grungy, realistic portrayal of Japanese culture, but that only scratches the surface when it comes to the wide range of side quests that can be completed in the latest entry in the Yakuza series. Side quests offer a range of different activities from basic street brawling to more complicated tasks for each of the four playable characters.
Yakuza 4 has a very large and complex side quest system, and I will not try to go over the entirety of them in this guide. Below is a list (not all of them, as some are pretty hard to unlock) of the side quests you can unlock in the game, as well as detailed instructions on how to unlock them.
Yakuza 4 is the most recent and awesome installment of the Yakuza franchise, a game that’s literally a crime story where you play as a rookie cop in the Japanese mafia. Players follow the story of Kazuma Kiryu, a former yakuza turned cop, as he attempts to balance his new life as a cop, while trying to live up to the reputation of his former yakuza gang. As you play, you’ll see a lot of Yakuza games and characters pop up. We’re here to help you keep track of them all!
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Selphie1999.weebly (formerly known as Selphie1999.weebly)
On August 7th, 2020, Selphie1999Gaming was founded.
The Yakuza series had a lot of intense stories and adventures behind them. In this guide, we shall have a look at all the Side Quests of Kamurocho. Also, there will be a guide of Kamurocho.. Read more about akiyama substories yakuza 5 and let us know what you think.
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