Discord is a great way to have conversations with friends who aren’t available during normal business hours. It’s also a great way to have a discussion with your guild, guild members, or a private group. It’s a great tool, but a lot of people don’t know how to use it. There are a lot of commands you can use, and this list of commands is a complete list of everything Discord has to offer. We’ve made it easy for you to see, what’s on Discord, and how to use it.

Discord is one of the most popular services today, used by millions of gamers across the globe. What many do not know is that Discord also contains a great deal of hidden commands, some of which can make your life much easier. Here is our complete list of all Discord commands.

Discord is a messaging app for gamers, services, and gamers. Discord is one of the most popular chat apps for gamers, but it can also be used for text-based communication between gamers or non-gamers.. Read more about discord command list and let us know what you think.

Discord is a wonderful program with many features, and not understanding how to use the discord commands on a server makes you feel isolated and unhappy.

You don’t want to be left out of the fun when all of your pals are taking advantage of them. Do you think so?

Don’t worry, I’ve investigated and discovered the most frequently used Discord commands, as well as a few more to surprise your Discord buddies.

What are Discord commands, and how do I use them?

Commands are Discord commands that may be used to do different activities or interact with bots. For example, they can be used to play music from the internet, read texts aloud, play text games, make administration simple, and so on.

So, keep reading until the end to discover all of the amazing Commands.

Have you been banned from Discord? Check read our other article on how to get rid of Discord IP bans.

On Discord, below is a list of commands.

  • Discord Commands Included
  • Commands for Mee6
  • Carl-Instructions bot’s
  • Commands for the Dynobot
  • Commands for a Fantastic Bot
  • Commands of the YAGPD

Also, if you want to spice up your discord chat messages, check out our discord text formatting tutorial.

Discord Commands Included

These Discord commands may be typed into any server’s text box and do not need the usage of a bot since they are built-in to Discord to do certain native functions, making it more attractive and enjoyable to use.

Check read our other article on how to solve Discord Screen Share Audio Issues.

‘/’ was used as a keyword.discord-commands

The following is a list of Discord’s built-in commands:

  1. /nick[nickname]

If you don’t like the nickname you were given automatically or by the server’s leader, you may change it in the settings if permitted, but the simpler method is to use the command, which will change your nickname on the server you entered it on, plus it’s a really nice and easy way to change your nickname.

Better Discord has finally listened to its users and introduced this fantastic feature to their program. If you’re having trouble hearing individuals on Discord, see our separate article.

Note that this will only function if the server has enabled nickname change rights.

  1. /tenor[word]

Look for animated GIFs on the Tenor website based on the term entered in the command. The gifs will appear above your text, and you may choose one from there.

  1. /giphy[word]

GIPHY is a website where you can find animated GIFs. The gifs will appear above your text based on the term you put in the command, and you may choose one from there.

  1. [Word or phrase] /tts

This is the command. The message you typed following the command is read out to all the users in the channel that are presently online.

So, your Discord isn’t starting up? Discord won’t open on Windows or Mobile? Here’s how to solve it.

  1. /me [phrase or word]

This command accentuates the word or phrase you enter following the command, and italicizes or boldens the message. Check out our guide on how to activate Discord’s push-to-talk feature.

  1. [Word or phrase] /spoiler

Your message in the conversation is blacked out, suggesting that it is a spoiler, and the user may only see it by clicking on it.

  1. /shrug

The emoticon _()_/ is sent to the channel.

  1. /tableflip

In the channel, sends the emote (°°)(

  1. /unflip

 In the channel, sends the emoticon (-).

If you use AirPods, you should be interested in learning how to solve AirPods won’t function on Discord.

Bot Commands for MEE6

MEE6 is a versatile bot that is widely used on Discord. It includes react roles, the ability to play mp3 files, as well as custom commands, moderation commands, and search commands.

Moderation Commands for MEE6: ‘!’ was used as a keyword.

  1. [member]!tempban!tempban!tempban!tempban! [duration] [optional justification]

For a certain period, the person selected is temporarily banned from the Discord server.

  1. !remove [member] [optional]

Removes the selected person from the Discord server.

  1. [member]!tempmute!tempmute!tempmute!tempmute [duration] [optional justification]

The member identified in the server is temporarily muted, and they are unable to talk or text.

  1. !mute[member][optional reason]!mute[member][optional reason]!mute[member]

The member listed in the server is muted, and they are unable to talk or text.

  1. [member]!unmute

Unmutes the selected person in the conversation.

  1. !slowmode [timeout] (optional) [ off option]

Slow mode is enabled or disabled in a channel to restrict the number of messages a user may finish in a certain amount of time.

  1. [member]!infractions

Indicates how many server violations the given member has.

  1. !warn [member]!warn [member]!warn [member] [optional justification]

Warns the selected member about violating a rule or other infractions.

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to repair screen sharing on Discord that isn’t functioning.

  1. !kick [member]!kick [member]!kick [member] [optional]

Removes the given member from the server.

  1. [optional member]!clear!clear!clear!clear!clear [optional tally]

Deletes the given member’s messages from the channel.

MEE6 Commands for Searching

  1. [search]!youtube

Looks for the YouTube video that was referenced.

  1. imgur!imgur!imgur!imgur!imgur!imgur!imgur!

Looks on Imgur for the meme you’ve provided.

  1. [search]!twitch

On twitch, it looks for a particular stream channel.

  1. !urban [lookup]

Searches the Urban Dictionary for the slang mentioned.

  1. !pokemon!pokemon!pokemon!pokemon

Searches the Pokeapi Pokedex for a particular pokemon.

  1. [search]!anime

Kitsu searches for the Anime selected.

  1. [search]!manga

Kitsu searches for the Manga given.

Making Custom MEE6 Commands

So, no alerts appear in your Discord? Check read our helpful article on how to repair discord alerts that aren’t functioning.

The procedures for creating MEE6 Custom Commands are as follows:

  1. Log in to your MEE6 account dashboard.
  2. Go to Dashboard and choose the server for which you want to create Custom commands.
  3. Choose Custom Commands from the drop-down menu and then click Create a Command.
  4. After the! keyword, type the command name you want in the box.
  5. When the command is activated, enter the answer into the field; the Bot will reply with this.
  6. From the bottom of the screen, choose Add.
  7. Go ahead and put the command to the test on your Discord server.

Carl-Instructions Bot’s

This is a bot that is used to establish response roles, maintain logs, and store conversations; it also has sophisticated AutoMod capabilities that prevent spam materials or links from being posted and penalize individuals who do so; it also has some entertaining stuff to go along with the moderation to keep things interesting.

‘!’ was used as a keyword.

The Carl-Bot Commands are listed below.

Carl-Commands Bot’s for Moderation

  1. !ban[member] [time] [reason]

Even if the user is not on the server, the member is banned from it for the given amount of time.

  1. !mute[member] [time] [reason]

If no time is specified, the member is muted forever.

  1. !hardmute[member] [time] [reason]

The individual is muted, and all of the User’s roles are removed.

  1. !unmute[member]

The member in the server or channel is unmuted.

  1. !kick[member] [reason]

The member is kicked from the server.

  1. !softban[member] [time] [reason]

Immediately bans and unbans to erase 48 hours of communication history.

  1. !tempban[member] [time] [reason]

For the given length of time, a user is banned.

  1. ! massban[member][time][reason]

Allows more than one individual to be banned at the same time.

  1. !warn[member] [reason]

Warns the user of a potential infraction.

  1. !warns[member]

Lists all of the member’s current warnings on the server.

  1. !purge[number]

Deletes the most recent messages.

  1. add[role]!autorole!autorole!autorole!autorole!

When a user joins the server, he or she is immediately given a role.

  1. !cat

In the conversation, it shows you a random cat.

  1. !dog

In the conversation, it shows you a random dog.

  1. !aww

In the conversation, it will show you a random adorable animal.

  1. !catbomb

In the conversation, you’ll get 5 links to cat pictures.

  1. !dogbomb

In the conversation, you’ll get 5 links to dog pictures.

  1. !awwbomb

In the conversation, you’ll get 5 links to adorable animal pictures.

  1. ! summon[channel]

The bot will be summoned to your channel or the one you choose.

Carl-Music Bot’s Orders

  1. ! play[name/link]

The song or playlist from YouTube is played.

  1. !queue

The playlist’s queue and duration are shown.

  1. !np

Displays the currently playing music.

  1. !skip

If you’re the moderator or the one who played the music, it skips it; otherwise, it voteskips.

  1. !stop

Stops playing the current song and clears the song queue.

  1. !pause

The music is paused.

  1. !resume

The music is resumed.

  1. !shuffle

The playlist is shuffled.

Commands for the Dyno Bot

This is a fun bot with a variety of commands that can be used for fun and moderations. You can administer the server, take care of it, and even play rock-paper-scissors to determine what to do.

‘?’ was used as a keyword.

The Dyno bot has the following commands:

Moderation Commands for the Dyno Bot

  1. ?additionalmod [role]

A moderator position is added.

  1. ?block [user] [limit] [reason]

The user is either temporarily or permanently banned.

  1. ?unban[user/id] [optional justification]

The person who was previously banned is unbanned.

  1. ? softban[user][reason]

Bans and Unbans erase the User’s communications in order.

  1. ?kick[user][reason]

The user is removed from the server.

  1. ?mute[user] [limit] [reason]

For a certain period of time, the user is muted.

  1. ?unmute[user]

The user is unmuted.

  1. ?lock[channel](time)(message)

Locks the channel and sends a message for the duration specified.

  1. ?unlock[channel](message)

The channel on the Discord server is unlocked.

  1. [channel]?announce everyone [message]

This command sends a message to everyone on the specified channel.

  1. ?member[role]

Up to 90 members of the job may be listed.

  1. ?warn[user] [reason]

When a user breaks a rule, this function notifies them.

  1. ?warnings[user]

The user’s warnings are shown here.

  1. ?note[user][text]

Adds a remark to the user’s profile.

  1. ?notes[user]

Displays the user’s previously written notes.

  1. ?clearnotes[user]

Removes all notes from the user-specified folder.

  1. ?deafen[user]

The user is deafened.

  1. ?undeafen[user]

The user is deafened.

  1. ? modlogs[user]

The list of moderation logs for a particular user is returned.

  1. ?clean

The Dyno replies are removed from the server.

  1. ?dog

Creates a dog picture at random and uploads it to the channel.

  1. ?cat

Creates a cat picture at random and uploads it to the channel.

  1. ?pokemon[name]

Provides information about the pokemon, including its abilities, type, height, and weight.

  1. ?itunes[title of song]

Gives you details about the song, such as the artist’s name and the title of the album.

  1. ?roll[number of dice/dice size]

In the channel, roll a die or several dice.

  1. ?flip

Tosses a coin and tells you the outcome.

  1. ?rps

On the channel, we used to play rock-paper-scissors.

  1. ?country[code]

Provides information about the country’s population, capital, area, and currency.

  1. ?norris

You’ll be given a random Chuck Norris fact.

  1. ?space

This page contains information about the International Space Station.

  1. ?dadjoke

Brings up a random internet dad joke and broadcasts it on the channel.

  1. ?poll “[message]” “[choice1]” “[choice2]”?poll “[message]” “[choice2]”?poll “[message]” “[cho

Creates a poll for viewers to vote on in the conversation.

  1. ?afk

Creates an AFK status for you that will be shown whenever you are referenced.

  1. ?afk set

Shows an AFK status for you, which is shown along with your username when you are referenced.

  1. ?afk oblivion

Even after you return, the AFK status is maintained.

  1. ?color [hexadecimal]

Provides information on the hexadecimal color code.

  1. ?randomcolor

Gives you a random hex color to look at in the channel.

  1. ?remindme[time] [reminder]

Creates a channel-specific reminder.

  1. ?avatar[user]

In the conversation, displays a larger version of the User’s avatar.

  1. ?dynoav

For you, it creates a dyno-like avatar.

  1. ?whois[mentioned by a user]

Gives all of the user’s information, including when they joined the server, when they signed up for Discord, and what roles they play on the server.

  1. ?membercount

The number of users on the server is shown.

  1. ?emotes

Displays all server-specific emotes.

  1. ?distance [co-ordinate] [co-ordinate]

The distance between two specified locations is returned.

  1. ?serverinfo

This page contains information about the server, such as the number of members, channel, and persons online.

Bot Commands That Are Awesome

In-chat polls, the option to kick or ban, and information from Wikipedia are all features of a healthy bot used for moderation while making messaging into a fun sport.

“@GAwesomeBot” was used as a keyword.

Some of the GAwesome bot’s instructions are as follows:


  1. @GAwesomeBot ban <username>[<reason>]

The given User is banned and all of the User’s communications are deleted from the server; a reason is recorded if one is supplied.

  1. @GAwesomeBot kick <username>[<reason>]

This command, like the ban command, kicks the user-specified and records the reason if one is given.

  1. @GAwesomeBot messages [<user or “me”]

This command displays the amount of messages delivered by the user or you in the last week; without a parameter, it displays a list for the whole server.

  1. @GAwesomeBot mute <username>[<reason>]

Mutes the user specified in a specific channel, along with a cause if one is given, and also prevents the user from sending messages to the channel.

  1. @GAwesomeBot nuke <search limit> [<content> or “:” <query> or <User ID>]

This Commands delete messages from the channel, depending on the type of query you can delete the last n number of messages using <search limit> only, remove messages containing a specific string or word using <search limit>[<string>], remove all messages in search limit except the one matching the query using <search limit>[:<query>] or remove all messages from a particular user by using <search limit> @username.

  1. @GAwesomeBot softban <username>[<reason>]

This ban does not erase all of the user’s communications, but it does record the reason if one is given.

  1. @GAwesomeBot strike <username>[<reason>]

Issues a strike against the user given, records the cause if one is provided, and notifies the user that a strike has been issued.

  1. @GAwesomeBot strikes [<user>]

This command displays a list of users that are currently on strike on your server.

  1. @GAwesomeBot unban <username>[<reason>]

The selected member is unbanned.

  1. @GAwesomeBot unmute <username>[<reason>]

Unmutes the person, allowing them to talk in the channel.

  1. @GAwesomeBot 8ball <question>

Gives you a prediction or answer to your query based on pre-programmed answers; you may use it to forecast the future or just have fun with it.

  1. @GAwesomeBot anime <query>[<limit>]

Kitsu.io is used to look up information on the anime provided.

  1. @GAwesomeBot avatar <username>

Displays the given person’s avatar.

  1. @GAwesomeBot calc <expression>

Returns the result of a mathematical expression that you wish to solve.

  1. Cat @GAwesomeBot

In the conversation, you’ll get a lovely picture of a cat at random.

  1. catfact via @GAwesomeBot

Facts about cats will amuse you and your server.

  1. @GAwesomeBot, choose option 1 or option 2.

Creates a poll for channel members to vote on.

  1. @GAwesomeBot convert <numerical quantity> <original unit> to <desired unit>

Units of measurement, currencies, and temperature are all converted.

  1. @GAwesomeBot count <name>[|”.” Or”+1” or”-1”]

Keeps track of a variety of items on the server.

  1. @GAwesomeBot countdown [<event>][|<time from now>]

A timer for an event in the channel is started.

  1. emotes from @GAwesomeBot

The custom emotes accessible on the server are listed here.

  1. @GAwesomeBot good luck

Gives you a heavenly proverb about your destiny. This is simply some amusement-seeking fortune-telling from the internet.

  1. a joke from @GAwesomeBot

Gives you a random internet joke.

  1. Year of the @GAwesomeBot

Gives you the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds till the next year, in days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

Commands in YAGPDB

A highly helpful bot that offers a variety of features such as moderation, Reddit feeds, role functions, custom commands, and more.

“-” was used as a keyword.

General Orders

  1. -[command: Text] -[command: Text] -[command: Text] –

Shows assistance for all or a single command.

  1. -Info

This command provides you with information about the bot.

  1. -Invite

Responds with a link to a bot invite

Commands for tools and utilities

  1. -Calc <expression>

Provides you with the answers to basic mathematics problems.

  1. -Ping

The latency from the bot to the server is returned.

  1. -CurrentTime <Zone:Text>

Shows the current time in several time zones, or simply the current time if no parameters are specified.

  1. -MentionRole <Role:Text> [Message:text]

This requires the manage roles permission and the bot being above the stated role to grant a role to mentionable, mention the role provided, and then put it back.

  1. –ListRoles

This command displays a list of all the roles in the channel, including their IDs, permissions, and other information.

  1. -Poll <Question> <option1> <option2>………<option x>

Creates a Reaction poll for the channel’s viewers to vote on.

  1. -How can I find out who [user] is?

Provides information about the user-specified object.

  1. -[user] Nicknames

Shows the User’s last 25 nicknames.

  1. -[user] -[user] -[user] -[user] -[user] –

Shows the User’s last 25 usernames.

  1. -Remindme <Time><Message>

Makes a Reminder appointment for you.

  1. -Reminder

Lists all of your active reminders.

  1. -Timezone [Timezone] -Settimezone

Sets the time zone to the one you choose, which may be useful for things like auto conversion.

Commands for a Good Time

  1. -Define <word or text>

Looks up the meaning of the text or term in the urban dictionary.

  1. -Weather <place>

The weather of the location is shown.

  1. -Topic

Provides a random talking subject.

  1. -CatFact

Facts on cats are provided.

  1. -DogFact

Provides information on dogs.

  1. -Advice <Text>

Gives you textual guidance.

  1. -Roll

Makes a dice roll for you.

  1. -WouldYouRather

Gives you two choices from which to select.

  1. -TopServers

Gives you a list of the top 15 servers you’re connected to.

  1. -8ball <question>

Gives you insight into the situation.

Moderation is required.

You’ll need admin or moderator privileges for all of them.

  1. -Ban <user id> [Reason]

The selected member is banned.

  1. -Kick <user id>

The selected member is kicked.

  1. -Mute <user id >

The specified member is muted.

  1. -Unmute <user id>

Unmutes the selected member.

  1. -Report <user-id> <reason>

A member is reported to the server’s staff.

  1. -Clean <whole number>

The number of recent messages in the conversation is deleted.

  1. -Warn <user-id><reason>

The bot notifies the user of the infraction, which is then logged.

  1. -warning <user-id>

The warnings against the user are listed here.

  1. -EditWarning <ID> <message>

The first number of each warning from the warning command is used to edit a warning.

  1. -DelWarning <ID>

Deletes the warning associated with the specified ID, where id is the first number of each warning in the warning command.

  1. -ClearWarnings <user-id>

Removes any warnings that have been issued against the user.

  1. -GiveRole <User-id> <role>

Gives the given user the role.

  1. -TakeRole <User-id> <role>

The role of the given user is removed.

These are only a handful of the instructions the bots must master. If you want to learn more, go to their respective websites and look at all of them.

Fixing Discord’s no-route issues is simple.


What is the purpose of Discord commands?

Answer: Discord commands are simple to use; they must be entered in the server’s chatbox following the task’s convention, which is typically followed by a keyword and then the task’s name.

What’s the deal with commands not functioning on Discord?

Answer: This may happen for a variety of reasons, including the bot not being added to the channel, you putting the instructions in incorrectly, the bot not being set up, typing errors, or the task authorization being denied.

What exactly are bots on Discord?

Bots are artificial intelligence (AI) or computer programs that do helpful activities such as banning individuals who use obscene language, greeting new members, playing music, and so on. By adding the bots to your server and entering instructions into the server’s chatbox, you may utilize them.

Question: Where do I look for commands?

Answer: You can view commands by entering ‘/’ in the server’s text box, or if you want to see particular bot commands, type ‘help’ after inputting the keyword the bot uses for instructions, for example:’/help’,’; helpd’.

Last Thoughts

The commands are a simple and fast method to improve your Discord experience. Furthermore, the bots’ orders are useful and entertaining to use, and although they do require some getting accustomed to, they are well worth the effort.

So, if you utilize any of the instructions I listed and find them helpful, please let us know and tell your friends and family about it.

Discord is an IRC-like app that has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. Discord is different from other chat apps because it provides a powerful platform for gamers to chat with each other. Discord has a great feature called “CLI” which is a command line interface that can be used to perform certain tasks. With the help of Discord CLIs, you can download bots, send messages to other users, change default settings, etc. Here is a list of all the popular Discord CLIs to get started.. Read more about funny discord commands and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:”https://schema.org”,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are all the Discord commands?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
!ping – Pings the server
!uptime – Shows how long the server has been up for
!whois – Shows information about a user, including their rank and role
!history – Lists all of the history of the channel”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are good Discord commands?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The best commands are !ping, !welcome, and !rules.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What does Cmds mean in Discord?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Cmds are commands that can be typed into a chat or voice channel.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What are all the Discord commands?

!ping – Pings the server
!uptime – Shows how long the server has been up for
!whois – Shows information about a user, including their rank and role
!history – Lists all of the history of the channel

What are good Discord commands?

The best commands are !ping, !welcome, and !rules.

What does Cmds mean in Discord?

Cmds are commands that can be typed into a chat or voice channel.


Holly is the smartest person you will ever know (Or so she tells us lol). She's a gamer by heart, and an author by soul. Writing for the website g15tools is a dream come true for her - she loves being able to share her thoughts and insights with others who love gaming as much as she does. When she's not writing or gaming, Holly can be found spending time with her friends and family.