
Inside The Game


Epic Games is an entertainment company that develops video games and publishes them through its Epic Games subsidiary. The company is best known for the Unreal Engine, which has been used to develop games including Gears of War, Unreal Tournament and Infinity Blade.

This Fortnite skin doesn’t have much of a backstory, but it’s fantastic. It’s a skin that puts you in the shoes of a trained agent sent to infiltrate a hideout of one of the game’s antagonists. As you can see from the image above, the skin is pretty light and looks pretty cool. It’s a skin that, when worn, makes you look like you’re on the job.

The Fortnite Stolen Skin’s response to this tweet originally came off as snarky and entitled, but Epic Games’ rep quickly set things straight. In the latest episode of Fortnite Insider, Epic designer Steve Evans posted a response to the situation that was well-received by many. Evans said, “Fortnite is an inclusive game that doesn’t allow for sexism or other forms of exclusion. If you are looking for a more serious experience, we recommend trying other games.”. Read more about epic games and let us know what you think.

Latest Fortnite skin thievery news:

Since the below allegation first went widespread among Fortnite players and the media, it has been revealed that the picture posted was really a fake. Three different sources have verified that the Fortnite stolen skin was not plagiarized: Pyro-Zombie, DeviantArt, and DingDongVG, who have all claimed on Twitter that Epic Games did not plagiarize the skin.

According to the sources, an original DeviantArt picture was discovered using Google cache, and the aforementioned Fortnite stolen skin was just recently uploaded online. To put it another way, Epic came up with the design first.

It’s a hoax.

April 1, 2019 — Ding Dong (@DingDongVG)


The truth behind Fortnite skin theft

The following is what Pyro-Zombies had to say about the allegedly stolen Fortnite skin:

”Update 3: Please keep it polite and don’t harass this person; they’re most likely a child, and frightening them away from the internet won’t help anybody.

Update 2: Before they removed the article with the “original design,” I was able to archive it:…

They seem to have erased the photos. 

—————————————————————————————– I tried posting it on Reddit, but my account is too new, and it’s too lengthy to put on Twitter, so I’ll publish it here.

I’m certain it’s a forgery.

You may have already heard about it; it’s all over twitter/reddit, and some people are talking about it on DeviantArt. Here’s the original tweet: TV/status…

( If you want to share it, I made a twitter post:… ) I’m an artist myself, and I was offended by this, but the more I looked into it, the more strange it sounded to me, so here’s what I found out, and why I’m certain this deviantart user made it up. 

*Something to have in mind is that when you edit a picture on deviantart it still keeps the date of when it was submitted, so if you have an old deviation from let’s say 2005 and you edit it and change the picture for one of 2019, it would still show the 2005 date instead of the date it was edited This is the artists page where you can see the “original pic” on their gallery:

and here’s a cached version of the same page:

Here are some more screenshots of the altered image taken by a different person:…

The title of the cached image was “U can’t touch this l Sketch,” while the fresh picture’s title is “no lo PUDES TOCAR JODER.”

They replied on the photo, claiming that they simply changed a watermark, however the cache reveals a completely different image.

Also, if you view the image from the cached version in a new tab, it takes you to the “original design” post, not the one displayed in the cache, as you can see:…

Here’s an earlier version of the design:… But it was also altered; unfortunately, this one isn’t visible in the cached version, but given the previous evidence, I’m certain this was a completely different photograph that was altered to add to the deception.

I believe it is very obvious that this artist is fabricating everything and that the public is falling for it. I understand that large businesses make mistakes and that we want to support little artists, but we should stop believing everything we read on the internet; just because an artist is tiny doesn’t mean they can’t make mistakes or that they are always the victim when dealing with major corporations.

Also, since I’m in a different timezone, I’m not sure whether this has an impact on the cache date, but you can check it out for yourself at the above link.”

Skin taken from Fortnite (original story)

Taro, a character skin that was introduced into the Epic Games shop back in November, will be familiar to most current Fortnite players (the 14th to be specific). However, a picture of this skin surfaced on Facebook recently, showing the official Taro skin next to a skin image from DeviantArt that had been posted on the social media site a few months before Epic’s version was revealed. The shoulder pads, hair, belt, and horned face mask are all almost similar, as is the design of the shoulder pads, hair, and belt.

When this was discovered, Epic Games contacted Forbes to address the problem of possible plagiarism, to which Epic responded, “We take these allegations seriously and are now examining them.”


Users have already started to voice their emotions in comments on Twitter; ”Ok, This… This is terrible, a business like Epic Games STEALING a tiny artist’s design for profit (since they sell the skin…) They STOLE the whole design without providing any credit or acknowledgment.”

People all over the world of all ages play Fortnite for fun, expressing their creativity with their own custom skins. Some get famous, and others become a meme that gets passed around on the internet. But, as we all know, that’s not enough for many people. So, what’s a few hundred dollars when the internet can make a person a household name overnight?. Read more about epic games metaverse and let us know what you think.

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Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 and Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 are two of my favorite skate videos ever. The graphics are great, and the gameplay is so addictive that I can play them all day long. But for some reason I’ve never been able to perfect all the levels in the games. Today I found out why: I can’t do the Downhill Jam level.

Focus on the video game “Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2” and then jump in to the level of the same name. This level is the last level of the game, known as the “Downhill Jam”. After the game is over, you can continue playing the level again and try to finish it without failing.

This is the beginning of a series that I’m going to be posting called “Focus Guide”. It’s a series where I focus on a level of a certain series and give you tips and tricks to help you better your time on it. This time I will be focusing on Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2 level: Downhill Jam.

Downhill Jam, the most well-known of Tony Hawk’s levels. If you’re anything like me, you’ve come here frustrated. You say, “WHERE IS THAT LAST VALVE?” and I hear you. The same goes for that vexing skill point at the start of the level, or that vexing Huge Water Hazard that refuses to reveal its secret for some reason. So, with photos and everything, I’m here to take you through it all.

Contents Table of Contents: 5 Valves should be opened. Gather SKATE Collect all five hard hats Madonna the Huge Water Gap The Hydrophobic Gap in the Air Get your hands on the top-secret tape Amass Skill Points Locate the Alien and fill in the blanks. Compile a list of Vicarious Visions. Logo

5 Valves should be opened.



Valve 1

Use the slope to your right to ollie onto the pipes immediately as you start. The valve is opened by grinding the pipe.

The first valve is above the first hill in Downhill Jam

Valve 2

This one is just sitting on a ramp near the first big right turn of the level. It’s surprisingly easy to miss if you don’t take this path often.

Valve 2 is to the left of the huge water hazard in Downhill Jam

Valve 3

A valve may be found high on a rail just before the downhill half pipe. You can grind the pipe to open the valve if you take the left ramp before the half pipe.

Vale 3 is above the downhill half pipe in Downhill Jam

Valve 3 is above the downhill half pipe in Downhill Jam

Valve 4

A STEER CLEAR sign separates the route after the half pipe. You should hit the valve if you ollie off the small ramp before it with perfect centering. If that doesn’t work, you can always truck up this barrier from the other side.

Valve 4 is above the STEER CLEAR obstacle in Downhill Jam

Valve 5

The last valve is hidden in darkness shortly before the level ends. To open it, you must either strike it with your body or ride the wall. I suggest approaching it from the side and ollieing over it.

Olli onto the wall at the end to get the last valve in Downhill Jam

Gather SKATE


Letter S

The S can be found just before the level’s first major right bend. Leap from the adjacent ramp to grab it.

The S in Downhill Jam is just off a ramp near the beginning of the level

Letter K

Just before the downhill half pipe, the K sits atop a grindable rail. To get to the rail, jump from the ramp.

The K in Downhill Jam is on a rail just before the downhill half pipe

Letter A

There’s a concrete platform above the downward half pipe with the letter A. Ollie from the quarter pipe below it claims it.

The A in Downhill Jam is above and to the right of the downhill half pipe

Letter T

After the large STEER CLEAR obstacle is another short ramp that will fling you high into the hydrophobic approach. Stay centered off this ramp to collect the T.

The T in Downhill Jam is just off a ramp before hydrophobic

Letter E

The last letter E is located on the other side of the hydrophobic area. Build up enough speed to reach it, since it’s high over a quarter pipe.

The E in Downhill Jam is to the right of hydrophobic

Collect all five hard hats


1st Hard Hat

The first hard helmet will be seen high above the left quarter pipe as soon as you begin. Anyone can get there, but due to the close confines, setting up your shot may be difficult. Pull a hard left (down and left) from the beginning hill to put oneself perpendicular to the rusty texture below it.

Hard hat 1 in Downhill Jam is to the left of the starting position

Hard Hat 2 is a sequel to Hard Hat 1.

The second hard helmet is halfway down the downward half pipe (say that three times fast!) on the left side. For a fast grasp, approach it from an angle.

Hard hat 2 in Downhill Jam is on the left side of the downhill half pipe

3rd Hard Hat

A hole on the right is just after the downhill half pipe. Grab the hard hat from the adjacent ramp (and be sure to grind the sign’s rail to survive).

Hard hat 3 in Downhill Jam is on the sign above the hole

4th Hard Hat

The fourth hard hat is high above the quarter pipe, just before the hydrophobic region. The rust on the ramp shows you how to position yourself for it.

Hard hat 4 in Downhill Jam is to the left of hydrophobic

5th Hard Hat

Take the high route on the right just before the finish line and ollie to the last hard hat.

The last hard hat in Downhill Jam is above the finish line

Get the Secret Tape


Climbing to the highest point in the level and taking a leap of faith are both required to get the hidden recording. To get to the opposite side, take the pipe at Valve 3 up to the plateau where the SKATE “A” was, and then take another pipe to the other side.

The secret tape in Downhill Jam is high above the area just before the downhill half pipe

The secret tape in Downhill Jam is high above the area just before the downhill half pipe


Cross the gap at an angle and ollie up to the bridge as soon as possible (where you can find the Vicarious Visions logo). Continue around the perimeter, ensuring that you ollie the drainage gap.



The secret tape in Downhill Jam is high above the area just before the downhill half pipe

The secret tape in Downhill Jam is high above the area just before the downhill half pipe

As you round the corner, you’ll see the last ramp. But it’s all a ruse! It doesn’t match the platform that holds the secret tape. Ollie does a small right-hand turn off the ramp and grinds the upper rails to grab the tape.

The secret tape in Downhill Jam is high above the area just before the downhill half pipe

The secret tape in Downhill Jam is high above the area just before the downhill half pipe

The Huge Water Hazard Gap in Madonna’s Life


To refresh your Madonna input, go to the Skater menu and look at your grab techniques.

You can’t grind this gap for it to count, so make sure you have enough speed (a full special meter should do) and leap off the nearby ramp at an angle. Hold the Madonna for a moment. If you aim for the path at the end of the pipe, the game with credit you with the gap.

Perform a Madonna off a ramp at the beginning of Downhill Jam

Air Walk the Hydrophobic Gap


To brush up on your Air Walk input, go to the Skater menu and look at your grab techniques.

This void necessitates quickness. Make sure your skater’s points are correctly distributed, then take advantage of the lengthy slope ahead of time to launch into the middle ramps. For a little time, hold the Air Walk. The game will credit you with the gap if you make it to the opposite ramp.

Air walk the hydrophobic gap in Downhill Jam

Amass Skill Points

1st Skill Point

From the beginning of the level, this vert skill point teases you. It’s on a ledge high above the right side with no apparent quarter pipe. You should be able to achieve it with a full Special meter if you use your skill points on Ollie and Air.

There's a skill point high above the first hill in Downhill Jam

For Downhill Jam, consider adding points into Air and Ollie


To land with a full special meter, use the left quarter pipe to perform a quick combination. Then, at the proper time (little later than you would expect), ollie off the opposite hill and you should be able to make it up to the ledge. A tiny quarter pipe on the cliff leads to your skill point.

There's a skill point high above the first hill in Downhill Jam

There's a skill point high above the first hill in Downhill Jam

Point 2 of 2

The second skill point is located just after the first major right bend in the level, and it is readily accessed from the quarter pipe below it.

There's a skill point to the left on the turn before the downhill half pipe in Downhill Jam

3rd Skill Point

The third skill point is located to the left of the hydrophobic area and is readily accessed from the quarter pipe below it.

There's a skill point to the left of hydrophobic in Downhill Jam

Find the Alien

There’s an alien doll you may acquire with no fanfare. Hold down to pause at the beginning of the level. Turn around to face the corner to your left and behind you. You’ll get a new skater if you collect all the aliens.

Find the Alien in Downhill Jam

Fill in the Blanks

Huge Water Risk (1000 points)

This gap will not count if you grind it, so make sure you have enough speed (a full special meter should enough) and jump from the adjacent ramp at an angle. The game will credit you with the gap if you aim for the route at the end of the pipe.

Jump the huge water hazard in Downhill Jam

The Half Pipe on the Downhill (200 points)

You can reach the top of the fence protecting the left side of the half pipe if you go fast enough. If you don’t hold a neutral grind, you’ll only be able to perform a lip trick. To earn this gap, grind the whole fence section.

Grind the downhill half pipe in Downhill Jam

The Other Halfpipe on the Downhill (200 points)

The downhill half pipe’s right side is grindable. Approach it at an angle with enough speed to grind it the whole way.

Grind the other downhill half pipe in Downhill Jam

Flipping a Pipe (1000 points)

If you grind the entire thing, the pipe going from the downhill halfpipe plateau to the bridge approach qualifies as a gap.

Grind the pipe flip in Downhill Jam

Quite a distance (375 points)

Just before the hydrophobic region, there is a sunken ramp that will launch you a long way. Approach it quickly enough, timing your ollie at the ramp’s finish, and get some easy points.

Jump 100ft in Downhill Jam Jump 100ft in Downhill Jam

Hydrophobic (water-repellent) (250 points)

This void necessitates quickness. Make sure your skater’s points are correctly distributed, then utilize the lengthy slope before the middle ramps to rocket off. The game will credit you with the gap if you make it to the opposite ramp.

Jump the hydrophobic gap in Downhill Jam

Neversoft Electric Co. is a company that specializes in providing high-quality (1500 points)

On the right hand side, just after the hydrophobic area and before the finish line, is a tall skyscraper. You may reach the grindable edge of the wall by leaping from the edge of the quarter pipe. To earn this gap, grind the whole length.

Grind the Neversoft Elec Co in Downhill Jam

Take a look at the Vicarious Visions logo.

To get to the opposite side, take the pipe at Valve 3 up to the plateau where the SKATE “A” was, and then take another pipe to the other side.

The secret tape in Downhill Jam is high above the area just before the downhill half pipe

The secret tape in Downhill Jam is high above the area just before the downhill half pipe


Cross the gap at an angle and ollie up to the bridge as soon as possible. The Vicarious Visions logo may be found there and is accessible via ollie.

Olli onto the bridge to get the Vicarious Visions logo in Downhill Jam

Welcome to the first blog post in a series intended to bring you the basics of the Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater game. The purpose of this series is not to teach people how to play the game, but to walk you through a level of it. This is the level that is typically the hardest to master in the game and the one that is most likely to give you a headache. We will teach you how to get past this level and hopefully improve your overall score.. Read more about downhill jam stat points street and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you get on top of the billboard in Downhill Jam?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You need to use the jump pad on the left side of the billboard.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you get the first skill point in Downhill Jam?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You must beat the game on Hard difficulty.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Where is the K in Downhill Jam?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The K in Downhill Jam is located on the left side of the screen.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get on top of the billboard in Downhill Jam?

You need to use the jump pad on the left side of the billboard.

How do you get the first skill point in Downhill Jam?

You must beat the game on Hard difficulty.

Where is the K in Downhill Jam?

The K in Downhill Jam is located on the left side of the screen.

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Apex Legends has been a massive success since it launched last year, which means it’s going to start seeing bots, bots, bots. This isn’t new territory for the game — EA’s titles have always attracted them, and with the growing popularity of the Battle Royale genre, it’s not surprising that those bots are getting increasingly sophisticated.

Apex Legends, the new battle royale game from Respawn Entertainment comes with a problem. The game is popular, in part because of the large amount of playable characters. However, some parts of the game are heavily populated by players from the Chinese region. Phantom of the Opera sketch from YouTube

This morning, the Apex Legends community is going to have a bad day. That’s because there are going to be a bunch of cheaters on the game, and /u/ApexLadders is going to have to deal with it.

Apex Legends has performed very well in its first month, however Asian PC servers are not the ideal location to play since they are presently inundated with Chinese bots blasting advertisements in a loop throughout the hero choosing screen. They disengage from the game as drop off starts, putting the team at a disadvantage.

Will Grass, a Youtuber, has a great example of ad bots at action, which you can see below.

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Monster Rancher 2 Port Headed To The Switch And Mobile Devices In Japan |

Monster Rancher 2 Port Heading To The Switch And Mobile Devices In Japan | Monster Rancher on Switch and Mobile Devices in Japan is a new game in Japan. It was released on June 21, 2018. It is also scheduled for release on mobile devices in Japan in January, 2019. It will be a port release of Monster Rancher 2, originally released on the PS3 in 2008, and later ported to the Xbox 360 in 2011, and the Wii in 2012.

Monster Rancher 2 Port Heading To The Switch And Mobile Devices In Japan |

Monster Rancher 2 (also known as Monster Farm 2 in Japan) will be coming to the Nintendo Switch and mobile devices this year, according to a report in this week’s edition of Famitsu. Koei Tecmo then released additional details, giving us a better sense of what to anticipate from this remake of the PlayStation classic from 1999.

The Monster Rancher 2 adaptation will have over 400 creatures, and new elements, bug fixes, and upgrades will be made to the Switch, Android, and iOS versions of the game, as well as improved visuals and gameplay.

At launch, this version of Monster Rancher 2 will include bluetooth controllers and tournament mode, and Switch users will be able to engage in local two-person fights using one Joy-Con per player. You can also transfer your monsters from Monster Rancher 1 to Monster Rancher 2 (just like the original), but only on the same platform.

The franchise’s signature feature, Disc Stone Reproduction, will be included in Monster Rancher 2 (as it was in the Monster Rancher 1 port). Instead of bursting CDs back in 1999 to create monsters, players may now use the game’s “Music Search” database to do so. To get a particular monster, all you have to do is provide the appropriate song information.

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The King of Fighters is considered by many fans to be one of the best fighting games ever made. The only series to rival it? Virtua Fighter. The King of Fighters was created back in the early 1990s and was released on the actual SNK Neo-Geo home video game console. Since then it has been ported to a variety of platforms, and has spawned multiple sequels, spin-offs, and even a film adaptation.

In just a few short years, the King of Fighters series has grown to be one of the most popular fighting games of all-time. Created by SNK in 1998, the series quickly became a mainstay of the arcade scene, rivaling titles like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat in popularity. The series has seen five distinct console games so far, with more titles planned. The first console game, King of Fighters ’98, came out for the Neo Geo CD in 1998, followed by King of Fighters ’99, King of Fighters 2000, 2002: Unlimited Match, and King of Fighters XI. A brand-new King of Fighters game, King of Fighters XIII, is in the works for release on the Xbox 360.

The King of Fighters (known as KOF) is a fighting game series created by SNK, and it is best known for being one of the earliest fighting series to feature 2D graphics. The King of Fighters (also known as KOF), is a series that has been around since 1994. Each installment in the series, varied in terms of graphics and gameplay, but one thing remains constant, the appearance of the main characters, who are always the same.. Read more about king of fighters characters and let us know what you think.

Since the dawn of time, fighting games have been a component of gaming culture. While the most of them have little plots, it’s difficult to overlook the King of Fighters narrative and the rich history it draws from SNK’s library of games.

The King of Fighters is a fighting game originally developed by SNK and later released by SNK Playmore in 1992. The game is known as Fatal Fury in Japan and in the west, the series is known as The King of Fighters. The series has had a huge following in the fighting game community, with many characters and their own spin-offs and sequels. The series has a rich history, with many memorable moments, which has created a vast amount of history to  fight about.. Read more about king of fighters wiki and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the story of King of Fighters?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The King of Fighters is a fighting game series that has been around since the early 1990s. It is one of the most popular and well-known fighting game franchises in the world, with many sequels and spinoffs.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Who invented King of Fighters?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The King of Fighters was created by SNK, a Japanese company.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What was the first King of Fighters game?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The first King of Fighters game was released in 1994.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the story of King of Fighters?

The King of Fighters is a fighting game series that has been around since the early 1990s. It is one of the most popular and well-known fighting game franchises in the world, with many sequels and spinoffs.

Who invented King of Fighters?

The King of Fighters was created by SNK, a Japanese company.

What was the first King of Fighters game?

The first King of Fighters game was released in 1994.

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Over the past few days, a number of reports have been circulating online claiming that Bethesda has added a sales tax to the game’s in-app purchases in Fallout 76. The news has been met with a mix of both excitement and confusion. The Fallout 76 in-app purchases are essentially the same as with the previous Fallout titles, but players are now being asked to add 2.9% sales tax to their total purchase price.

As with most online games, Fallout 76 charges $60 for the full game experience and then $10 for each additional piece of downloadable content. While $60 is a lot to ask, especially for a game that is not finished yet, it is not a complete surprise.  In a world where free-to-play games are the norm, there is a lot of pressure on Bethesda, the creators of the Fallout franchise, to bring in revenue.

“Nothing is certain except death and taxes,” as the saying goes, and that appears to be the case in Fallout 76, the online multiplayer survival action RPG that debuted to great ignominy last year. Billed as a variation on the shared world shooter with the grim but humorous post-apocalyptic flavor that has become the series trademark, it continues to receive criticism for its glitches, its barren world, and somewha

Nonetheless, it has enough supporters to allow it to continue to be enjoyed for what it is. Unfortunately, numerous upgrades have been released since then, sometimes combining useful improvements with unwelcome ones. The most recent one, released yesterday, is no exception, requiring players to accept that, just as death is a part of Fallout 76’s grim post-nuclear future, so are taxes.

While trading items has always been an option in the game, letting players barter unwanted items with other players, the patch added vending machines. These machines let players set up automated stores at their campsites that anyone can use while they’re out looking for trouble. That means players can stock their campsites with goods for sale, set prices and hope for a bit of revenue. But here’s the catch: 10% tax.

“Whenever a player purchases one of your products, you will be notified. The newest patch notes said that “90% of the selling amount will be credited to your Cap balance.” “This ten percent charge is intended to assist keep the game’s economy healthy and to keep inflation at bay.” By the way, caps aren’t premium money, so there are probably better methods to combat “inflation” than taking it out of digital wallets.

You can only get more caps by killing monsters, selling items to robot merchants, and trading; you can’t simply swipe your credit card and get more right now. Some gamers are understandably annoyed that Bethesda is the market’s unseen hand in their wallet. “How does allocating 10% of our caps to player vending ‘support a healthy game economy?’” On the game’s subreddit, user Panickedsoul posted.

“Do you realize what this is going to do? To make up for the discrepancy, we’ll charge more for the goods than we really desire. “I’d want to know how this benefits gamers in any way,” Panickedsoul said. That’s precisely what’s been going on. To guarantee that gamers understood how to obtain the cap revenue they wanted, Reddit user femiwhat created a simple math tutorial.

This guide will go over the best ways to make the best Mother’s Day ever in Borderlands 2.

It’s no secret that gamers love their mothers, which is why it’s fitting that they’re celebrating them every day this holiday season. (And Mother’s Day isn’t the only day they do this either.) The good news is, there are plenty of easy ways to show your mom you care!

Need some inspiration for the perfect gift for your mother? Go to G15Tools and get the latest in Borderlands 2 guides, strategy tips, and more. For Mother’s Day, we are continuing our tradition of highlighting the best of the best, with a guide to giving your mom the ultimate Borderlands 2 experience, complete with a special bonus—a unique weapon!

One of the last stalkers you kill at the conclusion of the Stalker of Stalkers quest will drop a lock box belonging to the hunter, Taggart. Taggart left a note for his mother, telling her he had a wonderful Mother’s Day present for her, but she never received it since he was devoured by Henry. In Best Mother’s Day Ever, it’s all yours to keep.



Unfortunately, the present is still in Henry’s lair, and opening the chest will need Taggart’s fist. Travel to the Highlands and then to Hunter’s Bane, which is located just outside of Overlook. You’ll discover Henry’s hideout there, but first you must eliminate six of his stalker minions before confronting him. When they’ve gone down, Henry will emerge. Remove his shields with a shock weapon. But beware: as soon as he takes real damage, he may replenish them in an instant.

taggart's chest []

He’ll hide out high on the surrounding cliffs, allowing his stalker brood to attack you. Defeat them and continue to wreak havoc on Henry’s health until he passes away. Take Taggart’s fist from the ground and use it to unlock the chest in Henry’s lair’s center to claim your prize.

REWARD: Best Mother’s Day Ever

Love Thumper shield is an item.

3208 hours of experience

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Where is the best Mothers Day ever in Borderlands 2?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The best Mothers Day ever in Borderlands 2 is the one that you make for your mom.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you make the best Mothers Day ever?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Mothers Day is a day to celebrate the mothers in your life. Its also a day to show them how much you care about them and what they mean to you. One way of doing this is by cooking them something special or giving them a gift.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Where is Henrys lair in Borderlands 2?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Henrys lair is located in the north-west corner of Sanctuary.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the best Mothers Day ever in Borderlands 2?

The best Mothers Day ever in Borderlands 2 is the one that you make for your mom.

How do you make the best Mothers Day ever?

Mothers Day is a day to celebrate the mothers in your life. Its also a day to show them how much you care about them and what they mean to you. One way of doing this is by cooking them something special or giving them a gift.

Where is Henrys lair in Borderlands 2?

Henrys lair is located in the north-west corner of Sanctuary.

Sea of Thieves is an upcoming multiplayer pirate game scheduled to release in March 2026. It’s a pirate game, and pirates often say the world is a sea of troubles. As such, the Tall Tales Riddle Guide is designed to help you solve your troubles. How? It’s a series of riddle guides, each containing a series of riddles that you can solve in order to get a reward.

Sea of Thieves is a game that is filled with tons of misconceptions. Some of these misconceptions are perhaps a result of the game not really being ready for launch, while others are just made up stories put out by players to get an edge. One of the most prevalent of these misconceptions is the story that Captain Windfall of the Grey Fox, a ship with an enormous treasure chest, could not be found on the ship the entire game.

For starters, the characters you meet on Sea of Thieves are not the same as the ones in the game. These people are, in fact, a collection of tall tales, riddles and puzzles, for you to answer. The sea is filled with many such mysteries waiting to be solved—and below, we’ll share some of the most common Sea of Thieves riddles and tall tales.

Learn how to answer the difficult riddles of the Tall Tales and become a pirate legend.

The Tall Tale of the Shores of Gold is made up of nine distinct journeys.

The Shroudbreaker journey is the first in the series, and it sets the tone for the rest of the adventure. Depending on your crew, how aggressive other players are, and how fast you attempt to accomplish each stage, each trip may take anywhere from two to three hours.

Because this is the first trip of its type in the Sea of Thieves, it’s well worth your time to take it all in.

How to Begin the Sea of Thieves Tall Tales

When you reach the mission’s conclusion, the main individual you interacted with at the beginning will usually tell you where to locate the next trip. The Mysterious Stranger, for example, will disclose that Madame Olivia at Plunder Outpost may know anything once you complete the Shroudbreaker.

However, there are times when the quest-giver provides you with minimal information. Follow this instructions or open the Tall Tale, highlight the trip you desire, and click the “further details” option to find out where you should travel next.

You must finish the Shores of Gold Tall Tale in order the first time you play it. Once you’ve completed the Tall Tale, you may go on any trip at any time. Because you haven’t completed the prior trips, you may come across diaries in the wild that you can’t engage with when you first start.

Totem Cheat Sheet for Sea of Thieves

Here’s a cheat sheet for the Sea of Thieves totems you’ll earn during Tall Tales’ major tasks; you’ll need to refer to it later.

The Shroudbreaker, Stars of a Thief, or The Art of the Trickster Tall Tale are the only ways to get these Totems.

These Totems are Trinket-sized and may be stored in Container Chests. The appropriate Totem Vault will be unlocked by each of these Totem Keys. The Keyholes are square-shaped sculptures tucked away amid the rocks, with Totem Cave Paintings nearby.

Totem Keys may only be used by the crew undertaking the Tall Tale, and they cannot be sold to any Trading Company. The Tall Tale will fail if the Totem Key is lost or submerged.

On Large Islands, there are six different kinds of Totem Keys that are needed to open the corresponding Totem Vaults:

Totem Vault Island Location
Totem of the Moon Vault of the Moon The Isle of Crescents Inside the Cave system’s northern reaches.
Totem of the Snake Snake Vault is a vault that houses snakes. Hideaway of the Mermaid In the shadow of the North Western Arch.
Totem of the Scarab Vault of the Scarab Crook’s Hollow is a place in Crook’s Hollow. Close to the waterfall, on the southern cave wall.
Totem of the Boar Vault of the Boar Devil’s Ridge is a mountain range in the United States. On the South East shore, among the rocks.
Totem Shark Vault of the Sharks The Fall of the Kraken To the north, under the Great Arch, among the rocks.
Totem of the Crab Vault of the Crab Uncharted Territory (N-13) Among the coral reefs, in an underwater cave.

Riddles of the Cursed Rogue

The Cursed Rogue Riddles

Sea of Thieves is another basic collection of puzzles. In The Cursed Rogue, you are tasked with tracking down the remains of Briggsy, a Pirate Lord.

You’ll need to pay attention to the island images in the narrative to locate the Skeleton Key. These images will provide information about the island where the Skeleton Key is hidden. Every player’s island will be unique, so you’ll have to depend on the picture clues to help you locate the correct one.

  • Snake Island is part of the “Northern Ancient Isles” group.
  • Shark Bait Cove – “Southern Ancient Isles”
  • Devil’s Ridge from “Eastern Ancient Isles”

You should find several skeletons eager for a scrap (and with the aforementioned key!) if you get to the appropriate area.

When you come across Captain Avery, a skeleton captain who is guarding the key, you’ll know you’ve discovered it. You’ll have to fight and kill the captain in order for him to drop the key. Take it back with you after you’ve received it from him, and you’ll be ready to begin the next phase of the journey.

You’ll need the chest now that you’ve obtained the key – if you flip the pages of your quest book, you’ll discover another entry that specifies specific places (which correlate to landmarks in the book’s drawings!) Check out our route planner to see where you need to travel.

  • Sketch of three Maoi heads – Thieves’ Haven
  • Plunder Valley bird statue drawing
  • Crook’s Hollow rowing skeleton drawing

Riddles from the Legendary Storyteller

This is when things become a little difficult. There are various puzzles in The Legendary Storyteller that correlate to the childish entries in your log book, and they are randomized each time you start the quest.

The Legendary Storyteller Riddles

We’ve included the names of some of Tasha’s stories below, along with the matching island you’ll need to visit; hopefully your book matches up!

  • Treasure Hunting – K9 (Uncharted Island with shipwreck)
  • Mermaid’s Hideaway – Fish Friends
  • Old Salts Atoll is under attack by baddies.
  • The Crooked Masts – Monster Hunting (Shipwreck)
  • Scurvy Isle – Naughty Man
  • Lone Cove has the smallest boat.

Later on, you’ll be handed a plank and given another series of riddles; all you have to do is flip the plank to discover the precise locations where you need go to line up the broken pieces – spoilers!

Riddles of a Thief’s Stars

Stars of a Thief is much more perplexing than the previous game, requiring the explanation of an entire system in order to comprehend its major puzzles. But we’ll get to it later; the first one is pretty straightforward.

The instructions on how to locate the Ancient Spyglass will read one or two ways when you first open your journal – here’s where to go and dig:

  • Rum Runner’s Isle – “Face the North Star” (near a solitary hanging lantern)
  • Twin Groves – “My back to the North Star” (beneath a tree between two rocks)

Things start to become more complicated after that’s worked out. The spyglass displays constellations in the sky that correlate to puzzle entries, which you must decode in order to locate the Star Jewels. We could list it by entry, but because we don’t know whether we have all of them (they’re all random, just as in The Legendary Storyteller), it’s simpler to demonstrate how the constellations operate.

Stars of a Thief Chart(Image courtesy of

You receive a geographical location and a constellation direction to follow in every puzzle we’ve discovered. We’re certain you can solve the case on your own by looking up the location in your provided entry and following the instructions. Here’s what each constellation means in terms of direction:

  • North of the Great Kraken
  • North/North-East Sea Queen
  • North-Eastern Boar
  • East/North-East fish
  • East – Great Warrior/Warmonger
  • East/South-East Crab
  • South-East Scarab
  • South/Southeast Feather
  • South Atlantic One-Eyed Shark
  • South/South-West Bear
  • South-West arrow
  • West/South-West Flame
  • West – Boat
  • West/North-West Snake
  • North West – Eagle
  • North/North-West Turtle

So, if you get the order to “Follow arrow to land unmarked,” you’d look for the direction that corresponds to the Arrow constellation, which in this instance is south-west from your specified position.

Simply take your gems to N13’s subterranean cave to lock them in place and obtain the totem, which, when followed (see the Totem cheat sheet! ), will unlock the ancient chamber.

The second puzzle part begins after you’ve entered; however, now that you’ve grasped the constellation system, it’ll be simple. In this part, you’ll be given a randomized two-stanza poem. Each line, however, correlates to the constellation descriptions in your textbook. You’ll be able to deduce what each line says if you navigate there. The list continues on and on: “Warmonger” means Great Warrior, “Old Mother” implies Kraken, and so on. After you’ve mapped each line to a symbol, match up the blocks in the chamber to accomplish the task. Phew!

Riddles of the Wild Rose

Returning to more straightforward riddles — You must solve a long-winded mystery involving two lovers in The Wild Rose. It will first ask you to locate the Chest of Memories using the quest book’s diary notes.

There are three main places where it may be discovered, and they’re all listed in the logbook – so go to Boulder Cay, Rapier Cay, or Sandy Shallows, depending on what your journal says.

After you’ve dug out the chest, look for the souvenirs, which include a music box and a spice box that can be turned into an enchanted compass. Because this is another instance of randomized entries, below are the titles of each entry and their associated islands:

  • Wanderer’s Refuge – Our First Dance
  • Lagoon of Whispers – Our First Kiss
  • The pig hunt is on! – Sands of Salt
  • I’m doing what I’m greatest at! Boulder Cay is a small island in the Bahamas.
  • It was the day we discovered our pendants! – Sea Dogs Take a Break
  • Lonely Isle (Day 81)
  • Lone Cove – Our First Bounty
  • The Debate – Twin Groves
  • Sailor’s Bounty is the ideal plan.
  • Smuggler’s Bay – Our Promises
  • – Cannon Cove – We made it through our first ambush!

In certain cases, additional steps are required — for example, in ‘Our First Dance,’ you must watch their motions to determine the precise position of the chest – each entry includes a drawing of Rose and George standing over a specific spot – underneath them is nearly always where the chest is!

Trickster Riddles: An Art Form

Returning to perplexing riddles, The Art of the Trickster transports you to Plunder Valley, where you will encounter Salty the parrot. Once you’ve started the quest, go to a nearby cave and rearrange several skeletons in order to free the imprisoned spyglass. Follow the steps below:

  • “Captain points to the fire and ash” – The skeleton should point to the fire.
  • “Hand-in-hand, two lovers confront their fate.” – Make the skeletons that are married clasp hands (ugh!)
  • “The thief hides behind a gold mask.” – Interact with the skeleton holding the mask until they put it on.
  • “The Rum Runner put her drink to rest” – Double-check that the skeleton who is drinking is really drinking.

The cage with the spyglass will be dropped as a result of this. Sorted! Now that you’ve got that, go back through your quest book to find the location of the markings on Discovery Ridge or Plunder Valley – for some reason, the authors of this book have figured out LIDAR, so they’ve made the process simple by marking the skull on each map – simply stand on the point and align the eyes of the broken spyglass on the objects in your eyeline to find the key.

The remainder of the mission is straightforward: leave the island and go to Sailor’s Bounty, where you’ll find a skeleton fragment and a slew of traps. Best of luck!

Riddles of the Morningstar’s Fate

Once you’ve started this mission by going to the Ferry of the Damned (feed the sharks! ), you’ll be told to go to the highest peak of either Kraken’s Fall or Marauder’s Arch (check the wording in your logbook) and you’ll find a sarcophagus with an Enchanted Lantern inside – which will reveal spooky ghosts!

Once you have the light, go to Old Faithful Isle and follow the Morningstar crew’s footsteps across the island, finding the relevant keys to release them. The only thing to keep in mind is that to locate the treasure in the end, you must utilize the map behind the trio, where X designates the location on the island where you must dig — there are no other puzzles to solve.

Riddles of the Morningstar’s Revenge

The logs are in an underwater shipwreck on the south side of Boulder Cay – the next part of the quest is a chest, which is also found here, underneath a palm tree on the opposite end of Boulder Cay – head to Boulder Cay – the logs are in an underwater shipwreck on the south side of the island – the next part of the quest is a chest, which is also found here, underneath a palm tree on the opposite end of Boulder Cay –

Once you’ve put on your fancy new outfit, head to Cannon Cove and kill Captain Gripper for Graymarrow’s Orders, which add a code and a legend to your quest book. There’s no secret to this riddle; all you have to do is match the symbols to the legend, and the game will direct you to the skull – the answers are all laid out for you. Ours was discovered in a cave.

Now go to Sunken Grove, fight Captain Shaw, and take the instructions to decipher the chalice’s location. You may believe you’re done after you acquire the chalice, but you still have to fight Greymarrow. Study your orders again for the last puzzle – on the penultimate page, there will be a letter and a number surrounded by apostrophes – ‘Q’ for Cannon Cove and ‘3′ for Sunken Grove – combine them to obtain Q3, the co-ordinates you’ll need to locate Graymarrow and have your final confrontation. Best of luck!

Riddles of Gold Shores

It’s finally time to set sail for the Golden Shores, but how do you get there?

You’ll find yourself in this mystery pirate el dorado if you go to the Devil’s Shroud.

Once there, you’ll need four tokens from four vaults, each with its own mystery. Here’s how to deal with them.

  • West Vault: Look for four circles on the map on the vault’s center table. Normally, you’d have to hunt out the symbols on your own, but this is a guide, darn it! Kraken, Shark, Turtle, and Flame are in order from left to right.
  • North Vault: Stay away from the spikes and spin the blocks twice until they’re all the same color. You’re searching for snakes the first time, then the three figures holding a flame the second time.
  • East Vault: Look up at the ceiling for a Gold Hoarders key configuration – just create that shape out of the blocks and escape with the token!
  • South Vault: Light the braziers and go through your book for the Southern Vault log; you’re searching for the symbols that are unique to each pillar and can be discovered in any sequence. Grab the medallion by rotating!

Once you’ve obtained the tokens, just place them in the southern Compass Vault, and the remainder of the quest will be a linear run through a trap-filled room, culminating in a devastating boss fight with the Gold Hoarder!

Take your spoils, great pirate!

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What do you get for completing tall tales sea of thieves?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You get a treasure map, which will lead you to a chest of gold.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What order should I play tall tales sea of thieves?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The order of the game is not important, but you should play through each story to get a better understanding of the world and its lore.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the hardest Tall Tale in sea of thieves?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The Kraken is a legendary sea monster that has been featured in many Tall Tales. Its said to be the largest and most fearsome creature of all time, and it will eat anything that comes near it.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you get for completing tall tales sea of thieves?

You get a treasure map, which will lead you to a chest of gold.

What order should I play tall tales sea of thieves?

The order of the game is not important, but you should play through each story to get a better understanding of the world and its lore.

What is the hardest Tall Tale in sea of thieves?

The Kraken is a legendary sea monster that has been featured in many Tall Tales. Its said to be the largest and most fearsome creature of all time, and it will eat anything that comes near it.

Just a quick guide on how I got my hands on a copy of Anthem and how to play the game early, this includes the various ways you can get early access to the game.

You are one of the lucky few to receive a pre-release copy of Anthem. There are many different things you can do with Anthem, so you can enjoy the game in different ways. However, you might be wondering: which character should I play as? Which is the best build to use? Which class is the strongest? You want to be informed on Anthem, and this guide will help you do just that. I will define all the classes, explain what abilities they have, and tell you which build is the strongest.

In case you haven’t heard, Anthem is going to be an Early Access game. If you want to test it out before release and help us get it right, come check out our Anthem guide!

If you were one of the early Anthem demo testers, the good news is that the Anthem early access release is now available. Bioware’s space-based shooting game is offering gamers one final chance to play it, regardless of whether or not they pre-ordered it.

Anthem early access began today at 3 p.m. in the United Kingdom, but we’ve also included timings for the rest of the globe. We’ve also included instructions on how to download the Anthem early access version right now.

Didn’t have a chance to try any of the demos? If this is your first time, our Anthem wiki guide may help you get started.


Anthem’s early access timetable and preparations

This is likely to be one of the final opportunities for gamers to try out Anthem. Anthem’s early access launch is the last act before the game’s official release next week. Because various platforms will function differently with the Anthem early access release, it’s worth reading on to discover how yours will.

15 February 2019 — The Anthem early access release for PC (full title) will need an Origin Premier membership.

Anthem early access for Xbox One and PC (15 February 2019) – Basic Origin/EA Access membership subscription

Anthem will be released on February 22nd across all platforms.

When and where will Anthem be released in early access?


The Anthem early access release starts at the following times, regardless of whether you have EA Access, Origin Access basic, or Premier:

15:00 GMT – United Kingdom

16:00 PDT for the rest of the EU

7:00 a.m. PDT on the West Coast of the United States

10:00 a.m. EDT on the East Coast of the United States

Keep in mind that PC customers with an Origin Premier Access subscription will get access to the game at the specified time. Those with basic access – EA or Origin Access – will have ten hours to play Anthem early access before being booted out. Players will be able to pick up where they left off once Anthem is officially released on February 22nd.

In other words, if you stay on one platform, you won’t lose any of your progress (not jumping from PC to Xbox for example).

Preloads for Anthem’s Early Access release

Because of the game’s many platforms, the Anthem early access release may be a bit perplexing.

The bad news for PS4 owners is that they will have to wait until February 22nd to play the game, with information on when the full release preloads will be available being scarce.

On the other hand, Xbox One on PC will be easily accessible at the time of writing this post, giving you a head start for when the game releases.

Have you seen Anthem yet? It’s now available for purchase on Amazon.

Star Struck Gaming is a member of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Network, an affiliate advertising program that allows sites to earn advertising fees by promoting and referring to

What can be done to make a toxic Steam community actually healthy? I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: visibility. The more visible you are, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to raise awareness of the toxic elements within your community.

Total War: Rome II is still about a month away from release on the PC, but it seems I’m already getting some flack on the Steam forums. Fortunately, in the week since I started commenting, the online hostility has abated somewhat. The trouble started when I started pointing out that many of the forum’s threads, and threads in general, were stagnant and boring. Since then, the negativity has really abated, at least as measured by the number of posts in all threads, and the proportion of negative posts (which tends to be more of a “toxic” than a “troll” in my experience). In short, I’ve helped turn the forum into one that’s more useful to both the community members and their fellow

Total War Dev Says Being Visible Can Turn A Toxic Steam Community Around | I’ve just spent the last few days in total war reddit. This is a reddit community for Total War games. I expect it’s similar to the Steam community, but it’s smaller.

While it’s customary to lament the condition of online gaming communities, combating a poisonous one may be easier than you think. Developer Creative Assembly, according to Grace Carroll, was able to turn around its own communities just by being there. She said that just by participating, they were able to make a significant impact in only a week.

Carroll delivered a thorough and insightful presentation on community management at the Develop conference in Brighton last week, which she claimed is more essential than most studios and developers think. “A lot of studios may consider community to be fluff,” Carroll added. “It’s essential, but it’s not enough to win the game, right?”

“However, the importance of community cannot be overstated. Your gamers, or those that purchase and play your games, are your community. You want to respect them and have a representation in your studio because they’re who you’re creating it for.” Because of the subject matter of Creative Assembly’s Total War series, Carroll said that things may “become very political,” and that the forums “weren’t a very pleasant place to be.””