
Inside The Game


Mega Man X4 is the final chapter of the classic X series. While the previous games were very action-based, X4 is more a puzzle game in its genre. It’s something of a hybrid with some quick-time action mixed in. The game has a lot of levels and is pretty long, but it never gets boring because of the challenges you can tackle as you go along. The game also has the best ending of the series, which is a good way to end it.

In Megaman X4, while riding Armor form, MegaMan can shoot his Dragoon sword. It can hit enemies easily and is good for starting attacks. Magma Dragoon is a variant of Armor Form that is different color, it is stronger than the Armor Form and has more attacks.

Magma Dragoon vs Ride Armor – Mega Man X4 |

This may not be news to you, but it certainly is to me. I had no clue that you could fight Magma Dragoon through a secret chamber utilizing the riding armor for all the times I’d defeated Mega Man X4. With the X buster or the twin cyclone weapon, I’ve always defeated him.

I’ve defeated MMX4 many times with all of X’s forms (Ultimate armor, the normal X4 armor set, ordinary X) and all of Zero’s forms (red Zero and black armor Zero), yet I was unaware of this hidden chamber in Magma Dragoon’s level. I used to play this game a lot at an internet café near where I used to live back in the day that had consoles you could play on, and I suppose I was just so focused on beating the boss due of the time restriction that I never glanced around the surroundings.



The demo will be available on the Xbox Live Marketplace for those who pre-ordered BioWare’s Mass Effect 3, but to gain access, you will need to have a purchased a Mass Effect 3 Collector’s Edition or Mass Effect 3 Digital Deluxe Edition Console. If you have the latter, the demo will be playable on your Xbox 360 and on your PC. It will be available “early 2013” for the Xbox 360 and will be “later this year” for the PC, according to the developer.

New demo is out, head to to download it on your Xbox 360 or PC. The demo is 1.5GB and will be up for other platforms soon, no date for the PS3 demo yet.

BioWare has released a Mass Effect 3 demo for the Xbox 360 to give fans a taste of the final game before the official November 6 release. The demo allows players to play through the first two missions of the game. The demo is available through the Xbox Live Marketplace, and will be later available for other platforms.

Today is either Singles Appreciation Day/Valentines Day, Twisted Metal Day, or the Mass Effect 3 Demo Day! That’s correct, the single-player demo for Mass Effect 3 is now available on Xbox Live. The demo will be available on PS3 and PC in a few hours, so be patient, it’ll only be a few more hours until we get to test that delicious tech blade and many more!

The Mass Effect 3 trial, as promised by Bioware, will feature two single-player missions followed by a taste of multiplayer coop, which will be available to all users on February 17. People who have early multiplayer access (through Battlefield 3, for example) may play it now alongside the single player. Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer is co-op, and the demo will feature two maps: Slum and Noveria.

I’ve been attempting to download the demo on my Xbox 360, but every time I start it, I get a “Can’t download this” problem. Millions other people are probably attempting to download the same stuff, so I’ll try again in a few hours.

The single player demo is estimated to take 1-2 hours to complete.

Do you have any questions regarding the demo? The following is a list of frequently asked questions.

Mass Effect 3 will be released on March 9 for the Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.

The opening scene of ‘The Hangover’ is one of the most memorable scenes in recent movies. The guys wake up, meet up with a bunch of people, and go to Las Vegas. It’s supposed to be funny, but it’s also really funny. I don’t think anybody has ever played a game based on that movie. We’ve had a few D&D sessions in Las Vegas, but most of our adventures have been in the fictional town of Whulz. (More on that below!)

I know what you’re thinking: “What the hell is a ‘Star Wars RPG’?” It’s actually a pretty simple explanation. Star Wars is an amazing series that has inspired many different film-based stories since the first movie in 1977. From novels to comics to video games, Star Wars has a long and storied history.

The staff of g15tools has been playing a ton of Edge of the Empire lately, and this past week, they ran a pretty hilarious game as a group. As part of the game, one of the players took on the persona of the titular character from The Hangover. The player did not know much about the film, but he did have a great sense of humor, so it was a successful and hilarious session.

I recently conducted a session in which one of our participants was unable to attend. I didn’t want to go on without this player since I was in the midst of a tale (The Jewel of Yavin). I thought we might have some fun with a filler session since his character was also important to the squad for the race (he plays their pilot).

My notes and resources for running ‘The Hangover’ in FFG’s Star Wars RPG: Edge of the Empire are included below. Of course, as a top-tier Dungeon Master, you may adapt parts of this for your own games, parties, and objectives.

Getting the Intro Started

Before the race, my characters planned to get some of their competitor racers intoxicated or drugged. Some of the characters had been working hard to equip their cloud vehicle, putting in long hours to do so.

Your players may need to ‘go along’ with this intro a little bit. I hope your group is relaxed enough to recognize that this is more of a filler session and that some railroading may be necessary.

The following is what I said:

You’ve all put in a lot of effort to make the vehicle ready for the big race. Some of you have become friends with the competitors. Lowhrick, you planned a drink with your new buddy and persuaded the rest of the crew to join you.

I then raised my glass and gestured for my teammates to do the same. We all sipped from our clinked cups.

The scene fades to darkness…… Give me a ‘Resilience’ roll, everyone.

Because you rolled the highest, Lowhrick, you are the first to wake up. You wake up with a pounding headache, face down on a Tan Tauntaun fur rug.

The Hotel

Describe the luxurious but destroyed surroundings the characters find themselves in when they wake up one by one.

Here are some ideas that I used:

  • A cloud city casino hotel is a great place to start your day.
  • The room was a shambles. Fear and hatred in the manner of Las Vegas.
  • In the bathroom, there’s a huge cat named Nexu.
  • Sunken living room with floodlights, like an indoor spa.
  • In the ‘spa,’ a character dressed in a Transdoshian tail costume passed out.


There’s a Player Character Who Isn’t There

  • Check for resiliency to see who is the first to wake up.
  • PCs dressed strangely or half-naked. Words were scribbled on them.
  • Droid PC was discovered spooning with the refrigerator.
  • Inviting gamers to participate in the scene is a good idea.

Getting out of the Hotel

As the characters go through their belongings and bodily parts to see whether they still have everything, tell them which character is missing and what item(s) they have instead.

  • A PC is equipped with a valet ticket. A card with an embossed gold ‘G’ is on another PC.
  • The characters leave for valet service. The card is for a safe lock box at the Gold casino, as the concierge knows.
  • When questioned about their travels or activities, the concierge promises them that they will be kept in the dark.
  • Characters spent approximately 10,000 credits for the high-class accommodation and room service if they asked (Drinks, Moncal-cocktails,)
  • Guard on the Wing (police) The valet brought the patrol vehicle.
  • Poker chips for the ‘The Gold’ casino are kept in the glove box. (1,000 points)

*In order to avoid arousing suspicion, my players opted to conceal the police vehicle with their spacecraft and take a space Uber.


Cloud City Casino – The Gold

The casino is located on a rocky protrusion just outside of Cloud City. It’s connected by cables and a short bridge to its own platform.

As you approach and pass through the cloud layer, you will see lights and lasers of various colors. The impact of a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

To enter the casino, the players must surrender their firearms. Following a description of some of the gaming possibilities (Sabac, Blackjack, Roulette, Boxing). Guards in suits should accompany the player characters to a private rooftop garden.

Vorse Tabarith was visited (Casino Mogul). Last night, players got a job smuggling cash around the city. They took the money and never delivered it. The amount of money was 50,000 credits.

Vorse has video or a live feed of a humanoid person with a hood on their head chained to a chair that looks like their lost PC. (Perhaps being beaten)

Vorse may give players 4-8 hours to acquire him the money, depending on negotiation or roleplay. If they don’t pay up, their buddy will die and the rest of them will be hunted down.

The players locate the safe deposit box. Locate a suitcase with 22,000 credits. In addition, there will be additional narrative hooks for future sessions. (Phone number on napkin with lipstick kiss.) (Perhaps a picture of them concealing something in the roof of the hotel room.)

Making a Profit

There are many methods for the PCs to convert 22,000 credits into 50,000 (or 60,000) in less than 6 hours. Each PC gets a turn, and each round takes around an hour.

Here are some suggestions from my group to get you started:

  • Taking chips from gamblers and enticing them. • Taking part in a cage match
  • (Roll a d10 and win on an even number that isn’t 0)
  • Making Deals/Selling Drugs
  • Taking on more debt in exchange for a loan.

Taking the money back to the casino magnate secures their captive. If they’re late, the PCs may be able to make some pledges or take on some responsibilities.

(If the session timer has expired, this might be the missing PC; if you need to extend the session, it’s another NPC.) Maybe it’s related to the tale.)

It turns out that the missing PC isn’t the culprit. It’s a non-player character. In my situation (Gerrol Hunn Other Cloud City Racer).

PCs should return to the hotel as soon as possible. If not, persuade them by claiming that NPC left anything behind.

Returning to the hotel

When the PCs return to the hotel room, they hear music playing. They collide with a hulking bodyguard. At the piano is Lando Carlrissian (Baron of Bespin).

Lando punches one and knocks them out while appearing calm and nice (roll dice to choose a PC).

Players may want to fight back in this game. I explained to them that Lando is the mayor of the city they’re in, and that they’ve come to commit a robbery. Attempting to assassinate Lando may jeopardize the operation.

You may need to come up with a variety of reasons for your players to pay attention to what he says.


The player characters took Lando’s cat (the Nexu) last night, according to Lando’s bodyguard. Because the missing character left their jacket and hotel key in the tiger cage, Lando tracked them down.

The participants must figure out how to resurrect the cat. If you still need more persuasion, Lando adds that he has video footage from the night before.

The Tiger’s Movement

Now the players must get a big furious cat out of the toilet and securely onto some kind of conveyance to go to Lando’s.

This should include a variety of fun checks that your players may volunteer to do.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • To calm or persuade the tiger out of the hotel, use skill checks.
  • To knock it out, use stun settings on weapons or medical checks.
  • By covering the cat in bed covers, the cat is disguised as a sleeping Hutt.
  • To get it out of the hotel and into a car, you’ll need stealth.
  • Distract the concierge with deception and charm.

Lando’s is a great place to eat.

  • Footage of the gang getting drunk while stealing into Lando’s mansion.
  • Peeing in his pool, tripping over objects, tussling with bushes, and so on.
  • Lando shows them video of his tiger being stolen.
  • Because there isn’t enough space in the Cop Car/Speeder, Missing PC must crawl into the boot. (If the players searched previously, there might be a hidden chamber in the boot)

PCs must return to the police vehicle and locate the player, who has just awoken rejuvenated from the car’s trunk.


This workshop was a big hit with our group. In contrast to our typical story-heavy slog, it was light and fast. Once the participants realized they were in ‘The Hangover,’ there was some meta-gaming. When one of the players attempted to inspect the hotel’s roof, I retaliated with a mild smack on the wrist and minor strain damage (since they were up in the clouds).

It’s a delicate balancing act to ensure that gamers can earn credits to pay for the Mogul and hotel but not overburdening them. There’s a time restriction in place to prevent this, and casino security may always take players out if they’re creating issues or winning too much.

I’d love to hear about it if you end up running this game, or if you have in the past.

The Xbox One’s free games library is stuffed with classics, new releases, and upcoming indie games. While we can’t mention them all here, we are going to list the complete list of available free games on the console.

The Xbox One is the latest gaming platform from Microsoft. It aims to be the best place for gamers to play games, and is being marketed as a gaming-centric box that can be enjoyed by the whole family.

Microsoft’s new console, the Xbox One, has been out for a few months now, and many of the most popular titles are now available for free. Whether you’re looking for something to play on your Xbox One or you’re looking for something new, here is a list of all the free games available on Xbox One.

On the Xbox One, are there any free games? That’s fantastic! Everyone enjoys getting something for nothing.

You can get a treasure trove of games on your Xbox One if you have an Xbox One and an internet connection.

Most gamers are aware of Microsoft’s ‘Gold-themed games’ program, which rewards Xbox Live Gold members, but few are aware that there are many free games available. Others are the initial episode to persuade you to purchase more, some are free-to-play, and some have been around for a long time and are thrown into your arms.

So, if you’re searching for something new, fire up the shop and check out what’s available. It’s impossible to go wrong with free.

Whether you’re looking to dust up your Xbone or take a vacation from Halo, there’s plenty here for both old and new console players.

Not one, not two, but thirty-two free games are now accessible on Xbox One. If you own a console, you may instantly access your game collection and check out new titles without spending any money.

Okay, we’ll stop gushing over it now; instead, take a look at the games listed below and get started installing them. Also, please let us know if you’ve tried any of them and which ones you think are worth your time.

Check out the whole list below – there are enough more titles to keep you occupied for hours.

The following is a list of free Xbox One games.

Games with Gold

Additional Limited-Time Offers

Smite, Mirror’s Edge, and Game of Thrones: Episode 1 are my personal favorites. Then I’ll see where I want to go from there.

There are several fantastic games on the list, including some indie favorites as well as some well-known titles. Free games are usually enthusiastically welcomed by Xbox fans, so this development will appeal to them.

Who knows, maybe you’ll discover a few titles that are really outstanding. So, will you be visiting the Xbox Store to get your hands on these new freebies?

If you answered yes, please share your experience in the comments area below.

Non-Fiction Gaming may be found on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What games are free on Xbox one right now?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

There are a lot of free games on Xbox One right now. Here are some of the best ones to try out.

-Halo 5 Guardians
-Forza Horizon 3
-Assassins Creed Origins”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the rarest game on Xbox one?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The rarest game on Xbox One is the original Halo.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How many games are available for Xbox One?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
There are over 1,000 games available for Xbox One.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What games are free on Xbox one right now?


There are a lot of free games on Xbox One right now. Here are some of the best ones to try out.

-Halo 5 Guardians
-Forza Horizon 3
-Assassins Creed Origins

What is the rarest game on Xbox one?

The rarest game on Xbox One is the original Halo.

How many games are available for Xbox One?

There are over 1,000 games available for Xbox One.

The Madman Anime Festival is an annual anime convention held in Melbourne, Australia. And the musical guests for this year are JAM Project and May’n. The convention has a huge range of merchandise for sale at the Madman Anime Festival store, including anime-related products, collectable trading cards, plush toys, figurines and many other anime-related products.

Anime is a popular genre of animation in Japan. It’s a unique form of entertainment where anime stories are about Japanese culture. Anime is often depicted like a Japanese Manga but sometimes it involves fantasy. Anime also involves a large number of other aspects. One of the most important aspects of anime is its character designs.

Madman Anime Festival, one of the largest anime conventions in Australia, is back in December! There’s a range of fun anime events at Madman, including the Anime Music Video competition, cosplay competition, art auction, and more! There will be cosplay performances, panels, and workshops all weekend long, so make sure to stop by the Animelab Arena to pick up some amazing anime memorabilia including authentic anime merchandise, Nendoroid figures and more!

The program for the Madman Anime Festival, which will take place at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from September 3 to 4, is now available.

If you’re an Otaku, Gaijin, or just Kawaii, here is the place for you. Take a peek at the Madman Anime Festival’s schedule.

Tim Anderson, Madman Entertainment’s Co-Founder and Managing Director, stated in a statement, “Madman was established because we loved anime and wanted to share it with people in Australia.”

“This year marks our twentieth anniversary, and we couldn’t think of a better way to commemorate the occasion than by putting on an incredible event that will bring Australian fans even closer to the genre we all love. We’re working hard with Madman’s many partners and connections to make this an unforgettable event!”

The One-Punch Man panel, Sword Art Online live sketching, Yuko Miyamura (Asuka Langley from Neon Genesis Evangelion), and Tiffany Grant are among the highlights (Nojiko in One Piece , Martel in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood ).

There will be some gaming on exhibit, thanks to Bandai Namco’s agreement to show titles from Square Enix and NIS America.

Here are some more highlights!

One Punch ManLove liveEva

The Madman Anime Festival tickets are still available. To register, go to this link.Madman Anime Festival

The Anime Festival Expo Schedule is also available in text format.


Arena at AnimeLab

Stage at the Expo

10:10 Episode 0 of Tales of Zestiria the X will be aired.
10:40 Screening Love Live! Sunshine!! – Episodes 1 & 2 (Japanese with English subtitles)
12:40 Parade of Cosplayers
13:40 COSPLAY STARS PANEL with A.K. Wirru, Siera & Tomia
14:10 A-Dance Muse’s Performance
14:40 Cardfight Vanguard Outplay Series is being shown.
15:10 Screening: One-Punch Man – Episodes 1 & 2 (Japanese with English subtitles)
16:10 Screening: Kuroko’s Basketball – Episodes 1 & 2 (Japanese with English subtitles)


Arena at AnimeLab

Stage at the Expo

10:10 Screening: Servamp – Episodes 1 & 2 (Japanese with English subtitles)
11:10 Screening: Osomatsu-san – Episodes 1 & 2 (Japanese with English subtitles)
12:10 Cardfight Vanguard Outplay Series is being shown.
12:40 A.K. Wirru’s Cosplay Workshop
13:40 A-Dance Muse’s Performance
15:10 Siera’s Cosplay Workshop
16:10 Screening: Sword Art Online – Episodes 1 & 2 (Japanese with English subtitles)

Madman Anime Festival 16

Ticket information

  • The cost of a single day ticket is $40, while a weekend pass is $60.
  • Limited numbers of Madman MegaFan Passes are available for $290 apiece.
  • Tickets go on sale at on Tuesday, March 22nd.

The 2016 Madman Anime Festival

The Madman Anime Festival is an anime and Japanese cultural festival. The Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre hosted the event on September 3rd and 4th, 2016. AnimeLab and Australia’s greatest brand in anime, Madman Entertainment, have teamed together to bring you streaming anime blockbusters straight from Japan, anytime and everywhere.

Non-Fiction Gaming may be found on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter.

The 2016 International Games Week is returning to Melbourne, Australia, this year, and it has a big task: to unite the gaming community. As part of the week, the Unite Melbourne convention will bring together like-minded gamers from all over the world, to share advice and get to know each other better.

Unite Melbourne returns for International Games Week 2016.

This year’s International Games Week (IGW) will be held at Federation Square from 8 – 11 October 2016 and will celebrate the achievements of gamers from diverse cultures. The IGW is the world’s largest celebration of gamers and games, with over 100 million people worldwide expected to attend.

For the third year in a row, Unity Technologies will host Melbourne Unite 2016, which will take place during this year’s Melbourne International Games Week (MIGW).

The industry event starts off the week-long MIGW schedule, with Unity announcing that applications for its Speakers are needed. are now available.

The Melbourne International Games Week continues through November 6th, featuring PAX Australia on the 4th, 5th, and 6th.

Unite Melbourne 2016

On Monday, October 31st, Unite Melbourne 2016 will take place at the Melbourne Conference and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) in Melbourne.

General admission tickets are now available for purchase on their website.

Submissions for Unite Melbourne 2016 workshops, panels, and speeches are now open and will be accepted until Monday, September 26th. Early bird registration discounts of 15% are now available for tickets.

Gamesweek Melbourne

In 2016, as part of Melbourne International Games Week, Unite Melbourne will return for its third year!

Unite Melbourne 2016 is Unity’s third annual event in Australia, as part of a worldwide series of conferences that includes stops in Asia, Europe, and the United States.

It brings together developers from all over the world in a creative and dynamic atmosphere to learn, network, and party. Hands-on workshops and lecture sessions from Unity’s own experts, as well as local and foreign professionals sharing their insights and best practices, will be included at the event.

Call for Speakers

Unity is currently accepting applications from speakers who want to share their knowledge, skills, and vision in order to inspire and educate other Unity developers, both new and experienced.

Unity is seeking for developer contributions in categories like as programming, art, business, and analytics.

Unite L

Those interested in speaking may register for the Call for Speakers and submit their ideas for consideration. Submissions will be judged on their educational value and relevance, with special attention paid to new and innovative development approaches, experiences, methods, and case studies.

Speakers will get a complimentary ticket to the event as well as great publicity for themselves and their businesses.

Learn more about the event by visiting the Unite Melbourne 2016 website, and stay up with the latest news by following the Unity3D Twitter feed and Facebook page.

Early bird registration discounts are now available on Eventbrite, and tickets may be purchased here.

Unity Technologies is a company that creates video games.

Unity Technologies is the developer of an end-to-end development platform that allows users to build rich interactive 2D, 3D, VR, and AR experiences.

Unity’s strong graphics engine and full-featured editor provide the basis for creating attractive games and applications that can be quickly ported to a variety of platforms, including mobile devices, home entertainment systems, personal computers, and embedded systems.

Unity also provides the Unity Asset Store, Unity Cloud Build, Unity Analytics, Unity Ads, Unity Everyplay, and Unity Certification for developing games, increasing productivity, and engaging with audiences.

Over 5.5 million registered creators, including major publishers, small companies, students, and hobbyists, use Unity Technologies across the world. Visit for additional details.

Non-Fiction Gaming may be found on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter.

Superman isn’t the only one who can fly. In the world of Injustice: Gods Among Us, the world’s greatest heroes are a diverse bunch. From the ever-popular Green Lantern to the very rare and super-powered Scorpion, Injustice has its own amazing array of heroes and villains. From the very popular Supergirl and Wonder Woman to the lesser known and less powerful Lobo and Catwoman, there are a ton of heroes and villains in Injustice. And since you can only have four characters in a single team, you have to make the tough decision of choosing which ones you want to have in your corner.

Injustice: Gods Among Us is a high-end fighting game from NetherRealm Studios based on the DC Comics universe, featuring characters from the comics and TV series DC’s Arrow and The Flash. The game is fighting game based on fixed camera angles and has a cinematic style. To test what combos the Scorpion can do, I tried to make combos with his “Tatabishi” stance and the “Kabuto” technique.

This text is sensitive. Try generating new copy.

After learning that Scorpion will be accessible early (for real this time) for season ticket holders, I purchased the season pass. I decided to create another combination video after playing around with the misplaced Mortal Kombat fighter to show off a little of what the yellow ninja can accomplish. Scorpion is simple to use in my opinion. If you ask me, it’s a little too simple. He has excellent normals with a fair number of mix-up combo strings, and he can special cancel into spear or teleport punch from nearly all of them. Meter burning the spear cancels the next punch, allowing for combo extension, while meter burning the teleport punch puts opponents in a juggling condition. With an air throw, an unblockable fire pillar, and a teleport cross-up super, you have what might be the greatest online character in the game thus far.


{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you play scorpion on injustice?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Scorpion is a special move in the game of Injustice. To perform the move, you must press and hold both triggers on your controller at the same time.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is scorpion in injustice gods among us?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Yes, Scorpion is in the game.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Who is the strongest character in Injustice Gods Among Us?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The strongest character in Injustice Gods Among Us is Superman.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you play scorpion on injustice?

Scorpion is a special move in the game of Injustice. To perform the move, you must press and hold both triggers on your controller at the same time.

Is scorpion in injustice gods among us?

Yes, Scorpion is in the game.

Who is the strongest character in Injustice Gods Among Us?

The strongest character in Injustice Gods Among Us is Superman.

Microsoft has announced that it is canceling development of its Project Spark platform, a social gaming platform that was to launch in 2014 as a competitor to Facebook games and game streaming services like Twitch.

Microsoft has decided to cancel its internal team Dakota project. Dakota was a game engine that Microsoft developed and used internally to create some of its first-party games. The project was canceled in 2013, and in 2015 Microsoft re-purposed parts of it to create a new game creation tool, Unity.

We heard a few weeks ago that Microsoft had canceled the upcoming Team Dakota project, which was supposed to be a new game engine for the Xbox One. Team Dakota was a small startup studio made by ex-Naughty Dog developers, who only made their first game three years ago. It was one of the first Microsoft approved games to be developed for the Xbox One, so it’s a little strange that they’re shutting down.

Project Spark has been placed on hold by Microsoft, which has discreetly put the game creation tools away.

Microsoft’s free-to-play “game-maker video game,” Project Spark, has been canceled, the company said today.

Project Spark, Microsoft’s effort at community-created entertainment such as Super Mario Maker for the PC and Xbox, has come to a close.

On Xbox and PC, the tools will no longer be accessible for download. On August 12, online services will be phased down, therefore anybody who hasn’t saved their work locally should do so immediately.

Additionally, any gamers who bought Project Spark between October 5 and today will get a refund from Microsoft. Those who are qualified will have credits added to their Microsoft accounts automatically.

Thomas Gratz, Team Dakota’s community manager, stated, “This was an incredibly tough choice for our team one we do not take lightly.” “Many of our team members went to other projects inside Microsoft Studios as Project Spark transitioned away from active development last fall.”

This implies that no Microsoft employees have been laid off as a result of Project Spark, according to Gratz.

Gratz adds, “Despite the news, we want to recognize the achievements of our team and community of creators and gamers.” “Our team has delivered 46 content packs, hundreds of assets, and 16 upgrades since launch,” he says.

The cancellation of Project Spark follows Microsoft’s decision to shut down Lionhead Studios, the creator of Fable Legends.

Non-Fiction Gaming may be found on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter.

Many people have been waiting for a big Nintendo release all year, and today, Feb. 4, Nintendo launched its newest game, “Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright”, which is available across North America on the Nintendo 3DS. There’s more to the game than meets the eye, however, as players will be able to choose a side and join one of the kingdom’s three factions. And on Feb. 18, the game comes out in Europe for the 3DS, and it will be available on the Nintendo Switch.

The battle for the throne in Fire Emblem Fates starts this Saturday, when Nintendo will launch a special version of the game exclusively on the Nintendo eShop. It will be available in both the US and Europe, and Nintendo has announced that both versions will contain the same content. So, if you want to try Fire Emblem Fates and you’re a Nintendo fan, why not pick up a copy of the special edition this week?

One of the most anticipated Nintendo games of the year is finally here. Fire Emblem Fates, the latest installment of the Nintendo series of tactical strategy games, will launch on October 25. The game is a hybrid of turn-based strategy and action RPG, with the player controlling either a male or female avatar and advancing in the game through a combination of swordplay, guile, and strategy. The game follows an original storyline, with three different paths for each protagonist. This weekend, on January 19, the game will be available on the Nintendo eShop for the Nintendo 3DS system.

Defend Hoshido in Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright or put an end to King Garon’s schemes in Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest, which will be released on May 21 in Australia and New Zealand.

Following the best-ever launch in the United States earlier this year, strategy fans in Australia and New Zealand are preparing to make a difficult choice: fight for the family who raised them in Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest or fight for their true homeland in Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright, two new entries in the long-running strategic RPG series that release this Saturday, exclusively for Nintendo Switch.

The Option of Birthright vs. Conquest

The life of main character Corrin, who was raised as royalty in the Nohr kingdom, is permanently altered when it is discovered that they were really born in the neighboring country of Hoshido and abducted as a youngster by the wicked King Garon.

Both countries are now on the verge of war, and the player must decide whether to defend Hoshido’s country in Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright or to side with Corrin’s family and put an end to Garon’s schemes in Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest.

The narrative will dramatically vary depending on which side you choose, offering completely distinct experiences tailored to various player preferences and levels of expertise. Players in Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright may take on Challenge Maps at any time to earn extra experience and money, making it perfect for newcomers or those who first experienced the series in Fire Emblem: Awakening.

Fire Emblem Fates

Meanwhile, Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest has a new cast of recruitable characters and does not include Challenge Maps, making character development more difficult and money more limited, resulting in a more difficult experience that veterans of the Fire Emblem series will recognize.

Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation is the sequel to Fire Emblem Fates.

On June 10, Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation, a download-only game in which players refuse to pick a side and reveal the truth behind the two kingdoms’ conflict, will conclude the narrative.

Fire Emblem Fates Revelation (5)Fates of the Fire Emblem is a game that takes place in the world of Fire Emblem

Players may buy the version they don’t have as well as Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation (as paid downloadable content from June 10, 2016) in-game for AU$26 / NZ$ 34 apiece to get the complete narrative.

These new Fire Emblem Fates games for the Nintendo 3DS have already received positive reviews from reviewers all around the world:


The Fire Emblem Fates Launch Trailer is now accessible on the Nintendo YouTube channel, and the Developer’s Commentary videos provide additional information about the development of these two titles.

More Content to Download

Downloadable content in the form of new maps will be published on a regular basis starting on May 21.

You may buy each of these maps separately, or you can buy Map Pack 1 for AU$23.40 / NZ$30.60 and gain access to 11 maps, as well as additional material, when they become available. When opposed to buying everything separately, Map Pack 1 saves gamers money.


The New Nintendo 3DS XL Fire Emblem Fates Edition*, as well as a set of new Cover Plates for New Nintendo 3DS systems depicting the warring families, will be available on May 21 exclusively at EB Games. Finally, everyone who buys Fire Emblem Fates on the Nintendo eShop during the first four weeks of its release will get a free download voucher for the Two Kingdoms theme.

Non-Fiction Gaming may be found on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter.

At long last, Arkane Studios has announced a second art book for Dishonored, which is slated to release in Fall 2018. The book will be titled “Dishonored 2: Dark Horse” and will release on September 26, 2018. The book will contain art from the Dishonored series and will include info on the game’s origins, art direction, and creation process.

The Dark Horse art book will be available to purchase on November 1st, 2016 for $29.99. The book contains over 100 pieces of art by some of the most renowned artists in the industry. The art book is being produced exclusively for Dishonored 2 by Dark Horse Comics and will be released in comic and book formats.

As a fan of Dishonored, I was delighted to discover that the next installment in the beloved game franchise would be coming to the next generation of platforms. But I was also dismayed when I saw the art book being released together with the game. In a time where there are so many great artists, why would you limit your own fan art to not be in print?  This is for the fans, so that we can enjoy modern art in the game we love.

Dishonored 2 – Enter the New Dark Horse Art Book by Illustrating It

The art of Arkane Studios’ series has a distinct and stylized feel to it. Dishonored and Dishonored 2 establish a style for their universe that is unlike any other, from concept art to in-game visuals.

The Art of Dishonored 2 will be published by Dark Horse and will include hundreds of unique Arkane concept art pieces. It may be worth a look if you’re a big fan of the series or like beautiful graphics.

 The Art of Dishonored 2 will be released on November 22, 2016, just in time to enhance your Dishonored 2 experience. Today is the last day to preorder from your favorite store!

Fans may enter a competition to have their artwork included in The Art of Dishonored 2. Bethesda and Arkane Studios have also launched a competition for fans to have their artwork featured in The Art of Dishonored 2. Starting today, use the #drawDishonored hashtag on your favorite social media platform to submit your Dishonored fan art for consideration.

Over the years, we’ve seen a plethora of incredible creations demonstrating your devotion to all things Dishonored. We’re looking forward to seeing what you create for the #drawDishonored Fan Art Contest.

Emily, Emily, Emily! Submitted by ViaEstelar

By submitting your picture with the #drawDishonored hashtag to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or Instagram, you may enter. Just make sure your account is up to date.

Entries will be accepted until the 17th of July, 2016. One grand prize winner and four runner-ups will be included in The Art of Dishonored 2, as well as a signed copy of the art book by Arkane.

Check out the Official Contest Rules for additional details.

Non-Fiction Gaming may be found on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter.