In competitive FPS games, you will often find yourself in a situation where you need to quickly take out enemies. This can be done by flicking your mouse left and right with lightning speed. However, the more time you spend on this, the higher chance of missing your target. So how do you improve your flicking aim?

The aim trainer is a tool that has been created for people who want to improve their flicking aim in competitive FPS games. It will help you learn how to flick more accurately and quickly.

If you want to be the greatest in first-person shooter games – if you want to be the best – you’ll have to work on your flicking aim.

Flick shots are a mainstay of competitive FPS gaming at the top levels. You’ve undoubtedly seen instant replays of a shot that were almost too fast to comprehend. You’ve probably seen the top ten videos of shots that made us question whether the player was a robot.

But how can you get so skilled at this tough, lethal kind of wizardry? What can you do to enhance your aim, your FPS game, and your skill level? What what is flicking aim, how does it vary from tracking aim, and why would you need to master it? These and other inquiries will be addressed soon.

But, first and foremost, what exactly is Flicking Aim?

There are a couple different ways to phrase it. Flicking aim, aim flicking, flick shots, flick shooting, snapping, and even snap aim are all examples of flicking aim.

All of these names relate to a technique of shooting in which your crosshairs start some distance away from the opponent, and then you flick your wrist and arm so the crosshairs snap onto the adversary as soon as you squeeze the trigger – and then you flick away just as quickly:


Consider it. When an opponent appears in a corner of the screen, you’re gazing in the wrong direction. You’ve flipped your crosshairs dead center on their face, made a headshot, then snapped your crosshairs back to your original direction without having to think about it, and hardly a second has passed, and your original job seems to be unaffected.

There are even gamers who, like a Jedi or a ninja, have merely heard an opponent and utilized flick shooting to take them down almost blindly and very instantly.

You have complete control over the area surrounding you with perfect flicking aim. It’s accurate, powerful, and commanding. This is the allure of filmmaking.

Tracking Shots vs. Flick Shots

Your flicking aim is different from your tracking aim (though there are resources available for how to improve your tracking aim, as well). Tracking aim is what happens when you follow an opponent with your sights for a long period of time.

Tracking aim is best for automatic guns that shoot in a continuous stream, while flicking aim is better for single-shot weapons.

There are exceptions to the norm, and the two methods may be combined. You could, for example, make minor adjustments with tiny, fast flicks while monitoring an opponent, a technique known as “micro-flicking.” However, knowing when to utilize which approach in general may be beneficial. Flicking aim isn’t the answer to every issue, but it is a flexible ability that can significantly improve your FPS abilities.

Start with your gear when it comes to improving your flicking aim.

If you don’t have the proper equipment, no amount of practice will make a significant impact. Before you begin your flicking aim training, take a look at your mouse and mousepad, just as you wouldn’t play guitar on untuned strings.

For flick shots, most experts believe that a light mouse is ideal. You can’t expect to succeed at the size of an ostrich if the entire purpose is to move at the pace of a hummingbird.

A lightweight mouse will enable you to move your wrist and arm at maximum speed with the least amount of resistance. Also, don’t forget to keep things simple! The majority of professionals utilize a basic mouse with just one or two thumb buttons.

DPI isn’t a big deal here, but we’ll get into sensitivity later. You definitely want a quick reaction time.

Last but not least, make sure it’s cozy! It will take time and effort to learn how to do flip shots.

The objective is to make your hand motions fluid, fast, and precise, with the arm, wrist, and mouse all working together as one – therefore choose a mouse that feels good in your hand, is easy to use, and won’t become a strain after a few hours of practice.

If it’s safe to do so, check if you can test out your mouse choices in a shop before making a purchase. A little bit of additional planning may go a long way.

Smoothness should be a top consideration for your mousepad. You will be using this mousepad for long periods of time. Check that the mousepad is smooth and that your mouse glides smoothly over it.

The second factor to consider is size, which is crucial: buy the biggest mousepad you can. You’ll need as much room as possible to perform some of the methods we’re going to discuss.

If you have to pick up your mouse and change it in the middle of a photo, flicking isn’t practical. And you don’t want to throw your arm out wide for a photo, exceed the limits of your mousepad, and spill a drink all over your gaming gear. As a result, the recommended approach is to go for the biggest pad that your setup can handle.

While we’re at it, a comfortable headset and glasses will help you get the most out of your long hours of practice – and you’ll need a lot of them to turn flick shooting into a reflex rather than something you have to think about.

Settings for Sensitivity

On the one hand, we constantly bringing up the subject of speed. A rapid movement is the flipping shot. As a result, you may believe that having a high mouse sensitivity would aid you in performing this lightning move.

The flicking shot, on the other hand, is a precise action. It’s not helpful to spin rapidly across the screen and fire a single beautiful shot that lands 10 feet from any opponent.

All the speed in the world won’t help you unless you have a solid foundation of precise shooting and expertise.

Surprisingly, most professionals avoid flicking aim with a high mouse sensitivity. They train their arms and wrists for speed while maintaining their mouse sensitivity at a regular level for precision.

Using the Entire Arm

This may be the most important adjustment most aspiring filmmakers should make.

Let’s do a little experiment. Using just your wrist, flick your hand from left to right and see how far you can go. Now do it again, but instead of pivoting on your wrist, let the motion originate from your shoulder, go down through the elbow, and into the wrist, and see how much space you cover this time.

Isn’t there a significant difference? Your arm is capable of much more than simply your wrist, and utilizing it is also more efficient and pleasant. Avoid wrist cramps and ineffective motions by using this method.

For ages, artists have recognized this. Baseball players are well aware of this. You’ll want to get in the habit of moving your whole arm.

You’ll be able to do a lot more if you move your whole arm instead of just your wrist. You’ll be able to turn a complete 180 degrees without having to raise your mouse or stop your movement, and you’ll be able to travel anywhere you want with ease.

That doesn’t imply you’ll become a ninja after making this adjustment. Your aim will most likely be poor at initially. That’s OK. It’s very logical. We’ve been trained from preschool to write and draw using just our wrists; you’re probably not accustomed to doing it with your whole arm. It’s a whole new method of utilizing your arm.

Don’t be discouraged by your first discomfort. Allow yourself this uncomfortable practice period. When you learn to aim using your whole arm, your technique will be much more flexible than what wrist-aimmers are physically capable of.

Use your wrist to make little movements.

That may seem to be a contradiction at first sight, but bear with me. Using your whole arm allows you to make more graceful big motions.

When you move your wrist, you may make smaller, more accurate motions. We can see instances of this with artists yet again. Artists use their arms to create broad lines and their wrists to sketch tiny details.

When sketching a face, for example, an artist would use their whole arm to outline the head, yet delicate wrist (or even finger) motions will be used to draw eyes and other tiny features.

Distance is the equivalent in professional FPS gaming. When opponents are far away, they are close together on the screen, small spaces apart—but when they are near to you, the gaps between them fill up the whole screen, if not more.

If you’re far away from your foes, a tiny, precise wrist movement will snap your crosshairs over those short distances and allow you to take accurate aim.

When you’re near to your target, the distance you have to turn is considerably longer, so you’ll want to utilize your whole arm to turn freely.

When you’ve mastered this method, you’ll be able to make huge rotations by moving your whole arm to get the crosshairs near to your target while making tiny changes with your wrist to focus in on your opponent.

The most flexible, efficient, and effective method to make your aim perfect is to combine big arm movements with little wrist motions.

Stupid Idea: Enroll in an Art Class

PaintingHere’s a wacky notion that may assist if you’re having difficulty getting accustomed to moving with your whole arm.

We’ve previously mentioned artists on two occasions. They’ve been doing it for centuries, while competitive first-person shooter games have only been around for a few decades.

Consider enrolling in an art class. Who better to assist you in learning fluid arm and wrist motions than an art teacher?

Try painting using your whole arm for wide strokes and your wrist for tiny adjustments. Look for an instructor who can assist you in making your motions more fluid.

And, after you’ve perfected smooth curves to any corner of the canvas, you may discover that you’ve mastered flawless turns to any corner of your game screen as well.

The accuracy and muscle motions will be similar, leaving just the pace to be adjusted.

Memory of Muscles

After all, a flick shot is supposed to be quicker than your opponents can register it. You must be able to digest information quicker than your conscious brain can.

You must train your arm, wrist, and trigger finger to function independently of your brain’s precise instructions. A flick shot is a reactive, instinctive shot. It needs to become an automatic reaction.

If you have to think about how far across the screen your opponent is, and whether to use mainly your arm or mostly your wrist, and calculate how far to move, with how much power to activate your muscles – if you have to think at all, you’re already too sluggish.

But keep in mind that such phrase refers to the finished product. Finally, you want to be able to flip aim without having to think about it.

But, in order to get there…

Take it easy.


Practice, practice, and practice some more if you have the time.

You must first learn a slow method before you can master a rapid one. Whipping the crosshairs around won’t help you enhance your game if you can’t yet aim at a high rate. Slow down and consider if you overshot or undershot; slow down and consider what changes you should make to better next time.

To accelerate, you must first slow down.

You’ll be firing quickly yet hitting nothing if you don’t have accuracy. If you work on your aim first, even if your speed isn’t great, you’ll still be able to make excellent shots!

This implies that you’ll be able to play your game at a high level even while you’re training. You may also increase your pace gradually over time.

Take the time you need. Once you’ve mastered working slowly, try shooting a little quicker, then a little faster, and so on. To make the movements instinctive, you must repeat them.

Your arm and hand muscles will develop over time.

They’ll eventually be able to shoot better than your brain. You won’t remember what it was like to drag your mouse slowly around the screen with just your wrist, thinking about how to aim; you’ll be flipping by instinct rather than thinking.

Trainers with a goal

When it comes to practicing your flicking aim, there are two major schools of thought.

One school of thought argues that the greatest method to improve at a game is to play it. Simply play your favorite first-person shooter. That is the most effective method to train and develop the muscle memory we discussed before.

According to proponents of this concept, every game has subtleties that can only be fully understood and learnt by playing it repeatedly. They think that no other game can teach you how to play this one.

Other players, on the other hand, believe that practicing tactics outside of the game has merit. Aim trainers, for example, enable you to work on certain abilities one at a time, which you can then apply to your chosen game.


Many free aim trainers are available. You may utilize them to focus on the abilities that need the most practice. For example, AimBooster includes a speed option, an accuracy mode, a mode especially intended to enhance your response time, and a “autobalanced” mode, which is touted as the “greatest mode ever believe me.”

Aim trainers may help you develop muscle memory by allowing you to practice one skill at a time. Alternatively, you may play your chosen game repeatedly to understand all of its intricacies and subtleties, as well as to develop muscle memory.

Both methods are effective for developing not just your flicking aim, but all of your competitive FPS abilities.

Anticipate enemy positioning and movement.

Flick shots offer you a leg up on the competition when it comes to reacting to unanticipated opponent movements.

However, it is still preferable to avoid the unexpected wherever feasible.

Anticipating where your opponent will be is the most successful aiming technique. Before heading around a bend, train your crosshairs on the location where you believe the adversary will be.

Keep your crosshairs on the edge of the tunnel, where your opponents will have to pass.

You may also flick shot to an enemy’s new position if they emerge suddenly on the opposite side of the tunnel.

Even if you’re not always correct, anticipating your opponent’s position can help you get closer to the proper place when you need to flick, making your flicks easier to perform and more precise.

Flicking Shots’ Weaknesses

Flick shots, on the one hand, are a mainstay of high-level competitive FPS games.

However, some critics think that the time and effort required to develop flicking talents is not worth it. The critics point out that flick shots aren’t very accurate.

It makes sense: if you’re still learning, and you’re trying to go as quickly as possible with as few moves as possible, you’re going to miss a lot of things.

Skeptics point out, however, that even at the greatest level of competition, players who utilize flick shots are less consistent.

Flick shots are risky since they aren’t as precise as other targeting techniques. To dispel those doubters, it should be mentioned that flick shooting is common among the top levels of FPS gaming, as well as the best players on the planet.

But why is it the case? Why would the top players in such high-stakes games choose to flick? What is going on here if flicking shots make you less consistent, yet flicking shots are common among the top players?

Quality vs. Quantity

It’s true that flick shooting doesn’t always result in a kill. It does, however, provide you with a lot more chances for kills. Once you’ve mastered flick shooting, you’ll be able to take much more shots than previously.

Due to the great flexibility of flick shooting, you will be able to capture photos that were previously unattainable. Because of the speed of snapping, you will be able to capture more pictures in the same amount of time.

This is why top gamers continue to shoot with flicks. Even if the proportion of hits decreases somewhat, their hits and kills will improve significantly due to the increased quantity of bullets.

Keep it in mind while you work on your own flicking aim. It doesn’t need to be flawless. In fact, it’s unlikely that flipping will ever be “perfect.” However, if your flicking aim is excellent, your game will be fantastic.

Try Your Hardest and Have a Good Time!

Examine your equipment to ensure it isn’t obstructing your progress.

To unlock the most masterful gaming skills, practice correct arm mobility.

Slow down and take your time to fine-tune your aim. Practice in your chosen game to learn the intricacies of the game, as well as in aim trainers or elsewhere for specific skill training.

Increase the speed of your technique and make it a reflex.

Finally, even if your flick shots aren’t perfect, you’ve almost certainly enhanced your competitive gameplay. You will now be capable of far more than you could have anticipated when you first began this process!

The how to improve aim in valorant is a guide that shows how to improve your flicking aim in competitive FPS games. It includes step-by-step instructions for each game.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How can I improve my flicking?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
To improve your flicking, you should practice on the games training mode. You can also try to work on your timing by playing other rhythm games like Thumper or Guitar Hero Live.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How can I improve my aim guide?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
There are many ways to improve your aim. One way is to make sure your controllers sensitivity is at the highest setting. Another way is to make sure you are holding the controller correctly. For example, if youre using a DualShock 4, hold it in one hand and place your index finger on the touchpad with your thumb resting on the shoulder button.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I improve my aim FPS controller?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The best way to improve your aim is by practicing and getting used to the controller. If youre having trouble with accuracy, try using a different controller or changing the sensitivity on your controller.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I improve my flicking?

To improve your flicking, you should practice on the games training mode. You can also try to work on your timing by playing other rhythm games like Thumper or Guitar Hero Live.

How can I improve my aim guide?

There are many ways to improve your aim. One way is to make sure your controllers sensitivity is at the highest setting. Another way is to make sure you are holding the controller correctly. For example, if youre using a DualShock 4, hold it in one hand and place your index finger on the touchpad with your thumb resting on the shoulder button.

How do I improve my aim FPS controller?

The best way to improve your aim is by practicing and getting used to the controller. If youre having trouble with accuracy, try using a different controller or changing the sensitivity on your controller.


Holly is the smartest person you will ever know (Or so she tells us lol). She's a gamer by heart, and an author by soul. Writing for the website g15tools is a dream come true for her - she loves being able to share her thoughts and insights with others who love gaming as much as she does. When she's not writing or gaming, Holly can be found spending time with her friends and family.