After the release of the new patch 7.35c in the popular esports discipline Dota 2, significant changes to the game balance occurred. The update brought a multitude of adjustments to the arsenals of individual heroes, as well as reworked characteristics of many items. These innovations could not but affect the metagame, opening up new tactical possibilities for some characters and somewhat weakening the positions of others. Almost two weeks after the update, we can already create a fairly clear picture of which heroes have become profitable picks in the professional scene and public games. Swift changes are also taking place in the regional competitions of DreamLeague Season 22, where a shift in preferences towards strengthened characters is also observed. Alongside prominent favorites, there are several dark horses capable of becoming the new meta-heroes of the near future.

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Most Successful Dota 2 Heroes

Let’s consider the best heroes in patch 7.35c:

  • Visage. Perhaps no one expected this character to become one of the discoveries of patch 7.35c. Visage did not receive direct buffs but benefited indirectly from changes to the characteristics of popular items like Vladmir’s Offering, Tarrasque’s Plates, and Heaven’s Halberd. These upgrades provided the hero with additional survivability and mana regeneration, making him much more resilient on the battlefield. As a result, Visage’s average win rate in public games exceeded 53%, and in the pro scene, he also demonstrates decent statistics.
  •  Mirana. One of the hottest heroes in DreamLeague Season 22 despite a win rate in pubs below 50%. However, in recent days, the success rates of this heroine have been increasing in all modes. Her advantages in the fresh meta are related to mobility, control, and a useful set of skills that fit perfectly into current trends. Perhaps we are witnessing the resurgence of the “Princess of the Moon” as one of the top picks in Dota 2.


  • Terrorblade. Another hero benefiting from patch 7.35c. In previous versions of the game, he remained in the shadows, partly due to problems with basic characteristics. Now, the strength gain at low levels, the accelerated rotation of the Reflection ability, and positive changes to key artifacts have made TB a desirable pick again. Two weeks after the update’s release, his win rate reached 48% with the prospect of further growth.
  • Leshrac. For a long time, this hero was on the fringes of the meta-game until developers took up his rehabilitation. Thanks to the improved ability of Diabolic Edict, which allows more efficient farming and lane pushing, Leshrac has become a formidable force over a couple of patches. He already demonstrates an impressive 53% win rate in public matches. His combination with heroes like Terrorblade promises to become a new trend in the professional scene.

Mid-Tier Heroes with Growth Potential

Let’s also consider mid-tier heroes with good prospects:

  • Arc Warden. Many suspected that the legendary midlaner would lose his leading positions after a series of nerfs received in patch 7.35c. Indeed, his base strength was reduced, and the duration of the Spark Wraith ability was significantly shortened. However, despite these nerfs, Arc Warden has not lost his popularity, and his win rate remains around 54%. Professional teams still prefer to avoid this hero, possibly due to a wait-and-see attitude. However, if he does not receive new nerfs in the near future, Arc Warden could well establish himself as one of the strongest heroes.
  • Tiny. Thanks to his powerful carry potential, this hero periodically resurfaces in the pro scene as an unconventional but effective pick. It seems that in patch 7.35c, he is becoming a sought-after choice again, especially at the pro level. Tiny has already shown good results in several matches of DreamLeague Season 22. His dominance is explained by excellent mobility, strong base damage, and the ability to zone-using skills. Currently, his win rate in public games is around 50%, with potential for growth.
  • Mars. The unstoppable reaper also found himself in a favorable position thanks to the latest tweaks from Valve. Mars has always been renowned for his formidable base damage, and after the update to his characteristics, he has become a truly formidable force in the early game. This hero has serious ganking potential, the ability to control fights and reliable pushing capabilities. By the end of the patch, we may see Mars among the most popular picks, as indicated by his statistics, with a 54% win rate in pubs.

Overall, patch 7.35c has opened up many new perspectives for Dota 2 heroes. Some long-forgotten characters have been given the opportunity to revive in the updated meta-game. Others have strengthened their already solid positions thanks to the indirect influence of changes. Several fundamentally new trends have emerged, such as the success of atypical carry picks or the increased role of nukers in drafts.


Holly is the smartest person you will ever know (Or so she tells us lol). She's a gamer by heart, and an author by soul. Writing for the website g15tools is a dream come true for her - she loves being able to share her thoughts and insights with others who love gaming as much as she does. When she's not writing or gaming, Holly can be found spending time with her friends and family.