Returnal: Overgrown Ruins Tableau 1 is a miniature board game set in an overgrown ruined city. Players take on the role of time travellers, exploring the urban maze, finding and claiming relic pieces, and seeking out the mysterious Monolith that will lead them to the secret of time travel. Each game session is played over a series of turns, during which time travellers move around the city and attempt to make progress on their quests. The game is played on an overgrown city map, and the relic pieces and the Monolith are placed at corners of the city.

I am returning back to my roots, to the first game I ever played, and the game that got me into this hobby in the first place.

Returnal: Overgrown Ruins Tableau 1 is a mod for The Long Dark. The Long Dark is a post-apocalyptic game set in a frozen wilderness, and it’s every bit as bleak and unforgiving as it sounds. The Long Dark will involve you exploring this frozen wasteland, trying to survive as long as possible.

Xeno Archives are one of the numerous treasures available in Returnal, along with Scout Log, Xenoglyphs, Ship Logs, and Xeno-Archives.

Atropos is linked to Xeno Archives, which are historical occurrences.

Keep in mind that when you begin each cycle by dying or choosing to restart, the area layout is continuously changing, which may alter the precise placements of these items.

Be assured, though, that these treasures can and will be discovered in that area; just anticipate the settings to be a little different.

The Overgrown Ruins Tableau 1 will be covered on this page (Xeno Archives)


  • Tableau 1: Overgrown Ruins NAME: Overgrown Ruins NAME: Overgrown Ruins NAME: Over
  • Overgrown Ruins is a location in the Overgrown Ruins region.
  • DESCRIPTION: Sentients fleeing the perils of Overgrown Ruins’ habitat.





Returnal : Overgrown Ruins Tableau 1 (Xeno Archives) Guide  is a guide for the Returnal: Overgrown Ruins tableau for X-Com: UFO Defense. Written by Tim Holtz, this section includes an overview of the map, a description of the terrain, and tactical gameplay tips. The map is also available for download as a living map, which will be updated as the guide is released for the game.. Read more about returnal echoing ruins xeno-archive and let us know what you think.

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Holly is the smartest person you will ever know (Or so she tells us lol). She's a gamer by heart, and an author by soul. Writing for the website g15tools is a dream come true for her - she loves being able to share her thoughts and insights with others who love gaming as much as she does. When she's not writing or gaming, Holly can be found spending time with her friends and family.