We all know that Diablo 4 is a fun action role-playing game (ARPG) that’s centered on fast, brutal combat.

Noting the lack of mobility that we can do using the mouse and keyboard setup, it’s understandable that most in-game damages are relatively unblockable, with the more powerful ones able to be evaded upon telegraphing their expected area-of-effect (AOE) attack locations.

There IS a dodge/ evade mechanic universally introduced in Diablo 4, but it needs to be refreshed for a couple of seconds before being usable again, so it’s reserved for emergency cases instead. Hence, the Diablo gearing system comes into play, meaning that our weapons and armors provide the necessary stat boosts and miscellaneous effects required to survive enemy attacks while also dishing out devastating damages back at them.

Similar to other Diablo games in the franchise, many of these gear comes in the form of loot that’s randomly generated after defeating enemies, and all of them are colored based on different rarities and power tiers.

To enjoy Diablo 4 to the fullest, you need to purchase diablo 4 items that suit your playstyle and preferences. You can find a wide range of Diablo 4 Gold and Diablo 4 Items at reputable sites that offer fast delivery and secure transactions like U7BUY. If you’re a veteran of the series or new to Diablo, here’s a quick rundown of each of the item tiers in-game:

Normal (White)

The most basic items are colored white, and you’ll find them A LOT throughout your journeys across Sanctuary. Now, these normal-tier gear are primarily used during the early game, giving you the necessary stats and protection to begin your adventure.That being said, they SHOULD be replaced as soon as you acquire more powerful ones later in the game, even if it’s only one color-level higher.

As such, whenever you’ve replaced a normal-grade item, you can sell it or salvage it as you please, so there’s no shortage of Diablo 4 Gold to be accumulated here since there are infinite amounts of loot to be gathered from defeating endless waves of monsters in the game.

Magic (Blue)

Blue-labeled gear is the next item evolution. Essentially, these items have higher stats than the white-colored ones, and they usually offer up to 2 beneficial effects that complement different character builds in Diablo 4. This is where you can start nit-picking your way through the piles of loot gathered.



Keeping an eye on your character class and its build, ALWAYS replace a white-tier weapon or armor with a Magic-tier one, if found. Afterward, whenever you find more of these blue-colored items upon defeating even more dangerous foes, you can start comparing them to see which holds value, depending on 2 criteria:

  • Stat improvements offered
  • Effects provided

Different people will opt for different choices, so it’s up to you to decide which one suits your play style and character build, selling/ salvaging the other one for the gold and materials.

Rare (Yellow)

You’ll eventually start picking up yellow-labeled loot once you enter the mid-game. These are USUALLY better than Magic-tier items, but this can vary wildly because Rare-levelled gear can have between 2 to 6 different effects attached to them.

Thus, you can sometimes find Rare gear that provides better stats, but only 2 affixes, which might not complement your current character build, upon which it is better off being sold, salvaged, or kept for an alternate character to use in the future (under the same player account). High-level dungeons are primary hotspots to find them in Diablo 4.

Legendary (Orange)

Alas, Legendary-tier gear is what you should always be aiming for throughout the endgame.

These offer immensely high stat increments for your character, and they have at least 4 different effects to offer you, ,beside a more powerful affix that normally adds additional boons to your skills/ abilities.

Legendary items are colored orange and normally have special names; these weapons/armor are recommended to be used if deemed good for your present build or stored for the use of alternate characters or trying out different builds instead. It’s worth noting that Legendary Gear is tied to your account, meaning it can’t be traded with other players in Diablo 4.

Unique (Gold)

The most difficult ones to obtain, yet the most valuable, are Uniques. These items have exclusive names, and they are graded Gold in color.Offering slightly better stat boosts than Legendary gear, Uniques tend to provide exquisite effects to your skills/ abilities, not to mention a more distinct cosmetic appearance in-game. To get one, you obviously need to best the most fearsome Bosses the game has to offer, and even then, the chances of acquiring it as loot is normally less than 10%.

Once you do, savor it because it’s account-locked to you. Another thing to note is that only one (1) Unique item can be worn by your character at any given time, so you will need to build a Legendary gear set that can synergize well with your preferred Unique. Still, this is to keep the endgame balanced because letting players become too overpowered (OP) from using all Uniques can be quite counter-intuitive for the game’s longevity.

And there you go; all the item tiers are explained based on their in-game colors! If you’re raring to fight monsters in Diablo 4 when it launches in early June, remember to visit U7buy.com to start planning your Diablo 4 in-game goods purchases today!


Steve is a tech guru who loves nothing more than playing and streaming video games. He's always the first to figure out how to solve any problem, and he's got a quick wit that keeps everyone entertained. When he's not gaming, he's busy being a dad and husband. He loves spending time with his family and friends, and he always puts others first.