Embermage Spellsword is one of the most popular builds for the Torchlight 2 Embermage spellsword. Most of the Embermage Spellsword builds are heavy on the nuker, and this is no different. This build focuses more on the physical damage, and a few of the most popular Embermage Spellsword builds focus more on the nuker.
Make him do it! (LOL) Seriously though, Embermage is a great class for a melee focused build. Without sacrificing too much of your spells, you can build up your own personal army with the help of the Ember Mage’s spellcraft or the Embermage can even become a spell based caster, relying on his fiery spells with his Ember Armor.
Embermage Spellswords are one of the most powerful classes in Torchlight 2. The Embermage is a character build based on the Embermage class from Diablo 3. The Embermage is a very powerful caster capable of a great deal of damage, tanking, and a few other tricks. In this guide we’ll be showing how to build an Embermage based around spellswords.
Pog has submitted a Torchlight 2 Embermage Spellsword Build / Guide.
DISCLAIMER: This guide is extensive and, at times, arrogant. I’ll be the first to confess that hearing myself speak is one of my favorite pastimes. However, I did put a lot of effort and experience into the construct, and I think that what I’ve presented here is well-reasoned and will be useful to people of all skill levels. I strive to keep the calculations sophisticated while keeping the explanation simple so that it may be of the most use to the community as a whole.
I can’t take it when a build instructs me to utilize a skill but doesn’t explain why or how to do so. Furthermore, it does not indicate if it will benefit from Faster Cast Speed, Faster Attack Speed, Mana Steal, or whether a skill would benefit more from Focus or Strength. I realize the length is intimidating, but I’m doing it in the hopes of making this a one-stop shop. You won’t have to trawl the forums for answers to all the questions my tutorial didn’t cover, and you’ll be able to hop right into the game, knowing all the mechanics that come with this playstyle.
As a result, this isn’t just a word-based skill calculator; I won’t advise you to put 9 points in Skill A, 5 in Skill B, and so on. Making your character your own is, in my opinion, the most enjoyable aspect of this game. To keep that aspect, I try to focus on the merits of each skill as they relate to this kind of character and style of play – it’s not so much a set of rules as it is a framework. I urge you to explore with various skill sets using the template’s basic concepts.
All of that said, if you want to skip the niceties and terrible jokes and accept my logic (a risky assumption), I do offer a theoretical skill point allocation towards the conclusion of the construction. Simply press Control + F to get to “4. Sample Skill Allocation.” For those of you who like hurting yourselves and finishing this book, I not only welcome, but urge, your comments on what I say here, both before and after you try out the design. Please let me know if I’m completely incorrect, or if anything I say is confusing or misleading. Great ideas don’t come up in a vacuum, and they don’t become better by themselves. Please assist me in making this a community guide rather than PogMoThoin’s guide. Cheers, After the page break, the Pog Build tutorial resumed. Contents Table of Contents 1. A general overview 2. Statistics 3. Expertise Inferno (3.1) Frost (3.2) Storm 3.3 4. Allocation of Skill Samples (Skip to this section if you don’t want to read all of the explanations.) Mechanics is the fifth subject. Weapon Modifiers No. 6
1. A general overview I’ve always had a weird fondness for the concept of a mage wielding a sword and shield, dating back to the days of “That Blizzard Game That Shall Not Be Named.” Unfortunately, most games prefer to categorize each class into a few “correct” builds centered around a single tree. You’ll either be a Fire DPS or a Frost CC, or you’ll just be terrible. In most instances, the Spellsword construction has been a logistical disaster, yet the concept has survived. Now, due to Runic and their unique approach on stat points, I believe the build will be realized.
I think that this build will perform best in a group, and that it will be a useful member of groups on the most challenging difficulties; nevertheless, it is my aim to make it viable as a solo character as well (though perhaps not for VHHC).
Damage Output and Survivability are the two aspects that the Spellsword concentrates on. You’ll never get the opportunity to inflict your damage if you charge into combat only to be crushed by cannon fodder. Why not simply remain a ranged mage if you’re extra-tanky and don’t deal any damage? The goal is to maximize the damage that can be done with both abilities and weapons while preserving survivability. (Aside from the enjoyment that comes with playing this kind of character) Does it seem to be difficult? That’s why it’s a rather uncommon construct. It’s also why I’d want to enlist the assistance of a community to help me turn this into a build that can be used in a group on Elite Hardcore. So, let’s get started.
2. Stats Ah Runic, you have done wonders, providing me with a whole new section to spread my egotistical word. Gone are the days of “Mages pump Focus and Warriors pump Strength. /enddiscussion.” Now, we must be free thinkers in gear, skills, AND stats. So much faith in your players.
In any case, this is a part that will start off as a mainly conceptual exercise, but as time goes on and input comes in, it will be refined into a more precise science (which I use in the loosest of terms, because each player will have different statistical needs based on their offensive or defensive tendencies, as well as the exact skill allocation they choose to use). Still, let’s go through them in order of “importance,” despite the fact that the distribution of skill points will be rather equal across the four categories:
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes Your Embermage will most likely have more Vitality points than any other category by the conclusion of this build. However, since Focus and Strength are essentially interchangeable for the purposes of this build, you’ll end up with more points in the two “damage-dealing” categories combined than you would in Vitality. Even still, here is where the bulk of your points will go in terms of raw numbers. Vitality boosts your HP, Armor, and Block (for those of you who will opt to sword-and-board). However, regardless of whatever protection you choose, you must be able to survive. Take your newfound confidence with a grain of salt; the objective is for you to be able to manage monsters without burning out your potion button.
Focus is, predictably, our second most important priority. It improves our mana pool, enhances the Elemental Damage of our weapons and abilities, and will very certainly be required for equipping parts of our gear. This isn’t your folks’ “Put 4 in Focus and 1 in Vitality” Focus, however. Keep in mind that Focus will be utilized mainly to increase the damage of our x – y Fire/Ice/Lightning/Poison (F/I/L/P) flat elemental damage spells, and secondly to increase the damage of our x – y Fire/Ice/Lightning/Poison (F/I/L/P) flat elemental damage spells. We shall be pumping Strength to enhance the damage of percent of Weapon DPS as F/I/L/P Damage. I believe the maximum points we would put in Focus each level would be three, and even that would be unusual. Keep an eye out for updates.
Strength isn’t far behind, and it’s just as important as Vitality and Focus. Many of our main abilities, as you’ll notice in our skill section, will be based on Weapon DPS rather than a flat – F/I/L/P Damage system. What makes this significant? Because Strength increases both the Physical and Elemental Damage of a weapon, whether the equipped weapon delivers Physical or Elemental Damage or both (nobody shields you like All State), whether the equipped weapon deals Physical or Elemental Damage or both. As a result, all of our abilities that utilize percent of Weapon DPS as F/I/L/P Damage will benefit from Strength just as much – if not more – than Focus. The sole benefits of Focus over Strength are the increased mana and increased damage to spells that aren’t dependent on Weapon DPS. Only Strength, on the other hand, increases the damage dealt by critical blows of any type, which is also beneficial.
Dexterity: As a player who nearly usually chooses a ranged character first, I find it very painful to put Dexterity last. I guess that’s life. But, despite being last, it is not without value. Critical Chance is improved by dexterity, and critical strikes are what apply status effects to opponents (which then trigger Fire Brand, which we’ll go into in depth later). It not only raises Critical Chance, but it also raises Dodge Chance, which is beneficial to our Spellsword. Nonetheless, critical chance may be improved with gear bonuses, and it’s tough to justify foregoing actual survivability in the form of Armor and HP in favor of Dodge. While nothing beats a string of huge fat crits, it isn’t the bread and butter of this build, despite its contributions. We live in a world where we have consistent DPS and don’t die. This statistic will be overlooked in contrast to the other three, but it will not be forgotten completely.
Now, here’s some advise from the outside world:
dsfargeg wrote the following:
Ele armor: 94/158/358/385 Armor: 502
FOC 60+15 VIT 85+49 STR 83+30 DEX 32+42 DEX 32+42 DEX 32+42 DEX 32+42 DEX 32+42 DEX 32+42 DEX 32
[/code] HP 3048 MP 202
I have 50 stat points and 18 skill points since I don’t know where else to place them. I’m doing massive melee damage, ranging from 300 to 800 on a regular hit, 1.6k for a crit, and 4-6k when the fire brand procs. I earned a 10k damage in one hit accomplishment while battling a level 50 monster.
I completed the game with equipment that was approximately 15 levels behind that of the opponents, and I think that increasing your block probability is the most important factor in ensuring your survival.
The multiplayer issue where you are transformed into a level 1 Embermage on everyone else’s clients, which means you only get one shot by anything giving you a sideways look, has killed me the most. When bosses and bigger, stronger opponents score a critical hit on me, I’ve also perished to one shots. When monsters do regular damage, Death’s Bounty and lifesteal on your weapon make you virtually invulnerable. Ranged gangs and poison are the only major threats. I’m not sure what the deal is with ranged monsters; they can kill you by shooting two arrows from the edge of the screen, and I doubt it’s much more fun for a glass cannon mage with low vit dual wielding wands.
• 3.1 Inferno o Magma Spear: This is an excellent single target spam option. It’s channeled, has a low mana cost, a percent of Weapon DPS component, and has a chance to cast a Burn DoT. Criticals will also activate the Burn Status Effect, which will aid in the activation of Fire Brand. In essence, it contains everything you’d want in a talent that can do enormous damage to a single target while also facilitating it. I suggest making room in your array for this talent.
o Magma Mace: This is a fantastic multi-target spam if Magma Spear is your single target spam (though it will also be useful as a single target attack due to its tier bonuses). This is a fantastic opening strike with a low mana cost, a stun component, a guaranteed Burn DoT, and tier benefits that shatter shields and offer crowd control. It should also find a place in your arsenal.
o Firebombs: I’m not enthusiastic about them. The DoT isn’t overpowering, the movement speed penalty can be avoided with Magma Mace, and the little flee rate isn’t appealing or helpful in my opinion. I’d recommend relocating your skill points to a more appropriate location.
o Blazing Pillar: This player believes that Blazing Pillars are a necessity for this build, based on an overwhelming quantity of favorable response (Salan and Tissek here, among others that I’ve separately polled). I had a feeling it could be helpful, but it turns out it’s much more. The charge boost will come in handy, and the searching Pillars don’t need much attention. Unless you hear anything different later, I’d start working on implementing this and, based on how it sounds, maxing it out.
o Infernal Collapse: As a crowd controller, this seems like a decent option. It not only delivers decent base damage, but it also has knockback, which is useful in emergency circumstances. However, if it’s only for the knockback, I’d suggest investing in Storm Phase instead. If it’s intended to be an AoE damage talent, Infernal Collapse’s damage will be better. It is up to the player to decide.
“Billy Mays here for Immolation Aura!” says Immolation Aura. You may inflict free harm to anybody stupid enough to come within sword range of you for approximately 1 Mana each second. And even if they don’t willingly end up there, they’ll end up there sooner or later!” A free drink, a free trip, or free DPS should never be turned down. This is a no-brainer for me. It reminds me of the RonCo Rotisserie infomercial: Make a note of it and then forget about it. It may not always be active, but it will always be there when you need to deal with boss minion spawns or a swarm of stupid tiny foes *Pygmy Stabbers*, and you’ll be glad you have it. “We’re like 7-11 in that we’re not always open, but we’re always open.” I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to quit now. Keep in mind, though, that the tier benefit is a damage-absorption boost. Get this ability as soon as possible.
o Firestorm: Your nuke with a wide area of effect. It will appear late in the game, but that is OK. It does its own damage to opponents trapped in the rain, as well as increasing the damage dealt by your other fire abilities. The mana cost is a turnoff, but it will boost the damage of your other abilities on all individuals who are impacted. So apply your common sense: it’s a fantastic use of mana if there are enough opponents to warrant it. If there aren’t any, I suppose there are still fireballs falling from the sky, which is always amazing.
o Charge Mastery: I’m undecided about this one. If your player has a mana issue (insufficient mana regen, no mana leech on your weapon, insufficient Focus, etc. ), clearcasting will be a huge help, and this skill will be a necessity. You can probably live without it during the regular course of play if you can intersperse mana-leeching auto-attacks between your abilities and have a decent mana pool and mana regen. Again, it’s a matter of taste.
Yes, but only to a certain degree. o Elemental Attunement: Yes, but only to a certain extent. Calculate how fast you kill monsters and how often you apply status effects. If an opponent only survives your fury for 5 seconds, it’s a waste of skill points and, quite simply, needless to leave the poor sap to burn for a further 15 seconds (you sadistic prick). So make a decision: calculate out how long you need to prolong your burns to get the most out of Flame Brand, then apply the skill points accordingly. Because you’ll most likely be reapplying the Burn effect on a regular basis, 3 or 4 points is probably the exact limit.
NB: Prior to several of the game’s main modifications, status effects could not be prolonged; that is, once an effect was applied, it could not be reapply until it had completed its entire duration. The burn duration will not be reset if you score a critical hit on a target that is currently burning. I’m not sure whether this has been updated or not. The response will very likely influence how this talent is seen, as well as if it is really required.
o Fire Brand: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, It’s free extra damage every time you strike an opponent who is afflicted by the Burn Status Effect (which should be rather often if you’re doing things correctly). Do you recall what I mentioned about getting free DPS? It still holds true. Damage not only increases with skill points, but it also scales with level. As a result, this should be set to maximum.
• 3.2 Frost o Icy Blast: Because Fire Brand is triggered not just by future fire attacks on burning targets, but also by any attack on a burning target, it could potentially be used as a multi-target AoE spam after lighting up a group. It’s debatable if this is the ideal way to go about things, but the mana cost is very low, and the damage is dependent on percent of Weapon DPS, which is a great bonus. I can see it replacing Magma Spear as your main missile attack, but keep in mind that Icy Blast does not have the same synergy with this build as Magma Spear in terms of applying Burn and other effects.
o Hailstorm: This ability, according to what I’ve heard, may be helpful early on (thanks to Salan for the tip!). Put a point into it right away, then use Firestorm as your AoE nuke (unless you go the way of a Frost or Storm Spellsword, in which case this will be a must).
o Frost Phase: “Do I really have to drink my own urine?” No, but it’s antiseptic, and I like the flavor.” Is it necessary for me to teleport into a gathering of opponents rather than just rushing in? No, although it does look great and has some interesting side effects. It will also be handy as an emergency exit if you are being beaten up (the knockback at both the points of the teleport will nicely clear the LZ for you). For our purposes, gaining the jump on a crowd and fleeing from one when required, one point should enough.
o Elemental Boon: I believe this will be determined by the level of play. If you wanted to live at the higher difficulty levels in Torchlight (or Diablo 2), you needed to have strong elemental resistances. If the same is true for TL2, this will most likely be critical for those that play on Elite. If not, the aura still has value, since tier bonuses increase mana regen and cast speed, both of which are beneficial to this build. The bottom line, I believe, is that this will help the build regardless of difficulty, but its significance among the other abilities will be determined by difficulty.
o Frost Wave: This works in a similar way as Icy Blast. This time, though, the damage is fixed rather than dependent on DPS. Unless you’re going for an ice or lightning build, this character isn’t for you.
o Ice Prison: This is another another one-point marvel. I don’t believe it requires much explanation other than the fact that, at higher difficulty levels, capturing a champion monster while dealing with garbage may be very helpful, valuable enough to warrant investing a single point in it.
o Astral Ally: Yet another fashion choice. Pump points into it to prolong the duration if you enjoy the notion of summoning a second self. I’m probably just going to put one point into it.
o Staff Mastery: I haven’t decided whether I’ll play Spellsword with a staff or a sword and board (but I’m leaning toward shield play). Staff Mastery will be a maxed skill for those that choose the staff (you’re losing survivability by not using a shield, therefore you’ll want to maximize damage). The reasons for this ought to be self-evident.
o Frozen Fate: Because the immobilization isn’t dependent on any other Frost spell synergy, the single point treatment may be justified. Because I’m always up for more CC, I’ll probably give it a point for the off-proc.
o Ice Brand: Not at all.
• 3.3 Storm of Prismatic Bolt: It’s simply too multi-purpose for our setup to get the most out of it.
o Shocking Burst: “Your weak abilities are no match for the Dark Side’s strength!” I can see it replacing Magma Mace, but it won’t have the same synergy with this fire-based build. But I won’t hold it against you if you want to be a Jedi. May the Force be with you at all times.
The pattern is complete for Thunder Locus: Negative Ghost Rider.
o Arc Beam: Works in the same way as Magma Spear, but is less attuned to the construct. It also necessitates the use of a staff or wand, rendering it worthless for sword-and-board players.
o Death’s Bounty: The health and mana recovery values are per bolt and scale with player level. It’s great for increasing your potion consumption and Mana Steal, and it can also heal your squadmates. I’d certainly put money into it; the only issue is how much.
o Shockbolts: I’m not sure what the purpose of this talent is. It’s very high in terms of level requirements, and it only deals electric damage. Since ‘nam,’ this is pretty much the worst skill ever.
o Shocking Orb: Brings back memories of the classic Frozen Orb/Fireball Sorceresses. Outside of that, it’s mostly useless for our objectives.
o Prismatic Rift: I can imagine this getting aggravating as you pursue the final opponent across the map, teleporting away from you. Nonetheless, I think the advantages exceed the expenses, and I would reduce the damage mitigation by a few of points. Instead of melee, you may always use spells to blast that final person.
o Wand Chaos: Go for it if you utilize wands. This construct, however, does not need the usage of wands.
o Ice Brand: See Lightning Brand.
4. Allocation of Skill Samples So you’ve chosen to save your sanity and have just taken a leap of faith by thinking that all of my ramblings are well-founded. I like your misguided self-assurance. In any case, this is how I see my own particular talent tree (eventual distribution of points followed by the skill). I take no responsibility if a character uses this build and sucks:
• Magma Spear (number 15) (single target spam, with piercing) • Magma Mace (number 15) (multi-target melee spam) • 15: Firestorm • 15: Immolation Aura (AoE damage aura) (AoE nuke) • Mastery of Charges (number 5) (build charge faster and retain it longer) • Attunement to Elemental Forces (number 3) (Status Effect extender) • Number 15: Fire Brand (Bonus damage proc) • 15: Elemental Boon • 1: Storm Phase (The “Oh Sh*t!” Button) (Resistance Aura, Mana Recharge, Faster Cast Speed) • Number One: The Ice Prison (single target CC) • Number One: Astral Ally (summon ally) • 1: Frozen Destiny (freeze enemies on kill) • 3: Prismatic Rift (absorbs health and mana when killed) • 5: Death’s Bounty (absorbs health and mana when killed) (teleport away attacking enemies) 110 total skill points
I understand that not all skill points have been assigned. Why? Because I have no clue which abilities will suffice with only 5 points and which will need 15 in order to be most successful. It also allows for experimentation, such as evaluating if adding Blazing Pillars to this construct makes it divine. At the moment, I don’t have any answers. This is a preliminary estimate, and I’ll attempt to update it as I play through the game and get comments from both myself and others. *Please give comment, hint hint*
Now, I get that you skipped to this part to obtain the SparkNotes version of the book, but I would strongly advise you to at least skim through the Stats and Mechanics sections, if only to see how this construct handles both.
Or, you know, go break some skulls.
Mechanics is the fifth subject. My predilection for fire abilities stems from the fact that they do the greatest damage in the past. Fire Brand’s wide synergy, as well as some of the tier bonuses and secondary effects (damage absorption from Immolation Aura, fire damage boost from Firestorm), made it the most attractive to me. However, this should not be seen as a criticism of the other trees and abilities. I think you can create a Storm or Frost Spellsword while still drawing abilities from your secondary trees. Instead of burning your targets, you may choose to freeze them before eliminating them. And I’d say, “Who doesn’t feel that way now and then?” I enjoyed roasting my opponents with Scorpion’s fiery breath, but I secretly admired Sub-ability Zero’s to shatter his enemies into teeny-tiny ice chips.” They both get the job done; choose whatever one appeals to you, and be sure to let us know how it goes!
For our purposes, I’ll utilize the names of the Inferno abilities that I selected while discussing mechanics, but Firestorm could easily be substituted by Hailstorm or Thunder Locus, etc., due to my emphasis in the skills section. Of course, some of the synergizing strategies will be different, but…well, you get the idea. Simply try to envision how you’d modify the overall approach to your own skill set.
Another point to consider is the distinction between staff and sword-and-board combat. Staff Spellswords will concentrate on utilizing melee to debuff opponents with Staff Mastery and reclaim mana with Mana Steal; otherwise, they will focus on pounding out spell damage to take advantage of enemies’ reduced resistances. Spellswords with a sword and board will have the choice of playing this way, or they may choose to concentrate more on a melee/magic balance. I’ll attempt to cover both of these playstyles while explaining mechanics. Playing Style:
So, here’s how gameplay could look in a few different scenarios (this part will grow as your gaming experience grows): • A huge horde of garbage scavengers: Apply Immolation Aura (and Elemental Boon if you need the resists, mana regen, or cast speed) (and Death’s Bounty if you need the HP and MP replenishment in the middle of the battle); If you’d like, Storm Phase in and lay down a Magma Mace; use Magma Spear to take out single targets, and melee anybody who comes too near. • A swarm of garbage mobs, or alternatively: Use Firestorm to soften up big trash battles that are taking longer than you’d want or resulting in a lot of potion chugging; use Firestorm to soften them up before charging in). • Champion and Boss Monsters: Depending on your durability, you may want to leave the close encounters with the big monster to the tanks. Drop Ice Prison on the Champion/Boss if feasible, and focus on the garbage spawns; try to hit the trash with Death’s Bounty to keep your orbs filled. After you’ve cleared the area, summon your Astral Ally and start spamming Magma Spear. Alternatively, activate all applicable auras and use Magma Mace and Melee to join the battle.
Modifiers for Weapons and Armor (In Order of Importance)
Bonuses for statistics and the advantages that come with them As always, use your common sense while deciding which stat you need the most. Surviving mob attacks isn’t an issue for you? Instead, you may want to focus on increasing your spell damage or mana pool. However, in general, fix flaws in the following order:
-Vitality -Armor -Health -Focus -Mana -Vitality -Armor -Health -Focus -Mana -Spell Damage (plus a percentage of the damage done by the Fire Skill) -Attributes of Strength -Attributes of Dexterity -Attributes of Critical Chance -Dodge Chance -Critical Damage
You’ll note that I typically prioritize the overall skill above the associated advantages. We’re back in the wonderful world of common sense, and I recommend that you recognize that if 10 Dexterity = +0.5% Critical Chance, and you’re comparing a +10 Dexterity item to a +1 percent Critical Chance item, the extra critical chance will almost certainly trump the additional Dodge bonus that comes with Dexterity. It’s a little complicated (“This entire build is the epitome of convoluted, you shmuck.”) and it’s a stylistic decision, but don’t take the above chart as gospel, much like everything else in this book. It’s mostly used to resolve problems such as: “Hmm, I’m dying a lot, but I’m not critting nearly as often.” In this situation, the most important thing is to remain alive and then solve your crit shortcomings.
Damage from Elementals Although it comes under the Weapon Damage category, I think it merits a short explanation as to why it is helpful. Get a weapon that only delivers fire damage if at all feasible. Why? Because critical strikes from a fire-based weapon’s auto-attacks will produce the burn effect, which is beneficial for the reasons stated above. The fire-based weapon will also apply the effect to non-critical strikes at random. Of course, don’t lose a lot of DPS in order to keep a fire-based weapon; this problem may be avoided by socketing your weapon with a fire gem. Burn Status Effect should also be triggered on criticals by a weapon that does both physical and fire damage. I’ll do my best to confirm this.
Casting Speed Increase The advantages of Faster Cast Speed and Faster Attack Speed are often confused. Simply stated, if the attack is from a skill tree, the only way to spam it quicker is to increase the cast speed. Attacks from your weapon are affected by faster attack speed (swing your sword twice as fast, shoot twice as many arrows in the same span of time, etc.). Where the misunderstanding resides is in the question, “Does my skill increase with Attack Speed or Cast Speed if it includes the usage of my weapon (for example, an Outlander’s Shadowshot, which shoots from the bow/gun)?”
The answer is that Cast Speed is advantageous. Why? I’m not sure (but I’m guessing it has something to do with preventing classes that utilize their weapons to practice their abilities from becoming extremely powerful). Whether you’re conjuring a fireball or shooting a particular arrow, the fundamental idea is that if it consumes mana, it’s called “casting.” Now that we’ve established what Faster Cast Speed does, I believe it’s obvious why it’s significant (but not essential) to us. Who doesn’t enjoy Magma Spear Chainguns, right?
Attack Speed Increase Why do I like Faster Attack Speed, apart from being impatient? Faster Attack Speed boosts the effectiveness of every other effect your character employs. Faster Attack Speed makes Mana Steal, + Damage on Hit, Status Effects, Health Steal, + percent Chance to Flee, and other effects exponentially more effective (what it doesn’t affect are the base stats [Strength, Dexterity, etc.]; although it does to some extent, because a 30 percent critical chance on a weapon that strikes once per second is comparable to a 15 percent critical chance on a weapon that strikes once per second).
To put it another way, if your weapon steals 5 mana each hit and strikes once per second, you’re essentially stealing 5 mana per second. Faster Strike Pace, on the other hand, doubles the speed of your attack. You are now effectively stealing 10 mana each second since you are practicing Mana Steal twice per second. The weapon’s perks haven’t altered, but it’s now more effective. This is true for all additional effects, but probably most notably for diamonds. In a quicker weapon, all socketed gems will be considerably more useful. Damage, Mana Steal, and the application of Status Effects are the most essential elements for us (from elemental weapons). I could go into a long and thorough explanation of why this is so essential (“No, no, please don’t.”), but I’d prefer you trust the simple example of Mana Steal that I just provided. What’s more, let’s take a look at…
Mana thievery Because we’ll be putting a lot of points into Vitality and Strength, Focus will be overlooked in mage classes. We won’t have as much mana to draw from as a result of this. Fortunately, there are many paths to mana independence. The first is to stockpile a large amount of mana. Even though we’ll be ignoring Focus, gear benefits may help us increase our mana. My favorite approach, though, is to stack Mana Steal. For a variety of reasons, the mana steal technique is generally useless on most mage setups. The first is that mana theft is not triggered by abilities. Because most mages depend nearly entirely on abilities to do damage, mana theft isn’t a feasible option because it occurs so rarely. And mages don’t want to lose DPS for the purpose of replenishing mana by utilizing an inefficient, weak auto-attack. Pumping Focus and chugging potions is much easier. However, such is not the case with us. Our auto-attack will not be used exclusively to regenerate mana; rather, it will be a dependable source of DPS, with Mana Steal serving as a bonus that enables us to keep utilizing our abilities. Naturally, the greater your Mana Steal (and Attack Speed, as stated above), the more often you will be able to utilize your abilities, and the less reliant on your weapon attack you will become.
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Embermage Spellsword is a unique class designed for the Torchlight 2 Ember Mage. It was designed to provide the skills and abilities the Ember Mage needs to be an effective Torchlight 2 Character.. Read more about torchlight 2 berserker build 2021 and let us know what you think.
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