The GTA Online Jobs & Missions List is a tool that allows you to find, view, and manage all of the GTA Online Jobs & Missions available in Los Santos and Blaine County. You can find all GTA Online Jobs & Missions from the main menu of Grand Theft Auto Online.
GTA has been down on the PC for some time now, but that does not mean there is not still wealth of content for your gaming experience. The game has a growing fan base and brand new content, as well as a dedicated community of fans and creators that have flourished online through the GTA Online Jobs and Missions. GTA has been around for a long time, and it has been around long enough for there to be a number of mission guides, as well as more lore-friendly guides.
I’ve created a list of GTA Online missions that you must perform for a certain stock company to complete their missions. If you’re a member of that company, then you will want to read this blog post until the end. After reading this, you will know what missions you need to complete for each company to unlock their missions.
Here’s a list / guide of GTA 5 Online jobs and tasks, ordered by highest payment first, including their prizes, payouts, tips, and more.
- Go to the Jobs / Missions page to see a list of available positions.
- To rapidly locate a particular task or assignment, use CTRL + F on your keyboard (or use the search function in your browser).
- If you don’t like a job, press X (Xbox 360/One), square (PS3/PS4), or MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON (PC). You may also cancel an ongoing task using the same button, although this is not advised since it can damage your reputation.
- Try obtaining a helicopter at this area (other places) or contact Merryweather for a $1000 helicopter pickup if a task is too far afield to drive there.
(You may shoot the heli pilot and fly it yourself; if you do this too many times, Merryweather will blacklist you for 10 minutes, but that’s the only punishment.) You can eventually contact Lester to get a helicopter.
(Note: Some tasks do not allow you to contact Lester or Merryweather as of the most recent version.)
- The 1.16 update to San Andreas Flight School raised payments for most of the lesser-paying missions, thus the payouts you see may be lower than their true worth. Currently, the rewards for most of those tasks may be thought of as twofold + ($3000 to $9,000) plus the extras mentioned below.
(However, keep in mind that although most lower-paying tasks have been raised, several higher-paying objectives have been decreased.) Locking a mission in first-person mode will result in a larger payment. (Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC)
- Payouts now change depending on how long you spend on a mission, how many foes spawn, how many enemies you kill, how many deaths you have, and other factors. Finally, you no longer get half the payment if you repeat a task since the most recent update. You will always be paid in full.
Top 40 Missions and Jobs
- Scares and Stocks
- Rooftop Brawl
- Stocking Docks
- Invaders from the Base
- The Madness Has a Method
- Trail of the Chopper
- Exports from the United States
- Defender
- Landing Equipment
- During Maneuvers
- Scarcity created artificially
- Communications by satellite
- Talking Trash
- Extraction by Chemicals
- Bust Out
- Extradition
- The Jury’s Decision
- Stocking the Docks II
- Mixed with Coca-Cola
- Dry Docking is a term used to describe the process of
- Dash and Hack
- The Connection to Los Santos
- Wet Work
- Out of Balance
- Sinking Sensation
- Keep up the good work, Stickup Crew!
- It’s time to go.
- Blow Up II is the sequel to the first.
- 3rd Blow Up
- Master Information
- Today’s GTA
- Crime Scene Investigator
- On the Checklist
- arduous work
- A Job of a Titan
- Trevor deserves diamonds.
- Trailer Teaser
- Quarry, Quarry, Quarry
- Clear as a crystal
- Please show me the money.
All Missions and Jobs
Lester Rank: 70 Payout: $12,500 Base RP: 2550 Players: 1 Max: 4 Stocks and Scares Contact: Lester Rank: 70 Contact: Lester Rank: 70 Contact: Lester Rank: 70 Contact: Lester Rank: 70 Contact: Lester Rank: 70 | Hire a bodyguard to protect you while you hack the door or break the safe. |
Contact: Martin Rank: 75 Payout: $12,500 Base RP: 2970 Players: 1 Maximum: 4 | Detonate a bomb at the rear of the vehicle. |
Lester Rank: 70 Payout: $12,500 Base RP: 1800 Players: 2 Max: 4 Contact: Lester Rank: 70 Contact: Lester Rank: 70 Contact: Lester Rank: 70 Contact: Lester Rank: 70 Contact: Lester Rank: 70 Contact | Take as many cargobobs (locations) as you can; there aren’t many opponents on the ground. When you get to the container, use the big lifting vehicle to transfer it to a location where a cargobob can pick it up, keeping an eye out for attackers. |
Contact: Ron Rank: 27 Payout: $12,500 Base RP: 850 Players: 1 Max: 4 Base Invaders Contact: Ron Rank: 27 Payout: $12,500 | Get aboard Ron’s aircraft, land someplace secure inside the base (don’t parachute out otherwise the operation will fail since Ron’s plane can’t be destroyed), and then find a jet. Take the jet and use it to destroy the other two. Then land and annihilate the last one.
Another option is to get into a helicopter (location, contact Merryweather and kill the pilot, or call Lester) and land on the top of a hangar and shoot the lazars, or land at the airport, get into an army vehicle, and drive past and drop grenades / sticky bombs. Steal the cargobob and deliver it after all three lazars have been destroyed. |
Trevor Rank: 65 Payout: $11,500 Base RP: 3300 Players: 1 Maximum: 4 | Both shipments may be picked up by one person. Steal a boat and make your way to Trevor. |
Trevor Rank: 70 Payout: $11,500 Base RP: 2200 Chopper Tail Contact: Trevor Rank: 70 Payout: $11,500 | Get in the buggies and follow the helicopter west. Once you’ve arrived, take cover and take down all of the attackers before delivering the stuff to Trevor’s trailer. Enemies will pursue you, but if you floor it, you can outrun them. (Alternate: Take a helicopter to the buggy at the start of the operation, then exit the buggy and return to your heli to track the opposing heli.) |
Rank: 65 Payout: $11,500 Base RP: 2050 Players: 1 Max: 4 American Exports Contact:Lester | Go to the military base (location) Driving off the little hill adjacent to the fence at this position is a fairly simple method to get into the military installation. The cargobob is parked near the huge open hangar on a helipad. (cargobob location) If there are no helicopters on you after stealing the cargobob, try flying towards the ocean and losing the desired level there. Another option is to land the cargobob someplace in the highlands, then exit, take out the police helis, and then hide in a thicket or tiny tree. When you arrive at the container park, use your cargobob to take out the enemies guarding it. When you attach your cargobob to the container (hold right on the D-Pad to release the hook), an enemy helicopter will spawn. Carefully detach the container, land, take cover, and take out the enemy heli before delivering it. |
Martin, Defender, Rank: 70, Payout: $11,500, Base RP: 2200, Players: 1 Max: 2 | Fly behind the contact and employ missiles to take down any approaching enemy helicopters. (Be aware that they will not attempt to assault you; instead, concentrate on eliminating them as they fly behind the contact.) |
Landing Gear Contact: Ron Rank: 55 Payout: $11,500 Minimum RP: 1700 Maximum RP: 6 Players: 4 | Allow one person to board an aircraft to spawn enemy helicopters, then board buzzards to kill them all.
Anyone getting inside the aircraft will have to avoid opposing buzzard missiles, so be prepared to perform loops, barrel rolls, and other maneuvers. On the way back, other Buzzards players should cover the aircraft. |
Lester Rank: 65 Payout: $11,500 Base RP: 2050 Players: 1 Max: 3 On Maneuvers Contact: Lester Rank: 65 Payout: $11,500 | Have someone grab the buzzard (don’t attack, sneak around the enemies to the buzzard; they won’t attack until you attack them or get very close), get in the buzzard, and carefully take out the enemies in the area around the Annihilator, then clean up the area, and have someone get in the Annihilator.
Have the buzzard take down the aircraft and two assault choppers heading towards the Annihilator as soon as possible. Even if you don’t shoot down the jet, if you fly low and fast enough, you can avoid it. You can even escape opposing helicopters if you travel fast enough. |
Artificial Scarcity Rank: 19 Payout: $10,000 Base RP: 2200 Players: 1 Maximum: 4 | This one comes highly recommended, although it is not necessary. You must destroy seven trucks, some of which may attempt to flee. In this assignment, sticky explosives will come in handy. Take down a few SUVs with enemies who are after you. The final several trucks may need you to travel into an area with a lot of attackers, so be cautious.
You can climb a ladder to the roof and use grenades or a grenade launcher to take out the final surviving vehicles if you travel to the street on the opposite side of the facility where the trucks are. You are not need to kill the opponents in this manner. |
Trevor (Satellite Communications) Rank: 60 Payout: $10,000 Base RP: 2600 Players: 1 Maximum: 4 | Get in the truck after taking out all of the enemies defending the trailer. If you’re driving the truck, just shoot the motorcycles in front of you; those behind you won’t be able to strike you, so go all out and bring the trailer to the petrol station. |
Contact: Martin Rank: 81 Payout: $10,000 2500 Players: 1 Maximum: 6 | Bring four sticky bombs to blow up the garbage trucks, then grenades to blow up the headquarters. There are many opponents defending the remaining trash trucks; after they have been destroyed, the boss will attempt to escape on foot; kill him to finish the task.
Note: You may also fire the big gas tank on the left side adjacent to the front tire a few times to destroy the trash trucks. |
Lester Rank: 65 Payout: $10,000 Base RP: 2500 Players: 1 Max: 6 Chemical Extraction Contact: Lester Rank: 65 | Fight your way to the vehicle, then get in and out fast to locate some excellent cover. An enemy helicopter will appear; shoot it down, then get back in the van and find some more cover. As you drive out of the complex, several cars with opponents will spawn; kill them, then deliver the van. |
Lester Rank: 55 Payout: $10,000 Base RP: 1400 Players: 1 Max: 4 Bust Out Contact: Lester Rank: 55 | Quickly approach the bus before it reaches its destination, shoot the driver, pick up the man, and flee from the police. This one is simpler to complete if you utilize a helicopter. |
Extradition Contact: Martin Rank: 50 Payout: $10,000 Minimum RP: 2050 Maximum RP: 6 Players: 1 | You may acquire two aircraft for this operation at the Sandy Shores landing strip (the big one). Thank you for the tip, BristolClark! (Note that the jets were not available in the PC version.)
Wait until everyone is ready to enter the base (access to base may be found by driving over a cliff) and then grab as many jets as you can. You may also contact Lester to arrange for a helicopter to transport you to a jet. After you’ve destroyed the Titan, fly toward the DA (the large red dot on the map behind you) and use lock on missiles to blow up his limo before he reaches his destination. If you can’t hit him with your missiles, have someone remain in the Del Perro Beach area and wait for the DA, then take him out as he goes by. You may lower your desired level by flying your aircraft very high over the ocean, then returning to the suitcase and parachute down. |
Martin Rank: 65 Payout: $10,000 Base RP: 2100 Players: 1 Max: 8 Judging the Jury Contact: Martin Rank: 65 Contact: Martin Rank: 65 Contact: Martin Rank: 65 Contact: Martin Rank: 65 Contact: Martin Rank: 65 Contact: | Take as many people as possible and send them out in separate fast vehicles. Stickies come in in for the last jurors (Note: This is a timed mission) |
Lester Rank: 75 Payout: $10,000 Base RP: 1720 Players: 1 Max: 4 Docks to Stock II Contact: Lester Rank: 75 | Bring in a second helicopter. |
Contact:Martin Rank: 45 Payout: $9,500 Minimum RP: 2000 Players: 1 Maximum RP: 6 | There were three individuals who suggested it. Start by tossing a sticky bomb over the fence at the cement truck closest to the street, and then have someone detonate a grenade at the other.
Two additional cement trucks will appear on the map after you demolish the first two, so have other people ready to destroy them. Enemies in SUVs will attack, but attempt to ignore them and finish the objective by destroying the remaining vehicles. (You may request an assault helicopter from Lester for this one.) |
Martin Rank: 45 Payout: $8,000 Base RP: 1400 Players: 1 Max: 4 Dry Docking Contact: Martin Rank: 45 Payout: $8,000 | Don’t go alone; you’ll need someone to keep an eye on you while you break the safe since attackers will keep spawning and charging at you.
Once you’ve gotten the boat, take it gently enough that someone may stand in it and shoot. Once you’ve stolen the boat, you’ll be pursued by a helicopter and other boats. It’s recommended that you go out and snipe or fire the opposing boats from the chopper. |
Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, | At least one additional individual should accompany you. Allow them to protect you while you hack the door. Lose your desired status and bring the vehicles to the warehouse after you’ve stolen the automobiles. |
Martin Rank: 40 Payout: $8,000 Base RP: 2700 Players: 1 Max: 6 The Los Santos Connection Contact: Martin Rank: 40 Payout: $8,000 | (Note: You may demolish green boxes to find cash throughout this assignment, but be cautious not to blow them up.)
The first two sections are simple; just find the spot, kill the opponents, and board the SUV; then go to the depot, kill the enemy (who will also come in vehicles), and hack the laptop (there is also a respawning health pack in the container next to the laptop if you need it) Enemies in SUVs will pursue you as you drive to the airport, but if you drive quickly enough, you will be able to avoid them. Kill the enemies surrounding the hangar (use the white/red checkered power generator for cover) and take a buzzard (attack helicopter) as you get to the airport, then destroy the aircraft parked at the end of the runway. Return to the hangar and destroy all of the vehicles in the hangar as well as the enemies, then collect the coke (there is also respawning body armor nearby if you need it), take out the attackers who come, demolish the chopper, then deliver the cargo using a buzzard. |
Wet Work Contact: Ron Rank: 55 Payout: $7,000 Players: 1 Max: 4 Base RP: 2300 | Use a sniper to take down the attackers from above, then don’t stop until you’re in the boat. To cover, the passenger should carry a micro SMG.
When you get at your location, you’ll have to deal with a slew of lost, so find some cover as soon as possible. To finish the task, use the white container as cover while you go up the stairs and take down the attackers. |
Out of Harmony Contact: Trevor Rank: 50 Payout: $7,000 Players: 1 Max: 4 Base RP: 1500 | Because there is a time restriction on this one, it’s advisable to bring at least a few individuals. Try to wipe out the enemy at the cement works as quickly as possible (additional time may be gained by shooting a few enemies before the timer begins).
Take the trailer after that. Bikers will follow you and fire at you, but they won’t be able to catch up if you drive quickly enough. |
Lester Rank: 55 Payout: $7,000 Base RP: 2500 Players: 2 Max: 4 Sinking Feeling Contact: Lester Rank: 55 Payout: $7,000 | In case something goes wrong, bring two SUVs. When there are two tunnels, be cautious; it’s possible to become trapped near the exit. |
Stick Up the Stickup Crew Contact: Martin Rank: 40 Payout: $6,000 Players: 1 Max: 4 Base RP: 2250 | The vehicle is surrounded by a swarm of attackers. Cover each individual with one vehicle. SUVs and a helicopter will pursue you once you get inside the truck, so just drive as fast as you can to the drop-off location. They will have a hard time shooting you if you keep the SUV behind you. |
Contact: Martin Rank: 21 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 1500 Players: 1 Maximum: 2 | Drive over to the Donkey Punch Family Farm; El Stupido will be in a barn surrounded by opponents when you arrive. Instead of driving in, park anywhere on the hills adjacent to the barn (there is a path up to the hill west of the barn) and snipe as many opponents as you can.
Then make your way inside the barn to save El Stupido. As soon as he enters your car, a swarm of opponents in vehicles will pursue you. However, if you drive quickly enough to the airport, you can outrun them. |
Simeon Rank: 20 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 1400 Players: 1 Max: 2 Blow Up II Contact: Simeon Rank: 20 Payout: $5,000 Blow Up II Contact: Simeon Rank: 20 Payout: $5,000 Blow Up II Contact: Sime | Get inside the banshee and drive it along the road. Move the vehicles close together and either use a jerry can, a bomb, or shoot the engine of one of the cars to blow it up. |
Simeon Rank: 31 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 1400 Players: 1 Max: 2 Blow Up III Contact: Simeon Rank: 31 Payout: $5,000 Blow Up III Contact: Simeon Rank: 31 Payout: $5,000 Blow Up III Contact: Sime | Bring some grenades or a jerry can. There aren’t many opponents in this one, so it should be simple. |
Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, Lester, | To begin, go to the storage facility and eliminate the opponents. After you’ve dispatched them, two trucks carrying attackers will approach from both sides, so take shelter. Then search the surroundings for a black vehicle filled with surveillance equipment (should be south east of the warehouse near the water).
Enemies will appear as soon as you are in the vehicle, so get out, find some cover, and take them out. As you approach closer to Lester’s warehouse, another hostile car will pursue you, but if you drive quickly enough, you may avoid them. |
Simeon Rank: 1 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 3000 GTA Today Contact: Simeon | This mission requires the participation of two or more individuals. Recover the four vehicles scattered around Los Santos. |
Lester Rank: 20 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 2100 Crime Scenester Contact: | You must retrieve some marked money from a crime scene in this assignment. When you arrive, you’ll be given a three-star wanted status and a swarm of police will assault you.
Grab the marked bills and escape the desired level (I wouldn’t suggest doing this alone since the bills are crawling with police), then give the cash. |
Martin Rank: 18 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 1900 On the List Contact: Martin Rank: 18 Payout: $5,000 | Martin will instruct you to eliminate five targets in the vicinity of LS. The first is on a dune buggy at the observatory, the second is on a billboard downtown, and the third is on a motorbike near the observatory.
The fourth is in gang territory, with many opponents around him, and the final is at the marina, where you will have to pursue him down in a boat. |
Contact: Gerald Rank: 19 Payout: $5,000 Minimum RP: 1500 Players: 1 Maximum RP: 4 | This assignment comes highly recommended by many individuals, as well as a speedy car. Drive to the building site and begin by eliminating the gang members on the ground level.
Make use of the work site as a makeshift shelter. After that, go to the second level and eliminate the gang members. The gang leader will then flee in a helicopter, get into a fast vehicle, and pursue him down while on his way to the roof. He’ll land at the north-east corner of the map, near the ocean. If you can’t catch his helicopter, you may drive up there and take him out. Complete the task by eliminating the boss. |
Contact: Lester Rank: 24 Payout: $5,000 Minimum RP: 2000 Players: 1 Maximum RP: 6 | Snipe the enemies in the hangar, drive up, finish the rest, move the Semi (don’t blow it up or you’ll have trouble taking the titan out of the hangar), a few more enemy will spawn, then steal and land the titan. |
Trevor’s Diamonds Trevor’s Rank: 70 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 2700 | Get in the boat, then leave immediately to wait for an enemy heli to arrive from a long distance, as well as an enemy boat to attack. |
Lester Rank: 40 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 1700 Players: 1 Max: 4 Teaser Trailer Contact: Lester Rank: 40 Payout: $5,000 | There are a lot of opponents with body armor covering the trailer, so take your time and acquire some excellent cover for this battle before getting a vehicle.
One may be found parked slightly east of the mission area near the big blue dome, or one can be stolen off a neighboring road. Then have someone look after it while you return with the trailer. On the journey back, enemies will assault you, but if you drive quickly enough, you will be able to avoid them. |
Lester Rank: 30 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 1300 Players: Max: 4 Quarry Quarry Contact: Lester Rank: 30 Payout: $5,000 | It was suggested by two or more individuals. Before entering one of the vehicles, make sure both spaces are clear. If feasible, snipe from a hill near the mission location.
Get in a van, then leave as soon as attackers arrive and seek cover to take out the enemy before delivering the vehicles. |
Trevor Rank: 28 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 1000 Players: 1 Max: 4 Crystal Clear Out Contact: Trevor Rank: 28 Payout: $5,000 | Come armed to the teeth, preferably with two or more individuals. It’s simpler to go to Trevor’s home by boat, so as soon as you receive the coke, jump in the water and board a boat. Enemies will come in a vehicle, but they may be ignored. |
Show Me the Money Rank: 55 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 950 Players: 1 Maximum: 4 | Because the vehicle is vulnerable, just shoot the drivers. Two passengers in the van, plus one vehicle per person as backup. When you enter the vehicle, several opponents in hummers and a helicopter will spawn. Find some cover and take them out, then deliver the van. |
Contact: Ron Rank: 30 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 750 Players: 1 Max: 4 | 2 or more individuals are recommended. RV will circle the map, so surround it and take it. Note that once you capture the RV, gangs of bikers will attack you, so be prepared to beat them off before driving it back. |
Contact Martin Rank: 35 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 750 Players: 1 Maximum: 2 | Drive up to the witness and carefully aim your shot, then snap a photo from your automobile. Deliver the photo to Madrazo’s home and lose your desired level. |
Contact: Martin Rank: 40 Payout: $4,500 Minimum RP: 1500 Players: 1 Maximum RP: 4 | Ignore the ballas and go straight for the truck (it exits the depot on the right). Be prepared to be attacked by a swarm of enemy SUVs as soon as you seize the vehicle. |
Lester Rank: 30 Payout: $4,500 Base RP: 970 Players: 2 Max: 4 By Land, Sea, and Air Contact: Lester Rank: 30 Payout: $4,500 | One player pilots the first heli, while the other takes out opposing helis. |
Martin Rank: 22 Payout: $4,500 Base RP: 1400 Players: 1 Max: 2 Out of Court Settlement Contact: Martin Rank: 22 Payout: $4,500 | Get to the lawyer as soon as possible, park in front of his vehicle, and take your time with your first headshot. After then, seize the evidence and deliver it to Madrazo’s residence. |
Martin, Editor and Thief Rank: 45 Payout: $4,500 Base RP: 1300 Players: 1 Maximum: 2 | Catch up to the enemy and park in front of them in your car, then aim for the head with your UZI and quickly take him out (if you miss, they’ll try to speed away, so make sure you block their car), take the photos (you can do it from your car, so no need to exit the vehicle), elude the cops, and drive to Madrazo’s house. |
Contact: Martin Rank: 20 Payout: $3500 Minimum RP: 1600 Players: 1 Maximum RP: 4 | This mission requires the participation of two or more individuals. Drive down to the docks and take out all the smugglers (4 is ideal so you can have 2 guys driving boats and 2 covering them)
Run down to the docks and take the two smuggler’s boats after grabbing the cargo at the top. Enemies in boats will pursue you, so be prepared to fire them or have someone protect you from the rear of the boat as you deliver it. The attackers will have a hard time striking you if you floor it and maintain moving at full speed. To complete the assignment, deliver both boats. |
Contact: Simeon Rank: 10 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 700 Players: 1 Maximum: 2 | Take out the ballas guarding the Baller, then flee as quickly as you can. An enemy vehicle will chase them down and attempt to take them out (or just floor it) before delivering the car. |
Lester Rank: 14 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 1500 Players: 1 Max: 4 Denial of Service Contact: Lester Rank: 14 Payout: $3,500 | This is a timed assignment in which you must blow up numerous surveillance vehicles around the city, therefore bring a large group and a quick car.
After blowing up the trucks for 10 minutes, a last truck will arrive, and after you blow it up, equipment will drop, which you must transfer to Lester after losing the police. |
Contact: Martin Rank: 25 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 1100 Maximum Players: 4 | Take the truck and disregard the SUVs after you; they can’t harm you as long as they’re behind you. |
Lester Rank: 45 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 2550 Players: 1 Max: 6 Contact: Lester Rank: 45 | For this one, go with at least two people (there are two trailers to steal) and purchase some armor. There are a lot of opponents defending the gate, so start by running over the guards in the front, then snipe and steadily advance in to take out the rest.
Keep an eye out for enemies hiding behind the rear fences. Some enemy SUVs may follow you once you steal the trailers, so simply floor it to Lester’s warehouse. The suvs will cease pursuing you once you arrive. |
Gerald Rank: 45 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 750 Players: 1 Max: 4 Dish the Dirt Contact: Gerald Rank: 45 Payout: $3,500 | Snipe or shoot at the opponents first to cause the man carrying the package to flee, then chase him down and kill him. Alternatively, you may stand along the road and shoot him as he drives away, then pick up the cocaine and bring it to Gerald’s apartment).
SUVs will pursue you as you return, but they won’t be able to catch up to you if you remain offroad. |
Gerald Rank: 30 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 1300 Players: 1 4 War and Pieces Contact: Gerald Rank: 30 Payout: $3,500 | Begin by sniping from a neighboring hill and then grabbing the cocaine. (Bring a fast vehicle in case the man flees with the cocaine; if you don’t want to murder all the opponents, fire a few bullets at them and then chase after the adversary fleeing with the cocaine, then take them out.)
Once you have the coke, a swarm of adversaries will pursue you. Take shelter and kill them, or attempt to escape them in a fast car before delivering the gift. If you blow up the cargo, the mission will be a failure. |
Lester Rank: 22 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 900 Players: 2 Max: 4 Landing Strip Contact: Lester Rank: 22 Payout: $3,500 | Before you leave, leave at least one person at the landing strip to clear away the enemy. |
Lester Rank: 25 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 900 Players: 2 Maximum: 2 | Always use ladders instead of jumping, and move very slowly on the roof, keeping in mind that attackers are concealed. |
Lester Rank: 25 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 850 Players: 1 Max: 4 High Priority Case Contact: Lester Rank: 25 | Without a helicopter, this endeavor is excessively complicated and not worth it. If you can’t find one but still want to accomplish the task, watch this YouTube video for an in-depth walkthrough on how to climb to the top and complete it.
If you have a rank higher than 30, you may use a Helicopter to go to the summit of the mountain. (Call Merryweather and request a pilot, or look for one online.) Place it on the tall structure adjacent to the rooftop of the mission. Snipe the opponents before landing on the main roof. Fight your way down, grab the briefcase, and hide behind a pillar for an enemy helicopter will strike. Take down the opposing aircraft and either return to your helicopter or drop out and use a parachute to go to Lester’s Warehouse. |
Ron Rank: 40 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 650 Players: 1 Maximum: 4 | The boat is being guarded by a large number of adversaries. Remove them from the crest of the hill. Take them out, then have one person take the boat while the others contact Merryweather for a boat pickup or locate one on their own (usually hard to find during missions)
A heli will attack on the way back, get out, locate excellent cover, and destroy it, then return to the boat and book it to the goal. (Place a marker at the river’s mouth, then follow the river upstream to the drop-off point.) On the river, enemies will attack, but ignore them and speed up (remember to press A (360), X (PS3), SPACE BAR (PC) for quick bends in the boat). |
Burton – Holed Up Rank: 50 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 1650 Players: 1 Maximum: 4 | Take a fast vehicle to accompany Juan, or ride in his car as a passenger if you’re quick enough. (However, this is not advised since the SUVs may attack you while you are escorting, and it is preferable to be in your own vehicle.)
You may also attempt to distract Juan’s adversaries as he travels to his goal. Even if you aren’t there when he does, the task will be completed. |
Gerald Contact: No Hay Bronca Rank: 8 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 650 Players: 1 Maximum: 4 | Take at least two individuals, but I suggest three or four. To take out the enemy in the first phase, you may drive a big truck up to the building near the attackers and climb up to the top.
Enemies will pursue you once you take the gift. The second section is difficult, and you’ll need to take cover. The gang boss will escape once you smash the last car; be prepared to follow him down and eliminate him (park your vehicle close by) |
Water the Vineyard Rank: 40 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 960 Players: 1 Maximum: 2 | Stay in the vehicle, don’t clear out guards in the vineyard, simply track down the judge who has escaped (in his car). Once you’ve taken him out and taken a photo, enemies will follow you down, so take shelter and take them out before heading to Madrazo’s home. |
Lester Rank: 55 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 2520 Players: 2 Max: 4 The Parking Garage Contact: Lester Rank: 55 Payout: $2,500 | Look for a video; you should be able to do this in 15 seconds (good RP, 4k approx) |
Contact: Lamar Rank: 30 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 1530 Players: 1 | After eliminating the attackers defending the trailer, have one person drive it while others cover them in a vehicle. SUV-driving adversaries will pursue you, take them out, and then deliver the trailer. You can completely avoid SUVs if you drive quickly enough. |
Turbine Carbine Contact: Ron Rank: 25 Payout: $2,500 Players: 1 Base RP: 990 | Using the hill near the mission location, snipe the enemy. Prepare to be attacked by bikers after you seize the vehicle. Get under cover and find a parking spot. The vehicle should then be delivered to Trevor’s trailer. |
Lester Rank: 19 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 1500 Players: 1 Max: 2 Cops Capacity Contact: Lester Rank: 19 Contact: Lester Rank: 19 Contact: Lester Rank: 19 Contact: Lester Rank: 19 Contact: Lester Rank | Because this is a time-sensitive operation, having a quick vehicle and several personnel is advised. A countdown will start as soon as you blow up the two police vehicles (grenades or sticky explosives work great here).
You’ll have two minutes to go to the van (climb to the top of the right-hand wall to blow it up), toss a grenade beneath it to blow it up, and then get into a car and drive over to the motorcycles. (There’s a two-minute time restriction again.) Use a grenade to blow up the motorcycles, then drive all the way to the jail bus to blow it up. Then get rid of the police and return to Lester’s safehouse to finish the objective. |
Rank: 25 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 1050 Players: 2 Max: 4 Daemon Run Contact: Ron Rank: 25 Payout: $2,500 | Make sure you have a micro SMG, clear the base, and then get on your bike and keep going. |
Trevor Rank: 20 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 950 Players: 1 Max: 4 Lost My Mind Contact: Trevor Rank: 20 Payout: $2,500 | Take care of the lost, then get on the dock’s jet ski to hunt down the delivery. When the adversary chooses to drive away, have a fast off-road vehicle ready to follow them down. A swarm of attackers will pursue you once you pick up the meth, but if you drive quickly enough, you may avoid them. |
Contact: Lamar Rank: 20 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 1500 Going Down the GOH | Open your map and verify the direction the tanker is going as soon as the operation begins, then create a waypoint ahead of it to intercept it. To take the tanker, go to it and shoot the driver. If you can’t capture it before it reaches its destination, you’ll have to grab it from the opponents who are guarding it. Soon after you enter, 3 or 4 SUVs with enemies will approach. Get out, find shelter, and take them out before delivering the tanker. You can ignore the SUVs all the way to the depot if you can get ahead of them. |
Gerald Rank: 7 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 800 Meth’d Up Contact: Gerald Rank: 7 Payout: $2,500 | To prevent opponents spawning, drive right off the road to the checkpoint with the RV. |
Martin Rank: 24 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 800 Players: 1 Max: 4 Death From Above Contact: Martin Rank: 24 Payout: $2,500 | Drive in swiftly (you may ignore the attackers if you’re fast), murder the man, then quickly snap a photo with your vehicle and go. If you die while taking the photo, others may finish the task by driving to Martin. |
Lamar Rank: 20 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 600 Caught Napping Contact: Lamar Rank: 20 Payout: $2,500 | Get in front of the vehicle with the captive and kill the driver (watch out for the prisoner). The hostage will then proceed to your car, where attackers in SUVs will attack. Either park and take shelter, or fire from the car, and then return the hostage to the shop. |
Contact: Ron Rank: 20 Payout: $2,500 Minimum RP: 600 Players: 1 Maximum RP: 4 | Snipe the opponents from the adjacent hill, and be wary of the motorcyclists that enter the battle halfway through. To battle them, use the industrial area behind the tanker as cover, then deliver it. |
Ron Rank: 19 Payout: $2,000 Base RP: 650 Players: 1 Max: 2 Dirt Road Contact: Ron Rank: 19 Payout: $2,000 Dirt Road Contact: Ron Rank: 19 Payout: $2,000 Dirt Road Contact: Ron Rank: | Kill the adversary who is holding the meth before he flees, then give the meth. |
Cleaning the Cat House Rank: 45 Payout: $1,500 Base RP: 2600 Players: 1 Maximum: 4 | If feasible, use a helicopter, and pull the heli in as near to Anna as possible before picking her up. Anna will rush outdoors after you defeat several foes, so be prepared. |
Lamar Rank: 18 Payout: $1,500 Base RP: 1250 Players: 1 Maximum: 4 | It is quicker to do this with a complete crew. Chase down the tanker, pull up in front of it, shoot the driver, and get inside. After that, get rid of the police and bring the tanker to the depot. If you wish to outrun the police quicker, get out and into a faster vehicle, then return to the tanker after your wanted level has been reduced. |
Hit ‘Em Up Rank: 14 Payout: $1,500 Base RP: 1300 Players: 1 Maximum: 4 | Note that certain sections of this task are timed, therefore a fast vehicle is advised. Drive over to the barbershop, then shoot Big T from the top of the adjacent mountain if you have a sniper rifle (the guy with the overalls). Now immediately jump into your automobile and go to Little T’s location; you’ll have two minutes to catch up and smash the cars.
Now go to the farm and remove Small F. (Before firing, make sure you drive behind the area with the enemies and take out Small F straight away, so you don’t have to battle any more opponents.) Drive over to the hotel to find Terrance, who is hiding in one of the motel buildings. Then finish the task by removing the remaining ballas. |
Gerald Rank: 15 Payout: $1,500 Base RP: 1300 Players: 1 Max: 4 Violent Duct Contact: Gerald Rank: 15 Payout: $1,500 Violent Duct Contact: Gerald Rank: 15 Payout: $1,500 Violent Duct Contact: | One player assaults from the front, while another attacks from the left; one player steals the delivery, while another kills the arriving enemy vehicle, or drives away quickly and delivers it. |
Contact: Lamar Rank: 25 Payout: $1,500 Base RP: 800 Lost MC RIP | To accomplish the objective, go to the top of the hill adjacent to the cemetery, take shelter behind your vehicle, and snipe the Lost, then take out the remaining ones. |
Gerald Rank: 6 Payout: $1,500 Base RP: 650 Players: 1 Max: 4 Death Metal Contact: Gerald Rank: 6 Payout: $1,500 | Take a big vehicle (such as a truck) and park it close to the mission area, near the building.
Take out the opponents on the roof (sample picture), then get the box. Note: If you use explosives, the package will be destroyed, and you will fail the task. |
Rank: 16 Payout: $1,500 Base RP: 630 San Andreas Seoul Contact: Lamar | This is a task that is best done alone. |
Simeon Rank: 5 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 1320 Players: 1 Max: 4 It Takes a Thief Contact: Simeon Rank: 5 Payout: $1,000 | This task requires at least two people as well as several fast vehicles. Catch up to the two vehicles, park in front of them, then use a micro smg to take out the npcs before delivering the automobiles. |
Gerald Rank: 35 Players: $1,000 Base RP: 1100 Players: 2 Max: 4 Chumash and Grab Contact: Gerald Rank: 35 Players: $1,000 Base RP: 1100 Players: 2 Max: 4 | First, take out the opponents at the pier’s end. |
Contact: Gerald Rank: 12 Payout: $1,000 Minimum RP: 1050 Players: 1 Maximum RP: 4 | Kill all of the attackers on the bridge before boarding the vehicle. |
Gentry Does It Rank: 10 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 800 Players: 1 Maximum: 4 | Because there are two vehicles to take, it’s best to accomplish it with at least two individuals. Take the vehicles, flee the police, and then deliver the goods. |
Rich Men in Richman Rank: 5 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 750 Players: 1 Maximum: 4 | This mission was recommended by two individuals. Arrive to the mansion and hack the keypad; once the gate is opened, a swarm of attackers will appear; eliminate them and repo the two vehicles. Before bringing the vehicles to the dealership, you’ll need to get rid of the police. |
LS River Flood Contact: Gerald Rank: 6 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 750 Players: 1 Maximum: 4 | Snipe the enemy from the adjacent bridge (excellent cover + sniping), collect the gift, and prepare for opponents in SUVs to follow you down. Take them down or make the delivery quickly. |
Contact: Ron Rank: 13 Payout: $1,000 Minimum RP: 750 Players: 1 Maximum RP: 4 | Clear the Lost headquarters, then get in a vehicle and go out to kill the bikers right away. You may also just drive up to a van and drive away, killing the first person that approaches. |
Rank: 10 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 725 Players: 1 Max: 4 El Burro Heists Contact: Simeon Rank: 10 Contact: Simeon Rank: 10 Contact: Simeon Rank: 10 Contact: Simeon Rank: 10 Contact: Simeon Rank: | Make careful you don’t venture too deep into the location and become trapped. |
Simeon Rank: 16 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 725 Players: 1 Max: 2 Chasers II Contact: Simeon Rank: 16 Contact: Simeon Rank: 16 Contact: Simeon Rank: 16 Contact: Simeon Rank: 16 Contact: | Attempt to get in front of the tornado and kill the driver, then swiftly enter and deliver the package, keeping an eye out for gang members on the street and an opposing car. |
ATV Steal Contact: Simeon Rank: 25 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 600 Players: 1 Max: 4 ATV Steal Contact: Simeon Rank: 25 Payout: $1,000 | This task requires two or more individuals; otherwise, it would take too long since you must track down each ATV and then deliver all four. Get a car, ideally an offroad one that is powerful and quick, and drive to the event.
When you arrive, attempt to crash into all four ATVs to take out the drivers, then deliver the ATVs. (Note: If you destroy any of the ATVs, the mission will be a failure.) |
Contact: Gerald Rank: 6 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 1060 Players: 1 Maximum: 4 | Place your vehicle parallel to the tunnel and utilize it as a shelter (there is little cover in the tunnel) |
Simeon Rank: 12 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 1000 Players: 1 Max: 2 Blow Up Contact: Simeon Rank: 12 Payout: $1,000 | Throw a grenade or a jerry can at the hummer (if cars change, 2nd car on left row from in lot) |
Simeon, Simeon, Simeon, Simeon, Simeon, Simeon, Simeon, Simeon, Simeon, Simeon, Simeon, Simeon, Simeon, Simeon, Simeon, Simeon | One guy steals Cabrio, while the other uses as many stars as can to draw cops. Alternatively, simply get in the Cabrio and outrun the police. |
Contact: Gerald Rank: 6 Payout: $1,000 Minimum RP: 1340 Players: 1 Maximum RP: 4 | Bring a vehicle to use as a shelter. |
Simeon Rank: 5 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 650 Ballas to the Wall Contact: Simeon Rank: 5 Payout: $1,000 | Begin by running over the man standing next to the vehicle, then get in, disregard the rest of the opponents, and speed away. Cars will pursue you, but you will be able to outrun them. |
Simeon Rank: 5 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 1050 Players: 1 Maximum: 2 | Once you enter Zion, you will get a wanted star, which you must use to elude the police and deliver the vehicle. |
Simeon, Chasers, Rank 5 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 2000 | Catch up to the coquette, pull up in front of her, and take your time with your first headshot. After that, get rid of the police and bring the vehicle to the dealership. |
Thank you very much to SaintRebbel for compiling the original list! Note: If any official Rockstar content updates missions are missing, please leave a comment below with the mission name so it may be included. Thank you for your assistance. Other GTA Online Pages: Return to the GTA Online section
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To find out what GTA V’s jobs and missions are, check out the link below! This page will tell you what jobs and missions are available, and how to earn all of them. It also includes the location of the job and mission itself. >> Link to the GTA Online Jobs & Missions List <<. Read more about real jobs in gta 5 online and let us know what you think.
{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can you get a job in GTA 5 Online?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
I am not sure what you mean by a job in GTA 5 Online.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What Jobs can you do in GTA 5 Online?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
A lot of jobs are available in GTA 5 Online. You can be a construction worker, a taxi driver, or even become a CEO.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Which GTA Online Jobs pay the most?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The best GTA Online Jobs to make money are the ones that require you to kill other players.”}}]}
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you get a job in GTA 5 Online?
I am not sure what you mean by a job in GTA 5 Online.
What Jobs can you do in GTA 5 Online?
A lot of jobs are available in GTA 5 Online. You can be a construction worker, a taxi driver, or even become a CEO.
Which GTA Online Jobs pay the most?
The best GTA Online Jobs to make money are the ones that require you to kill other players.
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