
Holly Nelson


A land of opportunity and plenty, Outriders is a vast, diverse, magical land of the future. The people of Outriders are known for their strength, endurance, and fortitude. The land is full of resources, and it’s people live a simple, free life, living off the land and the proud traditions of Outriders. The men of Outriders are known for their loyalty to their land. Outriders relies on its proud traditions and its strong, capable men.

Today I am writing a guide for the Outriders: Big Iron (Side Quest) game that I made in a week for Ludum Dare 29.

Outriders is a fast-action role-playing game set in a near future science fiction world. In the game, you play as a private mercenary fighting to rescue your daughter from the clutches of a ruthless elite family in a post-apocalyptic universe.

Big Iron is one of the numerous optional side missions in the popular action game Outriders that you may discover and finish. It entails searching for Channa’s tech.

Thankfully, side missions in Outriders may be replayed as many times as you like, so if you loved a particular side quest, you can do it again. You must, however, locate and finish the mission at least once before continuing.

The prizes you get for completing these side missions have the potential to vary each time you finish the quest, so for the sake of this tutorial, I’ll only list the benefits that I personally got.

  • CLIENT: Channa
  • SECTIONS OF THE STORY: Desolate Fort
  • REWARD: 
  • LOCATION: Camp
  • As soon as you get to the Desolate Fort, you may begin this quest.
  • To begin, speak with Channa…


Channa thinks she may be able to build a weapon for you using the ancient technology left behind by the people who perished here.

Search the fort’s surrounds for any useful technology for Channa.

  • Look around for outdated equipment.





After years of being a part of the Outriders, now you are ready to take the next step – to become an Outrider. You can find the list of Outriders here.. Read more about outriders big iron quest repeat and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you get the big iron Outriders quest?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can find the quest by talking to a certain NPC in the Outriders Camp.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can you redo big iron Outriders?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
I am not able to redo big iron Outriders.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is Outriders big iron quest repeatable?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
It is not possible to do so.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get the big iron Outriders quest?

You can find the quest by talking to a certain NPC in the Outriders Camp.

Can you redo big iron Outriders?

I am not able to redo big iron Outriders.

Is Outriders big iron quest repeatable?

It is not possible to do so.

Hi, I’m Frits and welcome to g15tools. We provide the latest Roblox UNO codes. Every month we provide new codes on this website. If you want to know more about Roblox UNO codes, please come join our forums.

Hey everyone, well I just recently found out that a new UNO code was released for October. The code is for October 2020. There are only 3 new UNO codes that have been released. The first one is for the 2020 year, which is released on the first of the month. The second one is for the 2020 year, which is released on the second of the month. The third one is for the 2020 year, which is released on the thirteenth of the month. You can view the code at

We will return once again to the code theory behind UNO, and its possibility to exchange one card for another. At the very basic level, any card can be exchanged for any other. We shall use the standard 23 cards from UNO, and build a UNO deck that can be exchanged for any of them.

Do you want to get free chips in Roblox UNO without having to use any cheats? Here you’ll find all of the current Roblox UNO codes, which you can use to get free chips.

Uno Roblox Codes

As of October 2020, below is a list of all current functional new Roblox Uno codes: –

  • BrandNewUno – Get free chips by redeeming this Roblox Uno coupon.


What Are The Steps To Redeeming Roblox Uno Codes?

To redeem the Roblox Uno code, go to the right side of the screen and search for the red Twitter icon. Simply press the button. Get the prizes by entering the code.

What Is The Best Way To Get More Roblox Uno Codes?

To stay up with the newest code releases, we recommend that you follow the game’s developer @starchip12 on Twitter. You may also bookmark this page and return to it often for the most up-to-date code information. For your convenience, we’ve gathered all of the codes and placed them in one spot.

The Story of the Game

Roblox Uno is a fantastic card game that you can play with other people on the Roblox platform. To win the game, you must clear all of your cards; there are a range of cards, both easy and difficult (like the wild card to change color, block card to block the turn for next player, drawcard to make another player draw more cards, etc.). It works in the same way as the original UNO.

– – – – – – – – – – –

Do you have a code that isn’t mentioned here? Comment!


Hello, and welcome to the g15tools blog! Today I want to show you how to make new Roblox Uno codes on October 2020 (NEW!)! Now you can make a new roblox uno code and play with it after you have made it! You can also save it to your pc for future use! So follow the steps below to create new Roblox Uno Codes on October 2020 (NEW!)!. Read more about new roblox uno deleted and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are codes for new Roblox Uno?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The codes for new Roblox Uno are as follows:”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What happened to UNO Roblox?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
UNO Roblox is no longer available.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you play Uno on Roblox?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You play Uno by drawing a card from the deck and placing it face-up on the table. The player with the highest number in their hand takes that card, then plays another card from their hand. If two or more players have the same number, those players must draw cards until one of them has a higher number than the other(s).”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What are codes for new Roblox Uno?

The codes for new Roblox Uno are as follows:

What happened to UNO Roblox?

UNO Roblox is no longer available.

How do you play Uno on Roblox?

You play Uno by drawing a card from the deck and placing it face-up on the table. The player with the highest number in their hand takes that card, then plays another card from their hand. If two or more players have the same number, those players must draw cards until one of them has a higher number than the other(s).

If you’re looking for a side quest in Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire, head to the beach and look for a man in a sailor suit. Just talk to him and he’ll ask you to take him to the nearest dock. You’ll find it just down the road, and after taking him there, he’ll reward you with a bag of gold and a swanky new outfit. You can then use this outfit to create the “Drunk Sailor” companion, which is both a combat and dialogue NPC that will follow your every command.

Currently you are going to be sailing on the Deadfire Archipelago. As you continue your quest you will come across a few different locations. The first of these is the Drunk Sailor Inn. As luck would have it, you can spend some time here tasting some of their unique beverages. So, stop by and see what this bar is all about.

The Side Quest “Drunk Sailor” – it’s known as “The Drunk Sailor” on the Pillars of Eternity II – Deadfire main campaign.. Read more about pillars of eternity 2 walkthrough and let us know what you think.


If I release Rum-Dumb Riggere, a sailor imprisoned in Port Maje’s jail, he has volunteered to join my ship’s crew.

Riggere Riggere Riggere Riggere Riggere Riggere Riggere Rigger

The Drunk Sailor is the name of the quest. LOCATION OF THE QUEST: Port Maje Prison CLIENT: Rum-Dumb Riggere QUEST RECOMMENDED LEVEL: 1 GUIDE:

Run-Dumb is a wretched creature. Riggere has gotten himself into a pickle, and he is currently in prison as a result. As the quest would tell you, there are many methods to liberate poor Run-Dumb, but I was trapped with just being able to accomplish one of them. Because I did this after completing the Restoring Order side quest, Savia the Prison Guard refused to move from her perch near the cells, making stealing the keys from her almost difficult.

The good news is that if you finish the Restoring Order side quest first, Savia will reduce the cost to 300 coins instead. In any case, free Run-Dumb to finish the mission.


Related Resources / Guides




This text is sensitive. Try generating new copy.. Read more about quest guide poe2 and let us know what you think.

You will need to unlock 30 hidden microtransactions, called blizon crystals, to obtain the Shifty character trophy in Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty. This guide will help you to locate them all.

Ratchet and Clank: The Quest for Booty is a platform game in which the two heroes, Ratchet and Clank, have to rescue hostages and prevent the main villain, Chairman Drek, from using a powerful weapon called the Quark-O-Ray to destroy all of the Solana galaxy. To do this, the two heroes have to travel across the galaxy and unlock 30 blazons using secret passageways in 30 different space stations.

Hello, and welcome to my guide for Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus. I will be going over all the Crystal locations in the game, and if there is anything specific that you want to know about, just let me know! (If you don’t know what that means, it means that if you have a specific question, just ask me, and I will answer you). If you have any questions about the guide, please use the comment section.

One of the many trophies and achievements that you can unlock within Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is the Shifty Character trophy achievement

To get the Shifty Character award, you must locate all 30 Blizon Crystals. The Blizon Crystals are a kind of collectable that collects energy from spatial rifts and stores it.

Here’s a quick rundown on where you can locate them…

(NOTE: Using weapons to smash the crystals will transport you to the next place.)


  • Blizar Prime – Blizon Mines is the location.
  • GUIDE: Go to Blizon Prime and look near the Phase Quartz goal marker for this one.


  • Blizar Prime – Blizon Mines is the location.
  • GUIDE: This one may be discovered by the seller, and it will allow you to bypass the Lockdown goal.


  • Blizar Prime – Blizon Mines is the location.
  • DIRECTIONS: Move on from the previous crystal to locate this one.


  • Blizar Prime – Blizon Mines is the location.
  • This one may be found near the Find the Chief Engineer goal.


  • Blizar Prime – Blizon Mines is the location.
  • This one is very close to the Cross the Chasm Optional Objective. GUIDE: It’s here, within the cave.


  • Blizar Prime – Blizon Mines is the location.
  • GUIDE: This one is quite similar to the previous one; go north from the sideways platform.


  • Blizar Prime – Blizon Mines is the location.
  • GUIDE: As you attempt to leave the Wasp Caverns, you should come across this one close to some big white boxes.


  • Blizar Prime – Blizon Mines is the location.
  • GUIDE: This one is on a platform surrounded by boiling lava, just opposite the Locate the Science Bots goal.


  • Blizar Prime – Blizon Mines is the location.
  • GUIDE: Start at the last crystal and work your way up the platforms to this one.


  • Blizar Prime – Blizon Mines is the location.
  • DIRECTIONS: The next crystal is part of the Find the Science Bots mission.


  • Blizar Prime – Blizon Mines is the location.
  • GUIDE: To go to the next collectable, follow the slanted paths from the previous one; it’s part of the goal.


  • Blizar Prime – Blizon Mines is the location.
  • This one may be found adjacent to the Find the Science Bots goal. Simply locate the big orange hanging ball; nearby is a cave that you may enter; the next one is in this cave, near the goal crystal.


  • Blizar Prime – Blizon Mines is the location.
  • GUIDE: This is part of the Find the Science Bots mission.


  • Blizar Prime – Blizon Mines is the location.
  • GUIDE: Return to the big orange hanging ball near the barriers to locate this one.


  • Blizar Prime – Blizon Mines is the location.
  • GUIDE: Continue making your way along the sloping paths until you reach the next one after triggering the final crystal.


  • Blizar Prime – Blizon Mines is the location.
  • GUIDE: As you go towards the next objective, you should notice several spotlights, which indicate the location of the next crystal.


  • Blizar Prime – Blizon Mines is the location.

#18, #19, #20, #21, #22 BLIZON CRYSTAL

  • Blizar Prime – Blizon Mines is the location.
  • GUIDE: You will be required to take an elevator up for the Access the Drill goal. Continue following the goal marker down the rails, striking a crystal (#18) along the way.
  • After you’ve used the yellow warp, you’ll come across some additional crystals; strike the first one you see (#19).
  • Make sure to stay on the left-hand rail here, and you should see your next one (#20).
  • If you stay on the right rail, you’ll find your next crystal (#21).
  • Here, go to the left rail and shatter the crystal you smashed before (#20), then go to the center rail to locate the crystal (#22).


  • Blizar Prime – Blizon Mines is the location.
  • DIRECTIONS: After riding the rails, look for this one on the platform.


  • Cordelion – Kedaro Station is the location.
  • GUIDE: You will now be required to enter Kedaro Station; the next crystal may be found adjacent to the seller.


  • Cordelion – Kedaro Station is the location.
  • GUIDE: From the last crystal head down the ramp to the very bottom, then jump off the platform to your death MWHAHAHA. Well not really, I wouldn’t recommend that. However, if you look around there should be a crystal sitting on a platform in the far distance. You will need to jump towards it activating a yellow warp in order to be able to reach it


  • Cordelion – Kedaro Station is the location.
  • GUIDE: This is a component of the narrative goal; you’ll find it after leaping on the water platforms.


  • Cordelion – Kedaro Station is the location.
  • GUIDE: This next crystal is part of the mission goal; you’ll find it when you’re charged with rotating the mechanism that unlocks the crystal.


  • Cordelion – Kedaro Station is the location.
  • GUIDE: There’s another one in the computer room that’s connected to the narrative.


  • Cordelion – Kedaro Station is the location.
  • GUIDE: This time it’s about a tale. When you’re given the job of Following Juice, you’ll stumble upon it.


  • Cordelion – Kedaro Station is the location.
  • GUIDE: As you ride the elevator up and Kit congratulates Ratchet on the Dimensionator, you will instantly notice this last crystal as the elevator comes to a halt.





Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One is a multiplayer platformer that can be played on the PS4, PS3, or PS Vita. The game is a sequel to Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal, and the latest game in the eponymous series. The game was developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment, and is available in North America and Europe exclusively for the PlayStation 4.. Read more about ratchet problematic and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What does ratchet in slang mean?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Ratchet is a slang term for someone who is very unfriendly and rude.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What does rachet mean?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
A ratchet is a tool used to tighten or loosen screws, bolts, etc.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is it rude to say ratchet?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
It is not rude to say ratchet.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What does ratchet in slang mean?

Ratchet is a slang term for someone who is very unfriendly and rude.

What does rachet mean?

A ratchet is a tool used to tighten or loosen screws, bolts, etc.

Is it rude to say ratchet?

It is not rude to say ratchet.

The new Pocket Politics 2 is out on Google Play store, with more features and unlimited content.

It’s hard to believe but, Pocket Politics 2 has been available for purchase on Google Play Store for almost 4 months! If you haven’t downloaded it, you can grab it from here:

Pocket Politics is a fun game where you play as an American President or the United States President, and you can play against the AI or just place a friend in the game.

The Android version of Kongregate’s Pocket Politics 2 game has recently been published on the Google Play Store. Choose a political party, get money from contributors, and begin your campaign.

Pocket Politics 2, the follow-up to the popular idle game Pocket Politics, is now available on the Google Play Store. Your objective in the game is to become the most powerful person on the planet. You will choose a political party at the start of the game; liberal and conservative are the two options. The money will then be looted from contributors for political purposes and used for campaigns. Candidates will be hired for campaigning, rallying, short-term incentives, and contributions.

Pocket Politics 2 is now available on mobile devices.

There is nothing new in terms of gameplay advancement. If you’ve played games like Gang Goes Mobile or Bud Farm, you’ll recognize it. However, it distinguishes out from the rest due to its distinctive subject and political idea. You’ll collect money from city contributors and deliver it to a contribution booth, where you’ll use it for campaigns, improvements, and raising the gift amount. In the city, you’ll be constructing contribution sources such as a trailer park, hipster bar, farm, and so on.

Progression; In each city, the game assigns you duties that you must do in order to move on to the next. You’ll be rewarded with digs, Quacks, Candidate Characters, Managers, their cards, and in-game currency as a result of your efforts. While you are gone, managers assist you in collecting funds from contributors. Digs may be used to improve them.

So that concludes our article on the Pocket Politics 2 game summary.


Pocket Politics 2 is a free-to-play turn-based strategy game, released through the Google Play Store. The game is set in the world of Pocket Politics, but is not a direct sequel to the original.. Read more about politician game and let us know what you think.

Roblox is the coolest browser-based game ever created. It is an endless world of Robloxia, built by gamers for gamers. With Roblox, you can create games and experiences and play with millions of other players in multiplayer games and adventure worlds. What’s great about Roblox is that you can play with your friends or explore the new worlds and games built by other players. It’s like Minecraft, but on steroids.

Hi everyone!! In this blog you will find codes for Saber Simulator 2020. This post will only have the codes on and we will not be posting fake codes or codes that aren’t from the game. We will give the code and a link to the game in the first post. I hope you like our blog and if you have any questions leave a comment.

Saber Simulator is a series of games where you are an anthropomorphic sword fighting robot with a modern style, a true depiction of the real sword (a.k.a. “katana”) used by samurai in the 16th century. The games are set in a medieval fantasy world, with a fantastic and mysterious atmosphere. The gameplay involves head to head combat against monsters and other robots, as well as a range of quests, puzzles, and mini-games.. Read more about saber simulator codes 2021 and let us know what you think.

HD Games has released Saber Simulator, a Roblox game. Check out the In November of 2020, Saber Simulator codes. NEW IN ROBLOX

Here is a link to an updated Codes for the Saber Simulator Wiki.

Saber Simulator Codes

We’ve put together an updated and comprehensive list of Saber Simulator codes Roblox as of November 2020 so you may earn unique prizes like crowns or money without using any cheats or cheat codes: –

  • You may receive free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes if you use this code.
  • VoidGG: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this code.
  • Weekend: You may win free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this coupon.
  • yippee: You may receive free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes if you redeem this code.
  • oioi: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this coupon.
  • 2020: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this code.
  • xmas: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this coupon.
  • Vehnix: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this code.
  • Slayer: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this code.
  • Saber: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this code.
  • 5000Followers: You may receive free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes if you use this coupon.
  • Legend has it that if you use this code, you will get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes.
  • ISLANDS: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this coupon.
  • Beast: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this code.
  • Master3395: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this code.
  • Trick-or-treat: You may receive free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes if you redeem this code.
  • Astro: You may receive free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes if you redeem this coupon.
  • zarco: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this coupon.
  • 100M: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this coupon.
  • MIRRAWRXD: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this code.
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Roblox Saber Simulator Codes: – 

You may receive free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes if you use this code.


VoidGG: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this code.


Weekend: You may win free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this coupon.


yippee: You may receive free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes if you redeem this code.


oioi: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this coupon.


2020: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this code.


xmas: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this coupon.


Vehnix: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this code.


Slayer: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this code.


Saber: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this code.


5000Followers: You may receive free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes if you use this coupon.


Legend has it that if you use this code, you will get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes.


ISLANDS: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this coupon.


Beast: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this code.


Master3395: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this code.


Trick-or-treat: You may receive free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes if you redeem this code.


Astro: You may receive free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes if you redeem this coupon.


zarco: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this coupon.


100M: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this coupon.


MIRRAWRXD: You may get free crowns, candy corns, or other prizes by redeeming this code.
















































What Are The Steps To Redeeming Saber Simulator Codes?

Click the Twitter icon on the right side of the game screen to redeem the Saber Simulator code. The majority of these codes will reward you with free crowns, candy corns, or other in-game items.

What Is The Best Way To Get Saber Simulator Codes?

Please follow the profiles established by HD Games, the game’s creators, for updated Saber Simulator codes.

– – – – – – – – – – –

Updates to the Saber Simulator Codes Wiki: –

  • 1st of January 2020
  • In February of 2020,
  • The deadline is March 2020.
  • April in the next year
  • May 2020
  • In June of 2020,
  • In July of 2020,
  • In August of 2020,
  • In September of 2020,
  • In October of 2020,
  • November 2020
  • In December of 2020,


Roblox is an online game that allows you to create anything you can think of. You can make games, items, characters, everything. The more you play, the more you create. There is a lot of people that have made games and characters on Roblox, like G15Tools.. Read more about pet codes for saber simulator 2021 and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the best code in Saber simulator?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The best code in Saber simulator is the one that you can use to get a free copy of Beat Saber.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are all the codes for Saber Legends?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The following are all the codes for Saber Legends.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are the codes for sword simulator Roblox?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The codes for sword simulator Roblox are:”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best code in Saber simulator?

The best code in Saber simulator is the one that you can use to get a free copy of Beat Saber.

What are all the codes for Saber Legends?

The following are all the codes for Saber Legends.

What are the codes for sword simulator Roblox?

The codes for sword simulator Roblox are:

This is our first foray into the world of Red Dead Redemption 2, so we do not have all the answers yet. However, we want to share with you everything we learn as we progress through the game and begin to discover the answers we seek. In this first episode, we took on the side mission, Enter, Pursued by a Memory, and earned the gold reward for completing that chapter.

We are currently on the first Chapter of Red Dead Redemption 2, and the first Gold Mission, which is called Enter Pursued by a Memory. The mission, which is meant to be played with a buddy, requires us to go to a certain spot on the map, and we can do that by opening the in-game map and clicking on this location. The spot we are supposed to go to is exactly at the spot where our partner is. After we show up, the mission will start, and we can play it by themselves. After we complete the mission, we will receive a Gold Mission Reward.

The world of Red Dead Redemption 2 is teeming with life. Now, you can meet the people around you, explore the land, learn new skills, and earn more money. But this is also a dangerous place. Evil men who are out for your life are looking for you. Make sure to use the new skills and items you find to stay alive.

This page contains instructions on how to get the Gold Mission Rewards. 

This tutorial will walk you through all of the numerous goals you’ll need to complete in order to get the Gold Rush Trophy / Achievement, which needs you to collect approximately 70 Gold Rewards from various missions.

MISSION 2) Enter, Pursued by a Memory

MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1) Kill all wolves without taking any damage 2) Complete With At Least 80% Accuracy

INFO: As long as you know what you’re doing, this one is simple. First and foremost, make sure you have your Shotgun equipped, since it is the ideal weapon for this task. After that, approach the first group of Wolves and make a noise to attract their attention. Shoot the closest one, and if you’re close enough, you’ll kill it immediately; then reload and shoot the next closest one, and so on until all three Wolves are dead. If you did everything properly, all three should be quickly dispatched, and you should not be hit. Because you’re on horseback, the following group of Wolves may be trickier, and you’ll have to make sure the Wolves don’t kill your teammates. Before shooting a bullet, take your time and make sure the red dot is on the Wolf. Reload as required.


Related Links / Guides




My name is Cody, and I’m working on a new blog for the g15tools website, intended to hold my short stories and other novel written content. This is the first volume of that blog, and the title is “Enter, Pursued by a Memory – Gold Mission Reward (Chapter 1 – Colter)”.. Read more about red dead redemption 2 last mission and let us know what you think.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is the latest installment in the Red Dead series. You play as Arthur Morgan, a former outlaw who’s seeking redemption. This time around, the game is set to be released in Spring 2018, and the beta is currently available for Xbox One and PS4 users. This guide will help you earn the trophy named ‘Errand Boy’.

RDR2 does not have a trophy list that is similar to the first game. Therefore, I have to write this guide based on my own findings and my own knowledge. I will focus on the Errand Boy trophy (they call it “Errand Boy” in-game, it’s just a different wording in the trophy list), because it is the easiest of all in RDR2. If you follow the guide, you will get this in no time.

This is a guide for the Errand Boy Trophy in the video game “Red Dead Redemption 2”.

This page contains instructions on how to get the Errand Boy Trophy / Achievement.

You must accomplish 5 distinct Companion chores that require you to collect certain things in order to get this Trophy / Achievement. This is another another set of missions that should not be overlooked, so be on the lookout!

1) Pipe – Dutch


INFO: I was able to activate this quest in the morning during Chapter 3 when everyone was eating breakfast. It is, however, haphazard. So the easiest way to get this quest is to remain around and wait for it to appear on the map.

When you have the quest enabled, just go to the tiny building at Little Creek River; however, be aware that there may be a buddy waiting for you inside the property. To the left of the entrance, there is a pipe on the desk.


2) Book – Jack


INFO: This will appear on the map at random. I had better success in the mornings, but if you stay about Camp long enough, it should spawn very quickly. Jack will need a book, namely a Penny-dreadful book. Now, I had no clue what a penny-dreadful was and had never heard of the term before, so this took me a while to figure out. Regardless, the necessary item may be found at the tiny Hut that should be noted on your map, which is not far from Emerald Station. The book, titled ‘Otis Miller and the Black Hearted Lady,’ may be located on top of the drawer to the right of the entrance.



3) Fountain Pen Mary Beth


INFO: This one got accessible in the evening for me. When you see Mary standing by her Camp/Tent writing, approach her and talk with her. She will need a Fountain Pen, which may be obtained in the same place as the book that Jack has requested (the building near Emerald Station) The Pen is in the same drawer as the book, but you’ll have to open it this time to locate it.



4) Harmonica – Sadie


INFO: This one appeared in my mission logs at random during Chapter 2. Sadie approached me and wanted a Harmonica. But, once again, I’d recommend simply waiting around at Camp and hoping she’ll appear out of nowhere and ask for the item. The Harmonica may be found at Flatneck Station, beside a structure. The object is kept in a cabinet to the left of the front entrance.



Susan – Herb – Susan – Susan – Susan – Susan – Susan


INFO: This activated for me in the morning, but it, like the others, is frequently found to be rather random, so remain around Camp and hope for the best. Susan, who is weary of Pearson’s food, will want a Herb for flavoring. Fortunately, this Herb isn’t too far away; in fact, it’s just a short walk from the Horseshoe Overlook Camp.



Hosea – Book 6 


INFO: Unlike the others, this one is very simple to activate, since I had it unlocked right away when I wandered over to Hosea’s Camp in Chapter 2. This is unlocked by a ‘White’ book beside his bed.



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This isn’t quite a walkthrough, but it is a guide meant to help you get the Trophy Errand Boy (Bronze) in the game (PC). This guide will take you from the beginning of the game (the very first mission) to the end, and explain the steps that you will need to take in order to obtain this Trophy.. Read more about red dead redemption 2 how to trigger companion requests and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you get the errand boy trophy?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You must have completed the story mode on any difficulty and then complete the game on Hard or Expert.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can Arthur get laid in rdr2?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

No, Arthur Morgan cannot get laid in Red Dead Redemption 2.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the secret achievement in rdr2?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The secret achievement in Red Dead Redemption 2 is called The Secret Achievement and it is a hidden achievement that can only be unlocked by completing the game on the hardest difficulty.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get the errand boy trophy?

You must have completed the story mode on any difficulty and then complete the game on Hard or Expert.

Can Arthur get laid in rdr2?

No, Arthur Morgan cannot get laid in Red Dead Redemption 2.

What is the secret achievement in rdr2?

The secret achievement in Red Dead Redemption 2 is called The Secret Achievement and it is a hidden achievement that can only be unlocked by completing the game on the hardest difficulty.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the best games ever made, but it has one glaring problem: there are some achievements that can’t be unlocked until much later in the game.

(RDR2) Red Dead Redemption 2 : Everything That Is Missable (Missable Trophies & Achievements) Guide [G15Tools] What you may have missed in the first part of this guide was the list of Trophies & Achievements for Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2), and its successor, Red Dead Redemption 2: Epilogue. We’ll be focusing on the first of these, “everything that is missable” (though we’ll also cover the “everything that is missable in Epilogue”). Now, as the title states, this guide won’t cover everything you need to do throughout the game, but it will include those things that are not easily obtainable from the main story. For example,

Welcome to my Red Dead Redemption 2 : Everything That Is Missable (Missable Trophies & Achievements) Guide! This guide will help guide you through all the missable trophies and achievements in Red Dead Redemption 2 while still remaining in-depth and providing a maximum amount of detail for each topic covered. Chapter 1 – Introduction to Red Dead Online ~ Chapter 2 – Red Dead Redemption 2 ~ Chapter 3 – Red Dead Redemption 2 Trophy Guide ~ Chapter 4 – Red Dead Redemption 2 Online Trophies ~ Chapter 5 – Missable Trophies ~ Chapter 6 – Red Dead Redemption 2 Achievements ~ Chapter 7 – Red Dead Redemption 2 Online Achievements ~ Chapter 8 – Conclusion ~ Chapter 9 – Red Dead Online Missable Trophies ~ Chapter 10 – Red Dead Online Achievements ~


This page contains a list of all the Trophies and Achievements that can be found in Red Dead Redemption 2. (RDR2).

There are a lot of tasks in this game that you may skip, so make sure you read up on which ones are so you don’t lose out!

WARNING: There are spoilers coming!

1626573259_622_RDR2-Red-Dead-Redemption-2-Everything-That-Is-MissableZOOLOGIST & SKIN DEEP: This trophy / achievement requires to hunt down various different animals and skin them. However, unfortunately to get all 178 animals which is the total amount in the game you need to of collected those only found in Chapter 5. The area you come to in Chapter 5 cannot be revisited meaning if you miss those you cannot get all 178. However, if your only interested in getting the trophy/achievement for this then you are fine, though there is 178 animals in total only 165 of which are needed. 1626573260_405_RDR2-Red-Dead-Redemption-2-Everything-That-Is-MissableERRAND BOY: This trophy / achievement requires you to complete various different quests for your fellow companions. Often these quests would require you to fetch certain items. However, as the story goes on this eventually locks you out of doing certain ones. These are best to be completed before Chapter 5. Some are also limited to certain chapters, for example Mary-Beth and her quest can only be complete during Chapter 2 1626573260_541_RDR2-Red-Dead-Redemption-2-Everything-That-Is-MissableFRIENDS WITH BENEFITS: This Trophy / Achievement requires you to complete various different quests with your fellow companions. Most of which require you to go hunting with them or playing mini-games. However, as with the ‘Friends With Benefits’ achievement, the story will eventually lock you out of doing this. You need to complete at least one of these during Chapters 2-4 and prior to reaching Chapter 5. Once you hit Chapter 5 it will be too late. 1626573261_758_RDR2-Red-Dead-Redemption-2-Everything-That-Is-MissableLENDING A HAND: For this one you need to of completed all of the optional Honour missions. There are a total of 10 different missions most of which are chained together. Meaning if you do not complete the quest chain you can still miss out on this. Make sure to keep an eye on your map at all time and complete all of the optional missions that pop up on your map. Saving periodically can also help just in case you miss out on one. 1626573261_175_RDR2-Red-Dead-Redemption-2-Everything-That-Is-MissableGIVE TO THE POOR: During Chapter 2 you will discover the ability to donate money to the Camp. For the Trophy / Achievement you will need to of donated at least $250. However, once you hit Chapter 5 you will loose the ability to donate and thus the ability to get the Trophy / Achievement.

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If you have yet to play Red Dead Redemption 2 then you are missing out on one of the best game of 2018. In this guide I will cover everything that is missable in Red Dead Redemption 2. If you want to invest a lot of time in this game then make sure to read this guide to make sure you are not missing out on any trophies or achievements.. Read more about red dead redemption 2 hidden trophies and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is there any missable trophies in Red Dead 2?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
There are no missable trophies in Red Dead Redemption 2.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Are there missable achievements in RDR2?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

There are no missable achievements in Red Dead Redemption 2.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is RDR2 100% missable?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
RDR2 is missable in the sense that you cant do everything. You have to make choices and some of those choices will lead to a different outcome.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any missable trophies in Red Dead 2?

There are no missable trophies in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Are there missable achievements in RDR2?

There are no missable achievements in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Is RDR2 100% missable?

RDR2 is missable in the sense that you cant do everything. You have to make choices and some of those choices will lead to a different outcome.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is the sequel to one of the most critically acclaimed games of last generation, Red Dead Redemption . The sequel follows the original game’s story and also takes place in the same open-world environment.

For every trophy in Red Dead Redemption 2 there are a certain amount of steps that need to be taken to achieve them. The Zoologist achievement is no different. Throughout the game you will come across multiple wildlife specimens to aid in your goal of becoming a successful rancher. These specimens can be found all over the game and are your first step in completing the Zoologist achievement.

You don’t need to be the best shot to be a great hunter. Like many other animals, the target for you in Red Dead Redemption 2 should not be the largest creature you can take down. It should be the most interesting. And so we have come upon the advantage of the Zoologist. In order to unlock this, you must first complete the Kill the Sheriff trophy. After conversing with the Sheriff, which is the only way to spawn the Zoologist, you are given the option to purchase it with 1000 gold. The first thing you should do is go to the map. You can see how far away the animal you want to hunt is by looking at the star rating (1-5). You can also see the animal

There are a total of 178 distinct Animals in Red Dead Redemption 2 that may be discovered and killed in order to get the Trophy / Achievement, although you do not need to obtain all 178 for the two separate trophies and accomplishments.

Total Animals: 178 Trophies / Achievements 165 – Zoologist Trophies / Achievements 151 – Skin Deep Trophies / Achievements

I’ve listed all of the various creatures and where you may find them below. For ease of navigation, I’ve included time stamps and a video.

You do not need Chapter 5 to complete this, and you also do not need to kill any of the Legendary creatures; there are more than enough animals throughout the game to complete the trophies/achievement.


VIDEO TIME STAMPS: 00:00 – American Alligator 1:05 – American Alligator (Small) 1:59 – Alligator Snapping Turtle 2:54 – American Badger 3:39 – American Bison 4:45 – Nine-Banded Armadillo 5:25 – Little Brown Bat 6:10 – American Bullfrog 6:49 – American Black Bear 7:59 – American Crow 8:36 – Grizzly Bear 9:36 – American Domestic Cat 10:14 – North American Beaver 11:18 – American Fox Hound 11:46 – Blue Jay 12:25 – American Muskrat 13:07 – Wild Boar 14:32 – American Pronghorn Buck 14:58 – Whitetail Buck 15:59 – American Pronghorn Doe 16:47 – Whitetail Deer 17:36 – Angus Bull 18:05 – Devon Bull 18:34 – Australian Shepherd 19:06 – Hereford Bull 19:39 – Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep 20:22 – Northern Cardinal 21:06 – Bloodhound 21:31 – Cedar Waxwing 22:21 – Bluetick Coonhound 22:58 – Dominique Chicken 23:34 – Border Collie 24:05 – Dominique Rooster 24:28 – Californian Condor 25:31 – Java Chicken 25:54 – California Valley Coyote 26:42 – Java Rooster 27:11 – Catahoula Cur 27:41 – Leghorn Chicken 28:15 – Chinese Ring Neck Pheasant 28:50 – Leghorn Rooster 29:18 – Cougar 30:49 – Greater Priarie Chicken 31:27 – Cuban Land Crab 32:15 – Western Chipmunk 32:48 – Double Crested Cormorant 33:28 – Neotropic Cormorant 34:11 – Eastern Wild Turkey 35:03 – Florida Cracker Cow 35:44 – Gray Wolf 36:32 – Great Blue Heron 37:16 – Red Swamp Crayfish 37:58 – Laughing Gull 38:39 – Whooping Crane 39:24 – Midland Water Snake 40:12 – Sandhill Crane 40:54 – North American Raccoon 41:48 – Pekin Duck 42:33 – Rocky Mountain Bull Elk 43:15 – Rocky Mountain Cow Elk 44:02 – Roseate Spoonbill 44:58 – Sierra Nevada Bighorn Ram 45:40 – Snowy Egret 46:40 – Stripped Skunk 47:34 – Timber Rattlesnake 48:26 – Tricolored Heron 49:13 – Virginia Opossum 50:02 – Alpine Goat 50:36 – American Red Fox 51:19 – American Gray Fox 52:11 – American Red Squirrel 52:15 – Silver Fox 53:37 – American Robin 54:04 – Banded Gia Monster 54:47 – American Tree Sparrow 55:16 – Canada Goose 56:12 – American White Pelican 56:51 – Ferruginous Hawk 57:20 – Angus Ox 57:49 – Red TailedHawk 58:30 – Baja California Pronghorn Doe 59:28 – Rough Legged Hawk 1:00:09 – Baja California Pronghorn Buck 1:00:58 – Desert Iguana 1:01:42 – Bald Eagle 1:02:28 – Green Iguana 1:03:13 – Baltimore Oriole 1:03:40 – Collared Peccary 1:04:29 – Band Tailed Pigeon 1:05:10 – Common Loon 1:05:48 – Berkshire Pig 1:06:17 – Pacific Loon 1:07:00 – Big China Pig 1:07:28 – Yellow Billed Loon 1:08:07 – Black Rat 1:08:49 – Western Bull Moose 1:10:00 – Black Squirrel 1:10:34 – Western Moose 1:11:20 – Black Tailed Rattlesnake 1:12:06 – Mule 1:12:42 – Brown Pelican 1:13:24 – Hooded Oriole 1:13:56 – Brown Rat 1:15:08 – Californian Horned Owl 1:15:45 – California Quail 1:16:23 – Coastal Horned Owl 1:17:06 – Carolina Parakeet 1:17:45 – Great Horned Owl 1:18:35 – Chesapeake Bay Retriever 1:19:09 – Devon Ox 1:19:38 – Cottonmouth Snake 1:20:21 – Panther 1:21:56 – Desert Bighorn Ram 1:22:46 – Florida Panther 1:23:36 – Desert Bighorn Sheep 1:24:33 – Ring Neck Pheasant 1:25:21 – DiamonedBack Rattlesnake 1:26:06 – Old Spot Pig 1:26:35 – Eastern Turkey Vulture 1:27:01 – Rock Pigeon 1:27:45 – Eurasian Tree Sparrow 1:28:35 – Sonorian Pronghorn Buck 1:29:34 – Golden Crowned Sparrow 1:30:08 – Sonorian Pronghorn Doe 1:30:53 – Golden Eagle 1:31:34 – Rocky Mountain Bighorn Ram 1:32:27 – Herring Gull 1:33:09 – Labrador Retriever 1:34:31 – Western Raven 1:35:10 – Legendary Beaver 1:40:19 – Ring Billed Gull 1:40:58 – Legendary Grizzly Bear 1:43:40 – Merino Sheep 1:44:07 – Legendary Bullgator 1:46:23 – Northern Copperhead Snake 1:47:05 – Little Egret 1:47:45 – Southern Copperhead Snake 1:48:34 – Mallard Duck 1:49:32 – Northern Water Snake 1:50:16 – Mutt 1:50:44 – Scarlet Tanager Songbird 1:51:14 – Pileated Woodpecker 1:51:44 – Western Tanager Songbird 1:52:17 – Poodle 1:52:46 – American Gray Squirrel 1:53:18 – Red Bellied Woodpecker 1:53:48 – Western Toad 1:54:22 – Reddish Egret 1:55:02 – Sonorian Desert Toad 1:55:42 – Rio Grande Wild Turkey 1:56:25 – Western Turkey Vulture 1:57:07 – Siberian Husky 1:57:42 – Standard Donkey 1:58:14 – Timber Wolf

Another quick note is that, when you find a specific animal for example an Alligator hunt that and save, reload and the small Alligator should spawn. Meaning if you can find one type of animal in that area, chances are another animal of the same species should also spawn there too.

Also, if you still need more animals to be added to your list because you don’t have enough, please let us know. Then have a look at this page! All Legendary Animals Locations in Red Dead Redemption 2 and you should have everything you need to earn both Trophies and Achievements.

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There’s no denying that some of the achievements for Red Dead Redemption 2 are pretty difficult to get and some of the rewards tied to these achievements are pretty awesome. However, if you do work hard enough, there’s a trophy you can get for completing the Zoologist & Skin Deep achievement.. Read more about rdr2 animal compendium and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you get a zoologist in RDR2?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

I am not a zoologist, but there are many ways to get a zoologist in Red Dead Redemption 2. You can find them in the wild, you can buy them from stores, or you can hire them as mercenaries.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Do you need legendary animals for zoologist?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Yes, you do.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What animals are required for zoologist RDR2?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The following animals are required for the Zoologist job in Red Dead Redemption 2:

Raccoon, Squirrel, Deer, Frog, Toad.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get a zoologist in RDR2?

I am not a zoologist, but there are many ways to get a zoologist in Red Dead Redemption 2. You can find them in the wild, you can buy them from stores, or you can hire them as mercenaries.

Do you need legendary animals for zoologist?

Yes, you do.

What animals are required for zoologist RDR2?

The following animals are required for the Zoologist job in Red Dead Redemption 2:

Raccoon, Squirrel, Deer, Frog, Toad.