
Inside The Game


If you’re a gamer, chances are you’ve already invested in a graphics card. But what makes a graphics card compatible with your PC?

The graphics card compatibility scan is a tool that you can use to determine if your graphics card is compatible with your PC.

You want to play some amazing AAA games or simply do some casual gaming, and you’re ready to purchase a graphics card, but you’re not sure whether your graphics card will work with your system.


This is one of the most frequent issues that new gamers have, and I was one of them when I first began playing PC games. To prevent incompatibility in all areas, there are a few things to consider before buying a graphics card. This will not only save you money, but it will also guarantee that your graphics card is free of bottlenecks and other performance issues.

Every PC’s graphics card must be compatible with four things:-

  1. Motherboard
  2. Electricity
  3. Processor
  4. Chassis
  5. Monitor

Compatibility of graphics cards and motherboards

To ensure that a graphics card is compatible with the motherboard, you must first choose the kind of graphics card you want to utilize. Is it a Radeon H3850 or any older AGP graphics card? Is it a PCI express graphics card, or something else?

Most likely, it will be a PCI express graphics card with pins or a connection that looks like this:-

gtx 1050 PCI connector

You’ll need a PCI-E x16 slot on your motherboard for a connection like this, which looks like this:

Motherboard PCI-E x16 slot

The picture above depicts a modern PCI-E x16 slot with an opening latch on one of its ends for locking the graphics card in place. The latch may vary, but the slot will always be about 89mm in length.

If your graphics card and the motherboard both have these two slots, your graphics card is completely compatible with the motherboard.

Compatibility of graphics cards with power supplies

After you’ve determined whether or not the GPU you wish to purchase is compatible with your motherboard, be sure your power supply can handle it. A power supply is responsible for providing your graphics card with the proper voltage and power.


Low-profile graphics cards don’t even need an additional power supply since the motherboard PCI slot can handle up to 75 watts of electricity. However, if your graphics card has a power connection like the one shown below, which may range from a single 6 pin to double 8 pins, you’ll need a power supply with a PCI-E connector cable with the appropriate number of connector pins.

Graphics card power connector

Make sure your power supply has at least a single 6 pin PCI connection cable if your graphics card has a single 6 pin connector. Similarly, if your graphics card has a dual 8-pin connection, your power supply must have a dual 8-pin connector cable as well, otherwise your graphics card may not turn on.

– Resolve the problem of the graphics card not being detected


If your graphics card has low profile, you don’t need to worry about the wattage of your power supply, but for consistent operation, it’s best to choose a continuous power supply rather than a peak power supply.

Graphics card power requirements

If your graphics card has a power connection, find out how much watts it uses. This information is readily available on the manufacturer’s website. Because they are factory-overclocked, aftermarket or custom graphics cards that vary from reference cards often use more power. Make sure to check out the GPU page on the official website to see how much power it uses and what power supply they suggest.

A high-end graphics card like the RTX 2080 Ti won’t operate correctly on a 450 watt power supply, especially since all of your other components are likely to be high-end as well. Also, two 8-pin connections are uncommon on a 450-watt power supply. For future-proofing, you’ll need to utilize a higher-wattage power supply, and it’s better to follow the manufacturers’ recommendations.

For the greatest performance, check out our selection of the top power supplies.

Compatibility between graphics cards and processors

CPU-GPU combo

In general, all contemporary CPUs are compatible with all graphics cards, from low-profile to high-end, but it doesn’t mean your system shouldn’t be balanced. A strong graphics card such as the RTX 2080 should not be paired with a Pentium CPU. Although the Pentium CPU will support the RTX 2080, it will not provide the intended results for which the RTX 2080 was designed.

In terms of performance, always compare and verify CPU-GPU compatibility. To learn more, read the following articles:-

–Best 1080p CPU-GPU combinations –Best 1440p CPU-GPU combos –Best 4K CPU-GPU combos

Compatibility of graphics cards with chassis


Your computer’s chassis should be large enough to accommodate the graphics card you’ll be using. Before you purchase, double-check the size of your graphics card. Check to see how much space your case has. You may look it up on the chassis manufacturer’s website or measure it yourself using a ruler.

Graphics card dimensions

Some cases are modular, with front-mounted hard drive cages that may be removed to accommodate lengthy graphics cards. Take it into account as well. Some cases are extremely narrow, and your graphics card may be bigger than or even equal to the case’s width. In both instances, you won’t be able to install the graphics card since the motherboard, motherboard tray, back panel, and other components will take up too much space, leaving no room for your graphics card. Make sure there’s adequate room for cable connections as well.

Best Cable Management Cases may be found here.

Compatibility of graphics cards with monitors

While most of us simply opt for the graphics card if all four of the aforementioned problems are solved, it’s also critical to know whether or not your graphics card is compatible with your display.

You should double-check that the graphics card you’re purchasing has the same connections as your display; otherwise, you may have to purchase a converter. Check out our complete guide to determining whether or not a graphics card is compatible with a display.

Is there anything else you’d want to know?

If you have any questions that weren’t addressed in these four stages, please post them in the comments area below!


The motherboard graphics card compatibility checker online is a tool that allows users to see if their motherboard graphics card is compatible with their PC.

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A motherboard is the most important part of a gaming PC. It’s the central hub that connects your CPU, graphics card, RAM and other components to the rest of your computer. Here are some things you should know before buying one for yourself.

The how to choose motherboard according to processor is a guide that will teach you what you need to know before buying a motherboard.

I’ve used Intel and AMD motherboards in a variety of configurations. I’ve used motherboards that cost as little as $50 and as much as $200. I’ve gathered some sensible and useful things from various features and form factors after using each one for many months that should be considered by anybody who wants to construct a gaming PC but doesn’t know much about motherboards.

Although most PC hardware enthusiasts are familiar with motherboards and their specs, practical application is an area where only expertise counts. I’ve compiled a list of six key points that are relevant to every player, and these pointers will help you save money.


Micro-ATX motherboards are a good investment.

Mini-ITX, Micro-ATX, and full ATX are the three most common form factors for motherboards. Each form factor has its own dimensions and characteristics. Mini-ITX motherboards are the smallest, ATX motherboards are the biggest, and Micro-ATX motherboards are in the middle. A Micro ATX motherboard is worth your money since it has all of the functions that you will need. It’s extremely simple while still providing excellent upgrade possibilities.

A Micro-ATX motherboard is considerably less expensive than an ATX motherboard, and its characteristics will satisfy those who are constructing a gaming PC. I’ve used both Micro-ATX and ATX motherboards, and the only reason to purchase an ATX motherboard is to fill the space in your PC case and make it seem nicer visually. However, it is not feasible to use all of the capabilities of an ATX motherboard. An ATX motherboard, on the other hand, is more capable of overclocking and adding graphics cards, but it would be useless to someone who has a certain budget in mind, such as $500 or even $1000. Only a few gamers or enthusiasts make use of these features, and those who do don’t have a set budget. They’ll easily spend over $2000 on their setup. So, without a question, a Micro-ATX motherboard is the champion for a budget or even a high-end gaming PC.

As you can see in the picture above, a decent Micro-ATX motherboard offers all of the fundamental characteristics of a full ATX motherboard for less than half the price of an ATX motherboard. Some Micro-ATX motherboards have some of the finest features, such as an M.2 SSD port, making them an excellent option for gamers and enthusiasts. In terms of ATX motherboards, many boards enable CrossfireX and SLI, and many gamers purchase them in the hopes of using multiple GPU configurations in the future, only to discover that they don’t need another GPU or that the necessary GPU is unavailable when they need it.

Assume you purchased a motherboard capable of supporting two Nvidia GTX 1070 SLI graphics cards. You presently have one GTX 1070 that meets your requirements, but you purchased the motherboard with an additional PCI-Ex 16 slot in case you wish to game at a higher resolution or if the GTX 1070 becomes incapable of maxing out games in the future. You’ll be sad to learn that the GTX 1070 has been phased off of the market and replaced by new GPUs after just two years. It’s also a truth that no graphics card lasts more than two years on the market. New technology appears and disappears. That’s how it’s done. So, if you want to do SLI, do it the first time you construct your PC or don’t worry about it in the future.

It’s worth it to have more RAM slots.

4 DIMM slots vs 2 DIMM slots Micro-ATX motherboard.png

The only component that may be upgraded is RAM. Any board may be upgraded with a 4GB or 8GB module at any time. However, it is a fact that the demand for Ram increases every two years. I recall having a conversation with someone who was constructing a high-end gaming PC only two years ago; he was investing a lot of money, but everyone suggested 8GB of RAM, and everyone said it would be sufficient for 3-4 years. However, you can now see that games may easily use more than 10GB of RAM, with higher resolutions requiring about 12GB.

Clearly, RAM upgrades were available when I purchased my first computer in 2004, are still available in 2017, and will undoubtedly be in the future. So, if you want to update your RAM, you’ll need at least four DIMM slots rather than two, since if you put one 8GB stick in one slot today and require another 8GB stick a year later, you’ll only be able to do so up to 16GB. However, after two years, you will need 32GB of RAM, and you will be trapped there. Either purchase two 16GB sticks or upgrade to a newer board. Clearly, purchasing a newer board will cost the same as purchasing two 16GB RAM sticks.

So, you’ve got yourself a problem. However, the issue does not end there. Because we all know that Intel releases newer chipsets every year, it will be difficult to locate a motherboard compatible with your CPU in 2 years. Yes, AMD is an exception, but who knows whether they will follow Intel’s lead or not. As a result, the ideal way to increase your RAM is to purchase a motherboard with at least four DIMM slots and start with a high-capacity RAM. Instead of two 4GB sticks, I suggest opting with an 8GB or 16GB RAM stick.

Headers for fans are crucial.

2 vs 3 fan headers on motherboard

Cooling your computer is crucial, and you’ll need additional fans to do so. A minimum of two fans is recommended for cooling, and two fans means two fan headers will be installed on your motherboard. A cheap motherboard will usually have two Fan Headers, and a cheap case would have at least two cooling fan slots, one in the back and one in the front. However, one of the two Fan headers on a low-cost motherboard is utilized for CPU cooling. As a result, you’ll only have one Fan header to use for putting a fan in the back or front, making cooling ineffective.

And if you ever attempt to use liquid cooling or add additional fans to your case, here is where the issue with a simple motherboard arises. At least 5-6 Fan headers are required to install two-thirds of the fans at the top and front. Although not all Micro-ATX or ATX motherboards come with as many fan headers as others, having at least three Fan headers may help.

The center and middle right fan headers may be used for rear and front fans, while the 3rd Fan header, which can be found at the top or bottom of the board, can be used for liquid cooling. Let’s say you want to add 5-6 fans in total, and the only way to do so is to purchase a Fan Splitter Hub, which will raise the overall cost. Although this is a fantastic option, you will need to locate a suitable place in your case for the splitter hub, which is not always simple.

Check out: – The Best PC Cooling Fans

You don’t need a large number of SATA ports.

4 vs 6 Sata ports on motherboards

As a gamer, my first concern is to store games, and now we need at least 1TB of hard drive space if we want to install a reasonable number of games, but that 1TB of HDD space may become insufficient in a year or two. As a result, it’s time to upgrade. A low-cost motherboard would almost always have four SATA ports, which are sufficient for connecting up to four hard drives or SSDs. However, some motherboards have six SATA ports. The most SATA ports are on ATX motherboards, however the questions are, “Are you going to put 6 HDDs or SSDs in your case?” and “Do you have that much room in your case?”

If you have a mid tower or, more specifically, a cheap case, the answer is clearly no. Only if you use a full ATX tower like the Corsair 780T and if you have a large number of gaming and video files would the answer be yes. But why on earth would someone purchase six 1TB hard drives? Why not use a 3-4TB hard drive in the first place if you know you’ll be filling up your hard drives with a lot of games and videos?

Yes, a 3-4TB hard disk is large and will remove the need for further hard drives; nevertheless, anybody who utilizes such a large hard drive should have a backup hard drive since losing such a large quantity of data is disastrous. Someone with a low-budget gaming PC, on the other hand, is unlikely to spend that much money on hard drives. A 1TB hard drive will enough, but if he wants more, he can add another 1 or 2TB hard drive, which is when the SATA ports come in useful, but your case should be capable of supporting two or more hard drives.

In general, a decent budget case will have room for two hard drives, but if you’re buying a hard drive for the second time and there’s just one slot available, purchase a larger one. So, even for an enthusiast, four SATA ports are more than plenty, and for someone with one SSD and two hard drives, four SATA ports will enough. So, the next time you purchase a motherboard, don’t concentrate on having a lot of SATA ports on your motherboard; it may save you a lot of money.

Save money by ignoring overclocking, audio, RGB, and dual bios.

Overclocking support, audio technologies, Steel armour, Intel Optane compatibility, RGB headers, onboard troubleshooting buttons, and other features are common on high-end motherboards. These features aren’t terrible and may be extremely useful for aficionados, but for a gamer, nearly all of them are a waste of time and worthless. A gamer should not anticipate anything else useful except overclocking, and the benefits of overclocking are limited.

You can expect a slight performance boost in games if you have an unlocked motherboard, such as an Intel Z270/X99/X299 chipset or an AMD X370/B350 chipset, unlocked CPUs, such as Intel Core i5 7600K/i7 7700K/i7 6900K or AMD FX 6300/Ryzen 1600/Ryzen 1700X, overclockable memories, and an overclockable graphics card. And by “Little,” I mean “a few frames per second,” which may or may not be visible. Because with an Intel Core i5 7600K and a GTX 1070, you can achieve about 80-120 frames per second in virtually any game at 1080p maxed out. Adding 4-5 frames per second won’t make a difference. Your experience will remain unchanged. However, many individuals fall into the trap of overclocking and pay an additional $200-$300 for an extra 4-5 frames per second. It’s a pity, but it’s the truth. Yes, I suggest going with an unlocked CPU and unlocked motherboards if you don’t have a budget constraint and want the best gear available. Although I don’t perform any overclocking, I utilize unlocked processors, RAM, and motherboards. It’s a built-in function in a gamer’s head to get the greatest results. However, if you just have $500-$800 to spend on your PC, you should skip the unlocked CPU and motherboard and instead invest in a better GPU.

Other features like as RGB headers and steel protection are nice, but how many of us use RGB headers on our motherboards? or how many of us have had our PCI slot torn out because we don’t have steel armour? You already have the solution. Similarly, if you don’t have a jumper, onboard troubleshooting may be useful, but paying $50-$100 more on these extra capabilities when you aren’t going to utilize them is not a good idea. These will only be used if you screw up your motherboard too much, but you will quickly forget about them. So why spend so much time thinking about these things if you’re not going to utilize them?

Other capabilities, like as audio technologies, are nearly universally available, and no motherboard produces a sound that is unique. Everything is in good working order. Although installing a sound card may improve sound quality, many motherboard manufacturers promote this feature as being worthwhile of your money. However, this is not the case.

All motherboards function in the same way.

 All motherboards work the same

This is due to the fact that motherboards serve as the interface between all of the components. Its primary goal is to ensure that all of the components function together. Even though each chipset has its own set of features, the motherboards function in the same way. RAM, storage, CPU, GPU, and cooling are the most essential components that influence performance. If you believe that an Intel H110 chipset motherboard is unsuitable for installing an i7 7700, you are right only if you have no plans to upgrade. Otherwise, if overclocking is not used, an i5 or i7 on a cheap motherboard costing as little as $50 or as much as $300 would offer you the same performance.

So, how do you feel about spending a lot of money on a motherboard? Do you have any reservations about any of the points? Please let me know in the comments section.


The asus motherboard is a popular brand of motherboards. It offers a wide range of features and has been around for quite some time now. There are many things to consider before purchasing one, especially if you’re new to the market.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is important when choosing a motherboard?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The motherboard is the most important part of any computer. Its what tells your computer how to connect all the different parts, and it also houses the central processing unit (CPU) which is where everything happens in a computer.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I choose a motherboard?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
When buying a motherboard, make sure that it has the features you need. For example, if you are going to use a lot of RAM and have a large number of hard drives attached, you might want to buy one that supports both of these things. If you are just looking for something cheap to run your computer with, then there is no need to worry about this as much.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What should I look for in a 2021 motherboard?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
In 2021, you should look for a motherboard that has a Thunderbolt 3 port and support for DDR4-2666 RAM.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What is important when choosing a motherboard?

The motherboard is the most important part of any computer. Its what tells your computer how to connect all the different parts, and it also houses the central processing unit (CPU) which is where everything happens in a computer.

How do I choose a motherboard?

When buying a motherboard, make sure that it has the features you need. For example, if you are going to use a lot of RAM and have a large number of hard drives attached, you might want to buy one that supports both of these things. If you are just looking for something cheap to run your computer with, then there is no need to worry about this as much.

What should I look for in a 2021 motherboard?

In 2021, you should look for a motherboard that has a Thunderbolt 3 port and support for DDR4-2666 RAM.

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The RTX 3080 Ti is the fastest graphics card that Nvidia has ever produced. It features a 12GB GDDR6 memory, 1350MHz boost clock speed, and 352-bit memory bus.

The rtx 3080 ti benchmark is a specification that has been corrected by Nvidia.

It’s all about leaks and rumors these days, and many of them are designed to build anticipation for the launch of the new RTX 30 series graphics cards. The already popular RTX 3080 Ti has been spotted a lot on social media, and we just saw its complete comprehensive specifications on GPU-Z, which Techpowerup published two days ago.


We received an updated list of specs in GPU-Z this time thanks to Twitter user @momomo us. On Techpowerup, the GPU-Z version was 2.39.0. 2.40.0 is the most recent version that is completely compatible with the RTX 3080 Ti. The revised specs seem to be in line with expectations.

RTX 3080 Ti Specs GPU-Z

The subvendor is unknown, however Videocardz reports that it is a Gigabyte card. It’s probably one of the RTX 3080 Ti versions we saw on certain retail sites yesterday. Because both lists of specifications have different suppliers, the variations in clock speeds are apparent.

The RTX 3080 Ti has a slightly faster boost clock speed of 1710MHz than the Palit RTX 3080 Ti, which is 1665MHz. The base clock, however, remains unchanged at 1365MHz. ROPs/TMUs have been corrected, and it now displays 112/320 instead of 112/853.

The pixel fillrate is fine, and the texture fillrate has been corrected. It was displaying a staggering 1420.2 GTexel/s in GPU-Z 2.39.0, but it has suddenly dropped to 547.2 GTexels/s. The RTX 3090 has 556.0 GTexel/s, whereas the RTX 3080 has 465.1 GTexel/s. As a result, the RTX 3080 Ti is considerably closer to the 3090 than the 3080, which may turn players away from the RTX 3090 owing to its high pricing.

There will be more updates!

All of the newest RTX 30 series graphics cards, including the RTX 3080, 3070, and 3060 Ti, are now supported by GPU-Z 2.40.0. A comprehensive report on PCI-E Resizable Bar is also accessible, although disabled at the moment. Support for resizable bars allows the CPU to directly access the graphics card’s VRAM, resulting in improved speed.


The 3080 ti release date is a correction of the RTX 3080 Ti specifications. The specifications were released on the same day as the RTX 3080 Ti, but it was actually released later than anticipated.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How much better is the 3080 TI than the 3080?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The 3080 TI is a faster card than the 3080.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How much will the 3080 TI cost?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The price of the 3080 TI is currently unknown.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What time can I buy the 3080 TI?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can buy the 3080 TI at any time.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How much better is the 3080 TI than the 3080?

The 3080 TI is a faster card than the 3080.

How much will the 3080 TI cost?

The price of the 3080 TI is currently unknown.

What time can I buy the 3080 TI?

You can buy the 3080 TI at any time.

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High dynamic range (HDR) is a feature that increases the range of light intensity in an image. HDR gaming has been on the rise, but some users have reported performance drops up to 10% with Nvidia GPUs.

HDR is a new feature that was introduced with the release of the PS5. It is a way to make games look more realistic and can cause performance drop up to 10% with Nvidia GPUs. Read more in detail here: does hdr lower fps ps5.

It seems that the well-known HDR technique will not be suitable for everyone seeking improved image quality on their screens. According to a new study from a German computer magazine, HDR is not helpful to Nvidia GPU users, who would lose up to 10% of their performance if they utilize HDR technology on their displays.


“A decent gaming PC need a good display. Take a look at this $1000 gaming setup.“

Of course, HDR (High Dynamic Resolution) is not available on every monitor, but it is currently available on a large number of displays from various manufacturers. This technology improves the quality of the pixels rather than the amount. As a result, HDR images are more sharp and clear than non-HDR images. This technology is increasingly being used in displays with IPS panels, and its brightness ranges from 400 to 800 nits.

But what about the GPU’s stress? Is it having a positive or negative impact?, a German computer website, conducted an experiment to test whether this technology will impact game performance. Battlefield 1, Final Fantasy XV, Assassin’s Creed Origins, Far Cry 5, Destiny 2, F1 2017, Call of Duty: WWII, Mass Effect Andromeda, Shadow of War, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Shadow Warrior 2, and Resident Evil 7 were among the games chosen for this experiment. This is an excellent and balanced list that should clearly demonstrate the argument.

They utilized two different GPUs, one from AMD and the other from Nvidia. They utilized the RX Vega 56 from AMD and the GTX 1080 from Nvidia. Both of these GPUs are top-of-the-line and ideal for game testing. When they played the games with HDR turned off, the AMD RX Vega 56 averaged 96.2 frames per second, while the Nvidia GTX 1080 averaged 95.1 frames per second. The AMD RX Vega 56 generated 2 fps less on average after turning on HDR, which may be a minor mistake, but the Nvidia GTX 1080 only achieved 85.4 fps, which is a significant drop in performance.

It’s wonderful that we’ve discovered that HDR has an impact on performance, but it wasn’t recognized that Nvidia GPUs would be affected. Of course, additional Nvidia graphics cards were not tested in this study, but it’s more than probable that other Nvidia GPUs will face the same fate. If this is confirmed after extensive testing, Nvidia should make the necessary changes to their drivers as soon as possible to fully remove the issue.


HDR can cause performance drop up to 10% with Nvidia GPUs. Windows 10 users are reporting that they are experiencing this issue. Reference: windows 10 hdr oversaturated.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Does HDR cause performance loss?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
No, HDR does not cause performance loss.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Does HDR affect graphics?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Yes, HDR affects the graphics.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is HDR taxing on GPU?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
It is not taxing on the GPU, but it does require a lot of VRAM.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Does HDR cause performance loss?

No, HDR does not cause performance loss.

Does HDR affect graphics?

Yes, HDR affects the graphics.

Is HDR taxing on GPU?

It is not taxing on the GPU, but it does require a lot of VRAM.

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The GTX 1060 is the most powerful card on the market, but you might be surprised to know that it can run on a low-end CPU like an i3 2120. Here’s what you need to know before buying your next GPU.

The gtx 1060 6gb is a graphics card that can be used in the gaming industry. It has been said to perform well with low end CPUs, but it does not have the processing power of higher end cards.

I purchased a Zotac Gtx 1060 amp edition for about $390 last week in India since the costs are so low. At the same time, I was relieved that I could finally get rid of my gtx 650 ti, which was underperforming. But I was also aware that my graphics card would be bottlenecked by my entry-level i3 2120 processor. So I had two options: update to the Skylake platform and purchase an i5 6600k processor with a Z170 chipset motherboard and DDR4 RAM, or get a high-end graphics card.


I chose to get the card first since upgrading to a more powerful CPU won’t make a significant impact with the gtx 650 ti. In a few weeks, I’ll update my CPU and motherboard anyhow. But what I really wanted to test was how well the GTX 1060 performed with this entry-level i3. I performed benchmarking in a variety of games and received the anticipated results. Is the i3 2120, however, a bottleneck? Check out the benchmarks to find out.

Specs for an entry-level setup include the following:-

i3 2120 @ 3.3 GHz processor

Asrock h61m-vs3 motherboard

Corsair Vengeance 8GB DDR3 memory with a 1333MHz clock speed

450 Watts Corsair VS PSU

6GB GDDR5 Zotac Gtx 1060 Amp Edition GPU

1 TB WD blue 7200 rpm HDD

Battlefield 4: 1080p extreme settings with V-sync enabled.

In campaign mode, the minimum frame rate is 45 frames per second, the maximum frame rate is 63 frames per second, and the average frame rate is 60 frames per second.
Multiplayer (no AA, Vsync on): 48 participants The minimum frame rate is 47 frames per second, the maximum frame rate is 63 frames per second, and the average frame rate is 59 frames per second.
Multiplayer (no AA, no Vsync): 48 players FPS: 50, 107, 75, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50

On ultra settings, the game ran smoothly with and without v-sync, but on multi-player, I had to disable anti-aliasing because the fps would drop to the 30s, rendering the game unplayable. I was getting 60 fps with Vsync on and 75 fps with Vsync off with no AA and everything maxed out.

I was shocked to find that when I adjusted the settings to medium, the fps remained the same, since battlefield 4 is a CPU-intensive game, and the i3 2120 would hold back regardless of whatever settings I used. I noticed that battlefield 4 was not obtaining enough fps when I watched footage of it on YouTube on a system with a GTX 1060 and a high-end CPU like an i7 6700K. On a high-end rig with the same GPU, people are getting 90-100 fps on average, which is significantly higher than mine.

V-sync: ON, 1080p max settings, Dying Light

36 fps min, 63 fps max, 56 fps average

The game flowed well. I was able to achieve a playable frame rate even with V-sync turned on. When I turned off V-sync, the minimum frame rate dropped back into the 30s due to the cpu, but the maximum frame rate increased to above 100. Overall, the average frame rate was 70+, but the gameplay was jerky and stuttering. That’s why I had no choice except to turn on the V-sync. When I watched gameplay of Dying Light on other high-end systems, I saw that it was mainly gpu demanding, yet I was getting excellent performance here.

TXAA, 1080p extreme settings, Fallout 4

Minimum frame rate is 31 frames per second, maximum frame rate is 63 frames per second, and average frame rate is 48 frames per second.

This game requires a lot of processing power, and the i3 2120 was obviously bottlenecking it. Although the average frame rates are adequate for gaming, seeing this on a GTX 1060 was disappointing. With i5 processors and the GTX 970, which is slower than the GTX 1060, people are achieving greater over 70 frames per second on average. I3 was causing the gameplay to stall once again.

V-sync: OFF, 1080 maximum settings, Tomb Raider 2013

Minimum frame rate is 49 frames per second, maximum frame rate is 79 frames per second, and average frame rate is 63 frames per second.

Everything in the parameters was maxed up, even the Hair quality. This is a clearly gpu-intensive game, and the i3 performed well. It’s completely playable, and the score never dropped below 50. I benchmarked it in-game using fraps, like I did with all previous games, and didn’t feel the need to utilize the in-game benchmark tool since it gave me an average frame rate of 85, which is much higher than in-game.

1080p extreme settings, V-sync enabled in The Witcher 3.

ON: Nvidia Hairworks: 34 fps min, 49 fps max, 42 fps average
Nvidia Hairworks is a company that creates hair. Off: 41 fps min, 69 fps max, 54 fps average

It exceeded my expectations. We all know Witcher 3 is a CPU-intensive game, and I can’t expect to achieve 60+ average frames per second with an i3 2120. With Hairworks turned off, I was getting 50+ average frames per second with V-sync enabled.

Conclusion and Result:

The outcome was as anticipated, and I was unable to fully use the gtx 1060’s capabilities. But I was curious whether individuals with earlier generation CPUs, such as the i5 3470 or i7 2600, would receive greater performance than the i3s if they upgraded to a high-end card like this. I performed this upgrade, but I wouldn’t suggest it to anybody since you don’t want to reduce the power of your card. Invest in a decent CPU before upgrading to a high-end graphics card. i3 processors can only support graphics cards up to the GTX 960, so pairing one with a GTX 980 equivalent is not a smart idea. However, if you want to update your CPU as well, acquiring one should be no issue.




{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is i3 2120 good for gaming?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The i3 2120 is a good budget gaming computer.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Will an i3 2120 bottleneck GTX 1650?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The i3 2120 is not a bottleneck for the GTX 1650.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can a GTX 1060 run control?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Yes, a GTX 1060 can run the game at 60fps with high settings.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Is i3 2120 good for gaming?

The i3 2120 is a good budget gaming computer.

Will an i3 2120 bottleneck GTX 1650?

The i3 2120 is not a bottleneck for the GTX 1650.

Can a GTX 1060 run control?

Yes, a GTX 1060 can run the game at 60fps with high settings.

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The graphics card prices have been dropping for a while now, but it seems that they are finally starting to fall in line with the rest of the market. This is good news for gamers who have been waiting patiently for lower prices.

The when will gpu prices return to normal is a question that has been asked for many years. The answer is finally here.

Graphics cards have been almost out of stock for many months, no matter where you went. There was a significant scarcity of GPUs in both online and offline shops, in both the East and the West, owing to the bitcoin mining craze as well as other reasons. However, not every day is the same. I’ve been watching the pricing of graphics cards for months, and I’m seeing indications that they’ll soon be back to their MSRPs. Although I cannot predict how long it will take, have a look at the figures below, which clearly indicate that prices are much lower than they were 2-3 months ago.

– Best Low-Cost Graphics Cards is the source of this information.

These are just two instances, but if you frequently visit this site, you’ll notice that I keep the current graphics card offer widget on the right side of the page updated, as well as a link at the bottom of each article. The Gigabyte GTX 1060 3GB is now available for $299, which is a fantastic deal. I recall that even the 3GB variants of the GTX 1060 were well over $400 or $500. Right now, the Zotac GTX 1060 3GB micro is even cheaper, at $272.

RX 570s are now available for $300-$400, down from about $500-600 before. More high-end graphics cards, such as the GTX 1070/ 1070 Ti and 1080 Ti, have seen price reductions of almost $100-$150 compared to only a few months ago. The timing for PC construction is still not ideal, since memory have doubled in price as a result of companies like Samsung and Apple using them extensively in their gadgets, but I can confidently state that you can build a PC if you have been frustrated for a long time and are in need of one. It will set you back around $100 extra, but it is still a fantastic deal.


Ezoicthis advertisement should be reported


Graphics card market is a term used to describe the current state of the graphics card prices. The prices are finally going down after years of being on the rise. Reference: graphics card market.

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If your graphics card isn’t working, you might be able to fix it by doing the following.

The graphics card not detected but fan running is a problem that many people have been experiencing. There are 5 steps to fix the issue.

Every single individual who is acquainted with a PC is aware of Graphics Cards, and no one can disregard the importance of a Graphics Card/ GPU on their system these days, regardless of the industry they are presently working in.


No matter what sector you operate in, having a GPU in your system will improve the overall performance of your system. Most processors these days do not come with an in-built graphics processor, which means you will need a discrete graphics unit to function effectively. As a result, GPUs are now considered to be an essential component of your CPU.

If you have a system with a GPU, you must know how to troubleshoot problems that may arise, and if you are not a technical person, you must know the basics that may come in useful if you have such difficulties with your system.

So, what should you do if your graphics card isn’t detected? This is our primary emphasis on this subject, and we hope that the things we’ve mentioned here will help you resolve your problem.

Installing the Graphics Card Driver is the first step.

If your GPU isn’t being recognized, the primary cause is that you need to install the appropriate OEM GPU drivers. Windows 10 will automatically install all of the drivers that it deems necessary, however it may miss the GPU driver. As a result, you must download the appropriate diver for your GPU. This is particularly evident in the case of older series GPUs.

GPU driver

For Nvidia graphics cards, you must either download the driver from the official Geforce website, which will automatically identify your graphics card, or manually configure the settings. Install AMD Catalyst for AMD graphics cards. Keep your driving up to date to avoid making any mistakes.

Step 2: Configure From Bios

Graphics card setting in Bios

The second most common problem with this subject is that if your GPU is not being recognized, check your motherboard’s BIOS and make sure that the display unit is set to the external GPU. The display was usually set to the integrated video processing unit, which prevents your external or discrete GPU from working. Processors with an integrated graphics processing unit are the most prevalent.

Step 3: Inspect the Power Connector

Power connector GPU

If your GPU isn’t being recognized or you don’t see a display when your computer boots up, double-check that you’ve connected the power connection required for the GPU to function correctly. Most modern GPUs need a separate power source to operate. Check for a power connection on the top of your graphics card, as seen in the picture above. A 6-pin, 8-pin, 6+8-pin, or 8+8-pin connection may be used.

Step 4: Refresh the Bios

motherboard bios

Make sure your BIOS is up to date if your GPU isn’t being recognized. A BIOS update may solve the Graphics card unit’s detection problem in a variety of situations. This problem is most prevalent on old motherboards with fresh graphics cards installed.

Step 5: Double-check your I/O cable.

gtx 1650 connector

If your graphics card is turned on and all of the fans are spinning but you still don’t have a display, double-check that all of the display cables, such as VGA, HDMI, DVI, DP, and so on, are correctly connected to your GPU. Many times, people connect their connections to the motherboard port instead of the Graphics Card connector, resulting in “no” display.


The procedures outlined above are the foundation for ensuring that your GPU unit is in good working order, and like any other piece of equipment or electrical device, it need periodic maintenance to guarantee that it lasts as long as possible. As a result, if your GPU is unable to detect, be sure to verify the procedures listed above and hope that the problem is addressed. If it continues to fail, you should get additional help from a professional. If the issue persists, it’s necessary to upgrade your graphics card.

Additional Graphics Card-Related Guides:-

Troubleshoot a faulty graphics card Repair a squeaky graphics card How to check whether your graphics card and monitor are compatible Determine if your graphics card is compatible with your computer. Is a graphics card required? – Instructions Guide to Stress Testing Graphics Cards


The graphics card not detected in bios is a common problem for gamers. If your graphics card is not recognized, try these 5 steps to fix the issue.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I fix my graphics card not detected?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
First, make sure your computer meets the minimum system requirements for Beat Saber. If you are still having issues, try updating your graphics card drivers.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I get my motherboard to recognize my graphics card?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
A graphics card is a type of computer hardware that helps with rendering 3D images. The motherboard is the main system board in your computer and it houses all of the components that make up your computer, including the CPU and RAM.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Why is my Nvidia graphics card not being detected?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
There are a few reasons why your Nvidia graphics card may not be detected. One reason is that the game does not support Nvidia cards, so you will need to use an AMD or Intel graphics card instead. Another reason is that the game has recently updated and the new update may have changed how it detects graphics cards. If this is the case, you will need to update your drivers for your Nvidia graphics card in order to fix this issue.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I fix my graphics card not detected?

First, make sure your computer meets the minimum system requirements for Beat Saber. If you are still having issues, try updating your graphics card drivers.

How do I get my motherboard to recognize my graphics card?

A graphics card is a type of computer hardware that helps with rendering 3D images. The motherboard is the main system board in your computer and it houses all of the components that make up your computer, including the CPU and RAM.

Why is my Nvidia graphics card not being detected?

There are a few reasons why your Nvidia graphics card may not be detected. One reason is that the game does not support Nvidia cards, so you will need to use an AMD or Intel graphics card instead. Another reason is that the game has recently updated and the new update may have changed how it detects graphics cards. If this is the case, you will need to update your drivers for your Nvidia graphics card in order to fix this issue.

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Graphics card errors like 43 are common and can be fixed in a few different ways. Here’s how to fix graphics card error 43 with 4 easy steps!

There are many ways to fix the graphics card error 43. The nvidia code 43 fix windows 10, 2020 is a way to fix the graphics card error 43 in Windows 10 and Windows 7.

Hardware problems are unavoidable, and gamers are acutely aware of them due to the fact that they utilize much more hardware than the typical PC user.

Certain problems may be readily resolved if you are familiar with PC hardware troubleshooting, and having this knowledge can save you money and, more significantly, time, which I consider to be more valuable than money. As a result, today we’ll talk about a specific problem that customers may have while utilizing a graphics card. It may also happen to people who exclusively use their computers for work.


Some PC users may have encountered an issue that results in an error code 43, and if you are unsure of what the issue is, you may find yourself trapped and needing the assistance of a hardware expert to resolve the problem. However, if you carefully follow the procedures outlined here, you can resolve the problem on your own, and you don’t need to be an expert in computer hardware to do it.

What is the meaning of Error Code 43?

Error Code 43 is a problem that may affect anybody who has a graphics card installed in their computer, whether it’s a laptop or a desktop. This means that your Windows 10 operating system has detected a problem with your graphics card.

Causes that may exist

There are a number of documented reasons for this mistake, with the following being the most common:

  1. Because to a faulty GPU installation
  2. The GPU has accumulated a lot of dust as a result of this.
  3. Because of a faulty GPU driver
  4. GPU failure

As a result, if you’ve read thus far, you’ve probably worked out that the first and second points are simple to sort out. However, in the third and fourth levels, things get more complicated. Driver problems are the most difficult to resolve since they are caused by a variety of factors including Windows, BIOS, and inadequate hardware. The good news is that the odds of the GPU malfunctioning are low.


Let us present you with the most well-known remedy that is simple to implement and may correct the problem that we are addressing.

1st Checkpoint

Whether you’re getting Error Code 43, the first thing you should do is double-check your graphics card and PCI Express slot to see if it’s correctly installed.

To be sure, remove the card once and then re-insert it, making sure to double-check the slot’s lock. If the card cannot be removed due to the lock, the graphics card is correctly installed; nevertheless, don’t be afraid to apply some pressure to verify that the pins are fully seated within the PCI slot.

Checkpoint No. 2

Periodic maintenance is required for any computer, yet many users are unwilling to do it. Whether the above doesn’t work, check to see if your GPU is dust-free; if it isn’t, it’s a good idea to clean it. The easiest method to do this is to blow the dust away with a blower, then remove the GPU and clean the gold contoured parts with a clean eraser, making sure the eraser doesn’t leave any residue.

graphics card heatsink

After you’ve completed the cleaning, use a dry soft brush to dust off the PCI slot. After that, correctly reinstall the GPU in the PCI slot and, if necessary, connect the power connection. For laptop users, this step is not relevant.

3rd point to consider

graphics card support

If the steps above don’t work, double-check the power cable that is attached to the GPU. It’s advisable to use a multimeter to double-check that the voltage is being provided. It is not relevant to people who use laptops or GPUs that do not need a separate power source.

Checkpoint no. 4

If all of the preceding procedures do not work for you, you will need to do a little more than what is listed above, and you will need to read and understand the following steps before proceeding. If your machine was working well until yesterday, and you installed an OS update while shutting it down, you should roll back that update and see if it fixes the issue. Updates to your operating system may sometimes create problems with your GPU driver.


If you haven’t installed any updates lately and are still getting the problem, you should check for a BIOS update for your motherboard. If a BIOS update is available, you should install it, but make sure you follow all of the instructions carefully.

The final thing you should do before upgrading your GPU or taking it in for a warranty check is to make sure you have the most recent drivers loaded. If so, make sure you install the drivers from scratch rather than relying on the drivers that Windows 10 OS downloads automatically as part of its updates.

Nvidia Geforce Driver

The simplest method is to download the drivers from the OEM’s website, boot into safe mode, and then remove your current GPU drivers. After that, you must reboot your system before installing the drivers you obtained from the OEM’s website.


If the problem persists (and it isn’t a hardware issue), contact a hardware expert or do a GPU fault check.


The graphics device driver error code 43 amd is a problem that can be fixed in 4 different ways.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I fix Error 43 on my graphics card?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can try to update your graphics card drivers.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I fix error code 43?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The error code 43 is a result of the game crashing. This will happen if you are playing on an older system, or have had your PS4 hard drive replaced by Sony.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is Code 43 GPU?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Code 43 is a type of GPU that is used by the Xbox One S.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I fix Error 43 on my graphics card?

You can try to update your graphics card drivers.

How do I fix error code 43?

The error code 43 is a result of the game crashing. This will happen if you are playing on an older system, or have had your PS4 hard drive replaced by Sony.

What is Code 43 GPU?

Code 43 is a type of GPU that is used by the Xbox One S.

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The first thing you should do is check the graphics card and monitor compatibility. You can use a site like to find out which graphics cards are compatible with your system.

The graphics card compatibility checker is a tool that allows users to test the compatibility of their graphics card and monitor.

Not only should you verify your graphics card’s compatibility with your operating system, but you should also see whether your graphics card can be readily connected into your display. It’s not just about the connection; there are a few more things to consider if you want to get the most out of your graphics card and display at the same time.

Before you go out and purchase a new display or graphics card, make sure you check the following items to get the most out of your system.


Ports for output

What is the best way to check?

This is the most important factor to consider when purchasing a display or graphics card. If you have a low-profile monitor, it will most likely just have a VGA connection or, in rare instances, a DVI port. Low-profile graphics cards, which have both a VGA and a DVI connection, will be completely compatible with such displays.

A graphics card and a monitor will both come with at least one display output port. Although, nowadays, most monitors and graphics cards will come with two or more ports.

To ensure that you purchase the correct combination, each components must have at least one identical port.

A VGA port may or may not be present on a high-end monitor, and the same is true for a high-end graphics card. Now, if you’re wondering how many ports there are, here’s a list to keep in mind:-

  1. VGA
  2. DVI-D and DVI-I are two types of digital video interfaces.
  3. HDMI
  4. DP DP DP DP DP (Display Port)

A quick rundown of each port


 VGA port and connector

The port on the left is a female VGA connection found on the monitor or graphics card, while the one on the right is a VGA cable connector.



DVI is divided into two kinds, each of which has two variants. The first is a single link, while the second is a dual link. The Double link DVI connector provides twice the bandwidth, allowing for higher resolution monitors with up to 1440p resolution, while the Single link DVI port can only handle 1080p.

The DVI-I supports both analog and digital transmissions, while the DVI-D solely supports digital signals. The pin design on them differs somewhat. Dual-link connectors are found on the majority of contemporary displays.


HDMI male and female connector

HDMI stands for High Definition Multimedia Interface and is superior than DVI in terms of resolution and audio capabilities.



Display Port (DP) is the best available display output interface at the moment, supporting greater resolutions and faster refresh rates. Nowadays, graphics cards in both the budget and high-end tiers have at least one Display connector.

– How to Fix a Graphics Card That Isn’t Detected

Synchronization Technology


After you’ve double-checked the ports, it’s time to see what kind of monitor and graphics card you have. Graphics cards are now manufactured by two companies. As a result, you must choose between an AMD or an Nvidia graphics card.

For Sync technology, AMD FreeSync displays for AMD graphics cards and Nvidia GSync monitors for Nvidia graphics cards are presently available. FreeSync and GSync aren’t available on every monitor. These technologies are only available on high-end displays with high refresh rates, and therefore are more costly than non-Sync monitors. FreeSync displays are often less expensive than GSync monitors.

These RGB monitors are not only attractive, but they also provide a seamless gaming experience. Check it out right now!

Sync is the technique by which your display attempts to synchronize its refresh rate to your frame rate in order to prevent tearing during gaming. This results in a highly smooth gaming experience.

If your display supports FreeSync, you’ll be able to use it only if you have an AMD graphics card; the same is true for GSync monitors and Nvidia graphics cards. Currently, they are not interchangeable, but Nvidia is working on making AMD graphics cards compatible with Nvidia GSync displays.

Are you still perplexed or having issues?

If you still have concerns about your graphics card’s compatibility with your display, leave a remark in the area below.


The windows 10 graphics card compatibility checker is a tool that allows users to check compatibility of their computer’s graphics card and monitor.

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Google is releasing a new phone, the Pixel 3, which will use its own processor. This is a first for the company and sets a precedent for other manufacturers to follow suit.

The google pixel 6 release date is the upcoming phone from Google that will use its own processor. This will be a huge step for Google and could lead to more competition in the smartphone market.

We just came across information claiming that Google is developing its own chipset. The processor, dubbed “Whitechapel,” will power the forthcoming Pixel 6 smartphones.


The term ‘Whitechapel’ will be used in conjunction with the term ‘Slider,’ which refers to a common platform for the first Whitechapel systems on a chip (SoC). The GS10 chip is the moniker given to the chip.

Google is putting out an attempt to develop their own SoCs for use in future devices such as the Pixel and Chromebook, and it is also said that Google is working with Samsung’s Exynos processors on a project called “Whitechapel.”

We previously got a sneak peek at Google’s future hardware infrastructure improvement plan last year. It’s possible that these two are linked. And if this is correct, we should expect to see a lot more features in the following days.

According to certain leaked information, the next Pixel will have an under-screen selfie camera, implying that the camera would most likely be located under the screen itself. It will also have a 6-inch Full-HD+OLED screen with a 19.5:9 aspect ratio and Android 11 as its operating system. The gadget will be powered by a 4,080mAh battery that supports rapid charging.


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{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Does Google make their own processors?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Google does not manufacture their own processors. They contract a company called AMD to make the processors for them.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Does Google pixel have its own OS?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Googles Pixel doesnt have its own OS, it uses a modified version of Android.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What processor does the Google pixel have?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The Google pixel has a Qualcomm Snapdragon 821.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Google make their own processors?

Google does not manufacture their own processors. They contract a company called AMD to make the processors for them.

Does Google pixel have its own OS?

Googles Pixel doesnt have its own OS, it uses a modified version of Android.

What processor does the Google pixel have?

The Google pixel has a Qualcomm Snapdragon 821.

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