Today, viral videos clearly demonstrate that they captivate the viewer and arouse keen interest in what is happening on the screen. Viral material spreads precisely due to the interest of viewers. The audience likes it, reposts it, and leaves comments. Discussions in such cases are very active, users share their emotions after viewing the content. Professional video editing app VJump understands the power of viral content and how it can increase awareness. With their experience, specialists will help you create a video that not only entertains but also effectively promotes your blog, brand, or product.

There are a couple of fundamental tips for developing ideas for creation:

  • One can and would like to argue about them. When developing an idea, try talking to a variety of people about it. If the debate is long, and the arguments are very different and unexpected, after the video is released, the target audience will also start a discussion.
  • I want to share them. It is important that the emotion is so strong that the person wants to tell someone else about it. It is difficult to predict such an effect, but a thorough analysis of the target audience and its main pain points will help you understand which direction you need to move. The best thing to do is take a short questionnaire and ask people what worries them most today and why.

Image1When writing a script and working with tiktok video editor, you need to take into account the tastes of the target audience. Klip can surprise, frighten, make you laugh or impress. The main thing is that it has a powerful emotional charge. The viewer should have a complete understanding of what the author wanted to say.

Filming and Editing

The content should be watchable. If the camera moves erratically, there is constant defocus – this is unlikely to please the viewer. It is important to avoid “stagedness” in the video and processing in TikTok editing app, do not forget about changing angles, use sound effects, and show people’s sincere emotions.

The editing process depends on the selected category of viral videos (challenges, scandals, etc.). It is important to pay attention to the tempo and dynamics so that they correspond to the chosen type.

  • Thus, when creating a flash mob video, it is recommended to use dynamic storytelling methods with rousing music and frequent frame changes.
  • In the case of pranks, it is best to use a “live” video format that simulates filming on a phone. When editing, you need to select the most interesting moments from the footage.

For other types, you can apply the basic principles of edit tiktok video, such as changing the scale and moving around the frame.

The VJump team understands that the real magic happens in the editing process. The best TikTok editing app knows how to combine all the elements, from the right choice of music to smooth transitions, to create an attractive final product. Their goal is to create videos that truly stand out and grab viewers’ attention.


Holly is the smartest person you will ever know (Or so she tells us lol). She's a gamer by heart, and an author by soul. Writing for the website g15tools is a dream come true for her - she loves being able to share her thoughts and insights with others who love gaming as much as she does. When she's not writing or gaming, Holly can be found spending time with her friends and family.