Did you know that there are hidden Spider-Man Easter eggs in Insomniac’s Spider-Man PS4 game? Do you want to know what they are? Well, you’re in luck, because I have been able to uncover them all! You can find all the Easter eggs in Insomniac’s Spider-Man PS4 game by following this simple guide.

Here’s one you might not have heard about before, but Spider-Man PS4 Easter eggs have been on the internet for as long as super-hero games have been around. Whether it’s the rare lizard man in the game’s level select menu, or a hidden tune named “Back To The Lab”, it’s always a good idea to take a look around. There’s a lot of interesting stuff that you may have missed.

Did you know that Spider-Man has been in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since 2015? (Now we know, right?) Admittedly, his time has been short, and he’s only appeared in two films. With that said, he has managed to make his mark on the franchise and the web-slinger is so popular that he just scored two new video games in the last year. In fact, the second one is called Spider-Man PS4.. Read more about spider-man super powers and let us know what you think.

Spider-Man first appeared on our PS4 screens eight months ago, with many players attempting to Platinum all trophies. Many of us were on the lookout for Spider-Man PS4 Easter eggs in addition to blasting through the City That Never Sleeps DLC. Just when we thought we’d found them all, another one pops up, completely unnoticed.

Easter eggs for Spider-Man PS4 — This one went unnoticed.

Elan Ruskin, Senior Programmer at Insomniac Games, believes one of the Spider-Man PS4 Easter eggs has gone unnoticed. This one Easter egg only emerged on a Saturday when wandering the tops of skyscrapers in New York City, where a certain group of individuals vanished for the whole day.

Ruskin tweeted the following during the Easter holidays (ironic, I know), stating that the Jewish NPCs in Spider-Man PS4 have a resting day called Shabbat (Sabbath in Judaism). In reality, the Jewish community uses Saturdays as a day off from work to remain at home, which is why they aren’t seen wandering the streets of New York City. On a Saturday, if young Peter wished to take a picture with the Jewish residents, he would be unable to do so.

This seems like a good moment to bring up an Easter egg that nobody has mentioned yet: these people don’t work on Saturdays! pic.twitter.com/kJydFBG4DG

April 19, 2019 — Elan Ruskin (@despair)

What is the mechanism behind it? In a nutshell, Spider-Man PS4 will check your console system time, which tells the game that if the day is a Saturday, the Jewish Civilians should not appear.

The majority of people would have missed this smart little attention to detail, but as someone who wants to see all of the Spider-Man PS4 Easter eggs, you can know I’ll be trying this out on Saturday! The intriguing part about this is that it was not made public until now, eight months after it was released, which makes one wonder what more could be uncovered.

This simply goes to demonstrate how much attention to detail Insomniac Games has placed into the game.

At one point in time, I was privileged to be the manager of a team of professional game developers, and I was actually able to participate in a number of secrets of a project that was being developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment. I’m not going to give much away but yeah, let’s just say that I got a few (OK, a lot) of exclusive tips and hints about this game.. Read more about i know spider man and let us know what you think.

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Holly is the smartest person you will ever know (Or so she tells us lol). She's a gamer by heart, and an author by soul. Writing for the website g15tools is a dream come true for her - she loves being able to share her thoughts and insights with others who love gaming as much as she does. When she's not writing or gaming, Holly can be found spending time with her friends and family.