Welcome back to the Trails of Cold Steel IV! This guide will help you get all the Sorcerer Gloves in the game, in order to make sure you get the best equipment for the game. If you haven’t played the Trails of Cold Steel series, then you may want to read the game’s wiki page first.
Trails Of Cold Steel is a Japanese role-playing game series made by Nihon Falcom. In Trails Of Cold Steel IV, the player takes on the role of various characters with the goal of defeating the evil empire. The game takes place after the events of the first Trails Of Cold Steel, and at least one of the game’s major characters, Alisa Reinford, is a female protagonist. In order to obtain the Sorcerer’s Gloves, the player needs to go to the Shrine of Rites.
This is a guide for Trails of Cold Steel IV that shows you where to get the Sorcerer Gloves in the game. If you need more information about the game, please visit the official website for it, gameof.gg .. Read more about trails of cold steel and let us know what you think.
Another in-game item that may be missed is the Sorcerer Gloves, which are an accessory.
The Sorcerer Gloves can only be obtained once you have discovered the other gloves that may be exchanged for this item.
Before you may trade for the powerful Sorcerer Gloves, you must first locate the Work Gloves, Medical Gloves, Soldier Gloves, and Dress Gloves.
Once you acquire all four gloves, you may swap them for Sorcerer Gloves at any Pawn Shop. The Sorcerer Gloves increase your STR/DEF/ATS/ADF by 24 percent and increase your Magic Attack Evasion by 16 percent.
More of my missable guides, such as Ash’s Butler Costume, Kaiser Mishy, and Celine’s Pink Ribbon, may be found here.
Here’s a short guide to where you can get all of the gloves you’ll need…
- DATE: Thursday, August 10th
- LOCATION: Alster Gasco’s Store
- INFO: This one costs 3200 Mira and can be purchased at Gasco’s Store in Alster.
- DATE: Tuesday, August 15th
- LOCATION: Crossbell Times Department Store
- INFO: This one may be found for 3200 Mira at the Times Department Store in Crossbell.
- DATE: Tuesday, August 15th
- GETTING THERE: Gironde Armory – Crossbell
- INFO: This one costs 3200 Mira and can be purchased at the Gironde Armory.
- DATE: Tuesday, August 15th
- LOCATION: St Ursula Medical College – Le Lectier Inn
- INFO: This one is available for 3200 Mira at the Le Lectier Inn.
You may then swap those gloves for the Sorcerer Gloves after you have them.
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