In a world where nothing stays the same, except for the fact that we’re all running from our pasts and the ever looming threat of death, there’s nothing more fun then dancing in the street. In Yakuza 5, it’s a shame that most people aren’t too happy, but they’re just as bad as the thugs that are running around killing people and trying to take over the city. However, there is one person that is willing to take on the world and the people that run it, and to do so, she has to come in the form of Noa Amon.

With the next Yakuza game set to take place in Tokyo, a new country for the series is chosen each time. In the last game, the focus was on Osaka, while this time the game is set in Tokyo. As opposed to Osaka, which focused on a different series of characters, this time the game will include the main character of the Yakuza series, Kazuma Kiryu, as well as two of his closest friends, Goro Majima and Ryuji Goda.

“Yakuza 5” brings together all the style and attitude of “Yakuza 4” while introducing a few new elements. Haruka and Noa have their own unique fighting styles and fighting styles of the main characters are completely different as well. The fighting scenes are very well done and the difficulty level is just about right. Overall, “Yakuza 5” is a very fun and entertaining game.

The entire dance off between Haruka and Noa Amon may be seen in this video. Noa is a member of the optional boss Amon clan, and this was my first time facing any of the Amons, who are known for being difficult opponents. I’m shocked I was able to defeat her, since I felt I did pretty poorly haha.

As you can probably guess, I’m not a big fan of rhythm games.






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Holly is the smartest person you will ever know (Or so she tells us lol). She's a gamer by heart, and an author by soul. Writing for the website g15tools is a dream come true for her - she loves being able to share her thoughts and insights with others who love gaming as much as she does. When she's not writing or gaming, Holly can be found spending time with her friends and family.