The game begins with Kiryu manning a guard post on the outskirts of Kamurocho. Out of nowhere, a stolen van carrying Yakuza members from Shintaro Kazama to an unknown destination comes up the road, and our hero springs into action. He manages to chase down the van and apprehend the culprits. The police arrive on scene minutes later, but the driver of the van, a girl, is nowhere to be found. The police allow our hero to search the van, and of course he finds the missing girl inside half-naked and terrified. He puts her in the back of his car and drives her back to the guard post.
The Dragon of Dojima is an in-game event that occurs after sidequest #11. The goal is to find clues for Kyohei’s son. After finding Mika, the Dragon of Dojima will then appear. After talking to the Dragon of Dojima, the player will get a Yakuza costume. Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a sidequest that appears after sidequest #11.
Yakuza 2 was a significant game for Sega. In the US and Europe, it was the first game in the series to be released on the PlayStation 2. And for many Western gamers, it was the first time they got to experience the Yakuza series. The game’s multiple paths and multiple endings added an element of choice to the game that has since become a staple of the franchise. The game did seem to have a few pacing issues, in that the game moved incredibly slowly toward its conclusion. Put another way, the game’s sub-stories took a bit too long to wrap up, and, well…. Read more about yakuza: like a dragon substories and let us know what you think.
You may discover and finish several different side missions or substories in Yakuza: Like A Dragon, one of which is An Act Of Kindness.
This side quest/substory is activated during Chapter 7 – The Spider’s Web.
It entails meeting a little girl who is adamant about raising funds for her younger brother’s operation.
- Isezaki Iljincho, East Jinnai Station, Isezaki Iljincho, Isezaki Iljincho, Isezaki Iljincho, Is
- QUEST GIVER: Donation-Collecting Girl (Megumi)
- When you get to your location, you should see a little girl attempting to collect contribution money; sadly, she is having little success.
- Choose to contribute to her (I’m not sure whether the amount counts, but I went ahead and gave her 10,000yen)
- Kasuga will eventually opt to relocate in the hopes of receiving greater contributions. For Intellect +10, choose the Popular Eatery option.
- After the discussion, leave the location and return when a blue speech bubble appears.
- Ichiban sees that Megumi isn’t shouting loudly enough, and as a result, no one is paying attention to her. To boost your confidence by 10%, choose the Listen Up! option.
- We must now go to Isezaki Road, where a couple collecting funds for children will be arguing between themselves.
- It turns out that the rumors about them were genuine, and a battle ensues!
- Use Ide’s weakness to Fire to your advantage; otherwise, the battle should be done in no time.
- Anyway, after the battle, you may return to Megumi to complete the mission. Megumi will be waiting for you at the restaurant where you left her.
- ten thousand yen
- 200 hours of experience
- 180 Hours of Work Experience
- 5 Bond
- x1 Expensive Leather
- 1 pair of Economy Insoles
After the events of Yakuza 1 & 2, Kiria lived on quietly in a small town in Kamurocho. One day, a man came to Kiria wanting to hire her for a special job. Kiria agreed to do the job, but it would be a special job indeed. Kiria realized that she has to be more than a “simple assassin”, and that she needs to show a more noble side to her as the Yakuza. Doing so may give Kiria much more than she bargained for as the world of Yakuza 2 is about to be turned upside down.. Read more about yakuza: like a dragon chapter 7 and let us know what you think.
{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can you miss side quests in yakuza like a dragon?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
No, you cannot miss side quests in Yakuza like a Dragon.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Where are the side missions in Yakuza like a dragon?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Side missions are not in Yakuza.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Where is the blacksmith in yakuza like a dragon?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The blacksmith is a NPC in the game.”}}]}
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you miss side quests in yakuza like a dragon?
No, you cannot miss side quests in Yakuza like a Dragon.
Where are the side missions in Yakuza like a dragon?
Side missions are not in Yakuza.
Where is the blacksmith in yakuza like a dragon?
The blacksmith is a NPC in the game.
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- yakuza: like a dragon substories
- yakuza 7 substory 51
- yakuza: like a dragon chapter 7