For each video game, there are various reasons why it’s so hard to put down. In addition, different aspects of a game may be appealing to other people. Some general patterns can explain why video games can be so addictive.

5 Psychological Video Game Tricks to keep you playing

You cannot overstate the sense of liberation the video games provide

Video games can be highly addictive due to the unprecedented level of personal freedom they provide. It is possible to feel free in video games in various ways. Playing video games is a way to get away from the pressures of everyday life.

Virtual worlds, whether they’re a science fiction or fantasy, or even combat simulations, offer a way for players to escape from the realities of the offline world. This is particularly important to know if you’re dealing with social anxiety.

Individuals anxious, confused, or overstimulated by social situations may find it challenging to engage in meaningful offline social interaction. Games provide a haven from the pressures of social anxiety, allowing players to feel in control and accessible.

In video games, you can take on a variety of different personas. Using one’s gaming avatar allows one to experiment with a new identity without the long-term social consequences of the real world.

Individuals who are dissatisfied with their offline identity, have low self-esteem or believe they cannot express certain aspects of their identity in their offline social context may find this particularly appealing.

In video games, there is a sense of exploration. New worlds can be discovered on an ongoing basis in video games. Gaming environments provide an elevated level of exploration and investigation without the risks of the natural world for those with a high level of novelty-seeking.

You do find a sense of purpose in playing video games

Having a sense of mission and goal can make video games addictive. There are many ways in which a game can provide a sense of purpose. Levelling up in video games helps players feel like they’re making progress.

The goal-oriented nature of video games fosters a sense of accomplishment. In addition, improving one’s abilities gives one a sense of accomplishment. Character growth, resource acquisition, new environment levelling, and various point systems focus on missions and skill improvement.

Whoever has ever felt stuck in a rut in their offline life will appreciate this sense of progress. Even if it’s only in our minds, the progress we see in video games like can help us feel like we’re making progress.

Video games with no end goal encourage players to keep playing until they get bored

A long-term investment is encouraged for games that do not have a set end date. Because it’s harder to stop doing something once you’ve put so much time and effort into it, it can become addictive.

Games facilitate longer gaming sessions with no clear goal or conclusion. It’s like binge-watching Netflix while playing video games. It’s possible to play games indefinitely, leading to isolation from the real world.

To achieve a state of flow, it is helpful to play video games

A state of flow occurs when you are completely absorbed in a task. “In the zone” is another term for this. Feeling energized and focused can cause you to lose track of time. When you’re doing something that’s both challenging and not too difficult, you’re likely to be in a flow state.

Video games aim to help players achieve a state of flow by providing just enough challenge to keep them interested, but not so much that they lose sight of the bigger picture.

A sense of community is fostered through the medium of video games

A sense of belonging is a basic human need. As social creatures, we can easily succumb to feelings of isolation and despair. Players can satisfy this need through internet gaming in an interactive online gaming environment.

Video games can bring people together in a unique way

Individual players from groups compete in massively multiplayer online games. To achieve a common goal, members of a group must work together. As humans, we all long to connect with something greater than ourselves. Additionally, this can lead to anxiety about missing out and a sense of obligation to participate, as if one’s teammates are counting on them.

You feel a sense of connection to a larger story when playing a video game

It’s possible to connect with a narrative in the process of connecting with something greater than ourselves. Even if there are no other players online, a game’s story can still draw the player into the story and the virtual characters. Players become engrossed in the story, making it difficult to leave and return later.


Because video games can satisfy our basic psychological need for freedom, progress, and social connection, they are addictive. Video games offer a haven free of social pressures and anxieties, as well as a sense of exploration and discovery. If one’s offline environment does not meet these needs, games can fulfil them in a virtual world. It is becoming increasingly challenging to meet one’s needs in a non-gaming environment because of the increasing appeal of gaming, making it even more challenging to do so.



Holly is the smartest person you will ever know (Or so she tells us lol). She's a gamer by heart, and an author by soul. Writing for the website g15tools is a dream come true for her - she loves being able to share her thoughts and insights with others who love gaming as much as she does. When she's not writing or gaming, Holly can be found spending time with her friends and family.