“Skyrim Followers / Companions List, Tips and Information” is a blog that is about anything related to Skyrim and the Elder Scrolls series of games (which is a series of fantasy role-playing video games). The blog is maintained by the site owner, Chris, who is an avid gamer and a Skyrim fan. He has a passion for sharing his gameplay knowledge and is a part of the community at large. He is also a regular visitor to other Skyrim forums and loves to help the community whenever he can.

I’ve noticed that Skyrim players tend to be a weird lot, with many that like to do things that are not in the game’s lore and will go through the game several times, learning each line of dialogue and quest. This is fine, but I’ve noticed some people have far more quests than the game’s “original” (i.e. vanilla) quests. Why not use the game’s journal to do this?

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has been out for nearly a year now, and the Bethesda RPG classic has become an all-time classic. While this game is known for its players’ ability to create and customize their own custom hero, it’s not too difficult to find a decent selection of followers to get you by.. Read more about skyrim follower list and let us know what you think.

Followers (or companions) are more useful than ever in Skyrim. They battle with you, carry your belongings, and are always devoted to you. Most followers want you to complete a job before they join you. They’ll join you for good after you do that job. The following is a list of Skyrim’s followers. A few pointers for newcomers:

  • At any one moment, you may have one human and one animal follower. However, certain missions enable you to recruit extra followers for a limited time.
  • Always provide excellent equipment to your followers (For their class). They’ll use the finest things you offer them, but make sure they’re appropriate for their class. As a result, warriors are given heavy armor and two-handed swords, magicians are given staves, archers are given bows, and so on.
  • When it becomes dark, give your follower a torch, and they’ll utilize it. When you’re attempting to sneak, just remember to remove the torches away from them or have them wait elsewhere, since the light will make creeping much less efficient.
  • Followers match your current level when you meet them, but they do not level up with you. In addition, all followers have follower caps that prevent them from progressing beyond a particular level. Depending on the character, the level limit varies. J’Zargo is the only follower who reaches level 81. Assuming you were level 50 when you met them, all Housecarls level to 50. (The above patch is thanks to an anonymous site visitor remark.)
  • Your followers have their own set of abilities that develop as they go through the levels. 
  • If you lose your follower (for example, because you moved too quickly or rushed too far ahead), don’t panic; they will reappear and battle with you. If you don’t want to wait, just use the Wait command, and they’ll arrive shortly.
  • They will collapse if their health reaches zero. Use a healing spell or let them recover on their own to restore their health (only works out of combat). Important: If a follower is hit with a big enough assault, they will perish.
  • In all, there are approximately 45 distinct types of followers in the game.

Skyrim Followers and Companions

Followers come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

  • Hirelings
  • Housecarls
  • The Companions are a group of people who live together.
  • Winterhold College
  • Followers of the Dungeon
  • Other People Who Are Following
  • Brotherhood of the Dark
  • Followers of Animals



Hirelings For 500 gold apiece, you may hire a hireling. If you fire them, there’s a possibility they’ll try to bill you for their services if you employ them again. (How much of a chance you have depends on how much they like you.) Belrand is a town in France (Spellsword, uses one-handed weapons, light armor, restoration and destruction.) Location: Solitude. the day before (Warrior, uses one-handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.) Markarth is the location. Stenvar is a character in the game Stenvar (Knight, uses two-handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.) Location: Windhelm.

Janessa is a character in the film Janessa (Archer, uses archery, light armor one handed weapons, sneak and block.) Drunken Huntsman is located in Whiterun. Erik the Slayer (only after the mission does he get the title of Slayer) (Barbarian, uses two handed weapons, light armor, block and archery.) Whiterun Hold is located in Rorikstead. (This has been fixed thanks to an anonymous remark.) You must finish Eric the Slayer’s mission before you may employ him. When you speak with Erik, he will tell you that he want to be an explorer but that his father would not allow him to do so. You must persuade his father by passing a speech test. Return to Erik once you’ve persuaded his father to let Erik pursue his ambition of being an explorer. To employ him, leave the region for a while and then return to find Erik in the rear of the Frostfruit Inn, where the player may hire him for 500 gold. Marcurio is a fictional character created by Marcurio (Mage, uses destruction, restoration, alteration, conjuration and sneak.) Location: Riften, Bee and Brab. Notes: One of the game’s few mage class followers.


Housecarls After you complete each quest for the Jarl of the hold you are currently in, Housecarls will become your followers. Carl Housecarl’s class: Every follower of Housecarl is a warrior who wields one-handed weapons, thick armor, blocks, and utilizes archery. Whiterun’s Lydia Housecarl Windhelm’s Calder Housecarl The Bulwark, Argis Markarth’s Housecarl Riften’s Iona Housecarl Jordis the Sword Maiden is a character in the game Jordis the Sword Maiden Solitude’s Housecarl


The Companions are a group of people who live together. The Companions faction headquarters in Whiterun is where these followers may be found. Do each of their missions after joining the faction to recruit them. Vikas (Vikas) (Knight, uses two handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.) This is the case (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, light armor, block and archery.) This is a single-handed expert trainer. Ria is a young woman who has a (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.) Torvar Torvar Torvar Torvar Torvar Tor (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.) Greetings, Farkas (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, heavy armor, smithing and speech.) Farkas is a master trainer for heavy armor. Aela the Huntress is a huntress (Ranger, uses archery, light armor, one handed weapons, sneak and speech.) Outside of Whiterun, on a farm. Aela is a professional archery teacher. Stonearm Njada (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, block and speech.) Njada is a block specialist instructor.


Winterhold College After you join The College of Winterhold and finish all of their tasks, these followers will join you. J’Zargo is a fictional character (Sorcerer, uses destruction, illusion, heavy armor and one handed weapons.) Onmond (Sorcerer who specializes in devastation, deception, heavy armor, and one-handed weaponry.) Maryon, Brelyna (Mage, uses illusion, conjuration, alteration and sneak.)


Followers of the Dungeon These followers will join you after the dungeon they are in is cleared. However, you will be unable to recruit them if they die throughout the procedure. Golldir is a character in the game Golldir (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, archery, heavy armor and block.) Hillgrund’s Tomb is where you’ll find Hillgrund’s Tomb (Whiterun Hold) Illia is a fictional character (Mage, uses destruction, conjuration, restoration and alteration.) Darklight Tower is the location (The Rift). Explore the Darklight Tower with her on a quest, and if she survives, she’ll become your disciple. Erandur is a character in the game Erandur (Priest, uses restoration and conjuration.) Dawnstar is the location. You must accept Erandur’s mission at Dawnstar, which will lead you to the Nightcaller Temple. He will become your disciple after you have cleared the temple.


Other People Who Are Following The remainder of Skyrim’s buddies and followers. These followers will join you once you finish a quest or a task/favor they have assigned to you. You won’t be able to employ them if they don’t complete the mission, so be cautious and keep them alive as long as you can. Lobbying (Archer, uses archery, light armor, one handed weapons, sneak and block.) The Cursed Tribe is a Daedric Quest. Eola (Nightblade; destroys, alters, utilizes one-handed weapons, and sneaks.) The Taste of Death is a Daedric Quest. Vendicci, Adelaisa (Townsperson, uses alchemy, smithing, enchanting and speech.) Rise in the East is the quest. Ogol, ogol, ogol (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, heavy armor, sneak and archery.) The Cursed Tribe is a Daedric Quest. Aranea is a kind of aranea that (Mage, uses destruction, restoration, conjuration and alteration.) The Black Star is a Daedric Quest. Ugor is a dreadful character (Ranger, uses archery, light armor, one handed weapons, sneak and block.) The Cursed Tribe is a Daedric Quest. Erandur is a character in the game Erandur (Healer, uses restoration, conjuration, alchemy and speech.) Walking Nightmare is a Daedric Quest game. Benor is a word that comes to mind when (Knight, uses two handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.) Morthal is the location. Ahtar the Jailor (Ahtar the Jailor) (Knight, uses two handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.) Castle Dour is located in the Solitude area. The Unbroken Uthgerd (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.) Whiterun is the location. Borgakh is a character in the film Borgakh (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, heavy armor, archery and sneak.) Mor is a town in Scotland. Khazgur. Cosnach is a word that has a lot of (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.) Markarth is the location. Sven is a Swedish writer (Townsperson, uses alchemy, enchanting, smithing and archery.) Riverwood is the location. Ghorbash Ghorbash Ghorbash Gh (Archer, uses archery, light armor, sneak, block and one handed weapons.) Dushnikh Yal Derkeethus is the location (Archer, uses archery, light armor, sneak, block and one handed weapons.) Darkwater Pass is where you’ll find yourself. Faendal is a fictional character created by Faendal (Archer, uses archery, light armor, sneak and one handed weapons.) Riverwood is the location. Faendal is a journeyman archery instructor. Kharjo is a fictional character created by Kharjo (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, heavy armor, archery and block.) Ahkari’s Caravan is the location. Mjoll the Lioness is a female lioness (Knight, uses two handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.) Riften is the location. Riggu Beard-Knot (Townsperson, uses alchemy, one handed weapons, smithing and enchanting.) Kynesgrove is the location. Annekke Crag-Jumper is a character in the game Crag-Jumpter (Archer, uses archery, light armor, block, one handed weapons, and sneak.) the day before (Class unknown.) Markath is a town in India.


Brotherhood of the Dark After completing the Dark Brotherhood missions, these followers will join you. Initiate of the Dark Brotherhood (Assassin, uses sneak, one handed weapons, archery, and light armor) Dawnstar Sanctuary is the location. Cicero (Assassin, one-handed weapons, archery, and light armor are used.)


Followers of Animals Animal followers are identical to human followers, with the exception that they are unable to carry your belongings. A wardog at Marcarth Stables may be purchased for 500 gold from his owner. In an abandoned cottage (Meeko’s Hut), there is a dog. In a random world encounter, you may also come across a stray dog.

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Other Skyrim-related sites:

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This is the Skyrim Followers / Companions List, Tips and Information. Read more about skyrim followers mod and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:”https://schema.org”,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Who is the best Skyrim follower?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The best Skyrim follower is Lydia.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Who should I lead to Boethiah?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You should lead the player to Boethiah.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Which Skyrim followers are essential?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
This is a difficult question to answer. Some followers are essential, and some are not. The ones that are essential are Harkon, Serana, and Saadia.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the best Skyrim follower?

The best Skyrim follower is Lydia.

Who should I lead to Boethiah?

You should lead the player to Boethiah.

Which Skyrim followers are essential?

This is a difficult question to answer. Some followers are essential, and some are not. The ones that are essential are Harkon, Serana, and Saadia.

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Holly is the smartest person you will ever know (Or so she tells us lol). She's a gamer by heart, and an author by soul. Writing for the website g15tools is a dream come true for her - she loves being able to share her thoughts and insights with others who love gaming as much as she does. When she's not writing or gaming, Holly can be found spending time with her friends and family.