


The Sandworm hacking group is a cyberespionage group that has been active since 2009 or earlier and is believed to operate from Russia. In recent years the group has been notorious for its high-profile attacks on Ukrainian and European targets, particularly those in the energy industry. The group is also known for using sophisticated malware, such as the BlackEnergy attack framework and an exploit called EternalBlue.

More recently, in September 2019, France reported that it had linked Sandworm to a multiyear hacking spree targeting French government agencies, telecommunications providers, and defence companies with implications reaching beyond Europe’s shores.

What is the Sandworm Hacking Group?

Recently, France’s government-backed cybersecurity agency, ANSSI, tied a Russia-linked hacking group known as Sandworm to a multiyear hacking spree. Sandworm is a cybercrime group suspected of having Russian origins and being involved in various malicious cyber activities.

In this article, we will take a look at who they are and what they do:

Origin of the name

The group most likely chose the name “Sandworm” about the novel “Dune” and its gigantic sandworms that swallow entire people and machines. Given the group’s massive scale and efficiency when mounting cyberattacks, it is apt.

The origin of this group remains a mystery, but evidence suggests they are linked to Russia and have been active since at least 2013. The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has attributed Sandworm’s activities to a GRU unit known as APT 28 (also known as Fancy Bear and Strontium), which has a history of cyber operations against politically-motivated targets dating back to at least 2007.

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In 2019, researchers from security firm CrowdStrike further uncovered ties between Sandworm and elements of the Russian intelligence apparatus with links to France, including two entities that French authorities have allegedly identified as sources of Sandworm’s activity: Digital Security Ltd. (owned by Moscow-based Evrika LLC) and Vistula Ltd., both affiliated with the Russian government.

These revelations put Sandworm in context with other state actors, revealing them to be a multiyear hacking spree powered by highly sophisticated capabilities rooted in Russia. This campaign demonstrates both sophistication and audacity.

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The implications of these findings are only beginning to become apparent, but they have already forced us to take a closer look into the geopolitics underlying global cyber aggression.

History of the group

Sandworm is a hacking group associated with Russia’s GRU military intelligence unit. The US Department of Justice and the US National Security Agency have attributed the group’s malicious cyber activity to Russia since at least 2014. Sandworm has been active in network intrusions and data theft operations worldwide since at least 2013, attacking governments, nuclear energy operators, engineering companies, and media outlets across Europe and the United States.

The origins of Sandworm are largely unknown; however, some believe that it began as an extension of Operation “Moscow” in 2009 or 2010. A group allegedly ran that operation within GRU known as “Unit 74455,” which targeted NATO members in the Ukraine and Baltic countries around that time.

In 2018, researchers discovered that the group was behind a hacktivist campaign called “NotPetya,” which destroyed critical infrastructure across Ukraine, Europe, and North America; stole corporate secrets; shut down networks; caused billions of dollars in damage; and disrupted global supply chains. It also exposed how effective Sandworm had become— able to infiltrate sensitive networks within minutes easily—and how far-reaching their ambitions were without geopolitical boundaries.

Additional information came out when France indicted four people for their alleged part in 2016 attacks on the French TV5Monde broadcasting network by Sandworm’s hacking ground known as APT 28 or Fancy Bear (which has ties back to Russia). This exposed more about the alleged activities of the hacking group, which include attacks on political parties abroad (notably attempts to interfere in American elections) and attacks on private business interests across Europe for financial gain.

Sandworm’s Targets

Sandworm is a Russian hacking group that has been active since 2012, with ties to the Russian government. The group has been known to target organizations worldwide for years, focusing on France.

In this section, we will explore the organizations that have been targeted by Sandworm, including the motives behind their attacks:

Geopolitical targets

The Sandworm hacking group, an elite Russia-based collective of cyber criminals whose primary objective has been to target the geopolitical interests of its enemies and allies, first came to public attention in 2014. They have been highly active since then, launching multiple sustained attacks against targets across Europe and the United States.

A 2018 analysis conducted by American security firm Mandiant determined that Sandworm was responsible for a widespread cyber espionage campaign targeting government entities, aerospace and military organizations, energy companies, scientific research centers, telecommunications companies, and media organizations across different countries, including Ukraine, Poland, Austria, and Germany.

More recently, in 2020, France’s National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI) traced a series of malicious web injections targeting French entities back to Sandworm. These targeted attacks were believed to be part of a multiyear cyber-espionage campaign for political purposes which included an array of targets such as:

  • Transportation networks
  • Diplomatic missions
  • Energy grids
  • Control systems for nuclear power plants
  • Fabricated news websites with false content designed to spread propaganda or discredit certain individuals or organizations
  • Government ministries
  • Computer systems connected with email servers
  • Foreign parliaments
  • Military telecommunications networks
  • Defense contractors
  • Factories manufacturing weapons and other strategic products
  • Financial institutions offering sensitive services such as international payments or credit card processing
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This ongoing campaign has been conducted on behalf of Russian interests as part of a broader strategy aimed at gaining power over European nations.

Corporate targets

The Sandworm hacking group has been linked to some corporate targets in France, Europe, and elsewhere. Between 2015 and 2019, Sandworm allegedly targeted aerospace, engineering, telecommunications, and automotive corporations. The group has also been tied to fraudulent attacks on European banks.

In France, Sandworm reportedly launched numerous phishing campaigns targeting the country’s largest defense contractor Airbus Group SE. The cyberattacks relied mainly on using malicious emails containing phishing links to compromise employee credentials and gain access to the company’s internal network. The attackers may have sought intellectual property related to aircraft prototypes or designs for satellite launches. Additionally, reports suggest that hackers were able to steal source codes belonging to the top French aeronautic corporation Thales Group.

Furthermore, the group allegedly targeted large electronics companies such as Panasonic Avionics and speakers manufacturer Sonos Inc., as well as IT companies including Siemens AG and Altran Technologies SESOFT ECUIG-LTD in Turkey. In financial services, victims include Ukraine’s central bank (NBU), Polish Bank Millennium SA, and even making a false bomb threat at Californian banking firm JP Morgan Chase & Co…

It is important for companies with any type of connection to Russia or Ukraine – such as trading with them or having offices in those countries – to be aware of potential cyber threats from this advanced persistent threat due mainly in part due to its ties with Moscow’s GRU intelligence agency.

Sandworm’s Tactics

The Sandworm hacking group has been linked to a years-long cyber espionage and cyber-attacks campaign. The group is believed to be based in Russia and is associated with the Russian government. By targeting government and business entities in France, Ukraine, and the United States, Sandworm has demonstrated its capacity for sophisticated operations and the extent of its global reach.

Let’s take a closer look at the tactics Sandworm has employed in its operations:

Exploiting software vulnerabilities

The Sandworm hacking group is a Russian-government-linked threat actor active since 2009. According to cybersecurity reports, this nation-state-backed hacker group is notable for its persistent and sophisticated cyberattacks against critical infrastructure.

The Sandworm hackers are believed to be behind the infamous BlackEnergy campaigns, NotPetya ransomware attacks, and, most recently, the supply chain compromise of SolarWinds Orion software. Researchers attribute their widespread success to these threat actors’ ability to identify freelance software vulnerabilities that the public has yet to discover or patch.

In addition to remotely exploiting system weaknesses, Sandworm uses malware for penetration, allowing them access to sensitive data on networks worldwide. This includes espionage activities and disruption with ransomware or destructive attacks such as NotPetya in June 2017.

Sandworm’s tactics include:

  • Exploiting local administrator privileges when accessing networks
  • Using lateral movements within compromised systems using various toolsets

Researchers believe they tie Russia’s Sandworm hacking group to a multiyear hacking spree costing untold amounts of damage and highlighted by targeted attacks against NATO, government agencies in Ukraine, energy companies in Germany and France, several other countries like Georgia and Poland, as well as vulnerable companies in a range of different industries.

Utilizing spear phishing

Spear phishing is a form of deception by which a malicious threat actor attempts to deceive a target into clicking on a malicious link or attachment or disclosing confidential information. In the case of Sandworm, they have been harnessed to execute cyber-attacks against multiple countries and industries, largely propagating their mission through spear phishing attacks.

The group primarily used malicious email attachments as spear phishing tactics. Such extensions were often sent from trusted IP addresses in Ukraine and other fake ones registered in various countries. Reportedly, these email attachments are usually posed as job offers or referral letters with malicious documents containing macros designed to download and install malware onto the system. Additionally, links were sent via malicious emails pointing users to web pages that presented victims with fake login pages designed to steal user credentials when entered into them.

Moreover, reports revealed that Sandworm also deployed spear phishing emails that impersonated employees of national security institutions and agencies to infiltrate networks belonging to sensitive targets all over the world – particularly those in Russia and France – with a focus on capturing private data belonging to these organisations.

Using malicious tools

Sandworms typically leverage malicious tools, like spyware and trojans, to carry out malicious activity on a target machine. These powerful and versatile tools can infiltrate systems and grant attackers remote access. Additionally, malware can collect various types of data from the victim machine; in some cases, it can be used to manipulate settings or applications on a target computer to ensure control over the system.

Some common techniques that sandworms employ in their attacks include:

  • Phishing emails containing malicious links or attachments
  • Using brute-force attacks to gain access
  • Exploiting known vulnerabilities (such as outdated software)
  • Deploying denial-of-service attacks (DDoS) against networks
  • Using DHCP exploitation to gain access

Malicious actors may also combine multiple attack approaches in what is commonly referred to as “hybrid” attacks, such as combining a phishing email with a brute-force attack.

Using malicious tools gives an attacker greater control over the target computer and increases their capability for cruel execution on a larger scale.

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Establishing remote desktop protocol (RDP) connections is another technique that grants a total attacker control over a targeted network; it is also one of the most preferred methods for furthering campaign objectives.

Sandworm’s Links to Russia

The Sandworm hacking group has been linked to Russia for years. Over the past few years, several cyber-attacks have been attributed to the group, including the massive NotPetya malware attack in 2017.

Recent research by the French government has further strengthened the ties between Sandworm and Russia, providing evidence that the group has been behind a multiyear hacking spree. Let’s dive into the details to find out more.

France Ties Russia’s Sandworm to a Multiyear Hacking Spree

The Sandworm hacking team is believed to be a Russian-speaking cybercrime group associated with some of the highest-profile data breaches of recent years, including the 2017 NotPetya outbreak that disrupted multinational companies across Europe and North America.

Recent research has provided further evidence of direct links between Sandworm and Russia – from team members advertising their services in Russian online forums to signs that the group has been infiltrating targets in France as early as 2013.

A recent investigation by a confidential source conducted on behalf of France’s National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI) found that most Sandworm attacks have been launched from servers in the same network range used by a major Russian Group called Crouching Yeti. The investigation additionally notes that domains used to host control panels for the distribution and propagation of malicious code were registered using email addresses belonging to Crouching Yeti.

Furthermore, similarities between code and commands used in both Crouching Yeti operations and other malware activities observed around 2015 indicate an increased level of sophistication behind Sandworm’s attack tools, which could point towards a strong government-driven cyber warfare program.

Coupled with additional evidence from earlier investigations conducted by researchers from ESET security firm (after tracing samples collected during previous infections), all signals point towards Russia’s federal security service – better known as “FSB” – as being behind the infamous hacker group.

Recent activities attributed to Sandworm

Recent activities attributed to the Sandworm group include a series of cyberattacks known as NotPetya and Olympic Destroyer that disrupted thousands of computers worldwide. NotPetya, believed to be launched in June 2017, disabled critical systems in Ukraine before spreading across Europe and worldwide. Olympic Destroyer targeted digital strategies at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea.

In July 2020, France’s cybersecurity agency (ANSSI) investigated a 2019 cyberattack targeting a major computer network for the French public administration dubbed “Tegile” by FireEye (the cybersecurity firm hired by victims) after confirming its origin was attributed to Sandworm.

Sandworm has also been connected with several other cyber-espionage campaigns actively using remote access tools (RATs), including Modified Carberp, Shamoon 2/Disttrack, Ethernet, and HyperBro malware families. In addition, the hacking group is believed to be affiliated with and funded by the Russian government through its so-called Advanced Persistent Threat 28 (also known as “Fancy Bear”), whose criminal activities have reportedly cost up to $600 million in damages and affected hundreds of companies worldwide.

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For many gamers, the new part of FIFA is perceived as Starcraft 2 on the gamepad. You need to know and be able to use, if not everything, then a lot. There are three types of ball control (technical dribbling, dexterous dribbling, and feints). There are also passes, overhangs, and shots in different ways. Three types of blows depend on the distance and the situation. Tackles and defensive actions take into account the pressure of one or two players. All this can give you a headache, and a large number of newcomers get confused by the buttons, but that’s why we love FIFA 23.

Also, do not forget about the in-game currency, with which you can recruit the best players for your team. It is not so easy for beginners to earn it, so many players buy moments in boosting services, for example, here This is very convenient as it saves players time and effort.

For the first time, EA got a high-quality football simulator. Not perfect. But it is quite pleasant both in terms of combinations and mechanics and in terms of skill. In FIFA 23, you finally need to play football, apply knowledge from there and learn to develop mechanical skills, and not spam the same technique all the time, as it was in previous parts. Many may disagree, especially on the high ranks of the Ultimate Team. They say things are bad there. All because of the new mechanics. They are too good (at least, people are so convinced). On YouTube, you can constantly hear from bloggers that cannon blows, blows from the outside of the foot, and passes on horseback are a new metagame.

Reasons Not to Play Meta Tactics

Firstly, why you should be like someone and play according to someone’s ideas, arguing this with a metagame, when you have a lot of options for different situations and they are all working? Play as you like. After all, in fact, nothing limits you in FIFA 23, except skill and understanding when and what is best to use. All the mechanics, with the exception of the performance of the goalkeepers, are brought to mind. Here you can show spectacular team football and not bother with feints. Combine, look at the enemy’s actions, and use the space around you and in front of you. Recruit the players that you like in the team and it does not matter if they are Phenom players or not. Football is a struggle for space and its use. Moreover, even among the coaches, there is no idea how to do it correctly. Everyone has their own philosophy, whether it’s Jurgen Klopp, Marcelo Bielsa, Pep Guardiola, Carlo Ancelotti, Unai Emery, Kiki Setien, and Mikel Arteta. In the case of FIFA, everything is easier because of the algorithms (a video game after all), but even here the basic principles are well implemented.

Secondly, new mechanics, despite the fact that they are effective, are not always easily implemented and are even more appropriate. For example, a cannon shot (LB+RB+B) requires manual adjustment with the left stick. If you spin the wrong way too much, the player will hit past. Another nuance is slow animation: any player standing nearby is able to block the trajectory of the ball. Therefore, experienced guys act very carefully in defense and actively press the owner of the ball.

Thirdly, an important point is the parameters. For a kick from outside the penalty area, the force of the kick and the completion are affected (both relate to the characteristic of strikes). For a strike from outside the penalty area — long-range strikes and concentration (indicators in strikes and dribbling) are important. It is not easy to say how this whole system functions and what indicators should develop, and the developers do not give too detailed explanations (only brief ones). But another thing is clear — not every football player is capable of such a thing. Especially at the start of the Ultimate Team mode or in a career with a youth club. With the blow of the Swede (LT +B), everything is much more complicated (the more interesting it is how such shots will be ruled by the developers). The technique is easy to perform if you take into account an important condition: the right-footed player must hit from the right flank and the left-footed one – from the left. Otherwise, magic will not happen – and the goalkeeper will catch. Anyone can nail such balls. Football players with the talent of “Hitting from the outside” hit the outside of the foot automatically. However, it is not enough just to take a player with the right property, it still needs to be placed correctly on the field. Yes, there are no long animations here. But you can block the blow. How? To press and not give space. If you don’t press, you take the balls out of the net.

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By itself, the technique is very cool and necessary, as well as a cannon shot. Mainly for situations when the opponent is too close to the penalty area and lines up the bus. If FIFA 23 had an advanced tactical model, Diego Simeone would have shown how to defend in two rows of 5 people (this was the case in the Atletico vs Manchester City match in the Champions League 2021/2022).

In conclusion, we will repeat that your game should consist of the actions that you like. You need to play the way you want. Of course, you can try the advice that professional gamers give, but if it’s inconvenient for you, then you shouldn’t torture yourself. Enjoy the game and you will understand why FIFA 23 was nominated in 2022 as the Best Sports Game by The Game Awards.

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Since schools need to collect and manage plenty of data, they are easy targets for cybercriminals seeking loopholes in educational IT networks. While cybersecurity measures are essential for deterring hackers and preventing malware attacks, it’s important to arm your school against such. Despite recent attacks, some schools are reluctant to take cybersecurity seriously. Here are four main reasons hackers target schools and how you can shield your institution from cyberattacks.

Why Do Hackers Target Schools?

Cybercriminals and hackers target schools because of the following reasons.

Open Learning Environment

Schools and colleges possess a variety of infrastructures to support administrative work, innovative teaching, and learning. While more schools are investing in IT to make educational workflows easier, they ignore the security controls required to defend these systems. Remote learning has intensified the use of software and apps in schools, opening access points for hackers. Teachers, students, and administrators must log in from multiple off-site locations, exposing their connection to attack. Similarly, students who want to write my paper at the most affordable price and use “Write my essay for me” services to do so may be putting themselves in danger by connecting to public WiFi without a VPN.

Wealth of Sensitive Data

Schools collect sensitive data, including email addresses, payment details, and social security numbers. When hackers hijack a lot of research data from the database, they can demand a huge ransom or sell it to bidders on the black market. Students seeking paper writing services to write their essays online should be careful of unverified websites requesting sensitive information. Data breaches, leaks, and denial-of-service attacks are some ways cybercriminals take over school websites, social media accounts, and email systems. Even though schools may not have the financial power of government and business institutions, they are custodians of valuable research data that appeal to hackers.


Access to Wider Networks

Schools are popular targets for hackers due to the extensive networks of computer systems required to run the institution. Admission portals, school websites, and applications cater to thousands of students, making it easier for hackers to access more sensitive storage. Cybercriminals can create fake accounts or academic write my essay paper to help websites trick students or school administrators with false promises of employment opportunities. That’s why schools must scrutinize external links and work with trusted systems.

Poor IT Management

Students and administrators adopt technology to solve and automate complex processes in schools. They also use Google to search for writing my essay for me services or for objective Do My Essay reviews. Despite using vast computer networks, school IT departments are usually understaffed and overworked with running a complex network of web users and visitors. As a result, they can overlook cybersecurity protocols and click on a phishing link before realizing the damage.

How to Prevent Cyberattacks

Update Software Regularly

Software used in schools requires regular updates, so users must download patches regularly and keep firewalls updated. Once a hacker slides past your protection, they can infiltrate internal systems and launch ransomware attacks. So, you can save your school from cyberattacks by testing and updating your IT systems. While software options are numerous, you should only use trusted software with regular updates.

Conduct Regular Cybersecurity Training

It’s not enough to update software regularly. Schools also must train staff and students to secure their data when using the internet. Periodic cybersecurity training will create awareness and increase cyber safety. Schools must teach students who use write essays for cheap services to look out for cybercriminals and never give out private information online. Proper cybersecurity training will keep students, and teachers secure in their networks against unauthorized access.

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Install Anti-Spyware and Malware Systems

A reliable writes my essays service for students will never send suspicious links to student emails. Such suspicious emails are used for “phishing” attacks often aimed at students and teachers without online discipline. To counter these threats, learning institutions should use multi-factor authentication to protect login access on public networks. They can implement web-filtering features that prevent staff from accessing unsecured websites or links that carry malware.

Use Trusted Cloud-Based Software

Deploying cloud-based software is another strategy for preventing cyberattacks in your school. Companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft offer top-tier security operations by deploying their software services on the cloud. School administrators can lean on cloud-based service providers for instructional, administrative, and operational technology without fear of cyberattacks. Cloud-based apps also provide interconnectivity, enabling students to connect to the same account on their smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

Prepare an Incident Response Plan

A lot is at stake whenever cybercriminals hack into a school’s system. Cyberattacks can shut down the institution and require thousands of dollars in ransom. It can also cost the school its reputation in public, so schools must prepare in case of an attack. It’s always best to reserve a backup plan when managing data security. If the write my essay expert from a paper writing service violates the initial agreement, you should have a Plan B for sorting your assignment. A detailed incident response plan involves detection and analysis, containment, elimination, and recovery from cyberattacks.


Online predators keep looking to scam unsuspecting victims of their money, so it’s crucial for students to remain alert when using the internet. While you type someone, write your essay in the search box; remember that there are genuine professionals to help you, and there are online scams. Use only HTTPS-secured websites and avoid suspicious links and emails.

Have you ever hosted a poker game night before? If this is your first, then you’re reading the right article. When inviting people to play poker, you need to be strategic. Moreover, there are a few things you’ll need to consider to host a successful poker night. The first step is to ensure that the people you invite are interested in playing the game. Start with your closest friends who know how to play a poker game. You can also invite friends who don’t know how to play poker. It will be a fun experience for them to either watch or learn for the first time. There can be an area that says, “how to play poker for beginners.”

You might want to suggest the 24betting app for those who prefer playing poker on their mobile devices, as it offers a convenient and user-friendly platform for both beginners and experienced players. The 24betting app can also be a useful tool for organizing online poker sessions, making it easier to coordinate games among friends.  For those who prefer a digital setup, this betting app offers an alternative venue where your friends can join the game from the comfort of their homes.

Why Playing Poker With Friends Is Fun

Poker is a game that has been around for centuries and continues to be one of the most popular games in the world. There are many reasons why poker is so enjoyable, but one of the main reasons is that you can play it with friends.

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Poker is a social game and a great way to spend time with friends and family. The game also allows people to test their skills against each other. Poker is a competitive game but also a game of strategy. Players need to be able to read their opponents and ensure that they’re making the best possible decisions. Playing poker with friends is a great way to have fun and test your skills.

Organizing A Poker Event

Once you have a list of potential players, the next step is to figure out what type of poker game they would be most interested in playing. If you’re unsure, try asking them what their favorite type of poker is or what kind of stakes they would be comfortable with. Once you have this information, you can start planning your poker night.

Poker night can be something that everyone looks forward to by the end of a long work week. It can be a simple game at your house, or you can step it up by renting a venue, hiring a professional dealer if you don’t know how to deal with poker, or even catering services. With the right location, you can do more and invite more people. The vital thing to note is that you should choose a comfortable place with enough space for all your guests. You’ll also need to ensure enough light so everyone can see their cards clearly.

Keep it simple if you’re hosting the poker game at your house. Some of your friends might wonder how to play poker at home, so you must do a few things to ensure everything goes smoothly. First, you need to set up a good poker table. Doing this means having enough chairs for everyone and ensuring the surface is level and the cards are easy to see. You also need plenty of poker chips on hand so everyone can place their bets without worrying about running out. If you’re thinking of making this a regular weekly event with friends, You can purchase a good-quality poker set. This set should include a deck of cards, chips, and a betting mat. If you’re unsure where to find a good poker set, you can always ask your local casino or check online retailers.

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Another essential thing to keep in mind when hosting a poker game is the food. Poker nights can sometimes go late into the night, so having some snacks and drinks on hand is essential to keep everyone happy. Pizza is always a good option, but you can also get creative and offer other types of finger foods like chicken wings or nachos. Just make sure you have enough for everyone! It’s also a good idea to set up a refreshments area so guests can help themselves to food throughout the night.

Finally, you’ll need to think about entertainment. Poker nights can sometimes get a little boring, so it’s always a good idea to have music or other entertainment available. This setup will help to keep everyone’s attention focused on the game and stop people from getting too rowdy.

Once everything is set up, it’s time to start playing. Deal out the cards and let everyone know what the stakes are. If you’re playing for money, make sure you have a pot in mind before the game starts, so people don’t get too carried away. And finally, have fun! Poker is a great way to spend an evening with friends, so enjoy yourself and don’t forget to invite more people next time!

There’s also the option of online poker for you and your friends if you choose a budget-friendly alternative. GGPoker, the world’s largest poker room, is an excellent option for you to explore if you and your friends decide to do an online poker night. Sign up on GGPoker to learn more about how to play poker online.

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Web Scraping Tools You Can Trust

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ParseHub’s developers are constantly coming up with new features and improvements, so you can be sure you’re always using the latest and greatest version.


You don’t need to be a developer to get up and running with Kimono. It has a user-friendly interface that makes it simple to extract data from websites.

Kimono can scrape data from the most complex of websites. It also has many features that make it versatile and customizable, so you can get the data you need exactly the way you want it.


With Mozenda, you can scrape any source, regardless of the platform it’s built on. That’s because it has a built-in parser that can automatically identify any website’s underlying code and structure. So whether it’s a WordPress site or a custom-built one, Mozenda can handle it.

Another thing about Mozenda is that you can scrape data in bulk. Therefore, if you need to extract data from many websites, Mozenda is the tool for you. It also has a built-in scheduler, so you can set up your scraping jobs and forget about them.


If you’re looking for a web scraping tool that’s versatile and powerful, Dexi is a great option. It lets you scrape data from any site and has features that make it easy to use.

Dexi is fast and efficient and can handle large data sets with ease. It’s also great for extracting data from elaborate websites and can manage cookies and session management with no problems. is one of the best tools out there, allowing you to extract data from the web at lightning speeds. gives you access to millions of web pages, and you can use it to extract data in any format you want. Plus, it’s straightforward to use, so it’s perfect for beginners.


Octoparse is one of the most popular data scraping tools on the market. You can get started with it in minutes. With Octoparse, you can scrape any website or web page without writing a single line of code.

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Octoparse comes with a wide range of features that make scraping a breeze. You can scrape data from tables and lists, extract data from complex websites, and even clone web pages. Plus, Octoparse offers a wide range of data field extraction options, so you can get the details you need and ignore the rest.


Diffbot uses artificial intelligence (AI) to extract data from web pages automatically. All you need to do is give it a URL, and it will parse the page and gather all the data it can find. It’s effortless to use, and the results are amazing.

Diffbot is constantly updating its algorithms, so you can be sure that you’re always getting the most accurate data possible. If you need to scrape a website for data, give Diffbot a try.

Choose Your Web Scraping Tool

Each of these tools has its advantages and disadvantages, so it’s crucial to pick the one that fits your specific needs. For example, if you need a tool that can handle large amounts of data, you should choose either Dexi or Mozenda.

Over time, cordless headphone technology has progressed greatly. The sound quality of wired headphones, meanwhile, is incomparable. Manufacturers of wired headphones won’t have to spend as much on wireless technology, allowing them to concentrate their efforts and resources on what matters most: audio quality.

You can do much more with wireless headphones than listen to a song. Most are made to take quickly, originate, dial calls, listen to and stop the music. Additionally, they let you enjoy your audio with your loved ones without the entanglement of cords. 

In video games, having computer headsets can make all the difference between winning and losing. That is one of the primary explanations you must review before choosing a good set of headphones.

Why do you need headphones?

A modern world exists. People are constantly active and often have to go from one place to another for various daily demands. They enjoy having strong and adaptable items like laptops and mobile phones.

But, among many current gadgets, the headphone is one of the most sturdy electronic devices. Engineers develop it with a folding structure before making it large enough to be used conveniently over an extended period. No one can doubt the significance of headphones in daily life, even though they may take up a little area in your backpack.

Wireless Headphones’ Benefits

The modern manufacturing industry is searching for interesting ways to integrate convenience and innovation. Everything is becoming wireless, so it makes sense. In-ear headphones and game controllers are currently making a move to becoming completely wire-free. And it’s easy to understand why.

Additionally, the following are several justifications for using wireless headphones.

Unrestricted Movement

A broad range of motion is available with wireless headphones. With these, you may walk around freely without being concerned about unintentionally pulling the cord. Additionally, this might eliminate the difficulty of constantly carrying the audio source. Some wireless headphones from Simply Headsets may provide a range from your audio input of up to 100 feet.

Suitable With More Advanced Gadgets

As technology advances, increasing adoption of smart and audio equipment is doing away with the usual 3.5 mm jack. With this jack no longer in use, Bluetooth is quickly replacing it as the preferred method of transmitting audio.

Greater Portability

The absence of additional wires and parts makes wireless headphones more lightweight and compact. Lightweight wireless headphones are an excellent choice for active persons. Comfort is also frequently affected by weight because lighter headphones normally put less tension on the users’ heads.

There Are No Longer Any Cables

Wireless headphones can also eliminate the irritating twisted wires, so you won’t have to worry about accidentally breaking the cords. No more knotted wire problems for you to handle with your headphones. If your delicate headphone wires fail, you won’t need to purchase pricey cable substitutes.

Improved Posture Reduces Pain

The average person uses the phone multiple times daily, and employees of high-volume call centers use it even more constantly. While working, posture is necessary, and phone receivers prevent people from maintaining excellent posture all day, leading to mild neck and back pain.

Better Performance Means Less Stress

By doubling your performance, a cordless communication headphone promotes safer aesthetics and helps reduce the job’s burden.

The Possibility of Movement Reduces the Danger of Illness

You may stop growing if you sit the whole day. With ranges of more than 400 feet, wireless headphones in the office encourage movement. Inside the office, you can continue performing routine tasks while talking on the phone using hands-free headphones. Movement reduces the risk to one’s health. 

The client won’t even notice you got a coffee while on the phone due to built-in noise-canceling equipment, which cancels out the undesirable background sound.


After considering everything mentioned above, it is obvious that the significance of headphones in everyone’s lives cannot be underestimated; they are a necessary device. Every positive thing has a consequence, and headphones may have the potential to harm your health.

Suppose you want to protect your eardrum and still want high-quality, reasonably priced headphones. Always spend far more than you would for a cheaper brand. Compared to its less expensive alternatives, it provides greater results.



Tattoo shops always look for new and innovative ways to promote their business and attract customers. One great way to do this is by using an infographic maker.

An infographic can be a great way to communicate your tattoo shop’s story and services to potential customers. Here are 8 reasons you should use an infographic maker to promote your tattoo shop:

Represent Your Brand

As a tattoo artist, one of the best ways to get your work noticed is by creating beautiful and eye-catching infographics. By highlighting your shop’s unique offerings and style, you can attract new customers and show them what sets your business apart from the rest.

Target Specific Demographics

When getting a tattoo, customers want to know that they are making the right decision. After all, a tattoo is a permanent investment, and choosing a design that will be meaningful for years to come is important.

One way to help customers make the best possible decision is to create infographics that target specific demographics. For example, if you are targeting young adults, you might want to create an infographic that showcases popular tattoo trends.

Or, if you are targeting the older generation, you might want to create an infographic that features simple designs and is easy to care for. By tailoring your infographics to specific demographics, you can show potential customers exactly what they might want to get for their next tattoo.

Show off Your Portfolio and Highlight Your Skills

If you’re looking for a creative way to show off your tattoo portfolio, then an infographic could be the perfect solution. Infographics are a great way to highlight your skills as a tattoo artist.

Image by Venngage

You can use infographics to showcase the quality of your work in various ways and why they should get one from you.

Explain the Process in an Easy Way

Many people are intimidated by the thought of getting a tattoo. The unknown can be scary, and the prospect of needles breaking skin is enough to deter even the most tattoo-curious individuals.

However, an infographic creator can help to ease these fears by providing a visual guide to the tattoo process.

You can use a mindmap maker to create an infographic that outlines each step of getting a tattoo, from choosing a design to healing the skin afterward. This graphic can help put potential customers at ease, as they will better understand what to expect.

Educate About the Importance of Proper Aftercare

Safety and cleanliness should be a top priority when choosing a tattoo shop. Unfortunately, not all shops are created equal, and knowing what to look for can be challenging. That’s where infographics come in.

Image from Pixabay

By providing potential customers with clear, concise information about what to expect before, during, and after their tattoo session, you can help ensure that they make the best possible decision for their health and well-being.

In addition, you can use infographics to educate potential customers about the importance of proper aftercare. By taking the time to care for their new tattoo properly, they can help ensure that it remains healthy and vibrant for years to come.

Dispel Myths About Tattoos

For many people, the idea of getting a tattoo is still shrouded in mystery. There are a lot of misconceptions out there about the process, the pain, and the after-effects.

However, infographics can help to dispel some of these myths and give people a better understanding of what to expect when they get inked.

For example, an infographic can show that the vast majority of people report only minimal pain during the tattooing process. It can also dispel the myth that tattoos are permanent, explaining that most tattoos will fade over time.

By providing clear and concise information, infographics can help to demystify the world of tattoos and help people make more informed decisions about whether or not to get one.

Promote Special Offers or Events

Getting a tattoo is a big decision, and customers should feel confident in their choice of a tattoo shop. By prominently displaying special offers or events, tattoo shops can show customers they are serious about their business.

Using an infographic creator, you can quickly convey important information, such as promo day, to potential customers, which will help you have more clients in the future.

Generate Press Coverage

Infographics are a great way to generate press coverage for your tattoo shop. By creating an infographic that covers the basics of tattooing, you can get your shop’s name and contact information in front of potential customers who might not have otherwise heard of you.

Image from Pixabay

So if you’re looking for a way to generate awareness and attract new customers, consider using an infographic maker online for your tattoo shop. It could just be the thing that takes your business to the next level.


Infographics are a great way to attract new customers and generate press coverage for your tattoo shop. By tailoring your infographics to specific demographics, you can show potential customers exactly what they might want to get for their next tattoo.

And by using them to educate potential customers about safety and cleanliness, you can help ensure that they make the best possible decision for their health and well-being. So if you’re looking for a way to take your tattoo shop to the next level, consider creating an infographic today.

Now that you know how an infographic builder or maker can benefit your tattoo shop, what are you waiting for? Sign up with Venngage, the best infographic maker online, and promote your beautiful works there.

About RedDog Casino

RedDog Casino is an online casino available all over the world, including Australia. It is considered one of the best online casinos on the Australian bookie market, and this is compeltely fair. The bookie is safe and legal to use in Australia, as RedDog Australia is licensed, and all the funds and data are safe in SSL-encrypted servers.

You will be able to download and install the mobile application of RedDog on your mobile device. It is completely free, and is available for Android and iOS mobile devices alike. The application has very low system requiremends, which will let you have a great experience from playing Casino Red Dog games even on old mobile devices.

Each Australian player is able to contact the support team of RedDog in case of necessity. The support team of RedDog consists of great professionals, and will definitely help you in any of your questions. You can use the 24/7 live chat in order to contact the support team of RedDog.

To increase the comfort of players from playing Casino games at RedDog, the bookie lets you choose from 38 different bonuses and promotions. They range from Welcome Bonus to Free Spins and Cashback, and each of them is very easy to wager.

Available Casino Games

Of course, the main reason RedDog even exists in the first place is to provide Australian players with a wide range of Casino games. And RedDog greatly succeeds in that!

At RedDog, each Australian player will be able to play only the freshest and most popular Casino games. All the most commonly played Casino game genres are present at RedDog, and include the following ones:

  • Slots;
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Regardless of the one you choose, you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of each game, as the visual design of each of them is outstanding, and the audio is very pleasing to hear. You will also be able to find Live Casino games, allowing you to compete against live dealers.

Deposit and Withdrawal Methods

RedDog cares about the comfort of Australian players, which is why they considered payments and are providing the best deposit and withdrawal methods to choose from. Each of them is very convenient, and are the following:

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Visa Instant $30 $1000
Bitcoin Up to 15 minutes $20 Unlimited
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As you can see, each of these deposit and withdrawal methods will allow you to start playing Casino games in a matter of minutes, and has low minimum deposit amounts, which is also really good.

Mobile Application of RedDog

If you are willing to use RedDog wherever you are and be able to play Casino games via your mobile device, then with RedDog, you can! The bookie provides all of its Australian players with a mobile application, which is completely free to get. The application provides all the same functions, meaning you can use the same deposit and withdrawal methods, register an account and play the same Casino and Live Casino games. The application also has very low system requirements for both Android and iOS mobile devices, which will let even Australian players with old mobile devices to easily use the application and win a lot of money.


You can also use various bonuses and promotions that RedDog provides to you. There are 38 different bonuses and promotions in total, and among the most popular ones are:

  • Welcome Bonus. Use the Welcome Bonus while registering and receive a bonus of +225% to your deposit;
  • 24/7 Bonus. With this bonus offer, if you deposit $30, $75 or $150, you will get a bonus of +120%, +135% or +160% respectively;
  • New Game Bonus. RedDog cooperates with Nine Realms, and for that reason, will provide you with a bonus, which lets you receive 120 Free Spins absolutely for free.

Of course, there are a lot more bonuses and promotions to choose from, and if you are willing to choose one of 38 bonuses, then please, access the Promotions section of RedDog on your mobile device or go to , and choose one for yourself!

The video game landscape is always changing. There was a time when gamers had to leave their home to meet up with their friends at the local arcade. Nowadays, every gamer stays at home to play their favourite video games; however, it is no longer a solitary activity. The increased internet speed in the 2000s made it possible to link up your console to a joint server to play games with people from all over the world. 

It is estimated that South Africa will soon become the second-largest online gaming market, but why are so many people choosing to play this way? Let’s find out.

Making Gaming Social Again

As alluded to above, the implementation of home gaming consoles took away some of the social aspects of playing video games. Instead of crowding around a singular arcade cabinet with their friends, gamers were now glued to a single screen and playing alone. There were options to play some games in two-player split-screen mode; however, this method would distort the screen and make the game far less enjoyable. This method would tide people over for a while, but it was nothing compared to the freedom that online gaming provides.

With online servers, you can link up with your friends and play games as a team or competitively while still enjoying the benefits of a full T.V screen. Headphones enable live chat between players, so you really can play video games remotely and receive all the social aspects you would have received when visiting the arcade.

A Competitive Atmosphere

Your friends aren’t the only people that you can play against online. A standard gaming lobby can include anyone from across the globe, which gives the player the chance to play games against all manner of gamers. These lobbies are usually ranked so that players are never pitted against a player that is out of their league; however, this competitive atmosphere provides another element of enjoyment to proceedings.

Console technology can only advance so much, which makes the actions of the enemy AI extremely easy to predict once you have sunk a sizeable number of hours into a game. Human players have their own autonomy, though, so you will always be challenged when you play a video game online.


Another aspect of online gaming that comes from joining servers with other players is that it makes the world of the game feel more realistic. Nonplayer characters in-game are restricted in their movements and dialogue options, which only serves to break the player’s immersion. Also, these interactions serve to make the game feel repetitive.

Entering a fantasy landscape where everyone is going about achieving separate goals is much truer to life than standard video games with a set story. You can create alliances with certain players, forge fierce rivalries, or encounter completely random events caused by other people on the server. Therefore, online games can provide players with a second life that they can use as an escape. The more realistic a game becomes, the easier it is for players to slip into their character roles. Adding more players to this world helps enforce this realism.


Home consoles are designed to provide players with the best way to experience the latest video games on the market. That is why so many people choose to play online games using these devices. However, game consoles are not the only tech in modern times to receive widespread praise.

The introduction of smart technology has provided the general public with the means to access the internet at any time whilst they are on the move. As a result, more people are discovering the joy of playing games online and Indie Game Reviews. These devices may be smaller than your average T.V screen; however, the accessibility of these portable machines means that more people are being introduced to the concept of gaming as a hobby, and they have more opportunities to play.


As you probably know, the internet is a vast place. You can find all sorts of entertainment online, so it should come as no surprise that there is a wide variety of games out there for you to play. You can get together with friends to play a standard first-person shooter, play chess, or even play online bingo. However, the type of game that is taking the online community is the live casino game.

Live casino games are exactly what their name suggests. They are an online version of a casino game that you play with other players that have signed into the server. This allows you to play games like blackjack, roulette, poker, and even slots just as if you were in a real casino. You can always look for slot game reviews to find the best slots to play in this way. There are thousands of different games out there so you can’t go far wrong with your choice.

Relieving Stress

Stress is a common problem for people in modern times. It doesn’t take a lot to activate this fight or flight response, and since you can’t act this way in real life, the negative reaction to stress can follow you around for a while and even make you ill.

Online games place you in an environment where you can act out a different life, letting your stress go by giving you something else to concentrate on. What’s more, the social aspects of these games give you a place to vent your frustrations. Talking is one of the best methods of managing stress, so combine this with a distraction task and you have the perfect recipe for relieving stress.

It Is The Future

Trends only gain traction by improving on systems that already exist. You have seen this already in the way that online gaming improved upon the awkward split-screen multiplayer system. It is rare to find a video game that provides this outdated version of multiplayer because online multiplayer offers a vastly better social experience as well as all the other benefits discussed so far. Therefore, you can assume that online gaming will meet a similar ending when something else comes along to improve upon it. However, this is far from likely.

The current online system of gaming is running as efficiently as modern technology allows. Developers can improve upon game speed and graphics, but it is unlikely that our way of consuming media is going to change any time soon. The only idea that stands a chance of replacing the current online model is a virtual gaming lobby that can include up to or over ten people at once. However, this type of advanced technology is not within our grasp and probably won’t be in your lifetime. Therefore, people choose to play online games as it is the most advanced form of the medium that we have, and it will remain so for the foreseeable future. 


Online gaming is something that has improved with time, and it is likely to continue this upward trajectory. It seems that the only people that do not swear by the medium are those who have not tried it for themselves. If you are not already on board with the online gaming concept, it is probably time you get involved. After all, it is going to be the future of the gaming industry.