
Inside The Game


If you’re anything like us, you’ve known that Borderlands 2 has been out for a while now, but you don’t know all the important stuff about it. So, in the interest of helping you out, we’ve compiled a list of the most important things you need to know about Borderlands 2.

Borderlands 2 Guide: Swallowed Whole

For all the gamers reading this, you may or may not have heard of the popular series Borderlands 2. It’s a role-playing game that’s set in a sci-fi post apocalyptic world, where the planet has been ravaged by a hostile alien force. You play as a treasure hunter who must venture across the planet in search of powerful weapons, and rise up through the ranks of the Angel Gang, the local resistance.

Borderlands 2 Guide Swallowed Whole


In Swallowed whole, a robber known as Shorty has damaged one of Scooter’s Catch-A-Rides. He wants Shorty dead for what he’s done for obvious reasons. Return to the Fridge to locate the tiny thief and demonstrate what happens to those who vandalize Scooter’s property.

Borderlands 2 Guide Swallowed Whole


Of locate Shorty near the entrance to Stalker Hollow, go to the waypoint on the map. You’ll see Shorty, but he’ll be swallowed by a huge stalker called Sinkhole before you can get to him. Before you can locate him, the beast vanishes and flees. To locate him, you’ll have to navigate the hollow’s twisting passageways and fight off numerous stalkers.

Borderlands 2 Guide Swallowed Whole


Use a shock weapon to break his invisibility cloak when you finally locate him. This may take some time, but the blue light in his tummy will help you locate him. When the cloak falls, throw all you’ve got at the beast. Shorty will be freed from his stomach when he dies, but he will not be grateful for the rescue. Before you’re finished, you’ll have to complete Shorty.

Return to Scooter after Shorty is finished and inform him that justice has been served. And he’ll thank you for it.

REWARD: Swallowed Whole

$4,689 in cash

13,734 hours of experience


Borderlands 2 Guide was written to help the community get started with Borderlands 2 and to help them through the higher levels of gameplay. We will try our best to provide all the information needed pertaining to Borderlands 2 and will help you understand key aspects of the game.. Read more about borderlands 2 walkthrough and let us know what you think.

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Note for Self-Person: A bit of backstory before we get this started. Every now and then, I will do a series of Borderlands 2 guides to help newbies get started or get a grip on the game before the next expansion. The first one I did was my own first aid guide and it also served as a way to test some ideas that I had for future guides. The second one was a guide for self-person, and it was a fun experiment, but I was a little disappointed with the end result. It was a lot of work and I was left with a lot of dead wood.

You’ve all probably heard the old quote “make sure you have the full note for the self person”. This usually means that the numerical value of the stat should be increased. If you are not familiar with Borderlands 2, the game is a FPS RPG game in which you can play as a robot, a psychic, a Siren, a Mechromancer or a Bandit with several other character types.

The best way to learn any skill is to play and practice. I play Borderlands 2 on and off, but I can’t remember where’s good to farm money. I found a guide online about farming money. It worked. It’s probably not the best way but it worked, so I will write a note for self-person. The above 4 blogs have been written for the purpose of a dissertation, and are meant to explain the process of taking a blog and turning it into a dissertation. This process is not described in detail, for the purpose of creating a topic with a specific audience in mind. This course is intended to use this blog as a sample, and then expand on this method to use as a guide to creating a dissertation.

note for self-person

You’ll come across a Goliath in the Fridge who will drop an ECHO recorder if you kill him. To begin Note for Self-Person, pick up the recorder. On the recorder, you can hear Crank, the goliath, talking to Marcus about his missing weapons cache that he was meant to retrieve. Marcus tells Crank that he had sent it to Crank’s brother in the Fridge. It’s also necessary to tell the poor idiot twice.

The chest may be found in the Rat’s Maze, along with the optional goal of murdering 10 midgets. There will be lots of them in the Rat Maze as you make your way to the weapons cache since you’ll be in it. You’ll find yourself in a huge center area surrounded by containers and debris. The cache will be found on the map’s western side. It will be covered in ice, but just blast the ice away to expose the chest.

note for self-person

To turn in the task and get your reward, approach the weapons stockpile. After you turn it in, you’ll have to deal with Crank’s brother, Smash-Head. This goliath is enormous, and he is accompanied by a tiny band of midgets. He also possesses a colossal shield, so you’ll have to find a way past it. To protect yourself from his rocket launcher blasts, use the containers and debris throughout the room. To knock down the monster, use an incendiary weapon to do additional damage.

REWARD: Note for Self-Person:

$609 in cash

Item: unidentified rocket launcher

4934 hours of experience


Borderlands 2, which was released for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC in 2012, is one of the best shooters of all time. It’s a sequel to the 2009 game and follows four action heroes on a mission to find out who killed the previous game’s main antagonist, Handsome Jack. Played in a third-person action shooter, Borderlands 2 puts an emphasis on co-op play. In total, there are four new characters to play as, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.. Read more about borderlands 2 the fridge locked door and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get to Tundra Express?

You cant.

How do you get the undiscovered mission in The Fridge?

There are a few ways to get the undiscovered mission in The Fridge. One way is to complete all of the missions on the map and then go back to the main menu and select New Game from there. Another way is to start a new game, but keep playing after you beat the first level until you reach a point where you have to restart from your last checkpoint.

How do you get through The Fridge Borderlands 2?

There are a few ways to get through The Fridge. You can use the Door option, or you can use the Bomb option.

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Twitch Plays Pokemon (TPP) is an interesting experiment that has come out of nowhere. It started as a little experiment with a game that many people have probably played but haven’t really given a second thought. It’s a game that hit Japan in the 90s, known as Pokemon Red&

On Sunday, Twitch Plays Pokemon’s creator, the anonymous “Traveller,” launched an experiment to let 25,000 people play the classic Game Boy game Pokemon Red on Twitch. The user-controlled experiment will be going on for 24 hours, and will be streamed to the broadcaster’s channel.

Last month, Twitch launched a new gaming channel that let thousands of concurrent viewers play the 2002 classic Pokemon Red in real time. Twitch’s new Pokemon channel is a prime example of the future of gaming. Rather than sitting on the sidelines watching, streamers are filling a growing gap between the live streamers who have the time and energy to play games and the millions of viewers who want to watch.

When Nintendo’s Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow were first released for the Game Boy in 1996, the game designed to be played in a single player mode had a single player. This was fine, as the game was designed with a single player in mind. It was called “Bulbasaur’s Mysterious Garden,” which is essentially an off shoot of a very popular game called “PokĂ©mon” which involves catching (and evolving) different species of Pokemon.

It is a sight to see if you are into gaming and you see a person in a Twitch chat room that has the same game you are playing, and that person and you are both controlling the same character. This is the case with the popular game “Twitch Plays Pokemon” in which 25,000 people are all playing the same game. This is also the case with the game “Space Invaders Extreme” where thousands of people are controlling the same space invaders.


Thanks to one anonymous Australian coder, a massive interactive Pokemon project has been taking place on Twitch. The channel Twitch Plays Pokemon has over 27,000 viewers and 2.5 million views as of this writing.

Update 17 February 2014: The Twitch Plays Pokemon channel has exploded in popularity, with over 50,000 viewers and 3.8 million views.

Update 19/02/14: We’re approaching 9 million views.

Those who post in the Game Boy chat channel have influence over Pokemon Red. The Game Boy emulator analyzes the conversation for particular instructions and enters them into Pokemon using JavaScript and Python.

“a, b, start select, up, down, left or right” are the commands. The conversation moves at a breakneck pace, and there’s a slow mode set up so that each person can only send one message per minute or so.

Twitch Plays PokemonThose caverns are the most dangerous.

“Twitch Plays Pokemon,” according to the channel, is a sociological experiment, but it is unclear what the author is trying to discover at this time.

Pokemon Red doesn’t depend on quick responses from the player(s) because to its turn-based nature, thus a delay of 20 to 40 seconds on Twitch isn’t a big deal. Another reason Pokemon uses this strategy is because if a character dies in a fight, they are simply returned to the PokeCenter.

The current Pokemon team

  • Charmeleon “ABBBBBBK (“, Lvl 31 Charmeleon “ABBBBBBK (“, Lvl 31 Charmeleon “A
  • “JLVWNNOOOO” Lvl 12 Rattata
  • Rattata (Lvl 13)
  • Drowzee, Lvl 15
  • Far-fetched “DUX” at Lvl 16
  • Pidgeotto Lvl 32

Twitch Plays PokemonThe Nugget, on the other hand, was thrown away.

This huge collective has beaten Misty and LT Surge to get to the “Rock Tunnel,” which needs Flash to traverse, in the past three days. Three gym badges in nearly three and a half days isn’t bad.

Twitch Plays Pokemon has created a Google Document that covers some of the highlights and even current objectives of the collective players.

Twitch Plays Pokemon’s founder has said that they would “continue to operate it 24/7.” “I would want to see the Elite Four beaten,” they said, “but I doubt it would be feasible without much greater coordination.”

TwitchPlaysPokemon’s live stream may be seen at

Following the success of Twitch Plays Pokemon, more channels such as “Twitch Plays Pokemon Blue” and “Twitch Plays Pokemon Crystal” have sprouted up.

Polygon is the source of this information.

What additional games do you believe might be played in this manner with a group, and why? Please let us know in the comments section below.

Twitch Plays Pokemon” is an experiment in crowdsourcing controlled play, and it’s now up to 25,000 people to play an official version of the game.. Read more about twitch plays pokémon fandom and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is twitch plays Pokemon still going?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Twitch Plays Pokemon is still going strong.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How long did twitch plays take Pokémon?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
It took about 3 hours.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can you play Pokemon on Twitch?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Yes, you can play Pokemon on Twitch.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Is twitch plays Pokemon still going?

Twitch Plays Pokemon is still going strong.

How long did twitch plays take Pokémon?

It took about 3 hours.

Can you play Pokemon on Twitch?

Yes, you can play Pokemon on Twitch.

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The second part of this series will cover the functions of the GCM, and what these functions are used for by the game engine. We will be looking at how to make your own tools to analyze your game data, and to create better tools for other people to use.

Last time we looked at building a simple data mining tool. This time we’re going to use the data we have to build a solution that will scale in terms of resources. The solution we’ll build today will allow us to label records in a database, and then be able to run a report with the labels in a query.

fyrestone borderlands 2 data mining

Players of Borderlands 2 are invited to return to the second section of the ‘Data Mining’ tutorial! After raising the pressure on the main pipeline to maximum capacity in the last section, it’s time to blow it up so you can go inside and access the Hyperion Info Stockade. You may smash the pipeline with your car by launching from a nearby ramp, as Mordecai points out. To reach the pipe’s top deck, get out of your car and leap through the pipe’s entrance. You’ll ultimately arrive at the Arid Nexus-Badlands’ entrance.

You’ll find many more historical sites here in the Badlands, but first we’ll need to drive northeast on a road that runs next to one of the pipelines. In the Badlands, Skags will abound, so be prepared to confront a few packs of the vicious creatures. In the first Borderlands, you’ll discover the entrance to Fyrestone, the first settlement you’ll come across. Although there are some JNK loaders in the region, they are rather simple to deal with. Continue westward through the village until you reach a clearing with an overpass looming above. It seems to be quiet enough. That is, until the largest loader you’ve ever seen appears out of nowhere.

Saturn borderlands 2 data mining


Saturn is the boss.

This monster of a loader is tough as nails and armed to the teeth. It’ll start out with basic shock blasts that may destroy your defenses. Saturn may also fire a barrage of winged homing missiles at you, reducing your health to nil. When the environment is bombarding you with attacks, use it as cover. If you come under assault, the tiny outpost to your right has a small area where you may hide. To bring him down as soon as possible, use corrosive weaponry. A corrosive rocket launcher may be very useful in this situation. Keep moving and strike when you get the opportunity. You’ll ultimately be able to take down this formidable machine.

An elevator going up to the overpass may be found not far from your present position. There will be several ammunition boxes at the top if you need to refill your supplies. To get to the Hyperion Info Stockade, go along the overpass. Several loaders and a badass constructor will appear out of nowhere. Remove the lesser loaders and concentrate on the badass constructor. To put a stop to the machine, try using corrosive weaponry once again.

data terminal 2 borderlands 2 data mining


With all you’ve got, storm the Hyperion Info Stockade. The initial wave will include Hyperion hawks and infiltrators. Loaders will rain down from the sky if you get to the second level. Blast your way past them and up to the third level, where you’ll discover the information terminal with the Warrior’s location. More loaders, as well as two builders, will arrive on both sides of the structure. For cover, dash inside the terminal area and begin downloading the data. Defend against the loaders and pick up the information holder after the data has completed downloading. Take out the constructors, but don’t leave right away after they’re gone. Two ladders lead to the top of the Info Stockade, where you’ll discover a beautiful gun chest full of goods.

Return to Sanctuary and give the task to Mordecai to get your prize. It’s finally time to put Jack to death, people.


$214 in cash

Item: your pick of random relic

10474 hours of experience

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Borderlands 2 isn’t exactly the most well known game out there, but it still had to be one of the biggest hits of 2012. Set on the fictional planet of Pandora, the game follows Vault Hunters who have been kidnapped by the Super Psychoactive Battle Droid and taken to the planet by way of a Hyperion “shuttle” and must fight their way through the planet’s various gangs and gangs of bandits to get back home and save Pandora. In the process they will need to increase their skills, guns, and loot.

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Borderlands 2 is basically the game that made me want to start a website. It’s a game that’s so ridiculously addicting to play, and so fun, that I couldn’t help but write a guide for it.

This will be the most straightforward assignment you’ll ever encounter in Borderlands 2. All you have to do is follow the instructions in the quest’s title.

Head to Thousand Cuts and Broke Face Bridge, where you’ll see crazy mumbling to himself on a neighboring ledge. I know that’s what they normally do, but he’s not trying to murder you. Face McShooty, who asks to be shot in the face, is the person to speak with. Until you’re ready to shoot him, listen to his insane rants. Shoot this man in the face with any weapon you choose. Make sure it’s in his face; any other areas of his body won’t be harmed. He’ll be grateful to you for it.

Your prize may be found in his body.

REWARD: Shoot This Guy in the Face

$2,428 in cash

385 hours of experience

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GTA V may have been incredible, but its shortcomings were glaring enough that they could have been fixed. A few months after the game’s release, Rockstar Games finally released some downloadable content that addressed some of the major disappointments in GTA V like the stock market, the ability to shoot while driving, and the revamped character customization menus. However, some of the problems that GTA V had couldn’t be fixed with DLC, and some of them are still present in GTA V over two years after its release.

The most anticipated games of the year often slip under the radar and fail to deliver the quality we had hoped for. Saints Row IV is not one of them. To say that the open world crime game got better in certain areas than GTA V would be an understatement, as SR IV had a much stronger and more balanced multiplayer experience.

GTA V will be out in a few months, and it’s looking like it’s going to be a big hit. It’s already one of the highest-grossing video games in history, and it’s forecasted to exceed 1 billion in sales by mid-September. So what will GTA V do that Saints Row IV didn’t do, and how did it do it?

So, in 2013, Grand Theft Auto V was released, which had to be the most anticipated game of the previous generation (yes the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 are officially last gen).

GTA V was basically guaranteed to be the best game ever created, with so much hype building up to its release, flawless 10/10 ratings, and GameSpot staffers receiving death threats for daring to give it anything less than a perfect rating.

To my surprise, when I finally got around to playing the game, I found it to be boring and repetitive, with characters I hated, and it ended up seeming like a huge effort to get through.

It’s not bad, and there are some enjoyable parts, but I’d give it a 7 or 8 out of ten. Meanwhile, Saints Row IV (and its predecessor, Saints Row the Third) were outperforming GTA V in virtually every way, but were mostly overlooked by the public.

Read on to find out why, despite certain flaws, Saints Row 3 and 4 are just superior than GTA V.

Saints Row IV Golden DesperadoIs this an homage to Desperado? SOLD!

5. The characters in Grand Theft Auto V are memorable (that I hate with a passion)

This may seem like a little quibble to others, but it was a significant stumbling block for me. I didn’t like playing as or connecting with almost any of the characters in Grand Theft Auto V.

Whether it’s one of Michael’s nasty family members or a crooked government official, almost everyone who offers you a job is a total jerk. Even when you perform their small duties, they appear pampered or wiser than your crime-committing trio.

The characters are caricatures, parodies, or exaggerated portrayals of real-life people, according to one argument (spoiled 20-something gamer, nagging rich wife, racist border patroller, etc).

I get why characters like that are created to ridicule our culture, but just because a character is meant to be a pain in the neck doesn’t mean I don’t want to drive a goddamned jet into them.

gta v JimmyAnyone who doesn’t wish to murder Jimmy has failed as a human being.

But, before anybody kills me, I’ll concede that Trevor is a fascinating character, even if he is a homicidal monster. He’s also the only person in the game that recommends murdering everyone who mistreats the player, so he’s already earned some respect.

How Saints Row Outdid It

Despite being terrible individuals, all of the members of the Saints in Saints Row are charming rogues. Some of the characters moan, some annoy you constantly, while others spend the majority of the time calling you dumb (which you are at times). But they were written in such a manner that I couldn’t bear to dislike them. Even the villains are so cartoonishly over the top that seeing them ruin their criminal/alien empires is entertaining.

Saints Row IV Keith DavidKeith David also portrays himself as Vice President in the film. Purchase this game.

4. New Gameplay Elements in Grand Theft Auto V (that are barely used)

The heists were a major addition to the series in Grand Theft Auto V. They were marketed as being essential to the game, with players planning the robbery, completing set-up tasks, and selecting a crew of backup characters that would level up as you utilized them more. This is definitely the most enjoyable aspect of GTA V for me, and I eagerly anticipated each one.

Unfortunately, the heists were much too few and far between for my tastes, limiting your planning choices.

You get to unlock heist members, but getting a new driver or gunner after you’ve already completed two of the three heists you may employ them in doesn’t seem very satisfying. Furthermore, leveling up is useless since you may only employ a hacker or driver once.

Only three genuine heists (where you plan everything and receive a reward) remain towards the conclusion of the game, with the rest consisting of cover-based shooting and irritating people.

gta v SelfieSeriously… Jimmy is the target of everyone’s ire. Yes, this picture has nothing to do with the words above.

How Saints Row Outdid It

Super abilities were introduced in Saints Row IV. Super speed, kinetic blasts, and gliding are among the many abilities available in the bundle, with my personal favorites being super speed, kinetic blasts, and gliding. “WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE No, I don’t mean metaphorically; I mean literally.

All of your superpowers are there in front of you, with potential upgrades and modifications to boost your already hefty appetite for devastation. They also offer side missions where you may only utilize specific abilities, incentivizing the player to try out new concepts.

Saints Row becomes a bit too simple at times, but it’s undoubtedly enjoyable to run about in a sandbox with superpowers.

Saints Row IVHave you noticed how many vehicles have been flipped? That’s fantastic…

While we’re on the subject of sandbox worlds…

3. Grand Theft Auto V Has A Massive Open World (devoid of anything in it)

Another major rumor regarding Grand Theft Auto V was that it will have the largest map in Rockstar history. Getting my hands on the game showed a vast continent to explore, complete with a variety of sceneries. There was a lot of diversity in what you could run, jump, and climb about, from cities to mountains to beaches to deserts. However, Rockstar seems to have neglected to include anything on the map that would make it worthwhile to explore.

Gta V Quad BikeAside from the breathtaking vistas, I mean

I played the game for twenty hours, interspersed with landscape exploring, and I can still count the number of things I discovered on one hand. During my campaign, I only came across a bit of a suicide note, an alien spacecraft part, and a baseball bat. You’ll be stumbling over health packs, body armour, random weaponry, and secret parcels if you load up GTA III for comparison.

While it may not seem to be significant given that you may have a good time dicking about the map, murdering innocent people, and blowing helicopters out of the sky, none of this necessitates the use of a large map. Why should I bother creating anything other than narrative objectives if the user isn’t rewarded in any way for exploring the sandbox?

How Saints Row Outdid It

In comparison, Saints Row 3 and 4 don’t squander a single square inch of their relatively tiny maps. The game may be lacking in diversity due to the fact that it is all set in a New York-style metropolis, but it more than makes up for it with all the secrets to be discovered. It’s fun to drive through back alleyways and climb buildings since there are secret cars, shortcuts to uncover, hidden power ups, autograph chances, and other treasures. That doesn’t include all of the missions and side quests that must be completed.

gta v and Saints Row IVThe Dubstep Gun is unlocked via side quests. GET THIS GAME NOW!

In relation to that…

2. There Are a Lot of Activities in GTA V (that are pretty boring)

Because Grand Theft Auto V is a sandbox, you may engage in a wide range of activities. Regrettably, Rockstar has let me down here. The majority of the tasks are boring and/or irritating. Triathlons, parachuting, tennis, and stock markets are just a few of the exciting pastimes available. They’re all just as thrilling as they sound.

The lowest of low moments, though, has to be yoga, a dumb, dull, drawn-out game in which you must simultaneously press four buttons and two sticks, which the narrative really compels you to participate in.

Source: ten-percentage-point game is shown.

There are a few interesting things to do, such as street and sea racing or the odd rampage, but there aren’t quite as many as in previous Rockstar titles.

How Saints Row Outdid It

When someone is playing in a sandbox, they prefer to blow things up in a big way rather than taking their unhappy wife out for a game of tennis. Saints Row offers a large number of damaging side quests that are really entertaining.

Weapon and vehicle rampages, superpower rampages, Japanese murder game shows, streaking, car surfing, and escorting a dangerous tiger around the city in a convertible are just a few examples of the craziness (which is as bizarre a sight as it sounds).

Source:, this is from Saints Row III… things you should purchase as well

These are all things that a player would want to do, such as driving on a sidewalk, and they are not just accessible, but players are rewarded for seeking them out. Which leads us to the most crucial point of all…

1. Incentives for playing (or lack thereof)

The greatest annoyance I experienced when playing Grand Theft Auto 5 (which I may have previously referred to) was the absence of any kind of reward for playing the game. While it’s true that I should be able to play for the sheer joy of it, Rockstar seems to have gone out of its way to offer me nothing in return.

It’s no exaggeration to state that more than half of the narrative and odd tasks are devoid of any kind of reward. And it seems odd that the player is given so little money to deal with in a game that includes property spread throughout the globe and aircraft that can be ordered via the internet.

It’s made worse by the fact that property is about the only thing you can spend money on since clothing choices are very restricted, vehicle upgrades are useless because they tend to explode, and you already have nearly all of the weapons.

To top it off, the above-mentioned dull activities pay either tiny sums of money or none at all.



How Saints Row Outdid It

Saints Row outperforms GTA V once again by rewarding the player with money and/or experience for whatever they accomplish. Even apparently little acts of vandalism, such as leaping out of a moving vehicle and watching it smash five people to death, will be scored and rewarded with experience.

Because gaining XP allows you to unlock new skills, you’ll do all you can to acquire it. Because such skills, as well as all weapon and vehicle upgrades, are so costly, players will earn as much as possible to purchase them.

Gameplay-wise, it’s fantastic since you’ll go out of your way to do the crazy things on offer (like streaking) because they’re not only entertaining, but they also help you advance through the wacky narrative modes faster.

Source: should be able to soar across the skies nude in more games.

Both GTA V and Saints Row are excellent games.

In general, though, when I play Saints Row 3 and 4, the same phrase constantly comes to mind. “FUN.” It’s one of the few series that never fails to bring a grin to my face.

Again, Grand Theft Auto V isn’t a bad game, and if you like it, that’s great. All I want is for more people to try Saints Row.

Saints Row 4 is also now cheaper than Grand Theft Auto V.

Do you agree with KRS’s point of view? If you’ve played these games and have thoughts on them, please share them in the comments section below.

Non-Fiction Gaming may be found on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter.

Saints Row IV was an absolutely awesome game, a stylish, funny, and violent open-world action game. The story was interesting, the character customisation was awesome, the gameplay was spectacular, the DLC was great, and the overall experience was one of the most fun games I’ve ever played. GTA V, on the other hand, was a disappointment. While it did it’s job, it did it’s job badly, and didn’t offer nearly as much as the former title. Here are five ways in which Saints Row IV did things better than GTA V.. Read more about saints row 3 vs gta 5 and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is better GTA 5 or Saints Row 4?

Saints Row 4 is better than GTA 5.

Which is better Saints Row or GTA?

Saints Row is better than GTA because it has more customization options, a larger map, and more activities.

Is Saints Row more popular than GTA?

Saints Row is a series of video games, while GTA is a series of video games and movies.

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  • saints row vs gta 5

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I’ve never been much of a fan of Overwatch, but it seems to be the hot new thing. And with good reason—it’s a fantastic game. In fact, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how the best teams in the world play, and I’ve used that to create a custom practice mode that I believe is worth sharing.

Overwatch features a 3v3 mode, and we’ll be forced to play it every now and again to win those oh-so-satisfying loot boxes. They put together a composition with Miggy, Emile from Emile in the Morning at Night, and Migs from Nubs in Cubes that is so revolting that they may require a few hours to recover after playing with such a group. 

Spoiler alert: it’s beatable, although the composition undermines, or complements, the purpose of such a style. Check out their antics here and decide for yourself. 

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In this podcast I will be covering the event that we went to last night. Since the TMG staff members were busy with other stuff we decided to invite our fellow podcast members from OrangeSeedGamer and TheAbridgedGamer along with us. We had a great time talking about games, both old and new. I hope you enjoy the show!

The best place to find awesome gaming tools is on the internet, and that’s why we started this blog. We focus on the best and most popular tools to make your gaming life easier, but we also give you the news you need to stay up to date on the latest gaming news. We’re not just a “tools” blog, we like to give you all the news, tips, tricks, and all the other fun stuff we find while gaming for free. Our goal is to make your life as a gamer easier.

The 2016 Electronic Sports Gaming Summit took place in Seattle last weekend, and the coverage from the event will be available on G15tools Podcast.


Day 3 of the ESGS 2016 convention is over, and for most of the day we were stuck in the desert but thankfully the weather cleared up and we were able to get out to Las Vegas for the rest of the day.. Read more about tmg podcast spotify and let us know what you think.

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The year is 2035. You are now an old man with a frail, frail body that is in need of constant attention and care. In particular, your left eye has problems of being exposed to strong light, causing problems such as eye pain and vision impairment. Other than that, you are a healthy old man.

The show floor of the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) is always a place where the latest and greatest in gaming hardware is revealed. But this year, Yang Yang Mobile, a new Taiwanese developer, brought something a bit darker as well. Their debut title, “ESGS 2016: A Horror Visual Novel Game”, is a game that blends horror elements and visual novel gameplay.

Horror is a genre of fiction that often deals with superstitions, the occult, the macabre, or the supernatural, often this includes horror fiction set in the context of fiction that leads to a physical manifestation of the supernatural or of the modern unknown. The supernatural or scary story can be a particular kind of ghost story, or can be a story that is meant to be frightening, such as a story about creatures that cause fear, or a story of likely supernatural events in a real-world setting.

We meet down with John Pineda of Yang Yang Mobile at this year’s ESGS to discuss about a visual novel set in an odd scenario for such a game: horror. 

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It is the dawn of heroes and this Hero Build Guide is going to explain every single choice you will need to make in order to improve your Hero Line Wars Starlight Hero Build, so that you can get the most out of this game without spending money on any Addons or Packs.

Today, we will be taking a look at the Hero Line Wars Starlight build, which is a great build for any new player that is just starting out in the game. It uses a fairly standard build, with focus on mana, mana regen, magic resist, and armor, along with a few early game oriented items.

Welcome to the newest addition to the Hero Line Wars Starlight series! I’m so excited about this game! I’ve been playing for a while and have a ton of fun with it. Check out the Hero Builds and Stats I have created for the game!

Basics of Hero Line Wars Starlight

War of the Hero Lines Tya’s unique Arcade Star Craft 2 map Starlight pits two teams against each other.

While defending their own base, 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4 teams select heroes and deploy troops towards their opponents’ base.

Heroes gain experience and may learn/upgrade skills as well as purchase goods to help them fend off waves of enemy troops.

Instructions for Beginners

  • Choose a hero.
  • Units will be generated at your Mercenary Camp (hatchery).
  • Survive the opposing team’s generated troops.

How to Succeed

  • Allow no opponents to get close to your beacon.

Instructions for Advanced Users

  • Because spawning troops improves your revenue, spawn as often as possible.
    • When gold becomes available, right-click a unit to have it auto-send.
  • Cheaper units provide more revenue per dollar spent, but they also provide more experience.
  • Early survival necessitates the usage of remedies.
  • If you’re feeling overwhelmed, turn to your shrine for assistance.


Ability enhancements may be purchased at merchant sites.

The Legends

Basic Hero Instructions

We’re working on completely fleshed-out pages for each hero; you can see their ability names and make some stat-based selections right now. However, if you’re anything like me, you haven’t come across much.

New gamers may find it difficult, so we’ve put up some simple construction instructions to help them get started. These are by no means exhaustive, but they may serve as an excellent starting point.

Melee structures

  • Ruby Signet -> Tourmaline Signet -> Bloodstone Signet
  • Jade Coil -> Emerald Coil -> Alexandrite Coil
  • Lightforged blade -> Truesilver Champion -> Sunshatter
  • Blood Guard’s Shield -> Blackrock Bullwark -> Hellscream’s Shieldwall
  • Ravager -> Warmonger -> Kang
  • Potions for Vampires

Builds with a ranged attack

  • 4 x Feathered Dart -> Iceblade Stinger -> Serendipity
  • Ravager -> Warmonger -> Kang
  • Ravager -> Warmonger

Those who cast spells are known as mages.

  • Redpine Stave -> Blood Stave -> San’layn Stave
  • Fel Grimoire -> Grimoire of the Damned ->Grimoire of Medivh
  • Amethyst Band -> Twilight Opal Band -> Dreadstone Band
  • Potions of Swiftness,


  • Fel Grimoire -> Grimoire of the Damned ->Grimoire of Medivh
  • Helcurlar’s Rod -> Staff of Dominance -> Apostle of Argus
  • Helcurlar’s Rod -> Staff of Dominance -> Apostle of Argus
  • Amethyst Band -> Twilight Opal Band -> Dreadstone Band
  • Potions of Swiftness

Complete List of Heroes

The heroes in Hero Line War Starlight v2.14 are listed below.

Individual construction instructions and orders will be available shortly.

Hero Health Mana   Damage Range   Passive Q W E Ultimate ( R)  T
Angel 600 150   18 6   Fury of the Gods (Weapon attacks bounce to a second enemy) Ray Quantam Shift in the Cosmos Radiance of the Heavens Extinction  
Heirarch 700     26 Melee   Shields of Plasma Dash of Lightning Winds of the Astral The Power of Will (Passive) Resurgence  
Ascendant 700     20 Melee   Shields of Plasma Wave of Destruction Deadly Strike Absorption Beam of Displacement  
Engineer 600     26 7     Bolt of Plasma Barrage of Rockets Battery of Missiles Laser Drakken Drakken Drakken Drakken Drak  
Infested 500     26 6     Blast of Corrosive Terrans Infested with Spawn Aura of Regeneration Acid Nova  
Sniper 500     30 8   Mastery of Weapon Damage Snipe at the Rails EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) Grenade Sharpshooter Nuclear Warfare  
Warlord 700 180   30 1.25   Mastery of Weapon Damage Smash Slam to the ground Armed Forces Carnage  
Pyrotech 750 300   25 Melee     Pyrocannon Pocket Factory is a company that produces little items. Engineering Improvements Artillery of the Firestorm  
Dreadstalker 800 270   27 Melee   Mastery of Weapon Damage Reality Tears Shift of the Void Charge Your Soul Chaos in the Rain  
Viromancer 550 270   25 7     Cloud that is virulent Beetles that feed on dead animals Ward of the Serpent Swarm of Healing Entanglement in the Masses
Guards of the Emperor 750 225   29 Melee   Mastery of Weapon Damage The Fire Breath War Stomp Drunken Brawler is a character in the film Drunken Brawler Earth, Fire, and Storm  
Mage of the Moon 500 400   28 7     Starsurge Rune Trap Wrath of the Gods Lunar Strike is a game that takes place on the moon. Moonbeam
Elemental Magma 500 270   25 7     Doomfire Spawn of the Lava Incinerate Volcano  
Fathom Guard is a fictional character. 700 200   28 Melee   Mastery of Weapon Damage Frosty Breath Barrier made of ice Attendant to the Elemental Dome of the Shield  
Tempest 500 330   29 12     Lightning With Two Forks Core tainted Arrows of the Storm Tornado  
Baron 700 270   28 2   Mastery of Ability and Power Lingering Death Bonds of Death Soul Depletion Form of Wriath  
Diabolist 600 225   22 6     Parasite Boiling Blood Nest of Locus Void Zone Dark Gift
Knight of Ebon 800 240   30 Melee   Mastery of Weapon Damage Coil of Death Pact of Death Aura of Frenzy Soulshatter  
Dryad 550 270   23 6     Roots that are entangled Regrowth Aura of Endurance Strikes Splitting  
Revenant 700 210   26 Melee   Mastery of Ability and Power Life Suffering Immolation Harvest of Souls Swarm of Locusts  
King of the Mountains 850 225   26 Melee   Mastery of Weapon Damage a lightning bolt Clap of thunder Bash Avatar  
Legionnaire 700 200   28 Melee   Mastery of Weapon Damage Strike of Death Enslave Reflexes of the Void Portal to the Nether  
Necrolyte 600 225   26 9     Skeleton should be raised. Dark Gift Aura of Doom Dead Animate  
Shieldbearer 800 150   18 Melee   Mastery of Weapon Damage Charge Your Shield Barrier Shield Avenger Cry of Desperation  
Assassin 750 240   35 Melee   Mastery of Weapon Damage Strike in Full Swing Rage Against Chemicals Evasion Metamorphosis  
Summoner 600 300   24 6     Elemental Water Spirit of the Feral Aura may be commanded. Inferno  
Mage of the Spirits 550 300   25 6     Frost Nova (Frost Nova) is a Illusion Wisps of Protection Knowledge from the past Dispel the masses
Dawn Priest is a priestess who is 450 300   24 7     Surge of Lava Sun Orb Radiance Nydus Dragon is a fictional character.  
Captain 700 270   29 Melee   Mastery of Ability and Power Sacred Light Mighty Blessing (Aura) Aura of Devotion Aura of Retaliation  
Voidwalker 600 300   26 9     Flamestrike Haunt Ritual of the Dark Doom  
Ice Queen 550 300   25 6     Blizzard Forrtress of Ice Aura of Brilliance Orb of the Forgotten Dagger of Ice
Blightbringer 800 150   26 6     Ground that has been blighted March of Death Desecrate Transformation  
Garrison 150   18 16   Train the Priest, Sorceress, and Mortar Team Footman on the Train Rifleman Training Spellbreaker Training Knight of the Train Invitation to Arms
Slayer 450 300   24 6     Firebomb Fire Wall Golem of Fire Meteor Time Bomb
Soul of the Phoenix 550 300   25 6     Thunderstorms of Fire This is a living bomb. Aura of the Elemental Phoenix Banish
Stormkeeper 550 300   24 7     Lightning in a Chain Lightning in a Ball Energy Pipeline Thunderstorm  
Blademaster 700 240   28 Melee   Mastery of Weapon Damage Wind Walk Reverse Image Strike of Destruction Bladestorm  
Sentinel 650 225   26 12     Multishot Nature’s Force Strikes of Fury Starfall  
Ranger of the Dark 550 225   28 12     Wave of Suspense Strike of the Black Aura Trueshot Charm Rapid-fire mode
Warden 800 225   32 Melee   Mastery of Weapon Damage Strike of the Shadows Assassinate Strikes Against Cleaving Vengeance  
Witch 500 200   26 6     Spike of Pain Mending’s Curse Leech of the Soul Shard of Oblivion Anathema
Spectre 300   22 6   Already defunct Siphoning Energy Servants of Bones Aura of servitude Decrepify  

There’s this game called Starlight, it’s like the hero line wars of starbound, but it’s much more fluid and interesting thanks to the hero line system. It’s kind of like a fast-paced version of hero line wars. You can build with whatever hero line you want, but there’s one big problem, you never know who the enemy is going to be, and that can be a big problem for newbies.. Read more about hero line wars starlight discord and let us know what you think.

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