
Inside The Game


So I decided to post this guide because I have been getting asked for a build for the Arcanist class for a while now. I have done a lot of Arcanist builds so I decided I should make a guide of my own for those who may want to know how to play the Arcanist class. I have played the Arcanist class since the early days of FFXIV and from my experience, I have found that playing this class is very rewarding but also very challenging at times.

In Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV), there are several classes that specialize in different roles. However, there is one class that is considered integral to the entire game: the Arcanist. It is the Arcanist that provides battlefield support and control, as well as allows players to research new and useful spells. This guide walks you through the steps of character creation and play for the Arcanist class in Final Fantasy XIV.

In this guide, I will introduce you to the role of an Arcanist in Final Fantasy XIV. You are probably familiar with the role by now. Arcanists are the only class who can use both the element of fire and lightning. They are also the only class with the ability to use two elements at a time.. Read more about ffxiv arcanist guide 2021 and let us know what you think.

Wark Kweh has created a Final Fantasy XIV Arcanist guide for groups.

The Arcanists are a subclass of the Arcanists. Basic information:

  • Limsa Lominsa is the home of the Guild.
  • Class for pets
  • ACN is an abbreviation for abbreviation of abbreviation of abbre
  • Ranged DPS is the role of this character.
  • DoT (Damage over Time)/Debuff is the role method.
  • Intelligence is the primary attribute.
  • Books and Cloth Armor are among the items available.
  • Conjuror and Thaumaturge are two more skills.
  • Alchemist[Books], Weaver[Armor], Goldsmith[Accessories] are all optional crafts.
  • Scholar[Healer-MND], Summoner[DPS-INT] are two jobs available.

The Arcanist is a DPS pet class that can be found near Melvaan’s Gate in Lower Limsa Lominsa’s extreme west end. It is the initial pet class in FFXIV:ARR, and as such, it defines several fundamental concepts for subsequent pet classes. Over the course of its leveling, the Arcanist gets access to two pets. Because the Arcanist is a pet class, it is weaker without its pet than other classes, therefore you should constantly attempt to summon a pet. Emerald Carbuncle, the first, is a DPS caster pet that can be summoned by using Summon. This Carbuncle has a basic wind spell, a knockback spell, a wind AoE spell [level 20], and a cool spell that increases the duration of its master’s DoTs [level 40] to compliment the Arcanist’s inherent DPS skills. Topaz Carbuncle, the second pet, is a tank that can be summoned by using Summon II. By serving as a tank, this Carbuncle will somewhat counteract the Arcanist’s inherent DPS, but will balance a little less DPS with the increased survivability of its master and friends. Topaz Carbuncle gets a basic attack with increased enmity, an ability that does AoE damage with increased enmity, an ability that decreases damage received for a limited period [level 20], and an ability that stuns the victim while increasing enmity [level 40]. Topaz Carbuncle’s HP has also been significantly increased (At level 20 my topaz carby had more HP than our tank). In most party situations, your Tank will not need assistance. There will be more on this later. All of these pet abilities are shown on a separate hot bat that displays only when a pet is called. There are certain commands that apply to all pets in addition to these pet abilities. These are what they are and how they work:

  • Away: Banishes (unsummons) your pet (master kilvin correction)
  • Heel: Tells your pet to remain close to you and follow you.
  • Place: Tells your pet to go to a certain place you specify [ground target].
  • Sic: Instructs your pet to attack a certain target.
  • [toggle] Steady: Commands your pet to do nothing until indorri commands a correction.
  • Toggle on Guard to have your pet attack anything that attacks it or you, or to have your pet attack anything that attacks you.
  • It will only utilize its basic attack until you order it to use a particular skill when prompted to attack, much like Sic.

I am doing most of this from memory, so I may have forgotten a skill or two. Please let me know if I have left something out. Also, I will only cover tips and info up to level 20 as that is all I could play in P4. If people find this helpful for party play, I may update this after the game is released and I get a chance to party up to 50. On to party advice. In a party setting the Arcanist fills the role of DPS. In the duty finder you will queue up as a DPS class, though in the first few dungeons you should also be capable of being the healer in premade parties due to your sizable MP pool and your not insignificant heal spell Physick. I will write this guide in the assumption that you are playing the role of DPS, since that is what you queue up as in DF. Know your method: The Arcanist is a DPS class that does damage primarily through DoTs(Damage over Time). Once the tank has established enmity(threat, hate, aggro) you should want to apply your DoTs to that target. Up to level 20 you will natively have Bio and Miasma, though you can cross-class into Aero[CNJ] or Thunder[THM] if you have them. This does not mean that you should only cast Ruin while you wait for DoTs. You should only cast Ruin if you have absolutely nothing else to do. DoTs take priority, and DoTs on the Tank’s target take priority over DoTs on secondary targets. When a DoT burns out, you will want to renew it. This is the essence of a DoT based DPS class. You will not see huge numbers like Thaumaturge or Archer but your total DPS will be similar if a bit less due to your secondary-role. You will also find that some enemies are simply too frail to waste time on DoTs. For those enemies you would be best served just casting Ruin and letting your Carbuncle attack. Know your secondary Role: We know about the primary roles in parties [Tank, Healer, DPS(or Damage Dealer if you prefer)], but there are secondary roles as well. You don’t form a party around these like you would the primary roles, but they are important to know regardless. The secondary role of Arcanist is Debuffer. This means that in a party it is your job to put debuffs on the enemies to make them weaker. You only have a few but they are quite potent and it is important to keep them up as much as possible. Miasma applies a debuff that reduces the healing a target receives AND a 40% heavy. This is a significant debuff and it is applied on everything you cast Miasma on, which is most things. Virus applies a unique debuff that reduces base Attributes by 15%! Up to level 20 it only reduces STR and DEX but after a trait gained in higher levels (Super Virus) it also reduces INT and MND. This is huge as it significantly reduces the capacity of a target to deal damage for a time. It is on a long cooldown so you will probably only be able to apply this one to one mob per two groups or so and you will always want to apply it to the strongest mob. You will also want to try and time it so that the debuff is active when the target is most aggressive. Later, Arcanist gets a spell called Eye For An Eye. When cast on a party member or pet, if they are attacked there is a chance the attacker will suffer a 10% damage decrease debuff. Pet tips and tricks: As a pet class, the strength of an Arcanist is split between the character and the pet. So to maximize your strengths, a level of understanding and control over your pet is required. Here are some tips:

  • Choose the appropriate pet for the job: Emerald Carbuncle will boost your damage output, while Topaz Carbuncle will provide you and your friends a better chance of surviving.
  • Keep your pet alive: The summon spells are both costly and time consuming so you want to avoid needing to cast them as much as possible (sometimes it is necessary though!) You are given a couple of tools to keep your pet alive (Physic & Sustain), and while it is nice if a healer chips in it is NOT their job. They need to keep the tank and other players alive and your Carbuncle doesn’t even show up in the party list for them. So be mindful of Carbuncle’s HP.
  • Listening to requests does not imply being obedient. A Tank will often request that you convert to Emerald Carbuncle. Because you already have a tank, Emerald Carbuncle will optimize your DPS, which is your job, this is a good option. But don’t be scared to go back to Topaz Carbuncle if the situation calls for it. We’ll talk about this further later. The idea here is that if someone asks you to do something, it’s generally for a good cause, but you should always be prepared to make the best choice you can on your own.
  • Utilize your pet’s abilities and commands:
  1. If you need to utilize Topaz Carbuncle to assist a tank, make sure Carbuncle is placed where the tank is. This keeps all of the mobs where the Tank wants them (remember, the Tank is in charge of tanking, so make sure Carby is synced with him) and prevents his primary target from rotating (and thus making AoEs harder to dodge and making it harder for LNC and PUG to get their positional bonuses). As a general guideline, your Topaz Carbuncle should stand where the Tank stands and do the same actions as the Tank.
  2. To deal with adds (mobs that join the battle from the outside) or mobs that the tank loses control of, use your pet. It’s better if you let the other person know what you’re planning ahead of time. If a mob breaks away from the tank and attacks your healer, you may Sic Carbuncle on the mob and then Place him near the tank to drop the mob. This may be done with either Carbuncle or any other wandering mob. This allows the Tank to remain stationary while the Healer continues to heal.
  3. Keep Emerald Carbuncle away from your Tank’s target: Emerald Carbuncle has a knockback ability that causes your Tank’s target to flee, which is very annoying. Keep Carbuncle far enough away from the victim to prevent it from using its knockback spell. Heel him to keep him close to you, or place him at a safe distance. You may also set his disposition to Obey, which means that until you instruct him differently, he will only use his default attack spell.
  4. Keep in mind that when performing a spell, ALL pet instructions are disabled. Hopefully, this will change in the future.

Tricks & Tips for Improved Skill You now have a rudimentary understanding of how to play in a party and how the Arcanist and his Pet fit within it. So, let’s get started with some Arcanist-specific skill advice.

  • DoTs deal damage depending on the “tick” of the mechanism. The game communicates in “ticks” in order to minimize server load and synchronize as much data as feasible. In actual time, one system tick happens every three seconds. When a tooltip states a DoT does 30 potency damage over 15 seconds, it implies the damage is dealt 5 times (or every 3 seconds) for a total of 150 potency.
  • Because your DoTs have a low initial potency (though they gain moderate to high potency over time), you may start using them as soon as the tank gains enmity against a target. Your DoTs won’t be able to take the tank’s enmity until he builds up a significant quantity.
  • The Aetherflow mechanism is a mechanic accessible to Arcanists. Aetherflow is a talent that you will learn early on. This ability recovers some MP, but it also provides a stack of Aetherflow (after the Aetherdam trait is learned). Some of the Arcanist’s abilities need a stack of Aetherflow to be used before they may be utilized. You will acquire the talent Energy Drain shortly after this mechanism is implemented. Energy Drain lowers your Aetherflow stack by one when utilized. As an Arcanist, you’ll want to get a stack of Aetherflow as quickly as can and hang on to it. This will enable you to take advantage of its HP/MP regeneration whenever you need it. To avoid wasting this, use EngeryDrain followed by Aetherflow while the skill Aetherflow is off cooldown to maintain the stack up at all times. This will increase your DPS while also allowing you to have a stack of Aetherflow on hand in case you need it.
  • When an opponent is going to become extremely aggressive, or when the Tank is in danger, use Virus to further reduce his damage received, allowing the Healer to regain his HP.
  • You wield a healing spell with the same potency as Cure. Make use of it. Maintain your pet’s health. From time to time, assist the Healer (but only when necessary). Toss a Physick in there if the tank takes a heavy blow that would need a number of Cures to repair. It will save both time and MP for your Healer, and you have some very good MP restoration abilities.
  • Make a list of your DoTs and prioritize them. Continue to do so. The green timers on your DoTs distinguish you from an ally’s DoTs (hopefully they make this a little easier to determine at a glance). Check to see whether your pet is okay and performing what it’s meant to after DoTs. Check your Aetherflow cooldown after that. Burn your stack with Energy Drain (and subsequently Bane) if it’s ready to go, then replenish it with Aetherflow. Keep the ability on cooldown and your stacks high in case of an emergency. If there’s nothing else to do and your DoTs don’t need to be renewed, cast Ruin. Simply cast Ruin on weak opponents that die too fast for your DoTs to be useful.

Return to the section on Final Fantasy XIV.

Have you forseen your future? Do you have a plan to get there? Are you prepared? Where do you start? Do you have the skills to make a living? The first step in planning a future of your dreams is to gain knowledge. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is the key to success. Knowledge is the key to freedom. — The Arcanist. Read more about ffxiv arcanist crafting and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is arcanist DPS or healer?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Arcanist is a DPS class.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What race is best for arcanist Ffxiv?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The best race for an arcanist would be the human.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What can an arcanist become ff14?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

An arcanist is a person who has learned to use magic. They can become anything from a mage, to a cleric, to an alchemist.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Is arcanist DPS or healer?

Arcanist is a DPS class.

What race is best for arcanist Ffxiv?

The best race for an arcanist would be the human.

What can an arcanist become ff14?

An arcanist is a person who has learned to use magic. They can become anything from a mage, to a cleric, to an alchemist.

Bind Coil of Bahamut Raid is a 4-man dungeon found in FFXIV: Heavensward. It is the third and final dungeon of the Coil of Bahamut series.

The FFXIV Lockout is a famous phenomenon in the gaming world. It is a special lockout that prevents players from entering the public dungeons of the game, Binding Coil of Bahamut and Omega dungeons. This lockout is caused by a special item called the “Lockout Key”. Such a key is readily available to the players, and it shows up as a red item in the player’s inventory.

While it is true that the Binding Coil of Bahamut is one of the hardest dungeons in the game, not all raids are created equal, and you may find yourself in need of a little help on your journey to defeat the final boss. For those of you attempting this raid for the first time, this guide will provide a quick breakdown of the basics of the raid and some recommended strategies for overcoming the enemies lurking within.

Raid Lockout Information on FFXIV’s Binding Coil of Bahamut.

  • Bahamut’s Binding Coil is made up of many dungeons, or turns. Return cannot be utilized in specific turns, so be aware of that.
  • Each player’s progress in the Binding Coil of Bahamut is stored in particular places, allowing you to pick up where you left off.
  • Every Monday at 11:00 a.m., your progress is reset (Earth time).
  • You must be in a group of eight Disciples of War or Magic with a Level 50 or above to enter the Binding Coil of Bahamut.
  • The quest “Primal Awakening” must also be completed by all members.
  • The development of the Party leader determines the beginning point.
  • Members of the party who have not yet advanced to the position of party leader are welcome to participate as long as they fulfill the entrance criteria.


  • In this scenario, their development will be synchronized with the leader’s.
  • Parties whose members have progressed farther than the party leader, on the other hand, cannot continue a foray.
  • The Binding Coil of Bahamut’s forays are all restricted to 90 minutes (Earth Time)
  • When a player leaves an area, all things on their loot list are immediately moved to their inventory. 
  • Items that are impossible to acquire will be gone!
  • Return to the section on Final Fantasy XIV.

The FFXIV community has been in a state of uproar since the release of the Binding Coil of Bahamut raid, yet the devs have been silent. We’ve been following the situation closely, as well as the general speculation about the reasons behind the lockout, but we’ve been unable to get official statements. For this reason, we have taken it upon ourselves to get some verification on the situation and why the event has been locked.. Read more about final coil of bahamut and let us know what you think.

Final Fantasy XIV Alchemy is a very important aspect of FFXIV.  This guide will give you all the information you need to successfully make alchemy in FFXIV.  This guide is a work in progress and will be updated regularly.  If you have any questions, please leave a comment!

The list below lists all of the materials and ingredients needed to craft the following potions:

Alchemy is a very popular craze in FFXIV. While a lot of players prefer to rely on or repeat other players for their “Sniper Crystals”, there are still other players that have decided to create their own. There are several guides available on FFXIV Alchemy, but only a few “official” ones are available. This guide is a compilation of all the official guides that are available on FFXIV Alchemy. It includes lists of all the alchemy ingredients, the best items to use for leveling Alchemy, and complete recipes for all the items.

mstieler has compiled a comprehensive list of FF14 materials and components required for all alchemy crafts.

I decided to start making lists of exactly what you’ll need for each of the Crafting Classes.

NOTE: This is a list of what you’ll need in Alchemy to create one of everything.

Some of the recipes call for earlier-crafted stuff (Growth Formula Delta Concentrate calling for Growth Formula Delta, which in turn calls for Quicksilver); unless I seriously screwed something up, all of that should be accounted for. Top of the list shows how many of the various ingredients will be needed to do all this (so you can get however many Quicksilver, Distilled Water, Growth Formulas & Inks you’ll need in total when you get to them).

Some of the materials below are known to be craftable by other classes. If someone wants to list them and their prices, that’d be great; otherwise, after I finish the rest of the lists, I’ll change them to the component components of the other class craftables (instead of Leather, it’ll be 1 Earth Shard and 1 animal hide, and so on).


Alchemy-crafted You’ll need more than one of the following ingredients:

  • Distilled Water (#21)
  • Quicksilver (58)
  • 4 Alpha Growth Formula
  • 3 Copper Enchanted Ink
  • Enchanted Iron Ink is a set of three enchanted iron inks.
  • Beta of 5 Growth Formula
  • 2 Silver Enchanted Ink
  • 8 Gamma Growth Formula
  • 8 Delta Growth Formula
  • Enchanted Gold Ink (5 pcs.)
  • 2 Rose Gold Enchanted Ink
  • 4 Delta Concentrate Growth Formula

Ingredients are as follows:

  • 2 Secretions Acidic
  • Ahriman Wing No. 2
  • 1 horn of an aldgoat
  • Leather from 2 Aldgoats
  • 1 Animal Skin
  • 1 branch of ash
  • 3 logs of ash
  • 1 piece of ash wood
  • 2 Fang Bats
  • Two Bat Wings
  • Blood of 10 Beastkin
  • 1 hive of bees
  • Belladonna 2
  • 2 Scorpions in Black
  • 2 Grimoire Binding of Blood
  • a single blowfish
  • 10 Leaf of the Blue Landtrap
  • 2 Pigment Blue
  • 2 Yarzon Legs in Blue
  • 1 Chip of Bone
  • 1 Picatrix brittle
  • 2 Pigment Brown
  • Chanterelle No. 1
  • Cinnabar (58)
  • 1 Cloves
  • 4 ingots of cobalt
  • 4 Cobalt Sand
  • 1 butterfly made of coral
  • 3 strands of cotton yarn
  • 3 Nuggets of Darksteel
  • Frog with 2 Darts
  • 2 Saffron Saffron Saffron Saffron Saff
  • 1 thread of dew
  • 1 gallons of effervescent water
  • 5 Electrum Electrum Electrum Electrum Electrum Electrum
  • 1 gram of electrum sand
  • 1 Log of Elm
  • 1 Earth’s Eye
  • 1 flaming eye
  • 1 Eye of Frost
  • 1 Lightning’s Eye
  • 1 Water’s Eye
  • 1 Wind’s Eye
  • 3 Filtered Drinking Water
  • 3 Flax
  • 2 Lactic Acid
  • Gil Bunny 2
  • 5 sand gold
  • Goobbue Fang is a character in the game Goobbue Fang.
  • 2 Viper of the Grass
  • 2 Pigment, Green
  • 1 piece of grenade ash
  • 2 Pigment Grey
  • 1 shark hammerhead
  • 2 Tough Leather
  • 2 Hempen Yarn 2 Hempen Yarn 2 Hempen Yarn
  • 2 Cowhide Hippogryph
  • 1 Imperative Wing
  • 2 sand of iron
  • 1 Cnida jellyfish
  • Umbrella with 7 Jellyfish
  • 1 skin of Karakul
  • 1 Latex
  • 2 lavender flowers
  • 2 Leather
  • 12 Clusters of Lightning
  • 277 Shards of Lightning
  • 8 Sulphur Lime
  • 1 skein of linen yarn
  • Mandrake 2
  • Branches of Maple
  • 2 Logs of Maple
  • 1 sprig marjoram
  • 2 Mistletoe of Matron
  • Leg of a Megalocrab
  • 2 Minium
  • 3 sprigs of mistletoe
  • 1 Leech of the Moor
  • Morbol Vine No. 5
  • Muddy Water (#21)
  • mugwort (nine)
  • 1 Ingot of Mythril
  • 1 sand of Mythril
  • 1 Nutmeg
  • Oak Branch No. 3
  • 2 Logs of Oak
  • Ochu Vine, No. 6
  • 2 Ginger (Pearl)
  • 1 Trout Princess
  • 2 Flesh of Pudding
  • Puk Wing No. 1
  • 2 Pigment Purple
  • 1 Amber, unprocessed
  • 1 Amethyst (Raw)
  • 1 Aquamarine in its natural state
  • 1 Garnet in its natural state
  • 1 oz. Goshenite, unprocessed
  • 1 Heliodor in its natural state
  • 1 Peridot (Raw)
  • 1 Rubelite, unprocessed
  • 1 Spinel (raw)
  • 1 tourmaline (raw)
  • 1 Turquoise in its natural state
  • 1 zircon (raw)
  • 1 Leaf of the Red Landtrap
  • 2 Pigment Red
  • 104 grams of rock salt
  • Rosewood Branch No. 4
  • 1 log of rosewood
  • 1 Sage Sagolii
  • 1 Fang of a Sandworm
  • Blood of 6 Scalekin
  • 4 shiitake mushrooms
  • 1 Silex
  • 8 Silver Nuggets
  • 2 sand of silver
  • a single silver shark
  • 20 Said Blood
  • 1 spruce tree
  • A single tarantula
  • 4 Mistletoe Thavnairian
  • Tinolqa Mistletoe (Tinolqa Mistletoe) (Tinolq
  • 4 Sap of the Treant
  • 1 trilemma
  • Trillium Bulb No. 14
  • Twinthread 2
  • Vampire Plants 2
  • 5 Secretions Viscous
  • 3 Blood of the Void
  • Volcanic Rock Salt (Volcanic Rock Salt) (Volcanic Rock Salt)
  • 2 Logs of Walnut
  • 19 Cluster of Water
  • 508 Shards of Water
  • 1 Scorpion White
  • 1 Fang of the Wolf
  • 1 skein of woolen yarn
  • 1 ginseng root
  • 1 Pigment Yellow
  • 1 Yarzon Leg (Yellow)
  • 1 branch of yew
  • 4 Logs of Yew
  • 1 piece of yew wood

Return to the section on Final Fantasy XIV.

This is a guide to gathering the ingredients you will need to craft or refine materials used for alchemy in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Crafting and refining materials is a crucial part of the game: you can use them in the field to create powerful gear and items, or use them to refine other materials into more powerful items.. Read more about ff14 alchemist quests and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is alchemist worth it Ffxiv?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
I am not sure if alchemist is worth it on FFXIV, because I have never tried it.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I level up Alchemist?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
To level up Alchemist, you will need to complete quests. You can find these quests in the quest tab on the main menu.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is Alchemy profitable Ffxiv?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Alchemy is a profession that can be profitable in FFXIV. It requires you to create potions, which are used primarily by healers and tanks.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Is alchemist worth it Ffxiv?

I am not sure if alchemist is worth it on FFXIV, because I have never tried it.

How do I level up Alchemist?

To level up Alchemist, you will need to complete quests. You can find these quests in the quest tab on the main menu.

Is Alchemy profitable Ffxiv?

Alchemy is a profession that can be profitable in FFXIV. It requires you to create potions, which are used primarily by healers and tanks.

GTA has gone through a lot of evolutions to reach its current state. The evolution of the cheetah just got even more interesting, which is why I decided to write this blog post.

In this blog I will provide reasons to support my claims based on the similarities between the cheetah that appears in Grand Theft Auto V and the real life cheetah

This text is sensitive. Try generating new copy.

A Reddit user has shared a set of pictures depicting the Cheetah’s development from GTA 1. Take a look at how the visuals have progressed throughout time. (To view the full size of each picture on a mobile device, click the image and zoom in.)





The F-19 may be regarded the Cheetah’s forerunner. It’s based on the F40 Ferrari. It’s quick and efficient, but it’s also readily destructible. Its engine is located at the rear of the vehicle. Vice City is where you’ll find it.


The Itali GTB, which is based on the Ferrari 348 GTS, is another vehicle that may be a Cheetah ancestor. It is quick and has excellent handling, but it is prone to destruction, much as the F-19. It’s also available in Vice City. I didn’t believe any of the vehicles in GTAII were precursors of the Cheetah, but feel free to disagree!




The Cheetah originally appeared in Grand Theft Auto III. It has a similar form to the Ferrari Testarossa F512 M. The lights, sides, and backs of the two vehicles vary. It is one of the quickest vehicles in all III period games. It has excellent handling and brakes, but not the greatest acceleration. Staunton Island and Shoreside Vale are where it spawns.

Vice City in Grand Theft Auto



It resembles an 80s Ferrari Testarossa in VC, with some changes such as the headlights and taillights, as well as the sides. There are four distinct setups for the side view mirrors.


The VCPD Cheetah is a Cheetah with an interior police beacon light on the dashboard. It’s a spoof of the Testarossa and two investigators from the Miami Vice TV program. After three stars, it appears.

GTA San Andreas is a video game developed by Rockstar Games.



The Cheetah is based on the Ferrari Testarossa 512 TR in South Africa. The head and tail lights, as well as the sides, distinguish them. It occurs in urban areas. The color, two exhausts, nitrous, three spoilers, side skirts, ten wheels, and hydraulics are all modifications.




The Cheetah didn’t make an appearance in IV, but it will in V. In the front and sides, it looks like a Ferrari Enzo/FXX with a Pagani Huayra in the rear and a Koenigsegg Agera/CCX in the front.


It will most likely be quick and easy to control, but it will be vulnerable to harm and destruction. Hopefully, there will be a plethora of customizing possibilities.



The pictures and captions were provided by Rhymes with relevant. Source To return to the GTA 5 section, click here.

The Cheetah is the fastest land animal on earth, with a top speed of up to 130 mph (210 km/h). It is also one of the largest cats in the world, weighing up to 1,200 pounds (500 kg). The Cheetah is one of the fastest animals on earth, and is the only cat to match the speed of the Greyhound, with a top speed of up to 100 mph. The Cheetah is the second-fastest land mammal, after the domestic dog, with a top speed of up to 91 mph (146 km/h).. Read more about cheetah gta v and let us know what you think.

Ironclad is a deckbuilding game, where you construct an army by playing cards that provide you with stats, your deck with cards that have that stat, and your minions with cards that provide you with stats in the form of a stat number. There are more cards, but in this article, we focus on the cards that you can use to create your deck and the minions you can play to turn those deck cards into a murderous machine.

I recently played Slay the Spire on PC and wanted to find a competitive deck for the game. I found several guides online that helped me get started but none of them was as user friendly as the ones I found on Reddit. In this guide I will outline how I build a budget Ironclad deck and what you should buy for your first deck.

Ironclad is an upcoming deck building game by Descendent Studios. In the game, players will take on the role of eccentric alchemists who combine the power of science, magic, and alchemy to create wonderous creations out of steel, steel, and even more steel. The alchemists will then use these creations to fend off the attacks of the Spire, an evil being that consumes their creations and feeds on their magical energy.

Slay the Spire, a roguelike developed by MegaCrit, has been available for a while. During that time, this thrilling game has attracted a large following. The default Ironclad class is one of the many aspects that players are still attempting to understand. Don’t worry if you’re still having trouble getting the most out of this character. We’ve got your back.

1. Body Slam and Barricade

Barricade and Body Slam are two of the most frequent builds you’ll come across. First and foremost, you should attempt to get the Barricade ability. If you can’t locate one, Calipers may be used instead.

Then, before grabbing an Entrenches ability, you’ll want to increase your block as much as possible. Finally, you’ll need a finisher.

You may select between two different types of finishers. The greatest choice is usually body slams. Heavy Blade or Whirlwind assaults, on the other hand, might be helpful.

If you stick to this strategy, you’ll be clearing rooms of opponents in no time.

2. It’s Almost Never a Good Idea to Take a Curse


Necronomicurse is the only curse you should ever voluntarily accept since it ensures a high-quality relic. Aside from that, refrain from using any needless obscenities.

If you have Omamori, you may be willing to accept a curse. However, you’ll need at least two charges of Omamori before you can use the Calling Bell.

3. Keep your relic early in the game.


The first Ironclad relic is useful since it enables you to heal between battles. You will ultimately be given the one-of-a-kind choice of exchanging your relic for a random boss relic. It’s not a good idea.

This alternative is entertaining, but it is less beneficial for your build than utilizing your usual relic.

4. Keep your dexterity potions safe.


For the Ironclad character, Dexterity Potions are game-changing. That stated, you should save your dex potion stockpile until the perfect moment comes.

When facing a difficult boss, if you have at least three dex potions, you may blast through them to make the battle much simpler. As a result, it’s better to save your potions until you really need them. However, when the time comes, you’ll be happy you have them.

5. Important Cards to Pay Attention To


The Ironclad deck has a number of cards that are very powerful. As a result, you’ll want to get as many of them as possible. Here are a handful of the more strong cards to keep an eye out for.

Form of the Demon

If you want to play in a more passive manner, Demon Form is a wonderful option. Simply use the ability, block any incoming damage, and then launch an all-out attack on your foes. This card works well with any build.


This card is very helpful early in the game. By increasing your protection with this ability, you may reduce the massive damage outputs of early level monsters. There aren’t many drawbacks to this one.

You Can Ignore It

If you’re utilizing a build that doesn’t profit from a big deck, you won’t need this card. Despite this, this card is still helpful in the majority of scenarios.

This card will assist you in creating combos and controlling your turns. If you’re in a tight spot, this card will almost certainly come in handy.

Slay the Spire is a new card game that has been getting a lot of attention recently. In Slay the Spire, you play as a deck-building wizard competing to slay the most evil monsters. Each time you slay a monster, you earn more cards. These cards can be used to construct new decks with which you can slay more monsters, or to upgrade your current deck with new spells, items, and skills.. Read more about slay the spire ironclad guide 2021 and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you play ironclad slay the spire?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can find the full instructions for how to play Ironclad on our website.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you win with ironclad?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can win with Ironclad by scoring a total of 100 points.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you beat silent slay the spire?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You have to kill all the enemies in the level without being seen.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you play ironclad slay the spire?

You can find the full instructions for how to play Ironclad on our website.

How do you win with ironclad?

You can win with Ironclad by scoring a total of 100 points.

How do you beat silent slay the spire?

You have to kill all the enemies in the level without being seen.

These are locations in Los Santos that are buried with nuclear waste. These locations have been documented via the GTA Online map but have not appeared on the map.

For those who have yet to play Grand Theft Auto V, or who are playing it on the PC but haven’t finished the main storyline, the game has two outstanding features that are easily missed. The first is the plethora of side missions you can take on wherever you happen to stop, and the second is the fact that the game’s world is full of radioactive waste. This guide will help you to find all the areas where you can find nuclear waste, as well as the locations of each type of waste.

We have been searching high and low, and we cannot seem to find a single location in GTA 5 (2013) that can be used to find nuclear waste. That is not to say that there are no locations in the game, or that there are not locations in the game that can be used, it’s just that there are no locations in the game that have any kind of radioactive material. The game has more than 7000 locations, but only a small percentage of those are radioactive. Here is our list of all locations that are known to be used for Nuclear Waste:

Here’s a map and video tutorial to help you locate the 30 nuclear waste sites in Grand Theft Auto 5. (under water).

A few notes & tips:

  • You will get $32,000 each piece and a $250,000 extra for locating all 30 nuclear waste sites and picking them up, as well as unlocking the following Achievement / Trophy:
  • Purchase the old dock and gather all nuclear trash in “Waste Management” (15 Gamerscore / Bronze Trophy).
  • After completing “The Merryweather Heist,” in which you take up the Mini submarine, you may begin collecting nuclear waste barrels. You acquire the subscription by paying $250,000 for the former Sonar Collection Dock property.
  • Purchasing the Sonar Collections Dock property will aid you in the search for nuclear waste barrels and equip you with a submarine.
  • The radioactive waste will appear in the sea as a bright white waste barrel. You must place your sub on top of it in order to collect it.
  • After you’ve collected each barrel, be sure to save quickly.

The following graphic depicts the location of the nuclear waste barrels:

GTA 5 Collectables Map

And here’s how to acquire all 30 nuclear waste barrels in Grand Theft Auto V:


Each Nuclear Waste barrel has its own timeframe. To locate that particular barrel, go forward to the period indicated below.

  • 0:05 – 0:05 – 0:05 – 0:05
  • Location No. 2 – 1:12 p.m.
  • 3rd location – 1:32
  • 4th location – 1:46
  • 2:08 – Location #5
  • – 2:28 – – – – – – – – –
  • 2:58 – Location #7
  • 3:19 – Location #8
  • 3:42 – Location #9
  • 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
  • 4:21 – Location #11
  • 4:43 – Location #12
  • 5:04 – Location #13
  • 5:25 p.m., Location #14
  • 5:43 – Location #15
  • 6:05 p.m., Location #16
  • 6:34 p.m., location #17
  • 6:51 – Location #18
  • 7:08 p.m., Location #19
  • 7:26 p.m., Location #20
  • 7:45 p.m., Location #21
  • 8:05 p.m., Location #22
  • 8:23 – Location #23
  • 8:44 – Location #24
  • 9:02 – Location #25
  • 9:23 – Location #26
  • 9:41 – Location #27
  • 9:58 – Location #28
  • 10:20 – Location #29
  • – 10:44 – 30 – 30 – 30 – 30 – 30 – 30

Please leave any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding locating the Nuclear Waste barrels in Grand Theft Auto V in the comments section below. Thank you for your donations and for taking the time to visit the site. The video tutorial is thanks to Powerpyx. To return to the GTA 5 section, click here.

Nuclear waste is found in Los Santos, Las Venturas, and San Fierro.  Every world of Grand Theft Auto V has a different amount of nuclear waste found. In order to know just how much nuclear waste is found in each world of Grand Theft Auto V, we have created a guide that will help you.. Read more about gta v nuclear waste without submarine and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What happens if you collect all nuclear waste in GTA 5?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

The game is currently not programmed to allow for the collection of all nuclear waste.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What do you get for collecting nuclear waste in GTA 5?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

You get money.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What happens when you find all the submarine parts in GTA 5?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You will be able to call up your submarine and use it to explore the ocean.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if you collect all nuclear waste in GTA 5?

The game is currently not programmed to allow for the collection of all nuclear waste.

What do you get for collecting nuclear waste in GTA 5?

You get money.

What happens when you find all the submarine parts in GTA 5?

You will be able to call up your submarine and use it to explore the ocean.

This guide will explain how to obtain 10k gold ingots, 20k gold bars, 50k gold ingots, and a 3k gold ingot. All of these materials are needed to create items in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.

Final Fantasy XIV is an MMORPG that is currently in its fifth major release. For those who have never played the game, the basic premise is that you play the part of a character in a kingdom that is on the brink of war. You start by creating a character and then work your way up through the ranks in order to gain experience and power, and aid your faction in its war against its rival.

Since most spell casters need a lot of materials to create their own armor and weapons, goldsmiths are an important part of the Final Fantasy XIV community. This guide will give you the materials you need to create your own goldsmith-made gear. You will need to combine the ingredients into a single ingot or piece of jewelry to make it.

mstieler has compiled a comprehensive list of Final Fantasy XIV materials and components required for all Goldsmithing crafts.

You’ll need more than one of the following goldsmith-crafted ingredients:

  • 14 copper ingots
  • Copper Rings, 3
  • x12 Whetstone Ragstone
  • xFluorite (number 7)
  • xDanburite (number 7)
  • xSunstone #7
  • x7 lapis lazuli
  • xMalachite, number seven
  • x7 Sphene
  • x43 Ingots of Brass
  • Brass Rings, 5
  • Whetstone Mudstone x9
  • x2 Eye Of Water
  • x2 Lightning Eyes
  • 75 x 75 x 75 x 75 x 75 x 75 x 75
  • x2 Eye Of The Wind
  • 4 Sterling Silver Rings
  • Whetstone x9 Siltstone
  • xGoshenite, number seven
  • x7 Garnet
  • x7 amethyst
  • xHeliodor, number seven
  • xAquamarine (nine)
  • xPeridot, number seven
  • x74 Ingots of Mythril
  • x4 Rings of Mythril
  • Pearl x5
  • xWhetstone of the Basilisk, number 18
  • x8 Zircon
  • x8 tourmaline
  • x9 turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise
  • xRubellite (nine)
  • x8 Spinel
  • Amber x8
  • Ingot of Electrum x72
  • xElectrum Rings (Set of 3)
  • x6 Pearls of Black
  • xRose Gold Nuggets (49)
  • xAstral Eye No. 2
  • 2 x Rose Gold Clasps
  • x13 Ingots of Rose Gold

Materials for levels 1–10:

  • 2 Sinew of Animals
  • Chips with 4 bones
  • 12 Ingots of Copper
  • Copper Ore 42
  • Copper Rings, 3
  • 15 shards of fire
  • 1 piece of hard leather
  • 1 piece of leather
  • 4 Eyes Marbled
  • Ragstone (#24)
  • 4 Whetstone Ragstone
  • four ram horns
  • 6 Femurs that are soiled
  • 44 Shards of Wind

Materials for levels 11-20:

  • 2 Horn of an antelope
  • Fang Bat No. 7
  • 1 skeleton staff
  • Brass Ingots (35)
  • Brass Rings, 4
  • 2 Bronze Nuggets
  • 1 lens made of clear glass
  • 2 Copper Nuggets
  • 1 Scepter of Copper
  • 1 skein of cotton yarn
  • 1 Feather of a Crow
  • Danburite is a mineral.
  • 26 shards of fire
  • Fluorite is a mineral.
  • 2 Tough Leather
  • 1 piece of lapis lazuli
  • 1 piece of malachite
  • 3 Eyes Marbled
  • Mudstone, number 18
  • 7 Whetstone Ragstone
  • Ram Horn No. 2
  • 1 Ramhorn employee
  • 7 Danburite (Raw)
  • 7 Fluorite in its natural state
  • Lapis Lazuli (7 Lapis Lazuli) (Raw)
  • 7 Malachite (Raw)
  • 7 Sphene Unprocessed
  • 7 Sunstone in its Natural State
  • 1 Femur that has been soiled
  • 1 Sphene
  • Sunstone No. 1
  • 3 Coral White
  • 125 Shards of Wind
  • Zinc Ore No. 43

Materials for levels 21-30:

  • Leather from 3 Aldgoats
  • Antelope Horn No. 7
  • 1 piece of ash wood
  • 2 Pigment Blue
  • 8 Ingots of Brass
  • 1 splinter
  • 2 Pigment Brown
  • 1 Feather of a Chocobo
  • 2 Lenses of Clear Glass
  • Danburite, no. 6
  • 1 thread of dew
  • 1 rock from the earth
  • 1 Eye of Frost
  • 1 Wind’s Eye
  • 1 flaming rock
  • 105 Shards of Fire
  • Fluorite, no. 6
  • 2 Pigment, Green
  • 2 Pigment Grey
  • 1 piece of hard leather
  • 1 iceberg
  • 1 pound of iron
  • Lapis Lazuli (Lapis Lazuli) 6
  • 2 Thunder Rock
  • Malachite (number 6)
  • 1 Eye with Marbles
  • 8 Whetstone Mudstone
  • 2 Pigment Purple
  • 1 Whetstone Ragstone
  • 2 Pigment Red
  • Blood of 1 Scalekin
  • Siltstone, number 18
  • Silver Ingot No. 47
  • Silver Ore (225)
  • 4 Sterling Silver Rings
  • 1 Spectacles in Silver
  • 6 Sphene
  • 1 Staff of Staghorn
  • Sunstone (nine)
  • 2 Waterfalls
  • 1 piece of white coral
  • 2 The Wind Rocks
  • 335 Shards of Wind
  • 1 Pigment Yellow

Materials for levels 31-40:

  • 10 Horns of Aldgoat
  • Leather from 2 Aldgoats
  • Amethyst is the seventh gemstone in the Amethyst family.
  • Aquamarine (number 7)
  • 18 Eggs of Basilisk
  • 1 Whetstone of Basilisk
  • 1 piece of boar leather
  • 3 Lenses Made of Clear Glass
  • 1 Cudgel that has been damaged
  • 1 Earth’s Eye
  • 1 flaming eye
  • 223 Shards of Fire
  • 7 Garnet
  • 1 Staff of Goathorn
  • Goshenite, number seven
  • 2 Megalocrab Shells, Green
  • Heliodor, number seven
  • 1 Sinew of the Hippogryph
  • 1 Rivet (Iron)
  • 1 Jade
  • 1 skein of linen yarn
  • 1 Eye with Marbles
  • 1 Whetstone Mudstone
  • 49 Ingots of Mythril
  • 222 Ore of Mythril
  • 4 Rings of Mythril
  • 1 Spectacles of Mythril
  • 1 oak plank
  • 3 Pearl
  • Peridot, number seven
  • Amethyst is the seventh gemstone in the Amethyst family. (Raw)
  • 1 piece of aquamarine in its natural state
  • 7 Garnet (Raw)
  • 7 Goshenite, unprocessed
  • Heliodor 7 (uncooked)
  • 7 Peridot (Raw)
  • 3 Coral Red
  • Blood of 2 Scalekin
  • Siltstone Whetstone (nine)
  • 28 Ingots of Silver
  • 1 Scepter of Silver
  • 3 Ingots of Steel
  • 1 Stainless Steel Plate
  • 2 Leather Toads
  • 6 Oysters Whitelip
  • 1 Feather of a Wildfowl
  • 1 Crystal of the Wind
  • Wind Shard 814
  • 3 Fang of the Wolf

Materials for levels 41-50:

  • 5 Shells of Adamantoise
  • 4 Horns of Aldgoat
  • 8 Amber
  • 1 Aquamarine
  • 3 Psychedelic Rock
  • 11 Whetstone of the Basilisk
  • 6 Pearls of Black
  • 8 Oysters Blacklip
  • Leather from 3 boars
  • 1 ring of brass
  • 1 needle from a cactus
  • 1 Hora chipped
  • 1 Feather of a Chocobo
  • 2 Lenses of Clear Glass
  • 7 ingots of cobalt
  • 1 plate of cobalt
  • 1 nugget of darksteel
  • 72 Ingots of Electrum
  • Electrum Ore 288
  • Electrum Rings (Set of 3)
  • 1 flaming eye
  • 2 Lightning’s Eye
  • 2 Water’s Eye
  • 1 Wind’s Eye
  • 1 Crystal of Fire
  • 405 Shards of Fire
  • 1 steel joint from Garlean
  • 1 plate of Garlean steel
  • 1 Jade
  • 25 Ingots of Mythril
  • 3 Horns of the Ogre
  • 2 Pearl
  • 1 piece of Peiste Leather
  • 1 Pebble with a Pinprick
  • 1 silver quicksilver
  • 3 Leather Raptors
  • 1 Sinew of a Raptor
  • 8 Amber Unprocessed
  • 9 Rubellite in its natural state
  • 8 Spinel (raw)
  • 8 Tourmaline (Tourmaline) (Tourmaline) in its natural state
  • Turquoise, 9 (Raw)
  • 8 Zircon (raw)
  • 5 Coral Red
  • 1 rosewood plank
  • Rubellite (number 8)
  • Snurble Tufts (Two Snurble Tufts)
  • 8 Spinel
  • 1 Said Blood
  • 1 piece of toad leather
  • 8 Tourmaline
  • Turquoise, number eight
  • 2 Felt that hasn’t been colored
  • Wind Shard 1292
  • 5 Fang of the Wolf
  • 1 skein of woolen yarn
  • 8 Zircon

Materials for Levels 51 and Up:

  • Aqueous Whet Stone (nine)
  • Astral Eye No. 2
  • 2 Psychedelic Rock
  • 1 Clinometer (Astrolabe)
  • Whetstone of the Basilisk
  • 1 piece of boar leather
  • 2 Lenses of Clear Glass
  • Copper Ore No. 49
  • 8 nuggets of darksteel
  • 2 Plates (Darksteel)
  • 13 Clusters of Fire
  • 16 Crystals of Fire
  • Gold Ore No. 147
  • 2 Hippogryph Hippogryph Hippogryph Hippogryph
  • 2 Leather Hippogryph
  • 1 Visor of the Legion
  • Peacock Ore (117)
  • 1 Astral Eye of Radiance
  • 2 Clasps in Rose Gold
  • 13 Ingots of Rose Gold
  • Rose Gold Nuggets (49)
  • Rubellite No. 1
  • 1 turquoise stone
  • 1 swatch of undyed linen
  • 1 woolen cloth that hasn’t been colored
  • 27 Clusters of Wind
  • 30 Crystals of Wind

Everything you’ll need to create it all is listed below:

  • 5 Shells of Adamantoise
  • Horn of an Aldgoat (14 Aldgoats)
  • Aldgoat Leather (5 Aldgoats)
  • 8 Amber
  • 7 Amethyst
  • 2 Sinew of Animals
  • Antelope Horn (nine)
  • 8 Aquamarine
  • Aqueous Whet Stone (nine)
  • 1 piece of ash wood
  • 2 Astral Eye
  • 5 Psychedelic Rock
  • 1 Clinometer (Astrolabe)
  • 18 Eggs of Basilisk
  • 18 Basilisk Whetstone
  • Fang Bat No. 7
  • 6 Black Pearl
  • 8 Oysters Blacklip
  • 2 Pigment Blue
  • Leather from 5 boars
  • Chips with 4 bones
  • 1 skeleton staff
  • 43 Brass Ingot
  • 5 Brass Rings
  • 1 splinter
  • 2 Bronze Nuggets
  • 2 Pigment Brown
  • 1 needle from a cactus
  • 1 Hora chipped
  • 2 Feathers of the Chocobo
  • 10 Lenses of Clear Glass
  • 7 ingots of cobalt
  • 1 plate of cobalt
  • 14 Ingots of Copper
  • Copper Ore No. 91
  • 3 Copper Rings
  • 1 Scepter of Copper
  • 1 skein of cotton yarn
  • 1 Feather of a Crow
  • 1 Cudgel that has been damaged
  • 7 Danburite
  • 9 nuggets of darksteel
  • 2 Plates (Darksteel)
  • 1 thread of dew
  • 1 rock from the earth
  • 72 Ingots of Electrum
  • Electrum Ore 288
  • 3 Electrum Rings
  • 1 Earth’s Eye
  • 2 Fire’s Eye
  • 1 Eye of Frost
  • 2 Lightning’s Eye
  • 2 Water’s Eye
  • 2 The Wind’s Eye
  • 13 Clusters of Fire
  • 17 Crystal of Fire
  • 1 flaming rock
  • 774 Shards of Fire
  • 7 Fluorite
  • 1 steel joint from Garlean
  • 1 plate of Garlean steel
  • 7 Garnet
  • 1 Staff of Goathorn
  • Gold Ore No. 147
  • 7 Goshenite
  • 2 Megalocrab Shells, Green
  • 2 Pigment, Green
  • 2 Pigment Grey
  • 2 Hippogryph Hippogryph Hippogryph Hippogryph
  • 4 Tough Leather
  • 7 Heliodor
  • 2 Leather Hippogryph
  • 1 Sinew of the Hippogryph
  • 1 iceberg
  • 1 pound of iron
  • 1 Rivet (Iron)
  • 2 Jade
  • 7 Lapis Lazuli
  • 1 piece of leather
  • 1 Visor of the Legion
  • 2 Thunder Rock
  • 1 skein of linen yarn
  • 7 Malachite
  • 9 Eyes Marbled
  • Mudstone, number 18
  • 9 Whetstone Mudstone
  • 74 Mythril Ingot
  • 222 Ore of Mythril
  • 4 Mythril Rings
  • 1 Spectacles of Mythril
  • 1 oak plank
  • 3 Horns of the Ogre
  • Peacock Ore (117)
  • 5 Pearl
  • 1 piece of Peiste Leather
  • 7 Peridot
  • 1 Pebble with a Pinprick
  • 2 Pigment Purple
  • 1 silver quicksilver
  • 1 Astral Eye of Radiance
  • Ragstone (#24)
  • 12 Ragstone Whetstone
  • Ram Horn No. 6
  • 1 Ramhorn employee
  • 3 Leather Raptors
  • 1 Sinew of a Raptor
  • 8 Amber Unprocessed
  • 7 Amethyst (Raw)
  • 1 Aquamarine in its natural state
  • 7 Danburite (Raw)
  • 7 Fluorite in its natural state
  • 7 Garnet (Raw)
  • 7 Goshenite, unprocessed
  • Heliodor 7 (uncooked)
  • 7 Lapis Lazuli (Raw)
  • 7 Malachite (Raw)
  • 7 Peridot (Raw)
  • 9 Rubellite in its natural state
  • 7 Sphene Unprocessed
  • 8 Spinel (raw)
  • 7 Sunstone in its Natural State
  • 8 Tourmaline in its natural state
  • 9 Turquoise (Raw)
  • 8 Zircon (raw)
  • 8 Coral Red
  • 2 Pigment Red
  • 2 Clasps in Rose Gold
  • 13 Rose Gold Ingot
  • 49 Rose Gold Nugget
  • 1 rosewood plank
  • 9 Rubellite
  • Blood of 3 Scalekin
  • Siltstone, number 18
  • Siltstone Whetstone (nine)
  • 75 Ingots of Silver
  • Silver Ore (225)
  • 4 Silver Rings
  • 1 Scepter of Silver
  • 1 Spectacles in Silver
  • Snurble Tufts (Two Snurble Tufts)
  • Femur 7 is soiled.
  • 7 Sphene
  • 8 Spinel
  • 1 Said Blood
  • 1 Staff of Staghorn
  • 3 Ingots of Steel
  • 1 Stainless Steel Plate
  • 7 Sunstone
  • 3 Leather Toads
  • 8 Tourmaline
  • 9 Turquoise
  • 2 Felt that hasn’t been colored
  • 1 swatch of undyed linen
  • 1 woolen cloth that hasn’t been colored
  • 2 Waterfalls
  • 4 Coral White
  • 6 Oysters Whitelip
  • 1 Feather of a Wildfowl
  • 27 Clusters of Wind
  • 31 Crystal of the Wind
  • 2 The Wind Rocks
  • Wind Shard No. 2610
  • 8 Fang of the Wolf
  • 1 skein of woolen yarn
  • 1 Pigment Yellow
  • Zinc Ore No. 43
  • 8 Zircon

If you have any questions or would want to share your own FFXIV Goldsmithing secrets, tips, or techniques, please leave a comment below. Thank you for stopping by and contributing.

Final Fantasy XIV is a MMORPG set in a fictional world where you can create your very own character and explore a world full of monsters and powerful characters. This is the tutorial for making your own tools in the game, and the first thing you need is a supply of materials.. Read more about ffxiv level 80 goldsmith and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What can goldsmith craft?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Goldsmiths are able to craft a variety of items, including weapons and armors.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What do I do with approved materials Ffxiv?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can use approved materials to craft items, such as weapons and armor.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is a goldsmith ff14?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
A goldsmith is a person who makes or repairs metal objects using gold, silver, platinum, and other precious metals.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What can goldsmith craft?

Goldsmiths are able to craft a variety of items, including weapons and armors.

What do I do with approved materials Ffxiv?

You can use approved materials to craft items, such as weapons and armor.

What is a goldsmith ff14?

A goldsmith is a person who makes or repairs metal objects using gold, silver, platinum, and other precious metals.

The game GTA 5 is out now and this is the most amazing game ever made in the gaming history. GTA 5 is so popular that they have GTA Online versions too. The GTA 5 online has also been very popular. After the official release of the game, many people are still downloading the game from the internet rather than buying it. It’s cool that you can download the game for free to enjoy.

There are many GTA 5 players around the world who wants to find the cheapest real estate in GTA 5 that they can afford, but where to start? Well your search stops here! We have created a GTA 5 Properties Locations Map and List that will help you find the right property you need.

GTA V was released in September of this year and has been the most popular game this year so far. It’s one of the most popular games out there and the sales are still going strong. The game has been gaining new fans by the day and it’s estimated to become the most popular game this year.. Read more about gta 5 parking garage locations map and let us know what you think.

The following is a list of the 25 properties available for purchase in Grand Theft Auto V, as well as a map showing their locations. Following Trevor’s “Nervous Ron” quest, properties become available for purchase.

Notes & Tips

  • Personal storage facilities are available at 8 of the sites for cars that have been ordered over the internet.
  • You must approach the DYNASTY 8 realty signage placed near the property to buy it. Then, using your D-pad (E on a PC), push right to begin the purchase, and then right again to finalize it.
  • You may make money on a daily basis after purchasing a property (after some time in the main narrative).
  • Every character may have their own exotic car garage, marina slip, hangar, and helipad.
  • The icon’s color will change to the map icon color linked with each character after you buy a property. (The colors of Michael, Franklin, and Trevor are blue, green, and orange, respectively.)
  • Check out rtchow0’s cost study of the purchaseable properties.

To view all of the locations, click the map below. To see a list of the properties, scroll down below the map. GTA 5 Properties Locations Map

Property Catalogue


Property Location Character Cost Income
1. Hooked people Chumash of the North Franklin or Michael $600,000 $4700 per week
2. Dock for Sonar Collections Paleto Cove is a beach in Paleto, Italy. Any $250,000 Nuclear waste was discovered at a rate of 23,000 per ton.
The Hen House is number three. Paleto Bay is a town in Paleto Bay, California Any $80,000 $920 per week
Mckenzie Field Hangar No. 4 Grand Senora Desert Grapeseed Trevor is a man of many talents (Fixed) $150,000 The cost of a land cargo is $5000, while the cost of an air shipment is $7000.
5. Santos Customs Goes Missing Grand Senora Desert, Route 68 Franklin $349,000 $1,600
Tivoli Cinema, No. 6 Morningwood Boulevard, Morningwood, Morningwood, Morningwood, Morningwood, Morningwood, Michael $30,000,000 $142,300
Los Santos Golf Club is number seven on the list. Richman is a member of the GWC and the Golfing Society. Any $150,000,000 $264,500 per week
8. Tequila, tequila, tequila, tequi Eclipse Blvd & Milton Rd, West Vinewood Any $2,000,000 $16,500 per week
Pitchers (nine) Vinewood’s Main Street Any $750,000 $7100 per week
Vinewood Garage is number ten. Las Lagunas Blvd & Spanish Ave, West Vinewood Michael $30,000 n/a
11. Doppler in Cinema Power Street in Vinewood’s downtown area Michael $10,000,000 $132,200 per week
12. Downtown Cab Company, Inc. East Vinewood’s Tangerine Street Franklin $200,000 $2000 per week
Ten Cent Theater (#13) City of Textiles Michael $20,000,000 $264,000 per week
14. Garage on Hill of Pillbox Pillbox Hill Trevor $30,000 n/a
15. Impound Towing Rancho Innocence Boulevard Franklin $150,000 $500 per towed vehicle
16. Scrap Metal Yard Murrieta Oil Field, El Burro Heights Any $275,000 $150 for each vehicle that is damaged
Grove Street Garage, No. 17 Davis, Grove Street Franklin $30,000 n/a
Los Santos International Hangars 18, 19 Los Santos International Airport, New Empire Way Michael (18), Franklin (18). (19) $1,378,000 n/a
Vespucci Helipads 20, 21 La Puerta Michael and Franklin are a couple. $419,850 n/a
Smoke on the Water (number 22) Melanoma Street, Vespucci Beach Franklin $204,000 $9,300
23, 24, 25, and 26 Marina Slips in Puerto Del Sol La Puerta Each character has the option of purchasing one. $75,000 n/a

Please provide any GTA 5 property suggestions or hints in the comments section below. Thank you for your donations and for taking the time to visit the site.

To return to the GTA 5 section, click here.

Other GTA 5 sites, instructions, and places may be found here:

  • Tips & Tricks for GTA 5
  • Player Stats in Grand Theft Auto V
  • List of Hobbies and Activities
  • How to Make Money in Grand Theft Auto 5
  • Tips & Tricks for Investing in Stocks
  • Checklist with 100 percent accuracy

Guides for GTA 5:

  • Guide to the Stock Market
  • Guide to Street Racing
  • Guide to Taxi Missions
  • Guide to Flight School
  • Guide to Sea Racing
  • Guide to Hunting
  • Guide to the Shooting Range
  • Guide to Combating Arms Trafficking
  • Towing Instructions
  • Racing Off-Road
  • Guide to the Garage

Maps in Grand Theft Auto 5: 

  • GTA 5 Properties Map & List
  • Locations of Shop Robberies on a Map
  • Letter Scraps & Random Events
  • Map of UV Light Secrets
  • Map with a High Resolution

Locations in Grand Theft Auto 5:

  • In Grand Theft Auto 5, there is a helicopter location.
  • Locations of Knife Flight
  • Locations Under the Bridge
  • Locations of Letter Scraps
  • Locations of Stunt Jumps
  • Locations of Hidden Packages
  • Locations of Nuclear Waste
  • Locations of Spaceship Parts

Glitches, Cheats, and Other Miscellaneous

  • Cheats and Codes for GTA 5
  • GTA 5 Errors

The locations of GTA 5 properties in Los Santos and Blaine County are available on this GTA 5 GTA5 Properties Locations Map and List. You can get the map for free by downloading it here for PC, laptop or mobile device.. Read more about gta 5 garage locations story mode and let us know what you think.

So you have purchased GTA V and you have finally got a chance to play. Now you are wondering what are the best 3D objects to shoot. Well, here are a few things you might want to try out.

Welcome to my GTA 5 Shooting Range Challenges Guide. We have been playing GTA 5 since it released and we have always wanted to know about its shooting range challenges, so we decided to create this guide to help you learn how to get all the Shooting Range challenges in GTA 5.

This text is sensitive. Try generating new copy.. Read more about gta 5 shooting range cheat and let us know what you think.

Here’s a guide to the GTA 5 shooting range difficulties. Visiting the Shooting Range is the quickest method to improve your shooting skill to 100% in the game. You should aim to achieve Gold in all of the tasks since it will give you the biggest boost in shooting ability. Remember that you must complete them on all three characters in order to improve their shooting ability.

Look for the gun symbol with a white background (Ammu-Nation) on the map to locate shooting ranges, then travel to the rear of Ammu-Nation to find the Shooting Range. (There is a $14 entry fee.)

There are a variety of obstacles at the Shooting Range that demand fast reactions. For the most points, many of the targets in the latter tasks move quickly and need direct bullseye shots. The black rings are worth ten points, the blue zone is for twenty-five points, the red zone is worth fifty points, and the yellow zone in the middle is worth one hundred points.

Your combo bar may raise your multiplier bar in the lower-right area of the screen with successive strikes on the targets. If you miss, the bar will be reset. (The maximum multiplier is 3x.)

Try increasing your aim sensitivity in the options if you’re having trouble hitting the targets.

If you step back a little during the shotgun tasks, you may improve your ammunition spread and earn a higher score.

The following are the weapon categories for the Shooting Challenge:

  • Handguns are a kind of firearm that may be used
  • Assault Rifles are rifles that are designed to be used as a weapon
  • SMGs (Submachine Guns)
  • Machine Guns with a Low Caliber
  • Shotguns
  • Heavy

Please provide any more suggestions, tips, or techniques for the Shooting Range tasks in GTA V in the comments section below. Thank you for stopping by.

To return to the GTA 5 section, click here.

The slow, steady climb to success is the hardest climb in the world and one that most people do not take seriously. With the overwhelming amount of GTA 5 challenges video, people have become numb to the sheer volume of them. The biggest problem this poses is that these amazing challenges are becoming less noticeable and some of them have been lost to the crowd. The biggest way to make these challenges stand out is to provide a unique and memorable approach to a challenge. There is a small but dedicated group of people who do just that.. Read more about gta online 250k challenge and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you do shooting range challenges in GTA 5?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The shooting range challenges in GTA 5 are a type of challenge that is unlocked after you have completed the story. You will need to find the shooting range and complete the challenges there.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you beat the shooting range in GTA?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can either shoot the targets with a pistol, or use a rifle.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What does the shooting range do in GTA 5 Online?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The shooting range is a location in GTA 5 Online where players can practice and improve their aim.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you do shooting range challenges in GTA 5?

The shooting range challenges in GTA 5 are a type of challenge that is unlocked after you have completed the story. You will need to find the shooting range and complete the challenges there.

How do you beat the shooting range in GTA?

You can either shoot the targets with a pistol, or use a rifle.

What does the shooting range do in GTA 5 Online?

The shooting range is a location in GTA 5 Online where players can practice and improve their aim.

This feature is designed to help you locate a helicopter in GTA 5 and GTA Online so you can find a safe place to land.

GTA V and GTA Online offer a great deal of helicopter joy, where the player can fly around the world in the air, collect packages, or simply relax and enjoy the scenery. However, in order to fly in the game, the player needs to know the location of the helicopter. This article will be a guide that will help players find helicopter locations in GTA 5 and GTA Online.

If you are playing GTA Online or GTA 5, and want to find the location of the Helicopter, have fun!. Read more about helicopter location in gta 5 online and let us know what you think.

Here’s how to find a helicopter in Grand Theft Auto 5 and GTA Online without cheating.

You may book a $1000 helicopter pickup by calling Merryweather from your contacts list online. You may also seize it by shooting out the pilot.

You may also hire a helicopter for $700 by calling Lester.) (Note: Some tasks do not allow you to contact Lester or Merryweather as of the most recent version.)

In both story mode and online, this is the place where helicopters spawn: (To see the entire map, click on the picture below.)

If there are no helicopters at the helipads below, move your camera about and leave the area, then return; one should land and you may take it.


GTA 5 and Online Helicopter Location Map

You may locate helicopters and aircraft at these places online, with the following rank requirements:


GTA Online Helicopters and Airplanes Locations

Helicopter spawns are now much more plentiful with the new GTA 5 1.0.7 update.

In GTA Online, the cargobob seems to spawn in a lot more locations and for greater levels! Please let us know if any of the aforementioned places or necessary rankings need to be changed in the comments section.

 Also, have a look at this map of airport aircraft locations:

GTA 5 Airport Aircraft Locations

Remember to place point of interest markers at these places.

Note: If the helicopter hasn’t appeared yet in Story mode, walk down to the street and come back up to check if it has.


Step 1: Navigate to the following place on the map: (Make sure it’s marked as a Point of Interest.)




Step 2: Climb to the top of the ladder, then go up the left-hand route all the way to the roof.




Step 3: Take pleasure in your brand-new helicopter! (Note: If it isn’t there, walk down the street and come back to check if it has spawned.)


Back to the GTA 5 & GTA Online section

  • GTA Online Hints, Tips & Tricks
  • Making Money in Grand Theft Auto Online
  • Prices of Used Cars in Los Santos
  • GTA Online Jobs List & Guide
  • The Best Automobiles in Each Category
  • Cars that may be purchased
  • Property Catalogue
  • Map of Gang Attack Locations
  • Interiors & Enterable Locations
  • Creating a Custom Crew Emblem Is Simple
  • Updates on the status of GTA Online

Pages, instructions, and places in GTA 5:

  • GTA 5 Hints, Tips & Tricks
  • Player Stats in Grand Theft Auto V
  • List of Hobbies and Activities
  • How to Make Money in Grand Theft Auto 5
  • Tips & Tricks for Investing in Stocks
  • Checklist with 100 percent accuracy

Guides for GTA 5:

  • Guide to the Stock Market
  • Guide to Street Racing
  • Guide to Taxi Missions
  • Guide to Flight School
  • Guide to Sea Racing
  • Guide to Hunting
  • Guide to the Shooting Range
  • Guide to Combating Arms Trafficking
  • Towing Instructions
  • Racing Off-Road
  • Guide to the Garage

Maps in Grand Theft Auto 5: 

  • GTA 5 Properties Map & List
  • Locations of Shop Robberies on a Map
  • Letter Scraps & Random Events
  • Map of UV Light Secrets
  • Map with a High Resolution

Locations in Grand Theft Auto 5:

  • In Grand Theft Auto 5, there is a helicopter location.
  • Locations of Knife Flight
  • Locations Under the Bridge
  • Locations of Letter Scraps
  • Locations of Stunt Jumps
  • Locations of Hidden Packages
  • Locations of Nuclear Waste
  • Locations of Spaceship Parts

GTA 5 Cheats, Bugs, and Other Miscellaneous Information

  • GTA 5 Cheats & Codes
  • GTA 5 Errors

GTA 5 is a vast and beautiful world where you can explore and experience something different every time you play. The world is huge, and I mean, HUGE. As you can imagine, finding all the locations in the game requires some research and exploration. So, here are some tips I have gathered so far for finding the locations of helicopters in GTA 5 and GTA Online.. Read more about buzzard location gta 5 online and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Where can I find a helicopter in GTA 5 Online?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can find a helicopter in the military base.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Where can Franklin find a helicopter in GTA 5?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Franklin can find a helicopter in GTA 5 at the airport.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:””,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:””}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find a helicopter in GTA 5 Online?

You can find a helicopter in the military base.

Where can Franklin find a helicopter in GTA 5?

Franklin can find a helicopter in GTA 5 at the airport.