
Holly Nelson


The Secret Encounters are a gameplay feature in the game DOOM Eternal . They serve as a means to progress through the game, unlocking new features and equipment as you complete them. Each one is available via the Mission Log when the story is active. This guide is to help you complete all of the Secret Encounters in the game, starting with Mission 10 – Nekravol:

The DOOM Eternal Leveling Guide is a complete guide to the game’s leveling system. In it, I cover how to level up fast, how to speed-level, and the fastest way to level up your character. If you are struggling to find a way to get level 400 fast, or even get 100 to 300, I help you in that process as well.

There is a new game mode called “Secret Encounters” in “DOOM Eternal”. It is a (non-exhaustive) list of all the secret encounters in the game. There are descriptions and tips about each encounter, so that you can use your knowledge of DOOM’s game mechanics and the enemies in the game to make sure you get the most out of these encounters.


Doom Eternal has many different sections with Secret Encounter mini-missions that you can find during your adventures.
Unlike the mini-missions that allow you to get the Empyrean keys, these encounters are all about killing specific demons for a set amount of time.

Killing demons in the time available can also be difficult, as they can be quite numerous and some areas are quite small, meaning they are easy to slaughter.

Anyway, this page tells you how to defeat and complete the secret encounters in Mission 10 – Nekravol. There are 2 secret meetings in Nekravol, one against the Baron and the other against the Baron of Hell.


Honestly, I don’t know why I’m writing a guide for this mission, because the two secret encounters in mission 10 are actually quite simple. I didn’t really have any problems with it and I completed both tasks on the first try.

But for those who have difficulties, we offer a brief guide…

The first one you’re sure to run into is against the baron and the lone zombie. To do this, equip an ice bomb and throw it at the baron as soon as he appears.
If the baron is frozen, you can just finish him off with any weapon. As for the zombies… Yeah, um…

Anyway, let’s move on. ….

The final mission will be a confrontation with several zombies and the hell-baron. Again, you can use the same method as in the previous case, freeze him with an ice bomb and finish him off with any weapon. Either keep throwing rocket launchers in his face or use a cheap BFG projectile to finish him off – the choice is yours.
As for the zombies. one of them looks like my little brother…

Simple and easy, just like the rest of the missions, and considering that mission 9 made me suffer, it was honestly quite enjoyable. A little room to breathe.




After finishing the previous mission, we would have a total of 10 secret encounters. I thought it would be useful to write a guide for this mission for all players who want to do those secret encounters and who do not know how to do it.. Read more about doom eternal nekravol stuck and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you get secret in Doom eternal Nekravol?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
To get the secret in Doom Eternal, you need to find a hidden room. There is a small keyhole on the wall that will lead you into a room with a treasure chest and an elevator that will take you back up to the surface.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you get Nekravol secrets?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can find out by playing the game.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you beat Nekravol?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Nekravol is a boss in the game, Beat Saber. To beat him, you must use your saber to hit his weak point on his back.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get secret in Doom eternal Nekravol?

To get the secret in Doom Eternal, you need to find a hidden room. There is a small keyhole on the wall that will lead you into a room with a treasure chest and an elevator that will take you back up to the surface.

How do you get Nekravol secrets?

You can find out by playing the game.

How do you beat Nekravol?

Nekravol is a boss in the game, Beat Saber. To beat him, you must use your saber to hit his weak point on his back.

On April 6th, 2019, DOOM Eternal was released for Xbox One on March 15th and for PC on March 22nd. The game’s official release date is June 30th, 2019, but you have to unlock all four mission packs to get all the content. The secret is to complete the missions in a specific order, each mission affecting the other.

Welcome to the second secret mission of the game, where you will be able to take on a new challenge. You will be traveling to an alien planet of the same name. It’s purpose is to produce energy that all the monsters on the main planet need to survive. You will face many different types of alien organisms that are more powerful than the ones you’ve faced so far. You will also have to face no less than 4 bosses.

Hello everyone, I’m here with my second guide for DOOM Eternal. This time we are going to be playing Exultia, a secret mission in DOOM Eternal.  This guide will be much different from the first one, with this one being a “GUIDE” where I will be showing you the “best way” to complete this, or other, missions.  I will be going over the level, the special abilities, the spawns, and what I think is the best way to complete it.

I work with them every day, so I know how good the trainers are.

Today you will meet one of them: Jen Cooper. So that you too can discover it.


Jen Cooper didn’t always have red hair. But she has always had the proverbial cheerfulness of red hair.

Everything about her – from her quick, determined gait to her infectious smile – exudes an optimistic and determined energy. Talk to them for five minutes and you’ll feel like old friends.

But beware: Jen is not the kind of friend who can be cuddly and comfortable, but she pulls you down, down, down.

Instead, she is a fun, wild and brave friend who challenges you to dream, dare and cross all your boundaries to become the person you really want to be.

And when you think about it, isn’t that what you want from a coach?

Being your best self doesn’t mean looking a certain way, it means living a certain way.

This is Jen’s training philosophy.

You must always remember – and believe, right down to your manicured and pink-painted toes – that sexuality, health and strength are not dependent on size, she says.

It comes in an aura.

If you fear fitness classes will doom you to endless plates of steamed broccoli or countless climbs in a smelly gym cave, Jen is your antidote.

I like to have fun, she says. A healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be boring or repulsive. It means you feel brave, alive and ready for new achievements.

Fitness has always been an important part of Jen’s happiness.

Born and raised in Philadelphia, where she still lives, she practiced dance and gymnastics. At university she studied physical education and sports science and then physiotherapy.

It got its mastery… in the economic recession. There were only a few jobs for physical therapists.

So she found a job with a pharmaceutical company, where she worked as a sales representative for eight years.

The work was related to health. More or less. And even though it wasn’t exactly what she had hoped for, at least it offered a decent salary – and the finesse of success.

I was a hothead with a Fendi handbag and a company car, Jen recalls.

At the same time, she was a superwoman who had completed marathons and Ironman triathlons, who attended the gym like a newspaper, and also offered fitness classes and personal training.

And when her acquaintances had questions about health and wellness, Jen was the person they turned to.

She was happily married. She lived in a great neighborhood. She had an important and well-paying job, a nice wardrobe – and a slim body. In fact, some people probably thought Jen lived a perfect life.

But in reality, she was hiding a dirty little secret: Not only was she a serious organizer, but she was also put to the test, with frequent and unpleasant injuries and constant fatigue.

From the outside it looked completely put together. But everything about her was confused and full of nerves.

Many women experience this feeling.

One day Jen was talking to one of her managers who came to her for advice on fitness or sports.

While she briefly forgot her sales reports, she remained responsive and quickly made friends with her interviewer – asking the right questions, offering resources and suggesting options. He could hear the excitement in her voice, feel the glint in her eyes. Her muscles tingled with joy at the thought of sharing what she loved.

If only you were half as passionate about the pharmaceutical sector as you are about health and well-being, the director sighs.

The comment baffled Jen. But it also turned out to be a turning point for her – one of those awkward but very powerful moments that determine the future direction of our lives.

By all objective standards, his working life has been a success. She has developed and implemented influential sales strategies. She trained others, managed the budget and launched several key products, exceeding the company’s goal several times.

But she was really interested in fitness and health care. Do not sell medical solutions to pre-existing health problems.

Shortly after this conversation, Jen took some important steps.

What am I doing, she wondered? What am I to do with my one precious life?

She quit her job, got her car back, traded in her work suit for yoga pants and stopped trying to be Superwoman.

It was scary, she said. My income has fallen sharply.

It also had to find a way to redefine success – by its own standards, not those of others. And that means taking care of herself and listening to herself, just like she would listen to any of her clients.

Deep down, I knew I was incredible and that my body and I deserved all the care and attention I could give.

The problem was that she had no idea what care and supply looked like, what it felt like, what it tasted like.

For the record, she jokes, I knew full well it didn’t taste like 72 tons of cabbage soup, and it’s not like you train so much that your body demands it.

I knew I wanted something different, but I wasn’t sure what it would look like.

So she began an extensive rehabilitation process and dedicated herself to learning everything she could about nutrition, functional movement, anatomy, physiology and strength training. And this time, instead of working from the outside in, she decided to work from the inside out.

Knowing was less important than doing. There wasn’t enough information for them. She wanted a deep understanding.

This led them to .

When she entered the six-month program in 2009, she initially didn’t know what to expect.

She wondered how it would fit into her endurance training. Although she hoped for a change, she also clung to the person she was before.

This is common behavior among customers, as Jen is discovering. But all she knew was that she was upset. She worked so long and hard, but didn’t see the results she thought she deserved.

Many people may have wondered what she does in the NP coaching program, says her trainer Christa Schaus.

She didn’t need to lose much weight. Still, she felt the same fear that drives other weight-loss enthusiasts to embark on the program, and she harbored a strong dream of truly being the best she could be.

Krista was quick to recognize Jen’s potential. But she also saw a woman who was exhausted, who needed nourishment and a solid foundation more than anything else.

Why don’t you try the program? She suggested. Do the opposite. Do more strength training instead of endurance training.

So Jen put her skepticism aside and went for it.

Admittedly, it was hard for Jen at first. I had to let go of my old life, she says. I had to say goodbye to the triathlete Jen.

It wasn’t easy to say goodbye to the part of me that excelled and glorified endurance sports.

But with PN coaching I started to see results very quickly, she adds. Not just in terms of body composition, but especially in terms of how it feels.

Eventually, Jen became so passionate about bodybuilding that she started competing and even won the title of Miss Natural Philadelphia at the NGA Mr and Miss Natural Philadelphia Bodybuilding Championships in 2012.

However, improving well-being is not just a matter of replacing one sport with another. Jen felt better because she was living more in alignment with her core values.

PN coaching has allowed me to correct imbalances in my life, lack of integrity. It changed who I was and who I wanted to become, both personally and professionally.

Even before enrolling, Jen was on the path to change, but by the end of the programme she had redoubled her efforts and completed her qualifications in personal training and physiotherapy with certificates from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and .

At the same time, she volunteered with the homeless in her city, teaching them how to walk to build their self-confidence and self-esteem. She later founded a successful coaching company for women.

And every study, every new experience underscored the same message:

The way you live your life changes everything.

I realized that being healthy, strong and sexy isn’t just about biceps and broccoli, it’s also about relationships, hobbies, career and spirituality, she says.

In retrospect, it seems obvious. Of course, fitness and health were his constant passions. Of course she had to work full time in this profession! She even met her husband John at the gym.

He asked me to marry him during practice, she laughs. And for their first vacation, they biked across the Big Island of Hawaii. Four hundred miles, she said, smiling at the memory. It was an incredible race!

But necessity – or fear – can keep us from our deepest dreams. As someone who has been through this herself, Jen understands. She knows that sometimes clients need help to see what they take for granted.

She also knows that there is no quick fix.

I know you want one, she said.  And I want a sparkly pony who does chores! But neither exists.

Instead, she recommends building habits gradually. The resulting changes are slow but lasting. And instead of working from the outside in, it manifests from the inside out.

Jen specializes in helping her clients identify their limiting factors.

One client struggled to go to the gym in the morning – that was the only time she could go.

For two weeks, we made a nightly ritual of making lunches, getting ready for the day, and getting clothes ready for the family. And you know what? For the first time since giving birth to her children, she went to the gym.

Another client’s flexible work schedule made it difficult to establish routines in all areas of her life.  This has become the main focus of coaching work.

By sticking to a consistent work schedule, she was able to plan healthier meals, go to the gym, spend more time with her family – and keep the pounds off.

It is this kind of intelligent and practical problem solving, combined with her upbeat and optimistic nature, that makes Jen such an effective trainer.

It was only natural for her to join PN, says Christa Schaus. She is well versed in the principles of NP and having taken big risks and gone through big changes herself, she understands the fear, hope and excitement her clients feel.

It’s like she was born for this kind of work.

Known as MiniCoop and MiniCooper, Jen more than earns her nickname. Like the famous British car, it is small, attractive, efficient and surprisingly powerful.

She is unpretentious, smart and not afraid to get messy. She will take you to your destination at record speed and in legendary style. And it will make you laugh every mile.

When Jen’s around, the smile never leaves your lips.

This guide will offer you a mission guide for DOOM Eternal, an unofficial game extension for Bethesda’s DOOM, the 2016′ re-imagining of the classic FPS.. Read more about doom eternal exultia demonic corruption and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get secrets in Exultia?

You must find them.

How do you beat Exultia?

Exultia is a boss in the game that you can only beat by using a certain combination of weapons.

How do you beat the second mission in Doom eternal?

You need to find a key, and then kill the demon that is guarding it.

The Dusk Diver is an amazing character, able to control the element of fire and fight with the element of water, often being referred to as the “Shadewalker”. This guide will provide you information on how to unlock the Dusk Diver and the other 4 shrines in “Dragon Veil Shard” Chapter 7.

As the name suggests, the Dusk Diver is a sub-class of the Dusk Knight that specializes in Shadow Veil. This class is meant to be a sort of hybrid between a Darksider and a Dusk Knight, with the abilities of both sub-classes and the unique skills of the Dusk Knight.

If you are looking for the Dusk Diver, or the Dragon Veil Shard Locations for it, please see this blog post.


Here’s a quick and easy guide on how to find all the dragon sail shards in Chapter 7, Normal/Hard difficulty.

Remember, if you miss the shard for any reason, you can always repeat the mission on Martha’s automaton.
In most cases they are quite simple and easy to find, but for those who are still having difficulties, here is a simple guide to finding them.








The Celestial Weapons are a series of powerful weapons wielded by Auron, Tidus, and Yuna, and their creation was a key part of the “Promised Land” storyline. All three weapons can be found in Mt. Gagazet, and they require the player to fight the Guardian Forces there. The Celestial Weapons are as follows:

The celestial weapons in Final Fantasy X are weapons that have appeared in other Final Fantasy games. And now they’re appearing in Final Fantasy X! One of the most powerful weapons in the game is the one that’s carried by the Bahamut summon monster, but in order to wield that weapon, you first have to go through the nine trials in the Final Fantasy X storyline. (There are no trials for the other weapons, but they each have their own unique powers and abilities.)

You can earn this achievement by getting a total of six Celestial Weapons. Each weapon has any combination of three different functions. For example, one of the three functions of the Yagyu Darkblade is that it uses the abilities of the character that wields it, while the other two are that it has an attack power of 1000 and reduces all enemy’s defense by 50%. The Yagyu Darkblade then has a total of three functions.

There are many trophies and achievements in the game (FF10) Final Fantasy X that you can unlock, and one of them is Weapon Master.

The weapon master requires the player to obtain all superior weapons (celestial weapon). These tasks can be quite complex and many of them can take up a lot of time. From dodging lightning, to 0:00 in a Chocobo race and more …..

Here are some guidelines on how to achieve this….



With participation : Tidus, Yuna and Wakka.

0.00 – 8.54 = How to get a
cloud mirror (needed for the sky mirror and of course to get weapons)

1) Go to the Silent Lands to get the Mirror of the Clouds
2) With the Mirror of the Clouds, go to the forest of Maccalania and talk to the woman and child 3 times
3) After you find the father, the child disappears
4) After you get the Mirror of the Heavens, you can concentrate on getting weapons.

8.54 – 16.50 = Tidus’ celestial weapon

1) We receive the sun sign (after the battle with Junaleska)
2) We receive the sun sign. Go to the Quiet Lands, talk to the Chocobo trainer and train the Chocobo until you can race
3) Race until your time reaches 0.00 (this may take a while)
4) Then we get the Kaladbolg Celestial Weapon
5) We fully charge the weapon with the weapon and seal (Macalania forest).

16.50 – 30.45 = Yuna’s heavenly weapon

1) When you first meet Wakka in Besaida (Moon Ridge)2) Catch all 9 demons of the Quiet Lands (Celestial Nirvana)3) Catch all 12 demons of Mount Gazet (Crown of Flowers)4) Obtain all Aeons (except the Wizard Sisters)5) After you have obtained all Aeons except the Wizard Sisters. 5) When you have all the aeons except the mage sisters, go to the temple of the silent land Remium and challenge Belgamin, fight her aeons until she uses Bahamut, defeat him (flower scepter)6) Grab the mage sisters with the flower crown and the flower scepter and continue fighting Belgamin until you have defeated all her aeons (moon seal)

30.45 – = Wakka’s heavenly weapon

1) Play approx. 9+ Blitzball games and then go find Luca (World Champion Celestial Weapons)
2) Attack rolls are required and appear in the tournament as a prize
3) Status rolls appear after you get the attack rolls
4) Auroch rolls appear, after you have both attack and status rolls
5) You need all 3 rolls to get the Jupiter seal (I had to reset the team data to have it appear as a prize)
6) Luca Auroch’s locker room (Jupiter’s Ridge).



With stars: Lulu, Rikku, Kimhari and Auron.

0.00 – 8.51 = How to get a
cloud mirror (needed for the sky mirror and of course to get weapons)

(Weapons are loaded in the forest of Makalania)

8.51 – 23.09 = Auron’s celestial weapon

1) Catch 10 different pariahs in 10 different areas (Cross of Mars)
2) The Mihien Road (the bottom area is in the Cross of Mars)
3) In the quiet lands (next to where Defender X is) find the rusty sword.

23.09 – 30.37 = Kimhari’s Celestial Weapon

1) On Mount Gagazet (after Seymour) you can find Saturn’s Crest
2) On Lake Macalania you can find a butterfly mini-game (you have to do it twice and it can take a while lol) Also sorry for the music xD (Saturn’s Mark)
3) On Thunder Plain you have to pray to 3 cactus stones (glowing) to get the spirit cactus

30.37 – 37.57 = Lulu’s Celestial Weapon

1) Chez Guado (revisit Farplane) (Venus sign)
2) Wuthering Heights – dodge 200 lightning bolts (Venus sign).

37.57 – = Rikku’s heavenly weapon

1) Bikanel Island (3rd screen – Mercury Ridge)
2) Bikanel Island (4th screen – Mercury Sign) (see my other video, part 40, for a side quest with cacti)
3) Mushroom Rock – Hand of God.



My time in this game has come to an end, and I’m sure that many of you are wondering how to obtain the Celestial Weapons and how to get the Weapon Master achievement. I’m here to help you with both. So, let’s get started.. Read more about ffx master sphere and let us know what you think.

Games Like AFK Arena (Android/iPhone) 2020 is a simple to play and fun game, that is easy to learn, and hard to master, giving you a challenge to test your skills. There is no limits, it has no pay-to-win, and it is 100% free to play. Game features include: – Easy to Play – Hard to Master – Offline Play – Free to Play – No Pay-to-Win – No Cheats – No Hacks – No Bots – No Advertisements

The game known as AFK Arena was released a few months back, and the online community quickly grew to love the concept of playing a game without actually interacting with other players. With different factions, several classes, and a fully functioning in-game economy, AFK Arena truly lives up to its title.

This is a strange one, but I can confirm it does work. It’s a game like AFK Arena where you have to defend the fortress from an enemy (like a mod of Flappy Bird). It’s a really fun game with a unique gameplay mechanic that’s easy to learn. I have no idea how popular it is, but it’s definitely worth checking out if you are looking for a new game similar to AFK Arena.

Are you looking for games similar to AFK Arena, a famous idle gacha RPG? Check out our list of the top Android/iPhone games like AFK Arena.

AFK Arena is a well-known idle gacha RPG with a large number of heroes. It may be downloaded for free from the Google Play Store and the iOS App Store. If you’re searching for games that are similar to AFK Arena and have the same gameplay, you’ve come to the correct place. In today’s article, we’ve compiled a list of the top games like AFK Arena that use a similar concept, such as idle gaming, gacha, RPG, and so on. So let’s not waste any time and go right to the point.

AFK Arena (Android/iPhone)-like games include: –

The following is a list of the top games similar to AFK Arena –

AFK Tactical Teamfight – I Am Hero

The game is now in open beta. The user interface is very appealing. It is similar to AFK Arena in that it is played in portrait format and has a large number of heroes to acquire. Campaign, dungeon, tower mode, arena, and tournament are some of the game modes. The visuals are of the highest quality.

FredBear Games Ltd.’s Idle Arena

Games Like AFK ArenaFredBear Games Ltd has released Idle Arena, a new Idle Gacha RPG. In this game, you will create and upgrade a squad of various-tier heroes, as well as battle opponents in a variety of game types, ranging from PvE chapter mode to Arena of PvP. Idle Arena, like AFK Arena, has a gacha system, idle gameplay, a large number of collectable heroes, and other features. If you’re searching for a game similar to AFK Arena, Idle Arena is a fantastic option.

Pixel Federation Games’ AFK Cats

Games Like AFK ArenaAFK Cats is a game that is similar to AFK Arena. Cats are the primary characters in the game, and you utilize them to assemble a team to take out opponents in PvE and PvP Arena battles. Thousands of combat levels with escalating complexity and boss battles are available in PvE. The game’s visuals are fantastic, and it uses a similar system: gacha, idle, collectable cats, and so on. Another possibility is this.

DH Games’ Idle Heroes

Games Like AFK ArenaIdle Heroes is the most popular Android/iPhone idle game. The app, which was developed by DHGAMES, has over 10 million downloads on Google Play Store and is among the top games in the US App Store. There are over 200 heroes to acquire, difficult levels to accomplish, and a variety of game types to choose from, including guild battles, PvP, Tower, and more.

Ajoy Lab Games’ TapTap Heroes

Games Like AFK ArenaTapTap Heroes is another great game similar to AFK Arena, with over 200 characters to collect, an idle system, and a variety of game types. It also has portrait mode gaming, similar to AFK Arena. The visuals and animations are very impressive. If you like idle RPGs, you will enjoy this game.

Droidhen’s Idle Legend

Games Like AFK ArenaIdle Legend is another excellent game similar to AFK Arena. Unlike the other games on this list, it uses an auto-chess combat system in which you place the heroes on the board and fight the opponents. Idle mode, tower mode, PvP Arena, and guild mode are all available. It also includes over 60 collectable characters that you can summon via the gacha system. The 3D visuals are spectacular. Battles are particularly difficult since there are many distinct kinds of heroes, each with their own set of skills. You’ll make good use of them and win the games.

Heroes of the Automobile

This game is currently in open beta. It’s similar to AFK Arena. You’ll assemble a team of heroes to battle for you while you’re gone. You’ll work your way through the campaign mode, completing levels and grinding money. There are many legendary and elite heroes to acquire. As you go through the story level, more game types will become available. Endless Abyss, Ruins Adventure, and Island Defense are just a few examples.

Idle Arena in Mega Legends

Games like AFK ArenaMega Legends is a new AFK game that is comparable to AFK Arena in terms of gacha, PvE, PvP, AFK gameplay, and so on. The visuals, animations, gameplay, and other aspects of the game are all very excellent.

These are the top Android/iPhone games similar to AFK Arena. If you have any more information, please leave a comment below. We’d investigate such games and add them to the list if they met the following requirements: –

  • System that is inactive
  • Gacha
  • Characters that may be collected
  • PvP Arena
  • Guild

See also –


As a student, you need to budget your time wisely. You don’t want to spend it on a game that won’t get released, or waste it on a game that will take a massive time investment away from your studies. That’s why you should consider playing games like AFK Arena (Android/iPhone). The game was released in 2018, but there’s still a way to go before it reaches its full potential. We look at the five stages of the game’s development, assess the game’s strengths and weaknesses today, and suggest ways to play the game that would be interesting for both new and experienced players.. Read more about best afk games ios and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Are there any games like AFK Arena?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
There are many games that are similar to AFK Arena, but none quite like it.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is AFK Arena on Android?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
AFK Arena is currently only available on the PC platform.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What type of game is AFK?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
A game where you are not required to do anything.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any games like AFK Arena?

There are many games that are similar to AFK Arena, but none quite like it.

Is AFK Arena on Android?

AFK Arena is currently only available on the PC platform.

What type of game is AFK?

A game where you are not required to do anything.

This text is sensitive. Try generating new copy.

In case you haven’t noticed, this trophy is pretty easy, and the quickest way to earn it is to use a combination of abilities, weapons, and spells to stun or kill the beast. However, the problem with these methods is that your character will die as a result, and you’ll lose everything you have knocked off. The good news is that there is a way around this, and you can become the proud owner of the Adamantoise’s Spear trophy.

This is a guide for the trophy for defeating Adamantoise in Final Fantasy XV. Adamantoise is a very hard boss to fight, but if you know this method it will be easy. I have tested this strategy myself and he gave me only a few hits. Just try out this strategy and you will be able to defeat him in under 10 minutes.


Adamanthosis is a Super Boss in (FF15) Final Fantasy XV that appears when you activate the Lone Rumble while hunting Longwhite. If you manage to defeat them, you will receive and unlock the Turtle Topper trophy.

If you are not fully prepared, this boss will beat you in seconds and it can literally take hours. Fortunately, there is a way to reduce those long, tedious hours to a few minutes.

The following guide will hopefully help you master this simple task, and the only real enemy in this battle will turn out to be the bloody camera angles…


How to beat adamantasis in less than 10 minutes

I think I did it in 9 minutes, but I think I could have done it faster if it weren’t for the camera angles.

In all cases, the main goal is to aim for the left leg first, use an attack-enhancing item to increase overall strength, and strike until the adamantoise becomes vulnerable.

From there, attack the neck, Ignis only strengthens your attack, you should do 9999 damage at any given time.

Then hit the armiger’s left leg when it becomes vulnerable (I got it wrong here because of the movement and camera angle), but if you manage to hit the left leg, it becomes vulnerable again, so repeat and aim for the neck.

Now it becomes weak on the right leg, so repeat as in the video.




Adamantoise is the second boss in Final Fantasy 15. It’s pretty large and has high HP, but it doesn’t take too long to defeat. Adamantoise is always at the top of the area you fight him in. It’s pretty easy to hit it with powerful attacks, but you can also use the Tortoise Toppler to destroy the stones that block your path.. Read more about lonely rumblings in longwythe and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the fastest way to beat Adamantoise FFXV?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The fastest way to beat Adamantoise is to use the Dance of Death technique. This technique involves using a combination of the left and right triggers, as well as the left and right bumpers.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you beat the giant turtle in Final Fantasy 15?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
To beat the giant turtle in Final Fantasy 15, you must first kill the three smaller turtles that are guarding it. After this, you must use your sword to hit the shell of the turtle until it breaks and then jump on its back.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you beat Adamantoise with the ring of Lucii?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

You cannot.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the fastest way to beat Adamantoise FFXV?

The fastest way to beat Adamantoise is to use the Dance of Death technique. This technique involves using a combination of the left and right triggers, as well as the left and right bumpers.

How do you beat the giant turtle in Final Fantasy 15?

To beat the giant turtle in Final Fantasy 15, you must first kill the three smaller turtles that are guarding it. After this, you must use your sword to hit the shell of the turtle until it breaks and then jump on its back.

How do you beat Adamantoise with the ring of Lucii?

You cannot.

Art of War: Legions is a fast-paced fantasy strategy card game. It is a standalone expansion for the popular Trading Card Game, “Art of War”. Just like “Art of War”, the Art of War: Legions expansion makes use of real-time strategy (RTS) mechanics, but instead of military units, you will be commanding fantastical creatures, such as dragons, cyclops and more.

Welcome to the Art of War: Legions Guide (AOW:LG), a blog intended to help new players understand the game mechanics and strategies of Art of War: Legions.

Art of War: Legions Guide is a complete guide to the Art of War: Legions card game. It’s the perfect resource for new players to this game. It’s perfect for players who are looking for an introduction to this game. Read on for a complete guide on what Art of War: Legions consists of, how to get started, and all of the information you’ll need to win.

10TP Studio’s Art of War: Legions is a popular strategy game for Android and iOS. Let’s have a look at this Art of War: Legions guide and advice if you’re new to it.

We’ve been playing this game for quite some time, and it’s been fantastic so far. You may personalize the battle formation by putting all kinds of soldiers in it and adding a hero to lead them into battle. It also works while the game is closed – your army will continue to battle opponents and grind gold and gems even if the game is closed. Battle stages/levels, expedition, event, and PvP arena mode are among the game modes available. We’ve prepared a list of gaming tips and techniques for Art of War: Legions that we believe you’ll find helpful. So, without further ado, let’s check out the walkthrough guide!

Guide, Strategy, and Tips & Tricks for Art of War: Legions: –

The material in this guide includes soldiers, heroes, formations, in-game currency, idle rewards, and more.


To fight the enemy, you’ll need soldiers. What’s the best way to get the troops? The soldiers are obtained by purchasing card packs from the store, or by tapping the combat button, which brings you to the battle formation screen, where the cards button is located on the bottom-right side. To acquire the random soldiers, tap it and spend the money. Here is where you can get the most up-to-date information about the finest soldiers.

Troops of Different Types

In the Art of War: Legions game, there are three kinds of soldiers: tank-type troops, structures, and DPS-type troops. What method do you use to determine the troop types? To determine the troop’s kind, you must first examine its profile. To inspect the list of soldiers, press the hero avatar button in the bottom menu and navigate to the troops collecting tab. Check the parameters such as HP, Attack, Defense, and special ability by tapping on the troop card. Tank-type soldiers have strong HP numbers, whereas DPS troops have great attack power. Catapults, ballistas, and other building-type soldiers are available.

Make sure to read the information in the profile carefully. There are certain soldiers that have unique abilities. Consider the case of the phantom assassin. As the fight begins, you’ll see this soldier unit crawling back to the enemy’s rear line and slashing them with lethal swords.


Heroes have both active and passive abilities. Heroes may be obtained via card packs (special card packs in the store that include hero cards) or the shop, much like soldiers. The duplicate card will be utilized in the hero level upgrade if you get it. Hero’s skill performance improves as he levels up. You can view all of the heroes available in Art of War: Legions on the hero collection screen. Tap the hero card to get to their profile page, where you can check out their abilities. Rare heroes, epic heroes, and legendary heroes exist. Here’s where you’ll discover the most up-to-date information about heroes.

Battle Formation Planning

The combat formation is divided into three lines: front-line, mid-line, and rear-line (back-line). Use melee-type or tank soldiers (those with high health numbers – they are excellent at absorbing damage) or wizards on the front lines. In the mid-line, add the DPS-type soldiers — these troops have poor defense but do a lot of damage, thus they must be defended at all costs. Use wizards or more tank-type soldiers on the back line.

  • Front – melee, tank, and mage
  • DPS (middle)
  • Tank/mages in the back

For various opponents, you may try different combos. If you want greater offensive, for example, choose melee attackers or ranged-DPS soldiers. Surround the attackers with tank units for further protection.

Increasing Your Strength

To conquer the upper levels, you’ll need to beef up your soldiers. How do you bolster the soldiers’ morale? By raising their level. You may receive a troop card that you already possess from the card packs. On the battle formation editing screen, these duplicate soldiers may be united. All you have to do is pull the soldiers from one place to another (should be of the same type and level). 1-star Iron Guard Plus 1-star Iron Guard, for example, becomes 2-star Iron Guard.

Every six hours, get Idle Rewards.

While you are offline, your tour troop continues to fight in the battle and grind money for you. For x6 hours, they will earn money and gems. You wouldn’t be able to earn anything after that. So be sure to claim your idle profits by collecting the idle treasure on the fight screen. As you go through the stages, the prize amount rises.

Arena Mode is a game mode that allows you to

You compete with other players in this game. On the screen for this mode, you may build up the arena defense. Victories will award you trophies, honor medals, coins, and other items. Seasonal prizes and rankings may be earned by playing this mode.


You work your way through the book chapter by chapter. Each chapter has a set number of increasingly tough levels. This game mode allows you to earn keys, cards, and gems. You must achieve a specific level to access chapters. For example, chapter 2 necessitates a level of 200. The current level may be found by tapping the combat button on the main screen.


Every day, it is refreshed, and you may grind coins here.

That concludes our Art of War: Legions beginner’s tutorial and suggestions. Do you have any other suggestions? Please leave a comment below.

You may also be interested in: –


Want to get yourself acquainted with the Art of War: Legions? This is a type of strategy game, where you play as a general and lead an army to conquer territories, where you can use the terrain to your advantage or defeat your enemy. You can choose from two different scenarios, the “base scenario” and the “campaign scenario”.. Read more about art of war legions cheat codes and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you beat Art of War Legion?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can find the answer to this question in our FAQ.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I increase my army in Art of War?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
There are a few ways to increase your army. The first way is to use the Create Army button in the game. This will create an army for you and give you a random rank and name, but it will not be permanent. You can also buy armies from the shop using gems or gold coins.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you level up in Art of War?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can level up by playing the game and completing quests.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you beat Art of War Legion?

You can find the answer to this question in our FAQ.

How do I increase my army in Art of War?

There are a few ways to increase your army. The first way is to use the Create Army button in the game. This will create an army for you and give you a random rank and name, but it will not be permanent. You can also buy armies from the shop using gems or gold coins.

How do you level up in Art of War?

You can level up by playing the game and completing quests.

Genshin Impact – The Yaksha’s Wish (Side Quest) Guide is a walkthrough and guide for Genshin Impact, a game made by the artist and developer “Solomon”, who’s profile can be found on Tale of Nostalgia. This guide covers the Side Quest “The Yaksha’s Wish”, which is a bonus quest that was originally an alternate ending to the main game while it was in development.

Genshin Impact is a game that is meant to be played by 3-5 players (any number can play, but it can get a little chaotic when more than 5 are together). It is meant to be an RPG, but it doesn’t have any rules. This means the game is both a prequel and a sequel to a series called Yaksha’s Wish. Yaksha’s Wish is a hack of the original Final Fantasy 3, and it is one of the better hacks out there. Genshin Impact is meant to be a 100% direct sequel to Yaksha’s Wish. The characters and everything is the same, but there are a few new things in this sequel.

Genshin, the giver of all things, once walked on earth, a mortal, one who helped others, one who cared. But he is no longer. He has ascended to a far away world, and his mortal form will soon be lost. But a few of his followers remain, and they continue his legacy. Genshin, the friend of all, has asked you to help him. Genshin, the protector of all, is in need of your aid.

As is customary in today’s RPG games, Genshin Impact includes a plethora of optional side missions that you may attempt to accomplish.

The Yaksha’s Wish is one of these side missions, and it may be found when exploring Minlin and Liyue.

It will include examining a ruin stone and looking for hints.

  • LOCATION: Liyue, Minlin
  • World Quest is a kind of game.
  • QUESTION GIVER: N/A. You must examine a ruin tablet.


  • We will need to go to Minlin, Liyue in order to start this quest.
  • We’ll need to look for a temple entrance while we’re here, but don’t walk inside just yet.
  • There should be a ruin tablet outside of this temple structure; study it and the adventure will begin!
  • When we look at the ruins tablet, we can see that it is called Bosacius.
  • We will now have to look for hints in order to unlock the stone tablet.
  • Head west from the ruin tablet until you come upon a huge treasure box.
  • 1626574637_361_Genshin-Impact-%E2%80%93-The-Yaksha039s-Wish-Side-Quest-Guide
  • However, be aware that as you approach the box, many fiends will appear; fight with them first, then open the chest.
  • Look up above the chest after you’ve opened it and claimed the prizes to find a white sphere-shaped object (this is exactly what we need, so take it!) Return to the ruin tablet (1/3) after that.
  • The second one may be found to the south of the ruin tablet, next to some structures.
  • Because this one is guarded by a particularly tough fiend, you may prefer to simply collect the white colored prism (located inside the small building on the left) and then flee, ignoring all of the enemies in the area (though if you manage to kill them all, a treasure chest will spawn by the next white sphere/prism).
  • Return to the ruin tablet (2/3) after obtaining the next prism in either case.
  • The last one is located to the north-east of the ruin tablet.
  • It can be located up the sets of steps adjacent to the temple; if you can’t get there, climb up the ruins and fire at the surrounding tiny stone lamps to turn them on (There will be two of these lanterns)
  • Return to the ruin tablet (3/3) once more after collecting the previous one.
  • The real temple structure will now be accessible, and you will be able to unlock several precious chests within. The quest has been completed.


On a stone tablet, the words of a particular Yaksha seem to have been left behind…


Genshin Impact – Playlist of Guides (Written)




My name is “Genshin”, and I am elven shaman. I am a member of the “Yaksha’s Wish” team, and I am here to bring you the all the latest information about this new game. Yaksha’s Wish is an “RPG” (role playing game) that was announced in 2016. The goal of this game is to help the players created their own unique characters with a unique background, and begin a journey through a fantasy world full of danger and excitement. Yaksha’s Wish is in development to be released on the Nintendo Switch.. Read more about genshin yaksha story and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you beat yakshas wish Genshin impact?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You cant.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you trigger yakshas wish?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You need to find the yakshas wish and then use it on them.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Where is the wish quest in Yakshas?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The wish quest is located in the Yakshas.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you beat yakshas wish Genshin impact?

You cant.

How do you trigger yakshas wish?

You need to find the yakshas wish and then use it on them.

Where is the wish quest in Yakshas?

The wish quest is located in the Yakshas.

Roblox is a popular online game for kids which offers a wide variety of kits and games for all ages. It is also one of the top games on ROBLOX, an online game compilation site for kids.  Kids and adults alike are using Roblox in a variety of ways. Some use Roblox as a video game, others use it for social media, others use it for development.

“The Banana Eats Codes (BEC) 2020 Roblox (NEW!)”, or the BEC 2020, is a one time only event where players can win bananas for doing some really cool things, like eating an entire banana in Roblox. In fact, the BEC 2020 will have prizes for the first 1k, 5k, 10k, and 50k players to eat a banana!

As we mentioned in our last report, we had a ton of fun at the #BananaEatsRoblox event in January, and we got a great response on our banana Eats Codes Roblox 2020 giveaway on Twitter, so we’re back for round two!

Do you want to get free skins in Roblox’s Banana Eats game without using any cheats? Then use these verified Banana Eats 2020 Roblox codes.

Source: Roblox’s Banana Eats Codes

List of Banana Eats Codes

As of 2020, below is a list of all current Banana Eats codes:

  • 100MILLION: Use this code to receive a free copy of Baby Banana Beacon.
  • SPARECHANGE – Use this code to receive free money.
  • 15KFOLLOWERS – Use this code to receive free coins.
  • BOONANAEATS – Use this code to receive free coins.
  • 1151308625 – Use this code to receive free coins.

Banana Eats Codes to Copy: – 

100MILLION: Use this code to receive a free copy of Baby Banana Beacon.


SPARECHANGE: Get 50 coins by redeeming this Banana Eats code.


Claim this code for a Moldy Twitter Special skin if you have 15KFOLLOWERS.


BOONANAEATS: Redemption this Peel-o-Lantern trap redeem code at BOONANAEATS.


Use code 1151308625 to get the Evil’s Voice Skin.


List of Expired Codes

The codes are only valid for a limited time. It is up to the creators, like with most other Roblox games, to fix or provide new codes if they aren’t functioning. We’ve included the codes that no longer function in the game in this section –

  • MORECOINS is a cryptocurrency that will be launched on October 9, 2020. Get free in-game coins by entering this code.


  • BOONANAEATS – Use this Banana Eats coupon to receive a free Peel-o-Lantern trap.


  • FANCYPANCAKE – Get a waffle beacon by redeeming this Banana Eats coupon! On September 19, 2020, this code was published.


  • FREECOINS – Get free coins by redeeming this Banana Eats coupon. On September 11, 2020, the code was published.


  • THATEGGPLANTCOLOR – for a beacon, use this Banana Eats code. On September 3, 2020, a code was revealed.


  • GLITTEREVERYWHERE – use this coupon at Banana Eats to get a free gift. On August 25, 2020, it was announced.


  • Use the coupon THEGOLDENPEELS to receive a free Banana Skin at Banana Eats.


  • Dipped Banana Beacon may be obtained by redeeming the code DIPPINGINTOINSANITY. (NEW)


  • Use the coupon BANANAISHERE to receive Party Peely Skin!


  • NEWMAPSOON – Get Canned Peanuts Beacon Skin by redeeming this coupon!


How Do I Use My Banana Eats Coupons?

This tutorial will assist you if you are unsure how to redeem the Banana Eat code: – Locate the Twitter bird green color symbol at the bottom of the screen. Simply press the button. By clicking the redeem button, you may enter the code (working code) and get the prizes. That’s all there is to this code redemption code.

What Is The Best Way To Get More Codes?

If you’re not sure where to go for additional codes, here’s a short guide: to stay up with new/latest functioning codes, follow the developer’s Twitter account (@RyCitrus). Alternatively, you might keep an eye on this code page, since we’ve gathered them all in one spot.

When It Comes To Banana Eats And Codes

Banana Eats is a fun arcade game offered on the Roblox platform in which you must survive a deadly banana. The game has high-quality, enjoyable gameplay with easy-to-understand principles. This isn’t a post on the game’s highlights or features. It all has to do with the Banana Eats codes. Most of the time, these codes provide you access to free skins that you may use. And it would be totally free of charge and without any kind of cheating. Check out the most up-to-date functional codes on this page — the list above! Banana Eats Codes Roblox 2020 has been updated!

– – – – – – – – – – –

Do you have a code that isn’t mentioned here? Comment!

Updates to the Banana Eats Codes: –

  • 1st of January 2020
  • In February of 2020,
  • The deadline is March 2020.
  • April in the next year
  • May 2020
  • In June of 2020,
  • In July of 2020,
  • In August of 2020,
  • In September of 2020,
  • In October of 2020,
  • In November of 2020,
  • In December of 2020,


In my previous blog post, I told you that I’m working on a new blog, and this is your first look into the future. This is my first post ever on this blog, and I’m going to tell you a little about it. I’m going to start off by saying that I’m the banana eating codes developer. That’s right, Banana Eats Codes. From my earlier post, you know that I want to start a new blog by posting codes for Roblox. I’ve created a whole bunch of amazing codes, and I’m ready to share a few of them with you.. Read more about codes for banana eats not expired 2021 and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the new code for banana eats Roblox?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The new code for banana eats Roblox is R6K8.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the newest Promocode in Roblox?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The newest Promocode in Roblox is P5V-QZ6-F9K”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you get banana called banana on Roblox?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
There is no way to get a banana called banana on Roblox.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the new code for banana eats Roblox?

The new code for banana eats Roblox is R6K8.

What is the newest Promocode in Roblox?

The newest Promocode in Roblox is P5V-QZ6-F9K

How do you get banana called banana on Roblox?

There is no way to get a banana called banana on Roblox.

Have you ever wanted to fight against the most famous anime characters of all time? Well we have the solution for you! In this game you will be able to fight against some of your favorite anime characters, such as Luffy from One Piece, Goku from Dragon Ball Z, Naruto and many more. If you ever wanted to fight against some of your favorite anime characters, then this is the game for you. Don’t forget to try our other game on Roblox, The Real Life Game

The Worldwide Roblox Wiki is a wiki site dedicated to the online game Roblox.

As you can see this is a new blog but we are just starting out, so please be patient with us. If you want to join this blog, all you need to do is click on the link below, join for free and post updates on what’s new in this blog. You can also post on any games on Roblox and they will be posted. Join the Blog

Do you want unrestricted access to free chikara shards and yen in Anime Fighting Simulator? In November of 2020, Anime Fighting Simulator codes Roblox

Source: Roblox Codes for Anime Fighting Simulator

Anime Fighting Simulator Codes

As of November 2020, below is a list of working/valid Anime Fighting Simulator codes on Roblox —

  • rename: As a code reward, redeem this code to get free chikara and yen.
  • defild: Redeem this code to get a code reward of free chikara and yen.
  • n1colas2sub: Redeem this code to get a code reward of free chikara and yen.
  • Redeem this code to get free chikara and yen as a code reward for 10k followers.
  • 650klikes: Redeem this code to get a code reward of free chikara and yen.
  • oneyear500m: Redeem this code to get a code reward of free chikara and yen.
  • tigrehaveyen: Redeem this code to get a code reward of free chikara and yen.
  • Redeem this coupon to get free chikara and yen as a code reward from bloodlinesfixed.
  • 600kamazing: Redeem this code to get a code reward of free chikara and yen.
  • Redeem this coupon for free chikara and yen as a code prize from bloodlinefixes.
  • tigretv2sub: Enter this code to get a code reward of free chikara and yen.
  • Redeem this code for free chikara and yen as a code reward from tigretvsub.
  • Redeem this coupon for free chikara and yen as a code reward.
  • L3NI: Redeem this code to get a code reward of free chikara and yen.
  • subn1colas: Redeem this code for a free chikara and yen code prize.
  • frango2sub: Redeem this code to get a code reward of free chikara and yen.
  • n1colas2sub: Redeem this code to get a code reward of free chikara and yen.
  • Subemperadormaxi: Redeem this code to get a code reward of free chikara and yen.
  • Sub2tanqr: Redeem this code to get a code reward of free chikara and yen.
  • fav75: use this code to get free chikara and yen.
  • Redeem this code to get free chikara and yen as a code reward from sub2tplanetmilo.
  • use this code for free chikara and yen as a code reward from subtomrrhino
  • redeem this coupon for free chikara and yen as a code reward vis1ts5mil
  • Redeem this coupon to get free chikara and yen as a code reward from sub2razorfishgaming.
  • use this code for free chikara and yen as a code reward from subtokelvingts

Anime Fighting Simulator Roblox Codes: –

  • rename: As a code reward, redeem this code to get free chikara and yen.


  • defild: Redeem this code to get a code reward of free chikara and yen.


  • n1colas2sub: Redeem this code to get a code reward of free chikara and yen.


  • With this new code, you may earn 5K chikara if you have 10k followers.


  • Get 10,000 Chikara Shards for 650k likes! Using this code


  • Get Chikara with this code: oneyear500m


  • Use this code to obtain Chikara on Twitter5k.


  • 600kamazing – receive 5k chikara with this code, which will be available in In October of 2020,; 10th


  • Get 5k chikara with this code, available in October 2020, from bloodlinefixes.


  • tigretv2sub: For chikara, use this new Anime Fighting Simulator code from Roblox.


  • tigretvsub:Redeem this new Roblox code for Chikara’s Anime Fighting Simulator.


  • subfrango: Use this new Anime Fighting Simulator code to get free chikara and prizes without using any hacks!


  • milestones: Use this Anime Fighting Simulator coupon to get a free Chikara.


  • L3NI: To get chikara shards, redeem this Anime Fighting Simulator coupon.


  • subn1colas: Use this code to get free chikara shards.


  • 550kisalot – Get 5k Chikara by redeeming this Anime Fighting Simulator coupon. On September 14, 2020, the code was made public.


  • 900kmembers – Get free Chikara shards by redeeming this Anime Fighting Simulator coupon.


  • Chikara may be obtained by using the code 500komg.


  • – emperadormaxi – emperadormaxi – emperadormaxi – Chikara may be obtained by redeeming this Anime Fighting Simulator coupon. If it isn’t functioning, please leave a comment below.


  • Claim this Chikara shards gift coupon from subtigretv.


  • Claim this Chikara shards gift voucher from frangonovo.


  • Claim this Chikara shards gift code from erbitosaiyan.


  • Claim this Chikara shards gift coupon from Sub2tanqr.


  • Claim this gift code for an unique prize, chichine8kfollowers.


  • Claim your Chikara shards with this gift code.


  • Claim this Chikara shards gift coupon from ThankYouEmilio.


  • claim this Chikara shards gift code from reached450thanks.


  • Claim this Chikara shards gift coupon with the code glorious400.


  • Claim this Chikara shards gift code from ilovetobreathe.


  • Claim this Chikara shards gift code from marvelous350thousand.


  • Claim this Chikara shards gift coupon from TwitterRewards2.


  • Claim this gift coupon for 500 yen with the code fav75.


  • Claim this gift coupon for 500 yen from sub2tplanetmilo.


  • Claim this 500 yen gift voucher from subtomrhino.


  • For 500 yen, get this gift voucher from vis1ts5mil.


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  • Claim this 500 yen gift coupon from subtokelvingts.


  • For 500 yen, get the gift code Ty4100k.
  • Claim this Chikara shards gift code for 500k members.
  • Claim this Chikara shards gift code from w0w300klikes.
  • impeccabletwo75: redeem this Chikara shards gift coupon.
  • Claim this Chikara shards gift coupon from TwitterRewards.
  • astounding225: redeem this Chikara shards gift code.
  • Claim this Chikara shards gift code from mighty200k.
  • 1seventy5kay: use this gift code to get Chikara shards.
  • Claim this Chikara shards gift code with a rollback.

How to Redeem Codes for Anime Fighting Simulator

Now that you have the codes, how do you use them? The following is a step-by-step method to redeeming Anime Fighting Simulator codes. On the game’s left screen, look for the Twiter/Tweet Bird symbol. Simply press the button. Please enter the code. You will be rewarded.

How to Get More Codes for Anime Fighting Simulator

Follow @NyxunRBX on Twitter for fresh Anime Fighting Simulator codes. Alternatively, you may keep an eye on this page to keep track of all the codes in one location. It’s best to check here since we’ve gathered all of the codes in one spot, so you won’t have to scour the whole Twitter timeline for them. Please let us know if you have any new codes that aren’t included here in the comments.

Anime Fighting Simulator is a game that allows you to fight anime characters.

Anime Fighting Simulator is one of the most popular Roblox games, with over 300 million visitors. It is based on famous anime programs. The game’s creators have put in a lot of effort to make the game more popular and enjoyable. We’ll provide the Anime Fighting Simulator codes in this article. The majority of the time, these codes give free chikara shards and yen, but don’t be shocked if you get unique goods as well. Let’s look at the codes now, without further ado. Roblox 2020 has been updated with new Anime Fighting Simulator codes!

Where Can I Find Anime Fighting Simulator Codes?

Do you have a code that isn’t mentioned here? Comment!

– – – – – – – – – – –

Updates to the Anime Fighting Simulator Codes Wiki: –

  • 1st of January 2020
  • In February of 2020,
  • The deadline is March 2020.
  • April in the next year
  • May 2020
  • In June of 2020,
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The Anime Fighting Simulator is a game that is very similar to Dragon Ball Z, with some characters in the game being from Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and some other shows. The game is developed by omsun. It is one of the best Dragon Ball games, and you should play it. The Anime Fighting Simulator codes are here.. Read more about anime fighting simulator codes 2021 april and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the new code in Roblox anime fighting simulator?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The new code is ROBUX”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are the codes for anime world Roblox?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The codes for anime world Roblox are as follows:

RBLX-C8V3-D2P7-E5B6″}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How can I get free Chikara shards?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can get free Chikara shards by completing the daily challenges.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the new code in Roblox anime fighting simulator?

The new code is ROBUX

What are the codes for anime world Roblox?

The codes for anime world Roblox are as follows:


How can I get free Chikara shards?

You can get free Chikara shards by completing the daily challenges.