
Holly Nelson


This guide will explain how to obtain 10k gold ingots, 20k gold bars, 50k gold ingots, and a 3k gold ingot. All of these materials are needed to create items in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.

Final Fantasy XIV is an MMORPG that is currently in its fifth major release. For those who have never played the game, the basic premise is that you play the part of a character in a kingdom that is on the brink of war. You start by creating a character and then work your way up through the ranks in order to gain experience and power, and aid your faction in its war against its rival.

Since most spell casters need a lot of materials to create their own armor and weapons, goldsmiths are an important part of the Final Fantasy XIV community. This guide will give you the materials you need to create your own goldsmith-made gear. You will need to combine the ingredients into a single ingot or piece of jewelry to make it.

mstieler has compiled a comprehensive list of Final Fantasy XIV materials and components required for all Goldsmithing crafts.

You’ll need more than one of the following goldsmith-crafted ingredients:

  • 14 copper ingots
  • Copper Rings, 3
  • x12 Whetstone Ragstone
  • xFluorite (number 7)
  • xDanburite (number 7)
  • xSunstone #7
  • x7 lapis lazuli
  • xMalachite, number seven
  • x7 Sphene
  • x43 Ingots of Brass
  • Brass Rings, 5
  • Whetstone Mudstone x9
  • x2 Eye Of Water
  • x2 Lightning Eyes
  • 75 x 75 x 75 x 75 x 75 x 75 x 75
  • x2 Eye Of The Wind
  • 4 Sterling Silver Rings
  • Whetstone x9 Siltstone
  • xGoshenite, number seven
  • x7 Garnet
  • x7 amethyst
  • xHeliodor, number seven
  • xAquamarine (nine)
  • xPeridot, number seven
  • x74 Ingots of Mythril
  • x4 Rings of Mythril
  • Pearl x5
  • xWhetstone of the Basilisk, number 18
  • x8 Zircon
  • x8 tourmaline
  • x9 turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise
  • xRubellite (nine)
  • x8 Spinel
  • Amber x8
  • Ingot of Electrum x72
  • xElectrum Rings (Set of 3)
  • x6 Pearls of Black
  • xRose Gold Nuggets (49)
  • xAstral Eye No. 2
  • 2 x Rose Gold Clasps
  • x13 Ingots of Rose Gold

Materials for levels 1–10:

  • 2 Sinew of Animals
  • Chips with 4 bones
  • 12 Ingots of Copper
  • Copper Ore 42
  • Copper Rings, 3
  • 15 shards of fire
  • 1 piece of hard leather
  • 1 piece of leather
  • 4 Eyes Marbled
  • Ragstone (#24)
  • 4 Whetstone Ragstone
  • four ram horns
  • 6 Femurs that are soiled
  • 44 Shards of Wind

Materials for levels 11-20:

  • 2 Horn of an antelope
  • Fang Bat No. 7
  • 1 skeleton staff
  • Brass Ingots (35)
  • Brass Rings, 4
  • 2 Bronze Nuggets
  • 1 lens made of clear glass
  • 2 Copper Nuggets
  • 1 Scepter of Copper
  • 1 skein of cotton yarn
  • 1 Feather of a Crow
  • Danburite is a mineral.
  • 26 shards of fire
  • Fluorite is a mineral.
  • 2 Tough Leather
  • 1 piece of lapis lazuli
  • 1 piece of malachite
  • 3 Eyes Marbled
  • Mudstone, number 18
  • 7 Whetstone Ragstone
  • Ram Horn No. 2
  • 1 Ramhorn employee
  • 7 Danburite (Raw)
  • 7 Fluorite in its natural state
  • Lapis Lazuli (7 Lapis Lazuli) (Raw)
  • 7 Malachite (Raw)
  • 7 Sphene Unprocessed
  • 7 Sunstone in its Natural State
  • 1 Femur that has been soiled
  • 1 Sphene
  • Sunstone No. 1
  • 3 Coral White
  • 125 Shards of Wind
  • Zinc Ore No. 43

Materials for levels 21-30:

  • Leather from 3 Aldgoats
  • Antelope Horn No. 7
  • 1 piece of ash wood
  • 2 Pigment Blue
  • 8 Ingots of Brass
  • 1 splinter
  • 2 Pigment Brown
  • 1 Feather of a Chocobo
  • 2 Lenses of Clear Glass
  • Danburite, no. 6
  • 1 thread of dew
  • 1 rock from the earth
  • 1 Eye of Frost
  • 1 Wind’s Eye
  • 1 flaming rock
  • 105 Shards of Fire
  • Fluorite, no. 6
  • 2 Pigment, Green
  • 2 Pigment Grey
  • 1 piece of hard leather
  • 1 iceberg
  • 1 pound of iron
  • Lapis Lazuli (Lapis Lazuli) 6
  • 2 Thunder Rock
  • Malachite (number 6)
  • 1 Eye with Marbles
  • 8 Whetstone Mudstone
  • 2 Pigment Purple
  • 1 Whetstone Ragstone
  • 2 Pigment Red
  • Blood of 1 Scalekin
  • Siltstone, number 18
  • Silver Ingot No. 47
  • Silver Ore (225)
  • 4 Sterling Silver Rings
  • 1 Spectacles in Silver
  • 6 Sphene
  • 1 Staff of Staghorn
  • Sunstone (nine)
  • 2 Waterfalls
  • 1 piece of white coral
  • 2 The Wind Rocks
  • 335 Shards of Wind
  • 1 Pigment Yellow

Materials for levels 31-40:

  • 10 Horns of Aldgoat
  • Leather from 2 Aldgoats
  • Amethyst is the seventh gemstone in the Amethyst family.
  • Aquamarine (number 7)
  • 18 Eggs of Basilisk
  • 1 Whetstone of Basilisk
  • 1 piece of boar leather
  • 3 Lenses Made of Clear Glass
  • 1 Cudgel that has been damaged
  • 1 Earth’s Eye
  • 1 flaming eye
  • 223 Shards of Fire
  • 7 Garnet
  • 1 Staff of Goathorn
  • Goshenite, number seven
  • 2 Megalocrab Shells, Green
  • Heliodor, number seven
  • 1 Sinew of the Hippogryph
  • 1 Rivet (Iron)
  • 1 Jade
  • 1 skein of linen yarn
  • 1 Eye with Marbles
  • 1 Whetstone Mudstone
  • 49 Ingots of Mythril
  • 222 Ore of Mythril
  • 4 Rings of Mythril
  • 1 Spectacles of Mythril
  • 1 oak plank
  • 3 Pearl
  • Peridot, number seven
  • Amethyst is the seventh gemstone in the Amethyst family. (Raw)
  • 1 piece of aquamarine in its natural state
  • 7 Garnet (Raw)
  • 7 Goshenite, unprocessed
  • Heliodor 7 (uncooked)
  • 7 Peridot (Raw)
  • 3 Coral Red
  • Blood of 2 Scalekin
  • Siltstone Whetstone (nine)
  • 28 Ingots of Silver
  • 1 Scepter of Silver
  • 3 Ingots of Steel
  • 1 Stainless Steel Plate
  • 2 Leather Toads
  • 6 Oysters Whitelip
  • 1 Feather of a Wildfowl
  • 1 Crystal of the Wind
  • Wind Shard 814
  • 3 Fang of the Wolf

Materials for levels 41-50:

  • 5 Shells of Adamantoise
  • 4 Horns of Aldgoat
  • 8 Amber
  • 1 Aquamarine
  • 3 Psychedelic Rock
  • 11 Whetstone of the Basilisk
  • 6 Pearls of Black
  • 8 Oysters Blacklip
  • Leather from 3 boars
  • 1 ring of brass
  • 1 needle from a cactus
  • 1 Hora chipped
  • 1 Feather of a Chocobo
  • 2 Lenses of Clear Glass
  • 7 ingots of cobalt
  • 1 plate of cobalt
  • 1 nugget of darksteel
  • 72 Ingots of Electrum
  • Electrum Ore 288
  • Electrum Rings (Set of 3)
  • 1 flaming eye
  • 2 Lightning’s Eye
  • 2 Water’s Eye
  • 1 Wind’s Eye
  • 1 Crystal of Fire
  • 405 Shards of Fire
  • 1 steel joint from Garlean
  • 1 plate of Garlean steel
  • 1 Jade
  • 25 Ingots of Mythril
  • 3 Horns of the Ogre
  • 2 Pearl
  • 1 piece of Peiste Leather
  • 1 Pebble with a Pinprick
  • 1 silver quicksilver
  • 3 Leather Raptors
  • 1 Sinew of a Raptor
  • 8 Amber Unprocessed
  • 9 Rubellite in its natural state
  • 8 Spinel (raw)
  • 8 Tourmaline (Tourmaline) (Tourmaline) in its natural state
  • Turquoise, 9 (Raw)
  • 8 Zircon (raw)
  • 5 Coral Red
  • 1 rosewood plank
  • Rubellite (number 8)
  • Snurble Tufts (Two Snurble Tufts)
  • 8 Spinel
  • 1 Said Blood
  • 1 piece of toad leather
  • 8 Tourmaline
  • Turquoise, number eight
  • 2 Felt that hasn’t been colored
  • Wind Shard 1292
  • 5 Fang of the Wolf
  • 1 skein of woolen yarn
  • 8 Zircon

Materials for Levels 51 and Up:

  • Aqueous Whet Stone (nine)
  • Astral Eye No. 2
  • 2 Psychedelic Rock
  • 1 Clinometer (Astrolabe)
  • Whetstone of the Basilisk
  • 1 piece of boar leather
  • 2 Lenses of Clear Glass
  • Copper Ore No. 49
  • 8 nuggets of darksteel
  • 2 Plates (Darksteel)
  • 13 Clusters of Fire
  • 16 Crystals of Fire
  • Gold Ore No. 147
  • 2 Hippogryph Hippogryph Hippogryph Hippogryph
  • 2 Leather Hippogryph
  • 1 Visor of the Legion
  • Peacock Ore (117)
  • 1 Astral Eye of Radiance
  • 2 Clasps in Rose Gold
  • 13 Ingots of Rose Gold
  • Rose Gold Nuggets (49)
  • Rubellite No. 1
  • 1 turquoise stone
  • 1 swatch of undyed linen
  • 1 woolen cloth that hasn’t been colored
  • 27 Clusters of Wind
  • 30 Crystals of Wind

Everything you’ll need to create it all is listed below:

  • 5 Shells of Adamantoise
  • Horn of an Aldgoat (14 Aldgoats)
  • Aldgoat Leather (5 Aldgoats)
  • 8 Amber
  • 7 Amethyst
  • 2 Sinew of Animals
  • Antelope Horn (nine)
  • 8 Aquamarine
  • Aqueous Whet Stone (nine)
  • 1 piece of ash wood
  • 2 Astral Eye
  • 5 Psychedelic Rock
  • 1 Clinometer (Astrolabe)
  • 18 Eggs of Basilisk
  • 18 Basilisk Whetstone
  • Fang Bat No. 7
  • 6 Black Pearl
  • 8 Oysters Blacklip
  • 2 Pigment Blue
  • Leather from 5 boars
  • Chips with 4 bones
  • 1 skeleton staff
  • 43 Brass Ingot
  • 5 Brass Rings
  • 1 splinter
  • 2 Bronze Nuggets
  • 2 Pigment Brown
  • 1 needle from a cactus
  • 1 Hora chipped
  • 2 Feathers of the Chocobo
  • 10 Lenses of Clear Glass
  • 7 ingots of cobalt
  • 1 plate of cobalt
  • 14 Ingots of Copper
  • Copper Ore No. 91
  • 3 Copper Rings
  • 1 Scepter of Copper
  • 1 skein of cotton yarn
  • 1 Feather of a Crow
  • 1 Cudgel that has been damaged
  • 7 Danburite
  • 9 nuggets of darksteel
  • 2 Plates (Darksteel)
  • 1 thread of dew
  • 1 rock from the earth
  • 72 Ingots of Electrum
  • Electrum Ore 288
  • 3 Electrum Rings
  • 1 Earth’s Eye
  • 2 Fire’s Eye
  • 1 Eye of Frost
  • 2 Lightning’s Eye
  • 2 Water’s Eye
  • 2 The Wind’s Eye
  • 13 Clusters of Fire
  • 17 Crystal of Fire
  • 1 flaming rock
  • 774 Shards of Fire
  • 7 Fluorite
  • 1 steel joint from Garlean
  • 1 plate of Garlean steel
  • 7 Garnet
  • 1 Staff of Goathorn
  • Gold Ore No. 147
  • 7 Goshenite
  • 2 Megalocrab Shells, Green
  • 2 Pigment, Green
  • 2 Pigment Grey
  • 2 Hippogryph Hippogryph Hippogryph Hippogryph
  • 4 Tough Leather
  • 7 Heliodor
  • 2 Leather Hippogryph
  • 1 Sinew of the Hippogryph
  • 1 iceberg
  • 1 pound of iron
  • 1 Rivet (Iron)
  • 2 Jade
  • 7 Lapis Lazuli
  • 1 piece of leather
  • 1 Visor of the Legion
  • 2 Thunder Rock
  • 1 skein of linen yarn
  • 7 Malachite
  • 9 Eyes Marbled
  • Mudstone, number 18
  • 9 Whetstone Mudstone
  • 74 Mythril Ingot
  • 222 Ore of Mythril
  • 4 Mythril Rings
  • 1 Spectacles of Mythril
  • 1 oak plank
  • 3 Horns of the Ogre
  • Peacock Ore (117)
  • 5 Pearl
  • 1 piece of Peiste Leather
  • 7 Peridot
  • 1 Pebble with a Pinprick
  • 2 Pigment Purple
  • 1 silver quicksilver
  • 1 Astral Eye of Radiance
  • Ragstone (#24)
  • 12 Ragstone Whetstone
  • Ram Horn No. 6
  • 1 Ramhorn employee
  • 3 Leather Raptors
  • 1 Sinew of a Raptor
  • 8 Amber Unprocessed
  • 7 Amethyst (Raw)
  • 1 Aquamarine in its natural state
  • 7 Danburite (Raw)
  • 7 Fluorite in its natural state
  • 7 Garnet (Raw)
  • 7 Goshenite, unprocessed
  • Heliodor 7 (uncooked)
  • 7 Lapis Lazuli (Raw)
  • 7 Malachite (Raw)
  • 7 Peridot (Raw)
  • 9 Rubellite in its natural state
  • 7 Sphene Unprocessed
  • 8 Spinel (raw)
  • 7 Sunstone in its Natural State
  • 8 Tourmaline in its natural state
  • 9 Turquoise (Raw)
  • 8 Zircon (raw)
  • 8 Coral Red
  • 2 Pigment Red
  • 2 Clasps in Rose Gold
  • 13 Rose Gold Ingot
  • 49 Rose Gold Nugget
  • 1 rosewood plank
  • 9 Rubellite
  • Blood of 3 Scalekin
  • Siltstone, number 18
  • Siltstone Whetstone (nine)
  • 75 Ingots of Silver
  • Silver Ore (225)
  • 4 Silver Rings
  • 1 Scepter of Silver
  • 1 Spectacles in Silver
  • Snurble Tufts (Two Snurble Tufts)
  • Femur 7 is soiled.
  • 7 Sphene
  • 8 Spinel
  • 1 Said Blood
  • 1 Staff of Staghorn
  • 3 Ingots of Steel
  • 1 Stainless Steel Plate
  • 7 Sunstone
  • 3 Leather Toads
  • 8 Tourmaline
  • 9 Turquoise
  • 2 Felt that hasn’t been colored
  • 1 swatch of undyed linen
  • 1 woolen cloth that hasn’t been colored
  • 2 Waterfalls
  • 4 Coral White
  • 6 Oysters Whitelip
  • 1 Feather of a Wildfowl
  • 27 Clusters of Wind
  • 31 Crystal of the Wind
  • 2 The Wind Rocks
  • Wind Shard No. 2610
  • 8 Fang of the Wolf
  • 1 skein of woolen yarn
  • 1 Pigment Yellow
  • Zinc Ore No. 43
  • 8 Zircon

If you have any questions or would want to share your own FFXIV Goldsmithing secrets, tips, or techniques, please leave a comment below. Thank you for stopping by and contributing.

Final Fantasy XIV is a MMORPG set in a fictional world where you can create your very own character and explore a world full of monsters and powerful characters. This is the tutorial for making your own tools in the game, and the first thing you need is a supply of materials.. Read more about ffxiv level 80 goldsmith and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What can goldsmith craft?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Goldsmiths are able to craft a variety of items, including weapons and armors.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What do I do with approved materials Ffxiv?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can use approved materials to craft items, such as weapons and armor.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is a goldsmith ff14?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
A goldsmith is a person who makes or repairs metal objects using gold, silver, platinum, and other precious metals.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What can goldsmith craft?

Goldsmiths are able to craft a variety of items, including weapons and armors.

What do I do with approved materials Ffxiv?

You can use approved materials to craft items, such as weapons and armor.

What is a goldsmith ff14?

A goldsmith is a person who makes or repairs metal objects using gold, silver, platinum, and other precious metals.

The game GTA 5 is out now and this is the most amazing game ever made in the gaming history. GTA 5 is so popular that they have GTA Online versions too. The GTA 5 online has also been very popular. After the official release of the game, many people are still downloading the game from the internet rather than buying it. It’s cool that you can download the game for free to enjoy.

There are many GTA 5 players around the world who wants to find the cheapest real estate in GTA 5 that they can afford, but where to start? Well your search stops here! We have created a GTA 5 Properties Locations Map and List that will help you find the right property you need.

GTA V was released in September of this year and has been the most popular game this year so far. It’s one of the most popular games out there and the sales are still going strong. The game has been gaining new fans by the day and it’s estimated to become the most popular game this year.. Read more about gta 5 parking garage locations map and let us know what you think.

The following is a list of the 25 properties available for purchase in Grand Theft Auto V, as well as a map showing their locations. Following Trevor’s “Nervous Ron” quest, properties become available for purchase.

Notes & Tips

  • Personal storage facilities are available at 8 of the sites for cars that have been ordered over the internet.
  • You must approach the DYNASTY 8 realty signage placed near the property to buy it. Then, using your D-pad (E on a PC), push right to begin the purchase, and then right again to finalize it.
  • You may make money on a daily basis after purchasing a property (after some time in the main narrative).
  • Every character may have their own exotic car garage, marina slip, hangar, and helipad.
  • The icon’s color will change to the map icon color linked with each character after you buy a property. (The colors of Michael, Franklin, and Trevor are blue, green, and orange, respectively.)
  • Check out rtchow0’s cost study of the purchaseable properties.

To view all of the locations, click the map below. To see a list of the properties, scroll down below the map. GTA 5 Properties Locations Map

Property Catalogue


Property Location Character Cost Income
1. Hooked people Chumash of the North Franklin or Michael $600,000 $4700 per week
2. Dock for Sonar Collections Paleto Cove is a beach in Paleto, Italy. Any $250,000 Nuclear waste was discovered at a rate of 23,000 per ton.
The Hen House is number three. Paleto Bay is a town in Paleto Bay, California Any $80,000 $920 per week
Mckenzie Field Hangar No. 4 Grand Senora Desert Grapeseed Trevor is a man of many talents (Fixed) $150,000 The cost of a land cargo is $5000, while the cost of an air shipment is $7000.
5. Santos Customs Goes Missing Grand Senora Desert, Route 68 Franklin $349,000 $1,600
Tivoli Cinema, No. 6 Morningwood Boulevard, Morningwood, Morningwood, Morningwood, Morningwood, Morningwood, Michael $30,000,000 $142,300
Los Santos Golf Club is number seven on the list. Richman is a member of the GWC and the Golfing Society. Any $150,000,000 $264,500 per week
8. Tequila, tequila, tequila, tequi Eclipse Blvd & Milton Rd, West Vinewood Any $2,000,000 $16,500 per week
Pitchers (nine) Vinewood’s Main Street Any $750,000 $7100 per week
Vinewood Garage is number ten. Las Lagunas Blvd & Spanish Ave, West Vinewood Michael $30,000 n/a
11. Doppler in Cinema Power Street in Vinewood’s downtown area Michael $10,000,000 $132,200 per week
12. Downtown Cab Company, Inc. East Vinewood’s Tangerine Street Franklin $200,000 $2000 per week
Ten Cent Theater (#13) City of Textiles Michael $20,000,000 $264,000 per week
14. Garage on Hill of Pillbox Pillbox Hill Trevor $30,000 n/a
15. Impound Towing Rancho Innocence Boulevard Franklin $150,000 $500 per towed vehicle
16. Scrap Metal Yard Murrieta Oil Field, El Burro Heights Any $275,000 $150 for each vehicle that is damaged
Grove Street Garage, No. 17 Davis, Grove Street Franklin $30,000 n/a
Los Santos International Hangars 18, 19 Los Santos International Airport, New Empire Way Michael (18), Franklin (18). (19) $1,378,000 n/a
Vespucci Helipads 20, 21 La Puerta Michael and Franklin are a couple. $419,850 n/a
Smoke on the Water (number 22) Melanoma Street, Vespucci Beach Franklin $204,000 $9,300
23, 24, 25, and 26 Marina Slips in Puerto Del Sol La Puerta Each character has the option of purchasing one. $75,000 n/a

Please provide any GTA 5 property suggestions or hints in the comments section below. Thank you for your donations and for taking the time to visit the site.

To return to the GTA 5 section, click here.

Other GTA 5 sites, instructions, and places may be found here:

  • Tips & Tricks for GTA 5
  • Player Stats in Grand Theft Auto V
  • List of Hobbies and Activities
  • How to Make Money in Grand Theft Auto 5
  • Tips & Tricks for Investing in Stocks
  • Checklist with 100 percent accuracy

Guides for GTA 5:

  • Guide to the Stock Market
  • Guide to Street Racing
  • Guide to Taxi Missions
  • Guide to Flight School
  • Guide to Sea Racing
  • Guide to Hunting
  • Guide to the Shooting Range
  • Guide to Combating Arms Trafficking
  • Towing Instructions
  • Racing Off-Road
  • Guide to the Garage

Maps in Grand Theft Auto 5: 

  • GTA 5 Properties Map & List
  • Locations of Shop Robberies on a Map
  • Letter Scraps & Random Events
  • Map of UV Light Secrets
  • Map with a High Resolution

Locations in Grand Theft Auto 5:

  • In Grand Theft Auto 5, there is a helicopter location.
  • Locations of Knife Flight
  • Locations Under the Bridge
  • Locations of Letter Scraps
  • Locations of Stunt Jumps
  • Locations of Hidden Packages
  • Locations of Nuclear Waste
  • Locations of Spaceship Parts

Glitches, Cheats, and Other Miscellaneous

  • Cheats and Codes for GTA 5
  • GTA 5 Errors

The locations of GTA 5 properties in Los Santos and Blaine County are available on this GTA 5 GTA5 Properties Locations Map and List. You can get the map for free by downloading it here for PC, laptop or mobile device.. Read more about gta 5 garage locations story mode and let us know what you think.

So you have purchased GTA V and you have finally got a chance to play. Now you are wondering what are the best 3D objects to shoot. Well, here are a few things you might want to try out.

Welcome to my GTA 5 Shooting Range Challenges Guide. We have been playing GTA 5 since it released and we have always wanted to know about its shooting range challenges, so we decided to create this guide to help you learn how to get all the Shooting Range challenges in GTA 5.

This text is sensitive. Try generating new copy.. Read more about gta 5 shooting range cheat and let us know what you think.

Here’s a guide to the GTA 5 shooting range difficulties. Visiting the Shooting Range is the quickest method to improve your shooting skill to 100% in the game. You should aim to achieve Gold in all of the tasks since it will give you the biggest boost in shooting ability. Remember that you must complete them on all three characters in order to improve their shooting ability.

Look for the gun symbol with a white background (Ammu-Nation) on the map to locate shooting ranges, then travel to the rear of Ammu-Nation to find the Shooting Range. (There is a $14 entry fee.)

There are a variety of obstacles at the Shooting Range that demand fast reactions. For the most points, many of the targets in the latter tasks move quickly and need direct bullseye shots. The black rings are worth ten points, the blue zone is for twenty-five points, the red zone is worth fifty points, and the yellow zone in the middle is worth one hundred points.

Your combo bar may raise your multiplier bar in the lower-right area of the screen with successive strikes on the targets. If you miss, the bar will be reset. (The maximum multiplier is 3x.)

Try increasing your aim sensitivity in the options if you’re having trouble hitting the targets.

If you step back a little during the shotgun tasks, you may improve your ammunition spread and earn a higher score.

The following are the weapon categories for the Shooting Challenge:

  • Handguns are a kind of firearm that may be used
  • Assault Rifles are rifles that are designed to be used as a weapon
  • SMGs (Submachine Guns)
  • Machine Guns with a Low Caliber
  • Shotguns
  • Heavy

Please provide any more suggestions, tips, or techniques for the Shooting Range tasks in GTA V in the comments section below. Thank you for stopping by.

To return to the GTA 5 section, click here.

The slow, steady climb to success is the hardest climb in the world and one that most people do not take seriously. With the overwhelming amount of GTA 5 challenges video, people have become numb to the sheer volume of them. The biggest problem this poses is that these amazing challenges are becoming less noticeable and some of them have been lost to the crowd. The biggest way to make these challenges stand out is to provide a unique and memorable approach to a challenge. There is a small but dedicated group of people who do just that.. Read more about gta online 250k challenge and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you do shooting range challenges in GTA 5?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The shooting range challenges in GTA 5 are a type of challenge that is unlocked after you have completed the story. You will need to find the shooting range and complete the challenges there.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you beat the shooting range in GTA?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can either shoot the targets with a pistol, or use a rifle.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What does the shooting range do in GTA 5 Online?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The shooting range is a location in GTA 5 Online where players can practice and improve their aim.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you do shooting range challenges in GTA 5?

The shooting range challenges in GTA 5 are a type of challenge that is unlocked after you have completed the story. You will need to find the shooting range and complete the challenges there.

How do you beat the shooting range in GTA?

You can either shoot the targets with a pistol, or use a rifle.

What does the shooting range do in GTA 5 Online?

The shooting range is a location in GTA 5 Online where players can practice and improve their aim.

This feature is designed to help you locate a helicopter in GTA 5 and GTA Online so you can find a safe place to land.

GTA V and GTA Online offer a great deal of helicopter joy, where the player can fly around the world in the air, collect packages, or simply relax and enjoy the scenery. However, in order to fly in the game, the player needs to know the location of the helicopter. This article will be a guide that will help players find helicopter locations in GTA 5 and GTA Online.

If you are playing GTA Online or GTA 5, and want to find the location of the Helicopter, have fun!. Read more about helicopter location in gta 5 online and let us know what you think.

Here’s how to find a helicopter in Grand Theft Auto 5 and GTA Online without cheating.

You may book a $1000 helicopter pickup by calling Merryweather from your contacts list online. You may also seize it by shooting out the pilot.

You may also hire a helicopter for $700 by calling Lester.) (Note: Some tasks do not allow you to contact Lester or Merryweather as of the most recent version.)

In both story mode and online, this is the place where helicopters spawn: (To see the entire map, click on the picture below.)

If there are no helicopters at the helipads below, move your camera about and leave the area, then return; one should land and you may take it.


GTA 5 and Online Helicopter Location Map

You may locate helicopters and aircraft at these places online, with the following rank requirements:


GTA Online Helicopters and Airplanes Locations

Helicopter spawns are now much more plentiful with the new GTA 5 1.0.7 update.

In GTA Online, the cargobob seems to spawn in a lot more locations and for greater levels! Please let us know if any of the aforementioned places or necessary rankings need to be changed in the comments section.

 Also, have a look at this map of airport aircraft locations:

GTA 5 Airport Aircraft Locations

Remember to place point of interest markers at these places.

Note: If the helicopter hasn’t appeared yet in Story mode, walk down to the street and come back up to check if it has.


Step 1: Navigate to the following place on the map: (Make sure it’s marked as a Point of Interest.)




Step 2: Climb to the top of the ladder, then go up the left-hand route all the way to the roof.




Step 3: Take pleasure in your brand-new helicopter! (Note: If it isn’t there, walk down the street and come back to check if it has spawned.)


Back to the GTA 5 & GTA Online section

  • GTA Online Hints, Tips & Tricks
  • Making Money in Grand Theft Auto Online
  • Prices of Used Cars in Los Santos
  • GTA Online Jobs List & Guide
  • The Best Automobiles in Each Category
  • Cars that may be purchased
  • Property Catalogue
  • Map of Gang Attack Locations
  • Interiors & Enterable Locations
  • Creating a Custom Crew Emblem Is Simple
  • Updates on the status of GTA Online

Pages, instructions, and places in GTA 5:

  • GTA 5 Hints, Tips & Tricks
  • Player Stats in Grand Theft Auto V
  • List of Hobbies and Activities
  • How to Make Money in Grand Theft Auto 5
  • Tips & Tricks for Investing in Stocks
  • Checklist with 100 percent accuracy

Guides for GTA 5:

  • Guide to the Stock Market
  • Guide to Street Racing
  • Guide to Taxi Missions
  • Guide to Flight School
  • Guide to Sea Racing
  • Guide to Hunting
  • Guide to the Shooting Range
  • Guide to Combating Arms Trafficking
  • Towing Instructions
  • Racing Off-Road
  • Guide to the Garage

Maps in Grand Theft Auto 5: 

  • GTA 5 Properties Map & List
  • Locations of Shop Robberies on a Map
  • Letter Scraps & Random Events
  • Map of UV Light Secrets
  • Map with a High Resolution

Locations in Grand Theft Auto 5:

  • In Grand Theft Auto 5, there is a helicopter location.
  • Locations of Knife Flight
  • Locations Under the Bridge
  • Locations of Letter Scraps
  • Locations of Stunt Jumps
  • Locations of Hidden Packages
  • Locations of Nuclear Waste
  • Locations of Spaceship Parts

GTA 5 Cheats, Bugs, and Other Miscellaneous Information

  • GTA 5 Cheats & Codes
  • GTA 5 Errors

GTA 5 is a vast and beautiful world where you can explore and experience something different every time you play. The world is huge, and I mean, HUGE. As you can imagine, finding all the locations in the game requires some research and exploration. So, here are some tips I have gathered so far for finding the locations of helicopters in GTA 5 and GTA Online.. Read more about buzzard location gta 5 online and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Where can I find a helicopter in GTA 5 Online?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can find a helicopter in the military base.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Where can Franklin find a helicopter in GTA 5?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Franklin can find a helicopter in GTA 5 at the airport.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:””,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:””}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find a helicopter in GTA 5 Online?

You can find a helicopter in the military base.

Where can Franklin find a helicopter in GTA 5?

Franklin can find a helicopter in GTA 5 at the airport.

This October is going to be a big month for Nintendo fans as they get ready to celebrate the official release of Luigi’s Mansion 3 for the Nintendo Switch. A new game in the series can be a big deal for any gaming company, so fans will be on the lookout for any clues as to when the game will be released. It is an exciting time for fans of the series and gamers everywhere.

Luigi’s Mansion 3 is getting released this October and Nintendo has announced that it will be available in October for the Nintendo 3DS, so it’s time to figure out when the game will release in your territory. The game is set to be released on October 13th in North America, October 14th in Europe, and October 16th in Japan. Nintendo has not yet revealed the game’s price yet.

Luigi’s Mansion 3 release date gets confirmed check-in for this Halloween |. Read more about luigis mansion 2 switch and let us know what you think.

Given the shenanigans that occur throughout the Luigi’s Mansion series, I don’t believe we could have asked for a better release date for Luigi’s Mansion 3 this year.

When will Luigi’s Mansion 3 be released?

If you don’t pay attention to major events, the Luigi’s Mansion 3 release date on Halloween may not signify anything to you until you check your calendar. But, to provide a hand, Halloween is on October 31st (yes, every year), which is when the ghost-filled game will be released for Nintendo Switch. That will also coincide with the debut of the Nintendo Switch Lite, and Luigi’s Mansion 3 will undoubtedly be one of the first games available for the budget-conscious system.

When Luigi’s friends go missing on vacation, it’s up to our reluctant hero to save them from the ghosts in the Last Resort hotel! Join forces with Gooigi, slam ghosts, & prepare for a spooky treat when #LuigisMansion3 arrives to #NintendoSwitch on 10/31!

July 17, 2019 — Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica)


The plumber brother, who is also adept with a vacuum cleaner, will be exploring the Last Resort Hotel when Luigi’s Mansion 3 is released. Even though the title says Luigi’s home, Luigi and the Last Resort Hotel doesn’t really sound true, does it? Because Peach and Mario’s vacation from paradise took a far more ominous turn, you can bet the resort will be filled with ghostly figures.

In the article linked to an interview with Developer Kensuke Tanabe and Eurogamer, you may learn more about what to anticipate from the Luigi’s Mansion 3 release date. “We wanted players to be able to visualize how the hotel was built up,” Tanabe said, “so, for example, if there’s water pouring through the roof, maybe there’s a bathtub upstairs and you should look up there.” We placed a lot of emphasis on having that sort of three-dimensional exploration.”

Gooigi has also been confirmed to feature in Luigi’s Mansion 3, and he seems like he’ll have some really interesting skills!


Destiny 2’s Presage Quest is a fun and exciting activity in which players can earn some powerful new gear, including a legendary sparrow. This surprisingly challenging quest is the perfect way to test your power and precision in Destiny 2.

If you ask me, the Destiny 2 Infinite Forest add-on is the best part about playing the game. A while ago, Bungie added a new quest to the universe called the Infinite Forest, which is a set of three timed missions that can be done as a group. There will be a graphical aid for each mission, a text description of the objectives, and a description of the rewards you can earn for completing the mission (it’s basically like a mini-achievement system). These missions have a minimum level requirement of 16, and they also have a difficulty modifier that makes them more challenging. They’re not complicated, and they’re not long — they’re just the most fun.

If you’ve played Destiny 2, and you’ve been fortunate enough to have done so while the hype train’s still chugging along, then you’re probably already familiar with the Presage Circuit. This is the mission that, if completed, gives you an early look at the new Incursion coming to the game later this year: Eater of Worlds. And yes, this is where Bungie is at its best: Giving you something you want, but not giving it to you straight away. It’s a little like the jump through the Light—it’s a feature that’s been present since the game launched, but you only get to play it if you’re incredibly lucky—but if you do take the plunge, then you get to see what it

I went live on our Twitch to do my daily Destiny 2 homework, which included doing dailies, listening to the battlegrounds playlist, and getting one step closer to completing the battle pass of Season of the Chosen, the game’s most recent batch of content that moves the ongoing narrative a tiny bit forward. What I didn’t anticipate that night was to be instantly intrigued by the game’s newly unlocked exotic quest.

It took me a long time to finish it alone, but not only did I emerge from the lonely floating spacecraft as the happy owner of the new exotic scout weapon, but I was also reminded that Bungie can create engaging content.

Since the release of Destiny 2 in 2017, Bungie has made a number of poor content decisions. However, every now and then, we may come upon a hidden treasure like the Presage quest, which gives us optimism that the material coming to Destiny 2 in 2021 and beyond will be a good step forward for the dedicated Destiny community. 

I’ve been playing Destiny 2 since it released back in September, and I have to say I’m loving it. Destiny 2 is a fantastic game so far. The story is gripping, the environments are beautiful, the gameplay is smooth, and the characters are fantastic. Bungie has pulled out all the stops with this game, creating a rich and engaging sci-fi universe that’s perfect for a franchise of this size and scale.. Read more about destiny 2 dead man’s tale catalyst and let us know what you think.

“Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix” is the best Kingdom Hearts game, and it is also the best way to experience the magical world of Kingdom Hearts on the Nintendo 3DS. The game adds a ton of content to the original story, and features some of the best boss fights in the series—the battle against DiZ in the beginning of the game is just one of many strong moments.

Ever wonder how the Kingdom Hearts 3 demon towers work? This guide will help you defeat the final boss of the game, but is it cheat proof? Read to find out!

In this part of the game, Sora and the gang have to fight a boss inside the Demon Tower . It is guarded by the Demi-fiend, and it looks like he is blocking the way to the Gates of Darkness . But the demon lord has a bare chest, and he has a cloak that looks like a woman’s dress , so people think he is a female.

If you’ve made it this far into the Dark World, you’ll almost certainly run across the Kingdom Hearts 3 Demon Tower boss battle.

Riku teams up with King Mickey to save Aqua from the forces of darkness. The Demon Tower monster in Kingdom Hearts 3 is made up of heartless that band together to surround the two, and you’ll be playing as the new Keyblade Master to take down this boss. Unlike Sora, who is still striving to restore his own strength, Riku will have a plethora of abilities for you to utilize. The good news is that the control scheme will be the same whether you play as Riku or Sora.

Riku’s skills, on the other hand, have a distinct play style/feel to them; you’ll note that his attacks are quicker, as well as his evading ability and, again, his more potent magic. As you would imagine, King Mickey is on hand to help you defeat the Demon Tower monster in Kingdom Hearts 3 and cure you.


How to beat the Demon Tower boss in Kingdom Hearts 3.

The first thing to keep in mind is that the Demon Tower fight in Kingdom Hearts 3 has six full bars of life. This may sound intimidating, but with Riku’s enhanced damage, you’ll likely have the upper hand.

Riku will be able to utilize techniques like the devastating Double Duel strike if he keeps striking with his Keyblade and tallying up combos, similar to Sora’s form changes.


Keep hitting the Kingdom Hearts 3 Demon Tower monster in the same manner, and those six bars will soon disappear. If your health begins to deteriorate, check your items for a potion to utilize. After defeating the boss, a cutscene will appear, and you’ll be able to view what’s going on through Sora’s eyes again.

If you thought this was simple, Square Enix has a lot more boss battles in store for you! Check out our Kingdom Hearts 3 guide for additional information, which includes a list of all the locations where gamers have experienced difficulty.

Enjoyed the Demon Tower Boss Fight in Kingdom Hearts 3? I’ve decided to spend a little time in the comments section below to detail the best strategy I’ve come up with in this battle. I’ll also include a link to the video I created to go along with my guide, so you can watch it and try out my tips.. Read more about demon tower defense codes and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you beat the Demon Tower in kh3?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You have to use the Demon Tower.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you beat the Monsters Inc boss in Kingdom Hearts 3?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You need to use the keyblade and then hit the boss with a combo of three or more hits.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Where can I take a picture of demon tower?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can take a picture of the demon tower in the game by pressing the O button on your controller.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you beat the Demon Tower in kh3?

You have to use the Demon Tower.

How do you beat the Monsters Inc boss in Kingdom Hearts 3?

You need to use the keyblade and then hit the boss with a combo of three or more hits.

Where can I take a picture of demon tower?

You can take a picture of the demon tower in the game by pressing the O button on your controller.

Final Fantasy XIV Patch 5.4 and PlayStation 5 Details by g15tools

Final Fantasy XIV Online Update: Patch 5.4 And PS5 Details | Final Fantasy XIV Online Update: Patch 5.4 And PS5 Details | Final Fantasy XIV Online Update: Patch 5.4 And PS5 Details | Final Fantasy XIV Online Update: Patch 5.4 And PS5 Details | Final Fantasy XIV Online Update: Patch 5.4 And PS5 Details |

For the past few weeks, Final Fantasy XIV Online has been releasing new content updates, but it has caused some players to be worried that the game was going to stagnate. However, when they were announced today, the release of Patch 5.4 and Final Fantasy XV PlayStation 5 details seemed to quell some of those fears.

Square Enix has published information on Patch 5.4, the next major update for Final Fantasy XIV Online, dubbed “Futures Rewritten.”

During the most recent Letter from the Producer webcast, all information about patch 5.4 were released. During the presentation, the devs also announced that the PS4 version of Final Fantasy XIV Online would be playable on the PS5 utilizing the PS4 Pro’s display settings, which will result in faster load times.

The Main Scenario Quest will continue following the release of the Shadowbringers narrative conclusion in patch 5.3. Eden’s Promise adds to the Shadowbringers Raids, as well as a new trial, a new dungeon, a Blue Mage upgrade, and much more.

Here’s all you need to know.

  • New Main Scenario Quests – Players will embark on a new adventure after the dramatic finale of the Shadowbringers narrative in Patch 5.3. Eden’s Promise, the third episode in the 8-player Eden raid series, introduces new tough fights in both regular and savage levels.

  • The Sorrow of Werlyt Updates – Chronicles of a New Era Emerald Weapon will be introduced in the next chapter of the “The Sorrow of Werlyt” questline.

  • Emerald Weapon is a new trial that players may take on in both regular and severe difficulty.

  • New Dungeon: Matoya’s Relict — Using the Trust system, players may take on this new challenge with other adventurers or a group of non-player characters.

  • New Unreal Trial — In Patch 5.4, a fresh form of an existing primordial will be released on level 80 heroes, presenting a new challenge as well as the opportunity to win unique rewards.

  • Blue Mage Update — A new level cap, new blue magic to learn from opponents, new profession-specific items, and changes to the Blue Mage Log will all be included in this restricted career update.

  • New “Explorer Option” – This new gameplay mode will enable players to capture screenshots while traversing Shadowbringers dungeons without fear of being attacked. To improve their pictures, players may use this mode to call both horses and monsters inside dungeons.

  • The violin has been added to the list of playable instruments in the Performance Action update.

  • Updates to the Triple Triad — In addition to new limited-time tournaments and UI improvements, new limited-time tournaments will be conducted and will be accessible through the Duty Finder.

  • Ishgard Restoration Update – The fourth and last stage of the Holy See of Ishgard’s restoration has begun.

  • “Save the Queen” Update – The second chapter of this multi-part adventure with a narrative created by famous game designer Yasumi Matsuno includes new 24- and 48-player large-scale combat gameplay as well as the ability to further improve Resistance weaponry (FINAL FANTASY Tactics, FINAL FANTASY XII).

  • PvE and PvP activities have been tweaked, Ocean Fishing and Doman Mahjong have been updated, treasure hunt dungeons have been updated, new UI skins have been added, and more.

Explorer Mode will be added in the 5.4 patch, allowing players to explore all of Shadowbringers’ dungeons without any of the hazards, allowing them to be creative and create the ideal screenshot with the many locations found in each region. If you need more props, you may call mounts and even minions during this mode.

Patch 5.4 isn’t due until December, so it’ll be a while, but a small patch, patch 5.35, will be published this week on October 13th, including the next chapter in the “Save the Queen” questline as well as new brozjan Southern Front combat material.

Final Fantasy XIV’s latest update is out, and we’ve got the details on what’s new and exciting in Patch 5.4 (and PS5). Topics covered include the new Grand Company Hall and how it’s different from Crafting Writs, new crafting jobs, a new PvP mode, and the new level cap.. Read more about ffxiv 5.45 patch notes and let us know what you think.

This week’s game is Frostpunk from 11 Bit Studios, the studio behind the excellent horror game This War of Mine. I don’t know much about the game, but if you’re a fan of survival games and dystopian sci-fi, then this should be on your radar. I’m very excited to see how the game plays out!

This week on Frostpunk, you play as a doctor in a city that’s been cut off from the rest of the world. You’re in charge of keeping the city’s population alive, and part of that is making sure the population stays healthy, which means keeping up with medical treatment.

Frostpunk is a sci-fi city builder that looks like it’s going to be quite the challenge. You start out by creating a small outpost full of people. This is where you’ll build and manage a city. You can manage the population, the food supply, and train your people to work for you.. Read more about epic games free games and let us know what you think.

The Epic Games Store Mega Sale is still going on, and with it comes a free mystery game that will be given away throughout the week. This week, the world can get its hands on Frostpunk, a brutal survival strategy game from 11 Bit Studios.

Frostpunk starts off as a stressful game, but it gradually develops into a rewarding strategy game in which you govern the last metropolis on Earth, fighting to survive the world’s terrible cold. You must design your buildings, keep your people’ morale up, and make tough choices that will make or break your game.

Here’s a summary of Frostpunk’s highlights:


Empathy and deliberate decision-making often conflict with optimization and resource management. While city and society administration will take up the majority of the ruler’s time, investigation of the outside world will be required at some point in order to comprehend its history and current condition.


Make rules to govern the existence of your expanding civilization. Make decisions about their job schedules, healthcare, food, and other important elements of daily living. Maintain their optimism and happiness – the moral state of your community is just as essential as ensuring that they are nourished and protected.


If you come to a fork in the road, don’t be afraid to chart your people’s course. Should you control them with an iron hand… or should you lead them in a compassionate and faith-filled path? Strive towards extremes or strike a reasonable middle ground. Whatever path you pick, keep in mind that there is no going back.


Some of your choices may seem insignificant – such as determining the destiny of a distressed person or fulfilling the demands of a new group – but keep in mind that the total of your actions might lead to unforeseen outcomes. Your people have placed their trust in you, but their loyalty is finite. It’s not easy to be a leader.


Progress is required for survival. React to current events, but don’t lose sight of the long term and the importance of investing in development and technical advancement. It’s tough, but not impossible, to build a high-tech infrastructure with self-powered automatons, airships, and other technological marvels. Everything depends on your management and leadership abilities.


While New London is the center of your attention, there is much more to the world than what lies inside its borders. Expeditions, although dangerous, may bring you important information, valuable resources, and help you expand your society’s population. There may be people out there, and it’s entirely up to you to decide what happens to them.

If you like city-building and strategy games, this is a must-play. When the game was first launched in 2018, contributing editor Matthew Arcillia rated it a 9/10, and it’s still going strong with over 3 million sales and two DLC packs available if you want to extend the game even further.

The Epic Games Stores’ Epic Mega Sale is still going on, and if you’re looking for the greatest prices, check out The 10 Games You Should Get During the Sale, where you’ll find a lot of bargains, particularly with the $10 coupon that can be used on select games.

Frostpunk is a game that takes the world we live in today and turns it on its head. Set in a place that used to be Europe, where the sun never sets, it’s a game of survival. You control a town in this ice-covered country, with no fuel, no power and no way to communicate with the outside world. The only way to survive is to thrive.. Read more about epic games launcher and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the free mystery game on Epic Games?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The free mystery game is called Fortnite.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the next free epic game?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
There are no more free epic games.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What was the epic games mystery game?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The epic games mystery game is a game that was announced by Epic Games in 2018. It has not been released yet, but it will be coming out soon.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the free mystery game on Epic Games?

The free mystery game is called Fortnite.

What is the next free epic game?

There are no more free epic games.

What was the epic games mystery game?

The epic games mystery game is a game that was announced by Epic Games in 2018. It has not been released yet, but it will be coming out soon.

Recently, G15Tools user [GamersClub] has been experimenting with how the game Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 preloads various classes, and found a glitch that for some unknown reason racks up the experience more quickly.

The new Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 game is a solid contribution to the Marvel fighting game series, but has a few notable issues. First of all, leveling up doesn’t take as long as previous games in the franchise, and that’s a big bonus. Second, some of the characters aren’t as balanced as others–for example, Gamora can equip the Blade weapon for an attack that’s more powerful than Thor’s, and with some modifiers, she can even equip the Infinity Gauntlet.

In Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, level up faster by equipping 4 of the same fighter. Here is a quick trick to do so, and it works on the easiest mode.

To be successful in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, you must first ensure that you have a strong team to play with from the wide range of characters available. It’s very commonplace to train characters by doubling or even quadrupling them in order to shape them into the warrior you need. A new Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 bug allows you to double down on fighters, resulting in your whole roster being made up of four of the same character.

Details about the glitches in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3

It’s worth mentioning that the Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 bug is only active in challenge mode, but it will save you a lot of time when it comes to shaping up your selected hero. Okay, so you’ve come to learn how to use this bug. Let’s face it, leveling up your heroes without abusing this bug would be a lot more enjoyable, but we realize that grinding may be tiresome at times, so needs must and all that jazz!


The Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 bug was discovered by Redditors GaijinGhost and ShinobiSekiro, and YouTuber Xiphos Gaming demonstrated it.

First, go to the game’s main menu and choose Infinity Trials mode, then start a Solo Challenge. The hero you choose in the Solo Challenge will be the hero with whom you may execute the glitch.

  • Make sure you fail the task before returning to the lobby.
  • Next, go to your squad selection screen and change your first slot character to a character of your choice.
  • Make sure you don’t fail the Solo Challenge a second time by following the steps above.
  • Return to your team roster, where two Captain America fighters should now be visible. To increase this to four of the same, just repeat the previous procedures, and your team should now have four Caps.

The wonderful part about this Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 bug is that the four characters may be used in both story mode and most challenges by selecting the level choose menu option. If you choose the “continue” option, your squad will be reset, and you will have to repeat the procedures above. If you wear an ISO-8 XP Boost, this bug will double your character grinding by four if you use four of the same hero. Thank you very much!

If you’re a fan of the Marvel Ultimate Alliance series, you likely already know the canonical way to get more experience points and experience faster, but I wanted to share it anyway. So without further ado, here is how you can equip 4 of the same fighter, level up faster in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3!. Read more about ultimate alliance 3 and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you level up fast in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can level up by completing quests.
Q: How do you get the best weapons in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3?
You can find them throughout the game, but they are most commonly found in chests and as loot from enemies.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the max level in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The max level in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 is 100.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Who is the mystery character in Ultimate Alliance 3?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The mystery character in Ultimate Alliance 3 is the one who has been watching you throughout the game.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you level up fast in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3?

You can level up by completing quests.
Q: How do you get the best weapons in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3?
You can find them throughout the game, but they are most commonly found in chests and as loot from enemies.

What is the max level in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3?

The max level in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 is 100.

Who is the mystery character in Ultimate Alliance 3?

The mystery character in Ultimate Alliance 3 is the one who has been watching you throughout the game.