
Inside The Game


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NexusMods is a fantastic site where you may fulfill many of your non-canonical dreams. Some of it is screwed up, like altering an NPC’s race or other anomalies like placing dicks in games where dicks aren’t supposed to be.

However, certain modifications can’t help but make you feel something. That’s the case with this mod, which transforms Geralt, the grizzled old monster hunter, into a youthful lad. As a consequence, we get a youthful, sultry Witcher who is wonderful despite the fact that his presence contradicts our knowledge and enjoyment of Geralt.

The Geralt we know is a grumpy old guy whose sex appeal stems from his weathered appearance and voice actor Doug Cockle’s gruff delivery. It’s how he manages to attract all of the women. This mod, made by user Atherisz, reimagines Geralt as a sultry Scandinavian supermodel with a weathered voice to match.

If you want to be pedantic, call it that. All I know is that this Geralt is interrogating me about my sexuality.

There are many ways to find yourself lost. One of them, I have recently realised, can be the discovery of a vast underground complex buried deep under an uninhabited island. You can only reach it by using a raft, which only works if you have one item that can be used as a raft. But there are also many other ways to get to the island. If you want to know more, then read on…

Have you ever heard of EvilAnagram? It’s a game (for PC) that I’ve been working on for several years. It’s about a ranger who is looking for treasure. The ranger is in danger at all times, so he has to constantly be on the lookout for a new location. One day while he was out, a stranger came up to him and told him that he needed to venture into a dungeon and retrieve a treasure that had been stolen. The ranger went into the dungeon, and there he found a new kind of evil: the Magic Sword. With the sword, the ranger could not only slay monsters, but could also freeze time and travel from place to place. The ranger was victorious in the end, but now that

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In order to avoid losing this masterpiece from EvilAnagram, I’ve reposted it from the Giant In the Playground Forum.

A Ranger’s Guide isn’t for everyone who wanders.

WotC’s image is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

“Not everything that glitters is gold, and not all who wander are lost.” -The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien

Inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien’s Aragorn and the Rangers of the North, the Ranger first appeared as a class in one of the first original Dungeons & Dragons supplements. The wandering warrior has been a mainstay of the series ever since. Known for the variety of fighting styles they utilize, Rangers are equally skilled with blade and bow, often wield two blades at once, and are capable hunters and trackers. The archetypical Ranger wanders the wilderness as its sentinel and protector, often accompanied by a wild beast. Rangers are mobile, efficient stalkers who make excellent and versatile warriors.

Oh, and at level 3, you can ride a pet pteranodon.

Color Palette

  • This is really incredible! It gives you a lot of choices or does one thing very well.
  • This is excellent, but not extraordinary.
  • This is excellent. It will be helpful on a regular basis, but it will not offer many tactical options.
  • Bad. It’ll be very uncommon that it’ll be of any service.


  • It’s sometimes extremely helpful, but its breadth and application are restricted.

Contents Table of Contents:

  1. Basics of the Wilderness
  2. Wilderness Races
  3. The Wanderer’s Paths
  4. Nature’s Forces
  5. The Wanderer Who Is Always Prepared

Wilderness Basics aren’t for everyone who wanders.1626566688_563_Not-All-Who-Wander-are-Lost-A-Ranger039s-Guide-from

WotC’s image is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Scores on abilities

  • Strength is useful for skill checks, and certain melee builds will need it, but the majority will not. Make this your main if you’re going to use non-finesse melee weapons. Aside from that, it doesn’t really matter.
  • Dexterity: Your main stat will almost always be dexterity. DEX is used in both ranged and melee assaults with finesse weapons. Apart from that, it’s a standard save that determines your AC and Initiative, as well as the ability to perform a variety of skill checks.
  • Hit Points: Hit Points are a wonderful thing.
  • Intelligence: This isn’t something you’ll need very often. It’s a useful dump statistic. INT is still used for certain critical saves and skill checks.
  • Wisdom is your spellcasting ability, and it is used by many abilities.
  • Charisma: CHA is a fantastic stat to have for skill tests. That’s all there is to it. A possibility for a dump stat as well.

The Archer build and the Two-Weapon build are the two main Ranger builds. Although the Archer version has greater spell assistance, both builds are competent fighters. DEX is their main ability for both of them.

Characteristics of the Class

  • 1d10 per level for hit dice. Yes, absolutely. It’s the same as if you were a Fighter or a Paladin. Only Barbarians had it better, and even they are jerks. This puts you in the category of “I can go up to objects and stab them without dying.”
  • Armor Proficiency: Light, Medium, and Shield provides you with everything you’ll need to play any style. You don’t receive plate, but you’re meant to be a nomadic wild wanderer, so plate isn’t necessary. In any case, most of you will increase your DEX and go for Light armor.
  • Weapon Expertise: You have access to all weapons.
  • DEX is a very frequent saving throw, and it should be your main. Although STR is less frequent, it isn’t the worst thing to have on hand.
  • Talents/Tools: You don’t have any Tool skills, but you do have some fantastic ones. Athletics, Insight, Perception, and Stealth are all fantastic abilities. Nature will almost certainly be mentioned. Animal handling is necessary if you wish to be a Beast Master, although it is not required otherwise. Survival is useful in certain campaigns, although it may not be necessary in an urban environment.
  • Favored Enemy: Racism’s power is highly situational. It does not enhance your damage output like it did in previous versions, but the languages you learn may be helpful, and the benefits may be useful. It will make you feel like a competent hunter when it is activated, but it won’t assist you much else.
  • You have a better time navigating through some kinds of wilderness as a Natural Explorer. This is very reasonable and makes you feel like a Ranger. Although the advantages are still situational, they may be very helpful in a wilderness campaign.
  • Archery is the preferred fighting style for archers (duh) The traditional melee Ranger technique, Two-Weapon Fighting, is ideal for Hunters. It’s worth mentioning that there’s no clear answer as to whether ordering a Beast Companion to attack would cause TWF. Hunter’s Mark damage is also increased by 50%. Unless your DM decides that striking with the beast triggers TWF, dueling is likely to be the most popular option for melee Beast Masters. Defense isn’t the greatest option, but if you don’t intend on sticking to one attack type or wish to utilize two-handed weapons, this is a good option. Mariner is excellent for maritime excursions, but not so much for anything else.
  • Spellcasting: This sets you apart from the other martial arts classes. In comparison to complete spellcasters, you receive a limited list, but the Ranger list is excellent for altering your martial skills.
  • It’s possible to benefit from primitive awareness. Usually, the spell slot isn’t worth it.
  • Improvement in Ability Score: This is obviously beneficial for obvious reasons. The Fighter receives more, which is why it isn’t sky blue.
  • Extra Attack: Once again, more would be great. Still, this is fantastic news for the Beast Master, since you and your partner will be able to fight at the same time.
  • Stride of the Land: It’s not terrible. It’s not a huge benefit, but it does keep you mobile.
  • Hide in Plain Sight is a practical, nonmagical method to aid your reconnaissance.
  • Vanish: Making Hide simpler is nice, but it’s not a very high-level benefit.
  • Too situational to be Blue, according to Feral Senses. It’s still a valuable skill.
  • Foe Slayer: For a capstone, the benefit is much too little. This is very disappointing, and it should have shown as a Class Feature a long time ago. It’s useful, but it’s also frustrating.

As you can see, the widespread belief that the Ranger is the weakest class in the 5e Player’s Handbook is unfounded. Rangers have a lot of situational skills, and the capstone ability should have been included from the start in Favored Enemy.

The Ranger’s access to spells, on the other hand, offers substantial damage increases, and its situational skills are colorful and useful outside of pure-combat missions. The claim that the Ranger’s spells and archetypes compensate for the absence of basic damage enhancements is the basis for the argument for the Ranger’s value.


The Lost Races of the Wilds aren’t the only ones that wander.1626566689_955_Not-All-Who-Wander-are-Lost-A-Ranger039s-Guide-from

Jee Hyung-Lee created this image.

The Player’s Guide

  • Hill Dwarf: You get two secondary stat boosts as well as certain defensive abilities. It’s not fantastic, but it’s adequate.
  • Mountain Dwarf: Similar to the Hill Dwarf, but with a tertiary stat in instead of a secondary.
  • Trance, competence with Perception tests, and a DEX bonus are all available to High Elves, as they are to all Elves. Not nearly enough to set them apart from the competition.
  • Wood Elf: This is a fantastic choice. You receive your two most essential stats, all of the benefits of being an elf, increased speed, and Mask of the Wild will undoubtedly assist you.
  • DEX is excellent, but CHA isn’t. Drow: DEX is good, but CHA isn’t. Improved Darkvision is a plus, but Sunlight Sensitivity is a no-no. The spells are effective, although they are predicated on a low stat. It’s a reasonable option.
  • Halfling racial abilities are fantastic, Naturally Stealthy is helpful, and you receive DEX +2. CHA, on the other hand, is of no help to you.
  • Boost to a main and secondary stat for the Stout Halfling? Absolutely! This option is amazing because of the various racial abilities that mix.
  • Human: Can you add one to each stat? Sure.
  • Feats are enjoyable for Variant Humans.
  • Dragonborn: You receive a tertiary stat boost and a dump stat boost. The rest is enjoyable, but not enjoyable enough to choose it over an elf.
  • Forest Gnome:Your primary stat increase goes to a useless stat, but you do receive a DEX boost, and Gnomish cleverness is fantastic. As a Gnome, you may saddle an animal friend.
  • The Rock Gnome is similar to the Forest Gnome, but lacks the DEX bonus.
  • Half-Elf: You get a bonus to Charisma and a boost to two of your favorite stats. With Skill Versatility thrown in for good measure, you’ve got a good start.
  • Half-Orc: You get a secondary and tertiary scoring boost, as well as excellent fighting abilities. They’re great for someone who wants to go melee without subtlety, but they’re not very excellent otherwise.
  • Tiefling: You receive a boost to two dump stats as well as a few useful abilities. It’s not a nice look for a Ranger.

The Dungeon Master’s Handbook:

  • Aasimar: The WIS increase is fine, but the spells aren’t very impressive. However, the resistance is appealing.
  • Eladrin: Fey Step is excellent, but INT isn’t.

Adventurer’s Guide to the Sword Coast

  • Duergar: The spells are perfect for your needs. It’s ideal for a STRanger.
  • Deep Gnome: DEX is fantastic, and you may take use of it in a variety of saves and stealth situations. This is a fantastic choice for an Underdark scenario. It’s still a bummer that your main stat increase is for a useless stat.
  • Halfling Ghostwise: It’s like Stout, but with psychic stuff and a secondary stat.

Volo’s Monster Handbook

  • Aasimar: The other stat increases aren’t perfect, and Charisma isn’t terrific, but there are some good characteristics. In my opinion, healing, resistances, and increased radiant damage are all beneficial.
  • Firbolg: This is an excellent stat distribution for a STR build, and the invisibility and utility spells round out the package well. It’s very lovely.
  • On a brief rest, Goliath gains STR, CON, and damage reduction. This is a good choice if you want to concentrate on STR.
  • Kenku: A fantastic stat increase, as well as several useful features for being stealthy. It’s lovely.
  • If you’re looking for a STRanger, look no further than this man. Extra attack, defense, and both secondary offenses and defenses complement that delicious frill.
  • Tabaxi: The mobility and DEX are both excellent, and it frees up several of the class’s abilities.
  • Triton: They might make good STRangers, but I don’t believe these people wanted to be Rangers in the first place. But it’s all right. They have other options.

Volo’s Monstrous Races are a series of monstrous races created by Volo.

  • Bugbear: Rangers should use ambushes and skirmishes to enhance their efficiency when performed properly. Bugbears increase the efficacy of both ambushing and skirmishing by boosting both potential primaries. They’re very good.
  • Goblin: The numbers are excellent, and the extra action to disengage/hide allows you to take use of a lot of the Rogue’s benefits.
  • Hobgoblin: The only reason to choose a Hobgoblin is to save face. The Martial training isn’t required, and the stat increases aren’t very impressive, but Saving Face is an excellent choice for a main attacker.
  • Kobold:Pack Tactics is a fantastic ability that can frequently wipe off Sunlight Sensitivity and give you a +2 to DEX.
  • Orc: Not quite as spectacular as a Half-Orc. Aggressive is a great quality, but it’s not enough to make this a good choice.
  • Boost two dump stats and cast using one dump stat with Yuan-Ti Pureblood.

Evil of the Elementals

  • Aarakocra: You have flawless stat increases and can fly. This is fantastic.
  • Genasi: All Genasi choices offer a CON increase and secondary stat casting.


Genasi Subtypes are a spoiler.


Tortle’s Package

  • Tortle: It’s all right. It has adequate defensive qualities, but not exceptional ones, and its ability boosts are effective.

Plane Shift Zendikar Holy crap, it’s a Magic/D&D crossover. A lot of the races in this supplement don’t fit the races in traditional D&D settings that well, so be sure to talk to your DM before utilizing them.

  • Human: About what you’d expect from a human.
  • Kor: The Ghostwise Halfling foregoes psychic antics in exchange for increased climb speed.
  • Emeria aren’t terrible, either: a Druid cantrip and a WIS increase are great. For Rangers, the Ula and Cosi are less remarkable.
  • Vampire: This man doesn’t actually assist the Rangers in any way.
  • Goblin: Any class will appreciate a boost to Constitution and two resistances.
  • Tajura receives a basic WIS increase, but there isn’t much more that helps. Mul Daya has WIS spell increases and a STRanger boost, while Juraga are essentially Wood Elves.

There are a few new choices in the Unearthed Arcana supplements:


  • Changeling: The sole benefit that Changelings may provide to Rangers is a small increase in DEX.
  • Shifters: Shifters are usually reliable Rangers. It never hurts to have a boost to your main stat, and the changing temp HP doesn’t hurt either.

Not Everyone Who Wanders is on the Wanderer’s Lost Path.1626566689_794_Not-All-Who-Wander-are-Lost-A-Ranger039s-Guide-from

Stefan Ristic created this image.

Hunter Hunters are a great option if you want to inflict significant damage on a regular basis. By level 11, you’ll be able to easily take on swarms of enemies or giants.

Prey of the Hunter

  • Sneak Attack starts off competitive, but it doesn’t scale at all in Colossus Slayer.
  • Giant Killer: It’s a good response that happens often, but it still eats up your reaction.
  • Horde Breaker: Having more attacks is usually a good thing.

Tactics for Defending Yourself

  • Escape the Horde: It’s a great way to defend against op-attacks. It appeals to me.
  • Multiattack Defense: This may help you stay alive in the face of vicious multiattacks. However, it will not assist you against a bunch of single-attacking opponents.
  • Steel Will: This is something that halflings already have. Even yet, many of those high-level monsters have the ability to cause Fear.


  • Volley: A ranged burst strike that may be launched at any time? That is, indeed, sky-blue.
  • Whirlwind Attack: A melee version of Volley.

Superior Hunter’s Protection

  • Evasion: Many courses have something similar to this, and it’s always a good idea to participate.
  • Stand Against the Tide: It’s comparable to a 4e Swordmage ability, except it’s less enjoyable. It’s helpful if you’re always fighting against numerically superior opponents. It’s still not as good as Evasion.
  • Uncanny Dodge: Keeps you alive against powerful hits, but it consumes your response time.

Master of Beasts It’s not easy being a Beast Master. They lose all of the Hunter’s fun powers in exchange for an animal partner that utilizes their attack to create its own attack. However, possessing another creature’s opportunity attacks may give you a lot of battlefield control, and by level 7, you’ll be able to make more attacks with better regularity than a Hunter in melee. Players who are Gnomes or Halflings may ride their companions if they are medium-sized, which includes wolves and pteradons. Your animal friend may be a huge help if you’re smart and know how to utilize it.

Companion animals may certainly utilize opportunity attacks, and they can multiattack with Bestial Fury, according to the latest errata. We can now state categorically that the Beast Master has numerous companion choices that increase his damage beyond that of Rogues and Barbarians. And now, thanks to Beast Bond, having a permanent animal partner is a possibility.

  • Ranger’s Companion: Despite its critics, the main feature has proved to be reliable. It’s nice to have a horse or a venomous snake on hand, and certain animals increase your damage exponentially. There are some restrictions: you may only have creatures that are no bigger than medium and have a CR of 1/4 or less, thus no bears, lions, or sharks. You can still acquire some amazing companions, but they take up a lot of your attack action. At level 5, you may make two attacks, which increases a companion’s usefulness to blue. If your pet wolf, for example, strikes and knocks your opponent prone, you may then go up and stab it while you have the upper hand. Furthermore, a beast companion may sometimes surpass you in terms of damage. Of course, since HP scales horribly, your buddy will have approximately 20 HP around that time. You may easily lose a buddy in the middle of the game.
  • Exceptional Training: This is particularly important if you’re mounted atop your partner. Many friends may rush in and fight, giving you an edge in your next assault.
  • Bestial Fury: Depending on the Beast you choose, you may be able to do more single-target damage than just about any other character.
  • Spells to Share: It’s dependable. It may significantly improve your companion’s chances of surviving.

List of Beast Companion Options (Spoiler)


The Hunter is a more straightforward and obvious archetype than the Beast Master. That said, the Beast Master offers a lot of fun and strong choices with a lot of usefulness and damage, so it’s all up to you. It’s worth noting that the Beast Master with the Giant Poisonous Snake has the potential to be the game’s most devastating single-target damage provider.

Xanathar’s Guide to Everything Xanathar’s Guide is in, and I’m conflicted. On the one hand, I think it’s fundamentally unfair that the new archetypes get extended spell lists and an extra feature that provides some situational fun. On the other hand, the Beast Master already had a situational leg up over the Hunter, and none of the spells provide a major power boost. In fact, I’m going to go against the grain and say that I don’t think that older Ranger archetypes are totally undone by this and nothing apocalyptic has happened. Not-All-Who-Wander-are-Lost-A-Ranger039s-Guide-from The only spells on the extended lists that provide combat boosts use Concentration, and they’re not particularly more powerful than the base Ranger spells. Guardian of Nature is easily as good as Greater Invisibility I would still recommend giving Hunter and Beast Master players an extra spell known at the levels in the extended spell lists, purely out of a sense of fairness, but they’re still far from underpowered. If you want to be a Ranger in a PHB+1 situation, I would still take Xanathar’s Guide, but you don’t need to feel like you have to play one of the Xanathar archetypes.

Stalker of Doom It’ll be night. Alternatively, there’s the cave. The cave, most likely. In caverns, you’ll get a lot more use out of your features. You’ll be OK during the day, too, but you’ll be continually recommending that everyone go check out the Underdark since it’s so amazing. Caves are fascinating.

  • Greater Invisibility and Fear are both strong combat advantages for Gloom Stalker Magic, while the others are all situational. Both of these spells, however, need Concentration, so you’ll have to decide which to employ.
  • Dread Ambusher: Getting an additional attack once each encounter is a great benefit, and the initiative boost isn’t terrible either.
  • When you’re creeping around creatures with Darkvision and no light sources, Umbral Sight is fantastic, but that’s a fairly uncommon occurrence in most adventures.
  • Iron Mind: If you fail a Wisdom save, you’re out of the fight, so this is really nice.
  • A remake of Stalker’s Flurry is very beautiful. It’s a great technique to increase your average damage while keeping your maximum damage low.
  • Shadowy Dodge: This is an excellent defensive skill. It’s great to give an attack a disadvantage, but you have to apply it before you know how the attack will roll.

Horizon Walker is a character in the game Horizon Walker You have the ability to teleport, inflict force damage, teleport, and even teleport. You can also teleport.

  • Horizon Walker Magic: This offers some really nice fighting choices with Banishment, Misty Step, and Haste. It’s also a fantastic fit for the theme. Even the situational spells are effective.
  • Detect Gateway: This is obviously very helpful when looking for a portal to another world. This, hopefully, will be a part of your journey.
  • Planar Warrior is similar to Colossus Slayer, but with the addition of force damage. It also muddles the use of extra actions. It also scales. When you compare the two, it’s a bit of a wash.
  • Ethereal Step: Isn’t that a great method to… avoid Misty Step? In a vacuum, it’s a really amazing talent. It avoids spending a spell slot to Misty Step in the development of this archetype.
  • You may be Nightcrawler in Distant Strike! This is very lovely.
  • Uncanny Dodge: This is a little late in the game for Spectral Defense, but it’s OK.

Slayer of Monsters Vampires, Fiends, and growling creatures are all excellent targets for this class. Of course, for some reason, it’s particularly effective against casters. Although it lacks the bulk damage potential of other archetypes, I believe that shutting down casters is a worthwhile compromise.

  • Banishment and Hold Monster in Monster Slayer Magic are both fantastic, but they only come after most campaigns have finished. The rest of the spells are absolutely suitable for the topic.
  • You read the Monster Manual, right? Hunter’s Sense: Yay!
  • Hunter’s Mark Lite: Slayer’s Prey? With the promise of further advantages in the future? It appeals to me.
  • Supernatural Defense: This skill is appropriate for a Van Helsing-like character since it works equally well against Strahd and Mordenheim’s Monster, and it’s also a good one.
  • Nemesis of the Magic-User: A Counterspell with a Short Rest?… Cool.
  • Counterspell of the Slayer: A free, devastating Counterspell? …Cooler.
  • Warforged: Good ability boosts, an AC bonus, and benefits from Living Constructs. Even better is STR Ranger.


  • Minotaur: You get a STR and WIS boost, as well as several unique attack choices. It’s an excellent choice for STR Rangers.

A New Path is not for everyone who wanders.1626566690_212_Not-All-Who-Wander-are-Lost-A-Ranger039s-Guide-from

Linda Lithén created this image.

The Revised Ranger has arrived, and it will very likely be released soon! It may change before it is released, but we have this work in progress to play with till then, so let’s get started!

The fundamental characteristics (hit dice, proficiencies, and beginning equipment) remain the same, so let’s get right to the heart of the matter!

  • Favored Enemy: Wow, that’s really cool. On its own, having an advantage on knowledge and survival tests is beneficial, but adding +2 damage is even better! You may even share this advantage with your beast buddy! And there’s a language!
  • Natural Explorer: On its own, the plethora of situational advantages is very wonderful, particularly without the previous limitations. You also gain an edge on initiative rolls and first-round assaults by ignoring tough terrain! This is fantastic, particularly if your organization does a lot of traveling.
  • Archery is the preferred fighting style for archers (duh). Two-Weapon Fighting is the traditional melee Ranger technique, and it works well in every situation. Unlike the original Beast Master, the Beast Conclave understands this. Both javelin experts and melee Rangers may do well in dueling. This is required for the Quarterstaff Polearm Master combination. Defense isn’t the greatest option for offensive Rangers, but if you don’t intend on sticking to one assault type or want to utilize two-handed weapons, go for it. Mariner is excellent for maritime excursions, but not so much for anything else.
  • Spellcasting is the foundation of your DPS, control, and boosting skills. Don’t get me wrong: this isn’t complete casting by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s the ideal complement to your martial prowess.
  • Solid situational ribbon material for Primeval Awareness. Not every feature has the ability to increase damage.
  • Increase in Ability Score: Excellent, but restricted in comparison to Rogues and Fighters.
  • Greater Favored Enemy: Excuse me while I drink this wonderful Bombay green tea and read this abili- fffppttpttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough It’s excellent. additional damage from hacking coughing Shenanigans are saved by coughing and hacking. Favored Enemy is burp extra nice on top of the usual splutter.
  • Fleet of Foot: It’s wonderful to be able to move about more.
  • Hide in Plain Sight: They improved on the original ability significantly.
  • Vanish: It’s not terrible, but for a high-level feature, it’s a little lacking.
  • Feral Senses: It’s still situational to some extent, but when such circumstances occur, it’s simply so darn helpful.
  • Foe Slayer: It’s a lot better capstone since it’s more broadly applicable.

So I’ll be a babysitter for a goblin. This is a much more powerful Ranger at the start.

So I’ll be a babysitter for a goblin. This is a much more powerful Ranger at the start.

Conclave of Beasts The Hunter and Deep Stalker are basically the same, with the exception that the 5th level Extra Attack is a Conclave feature rather than a Ranger one, therefore let’s focus on the Beast Conclave.

The old Beast Master is still enjoyable, but the new Beast Conclave is superior. It clears up the save DC ambiguity and gives your beast’s movements a more immediate, natural feel. Also, during the early stages, it’s a straight-up power increase.

  • Animal Companion: Are you looking for a sub-list? Let’s make a list of sub-lists!
  • Companion’s Bond: That’s right, this is how you get those creatures to be very good at what they do. It increases their health points, attack values, damage modifiers, save DCs, and armor class. And you get to award ASIs to them!
  • Attack three times each round while all those idiots who aren’t paling about with a Giant Badger only attack twice! With the exception of monks.
  • While it can see you, the Beast’s Defense: Advantage on all saving throws is… excellent.
  • It receives its own Whirlwind Attack from the Storm of Claws and Fangs! It also doesn’t have to give up anything! Cool!
  • Superior Beast’s Defense: You know those those super-painful high-level hits? This makes them harm a lot less, despite the fact that your beast is giving up an attack in the process.

The Hunter and Deep Stalker are largely identical, with the exception that Extra Attack is now a Conclave attribute rather than a Ranger feature for the Hunter and Deep Stalker. I’m not going to talk about the Whirlwind Attack difference until it’s verified. Smallpox is deserved by everyone who inquires about it.

Wild-type abilities


Someone who isn’t me recreated Ikoma Shika from L5R.

Rangers use spells to improve their combat abilities. They aren’t full-fledged spellcasters, therefore their spellcasting skills shouldn’t be evaluated by those criteria. It’s more fair to compare them to Paladins and Monks, since those classes also use magic to enhance their martial skills.

Elemental Evil and Xanathar’s Guide to Everything spells have been added.

1st Level Spells (Spoiler)


  • Absorb Elements (EE/XGtE) is a fantastic ability. It enables you to decrease incoming damage while also enhancing your next strike, and it may be done in response.
  • Warning: This spell is only effective on rare occasions and is best left to a complete caster.
  • Animal Friendship: For the Hunter who dreams of having a bear as a pet. It’s OK, but all Ranger spells are up against a lot of competition.
  • Beast Bond (EE/XGtE): This spell is used only in Beast Master builds. (Concentration)
  • Cure Wounds: Because healing is limited, greater healing is beneficial.
  • Detect Magic: Situationally helpful, although it’s not exactly a Ranger’s bag of tricks. Let the wizard handle it. (Concentration)
  • Detect Poison and Disease: Can be helpful, but with so few spells to learn, it’s not the greatest option. (Concentration)
  • Ensnaring Strike is a solid ability that may be quite dangerous if your opponent misses a few saves. (Concentration)
  • Fog Cloud: For being stealthy and staying protected. It’s not terrible. (Concentration)
  • Goodberry: I’m not sure. Okayberry is a better word. It may save someone’s life and keep you fed, but it’s an inefficient use of scarce resources. For the first few levels, it has a larger healing potential than Cure Wounds, but it’s useless in combat and doesn’t scale.
  • Hail of Thorns is the first in a series of Ranger abilities that essentially allow you to “magically fire more arrows than you have in your hand.” It’s a great ability for crowd management as well as additional damage, and it scales nicely. (Concentration)
  • Hunter’s Mark: Sneak attack is competitive with Hunter’s Mark, particularly if you choose Colossus Slayer. It scales in an odd manner, but it’s great to be able to keep tagging them for extra damage. (Concentration)
  • Jump: From this level, you’ll choose three or four spells. This isn’t what I’m talking about. For such a small amount of spells, it’s much too situational.
  • Longstrider: Once again, there are many more possibilities. Don’t do it.
  • Snare (XGtE): This is a great method to take down an Ogre or an Owlbear. More of the creatures you’d want to confine will be too large for this trap as you go through the stages. It is, nevertheless, thematically correct.
  • Communicate with Animals: It’s a colorful, situational power that you might get some use out of, but not a lot. I guess it’s appropriate for a Beast Master?
  • Zephyr Strike (XGtE): The melee Ranger gets his own workhorse for the first time. Move quickly without generating chance assaults, and deliver one especially devastating blow. It’s a lovely spell, particularly for a Beast Master, since it’s self-targeting. (Concentration)

2nd Level Spells (Spoiler)


  • Animal Messenger: You may use this once in a while, but at level 20, you only know 11 spells, so it’s up against some stiff competition.
  • Barkskin is ideal for a Beast Master who want to keep his pet secure. Otherwise, you need have an AC of at least 16. (Concentration)
  • Beast Sense: This ability is useful for reconnaissance. Otherwise, it’s not very nice. (Concentration)
  • Cordon of Arrows: It does less damage than Alarm, but it’s more fun.
  • Darkvision: Darkvision will be available to the majority of gamers. If you don’t, this is a great alternative.
  • Find Traps: It’s not as pleasant as you’d want, but it can help you defeat a trap-happy DM.
  • Healing Spirit (XGtE): This is a good in-fight party healing spell, but the healing conga line is broken outside of battle. (Concentration)
  • Lesser Restoration: A powerful ability for any Ranger, but the Cleric and Druid should prioritize it.
  • Find Animals or Plants: This is useful for hunting or collecting particular herbs. Other than that, it’s useless.
  • When searching for a Macguffin, Locate Object comes in handy. Other than that, it’s useless. (Concentration)
  • Pass Without Trace is, without a doubt, the greatest stealth spell in the game. (Concentration)
  • Poison Resistance: It does exactly what it says on the box.
  • Silence: This is a good debuff against opposing spellcasters and may come in handy during stealth operations. (Concentration)
  • Spike Growth: When you’re up against a numerically stronger opponent, this may be a terrible trap, and it can slow down pursuers. It’s lovely. (Concentration)

3rd Level Spells (Spoiler)


  • When Bears Attack, Conjure Animals. This is a versatile spell that may be used in a number of situations. It is unquestionably valuable. (Concentration)
  • Conjure Barrage is another in the series of “shoot more arrows than you were holding.” However, it does a lot more damage across a wider area. There’s also no concentration!
  • Daylight: It may be beneficial. If you’re battling the Drow, I’d recommend obtaining this.
  • Flame Arrows (EE/XGtE): It’s similar to Hunter’s Mark, but it’s not quite as good and requires a third level slot! The only way this spell may come in handy is if you’re up against something that can’t stand fire… Hunter’s Mark will still be superior since it does not have a limit on the number of arrows and may be used with melee weapons. At the expense of a slot on the first level. This isn’t what I’m talking about. (Concentration)
  • Lightning Arrow: This spell does a lot of damage and spreads it out well. It appeals to me. (Concentration)
  • Nondetection: This is a spell best left to a complete caster, although it’s still helpful.
  • Plant Development: This is a strange one. Yes, it’s situational, but it excels in certain circumstances. It may deter pursuers or individuals you’re after, as well as endear you to the villagers by removing the blight from their crops. Definitely something to think about.
  • Energy Protection: You’re depleting your Concentration, which reduces your attacking capability. However, while facing a Dragon, the ability to withstand fire damage is quite useful, so it’s worth considering. (Concentration)
  • Speak with Plants: More than any other spell, this one epitomizes the phrase “situational at best.”
  • Taking a Breath of Water: A Pirate Campaign? Sure! Is there anything else? Don’t get your hands on it.
  • Water Walk: Follow the same instructions as before.
  • Wind Wall is a good offensive and defense spell. (Concentration)

4th Level Spells (Spoiler)


  • Conjure Woodland Beings: As many people have pointed out, this spell is vulnerable to misuse. For a merry time, summon Pixies who can perform magic. (Concentration)
  • Freedom of Movement: Good boosts for circumstances that don’t happen too often.
  • Battlefield control, but not very good at it. Grasping Vine: Battlefield control, but not very good at it. (Concentration)
  • Guardian of Nature (XGtE): For a martial character, this is arguably one of the best offensive spells. Both offensively and defensively, it is versatile. (Concentration)
  • Locate Creature: Once again, we’re dealing with something that is best described as situational. (Concentration)
  • Stoneskin: I prefer not to be hurt. Do you prefer not to be harmed? (Concentration)

5th Level Spells (Spoiler)


  • Commune with Nature: A excellent method to rapidly search an area for what you’re looking for, although it’s swamped by other choices.
  • Conjure Volley is the greatest spell for shooting more arrows than anyone anticipate! This is capable of decimating an army!
  • Steel Wind Strike (XGtE): Finally, a melee Ranger mass-attack spell that also teleports!
  • Swift Quiver: Dakka, dakka, dakka, dakka, dakka, da If you could use it with Hunter’s Mark, it would be sky-blue, but you can’t. (Concentration)
  • At this level, you should not choose Tree Stride above any other spell. There are just too many great choices available to you. (Concentration)
  • Wrath of Nature (XGtE): This is one of the few Ranger spells that has a cool effect rather than augmenting your regular powers. So, there are four very amazing effects. There are four very amazing long-lasting consequences. Four very interesting, long-lasting effects that free up your action. Four awesome permanent effects that free up your action while simultaneously affecting your Beast Companion.

Wrath of Nature (XGtE): This is one of the few Ranger spells that has a cool effect rather than augmenting your regular powers. So, there are four very amazing effects. There are four very amazing long-lasting consequences. Four very interesting, long-lasting effects that free up your action. Four awesome permanent effects that free up your action while simultaneously affecting your Beast Companion.

The Wanderer Who Is Always Prepared


WotC’s image is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Multiclassing is a spoiler.


  • Barbarian: Unarmored Defense is great, and rage might be entertaining for a melee Ranger, but only if his main stat is STR. This is also a good option because of Danger Sense and the Bear Totem route.
  • Bard: There isn’t any spellcasting synergy. Perhaps if you have a high CHA for any reason. Despite the fact that the skill boosts are great.
  • Ranger and Cleric both utilize WIS, thus Cleric is a good option if you wish to extend your spellcasting.
  • Druid: This is another excellent choice if you want to improve your caster skills.
  • Fighter: Special Attacks, Second Wind, Action Surge, Combat Maneuvers… This is a fantastic chance for multiclassing.
  • Monk: You get to use DEX to attack with Monk weapons, and you have unarmored defense. Monk gives you a good unarmed attack, Ki abilities, Deflect Missiles, and a Monastic Tradition at four levels. You get another attack and Stunning Strike as you advance to the next level.
  • Paladin: Your spellcasting talents are incompatible. When there are better alternatives, it’s probably not worth it.
  • Rogue: The sneak attack and skill mastery alone make this worthwhile. It’s worth it to play six or seven Rogue levels.
  • Sorcerer: Using your dump stat to perform spells is a terrible idea.
  • Warlock: Using your dump stat to perform spells is a terrible idea once again.
  • Wizard: Don’t use your dump stat to perform spells!

Feats (spoiler)


  • This becomes sky-blue if you multiclass into Rogue and follow the Assassin path.
  • Athlete: It’s all right. It improves your skill monkey abilities, but that’s all.
  • Actor: I’m not sure why you decided to be a Ranger if you want to be the face.
  • Charger: It’s all right. You are given the opportunity to charge, just as you were under the previous system. Nothing out of the ordinary.
  • Crossbow Expert: Depending on how your DM rules it, using a crossbow is either required or forbidden.
  • Defensive Duelist: This is a great build for any melee build, and archers will appreciate it when battle becomes tense.
  • If you chose the Twin-Weapon approach, Dual Wielder is a solid option.
  • Delver of Dungeons: If your DM is prone to traps, this is ideal.
  • Durable: It’s all right. It’s nothing spectacular, but it’s a nice half-feat.
  • Elemental Adept is a full-caster ability.
  • Grappler is good in a STR Ranger when combined with Tavern Brawler, but I wouldn’t get it otherwise.
  • Great Weapon Master: This is useful if you wish to use a two-handed weapon, although Rangers don’t receive much help with it.
  • More Heals based on a WIS check, Healer? It was well worth it.
  • Heavy Armor: You shouldn’t actually require Heavy Armor. Not at all. In fact, Medium Armor Master eliminates the need for it entirely. This isn’t an accomplishment you’ll be able to pull off.
  • Heavy Armor Master: This is the sole reason to acquire Heavily Armored, although the advantages aren’t worth giving up two Ability boosts for.
  • Inspiring Leader: You probably won’t have enough Charisma to pull it off, but if you do, it won’t be too terrible.
  • Keen Mind: There’s nothing especially wrong with it, but it’s also not very excellent.
  • You already have the advantage of being lightly armored.
  • Linguist: Knowing the correct language at the appropriate moment, in my experience, may save your life.
  • Lucky: This is a tremendous accomplishment. It’s a risk worth taking.
  • Mage Slayer is an excellent choice for a melee Ranger who regularly encounters mages. Otherwise, don’t bother with it.
  • Expand your casting abilities as a Magic Initiate. It appeals to me.
  • If you multiclass into Battle Master, Martial Adept may be worth it. Otherwise, I’d pass. Giving up Ability Points for 1d6 every short rest is just not worth it.
  • Medium Armor Master: This is a good choice for a STR build that depends on Medium Armor since you won’t need to pump DEX as much to achieve a good AC.
  • Mobile: Excellent for melee builds, but still good for archers.
  • You already have the advantage of being somewhat armored.
  • Mounted Combatant: This is obviously only useful if you’re often mounted. Gnome and Halfling Beast Masters, I’m talking to you.
  • Observant: It’s a fantastic boost to two abilities that are critical to a party’s success.
  • Polearm Master and Sentinel have a fantastic connection. Only applicable to STR-based builds.
  • Resilient: You acquire a saving proficiency for a single ability point. That’s fantastic.
  • Save your spell slots to acquire additional spells as a Ritual Caster. This is fantastic!
  • More damage is a good thing, says Savage Attacker. Only for melee combat.
  • Sentinel: This might theoretically help a melee Ranger, but it’s actually better for a tank. If you have Polearm Master, it will go up to Blue.
  • Sharpshooter: A ranged Ranger’s best friend.
  • Master of the Shield: If you use a shield, this is fantastic, and if you’re a Hunter, you won’t even need to take Evasion!
  • Skilled: For a skill monkey, this is almost a must.
  • Skulker: Being sneaky may always work in your favor.
  • Spell Sniper: This is not a Ranger spell.
  • Tavern Brawler: This is only useful if you’re experimenting with the idea of an unarmed character.
  • Tough: It’s a decent perk that gives you 40 HP when you reach level 20.
  • A melee Ranger or one who has multiclassed into a full-casting class will benefit from War Caster. On an archer build, I wouldn’t use it.
  • Weapon Master: You’re already an expert at everything.

Racial Feats from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything (spoiler)


  • Bountiful Luck: It’s ridiculously wonderful to give someone a free reroll after a catastrophic failure without spending any resources.
  • Dragon Fear: If you know me at all, you know how much I enjoy terrifying my foes.
  • Dragon Hide: Getting a half-feat increase to your AC is worth it in and of itself. The unarmed damage increase and ability point bonus are icing on the cake.
  • Drow High Magic: I never say no to more spells. Never. Do you hear what I’m saying? Never!
  • Dwarven Fortitude: This gives you a significant increase in your resiliency.
  • Elven Precision: This is fantastic. This is fantastic. I mean, it’s really, very excellent. Dang. It’s fantastic. What makes it so great? It should be a lot worse.
  • Fade Away: Turning invisible as a response when you don’t have any spell slots is a lot of fun.
  • Fey Teleportation is a half-feat that combines a powerful slotless teleportation spell with a situational ability. Yay!
  • Flames of Phlegethos: If you want a feat that will do nothing to assist you as a Ranger, this is it.
  • Infernal Constitution: It’s great to be able to resist three types of damage and have an advantage on poison saves. Getting a point in CON is also fantastic.
  • Orcish Fury: For a melee Ranger, this is a very delicious feat. I wish I had it as someone who has played a melee bruiser Ranger.
  • Prodigy: A blue is made up of four situational skills. That’s simply how science works.
  • Second Chance: Mulligans are fun, particularly when they’re forced on others. You can at the very least nullify 20s.
  • Squat Nimbleness: Basically, this is a “I don’t want to be grappled” feat, which is great. It may be worth it since being grappled can be devastating.
  • Wood Elf Magic: As a Ranger, it’s a great method to improve your casting.

Reddit is a community where users vote on each others posts. So if you enter a thread, and your post doesn’t get enough upvotes, it will be hidden. If you re-enter the same thread, again your post won’t appear. So if after entering /r/xkcd for the second time, you have a comment with a link to this blog, it’s highly likely that your post won’t appear in /r/xkcd. However, every once in a while, a comment will have so many downvotes that it will disappear from the front page. Just two months ago, /r/xkcd went through this, and it was the most downvoted comment in reddit history. The comment

This text is sensitive. Try generating new copy.

It’s not rare that a comment gets downvoted on Reddit. But what’s unusual is the “deleted comment” that’s so popular on the Reddit community. It’s an old comment of a girl that told her friend to get a burger because she was starving, and it got downvoted (meaning “deleted”) more than any other comment on the site.

Because of how the game incorporated lootboxes and how content is obtained, Star Wars Battlefront 2 has sparked a firestorm of controversy. A Reddit member remarked on the post, asking “Is this for real? I spent $80 for Vader to be locked up? “and received a response from an EA official, which became the most downvoted remark on Reddit.

The first sentence did little to solve the problem that EA and DICE had created:

“The goal is to give gamers a feeling of satisfaction and achievement as they unlock new heroes.”

There is now a mod that modifies the game’s lootbox textures, putting the words “pride and achievement” on the side of every lootbox in the game, thanks to Creator Dareedevokl’s work. He even thought about using the Star Wars typeface in the design. This is a wonderful touch. For anyone playing the PC version of the game, it’s now accessible on Nexus Mods. 

Today, Blizzard Entertainment revealed the next character coming to Overwatch: Brigitte Lindholm, a support hero who is the daughter of Torbjörn, a Support hero who is already part of the game.

In the current Overwatch meta, Torbjörn, one of the most popular heroes, is a hard counter to one of the most popular heroes: Junkrat. With his right-click dynamite, Torbjörn’s turret shreds through shields and barriers and pops off enemies like a clapper. This makes him a natural counter to Junkrat, who is a very popular hero because of his ability to get behind enemy lines, shank people with his traps, and blow enemies to bits with his mines.

Torbjörn is a brilliant inventor and a member of Overwatch’s founding family. He’s also a father. In recent years he’s been a bit too busy tending to his daughter, something he’s been trying to manage with the help of his wife. Overwatch legend Brigitte Lindholm Torbjörn, also known as “Brig”, is the daughter of Torbjörn Lindholm, Overwatch’s founding inventor.

I don’t watch Overwatch very carefully, but someone got it into their minds that the next Overwatch hero had to be Brigitte, Torbjörn’s daughter, whose most memorable appearance came in the “Honor and Glory” short starring Reinhardt. Blizzard has since verified that their teasing was correct. It’s all there. 

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is Brigitte related to Reinhardt?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Brigitte is a character from Overwatch. Reinhardt is a character from Overwatch.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Who is Reinharts daughter Overwatch?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Reinhardts daughter is named Brigitte.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Why is Brigitte with Reinhardt?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Brigitte is a support hero that can heal allies and provide shields. Reinhardt is a tank that provides protection to his team by absorbing damage.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Brigitte related to Reinhardt?

Brigitte is a character from Overwatch. Reinhardt is a character from Overwatch.

Who is Reinharts daughter Overwatch?

Reinhardts daughter is named Brigitte.

Why is Brigitte with Reinhardt?

Brigitte is a support hero that can heal allies and provide shields. Reinhardt is a tank that provides protection to his team by absorbing damage.

For those of you who have played Sea of Thieves, one of the most interesting locations on the Sea of Thieves is Cannon Cove . Although Cannon Cove is not exactly a forbidden tome location, it is definitely a location that you should not miss.   One of the most interesting things about Cannon Cove is the Forbidden Tomes , which contain some of the best treasures hidden on the Sea of Thieves.

You may have heard that the online community Sea of Thieves is about to launch a new pirate quest, The Forbidden Tomes, one that will test your knowledge of pirate lore and history. But where is it located?

As you may know, Sea of Thieves is an Xbox One exclusive and the latest game from the infamous Rare team. It is an open-world pirate game where you can meet a lot of people and play with them. You can get all the information about it, from the Multiplayer to the Gameplay and the Storyline of the game, in our dedicated Sea of Thieves blog.

Sheriff Dann explains where you may locate the Forbidden Tomes on the island of Cannon Cove in this guide.

This island is called for a massive central peak with a cave entrance on its south side, which resembles a cannon. A Skeleton Throne may be found atop a vertical opening that extends beyond the cave ceiling. A beacon stands atop the mountain, ready to be lighted during the Festival of the Damned.

The Gold Hoarder conundrum is as follows:

A treasure was once placed on Cannon Cove to keep it secure from robbery.

7 paces south by-south east spade its mark on the prohibited tomes where the stars are dim

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the cannon on Cannon Cove?

Cannon Cove is a game mode in the game Fortnite.

Are there cannons on Cannon Cove sea of thieves?

There are no cannons on the sea of thieves.

How do you get to the top of Cannon Cove?

You have to use the cannon.

Overwatch is about to celebrate the Year of the Dog with a new event that will bring a wealth of new cosmetics to players.

Blizzard has launched a strange month-long celebration of the Year of the Rooster in Overwatch, and it looks like it will be a fun time for all. The Lunar New Year event is already live on the game, and it will run until February 17th. If you are unfamiliar with the tradition, the Year of the Rooster is a 12-year cycle in which people in many East Asian and Southeast Asian countries celebrate by giving gifts and sharing blessings.

The Overwatch Lunar New Year event is here and all the skins you’ve been collecting from Year of the Rooster and Year of the Dog could be yours for a limited time. Get enough skins in your inventory and press the button marked “Year of the Dog” to unlock the red and gold skins for all of your favorite Overwatch heroes. You’ll have the option of opening a player stash (rewards) and selecting a skin to equip for each character, but don’t forget to select “Open”. You can also earn new skins by completing the limited time Daily Quests.


It’s the Year of the Dog, and Overwatch’s Lunar New Year event, which runs from February 8 to March 5, is now live.

Over 50 new seasonal cosmetic items are available as part of the event, including legendary skins like as Red Pheonix (Zhu Que) Mercy, Black GTortoise (Xuan Wu) Zarya, White Tiger (Bai Hu) Genji, and Black Lily Widowmaker. 

The Capture the Flag game mode returns, albeit with a few tweaks and limitations on specific abilities:

Changes to the Capture the Flag Rules

  • Picking up a flag is simple.
  • For 5 seconds after being dropped, the flag cannot be picked up.
  • It takes 4 seconds to return the flag.
  • When you take damage, the return of the flag does not halt.
  • The match lasts 8 minutes.
  • The flag takes 15 seconds to respawn after scoring.
  • Limitations on talents remove the flag (specific hero skills)

Restricted Abilities in Capture the Flag

  • Meteor Strike, Seismic Slam, Rising Uppercut, Rocket Punch, Doomfist’s Meteor Strike
  • Genji’s Lightning Strike
  • Concussive Blast’s recoil, Pharaoh’s Jump Jet (when used on yourself)
  • Wraith Form, Reaper’s Shadowstep
  • Soldier: The Sprint of 76
  • Translocator, Sombra’s Stealth
  • Recall, Tracer’s Blink
  • Concussion Mine of Junkrat (when used on yourself)
  • Cryo-freeze Mei
  • Grappling Hook of the Widowmaker
  • Boosters of D.Va, Self-Destruct (D.Va will also drop the flag if her mech is destroyed)
  • The Charge of Reinhardt
  • Primal Rage, Winston’s Jump Pack
  • Crossfade’s speed increase, Lucio’s Amp It Up
  • Guardian Angel, Mercy’s Valkyrie
  • Coalescence, Moira’s Fade
  • Transcendence of Zenyatta

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get Overwatch lunar Skins?

Overwatch Lunar Skins are available for purchase in the Blizzard store.

Can you get Overwatch skins after event?

No, you cannot get Overwatch skins after the event.

How long does the Lunar event last Overwatch?

The Lunar New Year event will last until February 10th.

From this day forward, I am no longer ready to please my need for speed.

Burnout Paradise has been a game that has been long awaited over the years, and now it is finally here. After being teased for a long time, the Burnout Paradise Remastered Edition has finally arrived for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. So is this the answer to the need for speed? Well, what better way than to revisit Paradise and give it a fresh coat of paint, right? Unfortunately, with it being a remastered version of the game we all know and love, the answer is no.

Need For Speed: Payback (NFS: Payback) is one of the most anticipated games of 2019. We already know a lot about NFS: Payback, though – both about the game and the franchise in general. What we don’t know is what it’s like.

EA moved the company from its self-developed racing game Burnout to the publisher’s own Need for Speed series a few years after acquiring Criterion Games in 2004. The outcomes have been unsatisfactory. The most current edition, Need for Speed: Payback, was revealed to be a delivery mechanism for loot boxes, which came as no surprise to anybody.

As a result, the announcement of Burnout Paradise Remastered can only be seen as evidence that Payback isn’t meeting the requirements of as many players as EA hoped, prompting the publisher to resort to the warm comfort of a well-known brand. Criterion’s iconic open-world racing game will be released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on March 16 for approximately $40.

EA hasn’t said whether the grass will be greener or the girls will be prettier, but they have promised that when Burnout Paradise Remastered returns, it will do so in a place with 4K resolution support for PS4 Pro and Xbox One X, as well as native 1080p / 60 fps visual performance on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Almost all previously published downloadable content will be included in Burnout Paradise Remastered. The sole exception is the Time Savers Pack, a purchase that allows players to access all of the game’s vehicles. Although the remaster will initially be available on consoles, both online and in stores, EA has announced that a Windows PC version will be available exclusively via its Origin store.

Burnout Paradise was the last major entry in Criterion’s Burnout series before they were entrusted with Need for Speed titles, and it was published in January 2008. Burnout 3: Takedown from 2004 and Burnout Revenge from 2006 were both well-received. 

Criterion is working on Burnout Paradise Remastered alongside Guildford, United Kingdom-based Stellar Entertainment Software. Burnout Paradise Remastered is not presently planned for the Nintendo Switch, according to a spokesperson.

Assassin’s Creed: Origins (AC:O) has had a lot of controversy over its Denuvo DRM protection. Even though the latest patch has finally fixed some issues with Denuvo, other issues still remain. For example, the game’s 1-2 hour intro is still protected by Denuvo. It’s a common problem for the game, which has a Denuvo-protected intro and a Denuvo-protected main menu, making it impossible to skip the intro.

The Assassin’s Creed series has always had a pretty good reputation at keeping its customers happy. For a long time, the series has been known for its tough DRM precautions. The latest game, Assassin’s Creed: Origins, did not have a single piece of DRM on it, which, if left unchecked, would eventually lead to unauthorized updates for the game, as it would receive patches and DLCs in the game’s store.

Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed: Origins finally launched yesterday. It has been months since the game’s release date, and a few people have been able to crack the game’s DRM protection. However, Ubisoft has revealed plans to abandon DRM in the future. The game has been a mess of DRM from the start, and it is only getting worse as more people try to crack the game. The game has been plagued by glitches and crashes, and support for an online multiplayer mode was removed a while ago. Ubisoft has been a big supporter of DRM in the past with games like Rainbow Six Siege.

Assassin’s Creed Origins has finally been broken, according to an Italian hacker organization. People who have pirated copies of the game may now circumvent the DRM restrictions thanks to their efforts.

The statement was made on a subreddit that tracks when games are cracked successfully. For months, Redditors have speculated about whether or not the game will ever be cracked, and if so, when. Most games, by default, utilize Denuvo, which has been contentious due to its alleged effect on game performance. 

Denuvo, on the other hand, has proved unsuccessful in recent years, with several games being cracked only days after release. As a result, many developers and publishers are questioning whether it’s still worth paying for. In the case of Origins, Ubisoft went all-in on security.

Ubisoft was able to fool crackers like CPY for a time by combining the newest version of Denuvo, version 4.8, a code mutator called VMProtect, and Uplay security. Unfortunately, this has led to claims that Assassin’s Creed Origins used a disproportionate amount of system resources, even on PCs that exceeded the minimum system requirements. 

Over the past several years, the CPY group, which also cracks games under the moniker CONSPIR4CY, has been responsible for cracking some of the most popular titles. Middle-earth: Because they utilized an earlier version of Denuvo, Shadow of War, South Park: The Fractured but Whole, and FIFA 18 were cracked within a day of release.

However, given CPY’s successful breach, it’s unclear if Ubisoft will retain such safeguards in place. Publishers have started patching Denuvo out of games once they’ve been broken in recent years. Denuvo was removed from Doom in 2016, according to Denuvo’s Robert Hernandez, since it had already achieved its objective of preserving the game’s “first sales window.”

One might claim that Ubisoft’s approach worked since it took almost three months to overcome Assassin’s Creed Origins’ anti-piracy measures. Existing Origins owners may find the removal of Denuvo, as well as potentially improved performance, to be a bittersweet development. 

That seems odd, however, since Ubisoft doesn’t usually remove Denuvo from their games once they’ve passed their first sales window.

Acquisitions Incorporated Sourcebook for D&D 5E is a book that details every single piece of information the DM needs to run the latest edition of Dungeons and Dragons. It includes information on everything from the races to monsters, spells, feats, traits, and skills. It doesn’t matter if you’re a player or DM, this book is a must have for anyone running a D&D campaign.

The Acquisitions Incorporated sourcebook for D&D 5th edition is a great resource to use when running the adventures you’ve created for your D&D games. The book includes: Acquisitions Incorporated adventures A collection of new monsters and NPCs A variety of new non-player characters A complete overview of the world of Athas A selection of new magic items A selection of new magic and martial weapons A selection of new magical items A selection of new magic and martial weapons A selection of new monsters and NPCs A selection of new spells A selection of new magic weapons A selection of new monsters and NPCs A selection of new spells A selection of new magic weapons A selection of

D&D 5E is a fantasy role playing game (RPG) created by Wizards of the Coast LLC. The first edition was published in 2000 and the 5th edition was published in 2013. The product line includes numerous adventures, sourcebooks, and other material. The product line also includes the D&D Insider program, which is a subscription service providing exclusive materials to subscribers. As the 5th edition of the game is still in development, the D&D Insider program still holds much critical information about the game.

Acquisitions Incorporated, the official third-party Dungeons & Dragons sourcebook from Penny Arcade and Wizards of the Coast, brings hilarious fantasy antics straight to players’ homes June 18.

Acquisitions Incorporated, a famous recovery business, has shared their (mis)adventures with hundreds of thousands of PAX attendees and Twitch watchers for the last decade.

From Intern to Franchise Stakeholder, there are certain ground rules to follow.


Dungeon Master Jeremy Crawford (Lead Rules Designer of Dungeons & Dragons) does his best to shepherd the mischief of Penny Arcade and PAX co-founders Jerry Holkins (Omin Dran, Cleric) and Mike Krahulik (Jim Darkmagic, Wizard) as well as a rotating cast of celebrity guests including author Patrick Rothfuss (Viari, Rogue) and gaming icon Morgan Webb (Môrgæn, Ranger).

Dungeon Masters and players may now experience Acquisitions Incorporated’s antics in your own games thanks to the 224-page guidebook.

It’s simpler than ever to join the business and become a part of this world, thanks to new spells, a new race, and the introduction of character roles.

Do you want to dive right in? The book also contains an adventure module, allowing players to jump straight in.


Acquisitions Incorporated will be available only on the Penny Arcade shop for $49.95 through April 1st, and will include a free unique pin.

“Being able to give back to a game that I’ve played for the most of my life is incredible,” says the player.

Penny Arcade co-founder Jerry Holkins said.

“I can’t wait for players to join my friends and me in Acquisitions Incorporated, not just because it’s a book and an universe we’re proud of, but also because my character gets a share of the profits.”

Please visit Acq Inc’s official website for additional details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Acquisitions Incorporated official 5e?

Acquisitions Incorporated is a fan-made supplement for the 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons. It is not official in any way, shape, or form.

What is Acquisition Incorporated?

Acquisition Incorporated is a company that specializes in the acquisition of companies.

Where is Acquisitions Incorporated set?

Acquisitions Incorporated is set in a fictionalized version of the United States.

We’ve said it before and we’ll keep saying it until we get heard (which is probably never): Critical Role is the best of the best when it comes to Dungeons & Dragons shows. The D&D-based series, which broadcasts on the Geek & Sundry YouTube channel, is chocked-full of action, adventure, and comedy—and it’s not afraid to trade in the typical tropes of the game.

D&D has a long and storied history, which is due to the rule sets used in the game. But this iteration is right up there with some of the best-loved D&D campaigns of all time, and it’s all thanks to the cool, smart and engaging cast of characters. League of Explorers—a show that premiered in 2016—was a live-action D&D campaign that featured a group of heroes doing their best to stop an evil wizard from taking over the world. From a fantasy series like Walking Dead to a science-fiction show like Westworld to a crime drama like Dexter, all of these shows boast passionate and talented casts.

Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina Animated Special has surpassed its Kickstarter target of $1 Million AUD ($750,000 USD) in only a few hours, and is now sitting at $5.4 Million AUD ($3.8 Million USD).

Critical Role is a weekly live-streamed Dungeons & Dragons game featuring a group of prominent voice actors, who happen to be best friends.


The special animation episode comes after the release of the Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins comic in 2017, as well as a slew of fan-made animated YouTube movies.


This new project is billed as “‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ meets Dungeons & Dragons” has smashed Kickstarter crowdfunding records for a campaign of its size — raising more than $2 million in less than four hours.

The animated special is set to premiere in the autumn of 2020, with Kickstarter backers receiving prizes in May of that year. Contributors are offered a variety of benefits based on their contribution level.


The Critical Role team discusses why they went via Kickstarter to seek funds in the video above.

“Our budget is $750,000, which is much more than any media firm would be willing to risk.”

Originally, Critical Role launched its show in 2015 with Legendary Digital Networks’ Geek & Sundry, before moving to its own studio last summer and officially splitting from Geek & Sundry and Legendary Digital Networks last month.

Critical Role’s new live broadcasts and on-demand replays are only accessible on Critical Role’s own channels.