
Holly Nelson


This guide will show you how to get the best ending out of the Baldur’s Gate 3 side quest Search the Cellar. This quest requires you to collect three ingredients: ** The Alchemy ingredients ** The Elemental Powder ingredients ** The Fire/Air/Water/Earth/Luck Powder ingredients These are difficult to obtain, but if you follow this guide you will have no problem finishing the quest.

Baldur’s Gate 3 brings back the classic Baldur’s Gate story, but with a few twists and turns. As the daughter of a powerful nobleman, you must work to both advance your family’s interests and also to save the Kingdom of Amn from the machinations of the evil god Bhaal. Along the way, you’ll find yourself pulled into the strange world of the Drow, and face off against the dark powers of the Abyss. You’ll find yourself doing things you’d never do in real life, and maybe even do things you can’t imagine yourself doing.

I’ve been playing the Baldur’s Gate series since I first got on the computer in 1992, and I’ve always liked the way that combination of story and character development is handled. I remember the first time I played Baldur’s Gate II in 1998, being so intrigued by the character of Jaheira (she was my favorite character in the game, by far). When Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn came out, it was the first time I’d played an RPG with a fully-voiced and animated cast, and I loved that, too.

As befits a typical RPG, Baldur’s Gate 3 also contains a number of optional side missions that you can attempt.

One of these side missions is Cellar Search, which you get when you explore the village of Blighted, and the quest itself during Act 1 / Chapter 1.

It’s up to him to find the old book and decide what to do with it.





(Check out more gameplay on the Solo (single character wizard) HERE).



(Check out more gameplay for the Solo (Vagabond with one character) HERE).


  • THE DEED (CHAPTER) IS UNLOCKED: Act 1 (Chapter 1)
  • RENT : A dilapidated village
  • QUEST GIVER : N/A You should read the magazine


  • To begin this work, you must go to the cursed village.
  • If you are in the village of Blythead, go ahead and investigate the well here.
  • Decide to go into that pit, the whispering depths
  • From here, keep following the path (keep right and ignore the fork in the path).
  • Navigate to coordinates (x:-504 y:-376)
  • Here you will find the Apprenticeship Package, which contains a log (updated log).
  • This magazine is also the reason for this search, so it’s important that you find it.
  • The cellar you must now visit is also in the village of the blind.
  • Once in the basement, find the wooden hatch on the floor (updated protocol).
  • Go to the coordinates (X:-703 Y:-355) where you will find the shelf.

  • To the left of the previously mentioned shelf on the wall (shown above), there should now be a row of drawers that you can open by breaking them open.
  • Behind these boxes/drawers is a lever, operate it.
  • When you push the handle, the hidden door behind the bookcase opens.

  • Follow a fairly straight path to a row of cast coffins, and aim for the coffin to the left of the bucket.

  • However, opening these chests will free the shy/quiet guards, so I suggest you only kill the one in the chest you want if you don’t want to gain experience, otherwise go ahead and open them all.
  • Now let’s go back to the box I mentioned earlier (next to the bucket and behind the column). If you try to open it again, this time you will be rewarded with a dark log.
  • The role of quasite can also be found here, although it is not really necessary for this particular search.

  • The scroll is in one of the boxes (opposite the column, northeast of the box with the dark wood). Remember to examine the same box twice if you have not already destroyed the container.
  • It’s quiz time! Go ahead and examine the ornate mirror, which should be in the same room and on the stairs.
  • Now that you’ve managed to get the books I mentioned (if you’ve been able to follow me this far), you should get the Repeat Name option of the book you’ve read. Ilin Toth. If you don’t understand this, you should either re-read the books or re-read the manual.
  • In front of the mirror in this room. You should tell him your name (I don’t think it’s important). Remember, Ilin Toth is the enemy. (Watch the video to better understand)
  • Go through the mirror and you’ll see a rusty iron door. THANK YOU.
  • Now break in or break down the rusty iron door, for behind it lies the book we need! If you like, you can find a key at the back of the room.
  • Now we can get our hands on Tai’s necromancy.
  • Select the option Put the book in your pocket
  • We now have the choice of destroying the old folio or unlocking it.


RUSSIAN KEY (is needed for the door to the book. It is in the room with Tei’s book, at the back of the room. Originally, the key was not needed)

OLD KEY (Can be used for the double doors on the right side of the city entrance. If you walk from the bridge by the Druid grove. Originally, this key was not needed. The double doors are among the goblins (if you haven’t killed them).


  • If you choose this option, first go to the village of Onkelz.
  • Then examine the well again, the same one you examined, to start the side quest Digging the Cellar. Depth of whispers
  • Drive to the coordinates (X:-498 Y:-368) and turn right at the second fork.
  • If you don’t want to go through the pit, you can find the key to the double doors in the village, just above the doors themselves. Where the goblins will stand unless you decide to kill them.

  • Now you can fight your way through the area or camouflage yourself, it’s up to you, but there will be spiders here that have at least 138 health points.
  • Here, at the end of the path, you now encounter a net that appears to form a bridge. Use the Jump skill to reach the opposite cliff from here.

  • Now get off the cliff
  • Here you will find dark amethysts on the floor against the adjacent wall. THANK YOU.
  • With the black amethyst in hand, open your inventory again and read Ty’s Necromancy book.
  • You should now have a new option – to place the amethyst in the slot on the book cover.
  • You can now open the book (allowances: Astarion disapproves, Gale disapproves). You can also give the book to someone who can talk to the dead, an option you can choose.
  • Then go to the next page and choose the option that suits you best.
  • You then have to roll a few dice to keep turning the pages. That’s why I told you to save money!
  • If you manage to read the entire book, you will be rewarded with the ability to speak to the dead (necromancy spell level 3).
  • NOTE: To open the book and get through the various rolls of the dice, it is best to choose a person with good wisdom. Don’t forget to reinforce this wisdom with spells like leadership to increase skill checks on d4.


  • To accomplish this task, you need the capacity of the bolt guide. It’s just easier to destroy a book that way.
  • When the book is in your pocket, open your inventory and drop it on the ground.
  • Switch to the guide pin roller, aim and destroy! It’s simple!


+ Find the basement.

We found a journal that mentions the basement – and some powerful items. This sounds promising and, most importantly, valuable.

+ Explore the basement

We found the winery mentioned in the magazine. It’s time to look around.

+ Book of the Necromancer found

The cellar master was not only a doctor, he was a necromancer. And he was obsessed with a book.

+ Decide what you want to do with the Book of Necromancy.

We found a strange and powerful folio. Ty’s necromancy. What should we do with him?

+ Open the old book.

The book is closed properly and the mechanism is not locked. Maybe some kind of stone would work?

The necromancer’s apprentice mentioned the key man lost in the tunnels. We have to find it.

We found the gem to open the book.

+ Read the book –

We have opened the book of necromancy. Should we read it?

This folio is clearly very powerful, but we need to read further to discover the full contents.




Baldur’s Gate 3 is an epic fantasy role-playing game developed by BioWare and released in 2012. The game is the first chapter in the Baldur’s Gate saga, a series which continues in the game Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition, and Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear. The game is a standalone sequel to the original and sequel Baldur’s Gate.. Read more about if you could see anything in me what would it be baldur’s gate 3 and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I get into the cellar in Baldurs Gate 3?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You will need to find a key.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you open the rusted iron gate in baldurs Gate 3?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You must have a high strength score to open the gate.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Where is the dark amethyst bg3?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The dark amethyst bg3 is a color scheme that was created by the community. It is not an official part of the game, so it does not exist in-game.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get into the cellar in Baldurs Gate 3?

You will need to find a key.

How do you open the rusted iron gate in baldurs Gate 3?

You must have a high strength score to open the gate.

Where is the dark amethyst bg3?

The dark amethyst bg3 is a color scheme that was created by the community. It is not an official part of the game, so it does not exist in-game.

How to Release Minsc / Jaheira (Side Quest) Guide This guide will show you how to have Minsc and Jaheira join your party by the end of Chapter 8. By the end of this quest, they will both be able to reach Level 20.

BG2:EE is a well known game that is rather old. Nevertheless, it is still widely played and loved by many gamers. Since the game was first released in 1998, there have been many other versions of the game, but there is only one version which has been released recently. That version is called Baldur’s Gate II Enhanced Edition.

Baldur’s Gate II Enhanced Edition is a role-playing video game released in November 2017 by Beamdog, a video game developer based in Austin, Texas. The game is a remake of Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn, which was released in 1998. The Enhanced Edition features a prologue set 25 years after the original game, and tells a new story about a young woman named Shendeia who is the daughter of Jaheira, one of the game’s main characters.


How to free Minsc / Jaheira is one of many different side quests in (BG2) Baldur’s Gate II : Extended Edition

It’s about finding a way to free Minsk and Jahirah from their cages.


  • SIDE QUEST : Find a way to release Jahirah from her cage, Find a way to release Minsk from her cage
  • CHAPTER QUEST : CHAPTER 1 – The Irenic Tower
  • THE DEMANDS OF THE QUESTION : Recruit Jahirah, recruit Minsk
  • This optional action can be performed once you have taken control of your character. This opens up the possibility of recruiting the first set of companions in the game.
  • When you have the situation under control, you will see two more cells behind you, where you will meet Minsky and Jahirah.
  • Go talk to them, for the purpose of this guide we will talk to Minsk first.
  • Freeing or releasing Minsk from his cage is the easiest task, just talk to him and he will eventually break the bars himself. Of course, he will blame you for annoying him enough by forcing him to become a berserker.
  • As for Jahaira, her release requires a little more effort.
  • After you talk to him, go to the room in the southeast. There will be a golem here, but don’t worry, he won’t do anything.
  • Here the table in the middle of the room is especially interesting, where you should find a lot of weapons for your group. At the same time, the key to the prison cell
  • With the key to the prison cell in hand, we can now free Jahirah.
  • Of course, you don’t have to employ these characters, but they act as your first hired companions.


I freed Jaheira from her cell with a key I found.

Minsk jerked free and escaped from his cage with a force amplified by anger. Apparently our captor underestimated the rage of the man and his hamster.





It’s time to release the archers on the minotaur, Minn-Seekers! To do so, you need to liberate the ballista and the range, then free the archers using the secret passage.. Read more about raelis baldur’s gate 2 and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I release Jaheira?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can release Jaheira by going to the main menu and pressing the button on your controller.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Will Jaheira leave the party bg2?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Jaheira will not leave the party in Baldurs Gate II.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How many hours to beat Baldurs Gate2?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
It is impossible to give a precise answer to this question. The game has a lot of different variables that can affect how long it takes to beat the game, such as your skill level and how many side quests you do.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I release Jaheira?

You can release Jaheira by going to the main menu and pressing the button on your controller.

Will Jaheira leave the party bg2?

Jaheira will not leave the party in Baldurs Gate II.

How many hours to beat Baldurs Gate2?

It is impossible to give a precise answer to this question. The game has a lot of different variables that can affect how long it takes to beat the game, such as your skill level and how many side quests you do.

The basic goal of this guide is to provide you with a side-quest guide that includes the information needed to find and complete all the side-quests in Baldur’s Gate II : Enhanced Edition, including the ones that did not previously have a “Find” marker on your (baldur’s gate game) map.

Baldur’s Gate II : Enhanced Edition is a fantastic game, but it has a few issues…. For one, there are a ton of side quests, but only a few of them are actually important to the main story. You would think that getting a hold of all of the different classes of items in the game would be important, but they aren’t. There are a bunch of them to get, but many of them are incredibly easy to get, and there is really no reason to do so. This guide will give you all the information you need to get the following items:

Baldur’s Gate 2: Enhanced Edition is a classic 2D RPG by the creators of the original, and it’s back on the Playstation 4! This game boasts a large and diverse character roster for your party, and it’s not just made up of your standard heroes and villains—there are also plenty of semi-important characters, who have significant roles in the plot, scattered around the game.. Read more about baldur’s gate 2 quests by chapter and let us know what you think.


Here’s a list of the various optional side quests you can find and complete during the walkthrough of (BG2) Baldur’s Gate II: Extended Edition

We have arranged them by chapter for ease of navigation.



CHAPTER 1 – The Irenic Tower

(List in process…)





With the “”Enhanced Edition”” of Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition, the game was remastered with new graphics, a new story, and plenty of new content. The main reason I purchased this game was for my love of Baldur’s Gate, and Baldur’s Gate II. With the original, I had been able to complete the story, but found myself feeling that I had been robbed of the sequel. I had to play the game to completion, and realized I hadn’t even completed half of the content. This list is my way of listing every side quest available, and providing an accurate picture of their completion.. Read more about baldur’s gate quest checklist and let us know what you think.

After the story of the trailer and the first chapter of the game, we are now at chapter 3 of this guide. This chapter comes in two parts, first part in the south of the city and second part in the north of the city. If you are following this guide step by step, you should move forward to this chapter.

Death Stranding is a series of video games developed by Hideo Kojima. It was released on December 8th, 2018. It’s basically a modern, psychedelic thriller about a child and an android. You play as Norman Reedus’ character, Henry, who awakens from cryogenic stasis and discovers that the world around him is not what he remembers.

This text is sensitive. Try generating new copy.


That joker in the last scene was pretty funny, wasn’t he? He made sure we had all the cargo and didn’t miss anything. …. What a nice gentleman. We need more people like that in this world!

In reality, this strange figure was not nice at all, in fact, this bundle of nerves was none other than the infamous Higgs! And guess what, the shipment he just gave you wasn’t really needed for South Knot City, it was actually a bomb.

Although you probably already know this and have already blown up the poor town of South Note, killed all its poor holographic entities and destroyed the world…. oops.


So what can we do to prevent the city of South Knotts from being destroyed again? First of all, you need to understand what freight is and differentiate it from other goods. If, like me, you didn’t know what the Higgs charge was, or if you just haven’t been paying attention, it can be a big surprise.

The item you need is called a Small Fusion Weapon and to get rid of it, you have to throw it into the nearby ocean.
Believe me, I tried it when I couldn’t read the whole nuclear part. It must be the nearby ocean, which fortunately is not far at all.

Related Links/Guides :




This text is sensitive. Try generating new copy.. Read more about death stranding distribution center south of lake knot city and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What happens if you take the nuke to South knot city?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
If you take the nuke to South knot city, it will cause a nuclear explosion and destroy the entire city.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you get rid of the bomb in death stranding?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The bomb in Death Stranding is a metaphor for the games story.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Where is fragile South knot?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The fragile South knot is in the center of the map.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if you take the nuke to South knot city?

If you take the nuke to South knot city, it will cause a nuclear explosion and destroy the entire city.

How do you get rid of the bomb in death stranding?

The bomb in Death Stranding is a metaphor for the games story.

Where is fragile South knot?

The fragile South knot is in the center of the map.

BGII:EE was a remake of the classic Baldur’s Gate II , and it features several improvements over the original game, including new locations, an updated interface, a new soundtrack, and an expanded party. This quest guide shows you how to recruit Yoshimo in order to start the quest “Capturing the Flame”.

This is the Side Quest guide for “Yoshimo” in “BG 2: Enhanced Edition”. This is a side quest that you’ll get to after you have completed the main plot. This quest involves Yoshimo, a Kamaitachi, and you’ll need to find him. Yoshimo has a unique skill, a sort of teleport, and this is how you will get him to join your party. After you talk to him you have to find him and talk to him and he will join. This will conclude this side quest for BGII:EE.

To recruit a famous thief (Yoshimo) in Baldur’s Gate II, the first thing you need to do is backtrack to the screen you arrived in the game at. Once you get to the screen you want, go exactly one screen forward and the scene will trigger where you can choose to backtrack all the way back to the temple. Once there, you will find Yoshimo in the building with the statue of Bhaal where you met him in the first game.


How to recruit Yoshimo is one of the many side-quests in the game (BG2) Baldur’s Gate II : Extended Edition

It’s about recruiting or at least meeting the character of Yoshimo.


  • SIDE QUEST : Yoshimo’s recruitment
  • CHAPTER QUEST : CHAPTER 1 – The Irenic Tower
  • THE PRICE OF RESEARCH: Wrap Yoshimo (bounty hunter)
  • Yoshimo is our third companion, he is a bounty hunter wielding a katana.
  • Of course the recruitment is voluntary.
  • Before we can recruit the guy, we have to go to the guest room.
  • Examine the chest at the foot of the bed here to find the key to the gate.
  • The key to the gate is needed to gain access to the area where Yoshimo is located.
  • With the gate key in hand, you can return to the main room and go through the gate.
  • Say hello to Yoshimo for me. Yeah, it’s impossible not to notice.
  • Here you can decide if he is good enough to join your group or not, so decide and the quest is over.






Many players have asked us on our forums how to recruit the Eye of the Unseen, the protagonist of Baldur’s Gate II’s side quest. We are going to show you how to find Yoshimo and recruit him, so you can complete the Eye of the Unseen side quest.. Read more about baldur’s gate 2 enhanced edition and let us know what you think.

After months of grueling training and hundreds of hours in the virtual world, the Zodiac Braves are finally ready to face their most important mission yet: to defeat the Zodiac King and save the world.

Final Fantasy XII has always been notorious for being one of the hardest games in the series to get through, but with the release of the Zodiac Age there is a new guide for fans to use. This guide will help you locate the Seitengrat (best bow weapon) in the game, which will come in handy for the fights against bane and other bosses.

The Seitengrat is a bow that looks like it comes from a cross between an ice dragon’s tail and the chain of a minotaur. The weapon has a unique attack, where an arrow fired from it flies forward and hits the ground, and then rises into the air before exploding on impact. You can also fire a Seitengrat in the air and it will come back down on its target. Furthermore, the bow’s fire attack can set enemies on fire.


The sidegrath is probably the best archery weapon in the entire game, and also an invisible weapon.

It is one of four secret pieces of equipment added to the game and has a range twice that of any other ranged weapon in the game.

You will have to be very lucky to get it though and it won’t be easy as it took me hours, I mean HOURS, to find one.


Speed – Range: 20 shots (flight)
Attack: 224
Dodge : 75
Criticism : 25%

The weapon itself can be found on the Rabanastra airship in Nalbanu, and how to get it can be seen in the video tutorial below.

(Thanks again to (Bruce McClelland / Varis Macalania Games) for pointing out this problem).





In Final Fantasy XII , there are many great weapons to find and equip. Among them are the best bow in the game, the Seitengrat. The Seitengrat is a long range bow with an attached quiver that can hold up to 50 arrows. If you want to find it, there are certain locations/routes that you need to take to find it.. Read more about ff12 secret weapons and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the strongest weapon in ff12 Zodiac age?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The strongest weapon in FF12 Zodiac Age is the Ultima Weapon.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How early can you get Seitengrat?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
I can get Seitengrat at any time.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Do you need diamond armlet for Seitengrat?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
No, you do not need the diamond armlet to complete Seitengrat.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the strongest weapon in ff12 Zodiac age?

The strongest weapon in FF12 Zodiac Age is the Ultima Weapon.

How early can you get Seitengrat?

I can get Seitengrat at any time.

Do you need diamond armlet for Seitengrat?

No, you do not need the diamond armlet to complete Seitengrat.

This Side Mission Quest is an optional quest that is available once you have defeated the Gunzerker boss on the first floor of the Sky Temple and have opened the doors to the second floor. This quest is optional and is only available once you have completed the main story quest ‘Chapter 4: Over The Top!’.

The Borderlands series has always been known for its strong female characters, and the latest entry continues that trend with the Dandy and the Damsel. The Borderlands 3: Bounty of Blood DLC introduces the characters to the player via side missions that highlight their particular skills and personality traits. The two characters in question are:

Are you ready to take the fight to the bad guys? In this guide, we’re going to take you to the Badlands and show you the ropes with our step-by-step walkthrough. We’ll cover all the different quests and weapons, as well as show you how to beat the main boss at the end of the game.


Borderlands 3 – Bounty of Blood (DLC) has many trophies and achievements that you can unlock. One is that it’s rather complicated and that’s how it was done in the West.

In That’s Quite Challenging and How the West was Done, players must complete all available side and team challenges.

This page shows you how to find and complete the Dandy and the Lady side quest.


SOURCE : Game Master Channel


Borderlands 3 – Bounty of Blood (DLC) – Playlist Guide




Iím pretty sure Iíve done all the side missions in Borderlands 3 so Iím assuming some have been missed. So this guide is going to talk about the Dandy And The Damsel DLC. So Borderlands 3 is a pretty good game so far. But Iím not a Gamersenger so I donít know how many missions there are. I also donít know how many missions there are to the DLC. I donít know how many more missions there are in the DLC. I donít know how many more missions there are in the Borderlands 3 series. I donít know how many more Borderlands 3 missions there are. So the question is, how many more missions in Borderlands 3 are there. Read more about the dandy and damsel borderlands 3 bugged and let us know what you think.

I’m sure there are many out there that have played through Final Fantasy XV’s story on their first run, but for those that are still trying to figure out how to get to the Crestholm Channels (Sealed Door – Menace Dungeon) they are in for some easy farm. Here is a guide for those who have been trying to figure out the Crestholm Channels (Sealed Door – Menace Dungeon), but want to get a little more experience with it.

With this guide you will be able to unlock the Crestholm Channels (Sealed Door – Menace Dungeon) located in Final Fantasy XV making it possible to access the locked door on the way to the End of the World.

There are three doors in the Crestholm Channels that you must activate in order to proceed in Final Fantasy XV. The first door leads you to the Seal of the War-Chiefs, the second leads you to a warp, and the third leads you to the Free Egress Chamber, known also as the Menace Dungeon. Each door requires a specific item to activate, and this item is obtained by defeating the enemies in the Menace Dungeon.

The Menace Dungeons are a set of optional end-game dungeons with lengthy hallways and paths packed with dangerous creatures and fiends.

This article will explain how to travel to the Crestholm Channels’ Sealed Door, which will let you to access the Menace Dungeon of the Crestholm Channels.

After witnessing a few individuals struggle to locate the real entrance to the Dungeon, I decided to write a tutorial on it, so here we are.

The Menace task requires you to go to the Crestholm Channels Sealed Door’Although it is simpler to locate than the Daurell door, I have witnessed a few people get lost xD If you have yet to activate the Machines needed to open the Green gate then refer to this video: Crestholm Channels / Ever Illustrious Regalia and read the video description!

Welcome to the Final Fantasy XV – How To Get To The Crestholm Channels (Sealed Door – Menace Dungeon) Guide! This guide will show you how to get to the Sealed Door in the Menace Dungeon and obtain the Crestholm Channels (Sealed Door).. Read more about a menace sleeps in crestholm map and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I get to the sealed door on Crestholm?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can find the Crestholm map in your inventory.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I open locked dungeon doors FFXV?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can use a key to open locked doors.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I get to the sealed door in Costlemark?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You need to find the key that is hidden in the chest on the left side of the room.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get to the sealed door on Crestholm?

You can find the Crestholm map in your inventory.

How do I open locked dungeon doors FFXV?

You can use a key to open locked doors.

How do I get to the sealed door in Costlemark?

You need to find the key that is hidden in the chest on the left side of the room.

I have a long history with Destroy All Humans!, the long-running cult game series from Nihilistic Software. The game is fun, silly, and challenging. Its sequels have gotten bigger, more cinematic, and more sci-fi. The only thing that hasn’t changed on the series since it’s inception has been the quality of the writing: the games are incredibly funny, the characters are well-written, and the plot is unpredictable.

Destroy All Humans! Remake (2020) is a game that was originally released on the PS2 in 2005. Two years later, it was remade for the PS3. The original game (also known as D.A.H.U.M.S.) was a third person action/adventure game that was mostly based in the city of New York. The remake (also known as D.A.H.U.M. #2) was based in a fictional Earth that was at war with the alien race known as the G’nort. Both games were developed by Lionhead Studios.

The good news is that you can use the g15tools website to track the locations of every probe in the game, along with instructions on how to destroy them all, even if you don’t have a copy of the game.

There are many places where you can find and collect various probes, one such place is the turnip farm.

Therefore, on this page we will cover all probes that can be found on the rapeseed farm. There are a total of 25 probes in this area.

NOTE: Note that we are running the area counterclockwise (from probe 1 to the right). I hope this helps anyone who is lost in this direction.


From the place where you appear with the ship, you have to go to a small pen where there are currently cows. (As shown in the image above)

Your first probe is here, floating under the roof of the building.

#2 PROBE :

As has already been said, and I could go on, we are going through this region counter-clockwise. If you follow this direction, there should be a tractor next to the cowshed. The next probe is located next to the trigger (as shown in the photo above).

#3 PROBE :

There must be a building right in front of the tractor with smoke coming out of it.

If you enter this area, but stop at the first building on the right, you will see the next probe right next to that building (as shown in the image above).

#4 PROBE :

If you see the white building here (the same place where I found probe #3), go up and see the next probe sitting on the chimney here

#5 PROBE :

Here we cross the road (like on the picture above).

Go to the stones in the grass and hopefully you will see probe number five.

#6 PROBE :

You will find the following directly in front of probe number 5, sitting or preferably floating near the water.


If you turn left from probe 6, you will see a small hill with some buildings on top, go there.

I hope you see the next probe into the building.


If you go left of probe number 7, you will hopefully see another large paddock with cows.

Behind the building closest to the man with the newspaper is the next probe, as shown in the photo above.


There should be a big house on the next hill, go there.

The next probe is hidden here in the car.

#10 PROBE :

The next sample cools down and stays in the middle of the road.

#11 SAMPLE :

If you go to the other side of the street where I found probe number 10 and follow the instructions, there should be another building there.

As you can probably see, the next probe is hidden next to the building.

#12 PROBE :

Follow the circle with the bubbles in the picture to the next probe, and then go back to the barn with the cows.

The next probe can be seen here, hovering above the water pool (circled in the photo above).

#13 PROBE :

Follow the circle of bubbles in the image above (mainly towards the light in the distance). To get there, you have to cross the water nearby. Walk along the water, you don’t have to go in.

As soon as you reach the green building with the scarecrow outside, you can stop.

The next probe is seen here hovering above a small green building.

#14 PROBE :

Go to the building just northwest of probe number 13.

The next probe hovers here among the trees.

#15 PROBE :

Stay near probe number 14, because you can find the next probe by hovering next to a barrel of explosives.

#16 PROBE :

Again, don’t go too far, the next one is on the other side of the building.

#17 SAMPLE :

Follow the circle of bubbles in the image above and head north, staying close to the water’s edge.

As you can see, this one likes calm water!

#18 PROBE :

The next one is on a small isolated piece of land northwest of probe 17.

#NR. 19 PROBE :

On the way back to the building where I found probe number 16, just followed the instructions.

Here you should see another isolated piece of land, walk towards it again.

#20 PROBE :

The next probe is directly opposite probe number 19. It hangs from the top of a cliff at the water’s edge.

#21 PROBE :

Here too you stay close to the water. Proceed a little farther north of Probe 20 to find this

#22 PROBE :

From probe 21, turn around and go up the hill here.

When you pass the blue Orthopox sign, you know you’re on the right track.

Here you should see the next tree.

#23 PROBE :

Keep heading northwest on the way back to the farm.

It is just in the corner of the fence, the white fence refers to the white farm building.

#24 SAMPLE :

You probably saw it when you picked up sample #23, it’s really not that far.

#25 PROBE :

Now go closer to the white farm building

Flying to the roof of the white farm building, you will hopefully find the last remaining probe.



In Destroy All Humans, the player is tasked with locating and destroying all 25 alien probes scattered across the globe. For our purposes, we will be focusing on the Turnip Seed Farm location (#25) as it is the only one in the game with a known point of interest.. Read more about turnipseed farm probe locations remake and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Where are all the probes in Turnipseed Farm?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
There are no probes in Turnipseed Farm.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Where is the last probe on Turnipseed Farm?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The last probe is on the right side of the farm, near the barn.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are Furon probes?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Furon probes are a type of probe that is used by the Furons to explore space.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are all the probes in Turnipseed Farm?

There are no probes in Turnipseed Farm.

Where is the last probe on Turnipseed Farm?

The last probe is on the right side of the farm, near the barn.

What are Furon probes?

Furon probes are a type of probe that is used by the Furons to explore space.

Setsuna is an action RPG for the PS4, and if you’re looking for a break from the standard RPG tropes, or just want something a little different, it’s a game worth your time. The game has a really great story, and you can play through the game in around four hours or so. However, if you want to see the true ending and meet Setsuna’s mother, you’ll need to do a few side quests.

A while ago I wrote a Trophy Achievement guide for the Japanese version of the game, and I decided to do the same for the English version.

This trophy is among the harder ones in I Am Setsuna: Pride of the Royal, and because of its major role in the story, it’s also among the most time consuming. In order to unlock this trophy, you have to go all the way back to the first town in the game, the one that’s located at the far east of the map.. Read more about i am setsuna spritnite guide and let us know what you think.

You may earn a variety of trophies and accomplishments in I Am Setsuna, including Pride of the Royals.

The Eclipse spiritnite is required for Pride of the Royals, which can only be obtained by completing Julienne’s side mission.

The following is a step-by-step approach to achieving this goal.


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