
Holly Nelson


Food is a key part of the Trails of Cold Steel experience. While there are plenty of options in the game for subsisting on meat, fish, vegetables, and fruits, you’ll need to keep an eye out for others as you explore the world.

Trails of Cold Steel III is coming out at last! (Japanese gamers will be happy to know that it is coming out in November 3rd.) If you’re planning to play the game, you’ll probably be hungry when you start, and if you’re planning to cook, you might need some recipes. So, here’s a complete guide to all food recipes in the game!

“TOCS3” Trails of Cold Steel III : All Food Recipe Locations (Food Warrior!) guide This is a guide to the foods that can be cooked in the new “Food Warrior” system in the game “TOCS3” Trails of Cold Steel III : All Food Recipe Locations . Some of the recipes are very elaborate, and take a lot of resources to make. (Example: Making bread from scratch)

Here is a fast and easy reference to all of the places in the game where you can find all of the available Food Recipes. Obtaining all of them will grant you access to the Food Warrior! the accomplishment of a trophy

Talking to random NPC characters, fulfilling specific missions, and other similar requirements are all ways to get the recipes. They may also be easily missed, so be cautious if you want to gather them all.

After gathering all of the available Recipes, you must prepare every single variant of the various meals, ranging from Unique Dishes to Superb Dishes, with at least one for each. Because there are so many Recipes to go through, I decided to put this on the Final Chapter, where you may purchase all of the ingredients you’ll need and then submit them to Sandy for the Vulcan Quartz. 


INGREDIENTS REQUIRED: 1 pound mature cheese, 1 pound flaky potato, 1 pound coarse rock salt

Juna is the best cook. LOCATION: Default. On April 15th, you may get it from Gina in the School Caffeteria.


RECIPE 2: Piled Onion Rings


1 fresh egg, 1 cris onion, 1 assorted grain Shell of the Chitinous

Elliot is the best cook. BUY FROM BARNEY (Leeves – April 16th)


RECIPE 3: Fluffy Chiffon Cake 


1 quart of fresh milk 1 tbsp. honey syrup 1 pound of assorted grains 1 pound of hearty powder

BEST COOK: Fie LOCATION: Saint Arkh – April Cafe & Inn (Nash) [April 22nd] VIDEO TIMESTAMP: 4:28 – 5:11




x1 Starberry x1 Tomato Acerbic x1 Honey Syrup x1 Gelatin Clear

BEST COOK: Rean LOCATION: Saint Arkh – Cathedral Square [April 22nd] VIDEO TIMESTAMP: 5:11 –


RECIPE 5: Hearty White Stew


1 quart of fresh milk 1 x Fresh Herbs 1 x Flaky Potato x1 coarse rock salt 1 x Healthy Liquor x1 Monster Flesh

BEST COOK: Laura  LOCATION: White Footpath Tavern -Parm (April 22nd)


>>>>>>>>>> That Concludes The Chapter 1 – Recipe Locations <<<<<<<<<<<

RECIPE 6: Juicy Ham Sandwich


1 mature cheese x1 coarse rock salt 1 x Assorted Grains x1 Monster Flesh

BEST COOK: Kurt LOCATION: Bakery & Cafe – Leeves (5/13 Saturday Night)


RECIPE 9: Fresh Tomato Noodles RECIPE 10: Honey Bagel RECIPE 7: Cafe Macchiato RECIPE 8: Dragon Fried Rice RECIPE 9: Fresh Tomato Noodles RECIPE 10: Honey Bagel

BEST COOK:  Cafe Macchiato: Altina Dragon Fried Rice: Machias Fresh Tomato Noodles: Alisa Honey Bagel: Emma LOCATION: Crossbell City (5/20 – Saturday)

TIMESTAMPS: 5:37–6:21 : Macchiato Cafe (Recipe) 6:00–7:00 p.m.: Dragon Fried Rice (Recipe) Fresh Tomato Noodles (7:05–8:17) (Recipe) Honey Bagel (8:17 – 10:30 a.m.) (Recipe)


>>>>>>>>>> That Concludes The Chapter 2 – Recipe Locations <<<<<<<<<<<

RECIPE 11: Thick Hamburger Steak BEST COOK:  Ash LOCATION: Campus Cafeteria (6/10 – Saturday)


RECIPE 12: Fisherman’s Paella RECIPE 13: Colorful Bouillabaisse BEST COOK:  Paella: Sara Colorful Bouillabaisse: Millium LOCATION: Ordis Port (6/17 – Saturday)

TIMESTAMP ON VIDEO: 8:50 – 10:06 : Fisherman’s Paella 10:06 – : Bouillabaisse à la couleur


RECIPE 14: Heavy Meat Pie RECIPE 15: Purple Hearts BEST COOK:  Heavy Meat Pie: Juna Purple Hearts: Jusis LOCATION: Decken Pub & Diner, Hermit Bar & Inn (Raquel) (6/17 – Saturday)


RECIPE 16: Aquamarine Ice Cream BEST COOK:  Musse LOCATION: Ordis Business District – Stall (6/18 – Sunday)


>>>>>>>>>> That Concludes The Chapter 3 – Recipe Locations <<<<<<<<<<<

RECIPE 17: Pasta Peperoncino BEST COOK:  Rean LOCATION: Barney’s Tavern & Inn (Leeves) (7/8 – Saturday Night)


RECIPE 18-21: Septetto Tea, Croquette Burger, Tomato Curry, White Velvet Shortcake BEST COOK:  Septetto Tea: Kurt Croquette Burger: Ash Tomato Curry: Musse White Velvet Shortcake: Altina

LOCATION: Heimdallr (Saturday, July 15)

Video Timestamps:

0:00 – 1:29 p.m.: Septetto Tea; 1:29 p.m.: Croquette Burger; 1:29 p.m.: Septetto Tea; 1:29 p.m.: Septetto Tea Tomato Curry, 3:00–3:46 White Velvet Shortcake at 3:46


RECIPE 22: Hearty Kebab BEST COOK: Gaius




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Today we will be going over the locations of all food recipes in the game. If you are like me and enjoy cooking, you will appreciate this. I will also be giving out the percentages of the item’s drops. I’m sure anyone with a cooking or craft skill can find all the food recipes easily, but for those who are just starting out, or for those who don’t want spoilers, I will be doing this.. Read more about trails of cold steel 3 – horse bet and let us know what you think.

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Trails of Cold Steel III : Side Quests (Chapter 2) Guide

Trails Of Cold Steel III : All Side Quests (Chapter 2) Guide

We present you a guide to the side quests in TOCS3. The majority of these side quests can be completed within a small timeframe. Therefore, we are presenting you a guide to the side quests in TOCS3. We start with the quests that are recommended to be completed first.. Read more about trails of cold steel 3 side quests and let us know what you think.

Trails Of Cold Steel 3 features a plethora of extra Side Quests for you to explore and hopefully finish, much like the previous Trails of Cold Steel titles.

Some of which are missable and have a set time limit in order to complete them too. Below is a guide on how to complete all of the Chapter 2 Side Quests and where to find each one. 

1) QUEST NAME: Book BL-Under QUEST GIVER: Tatiana DATE: 5/13 (Saturday) (Night) LOCATION: Leeves Chapel – Leeves GUIDE:

Tatiana has apparently misplaced one of her books; it turns out that someone else mistakenly picked it up believing it was theirs, and we need to return it to her. The Bakery Shop (Rocette) is your first stop, and you’ll need to talk with Liza, who will tell you that the book was most likely stolen by the Farmer, Cain. To finish the mission, return to Barney’s Tavern and talk with Cain, who is seated alone. 


2) QUEST NAME: Pocket Watch Repair QUEST GIVER: Mayor Haddock DATE: 5/14 (Sunday) LOCATION: Mayor’s Home – Leeves GUIDE:

This one will need you to locate various components in order to fix the damaged Pocket Watch. You must now go to the following locations:

Old Man Rod Campus Garden – Tita School 2F – Pablo – Hangar – Mint Nyo Imports – Mint Nyo Imports – Mint Nyo Imports – Mint Nyo Imports – Mint Nyo Imports

Return to the Mayor to complete the task.


3) QUEST NAME: Present Whereabouts QUEST GIVER: Old Lady Chammy DATE: 5/14 (Sunday) LOCATION: Outside the Mayor’s House. Leeves GUIDE:

Chammy may be seen pacing about outside the Mayor’s home, where she has misplaced a present package. Cerberus the little puppy will now follow you around after a few more moments of conversation. You must now train the dog to seek out the present box. The following are some of the areas that will need to be looked into:

* Check the area nearest to Chammy on the floor * Nyo Imports – Old Man Rod * Bridge to the East (Right of Nyo Imports)

The mission should now be completed.


4) QUEST NAME: Reaching New Heights QUEST GIVER: Principle Aurelia DATE: 5/14 (Sunday) LOCATION: Pool / Training Ground. Campus GUIDE:

Warning This one can be difficult to complete because Aurelia has some powerful abilities that will deal significant damage, and her Craft ability has a good chance of one-shotting you, causing you to die and receive a Game Over, so I strongly advise you to purchase the necessary equipment from the Leeves Exchange store, particularly the Proxy Necklace, which will revive you.

Take use of the Order’s powers, especially Divine Song, which immediately casts any magic, allowing you to heal yourself and cast any destructive spells you may have. 

Also, when she transforms into Military Might, I strongly suggest you to utilize the Iron Will Order since she will do twice the damage and even use her Craft ability to one-shot you.

Use items to strengthen your abilities and keep out of her Dynast Sunder as this will lower your ATS and Strength stats. 


5) QUEST NAME: Sidney’s Sadness QUEST GIVER: Sidney DATE: 5/14 (Sunday) LOCATION: Student Cafeteria / Campus GUIDE:

Sidney will seem sad in the Cafeteria; it turns out that he is angry since his training scores are very low, and as a result, he has lost motivation. You must now go to the following locations:

Books & Games – Randolph Either Dorm 2F or Clubhouse – Maya

This should end the quest


6) QUEST NAME: Revenge of the Swimming Lessons QUEST GIVER: Wayne DATE: 5/14 (Sunday) LOCATION: Pool / Training Ground GUIDE:

This one is quite straightforward; you’ll be participating in a swimming competition and will need to use Wayne to defeat Rean. The game instructs you on how to swim, and if you fail, you may always try again. If you’ve played Trails II, you’ll have no trouble with this since it utilizes the same concept. To finish this game, you must beat Rean. 


7) QUEST NAME: The Great Crossbell Bake Off QUEST GIVER: Bennet DATE: 5/20 (Saturday) LOCATION: Morges Bakery (Crossbell – West St) GUIDE: 

For this one you will need to cook several different meals, so hopefully by now you will have plenty of recipes available. These meals need to be cooked to perfection, in other words they need to be unique. Now to complete this quest you need to cook at least 3 different meals before handing them in. However, to get the quest completely finished meaning the maximum reward. You will need to cook 7 different meals and don’t forget that there is a Grocery shop nearby if needed.  In order to find out who the best cook is and for what meal go to this page here: Recipes


8) QUEST NAME: Mishy Merch QUEST GIVER: Louise DATE: 5/20 (Saturday) LOCATION: Derfflinger – Car 1 GUIDE: 

You’ll need a particular Mishy Strap for this one, which is fortunately not difficult to come by. To begin, you will need to trade x2 Dried Salmon from Marte’s booth in Crossbell City’s East Street. Once you get them, go to the exchange store across the street for the Mishy Strap. With the Strap in hand, return to the Camp and give it over to Louise to complete the mission. 


9) QUEST NAME: Do Me This Favor QUEST GIVER: Xin DATE: 5/20 (Saturday) LOCATION: Crossbell City Harbor (Heiyuue Trading Ltd) GUIDE: 

This one has a fishing requirement: Xin needs a briefcase, which she may find on Ursuala Road 1 (which will be indicated on the map). Juna will be required to fish for the briefcase, and once you get it, you may complete the mission.


10) QUEST NAME: E Crossbell Highway Monster QUEST GIVER: Crossbell Police DATE: 5/21 (Sunday) LOCATION: East Crossbell Highway 3 GUIDE: 

Your mission is to defeat an adversary hiding on Highway 3, which will be indicated on the map when you arrive. It’s not a very strong opponent, so utilize the Orders and go ham! Emma’s S-Craft, like Alisa’s Heavenly Gift, is very useful since it negates the opponents’ assaults. 


11) QUEST NAME: Geofront F Sector Monster QUEST GIVER: Crossbell Police DATE: 5/21 (Sunday) LOCATION: Geofront F Sector 3 GUIDE: 

You can fast travel to Geofront F Sector 3 by going to Crossbell City Station > Geofront F Sector Interior. Thankfully this fight is also rather easy, just like with the quest above use Emma’s S-Craft to avoid damage, Alisa to help boost your overall CP and just wail on it!


12) QUEST NAME: Where is my meowster? QUEST GIVER: Coppe DATE: 5/21 (Sunday) LOCATION: Harbor District (Crossbell) GUIDE: 

You’ll be charged with locating a lost girl who is attempting to save Lloyd and the others in this charming game. After consenting to the mission and accepting it, you must locate numerous Bus Stops at the following locations:

Entrance on West Street Entrance on East Street

After doing so, you’ll learn that the girl’s name is Mimi, and that her father is also searching for her. This will immediately launch you into a fight with several Blade Fangs, which you must kill in order to complete the mission.






Cold Steel III is a JRPG (Japanese Style RPG) developed by Falcom. It is the 3rd installment in the Cold Steel series, and has both an anime and manga adaptation. The third installment will be released later this year for the PlayStation 3, and will include a new playable character, Lingard.. Read more about trails of cold steel 3 chapter 1 walkthrough and let us know what you think.

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Today, I’ll talk about the end of Trails of Cold Steel II, and the final chapter of the Trails of Cold Steel series! If you’ve started this guide, you probably know that the game’s ending is pretty… dark. If you’re new to the series, the cold steel ending was pretty much a given. And if you haven’t started this guide yet, well, I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but your time is finally up.

The Trails of Cold Steel II is a JRPG developed by Nihon Falcom. It is the sequel to the Trails of Cold Steel and was released in 2012 for the PS3, PS Vita and PC. The game is known for its intricate plot, which I will go into more detail throughout this guide.

(TOCS2) Trails Of Cold Steel II : All Side Quests (Finale / Epilogue) Guide (with pictures) – (TOCS2) Trails Of Cold Steel II : All Side Quests (Finale / Epilogue) guide (with pictures) (Please note : The links and pictures in this document may not work after a patch, and this guide may not work at all.). Read more about trails of cold steel 2 secret ending and let us know what you think.

This page contains a full list of all side missions in the Finale / Epilogue Chapter, as well as instructions on how to accomplish them.

The Divine Knight Errant Trophy / Achievement may be earned by completing all of the available side missions.

Within this Chapter, there are a total of 6 distinct missions to be found.



Angelica wants to conclude the school year with a race, which you can do if you go to the Engineering Building. Gain an additional AP point for defeating her.


Once you’ve agreed to the mission, go to the following locations:

Pawn Shop – Micht Class VII Dorm -Sara Kirsche’s Cafe & Inn – Sara

*Bought Carnelia’s books

Clara Academy Field – Lambert Pawn Shop – Micht General Store – Brandon – Main Building Entrance (Thors) – Janitor Gyler Art Room (2F) – Janitor Gyler Art Room (2F) – Janitor Gyler Art Room (2F) – Janitor Gyler Art Room (2F) – Janitor Gyler Art Room (2F)


Once you’ve agreed to the mission, go to the following locations:

Kirsche’s Cafe & Inn – Abbot General Store – Tyzel Upper Class Dorm – Lotte Staff Room (Thors) – Heinrich Gymnasium – Monica Radio Trista – Letter on table & Michael

QUESTION: Management of Anglers Trista River is the name of the river in which it is located. Kenneth is a quest giver who is available on March 13th. WALKTHROUGH: 

This one is very straightforward, but it may also be time consuming. You will need to fish for a certain fish, and it may take some time for it to get hooked; it took me almost 30 minutes for it to emerge.

QUESTION: The Return of Swimming Lessons LOCATION: Gymnasium QUESTION GIVER: Neithardt, Instructor AVAILABLE ON THE 13TH OF MARCH WALKTHROUGH:

This quest will be recognizable to anybody who has played the original Trails Of Cold Steel. Simply choose an opponent and compete against them in a swimming race; if you win, you will get more AP.


Go to the following locations after accepting this quest: (Note: it doesn’t matter which order you go in since you’ll need to talk with both to finish this one.)

Becky Pawn Shop – Micht Auditorium

You’ll need to acquire two components from the aforementioned NPC in order to create a handcrafted bracelet. Anton then proceeds to embarrass himself in front of Sharon. 





The Trails of Cold Steel II (TOCS2) games were a huge success, as the first iteration of the series sold over 1,000,000 copies worldwide, making it one of the best-selling games on PSP. The game was a success largely because it was a huge step up in terms of the story TOCS2 told. The first game had its roots in the tabletop RPG, with its story told from the perspective of the main character, Rean Schwarzer.. Read more about trails of cold steel 2 divertissement and let us know what you think.

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Trails of Cold Steel III Side quests are the main reason anyone plays TOCS3. That is, of course, unless you’re just playing the main game. In that case, you will have gotten your fill of the game’s main events by the time you complete the final chapter. That’s why I’ve put together this guide that outlines all of the Side quests in the game.

“TOCS3: Trails of Cold Steel III: All Side Quests (Final Chapter) Guide” is a side quests guide and walkthrough for the Playstation 3 game by Falcom called “Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle” (also known as “Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle – All Side Quests – (Final Chapter) Guide”). This guide will detail all sidequests in the game.

Trails of Cold Steel III : All Side Quests (Final Chapter) Guide (TOCS3) Trails of Cold Steel III takes place in a fictional setting, the Erebonian Empire of Aveh, which is a land where steampunk technology and magic coexist. This setting is the world of choice for many new and old fans of the Trails series. In this final chapter, you will learn how to get all the side quests on your first playthrough.. Read more about trails of cold steel 3 the cryptid keeper and let us know what you think.

Trails Of Cold Steel 3 features a plethora of extra Side Quests for you to explore and hopefully finish, much like the previous Trails of Cold Steel titles.

Some of which are missable and have a set time limit in order to complete them too. Below is a guide on how to complete all of the Final Chapter Side Quests and where to find each one. 

1) QUEST NAME: A Load of Schmidt QUEST GIVER: Schmidt DATE: 7/18 – Tuesday LOCATION: Airport Terminal – Heimdallr GUIDE:

If you don’t have a Black Zemurian Ore, you won’t be able to complete this task. Speak with Tatiana on Train Car #3 back at Camp, show her your notebook, and if you have enough notes, she will give you one of these Ores. After a brief exchange with Schmidt, who will be located upstairs, you will be asked who you want the new weapon created for. It is entirely up to you to make this decision. This is the path you must take in order to acquire the greatest weapon in the game, so pick your choices carefully. That stated, as long as you have enough Zemurian Ore, you may make more formidable weapons for the other characters as well. 


2) QUEST NAME: Ever Greater Heights QUEST GIVER: Principle Aurelia – Car #1 DATE: 7/18 – Tuesday LOCATION: Derfflinger Car 1 – Ostia Camp [Heimdallr] GUIDE:

For this one, I suggest making a Save File first, then equipping Rean with Evade Accessories like the Mirage Cape and the Proxy Puppet to prevent immediate death. Another item to consider is the Sirius Quartz, which enhances Evade and makes the following battle much simpler. If you’re in need of accessories, Pablo in the far end vehicle should be able to assist you. 

This mission is identical to the previous one when you fought Principle Aurelia; the only difference is that it will be a lot simpler if you have the right gear; her S-Craft would still probably kill you in one shot, but that’s why you have the Proxy Puppet.  


3) QUEST NAME: Heimdallr Catacombs Monster QUEST GIVER: N/A DATE: 7/18 – Tuesday LOCATION: Imperial Museum Catacombs – Heimdallr GUIDE:

Make your way to the Imperial Museum Catacombs’ lower levels, where you’ll encounter another monster. Unlike the previous fiends you’ve encountered, this one has the power to cast Vanish on one of your party members, rendering that person inactive for a period of time. They will, however, return, albeit with no EP. Otherwise, simply fight it until it reaches Guard Break, then use S-Crafts to finish it out. 


4) QUEST NAME: South Ostia Highway Monster QUEST GIVER: N/A DATE: 7/18 – Tuesday LOCATION: South Ostia Highway  GUIDE: When on this map if you look closely you should be able to see a little red dot, this is where this monster lies and it’s a creepy looking Spider sheesh.. Anyway make sure to equip your team with both Confuse and Sleep resistant accessories (I actually forgot about the Confuse part in my video ha!) Anyway as long as you have resistance to those you should be okay, like previous bosses just try and Guard Break it and then finish it off with S-Craft abilities. 






This is the final chapter guide for the Side Quests in the games Trails of Cold Steel II and III. To access the different side quest, you can simply go back and visit the areas where the Side Quests took place. This guide makes it easier to find out where some of the Side Quests take place.. Read more about trails of cold steel 3 quartz list and let us know what you think.

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The Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster is a crazy amount of characters. In fact, Brawl veteran Pirana Plant is by far the weirdest addition to the roster. Sure, the character is a bit of an oddball, but he’s otherwise a solid choice, mostly for the high-skill ceiling he brings.

SSBU’s roster is rapidly filling out, but in doing so, it brings some strange choices. Why is Pirana Plant, a character with a generally lackluster movepool, in Smash? How did Mach Rider come to join the cast? Why is the third worst character in Smash 4 in SSBU? We’ll answer that last question, since it’s a little bit more interesting.

The Smash Bros Ultimate roster is just under one-third complete, and that means the remaining two characters will be revealed soon. If you follow the Smash Bros scene at all, you’re probably wondering what Pirana Plant is. It’s a type of monster that’s been frequently requested in the Super Smash Bros series and was introduced in Ultimate’s first trailer.

There have been a lot of strange, quirky, or out of place characters in the Super Smash Bros. series. Previously, the top spot was held by the….. let’s call him “classic,” Mr. Game amp; Watch, but there are a number of other characters who made fans go “……..wait what?” when they were first announced, and now we can not only add another name to that list but, in my opinion, crown a new king of bizarre.

Respectfully, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Piranha Plant.

Some may argue that he isn’t as out of place as some of the others, such as Mr.Game amp; Watch, Duck Hunt, or Pac-Man, but I have one question for them: have you tried playing as him? Seriously, the strangest thing about Mario’s enemy isn’t that he’s still in a pot when he fights, or that he has no real reason for being so much tougher than his brethren, or that he’s so adorable, it’s that his move set is so far from anything we’ve come to expect from this generation of Smash Bros.

Allow me to explain what I’m talking about in detail. First and foremost, his movement, which is already strange given that he is still in a pot, so him moving forward is honestly just a confusing and terrifying experience where he appears to be spinning on the rim of his pot and then transitioning into what essentially looks like him shimmying very quickly towards you. The bottom of his pot is cracked, and his tiny legs (Legs? Vines? I have no idea) protrude out when he chooses to move quicker, which only the keen eye will notice. To be honest, I’m frightened by the sight of him approaching my character and, like any normal person, I flee in terror. With no actual legs, logic would suggest that he would be a slow-moving figure. WRONG. All of his main movement is very quick, and I had difficulty keeping up with him in rounds as Incineroar, who, while being a slower character, still has two functioning legs.

We haven’t even gone into his move set yet, and the devilish flora has already risen to the top of my strange ladder, but since we’re here, we may as well investigate it as well. Now, if you’ve played enough Smash Bros., you’ll know that each character has their own move set, with movements based on their individual game’s attacks (or lack thereof), but after a while, you’ll notice a pattern in many of the moves. Up Bs are usually some kind of recovery, neutral Bs are usually stationary specialities that are depending on which way you’re looking, and so on. While there are many of exceptions to these rules, few defy them as openly as Piranha Plant does. His side B is a charge poison attack that I still haven’t figured out the timing for, his down B is a dodge into stretching himself upwards across half the screen, and his side smash has him grow spikes and slam his head into his opponent (which is one of his primary tactics, it’s either bite or headbutt). Most perplexing of all is his neutral B, which entails him spitting a spike ball into the air that floats at different heights depending on how long he holds the attack. Did I mention that he can also launch this ball of death in different directions by simply tilting the joystick in either direction while it’s in the air? That’s a thing, and it even varies the distance it travels based on how far up it is.

Now I see the opposition’s point of view; you might equate Piranha Plants neutral B to King Dededes side B, and his down B to Snakes down smash, for example. To be fair to everyone, I try to see all sides of any issue, but I’m having a difficult time doing so with this one. The image of Piranha Plant that all of these pieces form is more akin to a surrealistic Picasso painting than the typical Michelangelo mosaic that we’ve come to expect from this series, but don’t let that mislead you into thinking I don’t really like our new odd-looking potted plant. He more than deserves his place among the already varied cast that we all know and, most importantly, like. I can’t get enough of him because of how weird he is, and I can only wait with bated breath, like the rest of the Smash community, for my heart to be stolen when Joker joins the roster later this year.

If you’re not up to speed on what Pirana Plant is, don’t worry. Pirana Plant is a new character from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which made its debut in the latest Super Smash Bros. game, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Pirana Plant has some twisted things going on, but that’s not all. Pirana Plant is actually an old character from the Super Smash Bros. series. You can see the non-removed Pirana Plant in the final Super Smash Bros. Melee in the form of a trophy in the game’s Melee museum.. Read more about piranha plant smash code and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Why did they add Piranha Plant?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Piranha Plant is a character from the Mario series.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is Piranha Plant good in SSBU?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Piranha Plant is a good character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Who is the best Piranha Plant in the world?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Piranha Plant is a character in the Mario series. It is unknown who the best Piranha Plant in the world is, but it would be hard to say that there isnt one.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did they add Piranha Plant?

Piranha Plant is a character from the Mario series.

Is Piranha Plant good in SSBU?

Piranha Plant is a good character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Who is the best Piranha Plant in the world?

Piranha Plant is a character in the Mario series. It is unknown who the best Piranha Plant in the world is, but it would be hard to say that there isnt one.

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The Trails of Cold Steel III walkthrough for the Gift Locations and Character Bonding Guide is finally here! This walkthrough will show you how to get all of the gifts and character bond. It is recommended to go through the gift locations and bond first, then the walkthrough will show you how to get the rest of the gifts.

The most difficult part about beating Trails of Cold Steel is that when you get a new Gift, you don’t really know what to do with it. Sure, you can use the Gift to fight harder, but what if you need to heal someone? What if you need to talk to someone? I’ve finally decided on a Gift set-up that will keep me alive for long stretches, but still allow me to act quickly when ever I need to.

Trails of Cold Steel III is the final game in the epic series. Set in an alternate timeline to the previous games, this title takes you further into the adventures of Emil and the new cast of characters. This guide will provide you with the location of all the gifts, as well as their effects and possible outcomes.. Read more about trails of cold steel 3 the cryptid keeper and let us know what you think.

Giving a character a specific Gift that they like can boost their Bonding with you, as well as other characteristics. 

Some of them may be purchased, while others must be acquired via side missions and other means. To help you locate them all, we’ve put up a quick guide below that should assist you in your search.

To use them, head to the Items section and then scroll down to the Event tab, where you should locate the gift and then utilize it. 

1) Mizu Yokan GIFT CHARACTER: Altina ADF (+10), Bonding (+10), Bonding (+10), Bonding (+10), Bonding (+10), Bonding (+10), Bond (4/16 – Sunday) LOCATION: Leeves (Import Store)


2) A GIFT OF A WHITE SILK KERNEL CHARACTER: Elise INCREASES: Bonding (4/16 – Sunday) LOCATION: Leeves (Boutique Store)


3) GIFT: Brass Fountain Pen CHARACTER: Kurt LOCATION: Saint Arkh (Demeter Exchange & Antiques) (4/22 – Saturday) TIMESTAMP: 3:46 – 4:28


4) GIFT: Quilted Pouch CHARACTER: Millium LOCATION: Iris (Parm) (4/22 – Saturday)


>>>>>>>>>> That Concludes The Chapter 1 – Gift Locations <<<<<<<<<<<

5 & 6) GIFT: Sports Compendium & Elegant Scrunchie CHARACTER: Juna & Claire LOCATION:  Elegant Scrunchie – Neinvali Exchange / Leeves (Exchange Holy Chain) Sports Compendium – Books & Games / Leeves (Talk to Rachel) 5/13 – Saturday (Night)


7, 8, 9 & 10) GIFT: Orca Floatie, Blue Glass Wind Chime, Cameillia Lipstick, Orbal Dryer CHARACTER: Altina, Elliot, Laura & Towa LOCATION: Crossbell City TIMESTAMP: 0:00 – 1:52 : Orca Floatie – Altina (Gift) 1:53 – 3:04 : Blue Glass Wind Chime – Elliot (Gift) 3:04 – 4:35 : Cameillia Lipstick (Laura Gift) 4:35 – 5:37 : Orbal Dryer (Towa Gift) DATE: 5/20 (Saturday)


>>>>>>>>>> That Concludes The Chapter 2 – Gift Locations <<<<<<<<<<<

11, 12, 13) GIFT: Blue Leather Book Cover, Orchid Hairpin, Green Star Pendant CHARACTER: Kurt, Fie, Musse LOCATION: Leeves TIMESTAMP: 0:00 – 1:59 : Blue Leather Book Cover (Kurt Gift) 1:59 – 3:36 : Green Star Pendant (Fie Gift) 3:36 – : Orchid Hairpin (Musse’s Gift) DATE: 6/10 (Saturday)


14, 15, 16, 17 & 18)

GIFT: Aromatic Tonic, Royal Tea, Compact Juicer, Rose Perfume, Trilogy Hearts CHARACTER: Ash, Alfin, Juna, Sharon, Alisa LOCATION: Ordis Port TIMESTAMP: 1:58 – 3:26 : Aromatic Tonic (Ash – Gift) 3:26 – 4:23 : Royal Tea (Alfin – Gift) 4:23 – 5:38 : Compact Juicer (Juna – Gift) 5:38 – 7:01 : Rose Perfume (Sharon – Gift) 7:01 – 8:50 : Trilogy Hearts (Alisa – Gift) DATE: 6/17 (Saturday)


19 & 20)

GIFT: White Amber Soap, Coffee Grinder CHARACTER: Elise, Machias LOCATION: Ikaros Mart (Raquel) & McEnroe Pawn Shop (Raquel)

DATE: 6/17 (Saturday)

(Note: You must trade a Ground Sausage for the Coffee Grinder; a Ground Sausage may be obtained at a vendor on North Street) (Ordis)


>>>>>>>>>> That Concludes The Chapter 3 – Gift Locations <<<<<<<<<<<

21 – 24)

GIFT: Iris in Fantasy Land, Five-Color Braid, Noble Ribbon, Silver Cufflinks CHARACTER: Altine, Towa, Celene, Kurt LOCATION: Leeves 

DATE: 7/8 – EVENING (Saturday)

VIDEO TIMESTAMP: 00:00 – 01:54 : Iris in Fantasy Land (Altina – Gift) 1:54 – 3:30 : Five-Color Braid (Towa – Gift) 3:30 – 5:18 : Noble Ribbon (Celene – Gift) 5:18 – : Silver Cufflinks (Kurt – Gift)


25 – 30)

GIFT: Lovely Flat Cap, Steinrose 96, Aurora Barrette, Red Leather Key Case, Ebony Brush, Starry Night Minuet  CHARACTER: Emma, Sara, Juna, Ash, Gaius, Musse LOCATION: Heimdallr

DATE: Saturday, July 15th

VIDEO TIMESTAMP: 0:00 – 1:12 : Lovely Flat Cap (Emma Gift) 1:12 – 2:23 : Steinrose 96 (Sara Gift) 2:23 – 3:08 : Aurora Barrette (Juna Gift) 3:08 – 3:54 : Red Leather Key Case (Ash Gift) 3:54 – 5:46 : Ebony Brush (Gaius Gift) 5:46 – : Starry Night Minuet (Musse Gift)



GIFT: Riding Gloves CHARACTER: Jusis LOCATION: Racecourse Plaza (Heimdallr)

DATE: Saturday, July 15th






In the Trails Of Cold Steel series, you’ll be walking in the footsteps of heroes from the past by using the help of the legendary “Corvian Cross.” The series has three main stories: Cold Steel I, Cold Steel II, and Cold Steel III. This is the first in the Cold Steel series, which is a prequel that begins 30 years before the events of Cold Steel II. You will be following character development routes of the main characters, as they pursue their paths through the many conflicts that occur during the time period.. Read more about trails of cold steel 3 academy bath location and let us know what you think.

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Trails of Cold Steel is a tactical role-playing game (TRPG) with turn-based combat and a non-linear storyline. Your party will fight and experience different kinds of situations as they go on their journey.

If you have been following this blog, you are likely familiar with our series of guide posts for the latest iteration of the Trails of Cold Steel series. With every new release, we attempt to cover as many of the side quests as possible. We have already done a number of guide posts for the main quests, but this marks the beginning of the fourth chapter.

Trails Of Cold Steel III (ToC3) is a tactical RPG for the PlayStation 3. The game contains a lot of sidequests, but little information about these sidequests have been translated into English. Therefore, a guide is created to help you complete the sidequests. In this guide, you will find which sidequests you should do, and for which characters.. Read more about trails of cold steel 3 chapter 4 walkthrough and let us know what you think.

Trails Of Cold Steel 3 features a plethora of extra Side Quests for you to explore and hopefully finish, much like the previous Trails of Cold Steel titles.

Some of which are missable and have a set time limit in order to complete them too. Below is a guide on how to complete all of the Chapter 4 Side Quests and where to find each one. 

1) QUEST NAME: Rock & a Hard Place QUEST GIVER: Valerie DATE: 7/4 – Tuesday (Before Exams) LOCATION: Rooftop – Thor’s Campus GUIDE:

This is a very easy side mission that does not require much work, but given that it is the chapter’s first task, it should come as no surprise. Anyway, talk to Valerie, who appears to be experiencing some problems and doesn’t feel like she belongs. Then it’s on to 2F, where you should hopefully locate Gustaf; by chatting with him, you’ll discover a little more about Gustaf’s feelings for Valerie. The only other person we need to meet with now is Pablo, who can be found in the Campus Cafeteria; after speaking with him, just return to Valerie to complete the mission.


2) QUEST NAME: Where’s the Rum gone? (Missable?) QUEST GIVER: Randolph DATE: 7/8 (Saturday Night) LOCATION: Nyo Imports (Leeves) GUIDE:

Now, I’m not sure whether this is missable or not; I believe you may swap things and accessories for it, but I’m not sure since I usually end up with the Rum to begin with.

Anyway, when you talk to Randolph, he’ll remark that he’s looking for a particular kind of rum, which the store he’s at doesn’t carry. Now, because I got this in the previous chapter, I’m not sure whether this is missable or not. You may always check the exchange store since it often sells possible things that were overlooked in earlier chapters, but I didn’t notice it because I already had it. 

Regardless, I was able to get it from Chapter 3 – Riviera Court (Ordis)

It’s also available through the Exchange Store.


3) QUEST NAME: Is This Your Card? QUEST GIVER: Jingo DATE: 7/9 – Sunday LOCATION: Neinvalli Exchange – Leeves GUIDE:

When you talk with Jingo, she will tell you about a rare pack of Cards she has, but the catch is that you must pay 5,000 Mira to continue the quest; go ahead and do it. Your next stop will be School – 2F, where you will talk with Stark and learn that these cards are his. You will ultimately have the choice of accepting or rejecting his offer of 100,000 mira. If you reject his offer, you will earn additional AP; but, if you do not want the extra AP, you may take the mira instead; the decision is yours. 


4) QUEST NAME: Liza’s Gift QUEST GIVER: Liza DATE: 7/9 – Sunday LOCATION: Bakery & Cafe – Leeves GUIDE:

This is a straightforward fend and fetch quest. You’ve been given the job of going to several places and either locating or chatting with certain important people in order to locate a piece of paper written by Liza’s boyfriend. The following are some of the places you should visit:

1) Leeves Station – Make a mental note on one of the benches. 2) Church/Chapel – Father Henry is the person to contact. 3) Vegetable Garden – In the Shade of the Tree

Liza will appear once you have studied the Tree, and the mission will be completed.


5) QUEST NAME: The Radio Stars QUEST GIVER: Munk DATE: 7/9 – Sunday LOCATION: Radio Trista – Leeves GUIDE:

Munk will want you to perform a play for the radio for this one, and there are a few alternative paths you may go in this one. However, we personally like the story’s whole Engineering element, therefore this mission will be completed with that in mind. Following your chat with Munk, go to the Hangar and speak with Mint, who will agree to assist the Radio Station after some discussion. You’ll then be given a series of dialogue options to choose from, and answering all of them correctly will earn you bonus AP.

1) Neun should be thanked casually. 2) Make a firm demand on her.


6) QUEST NAME: Maya’s Malaise  QUEST GIVER: Maya DATE: 7/9 – Sunday LOCATION: Pool / Training Ground GUIDE:

Something appears to be bothering Maya, and Rean is determined to figure out what it is. As a result, you’ll be charged with visiting certain locations and chatting with specific people.

+ Randolph in Dorm 1F + Jessica in Academy Field + Leonora in Clubhouse/Pool Training Ground + Sidney in Lapin Boutique

Return to Maya and complete the mission after speaking with everyone.


7) QUEST NAME: White-Hot Swimming Competition QUEST GIVER: Wayne DATE: 7/9 – Sunday LOCATION: Clubhouse GUIDE:

As the name implies, this is essentially a swimming competition side task. Simply choose someone to participate in a series of races, and winning each one will earn you an additional AP point; if you win the last race, you will get an additional 2 AP points. If you don’t win the first time, you may always try again.


8) QUEST NAME: Does it belong in a Museum? QUEST GIVER: Rilke DATE: 7/15 – Saturday LOCATION: Imperial Museum – Heimdallr (Leica District) GUIDE:

Rilke seems to have discovered a potential item for his museum. He is uncertain, though, whether it is a safe item to keep lying about for people to look at. So your mission is to go to the South Ostia Highway, where Rean will automatically wear the Artifact, which you will be unable to remove due to the game’s instructions. Your next objective is to kill 4-5 various fiends on this part of the map, and after you’ve done so, you may return to Rilke and complete the mission.


9) QUEST NAME: Empty Nest QUEST GIVER: Bernard DATE: 7/15 – Saturday LOCATION: Holy Flat Apartments (Heimdallr) Vesta Street GUIDE:

You’ll be charged with finding and capturing Bernard’s parakeet, Chucky, in this one. He may be found at the following locations:

+ Sank District (Near the Fountain) + Bus Stop (On the Roof of the Stand) + Street Light (North) + Among the Pigeons (At the Fountain) + Hotel Valar (2F Bed)


10) QUEST NAME: Riding the Orbal Waves QUEST GIVER: Johannes DATE: 7/15 – Saturday LOCATION: Lumiere Orbal Factory (Heimdallr) GUIDE:

You will be given a specialized gadget to check certain locations for anything suspect in this one. You should look at the following areas:

1) Outside in the open (Wave Intensity: 102. Analysis: Normal) 2) Boutique Le Sage (Wave Intensity: 109. Analysis: Normal) 3) Three-way intersection (Wave Intensity: 113. Analysis: Normal) 4) Bifrost Plaza (Wave Intensity: 117. Analysis: Normal) 5) Watson Armory (Watson Armory) (Wave Intensity: 121. Analysis: Normal) 6) Bifrost Plaza (Side Entrance) (Wave Intensity: 139. Analysis: Elevated) 7) Between Plaza Bifrost and Imperial Chronicle, there is a section (Wave Intensity: 152. Analysis: High) Imperial Chronicle, No. 8 (Wave Intensity: 197. Analysis: Warning) *MISSABLE/SKIPPABLE* 9) Red Van ((Wave Intensity: 175. Analysis: Warning) Obtaining this one, though, provides some more AP.

After you’ve collected them all, go to the Imperial Chronicle for a little more conversation before returning to Johannes to complete the mission.


11) QUEST NAME: Legendary Recipe QUEST GIVER: Sandy DATE: 7/15 – Saturday LOCATION: Ostia Camp – Heimdallr GUIDE:

You’ll be charged with finding three particular Mushrooms for this one. Fortunately, they are shown on the map with a Green Icon, so all you have to do is go to the following locations:

+ Heimdallr Underground 2 + South Ostia Highway + West Ostia Highway

Note: In order to access some places, you may need to advance the narrative a little.


12) QUEST NAME: A Lost & Distant Boy QUEST GIVER: Roscoe & Bella DATE: 7/16 – Sunday LOCATION: Dreichels Plaza – Heimdallr GUIDE:

You’ll have to track down their missing kid, Artem, for this one. You may do so by visiting the locations listed below:

+ Lady Laniela in the Leica District + Chris on Vainqueur Street + Dolce on Vesta Street + Racecourse Plaza – This is where he is and can be found.

After finding and speaking to Artem the quest will then end


13) QUEST NAME: Melody of the Past QUEST GIVER: President Morgan DATE: 7/17 – Monday LOCATION: Reiveldt Company – Heimdallr GUIDE:

After speaking with Morgan about a Music Box, you will be required to speak with both Michael and Claire, who may be found at the following locations:

Field Camp Claire – Dreichel’s Plaza – Major Michael (Near the Fountain)

To complete the mission, speak with both of them and then return to Morgan.


14) QUEST NAME: A-da to Frit-Z QUEST GIVER: Fritz and Ada DATE: 7/17 – Monday LOCATION: Vander Training Hall GUIDE:

Simple one that just requires you to speak to either Fritz or Ada and eventually it leads to a Soldat Mech fight, they are not particularly powerful and it’s mainly the head and arms that are their most vulnerable spots.


15) QUEST NAME: The Cryptid Keeper QUEST GIVER: Imperial Household Agency DATE: 7/17 – Monday LOCATION: West Ostia Highway – Heimdallr GUIDE:

You’ll need to take down another Cryptid for this one, but as long as you bring Musse, it’ll be a piece of cake. Also, make sure your party has Burn and Faint resistance equipment.

To quickly defeat this monster, begin the battle with Divine Song Order, then use Musse to cast Blue Ascension to do massive damage, and finally finish it off with S-Craft when it enters Break.






TOCS3 is a Role-Playing Game (RPG) developed by Nihon Falcom, published by XSEED Games and released in 2013. This is the fourth installment of the Trails of Cold Steel series.. Read more about trails of cold steel 3 chapter 1 walkthrough and let us know what you think.

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A few weeks ago, the studio behind the GTA franchise announced a new game called “Gangstar Vegas”, which was pegged as the series’ first open-world “sandbox” game. But the announcement was made with a more twisted twist than expected: the game would be powered by Rockstar’s Social Club, the online service that has been the lynchpin of GTA Online since the game’s launch in 2013.

What type of video game your gaming party needs: a gritty, anti-hero-driven tale that makes you feel like you’re in Hollywood’s “The Departed” or one that takes you back to the old-school days of “Grand Theft Auto”, like “Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas”? What about a gritty, anti-hero-driven tale that makes you feel like you’re in Hollywood’s “The Departed” and one that takes you back to the old-school days of “Grand Theft Auto”: “Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas”? What about a gritty, anti-hero-driven tale that makes you feel like you’re in Hollywood’s “The Departed” and one that takes you back to the old-school

As a kid, my favorite comic book was the Joker. The shadowy, malleable madman with a maniacal grin. The Joker was always up to something, and even though he was a horrible person, he was always entertaining and he would make you laugh. Even in the ‘real world’, the Joker is everywhere. He’s the subject of a new film to be released by Warner Bros, and he’s the inspiration for new video games. Now, it’s time to add him to your gaming collection.

The internet is buzzing with rumors about a new Batman Court of Owls game, but that’s not what we’re here to speak about today (but we will at some point). Instead, I’d want to discuss an intriguing idea that I believe any Batman fan would appreciate, regardless of whether they are familiar with the Court of Owls or are unaware of Batman’s hidden identity. When I considered what DC has planned for the next year, particularly their Joker origin film, I came up with a fantastic video game concept. I’d want to go on a journey around Gotham as the Joker, one of the greatest villains of all time.

Yes, you can play as the Joker in a few video games, such as the Injustice series or a small part of the Batman: Arkham series, but he has never had his own game. What a thrill it would be to see inside the mind of one of cinema’s most bizarre and intriguing villains. It would be so much fun to explore an open-world Joker game. You might have a whole universe of options at your fingers, akin to Grand Theft Auto, and wreak havoc on Gotham City like never before.

When combined with a great narrative mode, this game has the potential to take us deep into Gotham City’s underworld, to areas we’ve never seen and didn’t even know existed. The player may view the world through the eyes of the criminals of Gotham City, rather than through the eyes of Batman. You may be able to mug individuals, eliminate competing gangs and groups, and expand Joker’s control over the city. There may be boss fights or partnerships with other high-ranking villains like the Penguin or the Riddler, all leading up to Batman attempting to rescue the day. Even catching a glimpse inside the Joker’s lair would be a rewarding experience.

While playing as a hero may be a lot of fun, playing as a villain is far more exciting. As a villain, you have a whole different perspective on things. While Batman’s duty is to rescue the day, the Joker’s goal is to destroy it. It’s best if there’s a lot of turmoil. There might be a currency system, and you could attempt to steal banks, carry out heists, and even kidnap targets for ransom while avoiding the police and Batman. As they leveled up and progressed through the game, the player could personalize their Joker costume, weapons of choice, and unlock new gadgets and torture devices.

Now, Joker is a very dark figure, and I understand why some people would be worried about a game that glorifies all of his wicked and horrible deeds. However, the Joker is one of the most well-known figures in comic and film history, and video games provide a safe haven where we can immerse ourselves in characters like him.

The Joker is a fascinating character, and I believe fans would enjoy the chance to feel what it’s like to be him. Who knows, maybe the video game may find a way to humanize him in ways we’ve never seen before, forcing him to make difficult decisions that will weigh him down. I doubt this project will ever see the light of day, but if it does, you can know I’ll be playing it nonstop until the Joker is crowned the King of Gotham City.

When it comes to superhero games, the list is pretty short. Batman and Justice League are the big two, with Marvel’s superhero team-up titles rounding out the top three. Over the years, we’ve been treated to the likes of Spider-Man and X-Men, but most recently we’ve been left to wonder what happens when a criminal mastermind takes over the Gotham Rogues and the Justice Leauge. Enter DC Universe Online, the first-ever superhero MMORPG, and one of the few games to give us the gritty, down-and-dirty, real-world version of Batman’s world.. Read more about is batman: arkham knight open world and let us know what you think.

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G15Tools is a blog post that provides all details about Titan Quest Classes List as a free service to the whole world. To know more about Titan Quest Classes, visit: .

Here are several game class guides for Titan Quest. Hopefully, these will help you in your quest to become a true Titan.

Titan Quest is a classic game from the early 2000s that is now available for free on Steam. It is a really fun game that not many people know about, but it deserves to be more popular. With that in mind, I have decided to do a guide to the classes of Titan Quest.

The classes in Titan Quest Immortal Throne are listed below. The name of your class is decided by the two courses you combine.

[Immortal Throne Only] Dream Mastery

  • Seer is a single profession.
  • + Prophetic Mastery of the Storm
  • + Evoker: Mastery of the Earth
  • + Harbinger of Mastery of Warfare
  • + Diviner’s Mastery of Spirits
  • Templar Templar Templar Templar Templar Templar
  • + Ritualist Mastery of Nature
  • + Haruspex’s Mastery of Hunting
  • + Dreamkiller Mastery of the Rogue

Storm Mastery

  • Stormcaller is a single profession.
  • Elementalist + Earth Mastery
  • + Thane’s Warfare Mastery
  • + Oracle Spirit Mastery
  • + Paladin’s Mastery of Defense
  • + Druid’s Mastery of Nature
  • + Sage’s Hunting Mastery
  • + Sorcerer’s Rogue Mastery

Earth Mastery

  • Pyromancer is a single profession.
  • + Battlemage’s Warfare Mastery
  • + Conjurer’s Spirit Mastery
  • + Mastery of Defense: Juggernaut
  • + Summoner’s Mastery of Nature
  • + Avenger’s Hunting Mastery
  • + Magician Rogue Mastery

Warfare Mastery

  • Warrior is a single profession.
  • + Spellbreaker: Spirit Mastery
  • + Conqueror’s Mastery of Defense
  • + Champion of Nature Mastery
  • + Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer
  • + Assassin’s Rogue Mastery

Titan Quest Classes List

Spirit Mastery

  • Theurgist is a single profession.
  • + Spellbinder’s Defense Mastery
  • + Soothsayer’s Mastery of Nature
  • + Bone Charmer is a hunting mastery.
  • + Warlock Rogue Mastery

Defense Mastery

  • Defender is a single profession.
  • + Nature Mastery: Protector
  • + Warden’s Hunting Mastery
  • + Corsair Rogue Mastery

Nature Mastery

  • Wanderer is a single profession.
  • + Ranger’s Hunting Mastery
  • + Illusionist Rogue Mastery

Hunting Mastery

  • Hunter is a single profession.
  • + Brigand’s Rogue Mastery

Rogue Mastery

  • Rogue is a single profession.

Titan Quest is a free to play hack and slash game that was created by the developers of Diablo. You play as a hero named Perseus who is forced to fight his way to the center of a mysterious labyrinth. The game is available on Steam and currently has around 450+ classes to choose from.. Read more about titan quest beginner builds and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Does Titan Quest have classes?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Yes, Titan Quest has classes.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How many classes are in Titan Quest?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
There are six classes in Titan Quest.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the best mastery combination in Titan Quest?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The best mastery combination in Titan Quest is the following:

1. Assassins Blade
2. Battlecry
3. Blademasters Blessing
4. Combat Mastery”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Titan Quest have classes?

Yes, Titan Quest has classes.

How many classes are in Titan Quest?

There are six classes in Titan Quest.

What is the best mastery combination in Titan Quest?

The best mastery combination in Titan Quest is the following: 1. Assassins Blade 2. Battlecry 3. Blademasters Blessing 4. Combat Mastery

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A group of Grust mercenaries are on the trail of a ruthless bandit. As they pursue their enemy across the continent, they discover a connection to a lost cause and a long-forgotten tragedy. The trail of their enemy, and the pursuit of their own destiny, will eventually lead them into the most powerful of the Five Houses, where they will encounter a mysterious organization of mages who wield a power that is beyond even the denizens of the Grand Cathedral.

The Golden Pom (Chronicle of Battle) is the first chapter of the new game. It will be released in the game with the chapter name “TOCS4 – Trial of Nine V”.  The game will be released in English, Japanese and Chinese.

The continent of Antra is on the verge of war. The Roronoa family, the “cursed clan” of assassins, has arrived to solve the problem. The Roronoa family have achieved several “first” achievements. After they defeated the “King of Swords” on the island of Corcovado, the group has been growing rapidly, and now they have set their sights on the continent of Antra.

Golden Pom is only one of the numerous battles you’ll find in (TOCS4) Trails of Cold Steel IV.

Scanning the opponent will provide you a full list of their powers and weaknesses, as well as adding them to your Battle Notebook. All of this adds to the accomplishment of the Chronicle Of Battle trophy.

  • OPPOSITION: Golden Pom
  • ACT / CHAPTER 1: The Class VII Trails (also discovered during Act / Chapter 2)
  • Bryonia Island, Ordis Waterway, Parm Byroad 1, Ursula Road
  • STANDARD: 55 (Varies on location)
  • 4445 HP (Varies on location)
  • EXP: 31 (Depends on locality.)
  • ITEMS: U-Material
  • INFO: A lovely, gleaming Pom who lurks in the shadows of more powerful creatures. There are a lot of Sepith Masses in this book (I have managed to find it with the much tougher enemies as description hints at, though it is considered rare)
  • 1626571946_924_TOCS4-Trails-Of-Cold-Steel-IV-4-%E2%80%93-Golden-Pom





With the “Golden Poms” have come the number of new events to go to, so which one should you take advantage of? There’s a lot of hidden information in the new events, and some are better than others. This is where the “Golden Poms” become very useful.. Read more about trails of cold steel 4 avon hills and let us know what you think.

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