
Holly Nelson


The Aether II mod is the latest and greatest mod to hit Minecraft at the time of writing. It includes a new world, as well as a new set of blocks, mobs, and items.

The Aether II mod adds more than 50 new items, blocks, mobs, and structures to the game. Each of these enhancements is designed to make your playing experience more immersive and fun. Below is a brief description of some of the features included in the Aether II mod.

Here’s the follow-up to the recently published Aether Minecraft mod.


The Aether team is pleased to offer… after months of hard effort.

Collaboration with the Aether Team


Posted Image

  • Return to the Minecraft Mods page.

What is Aether II? The Aether II is the sequel to the Aether I. Much has changed since the days of the Aether I, but it still remains a collaboration between people from various different disciplines with a shared goal of creating a new and unique dimension. Why are there so many bugs? The current version of the mod is in its first Alpha stage. This means that it could be highly unstable in some areas. But don’t fret, we’ve tried our best to make this initial release as bugless as possible. As usual, make sure to post any bug reports you find to the forum Posted Image Our team roster is as follows: Project lead and coding: Kingbdogz Coders: Jaryt, Saspiron Artists: Dark, Oscar Payn Musician: Emile van Krieken Lore Writer: Liberty The official Aether server is provided by  Our goal is to rework the Aether to be the best experience it can be in a multiplayer context and to improve on where we fell short previously. In addition to adding a new dimension, the Aether adds a number of different features, items, mobs, music, dungeons and blocks. As is, this is the first Alpha release for this version of the Aether, and it is for Minecraft 1.5.1. I repeat, it is for 1.5.1. We haven’t added all the features we want to yet, but we will definitely be working on more content updates in the future. The Aether is a “hostile paradise”, composed of floating sky islands filled with strange creatures and great mysteries. Brave adventurers who wish to explore this forgotten paradise merely only have to compose a portal out of glowstone and ignite it with a bucket of water. Posted Image For various Aether-related questions, please refer to this document: Staying up to date with development Wondering how the mod’s coming along? We use Facebook, Twitter and Reddit to share development updates. Please refer to the links below: Facebook: Twitter: Reddit: Myself and Jaryt also regularly stream our development on Twitch: My stream: Jaryt’s stream:


The Aether adds a number of significant mechanical improvements that improve the overall experience in Minecraft, both in the Aether and elsewhere. System of Parties The first is the political party system. Previously, overlaying plugins like factions or towny over a Minecraft server was the only true method to create a group with people without having to worry about things like friendly fire. You may now create a party with your friends using the party system, which includes an overlay UI that allows you view who’s in your party, their health, hunger, armour, and the amount of money they have without the need of plugins! The maximum party size is ten members, and each player may name their own party. Dungeons The dungeon system is one of the things we worked on for this version. This system separates dungeons from the rest of the game environment and works in conjunction with the party system. If a dungeon block is broken, it regenerates immediately, thus even in creative mode, no one can enter. Rather of dashing into a dungeon and plundering everything they find, the dungeon system forces players to first create a group. When everyone in the party is ready, right-click on the dungeon entrance and everyone verifies their readiness. Dungeons will be a good challenge for gamers since a party may only have up to 10 members. In a dungeon, only one party may be present at any one moment. There are three types of dungeons. The first mode is “available,” which means that any party may enter the dungeon. The second option is “occupied,” which indicates that a party has already entered the dungeon. The final option is “conquered,” which starts when one of your party members has completed the dungeon. When a player finishes a dungeon or leaves it three times, the dungeon becomes tired for that player. This discourages gamers from repeating dungeons in search of easy riches. After a party exits a dungeon, the treasure, mini-bosses, and bosses regenerate, making material accessible to future parties. This guarantees that everyone, not just the first person, has a chance to enter dungeons. The Sliders’ Labyrinth is the first dungeon introduced by this mod. This dungeon covers the whole island, so there will be plenty of treasure to find, monsters to battle, and rooms to explore! There are three minor monsters in the dungeon that must be vanquished before you may face the ultimate enemy, the Slider. This boss has a number of new twists, so be cautious! Not only do we have new monsters, new skyroot tree variations, new blocks, new things, new loot, and redone models and skins, but we also have new mobs, new skyroot tree variants, new blocks, new items, new loot, and reworked models and skins on top of these new systems! We have a lot more stuff in the works.


Donors to the Aether receive their own unique UI, allowing them to utilize exclusive cape and moa skins! Donating helps the developers improve the mod, and you get some cool skins in return, so it’s a win-win situation, right? You may donate using the button at the top of the article, or go to and click the Donate option to make a Paypal payment. Send a message to our Facebook Fanpage ( with your Minecraft ingame name and Paypal email address after you’re done. When you play the Aether, you’ll get unique in-game capes and skins for the Moas. To qualify for the incentives, you do not need to contribute a certain amount of money. Posted Image


Soon to be released!


Instructions for Installation

Forge, Player API, and Player Render API are required for this mod. 

  • Type percent appdata percent into your search box and press enter. 
  • Go to the.minecraft folder once you’re in the Roaming folder. 
  • Then, in the bin folder, open the minecraft.jar file using WinRAR or any software capable of doing so. 
  • Remove the META-INF folder from your Minecraft.jar using a software like WinRaR.
  • Place the Forge, Player API, and Player Render files in your Minecraft folder. the jar file (in order of Forge first, Player API and Render Player API second).
  • Return to the.minecraft directory. Please make a modifications folder if there isn’t one already. 
  • Place the “AetherII Alpha v1.0.0” file in the mods folder. After that, everything should be good! Enjoy the Aether while keeping an eye on the cliffs.

A video of the installation will be available shortly!


AETHER II Alpha v1.00 – MC 1.5.1 is available for download.


MinecraftForum has a download.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is the Aether mod up to date?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The Aether mod is up to date as of the time of this writing.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I install Aether 2 mods?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
For the most part, mods are installed through Steam. However, some mods may require a third-party program to be downloaded and installed first before they can be used.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What version is the Aether mod in Minecraft?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The Aether mod is currently in version 1.12.2″}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Aether mod up to date?

The Aether mod is up to date as of the time of this writing.

How do I install Aether 2 mods?

For the most part, mods are installed through Steam. However, some mods may require a third-party program to be downloaded and installed first before they can be used.

What version is the Aether mod in Minecraft?

The Aether mod is currently in version 1.12.2

Related Tags

This article broadly covered the following related topics:

  • aether mod minecraft
  • aether mod 1.5.2
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  • aether 2 mod

In this guide, we will show you how to build a Fallout: New Vegas sniper rifle by using the New Vegas Redesigned mod, which adds a lot of new guns and ammo to the game. We will go through the process of how to build this sniper rifle using a couple of the popular mods, including the New Vegas Redesigned mod and the Gun Runners Arsenal mod. We will go into the nitty gritty details of how to get the gun in-game, how to use the gun, tips on how to get high scores, and more.

The G15 is a bit of a strange gun, more of a niche product than a mainstream gun. And as such, the gun has gained a reputation for being extremely high maintenance, with a reputation for being very difficult to mod. This is unfortunate, because the G15 is a very underrated gun to begin with. It offers a very fun, fast-firing, reliable, and accurate gun for an excellent price. It can easily be turned into a serious sniper rifle with a high capacity magazine, night vision scope, and better sights.

The sniper is one of the most feared weapons in the game, and for a good reason. In fact, it’s basically the only weapon that can put you up against the toughest enemies in the game. If you choose to be a sniper, make sure you choose the Bolt Action sniper rifle. Why? The bolt action sniper rifle has a higher rate of fire, so it will be more effective at taking out enemies than the single shot sniper rifle.

Captain-Fallout Oshie’s New Vegas Sniper Build guide.

I simply made this sniper build off the top of my head, so please let me know if there’s anything wrong with it.


6 points of strength Observation: 5 5 points for endurance Intelligence: 6 Charisma: 1 8 Agility 9 for luck

Frame Size: Small (+1 AGL, limbs are more easily crippled) Trait of the Four Eyes

Lily Lily Lily Lily Lily Li (for extra critical damage she gives, and stealth boy bonus) Boone is a town in North Carolina (back up fire if needed) You may include ED-E, although he isn’t really required and stands out to foes.

Red Beret Chinese Stealth Armor or Recon Armor (If you really want to, you may remove 2 from STR and put it into INT, then wear the T-51b power armor, which gives you more skill points to spend during the game, but makes it a little difficult to accomplish anything if you don’t have the power armor).

You should wear this unless you know you’ll be battling in close quarters (which you shouldn’t be), since you should be able to kill most opponents without their knowing.


2: Black Widow / Confirmed Bachelor 4: Well-educated Hardcore-Comprehension (No. 6) a bloody mess in the core 8: Comprehension of a Hardcore-Strong Back Core Finesse is number ten. 12: Rat in a Pack Hardcore-Entomologist (n.d.) (n.d.) (n.d.) Surgeon using a Core-Shotgun Approach (this is a back up for if they get close) 16: Improved Criticism Tag number eighteen! Adamantium Skeleton #20 Toughness is number 22. Toughness (number 24) (2) [link= La Femme] 26: Lady Killer Look for La Femme. [/link] Intense Training (ninety-eighth) (STR or END) I’m a big fan of STR. Intense Training (number 30) (STR or END)

Description of the construction:

This build is primarily meant for being far away, and picking off things before they know what hit them. At the beginning of the game it will be kind of rough but you start out with around 40 Gun and Sneak skill (after getting to level 2, you up them to 40). After that go after nothing but Lock Picking. If you want, you can bump back Bloody Mess to level 8 (or if you’re playing Hardcore, not bother getting it at all until 28/30) and get Comprehension instead.

Then get a Lock picking magazine, go to the sniper perch near Cottonwood Legion Camp. Up there is a very hard weapon case that holds a slightly above average sniper (can’t remember the name). It’s one of the more powerful snipers in the game, and is fairly accurate. If my adding is correct (and you’re using Comprehension), you should be able to get it by level 6. The reason I don’t have Jury Rig on there is because of the Weapon Repair kits you can build. You only need a magazine and skill 30(40) to start building them, or just 50 in general. Not to mention Boone or Lily can be replaced by Raul, who has a pretty nice revolver for close range. Also, I suggest going to Vault 3 and getting one of theirs suits since it gives +5 Repair & +5 Lock Picking. Early on in the game you can use ED-E until you get someone else. It’s not a great attacker, but it’s sensors are useful and it’s a nice pack mule.

This construct is designed to take down the opponent in a single shot from a distance where VATS would be ineffective. I don’t really like that kind of play since it necessitates spending time to set up the shot; yet, there’s nothing quite like wiping out a whole base from distance while they never come near to you.

Anyway, start of the game and get Guns & Sneak to 40, that will be enough to shoot from afar and not be noticed. Then get Lock Picking to 80(90) as fast as you can so you can get a pretty nice sniper rifle early on (I personally suggest run through a lot of stuff and going straight to Vault 3 early on (Kill a fiend and wear their outfit so you don’t have to go through a ton of them early on). After that, get repair up to 30 (40). Then get Bartering up to 70 (a bit rough to do). Then Survival up to 45. then you’re good to go into Guns and Sneak. However you’ll be about level 14 by the time you get to that point. Early game is a bit rough this way, but the end game is so much easier.

Tomorrow, I’ll construct an energy structure. It’s a lot less difficult.

As said before. With your own preferences, you may tweak this build a bit here and there. I’m just attempting to create an energy weapon-based character that breezes through the game.

4 points of strength Observation: 5 5 points for endurance Intelligence: 8 Charisma: 1 8 Agility 9 for luck

Small Frame

Discipline Trigger

Red Beret

Tesla Armor of the Gannon Family (but you’ll need to wear something like Ranger armor or power armor if you acquire it early)

2: Black Widow / Confirmed Bachelor 4: Well-educated 6: Understanding Commando (nine) Hardcore-Strong Back Core-Fitnesse (10 points) 12: Plasma Spaz Hardcore-Pack Rat Core Shotgun Surgeon (#14) 16: Improved Criticism Sniper (number 18) Tag number twenty-first! Laser Commander (#22) Toughness (number 24) Toughness (number 26) (2) Lady Killer / Cherchez La Femme (number 28) Adamantium Skeleton (number 30)

When you first start out, you’ll want to invest in a decent shotgun and other accessories, since this will be your primary weapon. Because it only has one shot, the Trigger Discipline attribute has no impact on a single barrel shotgun. Get your energy weapons to level 40 (you should be able to do this by level 3) and then move on to lock picking. Have a lock picking magazine and get it to level 55 (level 6). Then go to Novac to find Boone. Then proceed to Repcomm headquarters, where there is a door on the lowest level that is very difficult to open. Pick up the magazine and use it. Then enter and take the Q-35 Matter Modulator with you. For a long time, this will be your primary weapon.

After that, head to the nearby 188 trade station and speak with Veronica to recruit her into your party. Then you may go to Concealed Valley, join the Brotherhood of Steel, and then ransack their sleeping quarters (while remaining hidden). After then, it’s entirely up to you to decide where you want to proceed in the game. Close quarters will be ruled by the Single Shotgun, and close range will be ruled by the Modulator as well.

I put some emphasis on accuracy in VATS because when you enter a room with 4 people, it’s nice to be able to hit them all in the head without having to manually aim. This was the first class I made and played on Very Hard with, and I breezed through the game with it. It’s real weakness is the no extra damage to mutated insects (makes the flys and scopions a pain). You can toss that in over Shotgun Surgeon, but only do that if you’re planning to completely specialize in energy weapons.

  • Return to the Fallout New Vegas page.

A few days ago I decided to create a Fallout: New Vegas Sniper build to show off my capabilities and ways to improve my own sniper build. While posting it I have come to the realization that I want it to get more attention than just a few people. I want it to show how amazing this build is and I want to show off to other snipers that want to learn.. Read more about fallout new vegas builds and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the best sniper in Fallout: New Vegas?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The best sniper in Fallout: New Vegas is the Marksman Carbine.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is charisma useless in Fallout: New Vegas?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Charisma is a skill in Fallout: New Vegas. It influences how much the player can convince others to do what they want them to do.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is sniper perk good New Vegas?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

The sniper perk is not good in New Vegas.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best sniper in Fallout: New Vegas?

The best sniper in Fallout: New Vegas is the Marksman Carbine.

Is charisma useless in Fallout: New Vegas?

Charisma is a skill in Fallout: New Vegas. It influences how much the player can convince others to do what they want them to do.

Is sniper perk good New Vegas?

The sniper perk is not good in New Vegas.

There are 48 cairns found across the game world of Uncharted 4, which is divided into 8 sets of 16 cairns. In order to find all cairns, you’ll need to figure out how to reach them all, and which are the easiest to find.

Uncharted 4 has been released and with it came the second chapter of the Uncharted series, that is, the 4th entry in the Nathan Drake saga. This time, our protagonist is exploring the ruins of an ancient civilization, in search of treasure that is long gone. In doing so, players will be able to explore 16 cairns in Uncharted 4, including the one in the sky, that is said to be the resting place of a certain legendary pirate.

Uncharted 4 is a new installment of the action-adventure series, in which the focus is on the adventures of Nathan Drake, a treasure hunter and mercenary. After the events of Uncharted 3, Nathan Drake has returned to his home in Colorado and left his work to pursue the ultimate treasure: The Golden Apple.

Not a Cairn in the World is one of the numerous trophies and accomplishments featured in Uncharted 4 – A Thief’s End; to get this one, you must knock down all rock cairns in Madagascar.


The video above should hopefully help you figure out what you need to do to finish this one.





Find the 16 Cairns in Uncharted 4 : A Thiefs End, Every One, and is To Find, In the Game, With No Glitches, No Bugs, & No Hacks. The 16 Cairns (Doonhams) in Uncharted 4 : A Thief’s End are the locations where you can find all of the Doonhams in the game. The Doonhams are the hardest treasure to find in the game, and are worth an achievement to find… this guide is the easiest way to find all 16 Doonhams in the game.. Read more about uncharted 4 review and let us know what you think.

The Javelin is Anthem’s most powerful weapon in its arsenal. It’s also one of the most challenging to use! It’s not an easy weapon to use in the heat of battle, but it can turn the tide in a fight. After all, the Javelin is your most powerful ranged weapon, so use it wisely.

This past weekend, BioWare released Anthem on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. To celebrate the launch, we’re going to give you a guide on which Javelin to buy.

Javelin is an online game where you can build a Javelin and go on missions to get better gear and earn gold. The weapons and gear of your Javelin are what will help you along the way. Each Javelin has different stats you can upgrade and different skills you can unlock. Each Javelin has three weapons, but only one Javelin can be equipped with those weapons. For example, if your Javelin has a laser rifle but it is not equipped with a laser rifle, it will not be able to do any damage to enemies. If you want to upgrade the weapons of your Javelin, you can equip them in your Javelin’s inventory.

That iconic moment in games when you have to make that first crucial choice for your character, which will have an impact on how you play the game from then on. If you’re not sure which direction to go, decisions may be difficult – we’ve all experienced that existential crisis deciding between two kinds of ice cream (what, you haven’t?). No, you have, and so has everyone else. It’s quite natural for me to have a personal crisis over ice cream, right?).

The first crucial decision you must make in Bioware’s Anthem is which Javelin you will play as. Don’t worry, towards the conclusion of the game, you’ll be able to dress up and play as all of the Javelins. However, after you’ve decided on your first one, you’ll be stuck with it for a long time if you don’t change it, so make the best decision possible right away. While all Javelins may be modified to some extent, there are several important distinctions to be aware of before getting started. In GameTruth’s Anthem Javelin class guide, we’ll examine at the four Javelin classes you may select from.


The Ranger is a character in the film The Ranger

A diverse set of abilities – not sure where to begin? The Ranger may be the right fit for you. This class allows you to test out several kinds of play techniques seen in other Javelins, making it Anthem’s jack-of-all-trades option. It is one of the most agile suits, coming in second only to the Interceptor (which we’ll discuss next). It also has significant offensive and defensive capabilities. Its unique skills, such as double-jumping, healing, and mid-air barrel rolls, contribute to its varied play style, making it a slick and dynamic class. The Ranger is perhaps the best Javelin for players who are new to the game and want to get a feel for all of the classes without committing to any of them.

Ranger’s Skills:

Micro-Missiles are the ultimate ability.

Assault your opponents with a barrage of lock-on homing missiles that will track down and destroy their targets.

Shock Mace is a melee ability.

Get close to your foes and stun them with the Ranger’s trademark electric baton.

The Interceptor is a device that intercepts signals.


Catch me if you can – The Interceptor Javelin flies about the battlefield, hitting opponents in melee range and then fleeing in true hit-and-run fashion, excelling in speed and attack. The Strike System (inflicting high-level damage), the Assault System (for a more conventional attack), and the Support System (for a more supportive assault) are three of the Javelin’s equippable abilities (which provides a bit of additional help to allies). Chain dashes, barrel rolls, and acrobatics that are a step higher — literally — than the Ranger, the Interceptor boasts an incredible triple leap! The Interceptor is the quickest Javelin available, and it packs a punch, with them being just a few of its abilities. As an Interceptor, you won’t want to be caught, yet it’s the most evasive class and may leave your opponents dazed.

Capabilities as an Interceptor:

Venom Bomb Assault System

A corrosive strike that hits opponents with a blast of poisonous acid, inflicting massive damage.

Targeting Beacon as a Support System

Assist your friends by causing their attacks to do additional damage to an opponent you choose.

The Storm

Anthem Javelin Classes

Stormy, you’re a genius — The Storm summons energy from the Anthem itself and utilizes it via its unique Seal methods. The Storm is Anthem’s response to the traditional elemental mage class seen in other games if you’re looking for a similar gaming experience. This Javelin places a strong emphasis on energy-based attack in exchange for being able to absorb less blows in combat. The Storm’s unique abilities include a kinesis shield for fighting off physical assaults, teleportation capabilities that enable it to move about the battlefield, and the ability to hover for the longest period of any class, thus making it the unofficial “mage Javelin” of the group. Blast Seals inflict explosive damage, Focus Seals for targeting opponents (similar to the Interceptor’s Targeting Beacon), and Support Seals for assisting teammates are the Storm’s signature equipment. To play successfully, this class requires the expertise of a more experienced player, yet it will reward those who are willing to engage in its complex mechanics.

Storm Prowess:

Elemental Storm is the ultimate ability.

The Storm, using the Anthem’s raw force, unleashes nature’s fury as deadly elemental energy rains down on foes.

Frost Shards are the focus seal.

Ice over your foes with a barrage of ice shards, freezing everything they come into contact with.

4. The Colossus of Rhodes


The Colossus, a heavy metal band, rounds off the list. The juggernaut of Anthem’s classes, with the thickest armor, the slowest agility, and the greatest damage, is the only Javelin in the game who can carry heavy weapons, making it a devastating physical force on the battlefield. It has the ability to equip up to two attack slots and one support slot. Flamethrowers, assault mortars, lightning coils, and other offensive powers are among the Colossus’ arsenal. This Javelin also possesses a double-jump (despite its weight), ground damage to opponents upon landing, and a ground and aerial shield. Break through opposing lines, crush any who stand in your path, and rip everything apart with a ferocious ferocity. This is the Colossus’ route, and it’s for those who want to go in there and swing like the Anthem himself.

Capabilities of a Colossus

Flame Thrower is a heavy assault weapon.

Blaze a searing torrent of fire across the battlefield, charring your foes to a crisp.

High-Explosive Mortar (Ordnance Launcher)

A high-explosive projectile missile with a large explosion radius that does substantial damage to any opponents caught inside its blast radius. A projectile missile explodes on all opponents inside its blast range, doing massive damage.

Anthem offers a broad range of gameplay options across its four classes. Which Javelin are you going to try? Consider what you like to do in a game or what you’d want to try out, then utilize the information in this guide to help you dress and load up.

Anthem is the third game in the Bioware franchise, and it’s also the first to be announced for PS4. Anthem is an online multiplayer game, where gamers can form a team of up to four players and join forces to defeat the enemy.. Read more about anthem javelin tier list and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the most powerful Javelin in Anthem?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The Javelin is the most powerful weapon in Anthem.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Which Javelin is most popular?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The Javelin is the most popular rifle in the world.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Which Javelin is the most damage?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The Javelin is a weapon in the game, Warframe. It has a variety of different stats that affect its performance.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most powerful Javelin in Anthem?

The Javelin is the most powerful weapon in Anthem.

Which Javelin is most popular?

The Javelin is the most popular rifle in the world.

Which Javelin is the most damage?

The Javelin is a weapon in the game, Warframe. It has a variety of different stats that affect its performance.

The latest One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 news is here!  The latest DLC character ‘Kin’emon’ is finally unveiled, and the first screenshots have been released!

The official Twitter account for One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 has finally revealed the character who will be playable in the game: Kin’emon. He is a pirate from the New World and a member of the Shichibukai. His character model has been released in the game’s latest batch of screenshots. Here is a look at his appearance:

One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 is the next installment in the One Piece series which was released on November 21, 2017 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, and One Piece: Super Grand Battle X. The game was developed by Omega Force (formerly Koei Tecmo), and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 will feature 11 playable characters, including Luffy, Nami, Zoro, Chopper, Sanji, Brook, Franky, Nico Robin, Robin, and Usopp.. Read more about pirate warriors 4 and let us know what you think.

The Samurai Sword wielding Kin’emon now has his first set of screenshots, courtesy to an edition of Weekly Jump magazine that was just recently revealed.

Kin’emon is believed to be the first character to be revealed as part of a third character DLC pack, which is said to have three new playable characters.

Kin’emon is a samurai from Wano Country who uses his Foxfire skills to combat fire with fire. He can also use his Devil Fruit abilities to manufacture clothes at whim, but he refers to it as “sorcery.” He set out towards Punk Hazard in search of his son Momonosuke; instead, he encountered the Straw Hat Pirates and chose to join them. He has a deep aversion to pirates and dragons for some reason.


Technique is an action type.

Kin’emon is a fire-controlling foxfire samurai. He may engulf his blade in raging flames, engulfing any foes within range.

OPPW4 is the source of this information.

On PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC, One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 is now available.

  • 1626570622_681_OPPW4-One-Piece-Pirate-Warriors-4-The-Next-DLC


General Information for One Piece Pirate Warriors 4




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At long last, Raft is getting a second chapter. It was a long time coming, as Raft creator Shane Breyer says, but the wait is over. Raft is getting a second chapter, and it gets a big update. It’s a free update for all players, and it brings with it a ton of new content. The new Chapter 2 includes a new map and a new game mode, and there are also new items, weapons, and outfits for you to play with. You can read all about it in the patch notes, and if you’re itching to get your hands on the new content, you can download the new version of Raft here – Chapter 2

This week’s patch for the popular online browser game “Raft – The Second Chapter” (which you can play here ) has finally been released. The new update brings a lot of new things to the game, including a new map, new mini-games, new achievements, and many other features. The developers have been working hard on the game’s development, and it’s nice to see the result of their efforts.

The Korean game developer and publisher Nexon has released an official patch update that brings new contents including the new game mode “Battle Royal” and the new costumes. In addition, the update includes the main scenario and final scenario, the new stage, the new character, new pets, and the new pet skill.

The second part of the multiplayer survival game Raft has received a fresh patch update.

This newest update is claimed to be a game patch, affecting animals, strange character rotations, and more!



  • Animals no longer starve to death, but if they are not fed, they cease generating resources.
  • The Unstuck button now needs confirmation and works even if the player is incapacitated.
  • Grabbing deceased animals now returns the arrows that were used to kill them.
  • The colour of the receiver location dots have been changed. More information about this may be found here.
  • Raft now has a few of Steam start choices. If your game begins at an unusable resolution, this will help. Here’s where you can learn more about it.


  • Rope fences entangle animals.
  • Bees are unable to be caught because they are too high in the air.
  • Sprinklers are not permitted on grass plots.
  • Cookingpot may be used to replicate milk buckets.
  • Pufferfish may pass through solid objects.
  • Paintbrush causes UI problems.
  • Using the elevator while carrying an incapacitated friend causes a glitch.
  • On ladders, it’s impossible to crouch.
  • Mushrooms aren’t allowed in the biofuel refiner.
  • When using the scroll wheel to choose the stack count, there is a bug.
  • Characters that are trapped in strange rotations
  • In Tangaroa, it is possible to get inside the cockpit area by going through the glass.
  • Raft being trapped in Tangaroa’s cockpit area (If you are still stranded here, please contact us using this form and we will assist you as quickly as possible!)
  • Pufferfish swims above the water’s surface.
  • Cluckers eat while on the go.
  • Errors in spelling and localisation






Raft – The Second Chapter is an Early Access Game developed by FunPlus Games. It has been up and running for a while in its current version but will soon be getting a huge update! Before, the game was only available on Steam and in the game’s website but a few days ago, it was finally released on other platforms such as iOS and Android. I have tried the game a couple of times and I am currently playing it.. Read more about raft chapter 2 and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is Raft Chapter 2 an update?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Raft Chapter 2 is a new game.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Does Raft have an ending 2021?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Raft does not have an ending in 2021.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What year is Raft Chapter 3 coming out?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Raft Chapter 3 is coming out in 2020.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Raft Chapter 2 an update?

Raft Chapter 2 is a new game.

Does Raft have an ending 2021?

Raft does not have an ending in 2021.

What year is Raft Chapter 3 coming out?

Raft Chapter 3 is coming out in 2020.

While AFK is a simple gameplay mechanic that should be fun and engaging, it can be frustrating for those who don’t know how to effectively AFK. In this article, we’ll give you some tips and tricks to help you heal and AFK better!

There is no better feeling in the world than to be AFK in Forager while you see your pet run out and start attacking monsters. The best part is, you can heal your pet without missing a beat. The below is a step by step guide on how to heal your pet in Forager.

Forager is a game that’s all about exploring the environment and gathering materials to create tools and weapons to help you fight against the monsters. Your goal is to survive as long as possible.. Read more about forager puzzles and let us know what you think.

It’s all about gathering resources in Forager. With that in mind, there may be occasions when you need to replenish your resources when you’re not at your computer. Fortunately, there is a mechanism in place that works.

In Forager, how to AFK Farm

AFK farming may be done in a variety of ways, depending on the resources the player is trying to gather. You will be farming money in this instance.

Here’s what you’ll need.

Item Description
Scepter of Magic The magical scepter artifact will provide you unlimited charges for your Death Rod, making it essential for this approach.
Necro Rod You may use this rod to generate skeletons. Killing these animals will pay off financially.
Droid x4 To make this work, you’ll need at least four droids.
Renewal Ability When you kill a monster, this ability will enable you to reclaim all of your expended energy.

The rejuvenation skill is the first thing you should master. Find the necro rod and the Magical Scepter next. Create four or more droids to fight the skeletons you’ll be spawning.

Then, in a circle, construct the droids around you. The droids will serve as a kind of cage for the skeletons. Next, conjure skeletons for your droids to kill with your necro rod. This procedure will be sustained thanks to the rejuvenation skill and magical scepter. You’ll be able to harvest bones from the skeletons, which you can sell for a lot of money.

To make this a successful AFK farming technique, all you have to do is constantly apply pressure to your mouse with a rubber band or a heavy item, and the skeletons will be summoned. You should now be able to leave your keyboard and go about your business. When you return, there should be a large amount of bones for you to sell.

In Forager, How to Heal


Now that you know how to AFK farm in Forager, you may find yourself returning to your keyboard to discover that your character has been damaged. Don’t be concerned. Here’s a short overview of how to heal in Forager.

The only way to lose health is to starve to death unless you take harm from an opponent. As a result, you’ll need to stock up on food. Cooked food provides the greatest energy, while berries and other basic components provide just a little amount of energy.

However, if you’ve run out of hearts, you’ll want to start utilizing some healing potions. Healing potions may be made in a cauldron in the Wizard’s Tower.

The recipe may be found below.

Recipe for a Healing Potion
ten flowers
x10 Citrus
Wheat x10
x5 Bottled Torchbug

The Fairy Aura item, as seen in the picture above, is another excellent healing aid. The item offers substantial passive healing and energy restoration when equipped. You must finish the “Fairy Mother Fountain” quest in the Grass Biome in order to acquire the Fairy Aura.

Check out Forager Guides Portal – Every Forager Story in One Place for additional information about Forager.

When you play games, you get some points to spend on abilities, equips and potions. But if you have low hp, you are AFK and not able to use the potions. So how to heal when you are AFK and have low hp?. Read more about forager fairy farm and let us know what you think.

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This article broadly covered the following related topics:

  • forager how to heal
  • forager puzzles
  • forager wiki
  • forager ballista damage
  • forager fairy aura

This week’s new Nioh patch (Version 2.03) is said to add a new picture scroll quest titled “Maki the Summer Boy.” When the patch is installed, the newly included picture scroll will be available for use. It will be available before the new patch update is applied.

The Nioh 2 patch that released on March 22nd added a new set of picture scrolls. It’s the first time that the main antagonist, the powerful samurai “Shirou”, has appeared in the game, and we hope that the new character will continue to appear in future updates.

The popular action game Nioh 2 has received a new patch update.

Fresh image scrolls, latest balancing tweaks, and bug fixes are all reported to be included in this new version.

The most recent version is currently ready for download, according to reports.


Additional Information

  • Picture Scrolls with opponents and bosses from “The Tengu’s Disciple” have been added. In Dream of the Demon, you may get these “Scroll of the Demon” Picture Scrolls.

Adjustments to the Balance

  • The equipment dropped by opponents in the Dream of the Demon has been adjusted as follows:
  • Increased the frequency of Special Effects that do not show while utilizing the Blacksmith’s Temper function.
  • To make it simpler for the highest value to occur, the minimum value for the randomly selected Special Effects was increased. (There have been no modifications to the maximum value.)
  • When triggered after a 2nd Quick Attack from High Stance, the Splitstaff ability “Seesaw Strike” has been tweaked to strike opponents more readily.
  • When executing a grapple following a successful Burst Counter, the Special Effects accessible during Yokai Shift are now triggered.
  • The Special Effect, “Deflect Bullets & Arrows (Timely Guard),” is now able to deflect some other projectiles. (The deflectable attacks are same as the Switchglaive skill, “Whirling Blade,” and the Onmyo Magic skill, “Gust Talisman.”)
  • Bakegani and Nuppeppo’s Amrita and gold incentives have been reduced.
  • In The Tengu’s Disciple, the Amrita and gold payouts from bosses have been increased.

Bug Fixes

  • When the Splitstaff Skill “Fluid Form” was activated, the Mid Stance Quick Attack of the Splitstaff would not hit properly.
  • When using a Splitstaff to execute a Sneak Attack on a Yokai opponent, the Sneak Thief ability was not triggered.
  • If the Active Skills “Dragon Fang,” “Dragon Claw,” “Dragon Horn,” or “Merciless Barrage” were set, the shift animation would not be stopped, and the player character would not instantly make the move to grapple while executing a Yokai Shift close to an opponent in a grappleable condition.
  • Kashin Koji would not attack if his health was lowered by a specific amount shortly after he spawned, as discovered in Picture Scroll missions.
  • Fixed an issue where Kashin Koji might resurrect after being grappled in Picture Scroll missions.
  • Fixed an issue where shrines could not be worshipped at and the Picture Scroll gauge would be empty after resurrecting if the player died at the same time as the boss in certain Picture Scroll missions.
  • Players who had not yet acquired Dream of the Demon were able to play Scroll of the Demon missions by completing specific stages during an Expedition.
  • Fixed an issue with Picture Scroll Expeditions where it may become impossible to proceed if the host automatically times-out while they have the mission selection screen open.
  • Fixed an issue with Picture Scroll Expeditions where, if a particular technique was used, it was possible to start a Picture Scroll mission even if you didn’t have a Demon Parade Picture Scroll, and it would become difficult to continue.
  • When on an Expedition with three players, an application error would occur at a certain occurrence in The Tengu’s Disciple’s primary objective, “A Song to Calm the Storm.”
  • The boss in The Tengu’s Disciple’s primary quest, “A Song to Calm the Storm,” did not respawn when the player revived if both the player and the boss killed at the same moment.
  • The boss battle in The Tengu’s Disciple’s primary quest, “Eternal Rivals,” was fixed to prevent the monster from doing rush attacks indefinitely.
  • After being struck with the Odachi talent “Bolting Boar,” the boss in The Tengu’s Disciple quests “Eternal Rivals” and “Bond of the Blade” would not move for a long time.
  • Fixed an issue where the Visitor would fail the objective if the host left the session first in The Tengu’s Disciple sub mission “The Tale of the Taira.”
  • Fixed an issue in the mission “A Strong Bond” where if you continued after failing under specific conditions, the treasure box that was part of the objective criteria would vanish, making it difficult to continue.
  • Fixed a problem where common rarity Soul Cores fell with the “Rarity Inheritance (Soul Fusion)” Special Bonus in the Dream of the Demon.
  • When Yoshitsune’s Armor had the Divine rarity, the “Equipment Weight” was abnormally high. This has been fixed.
  • When the amount of goods in the storehouse was large, the Storehouse menu would become slow. This has been fixed.
  • The judgment for how the movement of the left stick snaps to each symbol was changed on the “Learn Skills” weapon selection screen.
  • In versions 1.11 to 1.13, there was a bug where information from the Smithing Texts given to the Blacksmith before quitting the game program would be lost if you began a new game. (After installing patch version 1.14, the information from the Smithing Texts that were turned in will be recovered.)
  • The Body Marking options in the character creation were occasionally reset, which was fixed.

Twitter is the source of this information.

Related Websites:




We are excited to announce that the open beta for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint is now live! The open beta is an opportunity for players to experience the game while it’s still in development. Previous closed betas have been available on PC and on Xbox One, but this is the first time we’ve brought the beta to PlayStation 4! Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint Open Beta is now live!

Today, Ubisoft is excited to announce the first ever Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint Open Beta is now live for all players. The Open Beta is a beta experience that allows players to experience the full game before launch, but not all features are ready yet. Players will be able to test the single player campaign with the open beta, but will not be able to play the online co-op missions.

The Open beta for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint is now live combining with the newly released PC system requirements. The Open beta is also live for Playstation 4 and Xbox One players.

The Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint Open Beta is currently available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC until September 29, 2019, and it’s your final opportunity to play the tactical shooter before its October 4 release.

If you played the Closed Beta, you know there’s already enough material to keep gamers occupied for the whole weekend. They just added to it in the Open Beta.

What might I anticipate from the Open Beta?

The major missions in the Closed Beta were short and quick, with just three accessible, but the Open Beta will include three additional key objectives to help players better grasp the game’s narrative. In addition, during the Open Beta, two additional areas — New Argyll and Infinity — will be unlocked, bringing the total number of regions to six.

Also accessible this time is Breakpoint’s PVP mode, Ghost War, which has four maps in rotation: PMC Camp, Port, Cold War Bunker, and Harbor. After that, there are daily tasks, Faction Missions, side quests, and even blueprints to find.

That’s a lot to do, and with the Open Beta starting a week before the game’s official release, it’s fair to assume that everything you play during the weekend is pretty much what you’ll get when the game launches.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can you still play Ghost Recon breakpoint beta?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Unfortunately, Ghost Recon breakpoint beta is no longer available. The game has been removed from the store and players are unable to access it.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Does Ghost Recon breakpoint have open world?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
No, the game is an open world only in the sense that you can roam around and explore.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is Tom Clancy Ghost Recon free roam?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Tom Clancy Ghost Recon is a single player game.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you still play Ghost Recon breakpoint beta?

Unfortunately, Ghost Recon breakpoint beta is no longer available. The game has been removed from the store and players are unable to access it.

Does Ghost Recon breakpoint have open world?

No, the game is an open world only in the sense that you can roam around and explore.

Is Tom Clancy Ghost Recon free roam?

Tom Clancy Ghost Recon is a single player game.

Related Tags

This article broadly covered the following related topics:

  • ghost recon
  • ghost recon games
  • ghost recon breakpoint review
  • ghost recon breakpoint update
  • ghost recon 1 system requirements

I found this guide to be useful for finding all the home sites in state of decay. You can find the ones you’ve already explored, as well as the ones you haven’t been to yet. There is also a map showing where they are located.

State of Decay is a zombie apocalypse survival video game developed by Undead Labs and published by Microsoft Studios for the Xbox consoles. The game’s world is a post-apocalyptic version of the United States with the remaining survivors trying to survive in cities, suburbs, farms, military bases, and even underground. The game features both action-packed combat as well as stealth elements.

Are you a fan of the State of Decay? If so, you may be well aware of the fact that the game features an extensive online strategy guide. You may also be aware that the strategy guide is split into three separate locations: the main site, the “State of Decay Wiki” and the “State of Decay Forums”. However, you may not be aware that you can visit the “State of Decay Forums” via a direct link on the “State of Decay Wiki” homepage. So, this guide was created to give you an easy to use guide that will show you the locations of each of the three main State of Decay sites.

(From greatest to worst.) Good locations for home bases: Iwh is to be commended for reporting these places. Please leave a remark below if you have any suggestions for excellent home base locations.)

  • Warehouse of Snyder Trucking:

Starts with: (Wrecked) Bedroom, (Wrecked) Workshop, (Wrecked) Storage Room, and (Wrecked) Radio Room. – Parking garage (4) Can Add – Indoor (1) – Outdoor (1) – Watchtower (4) Outposts – Normal – 8 Defense

  • Fairgrounds in Trumbull County:

It All Begins in the Kitchen (Wrecked) – Watchtower – Radio Room – Dining Area (Wrecked) – Storage Room (Wrecked) – Parking garage (5) Indoor (1) – Outdoor (2) – Indoor (1) – Indoor (1) – Indoor (1) – Indoor (1) – Indoor (4) Defence – 8 Outposts – Normal

  • Farmhouse McReady:

It All Begins in the Bedroom (Wrecked) – Wrecked Kitchen – Storage (Wrecked) – Radio Room – Bunkhouse – Parking garage (3) Can Add – Indoor (1) – Outdoor (1) – Watchtower (2) Outposts – 6 Defense – Difficult

  • Kirkman’s House:

Begin with – Bedroom (Destroyed) – Kitchen (Destroyed) – Workshop (Wrecked) – Garage – Radio Room (2) Can Add – Indoor (1) – Outdoor (1) – Watchtower (2) 6 Defense Outposts – Simple

  • Savini’s House:

It All Begins in the Bedroom (Wrecked) – (Wrecked) Kitchen – (Wrecked) Library (Wrecked) – Radio Room – Watchtower – Parking garage (3) Indoor (1) – Outdoor (2) – Indoor (1) – Indoor (1) – Indoor (1) – Indoor (1) – Indoor (2) 6 Defense – Easy Outposts

  • The Alamo is a historic landmark in San Antonio, Texas.

It All Begins With – Kitchen (Destroyed) – Storage Room (Wrecked) – Radio Room – Watchtower – Parking garage (3) Indoor (1) – Outdoor (2) – Indoor (1) – Indoor (1) – Indoor (1) – Indoor (1) – Indoor (2) Outposts – 4 Protection – Simple

  • The Ascension Church is a church dedicated to the ascension of Christ.

Starts With – Pastor’s Quarters – Kitchen – Medical Area (Upgradable) – Watchtower (Upgradable) – Radio Room – Garage (1) Can Add – Indoor (0) – Outdoor (2) Outposts – 4 Defense – Normal Home Base & Outpost Setup:

Sites to Consider for a Home:

For more information on how to construct items in your bases, see the base building guide. Here are several State of Decay Home Site Locations Guides that will teach you how to relocate your home and where to relocate it. You can get access to bigger base camps that can house more survivors and host stronger structures by relocating your home. There are a plethora of possible house sites to select from. This guide will show you many potential home sites and walk you through the process of relocating your home. LetsPlayCatGaming contributed this guide. Please leave a comment below if you’d want to contribute your own State of Decay suggestions or tips. Thank you so much for your donations.

  • Return to the section on the State of Decay.

The State of Decay is a game that was developed by Undead Labs. The game is set in The State of Decay is a game that was developed by Undead Labs. The game is set in a zombie apocalypse, and the player has to survive alongside their spouse and child. The main objective of the game is to survive by gathering food and supplies to keep themselves and their loved ones safe. There are several different locations and objects that come in handy in the game. The game has a built-in map feature that can be used to locate where the player can find all the items and beacons.. Read more about state of decay 1 best base setup and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best home site in state of decay?

The best home site in the state of decay is the one that you can find.

How do you get a potential home site in state of decay?

You cant.

How many home sites can you have in state of decay?

You can have up to four homes in State of Decay.