
Holly Nelson


With the release of the Mass Effect Trilogy Legendary Edition, many gamers are finding themselves without answers. The game is hard for some and easy for others. To make things worse, there are a lot of people in between. This is why the Mass Effect Legendary Edition Side Quest List is here. The side quests listed here are not the only side quests you can do in Mass Effect 1-3. Some people believe these side quests will make the game easier for them. This is not true. The side quests listed here are those side quests that give you cool rewards which can be used in Mass Effect 1-3.

The Mass Effect franchise will continue to live on in the form of the highly anticipated Mass Effect: Andromeda. Like many fans, I was really excited to learn of the new direction this game would take. However, that excitement quickly turned to disappointment, as I watched the game get delayed, then pushed back, until I finally had to accept that it would be released in Spring 2017.

This article is a guide to Mass Effect: Andromeda side quests and the assignments they give you. This is an expansive list of all the assignments and their respective rewards. I will not be covering the story of Mass Effect: Andromeda, however the assignment rewards can help you with this.

The long-awaited Mass Effect Trilogy collection, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, includes a full remaster of Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3. This also contains all of the game’s downloadable DLC.

The possible assignment side quests for each game are listed here, along with instructions on how to accomplish them.


  • Asari Consort Citadel
  • Doctor Michel, Citadel
  • Citadel: It’s All About Family
  • Citadel: The Return
  • I Remember You, Citadel
  • Fears of Jahleed at the Citadel
  • Citadel: Request of the Negotiator
  • Old Friends at the Citadel
  • Citadel: Things that are old, unhappy, and far away
  • Citadel: The Worst Enemy We Have
  • Planting A Bug in the Citadel
  • Presidium Prophet, Citadel
  • Citadel: A Request from a Reporter
  • Rita’s Sister Citadel
  • Scan the Keepers in the Citadel
  • Schells the Gambler, Citadel
  • Signal Tracking at Citadel
  • The Fan of the Citadel
  • The Fourth Estate (Citadel)
  • Xeltan’s Complaint at the Citadel
  • Feros: Recovering Data
  • Geth in the Tunnels, Feros
  • Feros: Feros: Feros: Feros: Feros: Feros: Fe
  • Feros: Varren Meat Feros: Varren Meat Feros: Varren Meat
  • Feros: Restoring Water
  • Garrus: I’m looking for Dr. Saleon.
  • Espionage is a novel by Noveria.
  • Smuggling is a new term for Noveria.
  • Tali: I’m going on a pilgrimage.
  • Asari Diplomacy at UNC
  • Asari Writings at UNC
  • UNC: Under Siege
  • Cerberus, University of North Carolina
  • UNC: The Dead Colony (also known as “Investigate Samples”)
  • UNC: Dead Scientist (also known as “Doctor at Risk”) is a documentary about a scientist who has died.
  • UNC: Sigma-23 Depot
  • Derelict Freighter (UNC)
  • Distress Call (also known as “Unusual Readings”) is a game developed by the University of North Carolina.
  • Espionage Probe (also known as “Investigate Shipments”) at the University of North Carolina
  • ExoGeni Facility (also known as “Investigate Facility”) at the University of North Carolina.
  • Geth Incursions at UNC
  • Hades’ Dogs (UNC)
  • Hostage at the University of North Carolina
  • The University of North Carolina is undergoing a hostile takeover.
  • UNC: Alpha Listening Post
  • UNC: Theta Theta Theta Theta Theta Theta Theta The
  • UNC: Look for Battle Signs
  • UNC: Freighter Disappeared
  • UNC: Module Is Missing
  • Major Kyle (also known as “Strange Transmission”), University of North Carolina
  • Marines have gone missing at the University of North Carolina.
  • UNC: Survey Team Is Missing
  • Privateers (UNC)
  • Prothean Data Discs (UNC)
  • Rogue VI is a game developed by the University of North Carolina.
  • Turian Insignias at UNC
  • Light Metals UNC: Valuable Minerals
  • UNC: Rare Metals and Valuable Minerals
  • UNC: Gases and Valuable Minerals
  • Heavy Metals, UNC: Valuable Minerals
  • Virmire: Kirrahe’s Team’s Assistant
  • The Genophage, Virmire
  • Wrex: Wrex: Wrex: Wrex: Wrex: W
  • X57: Bring the Sky Down
  • X57: Engineers Who Have Gone Missing
  • X57: Stay away from the Blasting Caps









  • Cerberus Labs (N7)
  • Cerberus Assault (N7)
  • Cerberus Abductions (N7)
  • Cerberus Fighter Base (N7)
  • Fuel Reactors (N7)
  • Communication Hub (N7)
  • Alien Medi-Gel Formula Citadel
  • Asari Widow’s Citadel
  • Barla Von’s Citadel
  • Batarian Codes (Citadel)
  • Biotic Amp Interfaces (Citadel)
  • Cerberus Automated Turret Schematics, Citadel
  • Cerberus Ciphers, Citadel
  • Cerberus Retribution is a Citadel game.
  • Cerberus Turian Poison, Citadel
  • Chemical Treatment at Citadel
  • GX12 Thermal Pipe, Citadel
  • Diplomat Hanar Citadel (Kasumi)
  • Citadel: Stabilizers for Heating Units
  • Improved Power Grid at Citadel
  • Citadel: Inspiring Narratives
  • Kaklisaur Fossil Citadel
  • Krogan’s Dying Message (Citadel)
  • Citadel: Medical Equipment and Supplies
  • Medi-Gel Sabotage at the Citadel
  • Citadel: Code Fragments of the Reaper
  • Target Jamming Technology (Citadel)
  • Volus Ambassador, Citadel (Zaeed)
  • Wounded Batarian Citadel
  • Apien Crest: The First Regiment’s Banner
  • Ex-Cerberus Scientists Arrae (Jacob)
  • Aria: Pack of Blood
  • Blue Suns, Aria
  • Aria: There will be an eclipse.
  • Hesperia-Period Statue of Athena Nebula
  • Krogan Team’s Attican Traverse (Grunt)
  • Benning: I have proof.
  • Dekuuna: The Ancient Code
  • Elcor Extraction in Dekuuna
  • Emergency Evacuation at Grissom Academy (Jack)
  • Hades Nexus: Karza’s Obelisk
  • Nexus of Hades: Prothean Sphere
  • Prototype Components on the Ismar Frontier
  • Plenix’s Book of Irune
  • Mesana: This is a distress signal.
  • Ardat-Yakshi Monastery in Kallini (Samara)
  • Pillars of Strength in the Kite’s Nest
  • Nimbus Cluster: Asha’s Library
  • Admiral Koris, Rannoch
  • Geth Fighter Squadrons, Rannoch
  • Prothean Obelisk: Shrike Abyssal
  • Alune’s Rings in the Silean Nebula
  • Tuchanka is a bomb.
  • Tuchanka is the name of a Turian platoon.
  • Prothean Data Drives: The Valhallan Threshold





Mass Effect: Andromeda is the latest addition to the Mass Effect series. The game was released on March 21, 2017, for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Pro, Xbox One, and Xbox One X. It is the first Mass Effect game to be developed by Bioware, the same team that created Mass Effect 2. Mass Effect: Andromeda is set in the Andromeda Galaxy, where players assume the role of either Scott or Sara Ryder, twin recruits of the Andromeda Initiative and the daughter of the Pathfinder that led the expedition to Andromeda. While exploring the newly discovered Andromeda galaxy, players will discover that some of its inhabitants are hostile to the Andromeda Initiative and its inhabitants.. Read more about mass effect side quests and let us know what you think.

Man of Medan is a game where you play as a tribe in the old days of Sumatra, Indonesia. In the game, you have to protect your village from enemy tribes. You can expand your territory by building temples and destroying villages.

If you are a boy, and you are studying in Medan, you can meet with a Big Man on Campus, a group of backpack guys in their 20s, who are looking to meet with a Big Man to party in their dorms.

Medan is a city in North Sumatra, Indonesia, and is also known as the hometown of Man of Medan, a man who is known across the world as the record holder for the highest score in a game: Tetris.. Read more about man of medan trophy guide and let us know what you think.

Big Man On Campus is a trophy accomplishment that unlocks throughout a certain game segment.

Finding a knife while playing as Alex is required for the trophy accomplishment. This one is probably not tough to get across if you examine the various things and objects that you come across. What’s more, there’s a function that makes all things and objects pop out and sparkle, making it almost impossible to overlook anything.

If you’re having trouble, the incident happens while you’re playing as Alex and you’re attempting to escape from thugs who have thrown you inside a chamber on a derelict ship. If you keep playing normally, you’ll eventually come across a Kitchen, and Knives clearly belong in a kitchen. It’s in the far corner of the room.






Today I am going to show you how you can farm Man of Medan (MoM), the hardest trophy in the game and definitely the most time consuming trophy. In the following guide I will include a video of my walkthrough which will help you understand the process better, but if you want to know the specifics of what to do in each step, then I recommend you read on.. Read more about man of medan all head decisions and let us know what you think.

Note: All Gameplay is from the Xbox 360 version of Mass Effect 2. (The PC version has a slightly different story and may have alternative endings, but all of the locations and items are the same across the two versions.)

If you enjoyed the first Mass Effect, you’re in for a treat with Mass Effect 2. The game shares the same universe as the first game, but is set in the much-anticipated sequel to the original. The game takes place 10 years after the events of Mass Effect, and sees players once again assume the role of Commander Shepard. The second Mass Effect features highly upgraded gameplay systems and over 700 new locations to explore.

(ME2) Mass Effect 2 includes a number of optional side missions or Assignments that you may perform, some of which will only open once certain criteria are met.

The following is a step-by-step approach to completing all of the N7 Assignments.



  • Abandoned Mine (0:00–10:42) Wrecked Merchant Freighter (10:42 – 20:01) Abandoned Research Station (20:01–28:38) 28:38 – : Weird Weather Observed


Planet: Abandoned Mine 

  • QUEST GIVER: Look about the planet Aequitas for clues.
  • Galaxy – Minos Wasteland – Fortis – Aequitas LOCATION:
  • PREREQUISITE: Baria Frontier’s Store Star Chart. Illium
  • INFO: In the Fortis System, Minos Wasteland, you will notice an oddity.

Merchant Freighter Wrecked: 

  • QUEST GIVER: Search the planet Neith for clues.
  • LOCATION: Galaxy – Eagle Planet Amun – Neith – Nebula
  • Complete Freedom’s Progress is a pre-requisite.
  • INFO: On the Amun System, you will see an anomaly called the Eagle Nebula.

Research Station That Has Been Abandoned:

  • Jarrahe Station is located in Jarrahe, Western Australia.
  • Wrecked Merchant Freighter is a PREREQUISITE.
  • INFO: Strabo is a planet in the Galaxy’s Eagle Nebula.

Unusual Weather Has Been Observed: 

  • QUEST GIVER: I’m scouring the planet Canalus for clues.
  • LOCATION: Galaxy – Pylos Nebula – Dirada – Canalus; Planet: Galaxy – Pylos Nebula – Dirada – Canalus; Planet: Galaxy – Pylos Nebula
  • PREREQUISITE: Baria Frontier’s Store Star Chart. Illium
  • INFO: A climate-change gadget is being guarded by the Geth.



  • Blood Pack Base (0:00–7:14) Relay of communications from 7:14 to 17:02 Captured Mining Facility (17:02–24:46) Smuggling Depot (24:46–28:22)


Base of the Blood Pack: 

  • QUEST GIVER: Scan the first planet on Xe Cha or Blood Pack: Communications Relay QUEST GIVER: Scan the first planet on Xe Cha or Blood Pack: Communications Relay QUEST GIVER:
  • Xe Cha – Zada Ban – Galaxy – The Shrike Abyssal – Xe Cha – Zada Ban – Xe Cha – Zada Ban – Xe Cha – Zada Ban – Xe Cha
  • PREREQUISITE: Baria Frontier’s Store Star Chart. Illium
  • EDI will alert Shepard to a high-powered source inside the facility.

Communications Relay: Blood Pack: 

  • QUEST GIVER: Scan the planet Tarith.
  • LOCATION: Galaxy – Crescent Nebula – Lusarn – Tarith; Planet: Galaxy – Crescent Nebula – Lusarn – Tarith; Planet: Galaxy – Crescent Nebula –
  • INFO: The Blood Pack communication relay has been turned off.

Mining Facility Captured:

  • QUEST GIVER: Search the planet Helyme for clues.
  • Planet: Galaxy – Crescent Nebula – Zelene – Helyme LOCATION: Galaxy – Crescent Nebula – Zelene – Helyme LOCATION: Galaxy – Crescent Nebula –
  • INFO: Take a look around the mine.

Smuggling Station: 

  • QUEST GIVER: Aria or survey the planet Daratar
  • Planet: Galaxy – Hourglass Nebula – Faryar – Daratar LOCATION: Galaxy – Hourglass Nebula – Faryar – Daratar LOCATION: Galaxy – Hourglass Nebula
  • Complete Freedom’s Progress is a PREREQUISITE. Omega – The Patriach, Omega – Archangel: Datapad Recovered (If you would rather opt for the Aria way of activating the quest). Otherwise, just scan the planet Daratar.
  • INFO: Destroy the mechs before the containers are destroyed (there are 20 crates in total)



  • 0:00–7:22: Launch of Javelin Missiles 7:22–15:14: Archeological Dig Site MSV Strontium Mule 15:14 – 32:03 : Blue Suns Base 32:03 –


Launch of Javelin Missiles:

  • EDI IS THE QUEST GIVER. or by using Sigurd’s Cradle to scan the Moon.
  • Planet: Galaxy – Sigurds Cradle – Skepsis System – Franklin LOCATION:
  • Blue Suns Base is required (Optional)
  • INFO: A countdown timer will start counting down. Missiles are on their way to the settlement.

Site of Archeological Excavation: 

  • QUEST GIVER: The Rosette Nebula is unlocked thanks to Jacob’s loyalty mission.
  • Galaxy – Rosette Nebula – Enoch System – Joab LOCATION: Planet: Galaxy – Rosette Nebula – Enoch System – Joab
  • Jacob: The Gift Of Greatness is a pre-requisite (Kelly Chambers will inform Sheppard that Jacob wants to talk)
  • INFO: The Blue Suns have invaded the Rosette Nebula.

MSV Strontium Mule (MSV Strontium Mule): 

  • Cerberus is the quest giver.
  • MSV – Galaxy – Omega Nebula – Arinlarkan – MSV – MSV – MSV – MSV – MSV – MSV – MSV – MSV – MSV
  • N7: Archeological Dig Site is a PREREQUISITE.
  • INFO: Blue Suns have seized the derelict spacecraft MSV Strontium Mule.

Base of the Blue Suns: 

  • Cerberus is the quest giver.
  • LOCATION: Galaxy – Sigurds Cradle – Decoris – Sanctum – Sanctum – Sanctum – Sanctum – Sanctum – Sanctum – Sanc
  • INFO: The Blue Suns are luring and capturing ships with fake distress calls.




  • Endangered Research, 0:00–4:14
  • Hahne-Kedar Facility, 4:14–16:12
  • Imminent Ship Crash (16:12 – 22:43)
  • Lost Operative (22:43–28:23)
  • Mining The Canyon (28:23–33:47)
  • MSV Estevanico (33:47 – 43:36)
  • 43:36 – – – – – – – – – – – – – –


Station for Endangered Research: 

  • QUEST GIVER: Solveig is now accessible. Scan The moon of Surtur
  • Planet: Galaxy – Caleston Rift – Solveig – Surtur – Sinmara LOCATION:
  • PREREQUISITE: Collector Ship (Mission) or Rosalie Lost: Project Firewalker (DLC)
  • INFO: High amounts of radiation are being emitted by the nearby Sun.

Facility Hahne-Kedar: 

  • Planet: Galaxy – Titan Nebula – Haskins – Capek LOCATION: Galaxy – Titan Nebula – Haskins – Capek LOCATION: Galaxy – Titan Nebula –
  • N7: Abandoned Research Station is a PREREQUISITE.
  • INFO: A virus has been discovered on the planet Capek that has corrupted mechs.

Impending Shipwreck: 

  • QUEST GIVER: Scan the MSV Broken Arrow for clues.
  • MSV Broken Arrow – Planet: Galaxy – Pylos Nebula – Nariph
  • PREREQUISITE: Baria Frontier’s Store Star Chart. Illium
  • INFO: The MSV Broken Arrow is heading straight towards a neighboring planet.

Operative Disappeared: 

  • Cerberus is the quest giver.
  • LOCATION: Galaxy – Omega Nebula – Fathar – Lorek, Fathar – Lorek, Fathar – Lorek, Fathar – Lorek, Fathar – Lore
  • INFO: On the planet Lorek, a missing member of Cerberus is thought to be kept captive in an Eclipse facility.

The Canyon’s Mining: 

  • QUEST GIVER: Search the planet Taitus for clues.
  • Planet: Galaxy – Caleston Rift – Talava – Taitus LOCATION:
  • PREREQUISITE: Collector Ship (Mission) or Rosalie Lost: Project Firewalker (DLC)
  • INFO: A broken mech has been abandoned on the planet, and the owner is now protesting.

MSV Estevanico (MSV Estevanico): 

  • QUEST GIVER: Search the planet Zanethu for clues.
  • Planet: Galaxy – Hourglass Nebula – Ploitari – Zanethu, Ploitari – Zanethu, Ploitari – Zanethu, Ploitari – Zanethu, Ploi
  • Complete Freedom’s Progress is a pre-requisite.
  • INFO: A freighter that had been missing for almost a year has finally been discovered.

Site of the Quarian Crash: 

  • GIVER OF QUESTS: Scan the planet Gei Hinnom.
  • Planet: Galaxy – Hades Nexus – Sheol – Gei Hinnom LOCATION:
  • Horizon, Star Chart – Baria Frontier’s Store is required. Volcano Station, Illium or Project Firewalker
  • INFO: On the planet Gei Hinnom, a distress signal has been discovered.


  • Mass Effect 2 – Guides Playlist (ME2) (Videos)
  • Mass Effect 2 – Guides Playlist (ME2) (Written)

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Related articles:

  1. (ME2) Guide to All Normandy Assignments and Quests (ME2)
  2. (ME2) Guide to All Citadel Assignments / Quests in Mass Effect 2
  3. (ME2) Guide to All Omega Assignments / Quests (ME2)
  4. (ME2) Guide to All Illium Assignments / Quests (ME2)
  5. All Tuchanka Assignments / Quests Guide (Mass Effect 2)

The Off-road genre is one of the most popular on our site, We post new Off-road games every week, and have two Top 10 lists dedicated to the category, as well as more than a dozen other lists for other games and mobile devices.

For years, video games have been the perfect playground for the concept of Off-Road gaming. While you can get off-roading in games like Driver, Gangster Squad and others, they aren’t really considered “off-road” games. Off-Road games are typically games where you can go anywhere you want, to do anything you want, to beat anything you want—and in most cases, this means racing/rally games. So, in this blog post, we’re going to talk about the best Off-road games for Android/iPhone 2020.

There is nothing wrong with ditching your commute in favor of a game of First Person Slasher. The latest release from the creators of the ever popular Subway Surfers franchise, the sequel to this year’s Game of the Year, and the long awaited spinoff from the most popular car racing franchise out there all combine to make this one of the most anticipated Android/iPhone games of the year.

Bring your monster truck and prepare to get dirty on a variety of terrain! Check out the top off-road games for Android and iPhone if you’re searching for something different.

If you’re bored of driving and racing games where you have to obey traffic laws, drive on dull roads, and deal with traffic lights, then try an off-road game where you may drive a range of customizable vehicles such as trucks and automobiles in a number of game modes. We’ve compiled a list of the greatest off-road games for Android/iPhone iOS in today’s article. So let’s not waste any time and go right to the point.

Best Android/iPhone Off-Road Games

The following is a list of the greatest Android and iPhone off-road games: –

Off-Road Trucks

ODD Games’ Trucks Off-Road is one of the finest off-road games for Android and iOS. There are several game modes in which you may drive the monster truck through various terrain. In the freestyle mode, you may drive the monster truck anyway you like. There are a variety of difficult game types in which you compete against A.I. players; the person who scores the most points at the conclusion of the round wins the match and receives cash. You may spend funds to purchase new vehicles, customize them, construct a garage, and so on. There is a career mode in which you compete in championships, gain belts, attract sponsors, and get sponsor money. Trucks Off-creators Road’s have done an incredible job with the game’s visuals.

It is about 1 GB in size on Android. Its size on iOS is approximately 2 GB.

Outlaws of the Off-Road

Best offroad games for Android iPhone iOSOff-road Outlaws is yet another excellent off-road game for Android and iOS devices. It is about 112 MB in size on Android. It’s about 400 MB in size on iOS. In the game, you’ll be driving trucks over muddy bogs, solid rocks, and multiplayer game modes against AI and actual people. There are a few maps that you’ll like. It also has a map building function that allows players to design their own map and drive the truck inside the game.


Best offroad games for Android iPhone iOSProject Off-road is one of the most popular and finest off-road games for Android and iOS. If you’re an Android user, the Google Play Store has the 2020 version of this game. However, the iOS App Store does not yet include the 2020 version. Project Off-road is a difficult game with excellent visuals, fantastic physics, and challenging stages with particular objectives to accomplish. This game’s 2020 version includes FPS controls for a genuine off-road experience.

It is about 350 MB in size on Android. It is about 800 MB in size on iOS.

Off the Beaten Path – Wide Open Spaces

Best offroad games for Android iPhone iOSOff The Road by DogByte Games is another of the finest off-road games for Android/iPhone iOS that allows you to drive freely in an open world area with plenty of places to see. You’ll have the opportunity to drive 4x4s, monster trucks, watercraft, and even helicopters! The visuals are fantastic, and the gameplay is enjoyable and intriguing. You’ll like exploring the open-world area, where you may freely drive incredible cars! It is about 200 MB in size on Android. It is about 229MB in size on iOS.

Legends of the Off-Road

Off-road Legends 2 is the sequel to the smash popular off-road game Off-road Legends, developed by the same team who brought you Off-road Legends. It’s compatible with both Android and iOS devices. It has four fun game modes: demolition mode, in which you destroy things, transporter mode, in which you transfer resources, racing, and lava jump mode. The visuals are amazing, and the action is enthralling! It is about 74 MB in size on Android. It’s about 79 MB in size on iOS.

Offroad Racing MMX Hill Dash 2

Best offroad games for Android iPhone iOSHutch Games, one of the most well-known mobile game producers in the racing genre, offers a fantastic game for you. MMX Hill Dash – Offroad Racing is the name of the game. It includes a diverse range of vehicles that you will pilot across incredible racing courses such as city, desert, snow, and more. You’ll be able to play a variety of vehicles, including a buggy, a tank, a monster truck, and many more. Graphics and controls are excellent. It also has a PvP option where you may participate in offroad racing battles against other players.

So there you have it: the greatest off-road games for Android/iPhone/iPad that you can play for free, both offline and online. If you have any other ideas, please leave them in the comments section below. We’d love to hear your thoughts on off-road games and add any that you recommend!


There are many mobile games that cover the off-road theme, but they all suffer from the same two problems: too many bugs and too little gameplay. The good news is that things are about to change. We’ve rounded up the best games that we think you’ll enjoy.. Read more about off-road games for android download and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Which is the best offline offroad games for android?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The best offline offroad games for android are those that have been developed by the company Gamevil.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the best offroad game for mobile?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The best offroad game for mobile is probably Asphalt 9.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the most realistic off-road game?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

I am not sure what you mean by most realistic off-road game.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the best offline offroad games for android?

The best offline offroad games for android are those that have been developed by the company Gamevil.

What is the best offroad game for mobile?

The best offroad game for mobile is probably Asphalt 9.

What is the most realistic off-road game?

I am not sure what you mean by most realistic off-road game.

Although I’m not the author of the game, I will do my best to help everyone find the Assignments, Quests and Side-Quests within Mass Effect 2. I have been playing Mass Effect 2 since its initial release, and I have been trying to find every single Omega Assignment and Omega Quest within the game. I have read every forum and comment thread I could find, as well as any thread on Bioware’s official website for Mass Effect 2.

Omega Assignments are special assignments completed in Mass Effect 2 that reward each player with a sum of credits and some sort of items. The Omega Quests are the special assignments given by Shep Sheppard and are the normal way to get these rewards. This guide will list all the Omega Assignments and Omega Quests.

(ME2) Mass Effect 2 includes a number of optional side missions or Assignments that you may perform, some of which will only open once certain criteria are met.

The following is a step-by-step approach to completing all of the Omega Assignments.




  • QUEST GIVER: Mysterious Man
  • Omega / Aria T’Loak is the location.
  • INFO: Datapad Recovered: The Datapad may be found during the Archangel recruitment operation. To complete the task, pay a visit to Aria. After Freedom’s Progress, this will happen.

Professor: Let me tell you something. 

  • QUEST GIVER: It is automatically provided once you have completed Freedom’s Progress.
  • Omega / EDI / EDI / EDI / EDI / EDI
  • INFO: Daniel Mordin’s Helper Has Gone Missing: You will be informed that Daniel Mordin’s assistant has gone missing during the operation to recruit Professor Mordin. After you’ve located Daniel, speak with Mordin to finish the task.

Bartender Batarian: 

  • GIVER OF THE QUEST: A bartender (Afterlife Nightclub)
  • INFO: A bartender at Omegas Afterlife nightclub, Forvan, is poisoning his patrons. Make the decision to purchase a beverage. When you wake up, speak with Forvan to finish the assignment.

The Patriarch says, 

  • Grizz (Afterlife Nightclub / Upper Level) is the QUEST GIVER.
  • LOCATION: Afterlife Nightclub, Omega.
  • INFO: Talk to Grizz in Omega after completing either the Archangel or Professor missions. Aria’s former adviser is Patriarch. Either inform Patriarch that you will battle the Mercs or that you will hide until the mission is completed.

Ish’s Packages:

  • Ish, Ish, Ish, Ish, Ish, Ish, Ish
  • Ish is a Salarian that can be found on the right side of the Market/Apartment.
  • INFO: First, finish the ‘Stop The Collectors’ assignment on Horizon. then speak with Ish You may give the packages to Ish or Anto to finish the task. If you opt to provide Ish the packages, the assignment may still seem incomplete; however, this is a known bug.

Quarian in Peril: 

  • Kenn’s Salvage is the location. Lower Level Omega
  • INFO: Offer Kenn assistance by either paying him to depart or persuading Harrot to release him to finish the job.





I am Setsuna is a JRPG by Square Enix. It’s a side-quest-heavy, turn-based, dungeon crawler that’s full of character and visual storytelling. The game plays similarly to Chrono Cross, featuring a turn-based combat system, but with modern graphics and an adult story. The game revolves around Setsuna, a young girl who must leave her home on a journey to find her father. This is a long journey with many side-quests, so make sure you follow along with this walkthrough. Have fun!

Few games have made me feel as connected to the characters and story as I have with I Am Setsuna. From moment one, I was hooked on the story. What’s more, the characters that defined my experience with the game made me feel like they really cared about me, and I wasn’t alone in what I was experiencing. No spoilers, but I can’t say enough good things about this game. If you like I Am Setsuna, you really owe it to yourself to watch this, too.

Read further to see the guide.. Read more about i am setsuna spritnite guide and let us know what you think.

You may earn a variety of trophies and accomplishments in I Am Setsuna, including Waves of Change.

Waves of Change necessitates the acquisition of the Genesis spirit. You must finish the Endir side quest in order to get the Genesis Spritnite.

The following is a step-by-step tutorial on how to do so.


Related Resources / Guides




This trophy guide has been written by someone who completed the side quest “Endir Side Quest” in the game “I Am Setsuna”. This guide is intended for gamers who want to achieve a 100% completion and 100% completion bonus. If you’re looking for a guide that is completed by someone with a well-written description, this guide is for you. If you have any questions regarding the Side Quest, please ask in the comments section of the guide. This trophy guide is not meant to be updated often.. Read more about i am setsuna guide pdf and let us know what you think.

Hello, and welcome to my blog! The name of the blog is “g15tools”, and I’m a blogger for the gaming blog “g15tools”. In this blog, I will share with you some of the codes and hacks for Roblox, which is a legendary online game. I will post this blog regularly, so please stay tuned for all the latest gaming, coding, and game information. Hope you have a nice time!

A new game called “Bubble Gum Simulator Codes” that uses the Eventide Genome Programmer can be found on Roblox. The simulator has replaced “Candy Factory Simulator”. This simulator adds 3 new skins, replaces the old game, and makes a few minor changes to the code. It is compatible with the current game.

Bubble Gum Simulator is a Roblox game made by a user named “Roblox-Gum-Codes”(a username that I made for fun) and has a lot of characters who are all made up of Bubble Gum. The game itself is also a very fast paced game in which you can either use the keyboard or the mouse to play. The game is mostly about running around and getting the most bubbles in the shortest period of time.

Do you want to get free luck and speed boosters in Bubble Gum Simulator without using any cheats? Check out the 2020 Roblox Bubble Gum Simulator codes.

Codes for Bubble Gum Simulator

As of 2020, below is a list of active/working Bubble Gun Simulator codes:

  • For this reward, Ghosts, redeem this Bubble Gum Simulator code: Hatching Speed Boost


  • Update63: Use this code to get x5 hours of extra luck.


  • Use this code to receive 2 hours of 2x Hatch Speed as a costume. On October 10, 2020, it was announced.


  • Use the code SpookyHalloween to receive 5 hours of 2x Hatch Speed. On October 3, 2020, it was announced.


  • Use this coupon to receive 5 Hours of 2x Luck during the AutumnSale.


  • Use the coupon AutumnSale2 to receive 5 hours of 2x Hatch Speed.


  • Use this coupon to receive 5 hours of 2x Hatch Speed this Autumn.


  • Update63 – Get free prizes by using this Bubble Gum Simulator Code.


  • Update61 – Use this Bubble Gum Simulator code to get x5 hours of 2x luck in the game.


  • Autumn — For 5 hours of 2x Hatch Speed, use this code.


  • Update60: Get free luck with this Bubble Gum Simulator code. On August 29, 2020, it was announced.


  • Update59: Use this code to get a free fortune. On August 15, 2020, this code was revealed.


  • Use code Carnival2 to get x2 hours of 2X Hatching Speed.


  • Update58: Use this code to get 2X Luck for x2 hours.


  • Update57: Use this code to get 2X Luck for x2 hours.


  • Use this coupon to get x2 hours of 2X Hatching Speed during the Carnival.


  • Update56: Use this code to get 2X Luck for x2 hours.


  • MegaSpeedBoost: Use this code to get 2X Hatching Speed for x2 hours.


  • MegaLuckBoost: Enter this code to get 2X Luck for x2 hours.


  • Update55: Use this code to get 2X Luck for x2 hours.


  • Use this coupon to get 2 hours of 2X Hatching Speed as part of the SuperSale.


  • Use this code to get 2X Hatching Speed for x2 hours.


  • Update54: Use this code to get 2X Luck for x2 hours.


  • Update53: Use this code to get 2X Luck for x2 hours.


  • Use this code to get x2 hours of 2X Hatching Speed from Meteor.


  • Vine: Use this code to get 2X Hatching Speed for x2 hours.


  • Update52: Use this code to get 2X Luck for x2 hours.


  • Update51: Enter this code to get x2 hours of double luck.


  • Use this code to get x2 hours of 2xHatchSpeed this spring.


  • Use this code to get x2 hours of increased Hatching Speed.


  • Update50: Use this code to get 2x Luck for x2 hours.


  • Use this code to get x2 hours of 2x HatchSpeed from the merchant.


  • Update49: Use this code to get 2x Luck for x2 hours.


  • Use this code to get x2 hours of 2x luck in Season 8.

Season 8

  • Update48: Use this code to get 2xHatchSpeed for x2 hours.


  • Update47: To get 2xHatchSpeed, use this code.


  • Use the code Eeaster2020 to get 2xLuck.


  • Update46: To get 2xHatchSpeed, use this code.


  • Use this code to get 2xLuck from Mushroom.


  • Use this code on LuckyDay2 to get x2 hours of double Hatching Speed.


  • Use this code to get x2 hours of double luck at the portal.


  • Use this coupon to get x2 hours of double Luck during the MegaSale.


  • Use the coupon FreeSpeed to get x2 hours of double Hatching Speed.


  • 600M: Enter this code to get x2 hours of extra Luck.


  • Use code 600MBoost to get x2 hours of double Hatching Speed.


  • Use this code to get x4 hours of double luck on Valentine’s Day.


  • Cupid: Use this code to get x4 hours of increased Hatching Speed.


  • sircfennerNoob: Enter this code to get x2 hours of extra Luck.


  • Part 2: Enter this code to get x2 hours of Hatching Speed doubled.


  • Clown: Enter this code to get x4 hours of extra Luck.


  • Use this code to get x4 hours of increased Hatching Speed.


  • Use the code ChristmasBoost to get x4 hours of double Hatching Speed.


  • Use the code HammieIsBadAtRocketLeague to get x4 hours of double Luck.


  • Use the coupon FreeHatchSpeed to get x3 hours of double Hatching Speed.


  • Season 3: Enter this code to get x3 hours of extra Luck.


  • Use this code on Halloween to get x3 hours of extra luck.


How to Redeem Codes for Bubble Gum Simulator

The Bubble Gum Simulator code is easy to use. First, search for the “codes” button with the Twitter symbol in the left-center. To input the code, click it and type it in. Get your rewards by redeeming it.

What Is The Best Way To Get More Bubble Gum Simulator Codes?

Are you wondering where you may obtain these codes? The developer’s Twitter account, @IsaacRBLX, is the official source. If you don’t want to browse Twitter, come back to this page for a list of current Bubble Gum Simulator codes – we’ve gathered them all in one spot for your convenience.

The Codes For The Bubble Gum Simulator

Bubble Gum Simulator, developed by Rumble Studios, is one of the most popular Roblox games. The game has easy and enjoyable gameplay in which you spray bubbles to ascend to the sky and hatch creatures to assist you on your journey. You may utilize booster goods like luck and hatching speed to speed up your progress or beat the top score. Every gamer may grab these things for free with the Bubble Gun Simulator codes that we have provided in this article. Most of the time, these codes will offer you free items, but don’t be shocked if you get a pricey item. Let’s go right to the codes list, which we’ve already provided. New Bubble Gum Simulator codes have been added to this page! Do you have a new code that isn’t included here? Please do us a favor and leave it in the comments!

Do you have a code that isn’t mentioned here? Comment!

Code Sources for the Bubble Gum Simulator

Updates to the Wiki: –

  • 1st of January 2020
  • In February of 2020,
  • The deadline is March 2020.
  • April in the next year
  • May 2020
  • In June of 2020,
  • In July of 2020,
  • In August of 2020,
  • In September of 2020,
  • In October of 2020,
  • In November of 2020,
  • In December of 2020,

– – – – – – – – – – –


This is my first blog on Roblox, and I’m sure a lot of players don’t know what this game is, so I’ll break it down for you. Basically, Roblox is a game that can be played with your friends or even strangers. You can make a character and start playing games. When you play games, you can earn money and buy new clothing and items. The reason I made this blog is so that I can easily get Money to buy clothes and items.. Read more about roblox bubble gum simulator codes for legendary pets 2021 and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is there any codes for bubble gum simulator?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Unfortunately, there are no codes for Bubble Gum Simulator.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you get super luck in bubblegum simulator?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can only get super luck by using the lucky clover.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are some codes for Boba simulator?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The codes for Boba simulator are as follows:”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any codes for bubble gum simulator?

Unfortunately, there are no codes for Bubble Gum Simulator.

How do you get super luck in bubblegum simulator?

You can only get super luck by using the lucky clover.

What are some codes for Boba simulator?

The codes for Boba simulator are as follows:

It’s been a month since the world was shattered by the storm that is Life Is Strange 2 episode five. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to talk about the last chapter. Well, it’s not really the last chapter at all, but it sure feels like it. After a final storm, Max and her BFFs return to Arcadia Bay in time to be the first to discover the aftermath of the tornado. The town is in ruins and divided by those who support the old ways and those who want to move on. There are new people in town—Max’s friends from Blackwell have come to town, as well as some familiar faces from the first game. But you’ll have to wait for those until next week

As this week’s episode of Life Is Strange 2 finally came to an end, it left many fans in a state of melancholy. The game’s quick-tempo style of storytelling, or lack thereof, left us all with an unsatisfying sense of closure. We don’t want our heroes to leave us – hell, we just finished an entire season of their story! But it seems that there is a next time to come.

The Wolves loose in the city is the final episode of the Life is Strange 2  series. In this episode, Max, Chloe and the entire Arcadia Bay Police Department (ATF) are forced to come together to save the town from the Wolves. This is the last episode for the entire cast. At the end of this episode, you’ll get two choices, that can lead two different endings. Will you lead the Police force to victory, or will you help the Wolves? … This guide will be a last chance for you to get the collectibles and souvenirs of the entire series. Blog. Read more about life is strange 2 souvenirs episode 2 and let us know what you think.

Wolves is the fifth episode. There are plenty of treasures to locate and acquire, six to be exact. 

Obtaining all of them will get you the following trophies and achievements.

She Wolf * The Age of Reason * Remorseful * Dead Man’s Bones * Boundaries * Specks of Dust * Out of Ink * The Magic Place * She Wolf * The Age of Reason * Remorseful * Dead Man’s Bones * Boundaries * Specks of Dust


1) DRAWING: When you’re putting your belongings into your luggage while staring into the sun, turn left and you’ll see a Sketchbook next to you that you may use to sketch. (I’ve run out of ink)

2) Shining ROCK: As you descend the rocky mountain, you should see some weed on the ground and a tiny fork in the path; if you choose the left branch and go all the way to the bottom, you should see a shiny item on the mountain opposite. To obtain this object, use Daniel. (The Mysterious Location)

3) STICKERS: When you arrive at the caravan park, you should see several wooden boxes full of plants and herbs, with some stickers on the side of one of them. (Wolf She) 

4) SUN KEYRING: Daniel will want to go on a Scavenger Hunt after chatting with everyone and building a new model robot. Accept. We’ll have to look for many other maps now. One is among the mill’s rocks, another is behind David’s caravan, and the third is under the wrecked vehicles. (According to the Age of Reason)

5) BOTTLE OPENER: David’s Caravan has this one (may only appear after inspecting the Police Radio). (Remorseful)

6) ROCK: To the north east of the border wall, there will be a big rock with the collectable and several blue canisters. (The Bones of a Dead Man)

7) AMERICAN PIN: After disposing of the Police Officers and convincing Daniel to unlock the door so you may recover your belongings, look down and you’ll see an American Pin on top of the Vigilante’s bag (Boundaries)





The ‘LIS2’ blog is a guide to all the collectibles and souvenirs in Life Is Strange 2. Each page will include a written description of the item, images, a video walkthrough, and a list of all collectibles and souvenirs in the game. Each item will have a link to a page on the ‘g15tools’ blog, where you’ll also find a walkthrough video of the collectible in-game.. Read more about life is strange game and let us know what you think.

Roblox(New! 2020)

Crown Academy Codes (CC) is a website where users can earn free robux ( robux is the currency in Roblox) and we have lots of valuable codes that you can earn with every day. There are thousands of Crown Academy Codes on Crown Academy Codes website and we update codes every minute. You can get free robux from Crown Academy Codes website.

Roblox codes are extremely important for Roblox players and  are used in a variety of ways. Like most things in life, there are many different types of codes. Roblox codes can be generated by the player at their own discretion, but they can also be handed to Roblox employees for them to use. There are several different types of Roblox codes that are used in different ways.

Looking for the most recent Crown Academy hacks to obtain free pearls? The following is a list of Crown Academy codes for 2020. Roblox

Codes of the Crown Academy

The following are the current and valid Crown Academy Codes as of 2020: –

  • VELVATICA: To obtain 3,5k pearls without cheating, use this code.


  • Use this coupon code: zombiecorn


  • TheWitchingHour: You may receive freebies by redeeming this coupon.


Codes That Have Expired

Codes expire after a certain period of time. The following is a list of codes that are no longer valid: –

  • Whoopsiedaisy: Use this code to get 1,000 pearls.


  • NewUpdate: Get +90 pearls for free by using this coupon.


  • ClownAcademy: Use this code to receive a free bonus of 10,000 pearls in Crown Academy.


What Is The Best Way To Redeem Crown Academy Codes?

The following is a step-by-step guide to redeeming the codes: – Look for the “crown” symbol at the top of the game screen, hover your mouse cursor over it, and click it. The “rewards” menu will appear, with three tabs: EXP rewards, chests, and Twitter Codes. Enter the code in the Twitter Codes tab, then hit the enter key on your keyboard. The codes for the Crown Academy are all mentioned above. When you enter the code, the amount of the incentives will be paid to your account at the same moment. That’s how the Twitter codes in the Crown Academy game are redeemed.

What Is The Best Way To Get More Crown Academy Codes?

Following the developer’s Twitter account, @StarStatusGroup, is the easiest method to stay up to date on any new Crown Academy codes. Alternatively, bookmark this page and return often since we’ve compiled all of the codes so you don’t have to scour the whole Twitter timeline for them.

Crown Academy’s Codes of Conduct

Crown Academy is a nicely designed Roblox game with exploration and adventure elements. It is recommended for those who like high-quality visuals and challenging tasks. Take a look at the Crown Academy codes listed above.

– – – – – – – – – – –

Do you have a code that isn’t mentioned here? Comment!

Do you have a code that isn’t mentioned here? Comment!

Updates to the Crown Academy codes: –

  • 1st of January 2020
  • In February of 2020,
  • The deadline is March 2020.
  • April in the next year
  • May 2020
  • In June of 2020,
  • In July of 2020,
  • In August of 2020,
  • In September of 2020,
  • In October of 2020,
  • In November of 2020,
  • In December of 2020,


Crown Academy is a free Roblox hacking group that uses the Roblox Hacking 101 academy. You can join anytime and do everything in the academy, including finding different hacking tools. If you join, all the codes we send you are free. We are new and would like to do a lot more on the academy. We are also planning a lot of different events in the future.. Read more about crown academy roblox twitter codes 2021 and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are the new codes in Crown academy?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The new codes in Crown Academy are as follows:”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are some codes for Crown Academy Roblox?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The codes for Crown Academy Roblox are as follows:”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you enter codes in Crown academy?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
There are a few ways to enter codes in Crown Academy. The most common way is to use the keyboard on your device, or you can also use the touchpad on your controller.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the new codes in Crown academy?

The new codes in Crown Academy are as follows:

What are some codes for Crown Academy Roblox?

The codes for Crown Academy Roblox are as follows:

How do you enter codes in Crown academy?

There are a few ways to enter codes in Crown Academy. The most common way is to use the keyboard on your device, or you can also use the touchpad on your controller.

Lost Sphear is an upcoming JRPG developed by Tokyo RPG Factory. This Summer, they will publish the game for PS4, Switch and Steam. We have some useful tips for you to earn the Unquestioned Loyalty and Isolation Spritnite trophies in Lost Sphear.

The Lost Sphear is an JRPG game that is currently available for the PS4, but not for the Nintendo Switch. The game is a direct sequel to the first two games in the series, ‘ Stella Glow ‘ and ‘ Luminous Arc ‘.

Here is a quick guide for the Lost Sphear Side Quest (Unquestioned Loyalty) and Isolation Spritnite trophy. The side quest is pretty straight-forward. You’ll be asked to kill some enemies and you’ll gain some points. After certain amount of points, you’ll also gain a relic. After locating the location of the relic, you’ll have to fight a lot of enemies and you can obtain the trophy at the end of the fight.

You may earn a variety of trophies and accomplishments in Lost Sphear, one of which being Unquestioned Loyalty.

Unquestioned Loyalty necessitates the acquisition of the Isolation Spritnite, which can only be obtained by completing the Galdra side quest.

The following is a step-by-step approach to achieving this goal.